Reaction Paper (Bullying)
Reaction Paper (Bullying)
Reaction Paper (Bullying)
July 30,
The government start surveying students on the bullying (2005). Some group of
people roaming around to educate some of the unaware people about bullying. It has physical
and mentally effect on a human if she’s/he’s being bullied. As I observed; feared attack,
skipped school, skipped class, avoid activities, avoid specific place, physical fight, and
carried weapon was the behaviors of bullied students. The physical fight has
the highest percentage which is 11.4 percent while the skipped class got the
lowest percentage which is only 2 percent. All of the people were afraid to get bullied. Even
an old people are also bullied how much the children or students. They still don’t know how
to defend their self especially when they were discriminated. We can’t predict the future
but through the use of survey, chart and observing or through the use of study we
can observed the flow of the list of students or group of people being bullied.
Surveys indicate that bullying may now be the most frequent form of school violence.
Statistics indicate almost one quarter of students have experienced cruel interaction with
peers on a consistent basis. Bullying has been going on for many years but has more recently
been brought to the forefront of school violence. Much remains to learn about bullying
prevention and the best practices to be utilized. In 2010, Massachusetts passed the Bullying
Prevention and Intervention Law (Johnson 2). The law defines the legal responsibility and
provides an opportunity for public schools in Massachusetts to enhance efforts to prevent and
stop bullying. There are several types of bullying one being direct bullying which is
characterized by a relatively open attack on a victim that is physical (hitting, kicking,
Nicole Marry V. Jimelga. July 30,
pushing, choking) and or verbal bullying (name calling, threatening, taunting, malicious
teasing). The second and subtler type of bullying that is more difficult to detect is indirect
bullying. This involves forms of relational aggression that might include social isolation of
the victim, intentional exclusion, rumor-spreading, damaging someone’s reputation, making
faces or obscene gestures behind someone’s back, and manipulating friendships and other
relationships. All this can be done over a period of time building to a point where the student
victim is often afraid to come to school. Lastly bullying can occur in-person and or through
technology. Electronic aggression or cyber-bullying is bullying that happens through email,
chat rooms, instant message, a website, text message, or social media (Bullying Research).
Research has reported that 24% of elementary and secondary schools report daily or weekly
bullying (Arsenio 2). The frequency may be even higher since adults are often unaware of the
bullying and do not adequately respond to the problem of the victim and or bully. Research
does indicate that bullying begins to decline at the end of the elementary grades and picks up
again in middle and high school grades (Arsenio 5). An area that should be reviewed and
targeted could be when students transition from grade five to middle or junior high, there
appears to be a resurgence of bullying, a transition year where those that bully want to
reestablish dominance or achieve a position of leadership (Arsenio 5). Parents and or teachers
should note that a child that is bullied might show signs of emotional distress. For example
loneliness, anxiety, and depression as well as a change in performance at school may occur.
Attendance may decline due to the fact that the child may have a fear of being bullied at
school repeatedly. Their confidence is shaken and their social status is usually affected. The
consequences of bullying can be very long lasting and is carried over many times into
adulthood with higher levels of depression and anxiety. One out of every 4 kids will be
bullied sometime throughout their adolescence noted by The American Justice Department
(Bullying Statistics). Statistics show that about 77% of students have admitted to being the
victim of one type of bullying or another (Bullying Statistics). 46% of males followed by
26% of females have admitted to being victims in physical fights as noted in one report of
bullying statistics by the Bureau of Justice School (Bullying Statistics). As these bullying
statistics indicate, bullying is just getting worse in American schools. Many studies have
shown that increasing domestic violence at home is leading to an increase in bullying online
and at school.
The good part of this generation is the anti-bully groups can connect easily to others
and help each other. Also the cyber bullied teens can connect online to get some help.
Nicole Marry V. Jimelga. July 30,
So from this statement we also know that by the use also of the internet we can call a help to
the right persons. The internet has two effect on us; positive and negative. We get bullied
through the use of internet, we get emotionally distress from it and we called it cyber
bullied but there’s also a part of it that can help us. By the use of technology we can easily
call help and a trusted people. In this over populated world there are many people that can
gives help to those people who need it. There’s a law against bullying but some people don’t
bother to care about it. There is a saying that “people care when it’s too late”.
We live in a wild world so as a human living with it should help each other, not
fighting each other. We can’t survive without the unity of everyone. Cyber, physical and
emotional bullying should not tolerated and start a change in our world by helping, caring
and loving each others. So to avoid being bully don’t afraid to fight what you think is right.
Be enough responsible to care and think about yourself. Don’t step anyone’s right and start
fight with your right. Others will not stop bothering, discriminate, and bullying you if you in
your self don’t fight with them and don’t know how to deal with those kinds of people.