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Improving Power Efficiencies in Polymer-Polymer Blend Photovoltaics

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Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 83 (2004) 263271

Improving power efciencies in polymerpolymer blend photovoltaics

A.J. Breezea, Z. Schlesingerb, S.A. Carterb,*, H. Tillmannc, . H.-H. Horholdc
b a National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO 80401, USA Physics Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA c Friedrich - Schiller - Universitat, Jena, Germany .

Abstract The use of blends of electron and hole transporting polymers has been shown to increase exciton dissociation and efciency in polymer-based photovoltaics. We compare plain M3EHPPV devices to M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV blend devices, demonstrating the improved performance of blends. We vary the polymer layer thickness and device electrodes for M3EHPPV:CN-ether-PPV polymer blend devices to investigate the factors limited device efciency. We nd that although the blends allow exciton dissociation to take place throughout the polymer layer, these devices are still limited by transport properties rather than by light absorption. Our best blend device, made with indium-tin oxide and Ca electrodes, gives a power conversion efciency Zp=1.0%. r 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: Polymer solar cells; Polymer blends; Charge transport; Carrier mobility; Exciton dissociation; M3EH-PPV; CN-ether-PPV; Titanium dioxide solgel

1. Introduction Since the discovery of polyacetylene in 1977, semiconducting polymers have been investigated for various applications including light emitted diodes and photovoltaics due to their promise of low cost, less toxic manufacturing methods, tunable optical properties, and the possibility of light weight, exible large-area panels. Extended work on electronic injection and transport, optoelectric properties and
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-831-459-3043. E-mail address: sacarter@cats.ucsc.edu (S.A. Carter). 0927-0248/$ - see front matter r 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2004.02.029

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material purication has allowed polymer LED power conversion efciencies to approach those of their inorganic counterparts. However, polymer solar cell efciencies are still far below those of amorphous silicon or dye sensitized electrochemical cells [1]. Short exciton diffusion lengths and low carrier mobilities have been shown to be two of the greater limiting factors impeding higher power conversion efciencies (Zp) in polymer-based photovoltaic systems. Photons absorbed in the polymer layer create bound electronhole pairs which must be dissociated before recombination occurs in order to collect charge from the device. Due to the relatively low internal eld strengths in these devices, this process occurs at dissociation sites; generally, these are at the interface between materials of high electron afnity and low ionization potential [2,3]. Therefore, in polymer devices consisting of a single polymer layer sandwiched between two electrodes of differing workfunctions, charge collection is restricted to the polymer area within an exciton diffusion length of either of the electrodes. Recombination and hence loss of efciency dominates the light absorption in the middle of the polymer layer. Various approaches have been explored in an effort to circumvent this restriction. Nanoparticle/nanocrystalpolymer blends [47] and polymerpolymer blends of electron and hole transporting polymers [812] show promise for increasing exciton dissociation. By blending polymers of appropriate energy levels together in a common solvent and spin casting from a single solution, phase separation on the nanometer scale can be achieved, creating dissociation interfaces throughout the entire polymer layer [8,10]. This paper addresses the question of whether or not the increase in dissociation is sufcient to put these devices in the realm of being light absorption limited or if the efciencies are still limited by charge transport in one way or another. To do this, we examine the current densityvoltage (JV) characteristics as a function of polymer thickness and electrode choice. We also compare the performance of single polymer solar cells with the polymerpolymer blend devices.

2. Experimental Devices are composed of thin lms of sintered titanium dioxide (TiO2) solgel and polymer between indium tin oxide (ITO) and gold electrodes in a sandwich structure. The TiO2 solgel precursor, prepared as described elsewhere [13], is spun at 1000 rpm over commercial ITO patterned glass slides to a thickness of about 50 nm. The mostly transparent lms are baked at 450 C under normal atmosphere for 1 h to remove the remaining solvent and convert the lm structure to crystal anatase. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images show the lms to be very smooth, with surface roughness on the order of 2 nm [14]. The polymers M3EH-PPV [15] and CNether-PPV [16] (Fig. 1) are mixed in a 1:1 weight ratio for a 10 g/l solution in chlorobenzene. The polymer solution is spun at speeds of 3000, 2000, and 1000 rpm to create lm thicknesses of 45, 60 and 85 nm, respectively. The resulting lms are baked under low vacuum at 125 C for one hour to remove the solvent and to anneal the lms. The thicknesses of both the polymer and TiO2 lms are measured by AFM.

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OC8H17 CH C CN n



Au M3EH-PPV / CN-ether-PPV blend

sintered TiO2 solgel ITO patterned glass



Fig. 1. The chemical diagrams for the polymers (a) M3EH-PPV and (b) CN-ether-PPV. (c) Structure for an ITO/TiO2/polymer blend/Au layered device.

At this point the samples are brought into a nitrogen atmosphere glove box where the top gold electrode (5070 nm) is evaporated. Devices made using Al or Ca as the top electrode are constructed in the same manner, with the conducting polymer PEDOT replacing the TiO2 layer [17]. The device area is 3 mm2 with six devices per substrate to check reproducibility. Current densityvoltage curves are taken both in the dark and under white illumination using a Keithley 2400 source meter by sourcing voltage such that ITO is positive and Au is negative in forward bias. Illumination of approximately 80 mW/ cm2 is provided by a xenon light bulb, the intensity of which is measured using a calibrated silicon solar cell. Photocurrent action spectra are taken at zero bias and low light intensities using a halogen light source, monochromator, chopper and a lock-in amplier, with reference spectra provided by the silicon solar cell. To prevent oxygen from diffusing into the polymer and creating additional charge traps, all electronic measurements are taken in a dry nitrogen atmosphere. Absorption spectra of the polymer lms are taken with an N & K optical spectrometer.

3. Results and discussion M3EH-PPV is by itself an improved photovoltaic polymer, yielding short-circuit current densities Jsc of 1.2 mA/cm2 (Fig. 2), noticeably higher than the 150 mA/cm2

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measured for MEH-PPV solar cells of similar device structure [14]. To understand better this increase in performance, we investigated the hole mobility in M3EH-PPV. Charge transport in semi-conducting polymers is observed to be space-charge limited: J 98 EmE 2 =L; 1

where m is the eld-dependent mobility, E is the electric eld, L is the thickness of the semi-conducting polymer layer, and the permittivity e is assumed to be 3.1 1011 C2/Nm2, similar to that of MEH-PPV. It should be noted that this is the trap-free form of the space-charge limited current. Studies have shown that hole mobilities in this class of polymer yield a eld-independent activated mobility at low eld strengths, with a transition to a eld-dependent mobility at higher eld strengths [18]. The eld-dependent mobility can be t to a stretched exponential expression: m0 m0 exp0:89 g sqrtE: 2

A more detailed analysis and explanation of this type of t can be found in Ref. [19] and references therein. Hole mobility in M3EH-PPV is measured in the range of 3.9 6.35 V using an ITO/PEDOT/M3EH-PPV/Al device by tting JV curves to Eqs. (1) and (2) (Fig. 3). PEDOT acts as a conducting electrode in this device and does not

sintered TiO2 / polymer /Au 80 mW/cm2 blend

2 J [mA/cm2] 1 M3EH-PPV 0 -0.6 -0.4 V [V]

Fig. 2. JV curves taken at 80 mW/cm for devices ITO/TiO2/M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV/Au (circles) and ITO/TiO2/M3EH-PPV/Au (squares), both with 40 nm polymer layers.


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directly affect the space-charge limited current in the M3EH-PPV layer other than in the determination of the built-in-eld across the device. Fits to the data yield an average hole mobility of 5.1 107 cm2/Vs, just under twice that of similar annealed MEH-PPV [14]. This increase in mobility does not completely account for the improvement in short-circuit current density over MEH-PPV devices; it is possible that the M3EH-PPV devices also have slightly increased exciton dissociation efciencies and/or exciton diffusion lengths. Current densityvoltage curves comparing a control device of M3EH-PPV with an M3EH-PPV: CN-ether-PPV blend, each with 40 nm polymer layers and using the TiO2/Au structure, are shown in Fig. 2. (The current densities measured for CNether-PPV control devices degraded too quickly to make reasonable measurements. As shown in Fig. 2, an M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV blend device of corresponding thickness has Jsc=3.1 mA/cm2. Assuming an exciton diffusion length of 1520 nm [20], this factor of 2.5 increase in Jsc is consistent with exciton dissociation occurring through a majority of the polymer thickness for the blend devices. Our best ITO/ TiO2/M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV blend/Au devices, made with a polymer thickness of 45 nm, have achieved Jsc = 3.3 mA/cm2 and open-circuit voltage Voc = 0.65 V, leading to an overall conversion efciency of 0.75%. There is a drawback, however, to the use of polymerpolymer blends. While the exciton dissociation is increased, leading to substantial increases in current, there is

0 = 5.1 x 10-7 cm2/ Vs

ln (J/E2)


-29.1 6500

7500 sqrt (E)



Fig. 3. A representative data set for space-charge limited current density in the eld-dependent mobility regime for an ITO/PEDOT/M3EH-PPV/Al device: a linear t of ln(J/E2) vs. sqrt(E) gives the eldindependent mobility term m0. The electric eld E = VapVbi takes into account both the applied voltage Vap and the built-in voltage Vbi (0.8 V) created by the difference in electrode workfunctions.

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no corresponding increase in the carrier mobility. Since the ll-factor can be thought of as roughly proportional to the carrier mobility and inversely proportional to the short-circuit current density, the increase in photocurrent with no corresponding mobility increase leads to much lower ll factors, going from on the order of 40% for plain M3EH devices to 28% for blend devices. There is also the possible issue of each polymer creating continuous percolation pathways for each carrier type between the electrodes, contributing to somewhat lower rectication ratios and hence lower ll factors [21]. Even so, polymerpolymer blends have higher efciency compared to single polymer devices; the plain 40 nm M3EH-PPV device has an Zp = 0.40%, while the comparable polymer blend device has Zp = 0.62%. Fig. 4 shows the external quantum efciency as a function of wavelength for devices made using the polymer blend, plain M3EH-PPV and plain MEH-PPV. The blends peak quantum efciency, 23.5%, is close to that of laminated layered polymer blends using ITO and Al electrodes [8]. To further examine whether the efciency of the polymer blend devices is limited by dissociation, we consider different electrode congurations. For plain polymer devices, it has been shown that the choice of electrodes and hence the direction of the internal eld makes an order of magnitude difference to the device performance [13, 14]. This is caused by the disparity between the hole and electron mobilities and by the fact that exciton dissociation is limited to the area within a diffusion length of the contacts. We have examined three different electrode congurations: ITO/TiO2/ polymer blend/Au, ITO/PEDOT/polymer blend/Al and ITO/PEDOT/polymer


external quantum efficiency [%]


absorption [arbitrary units]






0 350

450 550 wavelength [nm] 650

Fig. 4. The external quantum efciency as a function of wavelength for M3EH-PPV (squares), MEH-PPV (triangles) and 1:1 M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV (circles) devices using the TiO2/Au structure. The absorption spectra for M3EH-PPV (dashed line), MEH-PPV (dotted line) and 1:1 M3EH-PPV:CNether-PPV blend (line) are also shown.

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blend/Ca, all with 60 nm polymer thicknesses. The lower workfunction of Ca (2.87 eV [22]) gives that device a larger internal bias in the same direction as the Al device. The TiO2/polymer blend/Au device has an internal eld in the opposite direction. Unlike plain polymer devices, the blends show no great variation in performance for the different electrode congurations, supporting the theory that the blends allow for exciton dissociation throughout the polymer thickness (Fig. 5). The Ca device, with its larger internal bias, gives Jsc = 3.2 mA/cm2, Voc=1.0 V and a ll factor = 25%, for a conversion efciency of 1.0%. We vary the thickness of the polymer blend layer in order to determine whether it is light absorption or charge transport that limits the conversion efciency of these devices. ITO/TiO2/polymer blend/Au devices are made with polymer thicknesses of 45, 60 and 85 nm. Short-circuit current densities range from 1.7 mA/cm2 for the 85 nm device to 3.3 mA/cm2 for the 45 nm device, with ll-factors of 2728% and Voc ranging from 0.65 to 0.78 V (Fig. 6). Similar to plain polymer devices [14], shortcircuit current density for the blend devices increases with decreasing polymer thickness. We interpret this to mean that the performance of the polymer blend samples is still limited by charge transport, most likely resistive losses and low carrier mobilities across the polymer layer, rather than by light absorption. Maximum

J [mA /cm2]

-0.8 V[ V]


Fig. 5. JV curves taken at 80 mW/cm2 for devices ITO/TiO2/M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV/Au (circles), ITO/PEDOT/M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV/Al (squares) and ITO/PEDOT/M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV/Ca (triangles). The polarity of the applied voltage has been reversed for the Al and Ca devices for comparison with the Au device.

270 A.J. Breeze et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 83 (2004) 263271

J [mA/cm2]

0 -0.8


-0.4 V [V]


Fig. 6. JV curves taken at 80 mW/cm for ITO/TiO2/M3EH-PPV:CN-ether-PPV/Au devices with polymer thicknesses of 85 nm (circles), 60 nm (squares) and 45 nm (triangles).

absorption coefcients in these polymers are on the order of 0.017 nm1, and so for a 60 nm layer only about 60% of the incident light is absorbed in the polymer blend layer at the maximum absorbing wavelength. Therefore, we would expect the photocurrent to increase with increasing polymer thickness if the devices were absorption limited.

4. Conclusions In conclusion, we have conrmed previous results showing that hole and electron transporting polymers blended in a common solvent and spun to create a lm with phase separation on the nanometer scale leads to increased exciton dissociation and therefore to higher photocurrents and power conversion efciencies. New polymers, most notably M3EH-PPV, show good improvement over the more traditional polymers such as MEH-PPV which were developed for LED rather than photovoltaic properties. Single polymer devices using M3EH-PPV have yielded overall conversion efciencies of 0.40% using a TiO2/polymer/Au conguration, while blends of M3EH-PPV and CN-ether-PPV give 0.75% efciencies for the same electrodes and 1.0% for PEDOT and Ca electrodes. By varying the electrodes, we have shown that polymer blends eliminate a great deal of the limitation caused by low exciton diffusion lengths. However, variation of the polymer blend layer

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thickness demonstrates that these devices are still limited more by charge transport, likely low mobilities and resistive losses across the polymer layer, than they are by light absorption in the polymer. It will be necessary to improve all of these factors in order to make viable plastic solar cells.

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