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Separator Design Guide

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1. INTRODUCTION Separators play an important role in the chemical industry and are critical to t he success of almost all processes.

The usage of phase separators range from functions as diverse as ensuring that final product quality meets often stringen t standards to protecting downstream equipment from undesirable impurities. In the petrochemical industry the most common uses include: Separation of liquid hydrocarbon from a hydrocarbon vapour (2-phase vapour liqui d separation) Separation of a two liquids differing in their respective densities (2-phase, li quid liquid separation) Separation of a feed stream consisting of vapour, liquid hydrocarbon and water i nto 3 separate components. (3-phase separation). Some examples of separators are as follows: 2-Phase Separators Fuel gas KO drum Compressor KO drum Relief gas KO drum Crude unit desalter Amine absorber KO drum Coalescer units 3-Phase Separators Glycol Separator Hydrotreater high pressure separator Wet column reflux drum Production separator

This design guide presents the basic principles and methods involved with sizing vertical and horizontal separators for both 2-phase and 3-phase separation. It is important to note, however, that this guide does not cover the separation of solids from either liquids or vapour. Whilst theoretically, it may be important to take into consideration dynamic ope rating conditions of the separation process, such as variation in fluid properti es with time; and the transient start-up and shut-down characteristics of separa tion operation when undertaking the design, this presents a near impossible task in reality. As such, this design guide uses steady-state operation of the sepa rator as its basis. 2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS As is the case with the design of any vessel, the associated system properties a nd process requirements must first be defined. In the case of separator design, these may include: System Properties Flow rates of each phase to be separated. Physical properties of each phase (viscosity, density, etc.) Identification of continuous phase(s) (see following table) . System Continuous / discontinuous phase distinction Vapour Liquid The vapour is the continuous light phase, with liquid being the he avy, discontinuous phase which settles out as droplets. HC liquid Water. The HC liquid is the continuous phase, with water settli ng out as droplets Water HC liquid The water is the continuous, heavy phase, with HC liquid being the light discontinuous phase rising up through the water as droplets. Process Requirements The required throughput and composition of feed mixture to be purified will ulti mately determine the size and type of separator selected. Degree of separation required. The minimum droplet sizes required to be separat ed from each phase need to be specified. This is generally set by factors such

as purity of product required for sale or purity required to avoid upsets to dow nstream equipment / processes. For example: In HC liquid vapour separation, efficient liquid separation from vapour is neede d, particularly in situations where the vapour subsequently flows downstream to a compressor. Separators for this purpose often include mist eliminators to enh ance their separation performance. In water HC liquid separation, efficient separation of water from the HC is need ed to avoid over-loading downstream water treatment facilities. This is particu larly important if the liquid HC is then fed to a downstream distillation column . 3. HORIZONTAL VS VERTICAL SEPARATOR SELECTION Before a judgement is made regarding the type of separator most suitable for use in a specific application, there are number of factors that need to be taken in to consideration. The following sections outline the general characteristics of both horizontal and vertical separators and where they are most useful. It is i mportant to note, however, there are exceptions to these recommendations and eac h specific case should be evaluated before any decision is made. For ease of reading, when comparing the performances of vertical and horizontal separators in this section, the light phase will be referred to as vapour and the heavy phase as liquid, even in the case of liquid-liquid systems. 3.1 Theory of Horizontal Separators In terms of equivalent vapour flow areas, horizontal separators are more efficie nt than are their vertical counterparts, due largely to the fact that the liquid settles out perpendicular to the direction of vapour flow, rather than in a dir ection countering the vapour flow (as is the case with vertical separators). If the residence time of the vapour is greater than the time taken for the liqu id droplets to reach the liquid surface, then the liquid will undergo satisfacto ry disengagement from the vapour. It is this relationship which ultimately dete rmines the maximum allowable vapour velocity through the separator, as follows: Equation 3.1 Where L Vs d to follow in H Vmax = distance between feed inlet and vapour outlet. = liquid droplet settling velocity (details of calculation metho section 4) = distance between top of drum and Normal Liquid Level (NLL) = maximum allowable vapour velocity

Thus, for horizontal separators with a L/H ratio greater than 1, the maximum vel ocity can exceed the liquid settling velocity without affecting the vessels abili ty to achieve satisfactory separation. As will be shown in section 3.2, however , this is not the case with vertical separators. Horizontal separators are most efficient where large volumes of liquids are pres ent with the vapour or alternatively, when large volumes of vapour are dissolved in the liquid phase(s). They are generally used in applications such as 3-phas e separators, high-pressure vapour-liquid separators, relief KO drums and liquid -liquid separators, although there are frequent exceptions. 3.2 Theory of Vertical Separators In the case of a vertical separator, the liquid droplets settle out in a directi on opposite to the direction of vapour flow. Therefore, the liquid will not dis engage from the vapour unless the vapour velocity is lower than the liquid settl ing velocity. That is, Equation 3.2 Despite the fact that vertical separators are a less efficient alternative than

horizontal ones with an appropriate L/H ratio, they do offer some distinct advan tages which have seen them favoured for applications as fuel gas and compressor suction KO drums. Such advantages are detailed in section 3.4. 3.3 Theory of Separators Applied To V-L Systems In reality, the maximum allowable vapour velocity for liquid-vapour systems is h ighly dependent on the specific separator application and indeed is vastly diffe rent, for example, in cases where a demister pad is installed and cases where on e is not. Such flexibility is not catered for using Equations 3.1 and 3.2, wher e it is not possible to effectively take into consideration any variation in sep arator characteristics. Instead, a more appropriate equation to use for calcula ting the maximum allowable vapour velocity for vapour-liquid systems is as follo ws: Where Equation 3.3 vmax = Maximum allowable vapour velocity, m/s K = Empirical constant, m/s l = Density of liquid phase, kg/m3 v = Density of vapour phase, kg/m3

A range of values for K are available for use in the above equation, as illustra ted in the following table (Table-3.1) taken from figure 7-9 of GPSA (SI units) Volume 1, Section 7, page 7-7.

Table- 3.1 Typical K & C Factors for Sizing Woven Wire Demisters Separator Type K Factor (m/s) Horizontal 0.12 to 0.15 Vertical 0.05 to 0.11 Spherical 0.05 to 0.11 Wet Steam 0.076 270 Most vapours under vacuum Salt & Caustic Evaporators Adjustment of K & C Factor for Atmospheric 1000 kPa 2000 kPa 4000 kPa 8000 kPa 100 90 85 80 75 For glycol and amine solutions, multiply K by 0.6 to 0.8. Typical use one-half of the above K or C values for approximate sizing of vertic al separators without wire demisters. For compressors suction scrubbers and expander inlet separators multiply K by 0. 7 to 0.8. C Factor (m/hr) 420 to 540 200 to 400 220 to 400 0.061 220 0.046 160 Pressure - % of design value.

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