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Divorce in Marawi City

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Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction An understanding of divorce must not only consider the details

of a specific case, but also must explore the wider societal forces that drive individual actions. Divorce refers to the often messy and painful end of a marriage. For better or for worse, divorce is a very common event these days. Most everyone has been touched by it, either by going through it themselves as a spouse or a child, or knowing someone who has gone through it as a spouse or as a child. Divorce is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the parties. Divorce means the end of a marriage and the end of the partnership between two adults, not the end of relationship between parents and their children (http://www.single-parents.net/article-14.html). It means that children need ongoing support of both parents. This means that parents need to be able to cooperate with each other plans for their children. Divorce is an old and venerable institution. People have been getting divorces as long as people have been getting married. The ease with which a divorce can be obtained, the social stigma attached to divorce, and the amount of control religious and political powers have exercised over divorce have varied significantly over time and cultures. On the one hand, some accounts suggest that Islamic law at one point allowed a man to divorce his wife by simply stating the phrase "I divorce you" three times. On the other hand, other accounts suggest that the sixteenth century English king Henry XIII went so far as to cause the Anglican Church to be created (or at least become fully recognized) so as to gain permission for a divorce which the Catholic Church had denied him. When parents are divorcing, children may experience a variety of feelings, and their emotions may change frequently, too. They may feel angry, upset, hopeless, and sad. They may feel protective of one parent or blame one for the situation and even feel abandoned, afraid, worried, or guilty. These feelings are normal and talking about them with a trusted friend or adult can often times help.

Thus, this is the reason why the researcher decided to study the perception of the 3rd year BS-International Relations students in Mindanao State University on divorce. Conceptual Framework The important factor that must be considered when examining the reasons why so many people are divorcing is that they do not fully understand the damage that they will create and that can occur in their own life or in the lives of their children. If you are in a marriage that you believe is going nowhere and your needs are not being met, take time to carefully understand some of the facts about divorce before you seriously consider it as a possible solution to your marital problems. The chart that follows is the conceptual paradigm of the study. Adulter y; Extramarital sex; Infidelity Domest ic violence Midlife crisis Addictions, alcoholism and gambling olism



Statement of the Problem This study primarily aimed to find the perception of the 3ry year BS-IR students in MSU on divorce. Specifically, this study attempted to answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. What are the common reasons for divorce? What are the effects of divorce? What are the possible remedies to avoid divorce?

Significance of the Study This study is deemed necessary the following: School Administrators. The findings of this study may be used to assess administrators on the problems of their staffs or administrators themselves on related problems on divorce. Students. As youth of today, this study will guide them to the other components of divorce as they are expected to observe or to experience it as well. Society. The outcomes of this study will help the society to understand further about the divorce process and they will be educated on the different perceptions of individuals regarding divorce. Homemakers. This study will benefit them in a sense that they will be able to understand their situations in their homes. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study is concerned with the factors hypothesized to determine the perception of the 3rd year BS-IR students of Mindanao State University. The respondents were the 3rd year students of the BS-IR of Mindanao State University, during the school year of 2012-2013 first semester. One limitation of the study was the instrument itself. The researcher is not confident enough that the questionnaire he conducted would really elicit accurate and detailed information on divorce from the respondents.

BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Books Foster, Brooke Lea, 2006 The Way They Were: Dealing with your Parent's Divorce after Lifetime Marriage. Washington: Three Rivers Press, Publisher, a division of Random House Inc. Nass, Gilbert D., 1978 Marriage and the Family. USA: Addison Wesly publishing company, Inc. Pocs, Ollie, 1990 Marriage and Family.

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