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Item 7 - Appendix A 9

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Joy Ordidge Audit Manager

September 2009

Internal Audit Protocol


Introduction Planning an Audit Audit Approach Interim Reports Report Presentation Report Content Consultations Finalisation of Report Management Sign Off Of Report Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire Report Distribution Risk Registers Follow Up Reviews Quarterly Report to the Chief Executive and S151 Officer Quarterly Progress Report to Audit Committee Annual Report to the Chief Executive, S151 Officer, Monitoring Officer and Audit Committee Annual Reports to Directors Annual Reports to the Leader and Portfolio Holders APPENDIX A Managers Directors Chief Executive S151 Officer Monitoring Officer Personnel Manager External Auditor Leader Portfolio Holders Audit Committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman Audit Committee 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16

Internal Audit Protocol


The purpose of this protocol is to: Ensure a consistent approach is adopted to undertaking audit work; Establish a guide for management on timescales and responsibilities for dealing with internal audit reports issued; Ensure a consistent approach is adopted when dealing with internal audit reports within the Authority; Document the way in which reports are discussed with managers and the action required when replies are not received; Demonstrate to the Authoritys external auditors that managers deal with Internal Audit work in an appropriate manner; Ensure all necessary monitoring and reporting of Internal Audit work against the Annual Audit Plan is carried out; Ensure that progress and annual meetings with the Chief Executive, S151 Officer, relevant Directors, Leader and Portfolio Holders are carried out, as appropriate.

The responsibilities of Officers and Members mentioned in this protocol are detailed in Appendix A.

Planning an Audit
For each audit, a brief should be prepared, discussed and agreed with relevant manager. This will normally require discussion with the relevant Director, unless otherwise instructed, to ensure attention is focussed on areas of greatest risk or concern. Managers are encouraged to raise areas of concern/additional areas with the Auditor, but cannot dictate which areas will or will not be reviewed, as this responsibility lies with the Audit Manager. The brief should establish the objectives, scope and timing of the assignment and its resource and reporting requirement. An electronic acknowledgement from the relevant manager/director noting his/her agreement to the brief will be required before any audit work is commenced. Where agreement cannot be reached, the Audit Manager shall decide whether this should be pursued at a more senior level including raising the matter with the relevant Director, the Chief Executive or the S151 Officer. If agreement is still not forthcoming, the matter will be raised with the Audit Committee Chairman.

Internal Audit Protocol

Audit Approach
Audit work should be undertaken using a risk-based audit approach. At each stage of the audit, auditors should consider what specific work needs to be conducted and evidence gathered to support an independent and objective audit opinion. During the course of the audit, key issues should be brought to the attention of the relevant manager to enable them to take corrective action and to avoid surprises at the reporting stage. All audit work will be subject to an appropriate internal quality review process.

Interim Reports
Interim reports are sent at the discretion of the Audit Manager. An interim report on an assignment may be sent where appropriate, for example:a) where a matter arises which requires immediate action by management (e.g. serious weakness in control, evidence of fraud); b) where an assignment is unusually lengthy or extends over a long time period. Any interim report made verbally to management shall be confirmed as soon as possible by a written report/memo.

Report Presentation
Assignments will be reported in the method considered by the Audit Manager to be the most appropriate, i.e. formal report or memo/letter: a) Formal report with a covering letter or memo - used for routine or major audits. b) Memorandum or letter - used when the report is relatively short, or the matters raised are of a minor nature.

Report Content
The CIPFA Code of Practice for Internal Audit in Local Government in the UK 2006 states The primary purpose of internal audit reporting is to communicate to management within the organisation information that provides an independent and objective opinion on the control environment and risk exposure and to prompt management to implement agreed actions.

Internal Audit Protocol

The final internal audit report should be supplemented by the agreed Action Plan, which details the audit recommendations, priority, management response, officer responsible and timescale for implementation. All reports will contain a scope and objectives and the internal audit observations of the assignment, together with the overall opinion on the adequacy of the internal control environment. Where an audit has concluded limited assurance or poor assurance then the report will also contain an executive summary. For each audit carried out Internal Audit arrives at a conclusion that assesses the level of assurance that can be placed on the system of internal control being reviewed in one of five categories. The category reflects the assessment of the robustness of the internal control environment with an opinion on whether the actual controls in place are being consistently applied. The categories of assurance are detailed in the table below. Category Excellent Assurance Category Description Key controls exist and are applied consistently and effectively. Considerable assurance can be given that the system will achieve its objectives safely whilst achieving value for money (VFM). There is a very slight risk of loss (all asset types), fraud, impropriety, or damage to reputation. Key controls exist but there may be some inconsistency in application. Compensatory controls are operating effectively. Assurance can be given that the system, process or activity should achieve its objectives safely whilst achieving value for money (VFM). There is some risk of loss (all asset types), fraud, impropriety, or damage to reputation. There are some control weaknesses but most key controls are in place and operating effectively. Some assurance can be given that the system, process or activity should achieve its objectives safely whilst achieving value for money. There is an average probability of loss (all asset types), fraud, impropriety, or damage to reputation. Controls are in place but operating poorly or controls are inadequate. Only limited assurance can be given that the system, process or activity should achieve its objectives safely. There is an above average probability of loss (all asset types), fraud, impropriety, or damage to reputation Controls are failing or not present. No assurance can be given that the system, process or activity should achieve its objectives safely. There is a very high probability of loss (all asset types), fraud, impropriety, or damage to reputation)

Substantial Assurance

Adequate Assurance

Limited Assurance

Poor Assurance

Internal Audit Protocol

In addition, the recommendations made in internal audit reports (action plans) have been placed into one of three categories, namely: High - there is a serious control weakness that includes material noncompliance to standing orders, financial regulations or that could lead to material loss, or failure to meet legal/statutory requirements/ departmental policies. Medium - there is a significant control weakness that could lead to nonmaterial loss, or non-compliance to departmental operational/ financial procedures. This would also include minor non-compliance to financial regulations. Low - to implement this would be good practice. In this context risk may be viewed as the chance, or probability, of one or more of the Councils objectives not being met. It refers both to unwanted outcomes that might arise, and to the potential failure to realise desired outcomes.

Findings may be discussed informally with managers, during the course of the audit, where it is appropriate to do so. Although alterations to procedures may be made as a result of these discussions, the finding and recommendation will still be included in the internal audit report. When an audit assignment has been carried out, the auditor shall draft a report showing the matters arising. Draft reports should be reviewed and their findings discussed with the Audit Manager/Principal Auditor. Following conclusion of the Audit Managerial Review, the draft report will be submitted to the relevant Director and Manager of the Service. A meeting will aim to be arranged between the Auditor and the Manager, within one week of the draft report being issued. (The relevant Director will be notified of the exit meeting date and they may attend if they so require). The purpose of such meetings is to discuss the report, correct any factual inaccuracies and formulate a set of agreed/practical recommendations. NB Recommendations made will not be amended unless further information has been provided which satisfies the auditor that this is appropriate. The final decision regarding the content of the report lies with the Audit Manager. The Action Plan should be updated with the results of the manager meeting (i.e. timescale for implementation, management response and officer responsible). Any areas of disagreement between the Auditor and Management that cannot be resolved by discussion should be recorded in the action plan and the residual risk highlighted. Those areas giving rise to significant risks that are not agreed should be brought to the attention of the relevant Director, the Chief Executive or the S151 Officer, and if necessary with Audit Committee.

Internal Audit Protocol

Finalisation of Report
The final report shall be prepared after management consultation. The target date for preparation of the final report will be within two days of the agreement of the draft report with management. A final Managerial review will be undertaken and the final audit report will be issued to management within two days of this review.

Management Sign Off Of Report

It must be stressed that no amendments to the detail of the report will be made at this point, as it is assumed that these would have been identified at the consultation stage. The exception to this would be amendments to the management responses obtained. If management require any amendments to the management responses included in the audit report, then they are required to notify the Auditor within one week of the report being issued. If no response is received within this period, it will be assumed that management are happy with the report and as such the report will be formally issued to the relevant officers and members, as per this protocol. In circumstances where extensions to the one week requirement have been requested, individual Auditors shall keep a record to monitor responses received from management to ensure timely issue of all audit reports. The Principal Auditor shall be informed if any reports are unduly delayed. Should this be the case, they should usually be followed up in accordance with the following timetable: No response after 1 week No response after 2 weeks Written reminder to Manager by auditor Final written reminder to Manager by the Principal Auditor / Audit Manager, (copy to relevant Director)

Where management responses are not forthcoming after a further week, despite reminders having been issued, the Audit Manager shall decide whether this should be pursued at a more senior level including raising the matter with the relevant Director, the Chief Executive or the S151 Officer. If a response is still not forthcoming after a further week, the matter will be raised with the Audit Committee Chairman.

Internal Audit Protocol

Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

The purpose of the Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) is to seek the Managers view/perceptions of the quality of audit work carried out. A CSQ shall be sent, by auditors, to Managers for all planned audit work The CSQ will be sent electronically, following the issue of the final audit report, to the Manager. The CSQ should be completed and returned to the Audit Manager within 2 weeks of receipt. The Audit Manager shall review all completed CSQs received and shall arrange for any appropriate action to be taken following liaison, as necessary, with the auditor and/or manager.

Report Distribution
The basic number of copies is eight, distributed electronically as follows: Top Copy Second Copy Third Copy Fourth Copy Fifth Copy Sixth Copy Seventh Copy Eighth Copy the relevant Client Manager the appropriate Director the appropriate Portfolio Holder the Chairman of Audit Committee the Vice-Chairman of Audit Committee To be placed on the audit file To be placed on the S drive Final Reports folder the External Auditor

The Audit Manager is copied into the e-mail of all final reports issued to ensure that performance information is recorded. Any report, which contains financial issues will also be sent electronically to the S151 Officer. Where it is felt, by the Audit Manager, that the findings pose significant risks to the Council, or where findings relate to more than one service, a copy of the audit report will also be sent electronically to the Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer and Leader. In the above instances, the covering memo to the Audit Committee Chairman/ViceChairman would indicate a potential need for Audit Committee involvement.

Internal Audit Protocol

Occasionally, Internal Audit is required to undertake investigations of fraud or corruption within the Council or other work commissioned by the Chief Executive as Head of Paid Service. In these instances the distribution of reports, as detailed above will not apply. Instead, only the Chief Executive, the Monitoring Officer, the S151 Officer and the Personnel Manager will receive a copy of the report.

Risk Registers
Any findings/recommendations identified as high risk should be added to the relevant service/departmental risk register.

Follow Up Reviews
Follow up reviews ordinarily will be carried out by audit staff approximately 6 months after the final audit report was issued. The purpose of this work is to establish the implementation of key recommendations as per the final audit report/action plan. The follow up will deal with those items expected to have been implemented in-line with proposed timescales indicated by the Auditee when the report was originally finalised. On the basis of this work it is planned to provide management with a short report on the action taken since the final report was issued. It will also provide a summary of the action taken based on the following: Fully Implemented Partially Implemented Not Implemented On-going Recommendation Superseded

A draft memo will be issued to the Manager and Director detailing the outcome of the follow up review together with an updated action plan. If management require any amendments to the management responses included in the follow up, then they are required to notify the Auditor within one week of the report being issued. If no response is received within this period, it will be assumed that management are happy with the report and as such the report will be formally issued to the relevant officers and members, as per this protocol. In circumstances where extensions to the one week requirement have been requested, individual Auditors shall keep a record to monitor responses received from management to ensure timely issue of all follow ups. The Principal Auditor shall be informed if any reports are unduly delayed. Should this be the case, they should usually be followed up in accordance with the following timetable:

Internal Audit Protocol

No response after 1 week No response after 2 weeks

Written reminder to Manager by auditor Final written reminder to Manager by the Principal Auditor / Audit Manager, (copy to relevant Director)

Where management responses are not forthcoming after a further week, despite reminders having been issued, the Audit Manager shall decide whether this should be pursued at a more senior level including raising the matter with the relevant Director, the Chief Executive or the S151 Officer. If a response is still not forthcoming after a further week, the matter will be raised with the Audit Committee Chairman. The basic number of copies is eight, distributed electronically as follows: Top Copy Second Copy Third Copy Fourth Copy Fifth Copy Sixth Copy Seventh Copy Eighth Copy the relevant Client Manager the appropriate Director the appropriate Portfolio Holder the Chairman of Audit Committee the Vice-Chairman of Audit Committee To be placed on the audit file To be placed on the S drive Final Reports folder the External Auditor

The Audit Manager is copied into the e-mail of all follow up reports issued to ensure that performance information is recorded. Where it is found that there are High Priority recommendations still outstanding at the first follow up (6 months), this may be pursued at a more senior level including raising the matter with the relevant Director, Chief Executive or the S151 Officer, and if necessary with the Audit Committee. In addition these issues will be reported in the quarterly progress report of Internal Audit, which will be presented to the Audit Committee. Where it is found that some recommendations are outstanding, a second and final follow up review will be undertaken in 3 months time. Management will be expected to accept the risk of any outstanding recommendations at this time. Any recommendations written off by Internal Audit will be included in the quarterly progress report of Internal Audit, which will be presented to the Audit Committee.

Internal Audit Protocol

Quarterly Report to the Chief Executive and S151 Officer

The Audit Manager shall produce a quarterly progress report on the work of Internal Audit, as a whole. This will be a summary of performance against annual audit plan objectives on a service basis. The report should be produced within one month of the end of the quarter. The purpose of the report is to highlight variations from the agreed Annual Plan and the reasons why these were necessary. It should also comment on the general level of work undertaken during the quarter together with summarised details of work of major reviews and investigations carried out. Performance indicators shall be calculated and noted in the report. These are: a) % of plan achieved: b) % of recommendations made in audit reports that have been agreed: c) % of recommendations implemented at the time of follow up: d) Customer Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction Questionnaires; e) other performance indicators, as agreed between the Chief Executive, S151 Officer and the Audit Manager. Quarterly meetings will be held between the Chief Executive, S151 Officer and the Audit Manager to discuss the quarterly audit report, corporate audit matters arising and significant areas of risk. The target date for completion of meetings should be within one month of the end of the quarter.

Quarterly Progress Report to Audit Committee

The Audit Manager shall present the above quarterly progress report to the Audit Committee. The report should make no attributable reference to any officer.

Annual Report to the Chief Executive, S151 Officer, Monitoring Officer and Audit Committee
The Audit Manager shall prepare a written report to those charged with governance timed to support the Annual Governance Statement. The Audit Managers Annual Report to the Council must: a) include an opinion on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the Councils control environment; b) disclose any qualifications to that opinion, together with the reasons for the qualification;


Internal Audit Protocol

c) present a summary of the audit work from which the opinion is derived, including reliance placed on work by other assurance bodies; d) draw attention to any issues the Audit Manager judges particularly relevant to the preparation of the Annual Governance Statement; e) compare the work actually undertaken with the work that was planned and summarise the performance of the internal audit function against its performance measures and targets; and f) comment on compliance with the Code of Practice for Internal Audit in Local Government in the United Kingdom and communicate the results of the internal audit quality assurance programme. The Audit Manager shall prepare the annual report, which shall be submitted to the Chief Executive and S151 Officer within two months of the year end. An annual meeting will be held between the Chief Executive, S151 Officer and the Audit Manager to discuss the content of the annual report. The target date for completion of meetings should be 30th June of each year. A copy of the Annual Audit Report will be sent to the External Auditor and Monitoring Officer for information. The Audit Manager shall present the Annual Audit Report to the Audit Committee within three months of the end of the year.

Annual Reports to Directors

The Audit Manager shall send each Director the annual report together with a covering memo within two months of the end of the year. It should be noted that the letter will ask if the Director wishes to hold a meeting to discuss the report. Where requested, the Audit Manager shall arrange an annual meeting with the Director to discuss the work carried out in the previous year and to ascertain client satisfaction with the audit service and maintain good relations between the service area and audit. The target date for completion of meetings should be 30th June of each year. The Audit Manager shall notify Directors during the year of any major service issues arising. Examples of such issues are those, which the Audit Manager considers to be significant, i.e. frauds, irregularities or fundamental problems in their service area.


Internal Audit Protocol

Annual Reports to the Leader and Portfolio Holders

The Audit Manager shall send the Leader and each Portfolio Holder the annual report with a covering letter signed by the Chief Executive. It should be noted that the letter will ask for confirmation of receipt of, and satisfaction with, the report and will ask if the Leader or Portfolio Holder wishes to hold a meeting to discuss the report. Reports to the Leader and Portfolio Holders must be sent within three months of the end of the year. Where requested, the Audit Manager shall arrange an annual meeting with the Leader or relevant Portfolio Holder(s) to discuss the work carried out in the previous year. The Audit Manager and Chief Executive should attend the meetings with the Leader or Portfolio Holders. It is expected that the relevant Director or nominated representative would attend unless the Leader or Portfolio Holder(s) instructs otherwise. The target date for completion of the meetings with the Leader and Portfolio Holders should be 30th September of each year.

Joy Ordidge Audit Manager September 2009


Internal Audit Protocol



Agree audit brief before any audit work commences. Receive draft internal audit reports from the auditor. Attend meeting with the auditor to discuss draft internal audit report, correct any factual inaccuracies and formulate a set of agreed/practical recommendations. Confirm agreement to the action plan, which details managements response and timescales for recommendations to be implemented and return to Audit Manager within 5 working days. Receive final internal audit report. Update Risk Register with any high-risk recommendations. Ensure recommendations are implemented in line with the agreed action plan. Complete and return the Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire to the Audit Manager detailing their view/perception of the quality of audit work carried out within 2 weeks of receipt. Update service/departmental risk registers with high risk recommendations. Receive Follow Up Review reports detailing the progress made towards implementation of recommendations made in the agreed action plan.

Agree audit brief before any audit work commences. Receive draft internal audit reports from the auditor. Attend meeting with the auditor and manager, if they deem it necessary, to discuss draft internal audit report, correct any factual inaccuracies and formulate a set of agreed/practical recommendations. Receive notification from Audit Manager if responses to internal audit reports are not forthcoming. Receive notification if an unacceptable response is received from management to internal audit reports. Receive notification if management have not signed off the action plan to any audit report. Receive final internal audit report Receive Follow Up Review reports detailing the progress made towards implementation of recommendations made in the agreed action plan. Receive notification, during the year, of any major service issues arising. Examples of such issues are those, which the Audit Manager considers to be significant, i.e. frauds, irregularities or fundamental problems in their service area. Receive annual audit report within two months of the year end. Attend annual audit meeting with Audit Manager, if required. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss the audit work carried out, to ascertain client satisfaction with the audit service and maintain good relations between the service area and audit. The target date for completion of meetings should be 30th June of each year. Attend annual audit meeting, or send a representative, with the relevant portfolio holder, if so requested. The target date for completion of the meetings with Portfolio Holders should be 30th September of each year.


Internal Audit Protocol

Chief Executive
Receive copy of the final internal audit report where it is felt that the findings pose significant risks to the Council, or where findings relate to more than one service. Receive copy of final internal audit report relating to any investigation of fraud or corruption within the Council or any work commissioned by the Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service. Receive notification from Audit Manager if responses to internal audit reports are not forthcoming. Receive notification if an unacceptable response is received from management to internal audit reports. Receive notification if management have not signed off the action plan to any audit report. Receive notification if management have failed to implement any high priority recommendations at the first follow up review. Receive quarterly audit report, which highlights variations from the agreed Annual Plan and the reasons why these were necessary. It should also comment on the general level of work undertaken during the quarter together with summarised details of work of major reviews and investigations carried out. The report should be received within one month of the end of the quarter. Attend quarterly audit meetings with the Audit Manager. The target date for completion of meetings should be within one month of the end of the quarter. Receive annual audit report within two months of the year end. Attend annual audit meeting to discuss annual audit report with the S151 Officer and Audit Manager. The target date for completion of the meetings should be 30th June of each year. Attend annual audit meeting with the Audit Manager and individual Portfolio Holders, if so requested. The target date for completion of the meetings with Portfolio Holders should be 30th September of each year.

S151 Officer
Receive copy of final internal audit reports with financial issues. Receive copy of final internal audit report relating to any investigation of fraud or corruption within the Council or any work commissioned by the Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service. Receive notification from Audit Manager if responses to internal audit reports are not forthcoming. Receive notification if an unacceptable response is received from management to internal audit reports. Receive notification if management have not signed off the action plan to any audit report. Receive notification if management have failed to implement any high priority recommendations at the first follow up review. Receive quarterly audit report, which highlights variations from the agreed Annual Plan and the reasons why these were necessary. It should also comment on the general level of work undertaken during the quarter together with summarised details of work of major reviews and investigations carried out. The report should be received within one month of the end of the quarter. Attend quarterly audit meetings with the Audit Manager. The target date for completion of meetings should be within one month of the end of the quarter. Receive annual audit report within two months of the year end.


Internal Audit Protocol

Attend annual audit meeting to discuss annual audit report with the Chief Executive and Audit Manager. The target date for completion of the meetings should be 30th June of each year.

Monitoring Officer
Receive copy of the final internal audit report where it is felt that the findings pose significant risks to the Council, or where findings relate to more than one service. Receive copy of final internal audit report relating to any investigation of fraud or corruption within the Council or any work commissioned by the Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service. Receive annual audit report within two months of the year end.

Personnel Manager
Receive copy of final internal audit report relating to any investigation of fraud or corruption within the Council or any work commissioned by the Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service.

External Auditor
Receive individual audit reports, together with agreed action plans, throughout the year. Receive Follow Up Review reports detailing the progress made towards implementation of recommendations made in the agreed action plan. Receive annual audit report within two months of the year end.

Receive copy of the final internal audit report where it is felt that the findings pose significant risks to the Council, or where findings relate to more than one service. Receive annual audit report within three months of the year end. Confirm receipt of, and satisfaction with, the annual audit report Attend a meeting with the Audit Manager and Chief Executive to discuss the content of the report, if so requested. The target date for completion of the meetings should be 30th September of each year.

Portfolio Holders
Receive copy of final internal audit reports relating to their portfolio. Receive Follow up Review reports detailing the progress made towards implementation of recommendations made in the agreed action plan. Receive annual audit report, within three months of the year end. Confirm receipt of, and satisfaction with, the annual audit report Attend a meeting, with the Audit Manager and Chief Executive, to discuss the content of the report, if so requested. The target date for completion of the meetings with Portfolio Holders should be 30th September of each year.


Internal Audit Protocol

Audit Committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman

Receive individual audit reports, together with agreed action plans, throughout the year. Receive Follow up Review reports detailing the progress made towards implementation of recommendations made in the agreed action plan.

Audit Committee
Receive notification if management do not respond to internal audit reports. Receive notification if an unacceptable response is received from management to internal audit reports. Receive notification if management have not signed off the action plan to any audit report. Receive notification if management have failed to implement any high priority recommendations at the first follow up review. Receive notification of any recommendations that have been written off at the third follow up review. Opportunity to request an audit report to be taken to the next appropriate Committee at which the relevant Director/designated officer would attend in order to answer any questions that may be raised. Opportunity to use the audit report as a catalyst to a specific piece of work to be undertaken Receive quarterly progress reports, based on the individual audit reports issued within the period. Receive annual audit report. Report to be presented within three months of the end of the year.


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