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IDSP - Annual Report 2008

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Organizational Structure Institute for Development Studies & Practices IDSP-Pakistan

Fellow Council Director

Faculty Council

Learners Council

Academic Council

Associate Director Programs MIS

Associate Director System

District Campus Manager

Academic Program
Peace Rights & Justice

Learner & Community Partnerships

Resource Mobilization

Resource Centre

Finance & Admin

Program Associates

Development Courses
Gender & Justice

Community information & learning center

Physical Space



Program Fellows Interns/ Volunteers

Affiliation & Accreditation

Community Based Courses Education on Peace & Justice

Physical Assist



Educational Research & Publication

Interventions Based Researches

Media Resource Center



Innovative Educational Practices

Radio Centers

Dasht-e-Imkaan, IDSP Annual Report 2008 (Jan-Dec 2008)

IDSP Mission
To Nurture and Develop the Individual and communities that will change the power structure by demystifying the process of Education and Development, Generate the value-based Partnerships and Practices at all levels.

External Vision
Politically socially and culturally aware individuals that create interdependent, self reliant societies, that guarantee and acculturate dignified living for all.

Internal Vision
Views itself as a regional learning institution recognized and known for its innovative learning mechanism for regeneration of repressed knowledge values interdependent practices.

Table of Contents
Report Overview Acknowledgment Director Message Young people can make it happen Women are pivotal for a tolerant society With peace, development is impossible learning is life long Fellowships by Learners and Community Partnership Program Initiative invokes innovation Preparing for the response National conference on world food crisis Services rendered by IDSP Institutions are by people Women Center Psihin Partnership is the key Thriving Partnership Networks and Collaboration What has been achieved Financial Report 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Dr. Quratulain Bakhteari

Report Compiler
Asif Lehri

Ali A. Naqvi,

Designing and Graphic

Asim Riaz

Institute for Development Studies and Practices (IDSP-Pakistan) 7-A Al- Mashriq Street Arbab Karam Khan Road Quetta. E-mail: idsp@idsp.org.pk / web: www.idsp.org.pk Ph: 0092-81-2470243-2471776 / Fax: 0092-81-2447285

Institute for

Report Overview
This report presents the outcomes of IDSP's initiatives in 2008. IDSP has now entered in its 11th year of inception. During these years, IDSP's key achievements are

Development of a core team, including its faculty, fellows and systems members, Sound permanent programming office in Quetta, Balochistan Established itself as leading not for profit community development organization for human Resource development in the country and core thematic working areas are started to provide results. The report is capturing the essence of these interventions in following five areas: Human Resource Development for Self Sustainability Gender Mainstreaming Peace and Pluralism Education and Life Long Learning Sustainable Livelihood

The present report is different in its nature. The previous two annual reports on 2006 and 2007 focused on internal processes, methodologies and project progress. This report is an attempt to capture the essence of IDSP activities and its impact in a divided society. The year of 2008 was dedicated to Peace by IDSP. Within the report you will come across quotations of famous personalities from history. We hope these quotations will give all of us hope in desperate times. We hope that the report will provide the information on IDSP's outcomes and its future course. We look forward to your feedback and hope that the report satisfies the general informational needs of the concerned readers. In case detailed information is required, we are at your service. Though every attempt has been made to make this publication error free, in case mistakes are found, the undersigned take the full responsibility of the errors.

Page 01

IDSP is grateful to all the individuals, groups, communities, organizations and institutions who supported us with their sincere, thrilling and unconditional contribution. The energetic youth and the team of IDSP consistently played vital role while continuing our journey towards the institutional vision and goals. IDSP is fortunate to have concerned and sincere friends in the country, region and at international level. It is their unconditional support and encouragement which has contributed in the vibrancy and dynamism. We are extremely grateful to all the financial supports, who have directly supported IDSP for materializing its concepts and ideas. IDSP by the grace of Al Mighty has taken off towards attaining its envisaged goals. The Government of Balochsitan and the local governments in the different districts of Balochistan are constantly supporting IDSP. Their support in not merely monetarily but they are keenly interested in IDSP to flourish and enable youth. We are grateful for their contributions and continuous encouragement. SKOLL foundations timing has been perfect. It provided IDSP the needed resources, to test its ideas of institutional development, venturing in high risk ideas and above all providing the Skoll Forum to develop professional linkages and fostering friendships. Infaq Foundation is standing with IDSP. Their support for campus development is highly appreciated. IDSP is indebted to the CIDA, Fund for Global Human Rights, UNICEF, National Endowment for Democracy, DIFID, British High Commission, British High Commission and Friends of AlFalah (Netherland) for supporting various dynamic initiatives of IDSP Fellows. IDSP's friends and partners across the world are appreciated for just being friend. Berkanas support for Zimbabwes Art of Hosting, gathering was an amazing experience. It helped the two young fellows to broaden their horizon and think back towards their roots. We are especially thankful to, BERKANA, ASHOKA and Learning Societies Network for their continued support to young people of Pakistan. IDSP deeply acknowledge the partnership with (PCE) Pakistan Coalition for Education, We would like to name few individuals who stood for IDSP and are contributing towards its efforts. We are deeply grateful to services and guidance of Mr. Kamil Khan Mumtaz (Anjumane- Maimaran) Professor Bakat Ali and Ms. Kasur S.K for continued their support as member of Trust for IDSP. We are also grateful to the members of the Executive committee, and general body for encouraging the institute towards new dimensions of learning and practice. IDSP is grateful to Dr. Quratulain Bakhteari, the founding and present director of IDSP, who has been leading the institute with continued zeal and enthusiasm for attaining the long term goals and vision. She has demonstrated an unconditional, loving and growing leadership which has helped the team to emerge and grow as professionals with human sensibility.

Page 02

Director`s Message
Dear friends and supporters,
By the grace of Allah Almighty IDSP has entered in its 11th year of its creation as a learning by practice space for the young people of Pakistan. 2008 has been dedicated as the year of peace and tolerance, as the country witnessed some very violent, political crisis and bloody out bursts across the four provinces, followed by a devastating earth quake in Balochistan, the young graduates and fellows of IDSP focused their energies in responding to the fundamental causes and effects of violence and terror in and on civil society. The report brings out the outcomes of the engagements that IDSP fellows and graduates, are now making on the lives of ordinary people and on the young generation. One can see that preparation of past several years is now resulting in serious directions taken by IDSP's fellows and learners in their own communities. Each outcome is leading towards a programmatic direction for IDSP, the efforts of peace and tolerance by a team of 8 fellows led by IDSP's founding faculty member Mr. Raziq Fahim is providing basis for livelihood, education and health for the communities at one level, while developing leadership in these eight men and women at the other level. Parallel to all of this, he is creating institutional basis for a college of peace and pluralism. Raziq is its Director, and evolving a program for livelihood and education for IDSP. This one initiative has impacted more then 10,000 people within one year. IDSP now has a methodology of community based development in tribal areas of Balochistan. The second area the graduates of IDSP supported by IDSP faculty has been the human rights initiatives, these challenges are now fundamental for peace and justice for helping civil society to stabilize and to work on with a focus on keeping the developmental spaces open. More than 300 people are impacted. The 200 women graduates have designed their program of leadership and education in more then six districts of Balochistan, more then 1500 street children in IDSP's four drop in centers are given daily food, education and recreational facilities, while 200 women are now registered in home based skilled workers for livelihoods. This group is organized by IDSP's fellow in Mominabad, a community of extremely marginalized people of Balochistan. IDSP fellows were able to create some very meaningful partnerships in institutional building with marginalized Christian communities. The program has engaged more then 300 Christian youths in education and skills development projects. IDSP team have been very effective in earth quake areas of Balochistan and Azad Kashmir. Large number of families has been rehabilitated with their homes, schools and water and sanitation facilities. All the above mentioned projects by IDSP fellows gave excellent opportunities to practice fund raising, management, training and teaching for hundreds of young people in leadership and in the process gain their own identity as a peaceful, hard working and caring persons. The third area that was focused this year was continuation of IDSP's internal growth and development in a more systematic process. An internal course on professional development was launched engaging 20 internal fellows of IDSP. This course develops practice based learning areas of individual professional development, programming the impact and institution building. The course resulted in a process of learning , its assessments, levels and outcome. One very important outcome is that IDSPs position of director ship is also opened for young fellows to practice the responsibility of director of a learning organization like IDSP.

Page 03

Mr. Shah Jahan Baloch IDSP's graduate of its first course in 1998 graduated to take on this position of IDSP's directorship from 1st March 2009. Mr. Shah Jahan will remain IDSP Director for two years. Shah Jahan is a young man belonging to Balochistan, who has completed ten years in IDSP from teaching mentoring, managing, taking over the position of first IDSP`s director who is focused on Institution building for IDSP. He also negotiated several very important and strategic partnerships mentioned in this report. He is also preparing to launch a large scale (1.03 US Million) project of literacy, skills and education in five districts of Balochistan. This project is awarded by Japanese government to IDSP from Pakistan and other countries Gambia, Senegal and Cambodia were also awarded the grant. We all look forward to the leadership of Mr. Shah Jahan. It will be a great experience for IDSP and for young graduates to actually learn by practice organizational leadership while being its fellow.

Peace, love and life for all

Dr. Quratulain Bakhteari

Founding Director- IDSP-Pakistan

Page 04

Young people can make it happen.....

Young people constitute the largest [67% reside between the age 15-35] segment of Pakistani population. Those from low and middle income groups, have few opportunities to develop their full potential. Poverty is widespread, education level is low, youth unemployment is high and traditional culture does not encourage young people to take decisions on issues concerning them. There is limited scope for young peoples positive local engagement in grassroots politics and community development. The situation becomes more complex when it arrives to the reality of youth of traditional societies such as Balochistan and North West Frontier Province (NWFP). Number of cases reported indicate youth involvement in unlawful activities including but not limited to illegal trade, human trafficking, militancy [ethnic and religious] and communal violence. IDSP since 1998 is creating basis for creating an institution led by the young people. IDSP's vision is to create, nurture and develop individuals and spaces that will help include the excluded young population of Pakistan and eventually around the world, by engaging them in diverse social and economic activities that promote tolerance and peace, life and livelihood opportunities. Thus mainstreaming the excluded young people in developing their own skills, creating organizations and building institutions of peace and livelihood, and emerge as an entrepreneur of holistic development of life and livelihood.

TO the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.

IDSP launched the first Internal Course for Professional Development for its internal fellows. 20 internal fellows participated in this course. The course was supposed to build their capacity to understand the self and importance of individual development, process of program development and institution development. Purpose of this course was: To build an understanding of IDSP fellows on the basic principles, processes, fundamentals of program development. To facilitate the fellows in developing concrete actions plans of program and district based campuses. To develop institutional mechanisms of program reviewing, planning, monitoring, financing, facilitating, assessment processes and understanding administration. Course was based on theory and practice. All the fellows learnt basic theories of individual development, program development and institution building, while all the fellows were given the assignment for practice. The practicing assignments were: Practicing self assessment and improving individual assessment mechanisms. Introducing the systems in district based campuses, and practicing systems in the institution Writing the program documents and practicing the program development processes. The process will be formally concluded during the month of Feb 2009 by conducting tutorials with all the fellows.

Some of the initiative rendering results in Pishin

7,500 community members Hospital constructed Karez (Underground water conduit) Reconstruction (Local and traditional 7,200 community members and 300 distressed source and Chanel of water) families and approximately 1000 acres of land Women Skill Development Center 1,000 women, 100 Families and 1000 total 160 children, 100 families and 1000 people Additional School Rooms and repair of structure One School reactivated

Page 05

Women are pivotal for a tolerant society.....

Women in Pakistan especially in Balochistan face many hardships. These hardships come from the misinterpretation of religion and culture and thus reduce the active role of women leaders in the family and society in general. Which include political education, social organizing, understanding and working on cultural and religious issues, understanding the political education, understanding the various movements on gender and contextualizing their role in family, community and local government. It was an effort to mainstream gender at self, family and community development and local government level. In 2002 IDSP initiated the process of young women leadership development under the banner of Mainstreaming gender and development in Balochistan. The initiative has taken roots. Women in district Pishin, Khuzdar, Sibi and Mastung have assumed the leadership of IDSP Campuses or centers. In sixth year of the program IDSP engaged all the young women leaders in a gathering "Women Leadership in Traditional Societies" in Quetta. The gathering first of its kind provided following recommendations besides celebrating new women leadership in traditional tribal society of Balochistan.

Provincial Minister of IT Mrs. Parveen Magsi presenting presidential speech

The Purpose
The purpose of this Gathering was to celebrate and analyze the practices of IDSP working with traditional women in Balochistan and explore venues of engaging women in a process of leadership development.

Consolidating IDSPs practices in gender and development in Balochistan Exploring venues and spaces for alternative mainstreaming gender

Theme of Gathering
Women leadership in Traditional Societies; opportunities and Potential

The Gathering Recommended

Promotion of the practices which discourage discriminations and nurture humanity, love, equality, and respect for other cultures and religion for positive social change. Establishment of institutions that are committed to develop human resource especially who encourage women to take the leadership. Affirmation that discrimination is not the solution of any issue; we need to being together for bringing a positive change in our society.

A role play, traditional women in everyday life.

The following film provides the stories of these young women leaders:
Http:// Www.archive.org/details/WomenDevelopmentInTraditionalSocities

Page 06

Without peace, development is impossible.....

The situation of peace in Pakistan and generally in the region is deteriorating. The emergence of extremism, with consistent incidents of violence, hatred is common place. The violence against women in spreading, the ethnic, religious, sectarian riots are on the rise. For institutions like IDSP it is time to indulge in peace making activities. The available education and political system is not creating mass level awareness regarding existing situations. They neither have the capacity to comprehend these situations in its totality, nor capable to take the challenge of creating alternative spaces and pportunities that nurture a counter veiling power among youth and communities against extremism and militancy and create basis for sustainable peace. IDSP dedicated the year 2008, a year for Peace. IDSP's founding faculty member, Raziq Fahim took the initiative and created the basis of the program on peace and pluralism.

Cultivating hope, youth and peace building....

Systemic Exclusion Raziq is classical model of IDSP's human resource development. He joined IDSP as teaching associate and later, joined the faculty. He became manager of IDSP's Learners and Community Partnership Program and proceeded to become Coordinating Manager. He finally assumed the position of Director IDSP for a brief penial During all of these years Raziq has been the intellectual leader for developing new concepts, initiative and programs at IDSP. Raziq has been to the US as a young Islamic Scholar, he is Chevening Fellow, concerning role of religion for peace and pluralism in modern world and has been a visiting trainer, presenter around the world. The new initiative is rooted in core philosophy of IDSP. His quest has brought about the new programming initiative of Peace and Pluralism. Young people are gathered in youth forums in Khuzdar and Pishin. Khuzdar is the hub for nationalist movement in Balochistan and Pishin is surrounded by the religious extremists closely linked with Afghan. Both of the regions are marred by constant acts of violence, use of drugs, exploitation of youth on confused political ideologies. Developing a program that enables non violence, creative solutions to myriad problems is a challenging task. The process adopted though still in its infancy is rendering results. It enabled the following: Youth of different identities are getting together to understand the myths created about each other's identities, ethnic, religious, gendered or sectarian. Together they are creating processes of non violent movements to curb social evils Some of the young leaders are engaged in reviving lost community spaces through traditional means of engaging community elders The process is so powerful that Raziq is further converting the idea in to a College of Youth Activism. The idea at the time of this publication has inspired Ashoka and Raziq is given a
S.no 1 2 Region Khuzdar Pishin Women 68 80 Men 102 120

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.

Page 07

Learning is life long.....

Education is one of the leading areas at IDSP. The core team of IDSP emerged disillusioned from one of the large education projects in Pakistan. The project enabled over 300,000 girls enrolment through nearly 2,000 community schools in Balochsitan. The process remained incomplete and the team saw the downfall of a very innovative experience. One of the reasons of creation of IDSP was the disillusionment from such futile experiences. IDSP though has moved forward. Understanding the historical and conceptual basis of schooling, engaging with public to dissect the chronic disease of the educational system, IDSP has initiated the process of life long learning at two levels. The one is within IDSP, the model of fellowship for its internal team and the model of combining literacy, livelihood skills and citizenship development on the other hand. The current model emerged after six years of detailed discussions and was awarded as one of the innovative projects. Zant (quest for knowledge in Balochi) is going to engage over 4,000 adolescents in eight districts of Balochsitan. The educational interventions of IDSP revealed following: The onus of system dis-functionality is on people, the system developed promotes exclusion, e.g. criteria for opening and upgrading schools. Its alien content, text books development. Its distance from the reality around it, reflecting needs of people and its consideration of people/ communities as having no part in its educational or learning framework. Central and hierarchy system of management, such as academic year. The existing system is based on the principles of exclusion Envision diverse goals but correspond with limited options Reluctance to recognize Institutional limitations of existing system Strait jacket: one size Fit all Doesnt see communities as genuine partners The format, institutional framework and mechanism of learning on one hand exclude people from the mainstream politics on the other hand Education system is not enabling people to cop up with the situation of contemporary life. What we are aiming to achieve: Education must lead its graduates 48 young Young female community leaders were given opportunities to thrive leaders towards a conscious citizenship, meaningful through Mainstreaming Gender and Development (Interns) and livelihood skills, thus eventually contributing 15 mentors 15 Mentors were trained towards a just, peaceful and progressive Adolescent learners were certified in non-formal education 598 society. Established partnership for self sustainability of the centers 2 Sewing Machines were donated by Local Govt. The education system must encourage Generated staff salary from the income of skill component of the centers diversity in approach and delivery in order to Youth are engaged in music, education and community development activities. 70 reach the majority population of children, 30 Young community activists were developed through course adolescents and youth. The whole philosophy of this education is to match up with the ways of communitys way of learning, systematize it with communitys ownership, and compliment with peoples sense of living and learning. It should account the local values; adjust with languages, timings, material, and method of teaching. It should be structured to reach to all section of the society from settled to nomadic, from urban to rural, coastal and desert, agriculture to livestock based economies.

Understanding Community engagement..

Page 08

Fellowships by Learners and Community Partnership Program

Program has awarded four fellowships to four learners based on their ideas Mirani Dam is constructed across Dasht River, about 30 kms west of Turbat, Makran division of Balochistan. When the dam construction started the authorities claimed that the project will irrigate 33,200 acres land of the command area. The issues of food insecurity and poverty will be addressed and the farmers will enjoy a prosperous life. 50,000 people were displaced due to the construction of the dam. They were promised to be provided with alterative housing and agricultural land. Kech district received unprecedented rain and the capacity full reservoir refused to absorb more inflow. This brought unpredicted Consultation meeting with flash floods in the villages all around and inundated dozens of villages Loralai District Learners as far as 35 kilo meters from the confluence point. One of the learners of IDSP from Turbat, organized by LCPP. Sharif Shambaizai, showed his interest in conducting a study of the victims of the Mirani dam. Program has awarded him fellowship for mobilizing the flood affected communities for taking practical steps for their rehabilitation and to build pressure on local government for compensation and implementing the resettlement scheme developed by Balochistan Government. He gathered the data, met with the displaced population. His study later converted in to a series of newspaper articles on plight of the Mirani Dams, displaced population. Sharif continues to with the displaced population. The displaced people have organized themselves. Together they are negotiating with government for replacement claims on one hand. On the other hand the group is rebuilding their homes at the new sites. The fellowship have provided much needed space for collective reflection and action from the people, who were earlier dependent on government support only.

Mr. Masood Sumro belongs from Hyderabad district and is a rights activist. His interest was to work on improving the human rights situation in Hyderabad Sindh. During the course he raised the issue of bogus police encounters, police totture on innocents, violation of human rights by Police. Once the course completed he requested IDSP for fellowship. Through his fellowship he formed a street theater group for providing awareness to the common people against police torture and Learners of Khuzdar in facilitated 15 days training with police official on behavior Idea Generation workshop change and human rights constitution. He also interacted with district bar council organized by LCPP and requested them to provide legal support to the victims of police torture.

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Initiative invokes innovation.....

One question that cames to IDSP on routine basis has been, what about the livelihood options for its graduates. Though IDSP never claimed that its graduates will get some or better remuneration in development agencies. The question remained a potent discussion point within IDSP. At IDSP campus site, one of the fellows of IDSP, Safdar Hussain initiated the idea of generating some revenue. The cut flower project was born. Little that we knew, that the idea will take shape and will become a test lab of many innovations at IDSP for the general public. Safdar, an IT graduate, is converting his ideas of sustainable living and livelihood in reality. The campus site is his idea testing ground. Flowers for love, peace and growth are becoming the leading activities of IDSP. Please look at the following video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-weHWsqup2s. IDSP Fellows working on IDSP Land.

The only service you can do for anyone is to remind them of their true nature.

The campus site now has models of solar energy, recycling of leafs and converting them in natural fertilizer. The space has several integrated demonstration model of traditional housing and living, irrigation through water conservation methodologies. These models are now taken up by IDSP learners who have land but due to several factors, were not confident of utilizing their lands. The seeds are shared, the practices are replicated, the education is on-going. Pakistan is prone to earthquakes. People havent forgotten the 2005 earthquake, when another powerful earthquake hit the scenic valley of Ziarat, just two hours drive from Quetta. IDSP participated fully in the relief and rehabilitation activities, building on its experiences in the 2005 northern Pakistans earthquake. Pakistan is prone to earthquakes. People havent forgotten the 2005 earthquake, when another powerful earthquake hit the scenic valley of Ziarat, just two hours drive from Quetta. IDSP participated fully in the relief and rehabilitation activities, building on its experiences in the 2005 northern Pakistans earthquake. The winter was settling in and people were desperate for warm housing. The experience of building a small model based on traditional housing of Hanna valley worked well here. IDSP in consultation and with the lead of the local communities in earthquake areas managed to provide housing. Basic shelter material was given to the communities. The communities designed the housing based on their traditional wisdom. The design was approved by the engineers and district government for its suitability to the environment, safety features, low building and maintenance cost. The design was later taken by the international relief agencies since it suits the environment and avoids the transport of material from distance, thus reducing dependency.

Restoration of the Karez, the indigenous method

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The small project in this village focused on rehabilitation of a 176 years old karez which remained dry since the last 12 years. It used to irrigate 800 acres of land and was the sole source of drinking water and irrigation, but flood water caused severe damage to its form wells out of 102 wells. Thus making it useless. Absence of water has severely affected the agriculture/ orchards and forced 40 families from the village to migrate to other places/ cities. This karez needed excavation of the two blocked wells and rehabilitation of the rest of the karez which cost Pak Rs.1, 200,000/-. In this project IDSPs contribution was PKR. 750,000/- whereas the community contributed Pak Rs. 450,000/-. IDSP was given financial supported by CIDA. A committee of 8 people was responsible for the implementation and supervision of the project. The project was formally launched on 1st September, 2008. Abdul Hayee (fellow) was working on this intervention. The intervention has been concluded successfully and the water in the Karez has appeared.

Revival of Karez

( Underground water conduit )

Preparing for the response....

Institutions prepare people for the unknown. This is the established role of credible institutions. IDSP since its establishment has been keen to engage people in processes that enable the response for the future threats. Its initiative of mother language and globalization, Iqbals theory of liberation, cultivating hope, inspirations from Edward Said and many other initaitves provided the basis for collective community action. The quest continues. In 2008 IDSP held several public gathering emerging challenges to life, livelihood, education and women.

Policy Dialogues on Education Policy

In April 2008, Ministry of Education has launched the new education policy for public consultations and reviewing the document. Civil Society and other concerned individuals and institutions have initiated the process of reviewing this document at different level.Pakistan MGDC Gathering participants Coalition for Education led by IDSP in Balochistan launched a provincial in session on Arts & level consultation in Quetta on the education policy draft and invited all the concerned Development individuals, organizations, government departments, students, parents, civil society, educationists, and intellectuals to review this document.

Global Action Week

PCE Balochistan has initiated the Global action week by organizing an opening press conference at provincial level, where it requested media for coverage of the whole week and providing assistance in raising the collective voices for improving the quality education and increasing the budget of education in Balochistan.

During the visit of different schools politicians shared their comments

Education budget must be increased in national as well as in provincial budgets The current educational system does not fulfill the needs of a common man. It should be reviewed and revised according to the needs of people. Due to certain formalities current formal education system does not allow working. Children who are out of school and involved in economic generation activities for their families to be the part of formal education, Those certain criteria i.e. Uniform, strict timing etc. should be reviewed by policy makers and to create opportunities for children who are out of schools. To promote quality education it is required that teachers must be well qualified and should be aware of quality education. Monitoring and supervision mechanism of school needs to be improve by education department. The physical environment of schools needs to be improved on immediate bases. District education committee should be formed at district level and that committee should regularly visit government schools and present recommendations to district government for betterment of education and schools.

Celebrating Global Action Week in District Washook.

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National Conference on World Food Crisis

Looking towards the situation of existing world and the food crisis, IDSP has launched a national conference for understanding the dynamics and the politics of food crisis. It is honor for IDSP that is committed to make people concern as well as aware about the growing situation of the world and the sufferings of common people. The conference was a successful event in the country and people from different spheres of life appreciated the initiative. Academic program took the leadership of organizing this important event. After making many efforts academic program got success in inviting different resource persons across Pakistan and conducting this conference.

Objectives of the conference

Speakers at the Seminar

To Understand the historical patterns of food security issues Unpack the vicious circle that surrounds food security Bring about fresh ideas around ensuring food for all.

The conference was designed around two sessions. The first session was mainly around the presentation of the people concerned about the issues of food security while other part was to encourage formal/ informal debates and discussions on surrounding issues.

Key areas of the conference

This conference was addressing the following aspects of the food security, the history, economy, sociology, politics, food, agriculture, development and media aspects. More than 300 participants participated in this conference.

Key note speakers and their topics

Politics-of-food-economy-Talk by Mr Kaisar Bangali Food Crisis-An Alarming Threat for Balochistan Dr Khair Mohammed Kakar Water Crisis and How to cope with it Dr Abdul Majeed The global Food Racket and the solution that always existed Ms. Najma Sadiq Tradition and possibilities to over come the crisis Mr. Barkat Shah Kakar
Participants in the Seminar

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Services rendered by IDSP.....

Child Protection Center
The project Improving Child Protection Measures by Involving Key stakeholders Through Dialogues and Interventions has jointly been initiated by IDSPPakistan and UNICEF since July 2006. The project aimed at providing a protective environment to working and street children exposed in motor garages and streets of Quetta city. The project is also sensitizing the people living in communities about child protection and exploitation issues, benefits of childbirth registration. The project was extended for the year 2007 with inclusion of girls DIC on double road and expansion to another area Almo chowk UC 49. Child Participation has been added to the project for the PCA March, to December, 2008. The project is also providing Supplementary Nutrition to 400 children daily in all four DICs. The all four DICs provided Protective Services i.e. Life skills based education, basic literacy and non formal education, knowledge and awareness, psycho social support, recreational activities livelihood Children at Child Protection Center. skills, health & hygiene, ICT, religious education and supplementary nutrition to 1795 Children (girls 370 & boys1425) in all 4 DICs of 3 union councils in Quetta District. The children benefitted with these services are the vulnerable belonged to different working professions. These include scavengers, domestic workers, mechanics, waiters, shopkeepers, cobblers, blacksmiths, beggars, etc. These children were aware about how to read & write basic Urdu and English, how to deal with hard time of life, to how to maintain health & hygiene, what is computer, what are its uses, and how to use it
S.No Name of DIC 1 2 3 4 Girls DIC Double road DIC Alamo Chowk DIC New Jan Mohammad Road Total Registration Previous registration New registration 300 450 200 400 1350 70 60 32 83 445 Total registration 370 510 232 483 1795

Relief and Rehabilitation of Earthquake areas of Balochistan

The 29th Oct 2008 earthquake with a series of strong tremors jolted nearly 7 districts of Balochistan, Districts Ziarat and Pishin have been the most affected areas with a huge human and capital loss. The earthquake took over 500 lives in district Pishin and Ziarat. Two union councils of Ziarat are most affected. It is estimated that 47000 people are displaced or have left their homes. Due to winter season people requested the government and nongovernment organizations for providing shelters for protection from cold and snow. IDSP has initiated its work in different settlements, like Ummi, Zawarkan, Tora Ghbargai, Naryan and Killi Baghdad areas of District Pishin. The estimated populations of the proposed villages are 8000 and 69 households and people were living in extreme poverty.

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Achievements: Semi-permanent
structure has been constructed for at least 46 families of EQ affected areas. Hygiene kits have been provided to 46 families with necessary sensitization to the community members. Food items have been provided to 69 families of the above area for immediate consumption. Organize medical camp for families and livestock of the community and provide necessary medicines to each affected family. Solar lighting system will be provided to Tora Ghbargai 23 families.

IDSP team during need assessment in Ziarat after Earthquake

Response to Relief and Rehabilitation of Earthquake AJK

IDSP has launched its next project with the financial support of UNICEF in Azad Jammu Kashmir. The project was focused on School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE). The focused districts of this project were District Bagh, Muzaffarabad and Neelum.

Achievements Total 264 teachers & Facilitators (CYC) are trained during the C To C 3 days Training
approach in District Bagh, Muzaffarabad & Neelum. School Management Committees formed and trained in one day SMC training organized by IDSP 203 School Environment committees formed at school level. 1218 Key Hygiene Sessions delivered by IDSP Hygiene Promotion Team in WES Project. 203 Water supply schemes completed in 203 Schools. 581 Semi Permanent Latrines have been constructed in 203 schools. 203 Washing places have been constructed in 203 schools. 203 Water tanks installed and connected to store safe & clean water for school children. 210 Waste Bins Installed to clean the environment by disposing off the waste spread around the school. 19700 (School going Children (Boys & Girls) are the direct beneficiaries of the Project.61, 200 (Teachers, SMC, Community Members, etc.) are the indirect beneficiaries of the project


Page 14

Institutions are by people.....

Institutional development is a complex phenomenon. They cannot be created overnight and their sustainability is even cumbersome. IDSPs methodology of investing in people is rendering results. Three new civil society institutions are on the horizon. Al Falah Without Walls, a community center for Christian minority is born and a resource center in Azad Jammu Kashmir is in the making. While the exiting campuses of Khuzdar, Sibi and Mastung have continued their courses and community development programs. Amozghah is also building partnerships.

IDSP AJK Resource Center

During the year 2008 Learners and Community Partnership Program organized several brainstorming sessions and conducted workshops with the AJK team for establishing an independent resource center in Azad Jammu Kashmir based on their experiences after the devastation of 2005 earthquake. The team conceptualized the idea of establishing a resource center which could be the organization who can provide services to the communities and to educate the young people in different areas for their professional development.

A musical evening at Al-Falah

Al-Falah Without Walls

Al-Falah without walls is the concept of Ilyas Inderyas, senior faculty member of IDSP. He intended to support the young men and women of Christian minorities. The purpose of the organization is to build the capacity of young men and women in professional development, to assist the young individuals in their career and formal education and to build their need based skills by providing them a platform for practicing on their ideas.

Youth, Parents and Community Mobilization Process

In order to mobilize and engage youth, parents, and community, the project was formally launched through a community seminar at the 72nd birth anniversary of Fr. Otto Postma (OFM) with two hundred and fifty community members, youth and, parents. Fr. Otto Postma (late) was given tribute through high-words speeches and messages by Dr. Qurat-ul-Ain Bakhteari (Director, IDSP), Mr. Raziq Fahim, Lead Faculty Member, IDSP, Mr. Shah Jahan Baloch, Associate Director, Mr. Ilyas Inderyas, Project Director, Franciscan Sisters, Fellows and some ex-students of Al-Falah for his forty years commendable and meritorious services for the community. What could be done or from where to begin in order to address the issues of marginality and disempowerment of youth and parents A training workshop was conducted for mobilizing and educating youth and parents. The theme of the workshop was: . Training workshop was designed in such a way that facilitated the participants not only to reflect collectively on their deep-rooted issues but also coming up with possible and viable wayouts that are seldom and rarely utilized by them. The workshop commenced through preparing gifts by fellows, singers, musicians and students while utilizing waste materials being collected and brought by themselves from their houses. This provided the youth with

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an opportunity to regenerate and stimulate their energies and creativities while doing art and craft-works. Some of the participants started preparing healthy and economical food together. Youth also prepared a theater themselves that they performed before the parents and community that gave the messages of positive and constructive role of youth at family and community levels.

Education and Skill Enhancement Strategy

It remained challenging to ensure the ownership, commitment and participation of the youth and parents for the project initiative while merely awarding them fellowships / scholarships. Therefore, a concerted and rigorous strategy tightened up and narrowed down the final selection of the students. Hence, they were further assessed through their (and their parents) participation and commitment reflected by their attendance, regularity and punctuality. Parents and community of one town (Basti Punchait) has provided a community hall (free of cost) with electricity and gas facilities to run the matriculation and intermediate classes as demonstration of their participation, ownership and commitment for this initiative. Parents and community of another town (Bashira Abad) have also provided a community hall for matriculation and intermediate classes. They have also provided four computer systems (for utilization purposes) and a computer room (separate building) where computer classes are being planned (all facilities are free of cost). Out of the candidates who applied for the fellowship for education and skill development, Fifty seven (57) cases were finalized for higher education and twenty nine (29) are learning music and singing.

Women Center Psihin

A women center in Pishin is in the making. IDSPs Pishin office had to close down. The vested interest group, made a vociferous campaign against IDSP. To safe guard the interest of the Pishin team, the office was closed down, yet the activities went on, even with more rigor. The women leaders at IDSP Pishin, took the initiative to open an exclusive center for women. They engaged parents, brothers and community elders and made the impossible, possible. The Women Skill and Education Center of Pishin is set up by the demand, support and cooperation of the female learners of the district. The female committee of the centre will be its mentor and guide. The female of the traditional societies have the will, potentials and capacities to take lead in every domain of life but there is dearth of opportunities. They are well aware and can groom up if opportunities are provided within their cultural limits.

Students in class room at women center Pishin

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Partnership is the key.....

IDSP has been partnering with like minded organizations, institutional both government and non government, at local, national and international level. These partnerships have been key to IDSPs growth. In 2008, IDSP managed to foster more partnerships with different institutions, following are the details.

Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) & World Bank , Youth and Adolescents inclusion in education and livelihood skills

Collaboration in education and livelihood programs for youth and adolescents. IDSP has a program to create 50 literacy and livelihood centers in five districts of Balochistan, in 2009. These centers will enroll 1255 out of school children, adolescents for literacy, education and skills and crafts, for three years three cohorts will complete the course and join the district campuses for refining the skills and education and linked with market or help set up their business or get jobs. in three years around 4000 youth will graduate, if this approach works and a third party evaluation found it successful then the model will be presented to for a policy shift for including the excluded children and youth from its educational livelihood institutions. In this approach the funding organization has not approved cost of internship in all the districts, without internship it has serious limitations for the success of the project.

Islamic School of MIAMI USA providing support in relief and rehabilitation activities in earthquake affected areas of Balochistan province. These projects will help in creating understandings with communities. IDSP will further build on their relationships in helping them in their life and livelihood opportunities. This will be done by taking fellows from these communities and engaging them in community development practices.


Friends of Al-Falah (Netherlands)

Friends of Al-Falah is a group of young Christian people who have worked with a local organization for Christians communities in Quetta, named Al-Falah. One of IDSP's Fellow is reviving the organization, his support is coming from Friends of Al-Falah who has contracted IDSP to help improve the youth situation in Christian communities. IDSP has engaged a fellow from that community and supporting him financially, technically and professionally.

IDSP intend to explore alternative sources of energy, water conservation and other viable means that support sustainable living. A process of consultation is getting matured with Pakistan Council for Renewable Energy and Technology and Alternative Energy Board the departments under the ministry of Science and Technology, and Effective Water Management Systems Agriculture department government of Balochistan. It is intended that environment friendly and sustainable means will be adopted for partnership models. In 2009 IDSP will further experiment the installations of solar energy, wind mills, water conservation channels and assess its variability and compatibility for Balochistan. Keeping in view the emerging energy crises, communities will be mobilized to change their live style and livelihood sources on more sustainable and viable energy options.

Ministry of Science and Technology, government of Pakistan

The Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation (TAF) has supported IDSP in implementing the civic education program for providing civic education to the youth of Balochistan. The project was implemented in 9 districts of Balochistan.

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Thriving Partnership.....
Fund for Global Human Rights

Fund for Global Human Rights partnership with IDSP began with a small initiative to support the Khuzdar Campus. The partnership later converted into institutional support. The support has provided IDSP to opt for innovative practices. The development studies courses are supported by the initiative. The mainstreaming gender and development program is taking partial support from the funds support and IDSPs fellowship program specially fellowships that concern human rights e.g. Mirani Dam, right of the displaced population and a theater group organized to raise awareness against police torture are supported through these funds. We hope that the support will last and will allow IDSP to further venture in human rights issues and create credible programming in the area.

National Endowment for Democracy

NED supported the Mainstreaming Gender and Development program when the initial funding from Gender Equality Project (supported by British Council and CiIDA) came to an end. The fund is constantly supporting the initiatives. In 2008, with the support of the program, a gathering of women learners of the program held in Quetta. All the women from first to the current courses participated with their families. In tense socio-political situation of the city of Quetta the gathering around the theme, Women Leadership in Traditional Societies was breath of fresh air. The Chairperson of National Women Commission on Status of Women was the Guest of Honor. Leading intellectuals participated in the program and shared their thoughts on women leadership.

Skoll Foundation

Skoll Foundation is the core supporter of IDSP with the support of Skoll IDSP managed to secure its own programming office. It is constantly investing in it internal human resource. Skoll has enabled IDSP to engage large number of young people in the learning discourse. It also helped in broadening the geographical presence of IDSP. The concept of fellowship is being tested and improvements in financial and administrative aspects is being implemented. Skoll has further extended the support to IDSP and we hope that our partnership will go a long way.


UNICEF is supporting IDSPs Child Protection initiatives. The support is enabling IDSP to reach out to the working children in and around Quetta, city. Due to numerous economic factors, children are forced to work under extreme conditions. The centers are pivotal to provide support in gaining literacy, health and hygiene and psycho-social support.

British Council

British Council and IDSP go a long way back. Both have been partners in development for avery long time. The current support of British Council for Youths in Khuzdar and Pishin is enablinglinkages of these regions between each other and among the other Pakistani youth. A video conference have been made with the youth in UK. We hope that this and other interesting ventures with British Council will continue.


Canadian International Development Agency has supported IDSP in Balochistan Respose Fund, project implemented in District Pishin. The project was intended to engage the young individuals in community development processes. Apart from this, CIDA has also supported IDSP In Balochistans Earthquake relief and rehabilitation activities.

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Networks and Collaboration

The BERKANA Institute is a very active group of young people across the globe growing community, which strive providing opportunities to the various emerging leaders for exchanging their innovative ideas and practices for making peace, pluralism and patterns of livelihood development which are at the risk due to the market economy and factory schooling.IDSP has been declared as one of the international learning centers of the network. IDSP fellows have been participating in the learning exchange programs conducted through BERKANA's Learning centers. Mr. Asif Lehri and Ms. Noureen Lehri (IDSP Fellows) participated in Berkana Gathering in Zimbabwe during Oct, 2008.

The Berkhana Exchange Community

Home Net

IDSP is member of the Home Net which is widening the network by disseminating and highlighting more and more issues about home based workers and the objectives of Home Net.

Pakistan Coalition for Education (PCE) was formed in April 2004, with the support of Commonwealth Education Fund Pakistan. This coalition is consisting of the 135 civil society organizations which are highlighting the critical learning and education issues in the leading educational scenario. IDSP engaged the district level partners in the organization of global action week, which mainly focus on the activation of the schools functionaries, awareness regarding the citizen's rights of education and access for the local communities towards better education facilities. The events are conducted each year from April 24th to 30th. IDSP is the provincial secretariat of PCE. The activities being carried by the district level partners are engaging politicians and social activists in the educational issues and conducting advocacy activities for the better educational processes and facilities.

Pakistan Coalition for Education (PCE)


ASHOKA is an outstanding global association of the world's leading social entrepreneurs)men and women( with system changing solutions for the world's most urgent social problems. Since 1981, it has selected over 1,800 leading social entrepreneurs as Ashoka Fellows, providing them with living stipends, professional support, and access to a global network of peers in more than 60 countries the director of IDSP is a ASHOKA fellow since 1998. With our global community, we develop models for collaboration and design infrastructure needed to advance the field of social entrepreneurship and the citizen sector. Our Fellows inspire others to adopt and spread their innovations - demonstrating to all citizens that they too have the potential to be powerful change makers.

There is an emerging discussion around the world about the need to develop/connect different kinds of spaces and opportunities to nurture a fuller range of human potentials and human relationships. Unfortunately, this discussion has been limited to education experts and elite policy making circles. Further, it is Jeopardized for being dominated by technocratic and techno-centric visions of progress in which learning only serves elite interests and corporate profit motives. For just and humanizing learning societies to unfold, many more people and their experiences must be involved in the process. We would like to invite you to join us in the discussion.IDSP has been one of the vital partners in the discourse and gatherings around the issues of education and learning. IDSP hosted the Learning Societies Conference in April 2006. IDSP fellows have been part of the online discourses, exposure visits to the partners and have been part of the conference gatherings in India, Jordan and Iran.

Learning Societies Network

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What has been achieved....

New opportunities are generated for the youth in diverse areas of education, gender development, information technology, disaster risk mitigation, peace, youth activism and community development. New models of sustainable livelihood have emerged, that are helping the youth of Pakistan to contextualize their energies in economic activities rather than depending on petty jobs, IDSP's financial base will be diversified with the livelihood partnerships with communities and learners, contributing towards its sustainability and independence. New set of organizations especially women led, and innovations developed addressing key social, economic and political issues, creating models of peace and tolerance among communities. IDSP is recognized as out standing academic institution in Pakistan offering diverse services in community development for excluded youth. In 2008 IDSP has consolidated its learning practices from 1998 into a framework of practice based learning of institution building, program development and individual development in to a leadership/entrepreneurship. A group of 40 young people are full time fellows of IDSP studying and learning within this framework since 2006. More than 200 young women graduated from IDSP's district campuses, these women graduates are now hired by education ,health, women's development programs or projects by government and non government offices, before there were no women for these positions as the traditions did not allowed them to come out of homes for jobs. IDSP fellows worked very sensitively with the families, communities, district government, educational institutions, politicians to create learning and development spaces relevant to the traditions as well as addressing the need for women's development. A Group of 100 young men went through the courses on development practices, most of the graduates are engaged in development or livelihood activities. While two senior fellows were given three months study leave to participate in a course in England, two fellows were supported to travel to ,Zimbabwe for Berkana gathering. Around 8000 young men and women have been directly engaged in learning and action for grassroots activism, civic education, conflict preventions and community development. The capacities of college teachers, heads of religious seminaries members of youth groups have been provided series of trainings in working and sensitizing youth vulnerable to extremism and violence. Institutional support have been extended to the youth of religious minorities in Quetta to create organizational basis that work with minority communities for mainstreaming and development.

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