Sample Income STMT
Sample Income STMT
Sample Income STMT
Cash & Bank Current Accounts 5,000
Interest Bearing Deposits 8,000 Short-term Borrowings (commercial rate) 18,000
13,000 Client Savings 0
Loans Outstanding:
Current 66,000 Total Current Liabilities 18,000
Past-Due 17,000
Restructured 1,000
Loans Outstanding (Gross) 84,000 Long-term Debt (commercial rate) 12,000
(Loan Loss Reserve) (7,000) Long-term Debt (concessionary rate) 35,000
Net Loans Outstanding 77,000 Restricted/Deferred Revenue 0
Other Current Assets 500
Total Current Assets 90,500 TOTAL LIABILITIES 65,000
Long-term Investments 12,500
Property and Equipment: EQUITY
Cost 4,000 Loan Fund Capital 40,100
(Accumulated Depreciation) (700) Retained Net Surplus/(Deficit) prior years 200
Net Property and Equipment 3,300 Net Surplus/(Deficit) current year 1,000
Total Long-term Assets 15,800 TOTAL EQUITY 41,300
Calmeadow 1
Accounting Study Guide Sample accounts
Calmeadow 2
Accounting Study Guide Sample accounts
Calmeadow 3
Accounting Study Guide Sample accounts
Calmeadow 4
Accounting Study Guide Sample accounts
Sources of Funds:
Excess of Revenue over Expenses 1,000
Depreciation 400
Provision for Loan Losses 2,500
Increase in Borrowed Funds 11,000
Increase in Loan Fund Capital 7,100
Decrease in Other Assets 500
Total Sources of Funds 22,500
Uses of Funds:
Increase in Loans Outstanding 14,000
Increase in Investments 2,500
Decrease in Borrwoed Funds 3,000
Loan Write-Offs 500
Total Uses of Funds 20,000
Calmeadow 5