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Guidelines for the Management of Change for Process Safety by Center for Chemical Process Safety Copyright 2008

8 American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Inc


Companies use audits as one way of determining the health of a management system. Some very active management systems - such as MOC systems involve frequent work activities and generate regular work products. These types of management systems are good candidates for using performance indicators to monitor the health of the system on a near real-time basis. However, companies have other reasons for conducting management reviews and periodic audits of its management systems. Sometimes these activities are part of the company's continuous improvement processes, but nearly all companies conduct MOC audits to assess the system's conformance with regulatory requirements and/or company standards. This appendix provides some suggestions for conducting audits of MOC systems, either independently or as part of a broader PSM or environmental, safety, and health audit. The amount of effort spent on conducting an MOC audit will be based on (1) the level of rigor applied when selecting and implementing process safety activities for this element and (2) the MOC system's activity rate (i.e., the number of changes evaluated each month or per year). This appendix describes areas of inquiry to pursue when determining whether the process safety activities are being implemented as intended (i.e., as described in the MOC system). Audits of MOC systems should be performed periodically to help ensure that procedures described in system documents are actually being implemented in the field. The exact items to be addressed during the audit depend upon a variety of factors, including (1) the specific MOC system design, (2) the availability of MOC records, (3) the frequency of MOC reviews at the site, and (4) the period of time since the last audit.



The possible areas of inquiry are discussed in this appendix according to the three standard auditing techniques: Document review Interviews Field observations

The discussion takes the form of questions to consider asking when developing an MOC system audit protocol. Some suggestions are given in terms of MOC work activity/product sampling that can be performed to ensure adequate thoroughness. The audit protocol should also address other factors, such as the availability of audit personnel, the culture of the company/site, and regulatory concerns - topics that are not addressed in detail in this book, but that are discussed more thoroughly in other CCPS and industry publications. Document Review 1. Is there a written program describing the MOC system? Does it specifically address roles and responsibilities, scope, activities, authority, and necessary documentation? 2. Does the MOC system address a reasonable range of types of changes for the facility/activity for which the MOC system is used? 3. Are the following issues specifically addressed in the MOC system? Technical basis for the proposed change Safety and health considerations associated with the proposed change Authorization requirements for the specific class of change Informing or training potentially affected personnel Updating relevant process documentation and procedures

4. If temporary changes are allowed, does the MOC system address the following issues? Maximum time period during which the change can exist without further review Special monitoring required for the proposed change Explicit field verification that the change and any associated special conditions are discontinued at the end of the time period allowed for the change Adherence to time extension rules for the change



5. If emergency changes are allowed, do the requirements of the emergency change procedure meet the minimum MOC system requirements? Are specific means addressed for ensuring that affected personnel are trained prior to their involvement with the change? Is there an interim approval process with subsequent completion of the formal MOC review process? Is there an explicit mechanism for ensuring that affected documentation is updated (if needed) in a timely fashion?

6. Is MOC effectiveness considered in the performance reviews of people who participate in the MOC system? Scrutinize a representative sample of the MOC records for each site area in which the audit is performed. The following issues should be addressed: 7. Are the documents complete? Is there a pattern of information missing from the records? 8. Do the change requests contain all of the proper authorizations? 9. Were all of the required reviews/analyses performed? 10. Are all appropriate supporting documents appended to the MOC documents? 11. As indicated by the MOC documents, were the analyses of safety and health considerations of adequate quality, thoroughness, and depth, considering the risk significance of the change? 12. Were all affected procedures (e.g., operating, maintenance, emergency) updated by the specified time (prior to or after the change, as authorized)? 13. Were all affected drawings (e.g., P&IDs, area classifications, equipment/facility arrangement maps) updated by the specified time (prior to or after the change, as authorized)? 14. Are there any anomalies apparent with the times/dates associated with the reviews, authorizations, and start-ups? 15. Was the emergency change review procedure used frequently? Is there a trend? 16. Was the emergency change review procedure used appropriately? 17. Have there been any documented failures of the MOC system? 18. Have any change situations not been reviewed by the MOC system, as evidenced by the following types of surveys/inspections? Alarm, interlock, or safety system bypass logs DCS change logs



Engineering work requests Revision dates on P&IDs and procedures Shift logbooks Incident investigation results Procedure reviews/certifications PHA team reviews Periodic walkarounds/safety inspections Interviews with operating and maintenance personnel

19. Scrutinize a representative sample of work orders/maintenance requests, capital change requests, P&IDs, and procedures on file for each site area in which the audit is being performed, and address the following issues: Does the proper MOC documentation exist? Can changes to the P&IDs be traced back through an MOC request? Can changes to the procedures be traced back through an MOC request?

20. Review personnel records, organizational charts, and other appropriate documentation to determine whether any changes in the number of personnel, shift/crew size, personnel physical location, or reporting/communication relationships have occurred (pay particular attention to personnel changes that have occurred over the past 1 to 2 years). 21. Did personnel newly assigned to the facility receive MOC training, and was this training documented? Did the training include general information on the site's PSM program and policies, specific process hazards, and layers of protection, and more specific information on their roles and responsibilities within the MOC system? 22. Does the site have formal criteria or guidance that addresses the maximum rates of change for personnel in operator and mechanic roles over a specific period of time? Consider the impacts of transfers, retirements, work force reductions, leaves of absence, and reorganizations. 23. Does the site training program include, at a minimum, the following site and/or area key PSM/MOC-related roles? Line management (from frontline supervisors up to and including site managers)



Technical (e.g., technology guardians, area process engineers, R&D chemists) Maintenance/reliability engineers PSM coordinators Planners/schedulers Contractor coordinators DCS/process control resources Equipment inspectors/nondestructive testing personnel Resident contractors (e.g., supervisors, engineering designers) Operators Mechanics

24. How does the site determine the competency of newly assigned personnel (e.g., field demonstrations, written or verbal testing, panel reviews)? 25. Have there been any recent significant changes in the site organizational or functional structures and, if so, how were potential MOC issues considered and addressed during these changes? How is this documented? Interviews Perform interviews with site personnel responsible for using the MOC system (e.g., operations, maintenance, engineering, safety), and determine the following: 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Are they aware of the MOC procedures? Do they know what a change is? An RIK? What is their role within the MOC system? Have they received the appropriate MOC system training? Can they explain the basics of the MOC procedures? Do they know who can approve changes? Do they know who can originate a change request and how to originate one? How are they notified of a change? Do they know how to have changes approved during an off-shift? Do they believe that the MOC system is being reliably implemented? Do they have personal knowledge of any failures of the MOC system (i.e., changes that have been implemented without appropriate review)?



37. Have they received any process-specific training as a result of a specific change? 38. Was the training conducted before they had to interact with the process change while on the job? 39. Was MOC effectiveness considered in their most recent job performance review? 40. What problems have they personally noticed with the MOC system? 41. Can they describe several examples of changes they know have been made recently? 42. What would they do if they noticed a problem with the MOC system? 43. Did personnel newly assigned to the facility (within the last 1 to 2 years), and who have PSM support roles, receive MOC training? Did the training include general information on the site's PSM program and policies, specific process hazards, and layers of protection, and more specific information on their roles and responsibilities within the MOC system? Field Observations Select a representative number of changes recently made across all of the MOC category types and in a variety of operating areas, and confirm the following: 44. Is the equipment arrangement/installation in the field consistent with the equipment specification and the approved change? 45. Do the updated P&IDs actually reflect thefield installation? 46. Have isometrics and other diagrams used for inspection purposes also been updated? 47. Do equipment specifications in the official files match the equipment items in thefield (e.g., data sheets match the nameplates)? 48. For "new and shiny" installations observed in the field, can such installations be traced back to verify that the MOC reviews were completed (assuming the work was not RIK)? 49. Do the emergency changes selected for review meet the facility definition of an emergency? 50. Were the temporary changes selected for review returned to the original condition prior to the expiration date for the temporary change?

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