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General Construction Specifications

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The document provides definitions for various terms related to a construction project such as Owner, Engineer, Contractor, etc.

Definitions are provided for terms such as Owner, Engineer/Architect, Contractor, Sub-Contractor, Contract, Specification, Completion of Contract, Default, etc.

It is the responsibility of the contractor to fully complete the work as shown in the specifications and drawings. The contractor must examine the plans carefully and notify the engineer of any discrepancies or omissions.


1. Definitions A. OWNER shall mean the Management of XXXXXXX with address at XXXXXXXXXX. B. ENGINEER/ARCHITECT shall mean the authorized representative by the owner to oversee the prosecution of this contract work, starting either directly or through authorized agents, such agents acting within the scope of the particular duties assigned to them. C. CONTRACTOR shall mean the person, company or firm whose proposal has been accepted by the owner and includes his personally authorized representative, successors or permitted assignees. D. SUB-CONTRACTOR shall mean any person, firm or corporation entering an agreement with the Contractor for the performance of the Contracts obligation or any part thereof under the contract. E. CONTRACT shall mean the written agreement entered into by the Owner and the Contractor for the performance of work shown on the Drawings and as described in the Specifications including the Information for Bidding the Proposal, and all issued by the Owner prior to the opening of Bid. F. SPECIFICATION shall mean the General Conditions, the Special provisions, and the Technical Specifications, and all addenda with respect thereto issued prior to the Bidding date. G. COMPLETION OF CONTRACT shall mean full performance by the contractor of the contracts obligations under the contract and all amendments and revisions thereto expect the contractors obligations in respect of : 1. Release of liens and certificate of contractor 2. Other final documents The term completion or completion of the project shall mean the contract and all amendments and revisions thereof. The certificate of Completion, signed by the Architect, or Construction Architect, and approved in writing by the owner shall be the sole and conclusive evidence as to the date of completion. H. DEFAULT shall include any such failure by the contractor to make progress in the prosecution of work so as to endanger the completion of the project within the calendar days allotted. I. Whenever in the specifications or upon the drawings the words Directed, Required, Ordered , Designated, Prescribed or word of like import are used, it shall be understood that the Direction, Requirements, Order, Designition or Prescription of the Architect or Construction Architect is intended and similarly to words approved, acceptable to, or satisfactory to the Architect or Construction Architect unless otherwise expressly stated. Where as shown , as indicated, as detailed, or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the reference is made to the drawings accompanying this contract unless stated otherwise. The word provided as used herein shall be under stood to mean provided complete in place that is, furnished and installed


K. DRAWINGS shall mean the drawings issued together with the Specifications to prospective bidders, showing the location, characteristics, extent, form and details of the work to be done under the contract. L. APPROVED means approval in writing including subsequent written information of previous verbal approval. Approval shall also mean the same thing above mentioned. 2. SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS It is the intent of the specifications and drawings that all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and plant and services, supervision, which are required to fully complete the work as shown and specified therein to be done so by the Contractor. Bidders shall examine the plans very carefully, the Contractor will not be given any extra payment in case he will discover any discrepancy on the plan during the progress of the work. Should anything be omitted from the drawings necessary for the proper construction of the work herein prescribed, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify the Engineer/Architect before he signs the contract. However, in the event the contractor failed to give such notices, he shall make good any defect, or damages in his work called thereby by such failure, without extra charge. The Contractor shall keep on the work a copy of the drawings and specifications and shall at all times give the Architect access thereto. 3. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS The Specifications and Drawings are mutually complementary what is noted in one although not shown in the others shall be considered contained in all. In case of conflict, the Drawings shall prevail over the Specifications. In terms of discrepancy either in the figures, in the drawings or in the specifications, the matter shall promptly make a determination in writing. Any adjustment by the Contractor without such determination shall be at his own risk and expense. The Architect shall furnish from time to time such detail drawings and other information as he may consider necessary, unless otherwise provided. Omissions from the drawings or specifications or specifications or the misdescription of details of work which are manifestly necessary to carry out the intent of the drawings and specifications, or which are customarily performed shall not relieve the Contractor form performing such omitted or misdescribed details of work but they shall be performed as is fully and correctly set forth and described in the drawings and specifications. Deviations from the drawings and dimensions therein given, whether or not error is believed to exist, shall be made only after written authority is obtained from the Owner or his duly authorized representative. 4. REFERENCE LINES AND ELEVATIONS The Contractor shall establish stakes marking lines and elevations required for construction work, referred from reference points and elevations pointed out by Engineer/Architect. The Contracotr shall be responsible for maintaining the correct alignment and position of these stakes required by the Engineer throughout the life of the Contract. 5. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED IN THE WORK All materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work be new, of current manufacture and conforming to the requirements of the drawings and the specifications. The Engineer/Architect may

require presentation by the Contractor of manufacturers certificate prior to its incorporation into the work. Mere inspection, acceptance and certification for payment of any equipment or materials as part of the work which are found defective or non-complying after inspection, acceptance or certifications does not release the Contractor from the responsibility of replacing or repairing it at his own expense. 6. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONTRACT WORK The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete work or portion thereof until such time that it is wholly turned over and accepted by the Owner through theEngineer/Architect. He shall repair or restores and rebuild at his expense any damage thereto due to the action of the elements, or other causes expect damages due to unforseeable or cataclysmic natural phenomena. For Accidents : The Contractor shall bear all losses or damages from accident which may occur to person or persons on account of the prosecution of work until possession is taken over by the Owner. The Contractor shall hold himself solely responsible for all liabilities under the existing compensation laws regarding injuries and/or death of workmen connected with this work. 7. LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS The Contractor shall comply with all national and local laws, rules and regulations regarding the health and safety of workmen, wages, labor codes, tax laws, building and construction rules and regulations and shall save the Owner and the Engineer/Architect harmless in connection with third party claims and liabilities resulting from Contractors noncompliance therewith. 8. PERMITS AND LICENSES All necessary permits and licenses and charges, taxes and fees for the lawful prosecution of the Contract shall be obtained by the Contractor at his expense. 9. CONTRACT TIME The work to be done under this contract shall consist of furnishing of all labor, materials (except those furnished by the Owner or by Others), equipment, facilities, and performing all other related works necessary for the complete construction within the time specified in the Proposed Time Schedule attached in strict compliance with the Contract drawings, specifications and other related documents. Bidders shall examine the site, drawings, specifications, schedules and all instructions. Failure to do so will be at Bidders risk. Submittal of bid shall constitute acknowledgement by the Bidder that he is aware of and concurs with all of the requirements or conditions incorporated in the Invitation to Bid. 10. PROGRESS SCHEDULES The Contractor shall submit progress schedules showing the order or his proposed work sequence complete with the dates within which such work sequences will be started and completed. Such schedules shall be submitted within five (5) calendar days after the signing of the Contract and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer/Architect. The progress schedule shall be in chart form or Critical Path Method (CPM) and shall show the order in which the Contractor purposes to carry on the work, the dates on which he will start the several salient features (including procurement of materials, plant and equipment) and the contemplated dates for completing the same.

11. FAILURE TO COMPLETE WORK ON TIME For failure to complete the work on the stipulated Contract time, the Owner shall charge the Contractor penalty in the form of liquidated damages amounting to one-tenth (1/10) of one (1%) percent of the total Contract amount for the added cost incurred by the Owner for such delay and also for the inconvencience caused the users of this utility. Its is understood that this is not a penalty but is a fixed sum representing the liquidated damages for each calendar day of delay. Delay shall be counted from the agreed completion date considering further time extensions approved by the Engineer/Architect to the date the Owner accepted the completed work. 12. SANITARY PROVISIONS AND FIRE PROTECTIONS The Contractors employees and men shall use designated comfort rooms within the building and he shall be responsible for clean-up of such comfort rooms upon leaving the place of work each day. The Contractor shall provide as many portable fire extinguishers deemed necessary while performing the work. The Contractor shall take extra care in the storage of flammable materials. There shall not be smoking, cooking nor eating allowed at the jobsite. Eating and Smoking shall only be allowed at a designated area and the Contractor shall be responsible for proper clean-up thereafter. 13. CHANGES IN WORK The Owner may, from time to time, during the progress of the construction of the project make such changes in addtions to, or subtractions from the specifications and constructions drawings as conditions may warrant; provided however, that if the cost to the Contractor shall be materially increased by such change or addition, the Owner shall pay the Contractor for the reasonable cost thereof in accordance with the construction contract amendment signed by the Owner and the Contractor, but not claim for additional compensation for any such change or addition will be considered unless the Contractor shall have made a written request therefore to the Owner prior to the commencement of work in connection with such change or addition. Written notification shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor prior to any change in specifications and drawings. 14. TEMPORARY BUILDINGS AND UTILITIES (If Applicable) The Contractor shall at all times provide and maintain a water-tight field office, approximately forty (40) square meters on the premises where directed, for use by the Engineer/Architect, Contractor and Sub-Contractor/s. Upon completion of work, materials used/utilized shall be surrendered to the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The Contractor shall also provide as directed a water tight storage shed for materials which might be damaged by the weather. 15. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES/TREES (If applicable) Existing utilities/trees, the location of which are made known to the Contractor prior to excavation and backfilling of trenches, if damaged shall be repaired or replaced, as the case may be, by the Contractor at his expense. Any existing utility that has not been shown to the Contractor in sufficient time to avoid damage, if inadvertently damaged during excavation, shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. Adjustment

in payment for damaged or additional expense incurred for its protection will be made at a rate agreed upon. 16. FINAL CLEAN-UP Before final acceptance, all grounds occupied by the Contractor in connection with this work shall be cleaned as directed, of all rubbish, excess materials, temporary structures and equipment and all parts of the work shall be left in a neat and presentable manner. 17. AUTHORITY OF THE ENGINEER/ARCHITECT The Engineer/Architect shall decide on any and all questions which may arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials furnished and work performed and as to the manner of performance and rate of progress of work, and shall decide on all questions which may arise as to the interpretation of the Plans and Specifications, and all questions as to the acceptable fulfillment of the terms of the Contract. 18. ADJUSTMENT OF DISPUTES Claims for adjustments of disputes must be made and submitted in writing by the Contractor within ten (10) days after the date of issue of the order dealing there with, and any disagreement with the interpretation of the Plans and/or the Specifications, made by the Engineer/Architect, must likewise be asserted and submitted in writing by the Contractor within ten (10) days from the date of such interpretation. 19. CONFORMITY WITH PLAN AND ALLOWABLE DEVIATIONS Finished surfaces in all cases shall conform with lines, grades, dimensions and adjustments shown on the approves plans, except as modified by written orders. Any deviations from the Plans, Specifications and approved working drawings that may be required by the exigencies of construction or otherwise, will in all cases be determined by the Engineer/Architect and authorized in writing. 20. INSPECTION The Engineer/Architect shall be allowed access to all parts of the work at all times and shall be furnished such information and assistance by the Contractor as may be required to make a complete and detailed inspection. 21. REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND UNAUTHORIZED WORK Any defective work, whether the result of poor workmanship, of defective materials, damages through carelessness, or of other cause, found to exist prior to acceptance of or final payment for the work, shall be removed immediately, replaced by work and materials conforming to the specifications, or shall be remedied otherwise in an acceptable manner. Work done contrary to or regardless of the instructions of the Engineer/Architect, work done beyond the lines shown on the plans or as given, except as therein provided, or extra work done without authority will be considered as unauthorized and will not be paid for. All correction work of any description and removal and replacement of unsatisfactory materials shall be done at the Contractors expense. Not done withstanding any certificate which have been given by the Owner or Architect, if any workmanship which does not comply with the requirements of this contract shall be discovered within ONE (1) year after completion of construction of the project, the Contractor shall remedy any such defective workmanship within THIRTY (30) days after notice in writing of the existence thereof shall

have been given by the Owner may remedy such defective workmanship, and in such event the Contractor shall pay to the Owner the cost and expense thereof. 22. FINAL INSPECTION Upon Engineer/Architect shall make a semi-final inspection, and if all construction contemplated by the due notice from the Contractor of presumptive completion of the entire project, the Contractor is found completed to his satisfaction, such inspection shall constitute the final acceptance and the Contractor shall be notified of such acceptance in writing TEN (10) days or as soon as thereafter as practicable. 23. SUPERINTENDENCE AND SUPERVISION The Contractor shall assign a competent Project Engineer and necessary assistants satisfactory to the Engineer/Architect. The Superintendent shall represent the Contractor at his absence, and all directions given to him by the Engineer/Architect shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. The Owner reserves the right to require the removal from the project of any employees of the Contractor if in the judgement of the Owner such removal shall be necessary in order to protect the interest of the Owner. The Owner shall have the right to require the Contractor to increase the amount or kind of tools and equipment of at any time the progress of the work shall be satisfactory to the Owner, but the failure of the Owner to give such directions shall not relieve the Contractor of his obligations to complete the work within the time and in the manner specified. The manner of performance of the work, all equipment used therein shall be subject to the inspection, test, and approval of the Owner. The Owner shall have the right to inspect all payrolls and other data and records of the Contractor relevant to the work. The Contractor will provide all reasonable facilities necessary for such inspection and tests. The Contractor shall have an authorized agent, accompany the inspector when final inspection is made and if requested by the Owner, when any other inspection is made. 24. CONTRACTORS LIABILITY INSURANCE The Contractor shall acquire such insurance as ill protect him from claims under Workmens Compensation Act and from any other claims for damages for personal injury, including death, operations be by himself or by any sub-contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them in the following minimum requirements. A. Personal Accident Insurance at $20,000.00 per workmen and covering all employees in statutory limits who perform any of the obligations assumed by the Contractor under the Contract except as specified herein. B.Public Liability Insurance covering all operations under the Contract : Limits for bodily injury or death not less than $ 15,000.00 for one person and $75,000.00 for each accident; property damage, not less than $15,000.00 for each accident and $45,000.00 for each accidents during the policy period. Certificate of such insurance shall be filed with the Owner, for approval as to adequacy of protection. Such policy shall be secured from XXXXXXXXXXXXXX or other approved insurance brokerage. 25. PERFORMANCE AND GUARANTY PAYMENTS BONDS The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a Performance Bond and a Guaranty Payment Bond ONE (1) week after signing of the Contract in the sum equivalent to Fifteen (15%) percent each of the Contract Price as security for the performance by the Contractor of its obligations herein for payment(s) of all

losses or damages which the Owner may incur as a result of the Contractors failure to faithfully comply with the provisions of this Contract and to protect the Owner from the Contractors possible failure to pay its just labor wages and cost of materials applied in the project. Such performance and Guaranty Payment Bonds shall be from XXXXXXX or other approved insurance brokerage. 26. RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE AND GUARANTY PAYMENT BONDS The Contractors Performance and Guaranty Payment Bonds will be released by the Owner after the expiration of ONE (1) year from the final acceptance of the work. 27. INDEMNITY The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner from and against all losses and all claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries, and judgement of every nature and description brought or recovered against him, by reason or any act of omission of said contract, his agents or employees, in the execution of the work or the guarding of it. 28. PAYMENTS The Contractor shall be paid on partial amount(s( based on actual percentage of accomplishment accepted by the Owner. Within the first seven (7) days of each calendar month, the Contractor shall request partial payment form the owner for Construction accomplished during the preceding calendar month furnished in duplicate and certified to by the Contractor, recommended by the Architect and approved by the Owner solely for the purpose of payment. Provided, however, that such approval not be deemed approval of the workmanship. Only Ninety percent (90) of each estimate approved for each month during the construction of the project shall be paid by the Owner to the Contractor prior to completion of the project. The Contractor shall submit a detailed breakdown of the major items as outlined in the accomplished schedule of costs in the Proposal Form. The approved breakdown will be the basis for payments when each item is in place or accomplished. Total cost of the detailed breakdown shall equal to the contract price. 29. WARRANTY The Contractor quarantees the workmanship and the materials supplied by him for a period of one (1) year counted from date of completion and acceptance by the Owner of all works. Any defect to work contemplated in this Contract which may arise during the (1) one year warranty period shall be for the account of the Contractor 30. RETENTION The Owner shall retain ten (10) percent of the Contractors Billings until the expiry of one (1) year warranty period. 31. RELEASE OF RETENTION The Owner may, upon representation by the Contractor, release said percentages before expiry of the sixty (60) days warranty period, provided the Contractor submits a cash bond equivalent to one (1%) percent of the total construction cost in favor of the Owner. Such cash bond shall be enforced during the warranty period and shall be cancelled upon advice by the Owner.

32. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY (Contractors All-Risk) The Contractor shall hold MRC NAGA free and harmless from any claim for injury of damages caused by third parties and for this purpose he shall secure at his own expense a comprehensive general liability policy in the amount of one hundred (100%) percent of the contract cost, in the name of the Owner. This policy shall be secured from XXXXXXXXXXXXXX or other approved insurance brokerage. 33. ASSIGNMENT This Contractor shall not be assigned in whole or in part by the Contractor nor shall any part of the work be sublet by the Contractor without the prior written consent of the Owner and such consent will not relieve the Contractor from full responsibility and liability for the work hereunder and for the due performance of all the terms and conditions of the contract. The Owner with satisfactory evidence that the Sub-Contractor is carrying ample insurance to the same extent and in the same manner as herein provided to be furnished by the Contractor. If the Contract is assigned or any part thereof is sublet, the Contractor shall exonerate, indemnify and save harm less the Owner from and against any all loss or expense caused thereby. 34. COMPLETION OF CONTRACTORS DEFAULT If default shall be made by the Contractor or by any Sub-Contractor or by any Sub-Contractor in the performance of any of the Terms of this Contract, the Owner, without in any manner limiting its legal and equitable remedies in the circumstances may serve upon the Contractor and the Surety or Sureties upon the Performance Bonds or Bonds written notice requiring the Contractor to cause such default to be corrected forthwith. Unless within twenty (20) days after the service of such notice upon the Contractor such default shall be corrected or arrangements for the correction thereof satisfactory to the Owner may take possession of and utilize, in completing the construction of the project, any materials, tools, supplies, equipment, appliances and plant belonging to the Contractor or any of its SubContractor, which may be situated at the site of the project. The Owner in such contingency may exercise any rights, claims, or demands which the Contractor may have against third persons in connection with this contract and for such purpose the contractor does thereby assign, transfer and set over unto the Owner all such rights, claims and demands. 35. ATTORNEYS FEES IN CASE OF SUIT In case the Owner has to resort to the courts to protect and enforce its right hereunder the Contractor and his surety or sureties shall be further liable for attorneys fees and in the amount equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the amount involved but not less than One Thousand ($1,000.00) and that venue of such actions shall be in proper court holding session in XXXXXXXXXXXXX. 36. PATENT INFRINGEMENT The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Owner from any and all claims, suits and proceedings for the infringement of any patents covering any equipment used in the work. 37. COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES AND REGULATIONS The Contractor will comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the work. The Contractor understands that obligations the parties hereunder are subject to the applicable regulations and orders of Government agencies having jurisdiction in the premises. 38. EXTENSION TO SUCCESSORS AND REGULATIONS Each and all of the covenants and agreements contained in the contract effected by the acceptance of this contract shall extend to and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties thereto.

39. PERSONAL AND PROPERTY DAMAGE Until the work is completed and accepted by the Owner, the Contractor shall assume all risk and bear all losses that may result from any cause, to the work at existing structures and equipment, and to other property located on the premises or adjacent thereto, belonging to the Owner, and he shall assume all damages or injury that may result to all such property and/or to persons when such damage or injury is caused in connection with his work or is due to this negligence or to his leaving open or unprotected portions of streets and other property. 40. IDENTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing to each employee and to requiring each employee engaged in the work to display such identification may be approved and directed by the Architect. All prescribed identification shall immediately be delivered to the Architect for cancellation upon the release of any employee . When required by the Architect, the Contractor shall obtain and submit fingerprints of all employed or to be employed on the project. 41. SHOP DRAWINGS Shop drawings shall be submitted as the same size as the Contract drawings when practiceable, but in no case shall exceed the dimensions of the Contract Drawings. Allow 1-1/2 inch border at left hand edge shop drawings for binding and uniform hanging in files at the job site. The Contractor shall make a preliminary check of all shop drawings for compliance with contract documents before submitting shop drawing to XXXXXXXXX he shall stamp each print with statement of compliance with their requirement. The Contractor shall submit four (4) such checked prints to XXXXXXXX who will check same, retaining on print for his file and returning three (3) prints to the Contractor, approved as noted or disapproved. If shop drawing is disapproved, XXXXXXXXXXXXX will return it to the Contractor for resubmission. The approval of the drawings by XXXXXXXXXXXXX shall not be construed as a complete check, but will indicate only that general method of construction and detailing is satisfactory. Approval of such drawings will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for any error which may exist as the Contractor shall be responsible for the dimensions and design of adequate connections, details and satisfactory construction of all work. 42. SAMPLES The Contractor shall submit two (2) sets of each sample, if required, to XXXXXXXXXXXXX and the same must be properly identified with the Contractors name and manufacturers name catalog number if applicable. 43. OTHER CONTRACTS The Contractor shall perform the work of the contract so that it will properly coordinate with and fit the work performed by other Contractors. He shall give the other Contractors every reasonable opportunity to performed by other Contractors. He shall give the other Contractors every reasonable opportunity to perform their work, store materials, and place equipment therefore, and fit their work to the work of other Contractors. He shall furnish to the other Contractors all information necessary in order that they may properly connect and fit their work with ample time, so that they may have reasonable opportunity to prepare their work therefore. He shall make the work of this contract ready to receive the work of other contractors at the same time fixed therefore, and shall fit work to that of the other Contractors at the time fixed therefore. 44. COOPERATION WITH OTHERS


The Contractor shall cooperate with others in the prosecution of all work not interfere with material, appliance or workmen of the Owner or any other Contractor engaged by the Owner at the site of the work. All Contractors engaged in work at the site shall have in so far as practicable, equal use of the premises and facilities. In case of disagreement regarding such use, the matter shall be referred to the Architect whose decision relative to said use shall govern.


45. BILLBOARD The Contractor shall provide an outdoor billboard, four (4) feet by eight (8) feet, made of one half (1/2) inch thick ordinary plywood and properly framed, mounted and installed at a place in the project site to be designated by the Architect. The design and contents of this billboard shall be furnished by the Owner and Contractor shall cause this billboard to be made and installed not later than one (1) week after award of contract.


101.1 required 101.2

Furnish all complete all labor, materials, equipment, plant other facilities to complete all but not limited to the treatment of soil used for backfilling and landscaping as shown and herein after specified. All work included under this division shall be subject to the General Conditions accompanying these specifications. The Contractor and Sub-Contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. : QUALITY ASSURANCE Qualifications 1. Engage a licensed professional pest control operator, for application of soil treatment solution. Source Quality Control Comply with manufacturers instruction and recommendations for work, including preparation of substrate and application. : SUBMITTALS Product Data : Submit Product Data and application instructions. : DELIVERY AND STORAGE Delivery of Materials : Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers fully identified with manufacturers name, trade name, type, class and grade. storage of materials: Store materials in unopened containers. Store off ground and undercover, protected from damage. : PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Requirements: Do not apply treatment to excessively wet soil or during inclement weather. Comply with handling and application instruction of soil toxicant manufacturer.


102 102.1



103 103.1 104 104.1


TC 105 105.1

TC 106 TC 106.1

MATERIALS Soil Treatment Solution: Use emulsible concentrate for dillution with water, specially formulated to prevent termite infestation. Provide a working solution of one of following chemical elements and concentrations. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Chlordane : 1.0% in water emulsion Aldrin : 0.5% in water emulsion Dieldrin : 0.5% in water emulsion Reptachlor : 0.5% in water emulsion Chlordane and Reptachlor : 0.5% Chlordane plus 0.25% Reptachlor in water emulsion. Also acceptable is Velsicol C-100 containing 72 % Technical Chlordane, 21% Petroleum Distillate and 7% inert ingredients Other solutions may be used as recommended by Applicator, if acceptable to local verning authorities and to Superintendent. Use only soil treatment solutions which are not injurious to planting.

TC 107 107.1

: INSPECTION Examination : Examine the substrate, adjoining construction and the conditions under which the work is to be installed. Do not proceed with the work until satisfactory conditions have been corrected.

TC 108 108.1

: PREPARATION Surface preparation : Remove foreign matter which could decrease effectiveness of treatment on areas to be treated. : APPLICATION Restriction : Do not apply soil treatment solution until excavating, filling and grading operations are completed, except as otherwise required in construction operations. Application Rates : Apply soil treatment solution at rates recommended by soil toxicant manufacturer. Allow not less than 12 hours for drying after application, before beginning concrete placement or other construction activities. Post signs in areas of application warning workers that soil treatment has been Remove signs when areas are covered by other construction. Reapply soil treatment solution to areas disturbed by subsequent excavation or other construction activities following application. : WARRANTY Warrant soil treatment against termite infestation for a period of five (5) years. Upon notification of defects within the warranty period, make the necessary repairs and replacements at the convenience of the Owner. Repairs and replacements shall includeresultant damage to adjacent materials, systems and equipment.

TC 109 109.1 109.2 109.3 109.4 applied. 109.5

TC 110 110.1 110.2




Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, plant and other facilities and perform all operations necessary to complete the Masonry Work requirements hereinafter specified. All work under this division shall be subject to the General Conditions accompanying these specifications. The Contractor and Sub-Contractor are required to refer especially thereto. : MATERIALS Concrete Hollow Blocks : Shall be 600 psi or approved equivalent. Minimun shell thickness shall be 1. Normal face size 7 x 16, normal thickness shown. Hold all units in storage for a period of not less than 28 days (including curing period) and do not deliver prior to that time unless strength and other test indicates compliance with this specifications. Samples shall be taken at random from every on thousand (1000) blocks delivered. Mortar Aggregates : natural river sand, clean, free from solubles salts and organic matter, graded from fine coarse, compatible with the thickness of joints in used. Cement : Shall be Portland Cement union or approved equal. Mortar : 1. General : Mix mortar from 3 to 5 minutes in such quantities as needed from immediate use. No retempering will be permitted if mortar stiffens because of premature setting. Discard such materials, as well as those which have not used within one hour after mixing. 2. Proportioning : Cement mortar shall be one (1) part Portland Cement and two (2) parts sand by volume but not more than one(1) part Portland Cement and three (3) parts sand by volume. : HANDLING AND STORAGE Take care in handling masonry units to avoid chipping and breakage. Locate storage piles, stacks so as to avoid being disturbed and barricade to protect from damages by construction operations. Stack masonry units, reinforcements and other materials on wood blocking above ground. : SCAFFOLDING Provide all scaffolding required for masonry work, including cleaning down. Remove upon completion. : SAMPLE AND TESTING Sample blocks shall be taken at random from every one thousand (1000) blocks delivered. Average strength of concrete hollow blocks shall not be less than 600 lbs. per square inch. Tests shall be at the expense of the Contractor. : CUTTING AND PATCHING Consult other trades in advance of masonry works and make provisions for installation of their work to avoid unnecessary cutting and patching. All cutting and patching shall be done by experienced masons. : HOLLOW METAL FRAMES Fill jamb of all pressed steel hollow frames occuring in masonry walls with and carefully point all joints between metal frames and adjacent masonry of other construction. : WALL FLASHING

MA 102 102.1 face

102.2 : which 102.3 102.4 :


MA 103 103.1

MA 104 104.1

MA 105 105.1

MA 106 106.1

MA 107 107.1 mortar

MA 108


Build in wall flashing at base of cavity wall formed to exclude water, bedded in and covered with mortar. Keep joints to a minimum but where necessary, lap 6 and seal with plastic cement. : LAYING CONCRETE BLOCKS Lay unit in common bond with uniform coursing and jointing. All concrete block joints shall be of uniform thickness, approximately 3/8 tooled of uniform concave where exposed and flush cut where concealed, making 16 x 8 course. Butter vertical and horizontal joints full with mortar.

MA 109 109.1


101.1 of 101.2

Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and other facilities to complete the installation resilient flooring and baseboard as shown and herein after specified. All works under this division shall be subject to the General conditions accompanying these specifications. The Contractor and Sub-Contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. : GENERAL Prepare floors to receive tiles and glue directly to concrete floors. Deliver materials to the job in the manufacturers original unopened containers with the manufacturers brand and name clearly marked thereon. : MATERIALS Resilient floor tiles : 1/8 x 12 x 12 vinyl asbestos tiles as manufactured by ARMSTRONG TILES or its approved equivalent of color and design approved by the Architect. : AREAS OF APPLICATION Resilient floor tiles shall be applied on all areas indicated on the plans. : PREPARATION OF FLOOR TO RECEIVE TILES Concrete surface must be smooth, level, free from dust, grit, grease, thoroughly dry and in proper conditions to receive tiles. Repair cracks or uneven spots. Apply concrete topping and steel trowel to an even level surface. No laying of flooring shall be done until all indications of moisture on floor slabs has been eliminated. : TILE INSTALLATION Lay tiles in straight square patterns and cover from wall to wall. When manufacturers instruction require primings of concrete floors, work the primer well into the surface of the concrete. Install tile in such manner that each tile is in contact with each adjacent tile and that the entire undersurface of each tile will be securely bonded. Layout the field from midpoint of the long axis of the room so that the opposite end tile will be of equal width. Width of the tile shall be subject to the variation required by the dimensions of the room and the size of the tile used. Scribe end tile to the wall and cut in a manner that will insure clean sharp edges. Apply adhesive in accordance with manufacturers recommendation. : EDGING AND BASEBOARDS Provide aluminum edge strips to cover edges of resilient flooring terminating at locations not covered by other finish and at junctions with other flooring. Install PVC baseboards (Armstrong) on all walls except on mechanical rooms when walls are veneered with marble or tiles. : SAMPLES Submit full size duplicate samples of resilient tiles for approval by the Architect. Submit samples of aluminum dividing strips and aluminum edging for approval by the Architect. : CLEANING Clean flooring of adhesive and other soiling. Remove adhesive with a putty knife and steel wool, or with cloth moistened with neutral soap of a type approved by the manufacturer. The use of solvent and wet mopping is prohibited. : PROTECTION

RF 102 102.1

RF 103 103.1

RF 104 104.1 RF 105 105.1

RF 106 106.1 106.2 106.3 106.4

106.5 RF 107 107.1 107.2

RF 108 108.1 108.2

RF 109 109.1

RF 110

110.1 RF 111 111.1

After cleaning, protect the floor until acceptance of the building. : GUARANTY Furnish guaranty to Owner as per requirements of the General Conditions for period of one (1) year after date of final acceptance of building.

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION EXW EXW 101 101.1 : EXTERIOR WALL FINISH : SCOPE OF WORK Furrnish all labor, materials, equipment and other facilities required to complete all exterior finish as shown and hereinafter specified.


EXW 102 102.1


All work included under this division shall be subject to the General Conditions accompanying these specifications. The Contractor and SubContractor are required to refer especially thereto. : SURFACE PREPARATION Remove all loose grit or mortar contimants, dirt, grease, oil, dust and other deposits. Treat new masonry with Boysen no.44 masonry neutralizer by mixing 473.12 ml. With 10 liters of water (or 946.25 ml. To 20 liters water). When dried, 2 coats of Boysen no. 700 clear gloss Acrylic Emulsion may be applied if the surface is to coated with latex paints. Let dry for the following applications of PERMACOAT CONCRETE SEALER WITH EITHER PERMACOAT OR MONOKOTE. Masonry that is unpainted and exposed to weathering for six months or more tend to be covered with a powdery crust called efflorescence. This may be removed by light sandblasting or by wire brushing the surface then cleaning with water. Those whitish part deposits which resist water can be resolved by washing or scrubbing the surface with 5 - 10% diluted hydrochloric acid (1/2 liter to 4 liters water). Rinse with clean water and let dry. : WORKMANSHIP All interior work shall be done by expert mechanics and case of SubContractor shall be approved by the Architect. : SAMPLES Samples of TEXTURED PAINT finish shall be submitted to the Architect for approval. Samples of TEXTURED PAINT finish shall be 12 x 24 in size. No exterior work shall be done until after samples are approved by the Architect in writing. All work must strictly conform with the approved samples as to texture, color and finish. : GUARANTY Furnish guaranty to Owner per requirements of the General Conditions for (1) year from final acceptance of the building.

EXW 103 103.1

EXW 104 104.1 104.2

EXW 105 105.1 one

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION INT INT 101 101.1 : INTERIOR WALL FINISH : SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipments and other facilities required to complete all interior finish as shown and hereinafter specified.


All work included under this division shall be subject to the General conditions accompanying these specifications. The Contractor and Sub-Contractor are required to refer especially thereto. : SURFACE PREPARATION MASONRY: Surfaces should be dry and clean, free from loose grit or mortar, dirt and other foreign matter. New masonry should first be treated with Boysen Masonry surfaces as well as surface imperfections should be puttied with Boysen Patching Compound mixed into putty consistency with Boysen Permacoat Latex no. 1701 after primer is dry. WOOD : Rough wood should be sanded be free from rust, oil and other foreign matter. Apply Boysen Techni-coat Metal Primer and when dry, putty surface defects with Boysen Lacquer Spot Putty no. 306. Sand puttied surfaces and dust. : APPLICATION By spray only. When spraying, stay about a foot away from the surface to be painted. Be sure that equipments used are clean when using Boysen Lacquer automotive. Spreading Rate : 5 -10 square meters per 4 liter can. Drying Time : 15 - 30 minutes. : WORKMANSHIP All exterior work shall be done by expert mechanics and in the case of SubContractor shall be approved by the Architect. : GUARANTY Furnish guaranty to Owner per requirement of the General Conditions for one (1) year from final acceptance of the building.

INT 102 102.1


INT 103 103.1

103.2 103.3 INT 104 104.1

INT 106 106.1

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION AW AW 101 101.1 : ALUMINUM OF WORK : SCOPE OF WORK The work under this division shall include all labor, materials, equipment, plant and other facilities and the satisfactory performance of all work necessary to complete all aluminum windows shown on the drawings and specified herein.


All work included under this division shall be subject to the General Conditions accompanying these specifications. The Contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. : GENERAL Aluminum windows shall be combination fixed and sliding window type as manufactured by HOOVEN COMALCO INDUSTRIES,, INC. Or approved equal. : MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION Frames and sash sections shall be extruded from alloy 6063 - TS.Corners of frame members shall be fitted to mitered hairline joints, secured by tapping screws. Interior joints shall be sealed with appropriate G.E. Silicone sealants. Rotor operator shall be provided for each active sash. Hinges shall be aluminum or any compatible metal and shall be adequately sectioned and strengthened for durability. Locking devices shall engage a concealed keeper attached to vent and shall have cam action that will securely lock casement leaf to the frame. Weather stripping shall be G.E. Silicone or approved equal. : SHOP DRAWINGS Detail shop drawings in full size and triplicate, together with samples of member-section and hardware to be used, shall first be submitted to the Architect for approval. All windows to be manufactured in case of approval, shall be in accordance with the approved drawings and samples. : MANUFACTURE All aluminum windows shall be those manufactured by HOOVEN COMALCO INDUSTRIES INC. Or approved equal. : FINISH All aluminum windows shall be KAWNEER FINISH (ordinary) : GUARANTY Furnish guaranty to Owner per requirements of the General Conditions for period of one (1) year after date of final acceptance of building.

AW 102 102.1

AW 103 103.1

103.2 103.3 103.4 103.5 AW 104 104.1

AW 105 105.1

AW 106 106.1 AW 107 107.1

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION ASF ASF 101 101.1 : ALUMINUM DOORS AND STOREFRONT : SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, plant and other facilities for fabrication, delivery, and installation of all aluminum doors and storefront shown and scheduled on the drawings and as hereinafter specified.


All work included under this division shall be subject to the General Conditions accompanying these specifications. The Contractor and Sub-Contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. : DOORS All aluminum doors shown on the drawings shall be pivot hinges, threshold, dead bolts at top and bottom (for double sash) locksets and pushplates and bars. Door closer shall be Jackson model 20-330 JED 101 or approved equal. Sizes of door members shall follow as per drawings to be submitted to the Architect prior to installations. : FINISH All aluminum doors shall be Kawnee finish KALKOLOR. : STOREFRONT ALUMINUM FRAMES Storefront sections shall Kawnee or approved equal hardcoat anodized unless otherwise indicated in the schedule. Sizes of storefront shall follow as per drawings to be submitted to the Architect prior to installations. Weather stripping shall be G.R. SILICONE sealants or approved equal. : DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Materials shall be delivered, stocked and handled to prevent damage of whatever nature. Upon completion of work, clean all surfaces free from markings, stains, and defects of any kind. :GUARANTY Furnish guaranty to Owner per requirements of the General Conditions for period of one year (1) after date of final acceptance of building.

ASF 102 102.1


ASF 103 103.1 ASF 104 104.1 104.2 104.3 ASF 105 105.1 105.2

ASF 106 106.1

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION PFA PFA 101 101.1 : PLUMBING FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES : SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and other facilities to complete the installation of plumbing fixtures and accessories as shown and as hereinafter specified.


All work under this Division shall be subject to the General Conditions accompanying these specifications. The Contractor and Sub-Contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. : SCHEDULE OF PLUMBING FIXTURES 1. Water Closets - Saniwares SABRINA Model no. PF 2600 SJ Vitreous China, water saver free standing toilet combination, PF 3531 elongated bottom outlet siphon jet bowl 38 mm top spud for quiet exposed closet flush valve. 2. Lavatories - Saniwares SABRINA Model no. PF 1005. 3. Urinal - Saniwares WASHBROOK Model no. PF 6501 Vitreous China, wall hung washout urinal with flushing rim and integral trap, 19 mm top spud. 4. Lavatory Faucet for Common Employees Toilet DELTA Model no. 2522 Chrome 4 Centerset with pop-up drain and crystal knob or approved equivalent. : TOILET ACCESSORIES All bids shall include all toilet accessories shown on the drawings and hereinafter specified. All toilet accessories shall be installed as per manufacturers specifications and shall be installed with all necessary anchorage, brackets, etc. After the installations of any or all the toilet accessories same are supposed to be kept clean and in working order but not to be used by any body until the building has been turned over and accepted by the Owner. The Architects drawings shall be followed for location and height of various toilet accessories, same are supposed to be kept clean and in working order but not to be used by any body until the building has been turned over and accepted by the Owner. DESCRIPTION 1. Paper Holder - For surface mounted installation, install Model no. PF 3832 Vitreous China recessed type square front with plastic drowel. 2. Soap Holders - Install Model no. PF 3831 Vitreous China, recessed type rectangular front-drain spout on descending rim. : GUARANTY Furnish guaranty to Owner as per requirements of the General Conditions for period of one (1) year after date of final acceptance of building.

PFA 102 102.1

102.2 102.3 102.4

PFA 103 103.1 103.2 103.3



PFA 104 104.1

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION CJ CJ 101 101.1 101.2 : CARPENTRY AND JOINERY WORK : SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all materials, equipment, plant and labor necessary for all carpentry and joinery work as shown and hereinafter specified. Erect temporary railings, enclosures, centering, ladders and planking for protection of complete or partially complete work and install finish hardware.


All work included under this division shall be subject to the General Conditions accompanying this Specifications. The Contractor and the Sub-Contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. : LUMBER AND JOINERY MATERIALS Quality of Lumber : Lumber shall be the approved quality of the respective kinds for the various parts of the work, well seasoned, thoroughly dry, and free from large, loose or unsound knots, saps, shakes and other imperfections impairing its strength, durability or appearance. All exposed finishing lumber to be used shall be kiln dries. Quarter sawn lumber No.1 common or better shall not contain more 14% moisture. For all concealed lumber specified as Tanguile and Apitong shall be pressure-treated with water-borne preservatives as Wolman salt, Boliden salt, and Tanalith H-R. Substitution of Lumber : Any lumber equally good for the purposes intended may be substituted for the kinds specified, subject to the approval of the Architect. Provided, however that in the substitution of a cheaper kind of lumber than that specified, a reduction in the contract price equal to the difference in cost of the two kinds of lumber will be made. Door Frame : Interior wood door frames shall be kilned dried Apitong, rabbeted for doors and in accordance with detail drawings. Door Sashes : All door sashes shall be kiln dried, flush type, semi-hollow core and solid core Tanguile plywood veneers on both sides with kilned dried Tanguile frames as shown on schedule of doors. Kind of Lumber : Studs and Ceiling Framings - Apitong (pressure treated) Door Frames - Tanguile kiln-dried. All other wood in the plans shall of indicated kind. :PROTECTION AND STORAGE Lumber shall be protected and kept under cover both in transit and at the jobsite, and shall be carefully piled off the ground and be insured of proper drainage, ventilation and protection from weather. Materials shall not be delivered unduly long before it is required for the proper conduct of the work. Lumber shall not be stored within the structure during the process of plastering on any other work using water. Surfaces of wood in contact with concrete or masonry shall be given two (2) coats of asphalt applied hot. : WORKMANSHIP All lumber and plywood shall be closely matched unless otherwise specified. Work shall be assembled at the mill, insofar as practical, and delivered ready for erection. When it is necessary to cut and fit on the job, the materials shall be made with ample allowance for cutting. Work shall be made in accordance with detailed drawings and measurements taken at the jobsite. Shapes and Surfaces shall be true to detail, cleanly cut and sharp. Scribing, mitering and joining shall be done accurately and neatly to conform to good carpentry practice. All wood and plywood veneers shall follow detail drawings. Exposed surfaces shall be machine and hand sanded to an even smooth surface ready for finish. All wood veneers shall be glued to wood frames. Mill assemblies shall be joined with concealed nails and screws, with mortice and tenons or with dowels and glued blocks where practical. Exposed nails shall be countersunk.

CJ 102 102.1


102.3 102.4

CJ 103 103.1

103.2 103.3 103.4

CJ 104 104.1 104.2

104.3 104.4 104.5 104.6 104.7 104.8 104.9 104.10

104.11 104.12



No hammer marks or any other unsightly marks shall be made on any wood panels or veneers. All rough carpentry work, shall be in accordance with detail drawings or where not detailed shall be in accordance with recognized carpentry standards. Rigidly construct all wood framing true to lines, levels and dimensions and adequately brace and anchor or secure. Nail and otherwise anchor as shown in accordance with good practice. The Contractor shall provide and apply all rough hardware required for the proper execution of all rough and finished carpentry and millwork. Rough hardware shall include fastening for finish, bolts for rough bucks or other frames, and other anchors as required for all carpentry work. The Contractor shall make all allowance necessary to properly receive the hardware to be used. Locks shall be fitted in their respective doors and then removed in case of unfinished doors, until after painting is complete. On completion, all hardware shall be securely attached and adjusted for proper operations.

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION PV PV 101 101.1 101.2 : PAINTING AND VARNISHING : SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, plant and other facilities to complete all painting and varnishing as shown and hereinafter specified. The Contractor shall examine the Specifications for various other trades and shall thoroughly familiarized himself with all of the items and surfaces of work to be included. All work included under this division shall be subject to the General Conditions accompanying these Specifications. The Contractor and Sub-Contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto.


PV 102 102.1



: GENERAL This work includes interior and exterior painting and varnishing all items as required to produce a finished painting job throughout all of the areas affected by work under this contract, except items which are specifically excluded. Complete color scheme for the painting and varnishing of the building (exterior and interior) shall be furnished by the Architect to the Contractor. Color schemes and varnish sample required by these Specifications and/or by the Architect shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval at his expense. All exposed work shall be protected while the building is being painted or varnished. The floors, steps, and all other surfaces not to be painted shall be well protected during painting by sufficient covers. Any stains, dirt, smear, etc. Shall be removed by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Architect. : SURFACES NOT TO BE PAINTED NOR VARNISHED Neither paint nor vanish shall be applied on finishes like glazed tiles, glass, plastic, brass, bronze, aluminum, chrome, and other noncorrosive metal finishes. : MATERIALS Make and Certification of Origin and Quality 1. All paint materials shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the Standardized Committee on Supplies and shall delivered on the site in the original containers, with labels intact and seals unbroken. 2. The manufacturers certificate of origin and quality shall be submitted to the Architect for inspection and approval before using any of the paint materials herein specified. 3. Use materials only as specified by manufacturers direction on label of container unless otherwise specified herein. 4. Paint materials such as linseed oil, shellac, tupentine, etc. shall be pure of highest quality and should bear identifying label on container. 5. The use of white zinc (lithopone) shall not be allowed. Pigments for Tinting: 1. Tinting colors for oil paint shall be color in oil ground in pure linseed oil, and of the highest quality grade obtainable. 2. Colors shall be nonfading. 3. Color pigments shall be used to produce the exact shades of paint which shall conform to the approved color scheme of the finish coat. The first coat shall be white. : INSPECTION OF SURFACES The Contractor shall inspect all surfaces to be painted and all defect shall be remedied before starting work. Commencing work by the Contractor indicates his acceptance of the surface. No work shall started unless the Contractor shall have made certain as to surface. Tests shall be made, in the presence of the Architect or his authorized representative, to verify dryness of surfaces to be painted. : PREPARATION OF SURFACES All concrete shall be allowed to weather for two months before painting. Clean all surfaces to be painted and varnished of loose dirt and dust before painting is started. Do the customary amount of sanding, in the Architects opinion, to produce a surface suitable to receive paint and varnish.

PV 103 103.1

PV 104 104.1


PV 105 105.1


PV 106 106.1 106.2








106.10 106.11

Inspect all surfaces in regard to their suitability to receive a finish. In theevent that imperfection due to materials or workmanship appear on any surfaces after the application of the paint, the cost of any correction shall be borne by the Contractor. Damage to any paint or varnished finish due to carelessness or negligence of other crafts shall be corrected. Touch up all knots, pitch streaks and sappy spots with shellac or other approved sealer. Putty nail holes, cracks, etc., after the first coat with non shrinking putty of a color to match that of the finish. Wash all metal surfaces with bensine, mineral spirits, or detergent to remove any dirt or grease before applying materials. Where rust or scale is present, wire-brush or sandpaper clean before painting. Where shop coats of paint have become marred, clean and touch up with a compound designed for this purpose, or approved acid solution before applying the first coat of paint. Prepared masonry surfaces to be painted by removing all dirt, dust, oil and grease stain sand efflorescence. The method of surface preparation shall be left to the discretion of the Contractor provided that he result are satisfactory to the Architect. Masonry surfaces to be painted shall be free from alkali and thoroughly dry before paint is applied. Before applying succeeding coats, primers and undercoats shall be completely integral and performing the function for which they are specified. Properly prepare and touch up all scratches, abrasions, or any other disfigurement and remove any foreign matter before proceeding the following coat. Do not apply coat on interior work until after other trades are finished with their work in any given area in normal sequence and all materials and debris removed, and the premises left in satisfactory broom clean condition as approved. Remove or protect hardware, hardware accessories, plates lighting fixtures and similar items placed prior to painting, reposition or remove protection upon completion of each space. Disconnect equipment adjacent to wall necessary, move to permit painting of wall surfaces and following completion of painting, replace and reconnect. Paint the back sides of access panels, removable or hinged covers and the like. All wood shall be sanded lightly with no. 00 sandpaper between coats. Paint coats shall be thoroughly dry before sanding. : WORKMANSHIP All painting and varnish work shall be done on workmanlike manner by skilled house painter and varnishers only. All materials shall be evenly applied, so as to form a film if uniform thickness, free from sags, runs, crawls or other defects. The use of heavy brush (nylon brushes for oil paints) is required. Light brushes shall not be permitted. Paint shall be thoroughly stirred as to have the pigment evenly in suspension while paint is being applied. In general and unless otherwise specified and/or instructed by the Architect due to actual conditions on the job, no less that 48 hours time shall elapse between application of succeeding coats. No oil painting shall be done in damp weather. Except where otherwise noted or specified all paints shall be applied in three (3) coats (priming body and finish coats). Each coat shall be roller applied (except as otherwise noted) spread evenly and in full covering body. No work shall be done under conditions unsuitable for the production of good results. No painting or varnishing on woodwork shall be done while plastering is in process or is drying. Surfaces which cannot be satisfactorily finished on the number of coats specified shall have additional coats, or such preparatory coats and subsequent

PV 107 107.1 107.2


107.4 107.5



107.8 107.9 107.10 107.11

coats as may required to produce satisfactorily finished work without additional cost to the Owner. Spray gun application shall be used where indicated in the color scheme schedule. All part of mouldings and ornaments shall be left clean and true to details. All finishes shall be unifom as to sheen color texture, except when glazing is required. The painting Contractor Since he is last trademan on the project shall include in his work all final clean up and washing of window glass spots on floor, hardware, fixtures, etc. : PAINTING SCHEDULE The types of paints specified are intended to illustrate the quality. Equivalent materials from manufacturers listed herein, which the Contractor desires to use other than those specified should accompany proposal with such request in writing for approval of the Architect. Give manufacturers specific name of each product offered as substitute. After the award, no substitution of materials for those mentioned in accepted proposal will be permitted. Other brands of paint and primer are the following: Dutch Boy, Boysen, Sinclair, Sherwin Williams, General Paints, Devoe, Dupont, Finch and Fuller. : VARNISHING PREPARATION 1. All woodwork to be varnished shall be thoroughly sandpapered and all cracks, holes and other defect shall be carefully filled with quality colored or white putty tinted to match the decided shade and finish. FINISHING 1. Sand all surfaces to be varnished with no. 1 grit sandpaper. 2. Apply color in oil stain. Stain shall be applied evenly taking care that darker panels shall receive just enough stain to match lighter panel and all panels to match approved shade. 3. Apply first quality shellac and let dry for not less than 48 hours. Then sand with no. 00 grit sandpaper to a smooth and even surface and remove all dust before applying succeeding coat. 4. Apply first quality sanding sealer and let dry for not less than 48 hours. Then sand with no. 00 grit sandpaper to a smooth and even surface and remove all dust before applying succeeding coat. 5. Apply first quality sanding sealer as in d and less dry for not less than 48 hours, then sand with no. 00 grit sandpaper to a smooth and even surface and remove all dust before applying succeeding coat 6. Repeat coats of sanding sealer as in d then apply one coat flat lacquer and let dry for six days. Then repeat coats of clear flat lacquer until desire finish is attained. 7. After five days rub with very fine steel wool until desired flat effect is attined. : GUARANTEE The Contractor shall guarantee his work for a period of one (1) year from date of acceptance. Under such guarantee, the Contractor shall make good any defect due to faulty materials or workmanship caused by him without any additional cost to the Owner for the period specified.

PV 108 108.1

PV 109 109.1


PV 110 110.1

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS I. SCOPE OF WORK OF THE CONTRACTOR The work of the Contractor consist of furnishing all plans, labor equipment and materials performing all operations in connection with the electrical system shown on the drawings. Their test and inspection, complete and in accordance with these specifications and drawings and subject to all terms and conditions of the contract and all other labor and materials not specifically mentioned under sections, to bring the electrical sytem to operating condition and ready for use by the Owner. II. WIRING METHOD Wiring shall be an electrical metallic tubing (EMT) as indicated in the plan. All wires and cable for power, lighting and control shall be continuous from panel board to the end of the circuit. III. CONDUIT SYSTEM

Not more than four 90 deg. Bend shall occur in any circuit run. When it becomes necessary to have more than four 90 deg. Bend in any circuit run, an intermediate pull box shall be installed to facilitate pulling-in of wires. All conduit runs shall be as called for on the drawings. Conduits shall be installed in such manner as not to weaken or interfer with the structure of the building. No horizontal runs of embedded conduit shall be permitted in solid walls and partitions. Exposed conduits shall be run parallel to at right angle with lines of the building and shall securely fastened in place by means of rigid supports and fastening. IV. WIRES AND CABLES Wires and cables shall be insulated at 600 volts, type THW or THHN as required by the drawings. Brand Phelp Dodge or approved equivalent. V. FEEDERS Power distribution shall be 220v, 3P, 3-wire. Feeder conductors and conduits shall be installed as shown on the drawings and no change in size shall be made without the permission of the CLIENT. Feeder conductors shall be continuos and without splices between terminals. VI. BRANCH CIRCUITS The drawings indicates the general methods of installation of all circuit wiring and the outlet which are to be supplied from these circuits. Branch circuit conduits shall be run from outlets to panelboard as direct as the building condition will allow. Circuit allocations shall be as indicated on the drawings. VII. PANELBOARD AND CABINET Panelboard and cabinet shall be dead-front-type with covers. Cabinet shall be made of Code Gauge Sheet No. 12. All panels shall be finished in grey enamel over a coat of rust inhibitor. Panel and Cabinet shall be manufactured by Westing house or General Electric. VIII. CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND SWITCHES All protective devices shall meet NEMA and underwriterss Laboratories Inc., Specifications. Circuit breakers shall consist of a quick-make, quick-break type entirely trip free operating mechanism with contracts, arc interrupter, and thermal magnetic trip unit for each pole, all enclosed in moldedphenolic case. The thermal magnetic trip unit shall provide time-delayed overload protection and instantaneous short circuit current in any one pole. Circuit breaker shall be trip indicating, with the trip position of the breaker handle midway between on and off position. Provide individual circuit breakers, safety switches and disconnect switches for every machine or motor load as indicated in the drawing. Enclosure shall be General Purpose, NEMA Type I, except where specifically noted on plans. IX. UTILITY, PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES

Boxes shall be made of a standard pressed steel or cast metal boxes for all light and power outlets. Boxes shall be approved design and construction, and of such form and dimension as required to serve the kind of load to be and the number, size and arrangement of conduits connecting thereto. The allowable conductor fill as given in Rule 2486 of the Phil. Elect. Code shall not be exceeded. X. GROUNDING Ground resistance shall not exceed 0.5 ohms. Additional grounding rods shall be installed when necessary to obtain this value. Exposed or accessible ground connections shall be secured by grounding clamps or pressure connectors. All metallic conduits, cabinets and equipments shall be properly grounded and bonded by means of copper straps. The conduits of each circuit shall be grounded shall be grounded by connecting to the grounding rod. Grounding rod shall be of 0 by 8 ft. All ground connections shall have clean contact surfaces and shall be tinned and sweated while bolting. Unless otherwise specified, exposed ground cables shall be installed in PVC and connections made readily accessible for inspection. Connections shall not be made under ground or concealed in floor or walls. XI. TELEPHONE/INTERCOM SYSTEM The Contractor shall furnish and install all complete conduit system for telephone and intercom including conduits, tubing, wiring, cabinets, extension conduits, outlets boxes and suitable plates for telephone and intercom outlets. Telephone and intercom wires from terminals to handset shall be furnsihed and installed. XII. LIGHTING FIXTURES The Contractor shall furnish and install all lighting fixtures as indicated on the drawings including mounting channels and supports. Where the drawings calls for an incandescent receptacle ceiling outlets of the screwshell type, the ceiling receptacles and lamps shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor. XIII. TESTING 1. Ground Test - the entire installation shall be free from improper grounds and from short circuits. Each panelbaord shall be tested with main connected to the feeder branches and switch closed. Each individual power equipment connected for proper intended operation. performance Test - the Electrical Contractor shall test all system of the entire electrical installation for proper sequence and leave the entire electrical installation in satisfactory working condition.


MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION AIR CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION SYSTEM I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION A. Provide and install equipments and materials for complete air conditioning and ventilation system. 1. Split-system Air Conditioning unit 2. Refrigerant pipings and accessories 3. Exhaust fans B. All equipment shall have capacities and ratings as indicated on the equipment schedule. II. SUBMITTALS A. The following submittals as defined in the Scope of Work shall be furnished by the Mechanical Contractor. 1. 2. Schematics and Interconnection drawings and control diagrams. Detail drawings and/or shop drawings.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Coordination drawings. Equipment layout drawings. Quality assurance. Material, Equipment and Fixture list. Manufacturers Data.

B. The submittal copies shall be forwarded to the General Contractor for review, evaluation and approval prior to the execution of work on site. III. MATERIALS A. Equipment shall be direct expansion, Air cooled Split type Air Conditioning Units, (Capacity and types as indicated in equipments schedule and drawings). Brand : HITACHI or approved equivalent. B. Refrigerant pipes and fittings shall be copper tubes Type L conforming to ASTM B280-83 or approved equivalent. IV. INSTALLATIONS A. Equipments Install equipment and components in a manner to ensure proper and sequential operation of the equipment controls. Provide proper foundation and supports for mounting of equipments, accessories, appurtenances, pipings, vibration isolators, guides, anchors and brackets. Foundation for equipment shall conform to equipment manufacturers recommendations, unless otherwise indicated in drawings. Provide clearance around to allow working space for all necessary servicing such as shaft removal, disassembling compressor cylinders and pistons, replacing or adjusting drives, motors or shaft seals, access to automatic controls, refrigerant charging, lubrication, oil draining and working clearance under overhead lines. B.Refrigerant piping Install pipings and piping components to ensure proper and efficient operation of the equipment, control and in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions. Arrange piping connections to equipment so that removal of equipment or components or equipment can be done with least amount of disassembly or removal of pipe system. Cut to the measurements established at the site and work into place pipe bends which will be acceptable in lieu of pipe fittings. The pipe bends will have a uniform radius of at least five times the nominal pipe diameter and shall be free of any flattening, wrinkling or thinning of the pipe walls. Brazing and soldering procedures for joints will be in accordance with local standards. Pipe insulations shall only be applied to refrigerant gas lines. C. Pipe sleeves Provide sleeves where piping passes through walls and partitions. Secure sleeves in proper position and location during construction. Provide sleeves of sufficient length to pass through entire thickness of walls and partitions.

Provide not less than 6 mm space between exterior of piping of pipe insulation and interior of sleeve. Firmly pack space with plastic waterproof cement which will dry to a firm but pliable mass, or provide a segmented elastomeric seal. D. Pipe Hangers and Supports Design and fabrication of pipe hangers, supports and welding attachment shall conform to MSS SP-58. Hanger types and supports for bare and covered pipes shall conform to MSS SP-69 for the system temperature range. Unless otherwise indicated, horizontal and vertical piping attachment shall conform to MSS SP-58. V. FIELD TEST A. Tests All tests shall be performed by and everything required to test shall be furnished by the Contractor, including personnel. Equipment and materials certified as having been successfully tested by the manufacturer in accordance with referenced specifications and standards will not require retesting before or after installation, as applicable, where necessary to determine compliance with referenced specifications and standards. B. Upon completion of piping, test pressure shall be applied. Refrigerant system test pressure for tightness and shall not be less than 1.5 times of operating pressure. After completion or testing, charge the system with refrigerant gas to the desired pressure as recommended by the manufacturer. Apply insulation on the refrigerant gas line with proper thickness depending on pipe size.

SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION MM MM 105 105.1 : MISCELLANEOUS METALS (STEEL FRAMES) : SHOP FABRICATION Supplemental Part : include supplementary parts necessary to complete miscellaneous metal work though not definitely shown or specified herein. Measurement and Dimensions : Verify measurements and dimensions at the jobsite and cooperate in the coordination and scheduling of the work of this section with the work of related trades (with particular attention given to the installation of items embedded in concrete and masonry) so as not to delay job progress. Forming of Exposed Work : Form exposed work true to line, and level, with accurate angles and surfaces straight, sharp edges. Ease exposed edges to radius of approximately 1/32 unless otherwise shown. Form ben metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or ohterwise impairing work.






Forming Exposed Connection : Form exposed connection with hairline joints, flush, and smooth; using concealed fasteners where possible. Exposed threaded portion of bolts and screws shall be cut off flush with adjacent metal. Cut, drill, punch, and tap as required for the installation and attachment of other miscellaneous metal work. Forming Built-in-Metal-Work : Metal : Metal work built in with concrete or masonry shall be formed for anchorage, or be provided with suitable anchors, expansion shields, or other anchoring devices shown or required to provide support for intended use. Furnish such metal work in ample time for setting and securing in place. Welds : Make joints as strong and rigid as adjoining sections. Make welds continuous along entire line of contract except those where spot welding is indicated. Grind exposed welds flush and smooth to match and blend with adjoining surfaces. Where bolted or riveted connections are indicated, such connections may be welded.

105.7 105.8


Welding Requirements : Where welding is performed comply with AWS D1.1. Threaded Connections : Make threaded connection up tight so that threads are entirely concealed. Abutting bars shall be shouldered and headed, dowelled and pinned. Rivet, bolt, and screws heads, shall be flat and countersunk in exposed work and elsewhere as required. Carefully machine, fit and secure removable members of Allen set screws of proper size and spacing. Preassembling, Disassembling, and Reassembling : Preassemble item in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize fields splicing and assembly. Following trial fit, disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly matk units for reassembly and coordinated installation. Provide alignment and splice plates for accurate field fit. : SHOP PAINTING Requirements : All structural steel shall receive a shop of primer paint except as follows: 1. Members encases in concrete. 2. Contact surface of welded connections and areas within 2 in. Of field welds 3. Contact surfaces of high-strength bolted connections 4. Milled surfaces. Primer Application : Apply specified primer by brush spray, roller or other approved means to provide a minimum of dry film thickness of 2.0 mi. No painting shall be done when the surface temperature of the steel is below the temperature at which condensation will occur. Apply paint thoroughly and evenly to dry surfaces in accordance with manufacturers directions.

MM 106 106.1



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