5 Year Plans From 1950-12: Dhilip
5 Year Plans From 1950-12: Dhilip
5 Year Plans From 1950-12: Dhilip
Introduction :
The economy of India is based in part on planning through its five-year plans, which are developed, executed and monitored by the Planning Commission. The tenth plan completed its term in March 2007 and the eleventh plan is currently underway.[1] Prior to the fourth plan, the allocation of state resources was based on schematic patterns rather than a transparent and objective mechanism, which led to the adoption of the Gadgil formula in 1969. Revised versions of the formula have been used since then to determine the allocation of central assistance for state plans.
State electricity boards and state secondary education boards were formed. States were made responsible for secondary and higher education. State road transportation corporations were formed and local road building became a state responsibility. The target growth rate of GDP(gross domestic product)was 5.6 percent. The achieved growth rate was 2.2 percent.[5]
. More prosperous areas of India adopted family planning more rapidly than less prosperous areas, which continued to have a high birth rate. Target Growth: 5.2% Actual Growth: 5.4%
Social Justice Removal of oppression of the weak Using modern technology Agricultural development Anti-poverty programs Full supply of food, clothing, and shelter Increasing productivity of small- and large-scale farmers Making India an Independent Economy
Based on a 15-year period of striving towards steady growth, the 7th Plan was focused on achieving the pre-requisites of self-sustaining growth by the year 2000. The Plan expected a growth in labour force of 39 million people and employment was expected to grow at the rate of 4 percent per year. Some of the expected outcomes of the Seventh Five Year Plan India are given below:
Balance of Payments (estimates): Export 33,000 crore (US$6 billion), Imports (-) 54,000 crore (US$9.8 billion), Trade Balance (-) 21,000 crore (US$3.8 billion) Merchandise exports (estimates): 60,653 crore (US$11 billion) Merchandise imports (estimates): 95,437 crore (US$17.3 billion) Projections for Balance of Payments: Export 60,700 crore (US$11 billion), Imports (-) 95,400 crore (US$17.3 billion), Trade Balance- (-) 34,700 crore (US$6.3 billion)
Under the Seventh Five Year Plan, India strove to bring about a self-sustained economy in the country with valuable contributions from voluntary agencies and the general populace. Target Growth: 5.0% Actual Growth: 5.7%
to prioritize agricultural sector and emphasize on the rural development to generate adequate employment opportunities and promote poverty reduction
to stabilize the prices in order to accelerate the growth rate of the economy to ensure food and nutritional security. to provide for the basic infrastructural facilities like education for all, safe drinking water, primary health care, transport, energy to check the growing population increase to encourage social issues like women empowerment, conservation of certain benefits for the Special Groups of the society to create a liberal market for increase in private investments
During the Ninth Plan period, the growth rate was 5.35 per cent, a percentage point lower than the target GDP growth of 6.5 per cent.
Attain 8% GDP growth per year. Reduction of poverty ratio by 5 percentage points by 2007. Providing gainful and high-quality employment at least to the addition to the labour force. Reduction in gender gaps in literacy and wage rates by at least 50% by 2007. 20 point program was introduced.
Increase the percentage of each cohort going to higher education from the present 10% to 15% by the end of the plan
3. Health Reduce infant mortality rate to 28 and maternal mortality ratio to 1 per 1000 live births o Reduce Total Fertility Rate to 2.1 o Provide clean drinking water for all by 2009 and ensure that there are no slipbacks o Reduce malnutrition among children of age group 03 to half its present level o Reduce anaemia among women and girls by 50% by the end of the plan 4. Women and Children o Raise the sex ratio for age group 06 to 935 by 201112 and to 950 by 2016 17 o Ensure that at least 33 percent of the direct and indirect beneficiaries of all government schemes are women and girl children o Ensure that all children enjoy a safe childhood, without any compulsion to work 5. Infrastructure o Ensure electricity connection to all villages and BPL households by 2009 and round-the-clock power. o Ensure all-weather road connection to all habitation with population 1000 and above (500 in hilly and tribal areas) by 2009, and ensure coverage of all significant habitation by 2015 o Connect every village by telephone by November 2007 and provide broadband connectivity to all villages by 2012 o Provide homestead sites to all by 2012 and step up the pace of house construction for rural poor to cover all the poor by 201617 6. Environment o Increase forest and tree cover by 5 percentage points. o Attain WHO standards of air quality in all major cities by 201112. o Treat all urban waste water by 201112 to clean river waters. o Increase energy efficiency by 20 % Target growth:8.33% Growth achieved:7.9%