Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Action Plan For Labs
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Action Plan For Labs
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Action Plan For Labs
Mathematics I Engineering Drawing Physics for Physical Sciences I Computing Fundamentals Workshop Practice Fundamentals of Engineering Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Contemporary Social Issues Engineering Mathematics II Materials Science Physics for Physical Sciences II Engineering Mechanics I Chemistry 1B English for Academic Purposes 3rd Theory Student comments 3rd Prac 4th Theory 4th Prac Action to be taken: staff
The missing Practicals will be done in August 2012 for the third and fourth year students. Dr Ogunmokun/Mr Shanika/Ms Angula
1 prac done Two practicals on Heat treatment and metallography to in following be organised in in August 2012 for the third and fourth year year students: Prof Kavishe/Ms Angula/Mr Amuphadi. Not done Not done Practicals will be organised in August 2012 for the third and fourth year students. Dr Ogunmokun/Ms Angula
4th Prac
Action to be taken: staff Practicals cannot be done because of lack of equipment. Equipment is currently being ordered.
Computer Aided Drawing Statistics for Engineers Engineering Thermo I Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Mathematics IV
Practicals will be organised in September 2012 for the third and fourth year students. Dr Ogunmokun/Dr Wanjii (JKUAT) Practicals will be organised in September 2012 for the third and fourth year students. Dr K. Ogedengbe Some practicals were done for the fourth year students (a year after they did the course). Practicals will be organised in September 2012 for the third and fourth year students. Ms Angula/Mr Amphadi Practicals will be organised in August 2012 for the third year students. 4th Year Pracs were adequately covered. Ms Angula/Mr Amphadi Course is being covered by Dr T. Ogedengbe from FUTA as from 18th April. Normally no prac; but a project. Practicals will be organised in August 2012 for the third and fourth year students. Mr Dombo See Electronics and Computer Department. See Electrical Department
Not comfortable
Not done
Not done
YEAR 3144 Credits CODE TMEM3731 TEGT3761 TMEM3741 MODULE Manufacturing Technology Fundamentals of Economics Engineering Thermo II Principles of Control Engineering Mechanical Engineering Design II Machine Tools Solid Mechanics II Experimental and Research Methods Entrepreneurship Measurements and Control Fundamentals of Mechatronics Operations Management Computer Aided Manufacturing Rigid Body Dynamics Industrial Attachment II 3rd Theory BT busy busy BT busy busy Student comments Prac 4th Theory Not yet 3rd Not yet Not yet Not yet 4th Prac Action to be taken: staff Course and practicals were adequately covered for the 3rd year students by Mr Onyango JKUAT No need for pracs Practicals will be organised in September 2012 for the third and fourth year students. Dr Ogunmokun/Dr Wanjii (JKUAT) Practicals will be organised in September 2012 for the third and fourth year students. Dr Salau//Mr Phiri/Mr Shaanika Course is being covered by Dr T Ogedengbe from FUTA as from 18th April. Normally no prac; but a project. Course and practicals were adequately covered for the 3rd year students by Mr Onyango JKUAT Dr Oke from FUTA to teach both classes together in September 2012. Topic on Experimental design to be covered by Statistics Department in August 2012 Dr Salau from University of Ibadan to complete the missing topics and organise the practicals in September 2012. To be taught by Dr Oke from FUTA in September 2012 No practicals for this course. Course and pracs are being covered by Dr T Ogedengbe from FUTA as from 18th April. Practicals will be organised in September 2012 for the fourth year students.
Not comfortable Not yet Pending Not comfortable 2-3 topics not covered Pending
Not done
BT busy Pending
Not done
YEAR 4 140 Credits CODE TEGT3821 TEGM3861 TMEE3821 TMEE3841 TMEE3831 TMEE3851 TMEM3821 TMER3891 TMER3892 TMED3892 TEGT3800 MODULE Society and the Engineer Project Management Mechanical Vibrations Renewable Energy Thermal Machines Fluid Machinery Mechanical Engineering Design III Research Proposal Research Project Mechanical Engineering Design Project Industrial Attachment III 584 Pending busy Pending pending 3rd Theory Student comments 3rd Prac 4th Theory Pending 4th Prac Action to be taken: staff Course was concluded by Prof. Weiss. No Practicals needed Some practicals Projects and demonstrations Not yet Practicals were concluded
Course was covered by Dr Wanjii from JKUAT. Practicals will be organised in August 2012 for the fourth year students. Course is being covered by Dr T Ogedengbe from FUTA as from 18th April. Students have their topics and are now working on their projects with their supervisors.