CFDI Monitoring Tool: Short Description of Features
CFDI Monitoring Tool: Short Description of Features
CFDI Monitoring Tool: Short Description of Features
On the initial screen, you can restrict selection of approval requests by setting filters relating to request
table CFDI_REQ_MX:
The program then selects all approval requests that correspond to the filters you have set from the table
Because of the high line count, it makes sense to define some filters if there are a large number of
approval requestsin the system.
Main screen
After you select the approval requests, an ALV grid is displayed with the approval requests that fit the
filters you set on the initial screen.
- The first 4 columns identify the invoice (key fields of table CFDI_REQ_MX).
Double-clicking on the column Doc.Num calls the appropriate display transaction (FB03 for
FI documents, VF03 for SD invoice)
- The next 10 columns correspond to the data fields from table CFDI_REQ_MX.
The column Inv.Status shows the status value in the header table CFDI_REQ_MX. If the last
entry in the status log table is different from this value (in the table CFDI_STAT_LOG_MX),
then the cell is colored red to indicate an error.
Double-clicking on this column displays the status values in order of creation (entries in table
CFDI_STAT_LOG_MX for the request).
(FI doc. 1800000088 has a header status A, but the last entry in the status log is CA.):
- The last 5 columns of the main screen show the IDoc numbers of the appropriate message. The
IDoc numbers are read from the entries in the table CFDI_STAT_LOG_MX (always the last
entry should there be several entries for the same status value):
o Column Req.IDoc: Number of IDoc with status S
o Column Resp.IDoc: Number of IDoc with status A or R
o Column CReq.IDoc: Number of IDoc with status CS
o Column CResp.IDoc: Number of IDoc with status CA or CR
o Column Inv.IDoc: Number of IDoc with status I
The cells containing the IDoc numbers are colored if an IDoc number is known for a
particular status.
- green: The IDoc status is fine.
- yellow : The IDoc has been created, but the status is incorrect. (An outbound IDoc
should have IDoc status 03: Data passed to port correctly; an inbound IDoc should have
status 53: Application document posted.)
- red: No IDoc number in the status log entry, or the last status of the IDoc contains an
error message.
- When you double-click the status cell on the main screen, the columns in the grid are the fields
from the table CFDI_STAT_LOG_MX. The IDoc numbers are the same color as on the main
- Double-clicking an IDoc number calls a display function for the IDoc.
Features of buttons
- Refresh ( ): If you click this pushbutton, the entries in table CFDI_REQ_MX are
reselected based on selections made in the initial screen, and the ALV grid is refreshed. New
requests that were created after the last refresh are also displayed.