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The Commission is organising a selection procedure to fill 9 administrator posts within the Commission in the field of fisheries control and inspection.

1. NATURE OF DUTIES The recruited candidates will control the application by Member States of the provisions of the Common Fisheries Policy by means of the examination of data and by on-the-spot visits and provide assistance to conservation officers. They may also contribute to develop a culture of compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy in order to ensure the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources. This includes the following functions and duties: - evaluate data contained in databases or obtained during on-the-spot visits; - visit Member States for audit and/or verification on-the-spot, based on a predetermined DG inspection plan. This includes drafting reports, identifying non compliance and room for improvement, drawing conclusions, monitoring follow up; - prepare technical reports on a broad range of fisheries enforcements issues; - produce statistics and analysis on demand and assist conservation officials; - analyse the Member States' implementation measures and legislation, - provide input for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy, based on examination of intelligence gathered; - provide input on the assessment of the Member States' control framework; - elaborate and contribute to the definition and development of EU policies concerning the Fisheries Control Policy. 2. TYPE AND DURATION OF CONTRACT The successful candidate(s) may be offered a temporary contract under point (a) or (b) (depending on budgetary possibilities) of Article 2 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS) in accordance with the Commission Decision of 28 April 2004 on a new policy for the engagement and employment of temporary staff1. The duration may not exceed four years, with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of two years.


The duration of the contract will also take account of the relevant provisions in the Commission Decision of 28 April 2004 as modified by Commission Decision of 10 October 2011 on the maximum duration of recourse to non-permanent staff (six years over a twelve-year period)2.




AD5 (as an indication, basic monthly starting salary of 4.423,53 to 4.609,41 EUR)3

3. ADMISSION CONDITIONS 3.1. General conditions Candidates must satisfy the requirements set out in Article 12 of the CEOS4, which include being a national of a Member State of the European Union. The European Union institutions apply a policy of equal opportunities and accept applications without distinction on the grounds of sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation 3.2. Specific conditions 3.2.1. Qualifications Candidates must have: A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma in one of the following areas: fisheries management, engineering, vessel construction, Union and international (maritime) law, audit where the normal period of full-time university education is three years or more.

3.2.2. Experience By the deadline for submission of applications, and in addition to the qualifications required under 3.2.1, candidates must have at least 2 years' full time professional experience gained after obtaining the diploma required under Qualifications, in one of the following fields: - System audit, and/or quality auditing (financial audit experience is not relevant) - Fisheries control - Fisheries management - Data analysis.

http://myintracomm.ec.europa.eu/hr_admin/en/external_staff/six_year/Documents/six_years_rule.pdf http://europa.eu/epso/apply/today/pdf_word_temp_staff/decision_on_classification_en.pdf http://ec.europa.eu/civil_service/docs/toc100_en.pdf

3 4

3.2.3. Languages Under point (e) of Article 12(2) of the CEOS candidates must have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another of the official languages the European Union. To meet the needs of the service candidates must have good analytical and drafting skills in English. 4. ADVANTAGES 1. Additional experience or qualification in statistics, IT engineering, system auditing and or quality management will be an advantage. 2. Experience with modern communication technology and geographical information systems, knowledge of statistical analysis, as well as a background in fisheries / environment or agricultural (including food, feed and animal health) monitoring, control and surveillance in a national administration is considered as an advantage. 3. Inclusion on the list of Union inspectors pursuant Article 79(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 is considered and advantage. 5. CONDUCT OF THE PROCEDURE There will be two separate, successive stages of the procedure: 1. Pre-selection The selection committee, composed in accordance with Article 2(c) of the Commission Decision of 28 April 2004 on a new policy for the engagement and employment of temporary staff, will carry out a pre-selection based on the qualifications and professional experience described in the application form and letter of motivation. As well as the application form and the letter of motivation candidates must also provide the official supporting documents confirming the information given in their application form, i.e.: - copy of a document proving citizenship (identity card or passport); - copy of the diploma(s) or certificate(s) of the required level of education; - employment certificates proving the length of professional experience. These documents must clearly show the function, the field of activity, the nature of the tasks, the start and end date and continuity of each of the periods of professional experience to be counted for this selection procedure. For this purpose candidates should produce employment certificates from their former employers and current employer. Failing this, copies of the following documents, for example, will be accepted: employment contracts, accompanied by the first and last pay slips and the final monthly pay slip for each intermediate year in the case of a contract of more than one year, official letters or acts of appointment, accompanied by the final salary slip, employment records, tax declarations. Final acceptance of the application is subject to presentation of the requisite supporting documents. If these documents are not received by the deadline stipulated, the application will be deemed void. 3

If candidates are in any doubt about the nature or validity of the documents to be presented they should contact the secretary of the selection committee at least ten working days before the deadline expires, via the functional mailbox at the following address: MARE-Select-Temporaries@ec.europa.eu . The aim is to enable them to produce a complete and acceptable dossier by the deadline. Successful candidates who are to be offered a job will, at a later date, be required to produce the originals of all the requisite documents for the purpose of certification.

2. Selection Candidates who have successfully completed the admission stage will be invited for an interview in order to be assessed and compared objectively and impartially on the basis of their qualifications, professional experience, abilities and knowledge of languages, as set out in this notice. The interview may be complemented with a written test to evaluate candidates' ability to draft in English. The reserve list will contain approximately 18 successful candidates and be valid for two years. The validity of the list may be extended.

Applications Completed applications (in English, French or German), accompanied by a letter of application, must be sent to the following address: MARE-Select-Temporaries@ec.europa.eu

Candidates are requested to send their applications in a single e-mail in .zip or .pdf format in order not to overload the functional mailbox. The Commission reserves the right to install a computer tool that will automatically remove all messages of more than 1 MB. Data on admissibility criteria will not be changed after the closing date of candidatures' submissions. Candidates should use the same functional mailbox for all correspondence with the selection committee and for any request for information. The closing date for the submission of applications is 15/06/2012

**************************************** For your information, please note that the Commission has launched an internal database to collect spontaneous applications. If you are interested in being considered for other selection procedures (including for other types of contracts) you may submit your curriculum vitae via "EU CV Online": http://www.ec.europa.eu/civil_service/job/cvonline/index_en.htm 4

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