ABAP Debugger New
ABAP Debugger New
ABAP Debugger New
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Regular Feature
New ABAP Editor
and Debugger Boost Under
Developers’ Productivity Development
Developers are increasingly making With all their new features, the
use of modeling in ABAP development latest versions of the ABAP Editor
tools — UI development tools based on and Debugger (available with SAP GUI
the Web Dynpro programming paradigm 6.40 patch level 10 for SAP NetWeaver
are good examples — to build programs 2004s) are generating quite a buzz —
without having to painstakingly write but don’t just take my word for it. Both
them line by line. Digging into the code, the ABAP Editor and Debugger won
though, is still the trickiest part of any first prize at the “SDN Jam Session”
application development, so it’s not demo competition at the 2005 SAP
surprising that the bulk of a developer’s TechEd conferences in both Vienna and Karl Kessler, SAP AG
time is spent with the ABAP Editor and Boston. To help show what the excitement
Debugger tools. Despite a selection of is all about, this article looks at the
model-driven programming tools, the new editing and debugging tools (see
typical ABAP developer probably spends Figure 1), and highlights some time- and manage even the most complex
as much as 95% of his time writing — saving features: development code
and reworking — code using the ABAP
Automated and customizable syntax ■
Code templates, dynamic content,
Editor and Debugger.
coloring, bookmarking, and collapsible and auto-correct options that “under-
Whenever your work relies so much code views to help better organize stand” what developers are coding
on any one tool, the addition of any new
time-saving feature will have some major
impact on productivity and speed up
projects significantly. Even from a more
user-oriented perspective, you shouldn’t
underestimate the power of a user-friendly
coding environment. It can make sitting
down at the computer to make last-minute
changes to your application to adapt to
new business requirements — or even
worse, to edit code you didn’t design on
your own — all the more bearable.1
For example, I admit that I didn’t like the early Java
development tools, as they were inherently slower than
typical Windows applications. But when Eclipse arrived
on the scene using Windows resources more or less
natively for Java development, I instantly became Figure 1 Some Sample Views of the New ABAP Editor and Debugger
enthusiastic. A cool development environment makes Environments
a big difference!
The most obvious change is all the Figure 2 Switching On the New ABAP Editor and Debugger Tools
color; automated syntax highlighting
color-codes different syntactical
elements. Keywords, such as DATA
and CHECK, are shown in blue; string
constants are green; custom code is
in black; and comments are italicized —
and all of these can be customized,
which I’ll explain in the next section.
All the buzz around the new ABAP
Variables display
Editor and Debugger is well deserved.
The new features and design of the
ABAP Editor and Debugger better
understand the syntactical elements
of the language, greatly enhancing
the productivity of your ABAP develop-
ment teams. As always, the tools
Figure 8 The New Look of the ABAP Debugger User Interface
are integrated into the familiar
environment of an ABAP Workbench.
But unlike earlier versions, the tools
are now integrated with each other —
the new editing environment is fully
reflected in the debugging environment,
and vice versa. What’s more, the tools
also offer many new customization
capabilities to personalize each user’s
designtime and runtime environment.
This is cool, time-saving stuff for
ABAP developers!