Pa30 Configuration
Pa30 Configuration
Pa30 Configuration
The SAP HR module enables companies to effectively manage information about the people in their
organization. It is integrated with other SAP modules and external systems.
The five submodule of SAP HR Module are which we normally come across are:
From the Organization Management (OM) perspective, companies can model a business hierarchy, the
relationships of employees to various business units and the reporting structure among employees.
The Personnel Administration (PA) sub module helps employers to track employee master data, work
schedules, salary and benefits information.
The Personnel Development (PD) functionality focuses on employees' skills, qualifications and career
Finally, the Time Management (TM) and Payroll sub modules process attendance and absences, gross
salary and tax calculations, and payments to employees and third party vendors.
It is all because of the time-constrained nature of HR data; we have slightly different terminology than the
rest of SAP. We have the concept of Infotypes, which are just tables storing HR with respect to time.
HR ones, in general, starts with PA and then the IT number. Hence, IT0001 is PA0001 when you are
looking at tables.
So IT001 will be having PA0001 as the database table underlying and the structure P0001.
OM infotypes start with HRP and similarly IT1000 is HRP1000 in the data dictionary.
If you want to create a new infotype then use transaction PM01. The idea is that you have a way to
configure what you need via tables T588M (Infotype Screen Control) and T582A (Infotypes: Customer-
Specific Settings).
Master data in Personal Administration, can be also coined, as Employee Master data in HR, is stored in
PA infotypes.
Each infotype has a database table and a structure associated with it.
Example: For Infotype 0000, the corresponding Structure is P0000 and the database table associated
with it is PA0000.
The information units used to enter the data of an employee are called infotypes.
E.g.. IT0000 (Actions), IT0002 (Personal Data), IT0006 (Address) or IT0105 (Communications)
As HR is related to time, we require old data as well as new data. The data we enter into the infotypes are
automatically checked for accuracy and against the table entries.
The sub-division of infotype records is subtypes. Each subtype represents an infotype category with its
own time character.
Infotype 0006 is for addresses. These addresses are sub-divided in the IT0006 as permanent residence,
secondary residence and home address.
Like wise Infotype 0105 is for Communication. One employee can have various Communication Media
like SAP User Name, EMAIL, and CREDIT CARD etc. So IT PA0105 is subdivided into multiple subtypes
as 0001 for SAP USER, MAIL for Email, 0011 for Credit Card etc.
Also some Employee Information like BAND, Annual Salary etc is also maintained in Employee Master
via subtypes in Communication Infotypes.
In this tutorial, we will try to show how Employee Master Data is maintained in HR.
Part 2. Maintaining Employee Master data via PA30 which covering the entire life cycle of an
Starting with HIRING of an Employee to CHANGING some data for the Employee, ROLL BACK
Changes made to the Employee data TERMINATING the employee, REACTIVATING and REHIRING the
This screen shot from PA30 Maintain Master Data shows the selection of menu tabs and infotypes
available. This document explains how to change these setting to suit the user.
This presents two menu options; select the first - User group dependency on infotype menus that
presents the following screen:
It is recommended that you do not change the existing menu tabs; instead create your own. To create a
new menu tab click New Entries - the code in column 1 is just an identifier for the menu tab. To easily
identify your tabs from SAP example/standard ones, it is recommended that you start your menu code
with Z and enter a description that appears on the menu tab when displayed on PA30.
The column for User-dep is ticked to make the menu tab user dependant. This means further
configuration of the infotype list, is done by user group to allow different presentation depending on the
type of user. You should decide if this is applicable and select appropriately. User groups are a wider
topic than just for this configuration and should be reviewed as part of the project. If you do not have
different user groups on your project, do not tick the User-dep column and do all work against user group
The Reaction column is the reaction if the user parameter UGR (user group) is not maintained for a
particular user when displaying the menu tab. If this is left blank, there is no message and the settings for
the standard user group are used (i.e. reference user group). W is the same as blank, but also displays a
warning message for the user that they need to maintain their user group. E will give an error message
and will not display the menu tab.
The ref. Column is the reference user group i.e. the user group settings that should be used. E.g. if the
user in group 07 uses PA30, but no menus have been set for 07, you can enter another user group
number in this column as the one that should be used instead.
This presents two menu options, select the second - infotype menus and enter the menu tab number you
created earlier. When in the screen, click New Entries, once your configuration is complete, the screen
may look something like this:
The entries here show that for user group 08, infotypes 0000,0001,0002, etc are displayed in the order
shown. The second column is a sequential number which determines the order the infotypes appear on
the list it is not possible to overtype this number, so if you wish to change it, you have to delete the line
and put it back with a different sequence number. The next column is the infotype number you wish to
appear. The column not normally used it is for infotype screen control, e.g. if infotype 0006
Address normally goes to screen for country 08 (GB), you can force it to go to another version of the
screen, i.e. enter a different country number.
Note that this example presumes user groups based on MOLGA country code, as is usually the
case. The user group numbers do not have to represent the country of the user, they can refer to their
department, job function etc. Menu tabs and infotype lists are configured accordingly.
In this final step, we set up which of the menu tabs appear on PA30 and in which order (and various other
This IMG step has two options, select the second = Infotype Menus. A box will prompt for a menu
number, enter 01 if you wish to make changes to PA30 Maintain Master Data, click the possible entries
button to see other options for areas like travel.
There will be entries in this table already that you must delete or change according to your
requirements. Here we see a simple example:
Users going to PA30 in user group 01 will be presented with the menu tabs for Basic Details, and Time
Data, for 08 they will also get Payroll menu tab.
Refer to the example at the very beginning of this document to see how this would look.
Now test the configuration has worked by going to PA30 and reviewing the infotype menus. Follow back
through steps 1 to 3 to correct any problems or make adjustments.
In our project we have a customized User Menu set up for the PA30 transaction as below.
In the first option: (User group dependency on menus and info groups) the entry TR (AOL -Mini Master)
view is taken into consideration for the project.
In the next option (Infotype Menu) select TR and press enter.
Now the next screen (Display View Infotype Menu :Overview), which comes up, explains the screen flow
sequence, which we will be observing henceforth in our PA30 transaction.
The Infotypes configured for our system and the sequence number in which they come are explained by
the following screen shot.
Choose the option (Infotype menus) and set TR (AOL Mini Master) for all.
This will ensure when you go to PA30 the view set up in TR will come up.
Maintaining Subtypes for Communication Infotype.