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Overview of The File and Print Server For Powerlinux: Linux

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Overview of the file and print server for PowerLinux


Overview of the file and print server for PowerLinux

Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 5.

Second Edition (October 2011) Copyright IBM Corporation 2011. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Overview of the file and print server for PowerLinux servers . . . . . . . . . 1
Configuring the file and print server . . . . . . Adding a Samba user . . . . . . . . . . . Enabling the user_xattr attribute . . . . . . . . Backing up and restoring the file and print server configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Backing up the file and print server configuration Restoring the file and print server configuration . 1 1 2 2 2 2 Deleting backup files . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting the file and print server . . . Related information for the file and print server PDF file for Overview of the file and print server PowerLinux servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for . . 3 3 3 4

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Copyright IBM Corp. 2011



Linux: Overview of the file and print server for PowerLinux

Overview of the file and print server for PowerLinux servers

Samba is an open source, free software suite that provides file and print services. Samba uses the TCP/IP protocol that is installed in the host server. When configured with this server software, the host system can share files and printers and make them accessible from client systems. The required packages for the Samba server are installed by the IBM Installation Toolkit for PowerLinux. The Samba server is configured by the IBM Installation Toolkit Simplified Setup Tool.

Supported Linux distributions

The Samba file and print server is supported by PowerLinux servers using the following Linux distributions: v Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 v Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7 v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4

Configuring the file and print server

Follow these steps to configure Samba for use on PowerLinux servers. Use the IBM Installation Toolkit Simplified Setup Tool to configure the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) packages by following these steps: 1. To open the Simplified Setup Tool, point your browser to: https://<server ip or hostname>:6060, where <server ip or hostname> is the IP address or host name of your system. 2. Sign in using the root user name and password. 3. In the Simplified Setup Tool, select the file and print server option and proceed through the screens.

See the Simplified Setup Tool help for details. The following RPMs are installed by the IBM Installation Toolkit for PowerLinux: v sst-core v sst-augeas v sst-fileprint v sst-fileprint-scripts The Simplified Setup Tool shows a list of files on the File and print server configuration page. These files are modified during the file and print server configuration. Samba smb.conf man page Samba smbcontrol man page Samba smbstatus man page Samba smbpasswd man page

Adding a Samba user

Follow these instructions to add your first Samba user.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011

When security is set to user, Samba requires that you define a local account to validate the password for remote users. To add a definition for a new user, run the following command: smbpasswd -a username, where username is the user name for the user. Then, enter a password, and enter the password again for verification.

Enabling the user_xattr attribute

Enable the user_xattr attribute in order to improve performance. The IBM Installation Toolkit Simplified Setup Tool checks to see if the user_xattr attribute is enabled. If the Simplified Setup Tool discovers that user_xattr is enabled, more entries are added to the smb.conf file. If the user_xattr attribute is not enabled, the Simplified Setup Tool shows a message suggesting that you enable the user_xattr attribute for better performance. The message states:
[WARNING] You should enable user_xattr for better Samba performance.

To enable the user_xattr attribute: 1. Edit the /etc/fstab file. 2. Select any file system listed in the /etc/fstab file, and add the following entry to the mount options: user_xattr For example, in the /etc/fstab file, the fourth column has options that are used during the mount process. Multiple options are separated by commas:
/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SAIX_VDASD_00f6773300004c000000012dc299e3c8.22-part3 / ext3 acl,user_xattr 1 1

Or, the entry might look similar to the following entry:

UUID=843b8d2e-4643-44e9-a49e-667157895b17 /boot ext4 defaults,user_xattr 1 2

3. Run the Simplified Setup Tool for the file and print server again. The Simplified Setup Tool applies the new settings to the smb.conf file.

Backing up and restoring the file and print server configuration

You can create a backup file of the file and print workload, restore a backup file, and delete backup files.

Backing up the file and print server configuration

When you configure the file and print server, you can create a backup file of the configuration. For instructions, see Configuring the file and print server on page 1. All backup files are stored in the /opt/ibm/sst/backups directory. If you uninstall IBM Installation Toolkit Simplified Setup Tool, the backup files are not uninstalled with the Simplified Setup Tool. Instead, the backup files remain in the /opt/ibm/sst/backups directory. A backup file for the file and print server consists of these files: v For Red Hat Enterprise Linux: etc/samba/smb.conf etc/rc.local v For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: etc/samba/smb.conf etc/init.d/after.local

Restoring the file and print server configuration

You can restore the file and print server configuration by using the Simplified Setup Tool. 1. From the main menu, select Restore previous settings.

Linux: Overview of the file and print server for PowerLinux

2. Select the backup file that you want to restore and click Next. 3. Click Yes to restore the system files to the configuration specified in the backup file that you selected in the previous step.

Deleting backup files

The Simplified Setup Tool stores multiple backup files. Follow these steps to delete backup files from the Simplified Setup Tool. 1. From the main menu, select Delete backups. The Delete backup panel is shown. 2. Select the backup files that you want to delete and click Delete.

Troubleshooting the file and print server

Troubleshoot common problems with the file and print server. Problem: The IBM Installation Toolkit Simplified Setup Tool, which you want to use to configure the file and print server, does not start. Follow these steps to troubleshoot the Simplified Setup Tool: 1. Verify that the sst and uppd services are running by using the following commands: v service sst status v service uppd status The commands return the result running. 2. If the command does not return the correct result, open a terminal window, and enter the relevant command from the root directory: v service sst start v service uppd start 3. If the sst and uppd services are running correctly, but the Simplified Setup Tool still does not start, your firewall might be blocking the port that the Simplified Setup Tool uses. Check that port 6060 is enabled. 4. If port 6060 is enabled, but the problem is not solved, verify that the necessary RPMs are installed on your system. See the list of RPMs in the Configuring the file and print server on page 1 topic. Problem: After adding new disks to the system, the file and print server is not performing well. Run the Simplified Setup Tool for the file and print server again. Do not change any of the current settings. The settings are applied to your new disks, and performance improves. For more information about how to add a disk to your system, see Managing devices in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center. Related information: Managing devices information in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center (http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/powersys/v3r1m5/topic/p7hdt/p7hdtkickoff.htm)

Related information for the file and print server

See the following resources for more information about the file and print server. Samba Documentation (http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/) This page lists several documentation sources for the Samba project. The Official Samba 3.5.x HOWTO and Reference Guide (http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/ Samba-HOWTO-Collection/) This guide provides configuration details and examples for Samba 3.

File and print server for PowerLinux servers

Samba-3 by Example (http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-Guide/) This book provides step-by-step implementation instructions for Samba network configurations in several environmental contexts.

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Linux: Overview of the file and print server for PowerLinux

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Linux: Overview of the file and print server for PowerLinux

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