160453530X Cosmelic
160453530X Cosmelic
160453530X Cosmelic
b y M a r c i a
A m i d o n
L u s t e d
Essential Viewpoints
Essential Viewpoints
Essential Viewpoints
b y M a r c i a
A m i d o n
L u s t e d
Essential Viewpoints
Published by ABDO Publishing Company, 8000 West 78th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55439. Copyright 2010 by Abdo Consulting Group, Inc. International copyrights reserved in all countries. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. The Essential Library is a trademark and logo of ABDO Publishing Company. Printed in the United States. Editor: Jill Sherman Copy Editor: Erika Wittekind Interior Design and Production: Rebecca Daum Cover Design: Rebecca Daum Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lusted, Marcia Amidon. Cosmetic surgery / by Marcia Amidon Lusted. p. cm. (Essential viewpoints) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-60453-530-3 1. Surgery, PlasticJuvenile literature. I. Title. RD119.L87 2009 617.95dc22
Cosmetic Surgery
table of contents
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Timeline Essential Facts Additional Resources Glossary Source Notes Index About the Author
An Obsession with Looks The Evolution of Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Explored The Quest for Beauty Teens and Cosmetic Surgery The Best of Cosmetic Surgery The Price of Cosmetic Surgery The Cosmetic Surgery Experience When Not to Have Surgery
n any day, the average U.S. consumer is exposed to constant messages about beauty and appearance. Television and magazine ads tell people that it is important to be attractive. People are encouraged to buy makeup and clothing,
Cosmetic Surgery
join weight-loss programs, or ask their doctors to prescribe weight-loss Reality Television drugs. Reality TV shows about Millions of people have also tuned cosmetic surgery, such as Extreme Makeover, I in to televisions reality shows, such Want a Famous Face, Dr. 90210, and Miami Slice, as Extreme Makeover or The Swan. In these became very popular in shows, people who believe they are the early 2000s. However, doctors fear that peougly undergo an intense regimen of ple who have watched these shows may have cosmetic surgery, dieting, exercise, unrealistic ideas about and other procedures. When they what these surgeries really involve. Doctors reach the end, they have been need to warn patients that the situations that come transformed into societys version of up in these shows are beauty. for entertainment value. The shows do not always Adults and teens are turning reflect what happens in real life. to cosmetic surgical procedures at a greater rate than ever before. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 11.7 million cosmetic surgeries were performed in the United States in 2007. Such surgeries include those to remove fat, to change breast size, and to change facial features. Women most typically have these procedures. A growing number of women are having surgery to change their bodies after pregnancy. But cosmetic surgery is not limited to women alone: men 7
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accounted for 9 percent of all cosmetic surgeries in 2007. Why are so many people turning to cosmetic surgery? It is often suggested that Americans feel the need to have cosmetic surgery because of pressures from society. Media images on television and in magazines show constant images of beautiful people. According to a reporter for Psychology Today, people are more self-conscious about their looks when in the presence of beautiful people: It is not that people on television are on average much betterlooking than the rest of us, though that is certainly true. It is also that the average American spends four hours a day watching television. It would be surprising if all that viewing time did not make us more self-conscious.1
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an unrealistic image of beauty that emphasizes youth? Many people are no longer happy with their faces and bodies. They do not tolerate the natural signs of aging. Increasingly, people are turning to cosmetic surgeons. Both surgical and noninvasive procedures are popular ways to bring people closer to the ideal body. Those who favor cosmetic surgery Cultural Values see it as a useful The definition of beauty changes according to the society that an individual belongs tool to achieve to. Cultural definitions of beauty often reflect beauty. Others see traits that are unusual to that culture. Fatness is considered attractive in a culture where few unnecessary surgery people have enough to eat. Blonde hair was as a drastic and once valued in the darker-skinned, darkerhaired Italian people of Venice. dangerous step. As Deborah Sullivan states in her book They encourage Cosmetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge of Compeople to be happy mercial Medicine in America, Cosmetic surgery is a modern variation of a practice with the features as old as humankind. Every culture has some they have. customs that prescribe deliberately changing
a bodys natural appearance.2 Some cus-
toms may seem strange to those not from that culture. Paduang women in Thailand have elongated their necks with metal collars. Chinese women used to bind their feet to keep them small. To another culture, the large breasts and small noses of the perfect women in the United States seem just as strange.
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by the age, the gender, and the ethnicity of the patient. Among women, the top cosmetic surgeries are breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid surgery, abdominoplasty (also known as tummy tuck), and breast reduction. For men, liposuction, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty (also known as a nose
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job), breast reduction, and hair transplants top the list. Teens under the age of 18 are most likely to have nose jobs. Young women are more likely to have breast surgery. Men are more likely to seek procedures that will make them look younger and more fit so that they can remain competitive in the workplace. Women have procedures to help them appear younger and more attractive. Teens may seek surgery to correct features that others make fun of. Ethnic and cultural expectations may also influence whether someone has a cosmetic procedure. Some people will have surgery to appear less ethnic. They may want to achieve the American standard of beauty. Some Asian women have had eyelid surgery to Michael Jackson make their eyes appear larger and One of the most famous rounder. Some Jewish Americans and and most visible examples of a celebrity who has African Americans change the shape had a great deal of cosmetic surgery is Michael of their noses so they are smaller and Jackson. It is rumored that he has had as many as narrower.
ten cosmetic procedures done on his nose alone. He has also had his chin and eyes reshaped, his eyebrows tattooed, and his skin lightened.
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birth defects, burns, and injuries helps improve a persons self-image. In addition, people can change physical features that make them feel self-conscious. Cosmetic surgery is often seen as another tool that people can utilize to help them feel more attractive and confident. As Bethanne Snodgrass comments in The Makeover Myth, Cosmetic interventions are about normalizingthat is, striving to achieve the current cultural norms of appearance. They are also promoted as ways to restore or obtain beauty, youth, sex appeal, status, and happiness.3 The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) supports patients who choose to have cosmetic procedures. The organization encourages patients to become educated about their options. ASAPS also promotes high standards among doctors. Through research,
Joan Rivers In 2004, Joan Rivers, a celebrity well known for her many cosmetic surgeries, appeared on a TV drama about cosmetic surgeons. In the show, her character asks to be restored to the woman she would have been if she had not had multiple cosmetic procedures. After she is shown a computer simulation of what she might look like today, she changes her mind.
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ASAPS keeps patients and doctors up-to-date with the best information and safest techniques.
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The Love Your Body Foundation is one organization that does not approve of routine or unnecessary cosmetic surgery. This organization encourages women to have a healthy body image so that they will not consider risky surgery. If women are happy with the bodies they have, the need for cosmetic surgery may one day disappear. The decision for those thinking about having cosmetic surgery rests in their individual reasons and expectations for having the surgery. But no one should make this decision lightly. All aspects of surgery need to be explored for an individual to understand the risks, the consequences, and the value of these procedures. For some people, cosmetic surgery will transform their lives. But for others, it is an unnecessary and dangerous option.
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n 1923, a Jewish actress and comedian named Fanny Brice had a surgical procedure commonly called a nose job to make her nose smaller. Today, nose jobs are one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures. But Brices
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operation was news because she was one of the first celebrities to publicly admit to plastic surgery. Until that time, procedures such as this were kept secret. When asked why she had the operation, Brice said it was so that she would be more versatile as an actress. Brice had brought cosmetic surgery into the open and helped launch a new era in how it was perceived. She used it to improve her looks and her career. Her public admission helped strip away the old taboos about beauty surgery.
Fannys Nose Actress Fanny Brices decision to have her nose reshaped in 1923 was controversial. Most people felt that the Jewish actress wanted to make her face look less Jewish. Writer Dorothy Parker, known for her witty comments, said that Brice had cut off her nose to spite her race.1
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normal and accepted attributes of beauty for those cultures. In addition, reconstructive surgery has existed for thousands of years. As early as 600 bce, a Hindu surgeon was able to reconstruct a missing nose using a flap of skin from the patients cheek. The Romans were able to perform simple procedures, such as repairing ears that had been stretched or damaged. Around 1000 ce, it was common for warriors to slash off the upper lips and noses of their enemies. Surgeons had methods Defining Plastic Surgery for rebuilding these missing parts When World War I endfrom flaps of neck skin. ed, doctors met to define a new specialty known Before anesthesia and pain as plastic surgery. They medication were perfected, used the term plastic to represent the process of any surgical procedure was very creating or forming new body structures to replace painful and would not be done missing parts. The word for cosmetic reasons alone. With a plastic comes from the Greek word plastikos, poor understanding of sterilization is an adjective meaning formed or molded. and few disinfectants available, Eventually the term plasinfections were common. Once tic surgeon replaced the older term beausterile techniques, antibiotics, and ty doctor for those who practiced cosmetic anesthesia were discovered, elective surgery. surgery became possible.
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As [the doctors] sought to restore function, they also tried to create an appearance that would allow a veteran to return to his family and his work . . . Most of the injured were willing to undergo virtually any ordeal, no matter how painful, to achieve this goal.2
World War I Masks
Even with the progress in reconstructive facial surgery during World War I, there were still some disfigured men whose looks could not be restored through surgery. Artists Derwent Wood and Anna Coleman Ladd became known for creating lifelike full face or partial face masks for these men to wear. Using photographs taken before the war, these artists created masks cast from copper. They then painted the masks with oil paints. The masks even had mustaches and whiskers of copper wire, sturdy enough to be pulled and twirled. The masks numbered in the hundreds. Soldiers whose faces could not be surgically repaired were able to move through the world normally thanks to the masks. Derwent Wood said of his masks, My work begins where that of the surgeon is completed. When the surgeon has done all he can to restore function, to heal wounds, to support fleshy tissue by bone grafting, I endeavor by means of the skill I happen to possess as a sculptor to make a mans face as near as possible to what it would look like before he was wounded.3
The methods developed to repair war injuries helped make plastic surgery a standard profession. It also paved the way for modern cosmetic surgery.
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Children who might have been shut away because of their looks could have corrective surgery in order to look normal. During the 1920s and 1930s, many of the birth defects that might once have left a person without choices now could be corrected. Surgery to repair damage from accidents also became more successful. In the decade following the war, burns could be treated with skin grafts. Shattered lower jaws could be rebuilt with bone grafts. Severed fingers and toes could be reattached. The growing safety of surgical procedures finally made it possible for people to have minor cosmetic surgery to alter their looks. The first surgeries, such as Fanny Brices, were mostly done on noses. Members of ethnic groups who were often discriminated against, such as Irish and Jewish immigrants to the United States, would have their noses reshaped to look less ethnic. 21
Paraffin Paraffin was widely used as filler for reshaping noses in the early 1900s. It could be easily injected into the body. Also, it did not seem to react with the bodys chemistry, at least at first. Doctors later discovered that paraffin had some side effects. It often migrated within a patients body. This was even more common in patients who spent time in the sun. Paraffin was difficult or impossible to extract once it was in the body. Some patients developed cancers because of it. Even after doctors were aware of the side effects, some continued to use paraffin injections.
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Opening the Floodgates
After Fanny Brice had her well-publicized nose job, other celebrities began having equally public procedures. The public became aware of cosmetic surgery and the effect it could have on the average persons looks. Ugly Girl Contests One of the darker sides of In the medical community, there the new cosmetic surgery was some debate over the subject of industry in the 1920s was the popularity of contests so-called beauty surgery. Some for a surgical makeover. The ugliest woman to doctors felt that surgeries should only enter would be chosen be done to correct deformities and for a makeover. A newspaper or magazine would injuries. Others were more accepting sponsor the contest with a plastic surgeon. The conof elective surgeries. Eventually, tests promised to make cosmetic surgery became a normal the winner a beauty with the help of the plastic surpart of medical practice. geons skills. Each day, the newspaper would run By the mid-twentieth century, a photograph of an ugly as the focus on looks and beauty woman, along with an article about how her looks grew, ordinary people began to look had affected her life. Many of these women to cosmetic surgery. People linked endured the embarrassbeauty with success. And cosmetic ment of winning the title of ugliest woman for surgery could make that success the chance to be beautiful. Ultimately, a winpossible for anyone. Because of ner would be chosen for this change in public opinion, the a surgical makeover. It was, of course, great floodgates were opened for modern advertising for the doctor. cosmetic surgery. 22
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Dancer Maria Korda examines her nose after cosmetic surgery in 1961.
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self-esteem, doctors were able to convince some patients that the procedures were not based on vanity alone. As a result of these kinds of ads, which appeared in the early twentieth century, the number of cosmetic surgery procedures has increased every year. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, cosmetic surgery procedures have jumped almost 500 percent from 1997 to 2007. But to understand the trend of cosmetic surgery, it is necessary to understand what types of procedures are considered cosmetic Cosmetic Surgery for Pets? surgery.
Some consumers have procedures done on their pets. In most cases, these surgeries are necessary for the animals health. But some are not. For example, neutered dogs can have testicular implants so that they will still look the same as they did before surgery. Pets can have excess fat removed, as well as eye lifts and face-lifts. Owners of show animals may also seek to perfect an animals ears, teeth, or tail in order to give them a better chance of winning in competition.
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hair removal is one such procedure. The second category includes traditional surgical procedures. These require surgery and often must be done with anesthesia in a hospital or clinical setting. These procedures can be grouped by the desired effect. Body contouring refers to procedures that alter the shape of large areas of the body. Body contouring may be done on the stomach, buttocks, or legs. One such procedure is liposuction. Doctors remove fat from an area of the body through a suction tube. Liposuction can take hours to complete, depending on how large an area is being suctioned. Patients may have bruising and swelling after the surgery. They must wear special compression clothing and limit their activities while they recover. Another body contouring procedure is abdominoplasty, often called a tummy tuck. Excess skin and sagging abdominal muscles are tightened during a tummy tuck. Women who have been pregnant or people who have lost a lot of weight may have excess drooping skin. They may choose to have this procedure to make their stomachs flatter and tighter. A tummy tuck is one of the most serious cosmetic procedures. It requires general anesthesia and days of hospitalization. 26
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Some body contouring procedures involve adding implants to reshape an area of the body. Implants may be placed in the buttocks, the thighs, the chest, and the calves. Implants are usually made of solid silicone or silicone gel. They are often placed underneath normal muscles. This procedure also requires hospitalization. The Fringes of Cosmetic Surgery Implant procedures There are other cosmetic procedures that are also have risks. too radical for most patients. A procedure known as JewelEye has been If the implants performed in the Netherlands. In this proceare not perfectly dure, a tiny platinum jewel is implanted within placed, abnormal the eye. A piece of jewelry can be seen on the white area of the patients eye. The JewelEye body shaping and procedure is not legal outside of the Nethermuscle damage can lands. Its long-term health effects are not yet known. result.
Other unusual procedures are performed
Breast Surgery
Another category of surgical cosmetic procedure is breast surgery. Women may have procedures to make breasts
on people who call themselves furries. These people modify their bodies to be more like animals, such as a tiger. They may have tattoos of stripes all over their bodies, sharpen their canine teeth to resemble fangs, and have nose, mouth, or ear surgery in order to look more catlike. In an extreme form of body alteration, people change their identities by willingly becoming amputees. Most doctors will not perform unnecessary amputations. They may risk losing their medical license if they perform these procedures.
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larger (breast augmentation) using silicone or saline implants. Or they may want to make breasts smaller (breast reduction) by removing excess tissue. Breast reduction is sometimes done to relieve back pain caused by very heavy breasts. There is also a procedure known as a breast lift, in which skin is removed and the breast is reshaped to look younger.
Performance Surgery The Parisian artist Orlan uses cosmetic surgery as her artistic medium. She uses her cosmetic surgeries as performance art. The surgeries are filmed as she has a series of procedures to make her look like famous female icons, such as the Mona Lisa. These surgeries are performed in an operating room decorated with props. Orlan and her surgical team are dressed in costumes. She insists on only local anesthesia so that she is aware and talking during the surgeries. Orlan says that her work is a protest against the social pressure put on a womans body.1
Facial Procedures
Cosmetic surgery procedures also include procedures performed on the ears. Ears that protrude can be reshaped to be closer to the skull. This procedure is often done for self-esteem reasons, especially in children. Ears that stick out may be considered a birth defect. Facial procedures include eyelid surgery to lift sagging eyelids that make the patient look tired or old. Face-lifts involve removing sagging and wrinkled skin on the cheeks and the neck. The procedure also can get rid of deep folds and creases on the face. Sometimes the doctor must make incisions 28
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Artist Orlan has had many cosmetic surgery procedures as part of her artwork.
around the hairline, the ears, or under the chin to tighten skin. Noses and chins are also commonly altered through surgery. Noses are reshaped or made smaller. Chins are enhanced or reduced in size. Today, most of these procedures have been used extensively. They are considered to be safe when done correctly.
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Noninvasive Procedures
Not all cosmetic procedures require surgery, anesthesia, and hospital stays. Doctors have developed new ways to alter looks using less drastic methods. Botox injections are one such procedure. A small amount of botulin is injected into a wrinkle in order to smooth it out. Botulin is poisonous, but a small amount only affects the muscles being treated with the injection. The drug relaxes the muscles and smoothes the related wrinkles for about six months. Another procedure is the injection of fat or collagen to fill creases from below the eyelids to the chin. When fat is used, it comes from another part of the patients body. Collagen is a cow protein. It does not require patients to donate their own fat for the procedure. Other procedures require the use of a laser. Lasers are often used to remove excess hair or dark veins in the feet and legs. Laser hair removal requires multiple treatments. But the procedure usually permanently removes almost all of the hair from the area. These procedures are increasing in popularity because they do not require surgery. The side effects are also minimal. 30
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Plastic surgeon Toshiya Handa speaks about current trends in plastic surgery among Japanese youth.
Media images of beauty, such as the Miss America Pageant, contribute to womens expectations of beauty.
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Expectation of Beauty
Some workers face age discrimination in their jobs. They feel that they need to look younger in order to remain competitive or even employed at all. Women returning to work after years at home raising children may feel the need to look attractive in order to get jobs and compete with younger women. In the early years of the United States, the cultural expectation of a womans beauty was based on an ideal of a woman with a tiny waist, full skirts, and white skin. Gradually, the ideal woman evolved into the shorter skirts and hair of the 1920s flapper. In the 1950s, women with more voluptuous bodies, such as Marilyn Monroe, became desirable. Women today often wear tight, revealing clothing. They are expected to have thin waists, large breasts, and toned muscles. According to Sullivan in Cosmetic Surgery, Modern clothing 33
Protesting Miss America The Miss America Pageant began in 1921 as a beauty contest in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The pageant consists of an interview, a talent competition, a swimwear competition, an evening gown competition, and an onstage question and answer. In 1968 and 1969, feminists protested the Miss America Pageant. The womens liberation movement was gaining strength during this time. Feminists challenged the beauty standards that were being presented. Ratings for the Miss America Pageant fell during the 1960s and 1970s. Today, the Miss America Pageant is known as a scholarship pageant. Many contestants are awarded college scholarships based on their performance in the pageant.
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was far more revealing of the underlying body. . . . As a result, the physical body . . . became the basis for the judgments about appearance.1
Photographs in newspapers and magazines play a large role in spreading ideas of beauty. Movies, television, and advertising increased the role of the media in defining the perfect body, hair, and clothing styles for both women and men. Models and actors represent the current ideas of beauty and fashion. Magazines, from womens fashion magazines to mens bodybuilding magazines, all portray images that many people strive to achieve. However, many of these images are unrealistic. Professional hair, makeup, and lighting, along with computer retouching, mean that most media images are not attainable. The media and advertising industries continue to grow and spread into many aspects of peoples lives. Advertisements line city streets, cover the insides of buses and cabs, and interrupt Web browsing. It is becoming more difficult to escape the ideas of beauty that they put forth.
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Surgery on Television
Not only does the media show societys expectations for beauty, but also more and more cosmetic surgery is glamorized in the media. On reality television shows, such as Extreme Makeover and The Swan, people are Discrimination filmed as they Discrimination in the workplace and in undergo a series other areas of society, based solely on appearof makeover ance, is a fact of life for many people. A study in the American Economics Review showed procedures. These that people with below-average looks can earn include surgeries, as much as 9 percent less than their more attractive co-workers. implants, dental People are sometimes refused jobs or even procedures, weight fired on the basis of being unattractive. There are often very few consequences for employers loss, and styling. who practice this type of discrimination. EmThe procedures ployers who would never dare make comments are often painful. about an employees race or gender sometimes feel free to comment on their weight, height, The whole process or attractiveness. While there are laws against can be difficult discrimination based on race and gender, no such law exists to prevent discrimination based and embarrassing. on looks. Once the people Not only people in the workplace are affected by appearance discrimination. In February have gone through of 2007, the DePauw University chapter of the these dramatic Delta Zeta sorority evicted 23 of its members. transformations, This was supposedly done because they were less attractive than the rest of the sisters. they are unveiled to 35
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family and friends. The contestants and their loved ones are often thrilled with the results. There are darker sides to these reality makeover shows as well. MTV produced a show called I Want a Famous Face. The show documented men and women who wanted to look more like a celebrity. They had extensive cosmetic surgery in order to have the breasts of a Playboy centerfold or a face similar to that of a particular movie star. Sometimes these surgeries did not have positive effects. MTV kept track of former patients and showed viewers that sometimes the surgeries did not make them as happy and fulfilled as they thought they would be. Like other forms of popular media, these shows serve a purpose by showing what is available for enhancing looks, how it is done, and, in some cases, how painful it can be. They also demonstrate how 36
The Twilight Zone One of the most memorable episodes of the 1960s television show The Twilight Zone was called The Eye of the Beholder. In it, a young woman has just had cosmetic surgery to, she hopes, make her look normal. As she waits for the results of her surgery, she learns that if this surgery does not succeed, she will be moved to a special place for people like her. When the womans bandages are removed, she is revealed as a normal, beautiful woman. But the faces of the doctors and nurses are pig-like and hideous. The surgery failed and she is sent away from mainstream society. The show was a comment on the idea that beauty depends entirely on the cultures concept of normal.
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acceptable these procedures have become. According to Bethanne Snodgrass in The Makeover Myth: The shows certainly appear to have sparked an explosion in interest in cosmetic medicine. Watching someone who could be a neighbor or a co-worker get a makeover has to make a viewer wonder, Why not me? A recent survey of people who had contacted a plastic surgery professional society Web site showed that seeing surgical results on television was a major stimulus for them to investigate surgery for themselves.2 Cosmetic surgery is increasing in popularity. A negative stigma is no longer attached to cosmetic surgery. People who had cosmetic surgery in the past were considered vain and frivolous. But now it is often seen as a common way to make a person look better. Also, people in the United States have become more affluent. More people can afford the surgeries.
Barbie and G.I. Joe Since the Barbie doll first appeared in the 1950s, it has gotten thinner and has larger breasts. If she were a real woman, Barbie would be 5 feet 9 inches (1.8 m) tall and weigh 110 pounds (50 kg). That is far below a healthy weight for that height. The G.I. Joe action figure has become more muscular. The 1964 version of G.I. Joe had a body that would translate into a man with a 44-inch (112-m) chest and 12-inch (30-cm) bicep, but the 1990s version would be the unrealistic equivalent of a man with a 55-inch (140-cm) chest and 27inch (69-cm) bicep.
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Procedures can be bought at lower prices as more surgeons compete for business.
Cosmetic versus Reconstructive Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery are both part of the plastic surgery specialty. However, they are two different types of surgery. Cosmetic surgery takes anatomical structures that are already healthy, normal, and functioning and reshapes them to improve the patients looks. It is considered to be elective and is usually not covered by insurance. Reconstructive surgery, however, is intended to improve both the function and the appearance of body structures. Reconstructive surgery is performed on body parts that are abnormal or damaged. Because it improves the patients health, most reconstructive surgery is covered by health insurance.
The feminist view of cosmetic surgery has been divided in recent years. The cosmetic surgery industry has tried to foster something called new feminism. It tells women that they are empowered by the ability to choose to have surgery. They are able to take control of their looks. They believe that the ability to choose how they look makes women more powerful. It is another life choice at their disposal, like the choice to eat well and exercise. Many other feminists, however, argue that this is just a tool of the cosmetic surgery industry to get more women to have these procedures. They advocate that real beauty comes from within, and they worry about the effect of this argument on women who cannot afford to choose surgery. 38
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Locations for Surgery
The business of cosmetic surgery is a growing industry. Unlike surgeries performed because of a medical problem, cosmetic surgery is elective. Patients choose to have it. This means that patients can also decide where and when to have these surgeries done. Todays consumers have many choices when it comes to cosmetic surgery. They can go to a boardcertified physician or surgeon who has been trained in plastic surgery. They can also go to a general doctor who has had some additional, though limited, training in certain procedures. Consumers may also visit a boutique cosmetic surgery center or a spa. These sites offer procedures such as laser treatments, Botox injections, and other noninvasive treatments. A trained doctor does not always oversee these facilities. Some consumers also take part in cosmetic surgery tour packages. They go to a foreign country to have cosmetic surgery, usually at a much lower price. But these tour packages often come with greater risk. Doctors in other countries are not held to the same medical standards as doctors in the United States. 39
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Many doctors have been eager to get into cosmetic surgery. In this field, the hours are predictable and the patients are usually healthy. Doctors are advertising their cosmetic services more than ever. It is up to the patient to be a smart consumer with the knowledge to select a reputable doctor. Cosmetic surgery is becoming an option for more people. New groups of people are having procedures done. This has resulted in one of the biggest controversies in cosmetic medicine to date: teens and cosmetic surgery.
In a world in which we are judged by how we appear, the belief that we can change our appearance is liberating. We are what we seem to be and we seem to be what we are.3 Sander Gilman, author of Making the Body Beautiful
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Doctor Michael Krueger uses a laser on a patient at a cosmetic treatment center in Berlin, Germany.
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procedures done at too early an age. Teens may not be emotionally prepared for such a change.
A Vulnerable Age
Many people develop and establish their selfimage during their teenage years. The way they view themselves can affect their personality, academic performance, and emotions. For many, the way they feel about their looks plays a large role in their selfimage. Peer pressure and social position play a big part in a teenagers life. Any Girl Can Be Good Looks are important. Teens are often Looking quick to follow fashion tends. They The push for young women to be as attractive as can also be cruel to peers who do possible is not a modern phenomenon. In 1927, not have a certain look. As Bethanne Hazel Rawson Cades Snodgrass states in The Makeover Myth, wrote a beauty guide for young women titled Any Adolescents tend to fixate on visible Girl Can Be Good Looking. Cades wrote, Being body parts that fall anywhere outside good-looking is no lonthe average. Typically, noses for boys ger optional. . . . There is no place in the world and breasts and noses for girls receive for women who are not. 1 Competition is so keen the most self-scrutiny. and . . . the world moves Often, teens are teased for having so fast that we simply cant afford not to sell a big nose, a flat chest, or large ears. ourselves on sight. As the American Society of Plastic
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Surgeons states in its briefing paper Plastic Surgery for Teenagers, Teenagers who want to have plastic surgery usually have different motivations and goals from adults. Teens tend to have plastic surgery to fit in with peers, to look similar. Adults tend to have plastic surgery to stand out from others.3
Cosmetic Surgery in Teen Magazines Magazines for teen readers often publish articles about the benefits of having plastic surgery. Matthew Feller of the Center for Media and Public Affairs says, The press brandishes a double-edged sword. By telling and retelling stories about teens and plastic surgery, theyre actually turning into an advertisement for that very thing.4
Teens are often exposed to media images of beauty through movies, television, celebrities, magazines, and the Internet. Even more than adults, they are aware of their looks. They see examples of how cosmetic procedures can help people change the way they look. Teens know that these procedures are generally acceptable to society. They may believe that by fixing their flaws, their lives will improve. As a result, teens are having more procedures. In 2007, teens and children under the age of 18 accounted for 2 percent of all cosmetic procedures. Teens and young adults from ages 19 to 34 accounted for 21 percent of all cosmetic procedures. Teens were most likely to have laser hair removal, dermabrasion, chemical skin peels, ear reshaping, and nose jobs.
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According to Dr. Darrick Antell, a New York City plastic surgeon, Todays teenagers are growing up with parents who have had cosmetic surgery, so they see and hear about it more. The media has also done a good job of making people aware of the procedures available.5
Before Surgery
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has not made a formal statement about whether or not plastic surgery is suitable for teens. However, the organization has developed guidelines to be considered before surgery is performed on patients in this age group. It is important that the surgery is the teens idea and not something his or her parents have initiated or urged them to do. A doctor should know that the teen wants the surgery and has thought about it for a long time. Teens must also fully understand the benefits and the limitations of having plastic surgery. Psychological maturity is also important. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons,
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Teenagers must be able to tolerate the discomfort and temporary disfigurement of a surgical procedure. Plastic surgery is not recommended for teens who are prone to mood swings or erratic behavior, who are abusing drugs and/or alcohol, or who are being treated for clinical depression or other mental illness.6
Some groups would like to see a ban on any kind of cosmetic surgery done on teens. Others feel that there are situations in which cosmetic surgery is appropriate for teenagers. A large part of being an adolescent is self-image and self-esteem. If cosmetic surgery can improve a teens self-image and social life, it may be worth considering. Surgery can make a big difference in a teens self-esteem. It can also change the way a teen relates to the world and approaches new things. A young woman named Abigail had a nose job as a high school
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senior, at age 16. She felt that her surgery made a major difference in her life and was happy with her decision: It wasnt an awful nose that people picked on or anything . . . If youre heavy, you can lose weight. If you dont like your
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hair, you can change the color or cut it. But my nose was something that bothered me and lowered my self-esteem, but that I couldnt personally change.8 Many psychologists agree that cosmetic surgery is sometimes a good choice for teens. If teasing about a certain body part is so overwhelming that a person can no longer function normally, then cosmetic surgery may be worth considering.
Cosmetic Surgery
bleeding, or infection. In addition, the results of the surgery may not be perfect. Everyone has unique facial features and bone structure. Jenna Franklin In 2001, a 15-year-old British girl named Those factors Jenna Franklin made the headlines throughout influence the the world. Her parents had agreed to pay for outcome of any her to have breast implants. It has since become common for parents to buy their daughcosmetic surgery. ters cosmetic surgery procedures. However, There is also Jennas was the first case to get media attention. Jennas mother ran a plastic surgery business a psychological and had breast implants herself. She said that risk for teens she did not want Jenna to have any hang-ups about the way she looked. Jenna herself was having cosmetic quoted as saying, procedures. They Youve got to have breasts to be successmay not recognize ful. Every other person you see on television has had implants. I just want to be the limitations of happy with my body and I think having the surgery. The my breasts enlarged will give me more realities of what it self-confidence. Psychology experts thought that the operation can and cannot do was a risky way to resolve this teenage anxiety. for them may not Jennas parents said that she had grown up be understood. around the plastic surgery industry, and Jenna considered surgery a normal way to improve Surgery can change her looks. Her parents felt that Jenna was maa part of their ture enough to make the decision. However, they said they would defer to the decision of a bodies that they medical doctor. Jennas doctor said that at age feel is unattractive. 16, she was not physically mature enough for the surgery. Jenna would have to wait until she But it does not
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necessarily improve their self-esteem if their problems are emotional. Teens need to talk with their doctors about their expectations. They need to make sure they have realistic expectations and are going into surgery for the right reasons.
Cosmetic Surgery
In 1998, high school student Linda Maez had her breasts enlarged so they would look the same as Pamela Andersons.
Fourteen-month-old Quinn Sliment had his cleft palate repaired by plastic surgery.
Cosmetic Surgery
However, there are still many situations in which cosmetic surgery can help restore badly injured or disfigured people to a more normal life. These types of cosmetic procedures are the very best that the cosmetic surgery industry has to offer society.
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minimized. As Sullivan states in her book Cosmetic Surgery, The rewards of attractiveness begin at birth. . . . To the extent that attractive children are treated as if they are more intelligent, honest, social, and natural leaders, they will have more opportunities to behave accordingly . . . and more opportunities to internalize this view of themselves.1 In some cases, a minor cosmetic procedure done in childhood can have positive results. The child will look better, have a better self-image, and be treated more normally by peers and adults. With these procedures, children may be more confident. For this reason, insurance companies will
A Safer World
One reason that elective cosmetic surgery grew was because of the reduced need for reconstructive surgeries. With the arrival of automobiles and mechanized workplaces in the early 1900s, the number of accidents increased. People were sometimes left with disfiguring injuries. More experienced reconstructive surgeons were needed to repair those injuries. However, as safety standards improved, these accidents became less common. Vehicles began to have better safety equipment. Laws were established for better safety in the workplace. As a result, there was a sharp decrease in the number of injuries. Doctors who had specialized in reconstructive surgery were suddenly competing for less business. As a result, surgeons whose practices had depended on reconstructive surgery began to pursue the elective cosmetic surgery business. And they began advertising for patients to have elective procedures.
Cosmetic Surgery
often pay for children to have these procedures. In adults, however, insurance companies may refuse to pay for the same procedures, saying that they are for purely cosmetic reasons. According to Bethanne Snodgrass, In many cases these deformities are corrected for the purpose of improving the childs appearance and social integration rather than for any functional need.2 Many people who have cosmetic surgery suffer from conditions that make them appear different from regular people. They want to look normal and not stand out in a crowd.
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Marwa Naim received facial reconstructive surgery after an injury by a missile blast in her home in northern Baghdad in 2003.
pay for surgery to decrease the size of the breasts. Some critics argue that health reasons are being used falsely to justify this surgery. Others think it is important that breast reductions be treated as medical conditions. According to Deborah Sullivan, Breast reduction . . . is presented at least partly as a treatment for health problems. Articles suggest it will cure neck and back pain, premenstrual tenderness, shoulder ache, nerve injury, bleeding and scarring from the pressure of bra straps, and rashes and infections caused by heavy breasts rubbing against underlying skin.3 56
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Many people who have the surgery feel that it relieves their physical symptoms and improves their outlook. They also feel relieved because they are more normally proportioned.
Help Is Available
Although the cost of cosmetic surgery has decreased and is more accessible to ordinary people, it is still too costly for many low-income families. Several organizations help provide surgeries for people who cannot Weight-loss Surgery afford surgery on their own. These Another surgical procedure that is considered groups work both in the United both cosmetic and an important medical tool States and overseas. is weight-loss surgery. A program known as Operation Cosmetic weight-loss surgery includes liposucSmile is one of these services. tion and tummy tucks. These body-contouring Operation Smile sends teams surgeries can impact how of medical volunteers to other patients feel about themselves and their bodies, countries, where they treat children especially if they have already worked hard to lose with deformities. During their stay, weight. Weight-loss surdoctors usually examine 300 to gery can help overweight people reach a healthy 500 children. They then perform weight. Being overweight can cause serious cosmetic surgery procedures on health problems for many approximately 100 to 150 of them. people. The procedures include repairing 57
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cleft lips, cleft palates, burns, tumors, and other injuries or defects. Operation Smile founders Kathleen and William Magee recognize that some children with facial deformities will retreat from society. The only way to correct these deformities is through surgery. Operation Smile gives these children an opportunity to come out of hiding and become active members of their community.4 Other similar medical service organizations include Austin Smiles and the Small World Foundation, among others.
Cosmetic surgery can benefit many people who have suffered from deformities. However, most of the cosmetic procedures done in the United States today are performed on patients who want to improve their already normal looks. Cosmetic surgery has become more accepted and popular. As the demand for these services has increased, a darker side of the industry has emerged. 58
Cosmetic Surgery
Michelle Comeau was left with multiple scars after she was stabbed by her boyfriend. She is now a candidate for cosmetic surgery by surgeon Dr. Julian Henley.
Cosmetic Surgery
or even death from complications of cosmetic surgery.
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By 1988 a survey indicated that 48 percent of boardcertified plastic surgeons advertised in the Yellow Pages and some advertised in newspapers, magazines, direct mail, television, and radio.2 With so much money to be made from elective cosmetic procedures, a number of less qualified medical professionals, some of them not even doctors, offered cheaper access to these procedures.
Cosmetic Surgery
Mauikai Gold traveled to Colombia where she had nose and breast surgery as well as full-body liposuction done.
financing and payment plans. This helps patients pay for the costly procedures. However, another level of medical experts has also entered the field. They offer the same services for much lower rates than certified physicians. These doctors are often less experienced. According to Bethanne Snodgrass in The Makeover Myth, It is not at all difficult for an unqualified physician to set up shop to offer everything from skin-care advice to cosmetic 63
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surgery. . . . It is common to find clinics, medical spas, day spas, and even beauty salons where nonphysicians perform medical procedures without physician supervision.3 As a result, patients can have major, invasive surgery performed by someone who is not qualified to do it. Patients may see poor results from their surgeries. They may also receive poor care or suffer dangerous side effects. Some accredited doctors attend Insurance and weekend seminars for extra training Cosmetic Surgery Health insurance generin cosmetic surgery. However, most ally covers only cosmetic of these doctors have not studied procedures that are medically necessary. Many the procedures in depth. They may nose surgeries are covered by insurance if the patient perform surgeries, such as facehas a deviated septum lifts, without formal training. Some that makes breathing difficult or has frequent sinus doctors perform these surgeries infections. Breast reductions are often covered if simply for more income. Without they will get rid of chronic special training and experience in back pain. Many procedures for young children, plastic surgery, these doctors also such as pinning back large ears, are also paid may fail to properly screen their for because of the effect patients. The doctors may not be they have on the childs emotional well-being. But aware of conditions that should make most elective procedures done for cosmetic reasons the patient ineligible for cosmetic are not covered by health procedures. insurance.
Cosmetic Surgery
In the interest of saving money, some patients go overseas. Cosmetic surgery may be part of a vacation package tour to a foreign country. However, other countries do not regulate cosmetic surgery as tightly as the United States. Patients have an increased risk of infection due to the presence of unusual bacteria in other countries. Cosmetic The Benefits of Medical Tourism devices and While there are horror stories about medical products may tourism, it can make basic health care more differ from affordable for U.S. patients. Foreign doctors may offer health care at a much lower cost. It is those used in the estimated that more than 100,000 U.S. citizens United States. For travel abroad for cosmetic surgery every year. example, paraffin But others are now leaving the country for procedures that are medically necessary as well. and industrialAccording to Dr. Matt Fontana of Globalgrade silicone Choice Healthcare, a medical tourism booking company, are often used in The medical tourism model has really Latin American been turned around as the health care surgeries. These crisis looms larger and larger. People are saying, Ill pick the procedure and then materials have been Ill pick the destination. outlawed in the Sparrow Mahoney is a creator of a Web site United States. for finding and comparing medical tourism options. According to Mahoney, This isnt Sometimes U.S. just getting a better nose job and going to the doctors perform beach afterwards. This is really opening doors to Americans that have been shut for a long cosmetic surgeries
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in other countries. But according to Snodgrass, There are plenty of patients for doctors in the United States, and an expatriate surgeon may well be someone who has lost the ability to work legally at home.6
It Is Real Surgery
Like any surgery, cosmetic surgery carries the risk of side effects and complications. Although cosmetic surgery has become more common, patients need to understand that it still carries risks. Anyone having a procedure must be prepared for the possibility of complications or an unexpected Media Body Image result. Side effects can include According to a Univerminor swelling, bruising, infections, sity of California at Los Angeles article on body bleeding, skin discoloration, scars, image, Twenty-five years blood clots, and heart and lung ago the average female model weighed 8% less problems. With these possibilities in than the average American woman. Currently, mind, patients need to decide if the the average female model procedure is worth the cost of the weighs 23% below [the American womans] averpossible side effects. age weight. Only 5% of
women have the genetic makeup to ever achieve the ultra-long and thin model body type so pervasive in the media.7
Cosmetic Surgery
National Organization for Women President Kim Gandy speaks about the dangers of surgical implants.
Before and after pictures of plastic surgery were sometimes published to show successful procedures.
t is difficult to make an informed decision about cosmetic surgery. Is it a good choice or a bad choice on a personal level and for society overall? Consider the stories of people who have had cosmetic surgery.
Cosmetic Surgery
Very little was reported about the first people to have cosmetic surgery. Sometimes, doctors would publish stories of their patients. These were intended to make the surgeries sound simple and painless. They also emphasized the results. A Good Housekeeping article in 1940 shows how the personal story was used: She was just a rather untidy girl with a big nose, sitting in the doctors waiting room. A dusty felt hat pulled down over her eyes, her dowdy dress, and the way she slumped in the chair indicated her indifference to the details of her appearance. . . . Just four weeks later: the same girlbut how hard to recognize! Everything about her bespoke a touching new-born vanity. This miracle had followed a brief five days in the hospital, where skilled surgical hands had trimmed down her nose to pleasant proportions.1 Today, Web sites for cosmetic surgery offer success stories from
Considering Cosmetic Surgery A survey conducted by Plastic Surgery Research measured Americans attitudes toward cosmetic surgery in 2008. The study found that only a little more than half of respondents approved of cosmetic surgery. As far as considering cosmetic surgery for themselves, 31 percent of women and 20 percent of men would consider surgery.
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people who are thrilled with the outcomes. But by looking a little deeper, the voices of people who are not as happy with their decisions can be found.
Breast Implant Controversy The most widely publicized controversy in cosmetic surgery concerned the use of silicone breast implants. First introduced in 1963, these implants were often used until the 1980s. Silicone implants have numerous side effects. Side effects include scars, infection, displacement, leakage, and ruptures. The implants also interfere with breast-feeding and mammograms. It was not until 1992 that the Food and Drug Administration banned the use of silicone breast implants. There have been widespread lawsuits against the Dow Corning Wright Company, its inventors, and the manufacturers from women whose health has been damaged by these implants. These women report health issues, such as ruptured implants, that require the removal of silicone from chests and armpits. They also report cancers and immune system disorders.
Breast Surgeries
Patients who have breast surgery are often either thrilled with the results or wish they had never decided to have the procedure. Some women suffer from constant back pain due to large breasts. They may also feel that they are out of proportion. According to one womans story, the surgery went smoothly and she experienced minimal discomfort. She said, I love the way I look! I had been having back problems for six years and was taking medication daily. . . . My self esteem and confidence in myself has taken a 360-degree turn. I feel so much better about myself and my appearance.2 For this woman, 70
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Some patients experience problems with implants and have them removed.
cosmetic surgery was not only important for her appearance, but also for health reasons. Kim, another woman who posted her story online, had breast surgery. She found the procedure to be painful. She was swollen and bruised afterward. Though she initially enjoyed her new look, it did not last: About 3 months after the original surgery one of the [breast] implants started to deflate. I noticed a size difference over a period of weeks.3 Shortly after, several women in her family developed breast cancer. Many women cannot self-diagnose for signs 71
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of breast cancer after having breast implants. Kim had the implants removed. Of her experience, she says, I want to tell this story so that other women would learn from my mistake.4
A New Nose in 40 Minutes In 1937, Popular Science Monthly magazine ran an article entitled A New Nose in 40 Minutes. The photo essay detailed the transformation of an unshapely nose in a way that would change the owners face completely. It was one of the first instances of cosmetic surgery performed for the media.
New Noses
Another common cosmetic surgery is the nose job. Like breast surgeries, the results can be positive or negative. A 16-year-old girl who had surgery to make her nose smaller was delighted with the results: The procedure itself is relatively painlessI was knocked out. The following week was a little difficult. I could not go out because I was all bandaged up and my nose was extremely itchy. They also put packing in my nose which gets removed two days later. That was the worst part of it. Otherwise, once the bandages were off I felt and looked fine. I would recommend this procedure to anyone who is uncomfortable with their nose.5 Unfortunately, others have been dissatisfied with the same procedure. A 15-year-old girl shares the
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story of her procedure: The results were nothing short of horrifying. I looked like a burn victim; there was no definition in my noseit looked like a blob of clay on my face. Worse still, the outer skin of my nostrils has pulled back leaving the openings extremely large, round and uneven.6 This patient has had another corrective surgery since the first nose job. She will need to have a third surgery, in which her nose has to be rebroken. The total cost of all these procedures will be more than $11,000.
A Feminist Perspective
In her blog LonerGrrrl, a woman named Michelle from the United Kingdom expresses her view of cosmetic surgery: I abhor Western cultures obsession with cosmetic surgery. I detest the pressure placed on women to have their bodies cut open by a male surgeons knife, more often than not their natural fat being sucked out only to be replaced by alien and unnatural substances like saline, just so they can fit a homogenous, profitable definition of beauty. I hate that these dangerous, bloody and expensive procedures are presented as a common sense solution to fixing a problem with a womans appearance. Cosmetic surgery is one indicator of how modern-day Western women are still owned, controlled and hurt by the patriarchy. Women are not liberated when they are laid out on the table, being torn open by male hands, in order to boost his profit margins and conform to the male gazes expectations of her.7
Smile Stories
There are many heartwarming stories of children
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with birth defects who have had surgery and had improvements in their quality of life. One of these success stories is Brigid from Kenya, who was helped by the Operation Smile organization: I was born with a cleft lip in Kaptrit, a small village in western Kenya. My parents didnt know that the repair of my lip was possible, and many of the children in our village were afraid of me. When I was 13, my family learned from our neighbor that Operation Smile doctors would be providing surgery in Nakuru. Now, the children in my village not only accept me, they believe I hold some kind of magic. I have more friends than ever.8 By reading true stories from people who have had cosmetic surgery procedures, it is easier to see both the benefits and the drawbacks. Their stories show how these procedures have turned out for real people. As with any surgery, the outcome may not always be what the patient expects. This information is important in helping some people decide whether or not to have surgery.
Cosmetic Surgery
Cindy McCain, wife of former presidential candidate John McCain, arranged for eleven-year-old Le Thi Phuoc to receive surgery by Operation Smiles doctors to repair a cleft lip.
Cosmetic Surgery
The Feminist Debate
Fashion Trends Many feminists have spoken Like fashions, trends in out against cosmetic surgery since what features are considered beautiful change it began. They believe that women over time. Even skin colors are subject to trends. should not alter their looks to meet For example, Caucasian societys standard of beauty. Rather, women once struggled to keep their complexions women should work to change fair, until fashion promoted tanned skin. There is societys attitudes toward appearance. always the possibility that Societys standard of beauty a cosmetic procedure that is done for todays ideal contributes to many peoples negative will look out of place in the future. self-images. It also contributes to racism, sexism, and classism. An article in Ms. Magazine points out that cosmetic surgery practitioners use the image of a strong woman making her own choices as a basis for electing to have these procedures done:
The cosmetic surgery industry is . . . repackaging and reselling the feminist call to empower women into what may be dubbed consumer feminism. . . . [They] are selling elective surgery as self-determination.1 This viewpoint suggests that one of the worst reasons for someone to have cosmetic surgery is because another person wants it.
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Many teens are unhappy with their appearance. But if they seek cosmetic surgery, it is important that they do not have unreasonable expectations.
Psychological Factors
There are many other potential red flags when it comes to cosmetic surgery and the patients wellbeing. Patients must be mentally healthy if they decide to have cosmetic surgery. They must also have realistic expectations. One common problem is when potential patients have unrealistic expectations for their surgeries. They may expect surgery to improve more than just their looks. They may expect to be happier, more
Cosmetic Surgery
loved, or more successful. However, surgery cannot solve these problems. Some people suffer from body Paying for Cosmetic Surgery dysmorphic disorder. People with As cosmetic surgery this disorder focus on a particular has risen in popularity, payment options have part of their body as being flawed. expanded. Since most This flaw is usually imagined and cosmetic surgery is not covered by health insurthat body part is perfectly normal. A ance, the patient must pay the entire cost. Some person suffering from this disorder providers have their own will not benefit from cosmetic financing plans. Other patients turn to financing surgery. They may, however, be companies that specialize in cosmetic surgery loans. desperate to have any kind of They may also get tradiprocedure that will correct the tional bank loans to pay these costs. These loans supposed flaw. Even with surgery, the can add to existing school loans, car loans, and disorder still exists in the patients mortgages and increase a mind. The patient will continue to patients personal debt. see the flaw no matter what is done. It is estimated that between 2 and 15 percent of people who seek cosmetic surgery may suffer from this disorder. Should they have cosmetic surgery, it may lead to psychological problems afterward. Some people become addicted to surgical cosmetic procedures. They have surgery more often than most people. They always need something else 79
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to be changed. As Virginia L. Blum, author of Flesh Wounds: The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery, wrote of cosmetic surgery addicts, Surgery provides only temporary relief for feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction. After each surgery, even if patients are happy for a while, they will soon find another part of their body they want to improve.2 Surgeons need to screen patients who continue to seek out surgeries to make sure they are not addicted to cosmetic surgery. In addition, patients who are not satisfied with the results of their surgery may become upset or confused by the poor results. As Bethanne Snodgrass states in The Makeover Myth, Some patients hope for dramatic changes in their lives that do not materialize. . . . When [these changes do] not occur, they sink into depression.3
Where Are the Surgeries Performed? Where are cosmetic surgery procedures done in the United States? In 2007, 54 percent of cosmetic surgeries were done in an office setting. Seventeen percent of surgeries were performed in hospitals. Twenty-eight percent of cosmetic procedures were performed in nonhospital centers or clinics.
Cosmetic Surgery
Sometimes even successful surgeries can have a negative impact on patients lives. Patients may get attention they did not expect, such as family members or friends who feel uncomfortable with their new look. If the surgery altered a trait that runs in their family or one that is a sign of belonging to a particular cultural group, they may encounter tension within their families. They may regret having changed that feature. Another example is women who have breast implants and get more attention from men than they are used to. This attention may be unwanted and it can make the woman uncomfortable with her new body. There are warning signs that qualified surgeons should look for when screening patients. These signs may indicate that the person is not psychologically fit to have cosmetic surgery at that time. These signs include impatience when a procedure cannot be done immediately or the desire to change a body part that seems normal. Doctors also interview patients to see if they are experiencing a life crisis. They try to find out if patients expect the procedure to help save a relationship, lead to more friends, or get a better job. Some patients may also be asking to have
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something done that another doctor has told them is unwise.
Physical Factors
Cosmetic surgery is often major surgery. It can have serious or even deadly side effects. The Florida Story Deaths caused by In The Makeover Myth, Bethanne Snodgrass cosmetic surgery relates the story of a woman who awoke from cosmetic surgery in a clinic, alone and in can be difficult medical distress: to determine. In the darkness of an early Florida mornMany are listed as ing one April, a cab driver encountered a frightening sight. Collapsed on the sideheart attacks or walk near a cosmetic surgery clinic was respiratory failures. the body of a woman wearing a bloody garment and tangled in a web of intraveBut in 2000, the nous tubing and monitor wires. The driver Plastic and Reconstructive called the police and the woman was Surgery journal taken to a hospital, where she spent five days in intensive care. The woman later reported that one recounted that she had awakened in the death occurred fifth floor clinic gasping for breath but unable to find anyone to come to her aid. for every 5,000 Too weak to walk, she dragged herself to liposuctions. the elevator and eventually into the street where she was found at 3:30 A.M. Twenty people died The woman was a victim of a cosmetic for every 100,000 procedure done in a clinic without proper sucosmetic surgeries. pervision. This is one of the greatest concerns of the medical community as cosmetic surgery Other side effects
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include brain damage, blood clots, chronic pain, scarring, infection, and temporary paralysis. Cosmetic surgeries are not risk free and often have unexpected physical results. Patients also need to consider that the results of most cosmetic surgeries are temporary. Face-lifts, eyebrow lifts, and tummy tucks do not last forever. They may need to be redone. The process of redoing cosmetic surgery can become costly over time. In addition, having multiple surgeries increases the health risks associated with them, especially as patients age.
Longevity How long does the average face-lift procedure last before it needs to be redone? With a healthy lifestyle, a face-lift may last for ten years. But that is without alcohol use or tobacco use, and with limited sun exposure. Heredity also plays a role in how long it will be before the signs of aging reappear. In a few cases, the effects of a face-lift may be permanent. But most people find that the procedure will have to be repeated in the future to maintain the same appearance.
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do it. How consumers and society approach those choices will dictate the future of cosmetic surgery in the United States.
The Plastic Surgery Channel The makemeheal.com Web site has launched a cable television channel devoted to plastic surgery. The channel features six television shows that discuss all aspects of cosmetic surgery. Viewers can ask plastic surgeons questions through video chat software. The channel also intends to include more shows. These would include a celebrity plastic surgery gossip show, a daily news show, and a reality show that would follow real people through their plastic surgery experiences.
Cosmetic Surgery
Those considering cosmetic surgery should consult with their doctors to decide if it is a good option for them.
or some people, cosmetic surgery makes a difference in their self-image and how they are accepted by society. For others, it may be a symptom of an unhealthy focus on looks. Having cosmetic surgery may also indicate the hope that by
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fixing their bodies, they will fix everything else that is wrong in their lives as well. For those who decide that cosmetic surgery is right for them, what steps can be taken to ensure that they will have the best experience and the best results possible?
Surgery Checklist
Potential patients for cosmetic surgery must follow certain steps to make sure they will get the best possible care from a plastic surgeon. Many people approach cosmetic surgery casually. As Dr. Rod Rohrich states, In America, most people spend more time finding the right pair of shoes than they do finding a cosmetic plastic surgeon. You can take back your shoes, but you cant take your face or your life back.1 Patients must take responsibility for their care. They must be honest with their doctors about their medical history. They must tell doctors about any problems they have with medication, psychological issues, and substance abuse. They also need to be honest about their expectations for the surgery. The doctor needs this information to decide if
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the patients are good candidates for cosmetic procedures. Potential patients must also research their doctors or cosmetic surgery providers. They need to make sure the doctors have good credentials and a good record of previous surgeries. Some spas and clinics do not have licensed doctors on staff. Patients have to decide if they are comfortable in a spa or clinic that does not have a doctor. Patients also need to become familiar with the different procedures and instruments used in cosmetic surgery. This knowledge enables a patient to make informed decisions. People who are considering cosmetic surgery must do their homework. As Bethanne Snodgrass states in The Makeover Myth, there are four basic steps:
Get information from more than one source. Do not rely on ads. Check your doctors credentials and record. Be skeptical until you have enough information. Take your time. Do not make decisions until you are informed and psychologically prepared.
Cosmetic Surgery
For patients unsure about whether they want to have cosmetic surgery, computer-imaging software can create a picture of what the patient might look like after surgery. The patients picture is digitally manipulated to show the possibilities and help the surgeon and patient decide the best treatment. Computer imaging can provide a patient with an approximation of their appearance after surgery. However, it cannot show exactly what a person will look like after surgery. The results may not always be as expected.
Cosmetic Surgery in the Movies Cosmetic surgery transformations are often featured in movies. In the early 1947 Humphrey Bogart movie Dark Passage, Bogarts character has surgery to change his identity and escape law enforcement. The movies Seconds, Vanilla Sky, and Gattaca also feature cosmetic surgery. In Face/Off with John Travolta, a police officer could take on the appearance of a criminal to track him down and infiltrate his organization. In every movie, the process of transformation always causes unexpected problems for the characters that have the surgery.
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might try to maintain youthful looks through healthy living. Anyone can take steps to avoid some of the signs of aging that cosmetic surgery is so ready to treat. Limiting sun exposure decreases the chances of getting skin cancer. It also keeps skin looking younger longer. Smoking is bad for overall health and the skin in particular. Smoking reduces blood supply to the skin. This results in skin having a grayish color. Most smokers look older than they are. Exercise and a balanced diet also improve ones overall health and appearance. Limiting alcohol consumption and controlling weight are good health habits. These habits also help keep bodies youthful. In addition, it is important to get enough sleep, reduce stress, and stay mentally active. These habits can help people avoid the signs of aging and make them happier and healthier. For people who have psychological issues regarding their appearance, counseling and therapy may be the only way to address the problems of self-image.
Cosmetic Surgery
developed. In November 2005, a team of French surgeons successfully performed the worlds first partial face transplant on a woman who had been severely mauled by her dog. She was given a new nose, mouth, and chin from a deceased donor. Although the surgery had never been attempted before, it was successful at restoring the patient to a normal appearance. The doctor in charge of the surgery, Dr. JeanMichel Dubernard, Imperfections told the New York In 2004, the United Kingdom Daily Mail reported that the rate of abortions in England Times that he had had skyrocketed. This increase was reported already asked as the result of women aborting fetuses that were identified as imperfect. Many abortions for permission were performed when tests indicated deformito perform five ties. However, many of these deformities were not life threatening, such as cleft lip, cleft palmore of these ate, deformed feet, or even Down syndrome. surgeries in the According to the article, future. We want . . . in 2002, 1,863 babies were aborted for reasons of suspected deformityan to launch these eight percent increase over the previous new techniques to 1,722 aborted in 2001, whereas Downs give hope to other Syndrome abortions were up by 17 percent from 591 in 2001 to 691 in 2003. people all over the Ethics researchers say that society is trying to world.2 eliminate any defective members. They worry Cosmetic this attitude will decrease the tolerance for people with disabilities as a whole. surgeons are trying
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French surgeon Dr. Jean-Michel Dubernard performed the worlds first partial face transplant.
to use less invasive procedures and fewer incisions. They are performing minor procedures on younger patients to forestall the signs of aging. Cosmetic surgeons may even begin using patients DNA to formulate individual skin care products and makeup. Some surgeons hope to one day use a patients stem cells in sculpting body parts and filling in wrinkles.
Cosmetic Surgery
The demand for cosmetic surgery procedures is expected to increase as the age of the U.S. population increases. Baby boomers are the most likely age group to seek cosmetic surgery to minimize the signs of aging. Experts predict the demand for cosmetic procedures to increase by 19 percent from 2001 to 2010. They also expect unrealistic claims about new procedures and products to increase, as well as unethical and unsafe treatments.
Mommys Plastic Surgery The childrens book My Beautiful Mommy was published in 2008. Written by Dr. Michael Salzhauer, this picture book intended to help kids deal with any fears they might have when their mother has cosmetic surgery. The book has received a great deal of negative attention in the media. However, Salzhauer insists, The intention is to allow parents who are going through this process anyway to have a vehicle to explain it to their kids.4
Is cosmetic surgery beneficial to society? Or does it put too heavy an emphasis on looks? Is cosmetic surgery a healthy way to deal with flaws in ones appearance? The issue of whether cosmetic surgery is a positive or negative aspect of todays culture comes down to individual circumstances and personal beliefs. For some people, 93
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it is a tool to use to stay competitive or to achieve healthy self-image. For others, cosmetic surgery means accepting other peoples standards of beauty, and to do so is to have an unhealthy self-image. Individuals have to make informed decisions about the place that cosmetic surgery has in their lives.
Plastic Surgery Statistics Worldwide The most cosmetic surgeries are performed in Switzerland, with 214 surgeries every year per 100,000 people. India has the fewest, at only 0.209 procedures per 100,000 people. The United States averages 30 procedures annually per 100,000 people.
Cosmetic Surgery
Body image sometimes affects whether or not a person chooses to have cosmetic surgery.
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600 bce
The oldest known surgical reconstruction of noses and ear lobes occurs.
The first cleft palate corrective surgery is performed in the United States.
World War I creates a need for new reconstructive surgery techniques.
The Twilight Zone airs an episode titled, The Eye of the Beholder.
The first breast augmentation surgeries are performed.
Silicone breast implants are first introduced.
Cosmetic Surgery
The American Association of Plastic Surgeons is organized.
Actress Fanny Brice has a rhinoplasty. She is the first celebrity to publicly announce her cosmetic surgery procedure.
Dr. J. Howard Crum performs a public face-lift before a convention crowd in New York City.
A group of young women gather to protest the Miss America pageant and the ideal of the perfect woman.
Singer Michael Jackson is assumed to have had his first cosmetic surgery on his nose.
Artist Orlan has her first cosmetic surgery performance art procedure.
Essential Viewpoints
Kathleen and William Magee found Operation Smile to perform reconstructive surgery on poor children.
The use of silicone breast implants is severely restricted due to concerns over heath issues in women who had received them.
Extreme Makeover premieres on television.
The worlds first partial face transplant is performed in France.
Cosmetic Surgery
Jenna Franklin makes headlines when her parents agree to give her breast augmentation surgery for her sixteenth birthday.
The FDA approves Botox injections for use in filling facial wrinkles.
Surgical and nonsurgical procedures performed annually in the United States reach 11.7 million.
My Beautiful Mommy, a childrens book about cosmetic surgery, is published.
Essential Viewpoints
Essential Facts
At Issue
Opposed v The cosmetic surgery industry perpetuates an unattainable image of beauty as shown daily in the media and supports discrimination against people who are not considered beautiful. v Cosmetic surgery procedures can have unexpected results and life-threatening complications. v Cosmetic surgery will not necessarily change peoples lives for the better. In Favor v Cosmetic surgery can make a difference for people with disfigurements or abnormalities caused by accidents or birth defects. v For people with low self-esteem, or poor body image, cosmetic surgery can make a difference in how they feel about themselves. v Cosmetic surgery has become less expensive and more affordable, making it available to more people.
Cosmetic Surgery
Critical Dates
19141918 World War I injuries forced doctors to pioneer many of the plastic surgery techniques now used for cosmetic surgery. 1921 The American Association of Plastic Surgeons was organized. 1923 Actress Fanny Brice was the first celebrity to publicly admit to having a nose job. 2005 The worlds first partial face transplant was performed in France. 2007 The number of cosmetic surgery procedures done annually in the United States topped 11 million.
The cosmetic surgery industry is . . . repackaging and reselling the feminist call to empower women into what may be dubbed consumer feminism. . . . [They] are selling elective surgery as self-determination.Jennifer Cognard-Black In a world where we are judged by how we appear, the belief that we can change our appearance is liberating. We are what we seem to be and we seem to be what we are!Sander Gilman
Essential Viewpoints
Additional Resources
Select Bibliography
Etcoff, Nancy. Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty. New York: Anchor Books. 2000. Haiken, Elizabeth. Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1997. Kuczynski, Alex. Beauty Junkies: Inside Our $15 Billion Obsession with Cosmetic Surgery. New York: Doubleday. 2006. Snodgrass, Bethanne. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins. 2006. Sullivan, Deborah A. Cosmetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge of Commercial Medicine in America. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 2001.
Further Reading
Alagna, Magdalena. Everything You Need to Know about the Dangers of Cosmetic Surgery. New York: Rosen Publishing Group. 2001. Bailey, Kristin, ed. At Issue: Cosmetic Surgery. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale. 2005. Redd, Nancy Amanda. Body Drama: Real Girls, Real Bodies, Real Issues, Real Answers. New York: Penguin Books. 2007.
Cosmetic Surgery
Web Links
To learn more about cosmetic surgery, visit ABDO Publishing Company online at www.abdopublishing.com. Web sites about cosmetic surgery are featured on our Book Links page. These links are routinely monitored and updated to provide the most current information available.
Essential Viewpoints
abdominoplasty Often referred to as a tummy tuck, the process of tightening loose abdominal skin. anesthesia Artificially induced unconsciousness that keeps a patient from feeling pain during an operation. augmentation The process of enlarging a body part, such as the breasts. body contouring Changing the shape and size of body features and the patients overall appearance, using cosmetic surgery. body dysmorphic disorder A disease in which patients have a distorted image of their bodies or certain parts of their bodies. Botox A cosmetic made from botulin, which in small amounts can smooth facial lines and wrinkles. collagen A protein produced by cows that is used as a filler for lines and wrinkles. cosmetic surgery Reshaping healthy body structures to improve appearance. elective surgery Nonemergency surgical procedure that is optional and chosen by the patient. implant Something that is inserted or imbedded surgically to enhance part of the body. invasive procedures Procedures requiring incisions or surgery. liposuction Extracting fat from an area of the body using suction.
Cosmetic Surgery
medical tourism Travel tours to foreign countries where patients can undergo less expensive medical procedures. noninvasive procedures Procedures that do not require incisions. paraffin A white, waxy substance that was once used as a body filler. plastic surgery Repairing damaged body parts or forming new body structures to replace missing parts. reconstructive surgery Improving body parts that are abnormal or damaged. rhinoplasty Surgically reshaping or resizing the nose. silicone A type of polymer used as a filler for breast augmentation surgeries.
Essential Viewpoints
Source Notes
Chapter 1. An Obsession with Looks 1. Putting Your Best Face Forward, Psychology Today. New York: Sussex Publishers. May 2004. 2. Deborah A. Sullivan. Cosmetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge of Commercial Medicine in America. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004. 1. 3. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 5. 4. Christine Rosen. The Democratization of Beauty. The New Atlantis Journal of Technology and Society. Spring 2004. 10. Chapter 2. The Evolution of Cosmetic Surgery 1. Elizabeth Haiken. Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. 96. 2. Deborah A. Sullivan. Cosmetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge of Commercial Medicine in America. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004. 39. 3. Elizabeth Haiken. Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. 33. Chapter 3. Cosmetic Surgery Explored 1. Jeremy Drummond. Digibodies: Orlan. 10 July 2008 <http:// www.digibodies.org/online/orlan.htm>. Chapter 4. The Quest for Beauty 1. Deborah A. Sullivan. Cosmetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge of Commercial Medicine in America. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004. 8. 2. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 73. 3. Sander Gilman. Making the Body Beautiful. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999. 3. Chapter 5. Teens and Cosmetic Surgery 1. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 237. 2. Elizabeth Haiken. Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. 91.
Cosmetic Surgery
3. Briefing Papers: Plastic Surgery for Teenagers. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2008. 10 July 2008 <http://www.plasticsurgery.org/ media/briefing_papers/Plastic-Surgery-for-Teenagers-BriefingPaper.cfm>. 4. Paula Gray Hunker. Pressure to be Perfect. Insight on the News. 13 Mar. 2000. 10 July 2008 <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_ m1571/is_10_16/ai_60130264>. 5. Liane Beam Wansbrough. Bodies under Construction. Faze Magazine. Fall 2003. 10 July 2008 <http://www.fazeteen.com/fall2003/ cosmeticsurgery.htm>. 6. Briefing Papers: Plastic Surgery for Teenagers. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2008. 10 July 2008 <http://www.plasticsurgery.org/ media/briefing_papers/Plastic-Surgery-for-Teenagers-BriefingPaper.cfm>. 7. Sandra G. Boodman. For More Teenage Girls, Adult Plastic Surgery. Washington Post. 26 Oct. 2004. 11 Aug. 2008 <http://www. washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A62540-2004Oct25_3.html>. 8. Tamar Nordenberg. Kids and Cosmetic Surgery: Are Teens Too Young to Go Under the Knife? Discovery Health: Plastic Surgery. 2008. 11 Aug. 2008 <http://health.discovery.com/centers/plasticsurgery/ general/plasticsurgery_kids.html>. 9. Mother Defends Teenagers Breast Op. BBC News Online: Health. 4 Jan. 2001. 10 July 2008 <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/ health/1100471.stm>. 10. Liane Beam Wansbrough. Bodies under Construction. Faze Magazine. Fall 2003. 10 July 2008 <http://www.fazeteen.com/fall2003/ cosmeticsurgery.htm>.
Chapter 6. The Best of Cosmetic Surgery 1. Deborah A. Sullivan. Cosmetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge of Commercial Medicine in America. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004. 18. 2. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 235. 3. Deborah A. Sullivan. Cosmetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge of Commercial Medicine in America. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004.166. 4. Kathleen Magee and William Magee, Operation Smile: Changing Lives, One Smile at a Time, Reclaiming Children and Youth, vol. 9, Fall 2000. 162.
Essential Viewpoints
Source Notes Continued
Chapter 7. The Price of Cosmetic Surgery 1. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 32. 2. Deborah A. Sullivan. Cosmetic Surgery: The Cutting Edge of Commercial Medicine in America. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004. 138139. 3. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 103104. 4. Mark Repasky. A Cut Below: Americans Look Abroad for Healthcare, ABC News.com. 29 Aug. 2006. 10 July 2008 <http:// abcnews.go.com/Business/IndustryInfo/story?id=2320839&page=1>. 5. Ibid. 6. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 117. 7. UCLA SNAC (Student Nutrition & Body Image Action Committee). Body Image. 10 July 2008 <http://www.snac.ucla.edu/ pages/Body_Image/Body_Image.htm>. Chapter 8. The Cosmetic Surgery Experience 1. Elizabeth Haiken. Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. 128129. 2. Talksurgery.com Personal Stories: No More Back Pain. Plastic Surgery Information Service. 14 Oct. 2008 <http://www.talksurgery. com/consumer/stories/story00000118.html>. 3. Talksurgery.com Personal Stories: To the Boob Buyer, Beware! Plastic Surgery Information Service. 10 July 2008 <http://www. talksurgery.com/consumer/stories/story00000248.html>. 4. Ibid. 5. Talksurgery.com Personal Stories: Much Better. Plastic Surgery Information Service. 14 Oct. 2008 <http://www.talksurgery.com/ consumer/stories/story00000060.html>. 6. Talksurgery.com Personal Stories: All I Wanted Was a Straight Nose. Plastic Surgery Information Service. 14 Oct. 2008 <http:// www.talksurgery.com/consumer/stories/story00000095.html>.
Cosmetic Surgery
7. A step forward, but were still not getting very far, Lonergrrrl: Feminist Rants and Musings. 10 Sept. 2006. 4 Sept. 2008 <http:// lonergrrrl.blogspot.com/2006/09/step-forward-but-were-still-not. html>. 8. Smile Stories: Before and After Smiles: Kenya: Brigid. Operation Smile. 14 Oct. 2008 <http://www.operationsmile.org/ testimonials/brigid/>.
Chapter 9. When Not to Have Surgery 1. Jennifer Cognard-Black. Has Artificial Beauty Become the New Feminism? Ms. Magazine. 29 Sept. 2007. 10 July 2008 <http://www. alternet.org/healthwellness/63683/>. 2. Virginia L. Blum, Flesh Wounds: The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. 3. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 221. 4. Ibid. 99. Chapter 10. Making the Right Choice 1. Bethanne Snodgrass. The Makeover Myth: The Real Story behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 99. 2. Ariane Bernard and Craig S. Smith. French Face-Transplant Patient Tells of Her Ordeal. New York Times. 7 Feb. 2006. 10 July 2008 <http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/07/international/europe/07face. html>. 3. British Abortion Rate Skyrockets as Couples Eliminate Defective Children. LifeSiteNews.com. 31 May 2004. 10 July 2008 <http://www. lifesitenews.com/ldn/2004/may/04053105.html>. 4. Kids Book Explains Mommys Plastic Surgery. USA Today. 17 Apr. 2008. 10 July 2008 <http://www.usatoday.com/news/ health/2008-04-17-Plastic-surgery_N.htm>.
Essential Viewpoints
abdominoplasty. See tummy tuck advertising, 6, 22, 2425, 34, 40, 44, 54, 6162, 88 American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 7, 12, 25 American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 4346 Any Girl Can Be Good Looking, 43 Barbie, 37 birth defects, 12, 2021, 28, 53, 91 cleft lip, 20, 53, 58, 74, 91 cleft palate, 20, 53, 58, 91 body image, 13, 66, 9394 Botox, 30, 39, 62 breast augmentation, 10, 2728, 62 breast reduction, 1011, 2728, 5556, 64 Brice, Fanny, 1617, 2122 collagen, 30 cosmetic surgeon board certified, 39, 6263 foreign doctor, 39, 65 general doctor, 39 cosmetic surgery benefits, 1112, 4648, 5258 history, 1622 longevity, 83 outside the United States, 39, 65, 91 popularity, 9, 30, 37, 58, 79, 93 price, 38, 39, 57, 6265, 73, 79, 83 risks, 1214, 27, 39, 4850, 6566, 83 stigma, 17, 22, 37 cosmetic surgery locations boutique cosmetic surgery center, 39 hospital, 2627, 30, 69, 80, 82 medical tourism, 39, 65 spa, 39, 61, 64, 88 cosmetic surgery patients children, 21, 28, 44, 5355, 5758, 64, 7374 ethnicity, 1011, 21 evaluation of, 4345, 7883, 8789 men, 78, 11, 36, 48, 55, 69, psychological issues, 8, 4546, 4850, 7882 soldiers, 1920 teens, 7, 11, 40, 4250 women, 7, 9, 1011, 22, 26, 2628, 33, 34, 36, 38, 43, 55, 69, 7072 discrimination, 21, 3233, 35 Extreme Makeover, 7, 35 eyelid surgery, 1011, 28, 30, 62
Cosmetic Surgery
face-lift, 25, 28, 62, 64, 83 feminism, 33, 38, 73, 77 Food and Drug Administration, 70 Franklin, Jenna, 49 G.I. Joe, 37 Good Housekeeping, 69 hair transplants, 11 health insurance, 38, 5455, 62, 64, 79 I Want a Famous Face, 7, 36 invasive procedures, 25, 64, 92 Jackson, Michael, 11 JewelEye, 27 Ladd, Anna Coleman, 20 laser hair removal, 2526, 30, 44, 62 liposuction, 10, 26, 57, 62, 82 Love Your Body Foundation, 13 media images, 8, 3437, 4445, 61, 66 expectation of beauty, 9, 11, 3334, 35 image retouching, 34, 61 Miss America Pageant, 33 noninvasive procedures, 9, 30, 39 nose job, 1011, 1617, 2122, 27, 29, 43, 4648, 62, 64, 65, 69, 7273, 91
Operation Smile, 5758, 74 Orlan, 28 paraffin, 21, 65 reconstructive surgery, 18, 20, 38, 5254, 61 rhinoplasty. See nose job Rivers, Joan, 14 Rosen, Christine, 13 silicone breast implants, 2728, 62, 65, 7072 Snodgrass, Bethanne, 12, 37, 43, 55, 6364, 66, 8081, 82, 88 Sullivan, Deborah, 9, 1920, 3334, 5354, 56, 6162 Swan, The, 7, 35 tummy tuck, 10, 26, 57, 62, 83 Twilight Zone, The, 36 ugly girl contests, 22 weight-loss surgery, 57 Wood, Derwent, 20 World War I, 1820
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Photo Credits
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