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(1) Engine
(1)-1 Much powder from wear When a large amount of wear powder is detected in the analysis, perform the following inspection and take corrective actions without delay. The cause of the wear powder may be one or more of the following: ingress of water or fuel, instrusion of dust, improper handling, or improper maintenance. Therefore, make a thorough inspection of these potential causes. (Note) A high concentration of wear powder may temporarily be found in some machines, even though the analysis is performed periodically. If so, do not jump to the conclusion that it is a sign of trouble with the engine and do not try to overhaul the engine. Instead, consider the situation carefully by checking the oil at shorter intervals or studying the data obtained from the following diagnosis. r Elements and the location of defective parts (Typical examples)
Analyzed result Causes of excessive wear powder 1 2 Combination of elements Fe Fe, Cr, Al Cu, Pb Fe, Cu, Pb Fe, Cr Fe, Cu, Cr, Al, Pb Cu Al Assumed location of trouble Timing gear, cam shaft, rocker arm, FCD piston Liner, piston ring, piston Bearing metal (Main and auxiliary), cam shaft bushing. Bearing metal (Main and auxiliary), cam shaft bushing. Liner, piston ring Bearing metal, liner, Piston ring, piston (Oil cooler) Aluminum piston, turbocharger thrust bearing

Excessive wear powder

* Intake of dust (2 to 6, 8) * Ingress of water (1, 3 to 7) * Ingress of fuel (3, 4, 6) * Improper handling (1, 2, 6, 8) * Improper maintenance (1, 3, 5)

3 4 5 6 7 8

* When both Al and Si are detected, dust has gotten into the engine. When water has gotton into the engine because of a defective oil cooler, the concentration of Cu particles may be higher.

r Diagnostic equipment required for the inspection

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Blow-by checker Compression gauge Sound scope Filter cutter Hydraulic tester Radiator cap tester Part No. 799-201-1504 795-502-1205 799-801-2300 799-101-5002 799-202-9001 Remarks

One available on the market

r Method of inspection Select the appropriate inspection item for the table below according to the analyzed result and the combination of elements, perform the inspection, and take corrective actions as needed
No. 1 2 Inspection item Abnomal noise Foreign material, wear powder Oil pressure Blow-by Compression Oil consumption Leaks of coling water Method of inspection See if there is any abnormal noise. If there is locate its origin with a sound scope. Drain the oil and see if it contains any foreign material or wear powder. Thoroughly check the wear powder attracted by the magnet plug and, using a filter cutter. check the foreign naterial and wear powder caught on the inside of the filter. Accurately measure the oil pressure with an engine pressure measurement kit to see if the pressure is in the normal range. Measure blow-by with blow-by checker to see if it is normal. Measure the compression with a compression gauge and confirm that the compression is above the specified value. Measure the oil consumption and confirm that the oil consumption is normal. Pressurize the inside of the radiator with a radiator cap tester and inspect the cooling system for leakage. Equipment to be used Sound scope Filter cutter, visual inspection Hydraulic tester Blow-by checker Compression gauge

3 4 5 6 7

Radiator cap tester

r Inspection Items
Analyzed result Combination of elements Fe Fe, Cr, Al Cu, Pb Fe, Cu, Pb Fe, Cr Fe, Cu, Cr, Al, Pb Cu Al

Inspection i tems 1






r Results of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection No abnormalities found on any inspection item Corrective actions Continue sampling the oil and note further developments. Give instructions to the customer about proper maintenance. Shorten the oil sampling intervals and analyze the samples to confirm that there are no abnormalities. Teach the customers how to prevent over-load operation. Thoroughly troubleshoot to locate the defective parts, and overhaul or repair as needed.

Minor abnormalities found on one or more inspection items.

Major abnormalities found on one or more inspection items.

r Prevention of recurrence Most troubles are caused by improper handling of the machine and poor oil management. To prevent the recurrence of troubles, the customers must be given proper guidance on these matters. Before giving guidance to customers, however, survey the items listed in the table below to grasp the condition of the machine.
Items Operating conditions Method of operation Oil management Maintenance and inspection Survey item Severe work Warming up, idling before coming to a stop, over-load operation, rapid variations in load Viscosity and grade of oil Ingress of foreign matter Oil level, oil change intervals, periodic change of elements Method of survey Field surveys and interviews Survey of operating conditions, interviews Survey of operating conditions, interviews Survey of operating conditions, interviews

(1)-2 Contamination with water The ingress of water will significantly degrade the properties of the oil, and will also result in improper lubrication and rust. Special care must be taken to prevent serious trouble such as burning of the bearing metal. The oil analysis diagnosis is helpful in checking for ingress of water, but preventive measures should be taken at an early stage by looking for symptoms of trouble in daily inspections. If the ingress of water is detected (allowance: 0.2% or less) in the analysis, perform the inspections in the following table and take corrective actions with out delay. If antifreeze is being used and traces of it are found in the analysis, the water has gotten into the engine from the cooling water system.

r Determining the location of water ingression (Inside the engine)

Classification Cylinder head Location of defective part Body Cylinder head gasket Blind plug Copper tubes (Sleeves) Body Liner packing (O-ring) Body O-rings Condition of defect Cracks, Cavities Loose or dislocated expansion plug Cracks, looseness Cracks, cavities Deterioration, poor sealing effect, burning by overheating Cracks, defective brazing Deterioration, poor sealing effect

Cylinder block, liners Oil cooler

r Determining the location of water ingression (Outside the engine)

Classification Oil management (Storage, lubrication) Conditions of environment and machines Location of defective part Containers for storage, location of storage Maintenance of lubricating equipment Weather Out of service for a long time Defective lubricating system When collecting samples Vandalism Condition of defect Improper capping of containers, outdoor storage, dirty oiler (funnel), dirty lubricating pump Variations in temperature, long spell of rain Defective exhaust pipe (Defect in storage location) Defective cap, missing parts Collecting samples in a careless manner when it is raining


r Diagnostic equipment required for the inspections

No. 1 2 Description Handy hot plate Radiator cap tester Part No. 799-202-6000 799-202-9001 Remarks

r Method of inspection and corrective actions Inspect as described below to determine whether the water has ingressed from the inside or outside of the engine (if antifreeze is being used, the detection of antifreeze indicates internal leakage). Then proceed to detailed inspections and take corrective actions if necessary.
Method of inspection Result No leaks found Pressurize the inside of the radiator with a radiator cap tester to inspect for leakage in the cooling system. Judgement Ingress of water from outside the engine Corrective action Change oil and check for water with an oil checker. Take corrective actions to prevent recurrence. Inspect as described in the following paragraph, locate the defective part, and take appropriate actions. Equipment to be used * Radiator cap tester

Leaks found

Leakage from inside the engine (Cooling system)

r Preventing requrrence of water ingression from outside the engine To prevent recurrence, perform the following inspection and give proper guidance to the customer.
Inspection items on engine body Mounting condition and damage of exhaust pipe Mounting condition of oil filler cap or missing cap What to instruct the customer Proper procedure and location of storage Item to handle lubricating equipment and proper maintenance

r Inspections and countermeasures for leakage inside an engine If leakage originates from inside the engine (from the cooling system), inspect as described below and take the appropriate countermeasure. Inspection item lngression of oil into the cooling water (*) Blowing of gas back into the radiator Blowing of water into exhaust system Method of inspection Remove the radiator cap and confirm that the cooling water is not contaminated with oil. Start the engine, remove the radiator cap, and confirm that no gas blows back into the cooling water. With the engine running, see if water is being blown out from the exhaust pipe, If so, remove the exhaust manifold and located the defective cylinder. Check by the level gauge Assumed defect Cracks on oil cooler, poor sealing effect of O-rings Cracks on cylinder liners

Pitching cylinder liners or cracks on liners.

Low cool ing water level

Pressure valve

* If oil has gotton into the cooling system, it must be rinsed out to prevent a secondary failure.

r Preventing recurrence To prevent the recurrence of trouble, accurately locate the defective part and repair the defect. After the repair, make the inspections described below and take corrective actions without delay if any defect is predicted. In addition, give guidance to the coustomer if he is handling any items improperly.
No. 1 2 3 4 Daily inspections Check the reverse side of the oil filler cap to see if it is damp with water or an emulsion. Check the crank case breather cap to see if it is wet with water or an emulsion. Does any water drain out when you loosen the drain plug to change the oil? Is whitish exhaust gas visible when the engine is being started?

(1)-3 Intake of dust The presence of dust accelerates the wear of machine parts (liners, piston, and rings wear out quickly and bearings and crank shafts wear out later) and may lead to serious troubles. Whenever any sign of dust intake is recognized, promptly find the cause and take corrective actions. The intake of dust can be identified by an increase in Si and Al content. r Development of defects caused by intake of dust
Early stage intake of dust Countermeasures are possible Trend of increasing Si, Al content and wear powder (Fe, Cu, Cr, Al, and Pb) Middle stage Tool late (corrective actions required) Wear powder of Fe, Cr, and Al will increase and the wear of liners, piston rings,and pistons will develop. Exhaust gas has abnormal color In creased oil consumption Later stage

Wear powder of Cu and Pb will increase and the wear of bearing metal and bushings will develop. Oil pressure falls.

Degradetion of performance

r Method of inspection and corrective actions If the analyzed result indicates an intake of dust on the basis of an increase in Si, Al content, inspect the following items so find the causes, and take proper corrective actions.
Inspection items (Parts) Precleaner Method of inspection ! Inspect and confirm that dust deposits are below the specified level. ! Inspect and confirm that the body mounting is free from looseness and cracks. ! Inspect for looseness and damage on ejector pipe mounting. ! Inspect and confirm that elements are free from damage and improper fitting. ! Inspect and confirm that the case mounting and cover are free from looseness and cracks. ! Inspect and confirm that the dust indicators is free from damage and missing parts. ! Inspect and confirm that the pipe mountings between the air cleaner and intake monifold are securely tightened and that each hose is free from damage. Corrective actions ! Clean the dust cup. ! Retighten the loose mounting. ! Replace or repair the damaged parts. ! Clean or replace the elements. ! Retighten the loose parts. ! Install the missing parts and replace or repair the damaged parts. ! Retighten the loose mounting. ! Replace or repair the damaged parts.

Air cleaner *

Piping, joints *

* Elaborate inspections and confirmations are required if a turbocharger is mounted. Carefully inspect the air filter element for clogging. If the element is clogged, even slight looseness in the piping system may cause dust to intrude.

If the intake of dust is diagnosed as a result of analysis even if there is no remarkable increase in Si, Al content, inspect the following items and take appropriate actions, and give guidance to the customer if any defect is found.
Inspection items Management and handling of oil (customers) Method of inspection ! Confirm by interview or by field inspection that there is no fear of dust ingression based on the conditions and location of oil storage. ! Confirm by interview or by field inspection that the lubricating equipment is properly used and there is no fear of dust ingression while oil is being added. ! Inspect and confirm that the oil filler cap and level gauge are properly placed in position and that there is no damage or missing parts in the system. ! Confirm by interview or by field inspection that the job site is free from heavy dust. Inspect the operating conditions at the same time. Corrective actions ! While changing the oil, give guidance to the customer on the proper management and handling of oil.

Defects in lubricating system

Job site and operating conditions

! Install the missing parts, repair defective parts, and change the oil. ! While changing the oil, give guidance to the customer on the maintenance required in special operating conditions.

r Preventing recurrence To prevent recurrence, accurately locate the defective parts through inspection, and repair the defective parts. After completing the repair, make the above checks. Take corrective actions without delay whenever any defect is predicted. For those items related to improper handling on the part of the customer, give him proper guidance.

(1)-4 Contamination with fuel Special attention must be paid to the ingress of fuel since it will lower the viscosity of the oil, degrade the oil properties, result in poor lubrication, and cause such serious trouble as burning of the bearing metal. If the analyzed result indicates the ingress of fuel, make the following inspection to locate the defective parts and take corrective actions without fail. r Determining the location of fuel ingression
Manufacturer Injector Defective part (condition) ! Connection and connection gaskets ! Wear of injector body and plunger ! Broken injector cup ! Defective O-ring for injector cup ! Auxiliary starting unit ! Defective O-ring on injector mounting ! Wear of injector body and plunger ! Broken injector cup ! Auxiliary starting unit Forced lubri! Fuel injection pump cation type ! Feed pump ! Piping inside nozzle holder cylinder head ! Defective nozzle holder and nozzle ! Auxiliary starting unit

Cummins engine

Flange type

Cylindrical type

Other than Cummins engine

Direct injection type

r Diagnostic equipment required for inspection

No. 1 Description Fuel leak checker Part number 799-203-7000 Remarks

r Method of inspection and corrective actions If the ingress of fuel is indicated by the analyzed results (allowable value: 2 to 3%), inspect for the following items, locate any defective parts, and take appropriate measures. The method of inspection described below applies to both Cummins engines with flange-type injector and KOMATSU engines of which have fuel piping in the cylinder head. The method of inspection also applies to other engines to check the valve opening pressure in the nozzle and for fuel leakage. r Inspection items and method
Classification Inspection item Injector assembly and connection Auxiliary unit Feed pump (Forced lubrication type) Nozzle holder assembly and piping Auxiliary starting unit Fuel injection pump (Forced lubrication type) Method of inspection Pressurize the injector fuel lines with a fuel leak time. Remove the nozzles and check for leakage. Pressurize the inside of the pump with a fuel leak checker, and check for leakage based on the leak time. Pressurize the nozzle holder fuel lines with a fuel leak checker, and check for leakage on each cylinder based on the leak time. Remove nozzles and check for leakage. Blind the inlet and outlet of the lubricating oil pipe, and check for the ingress of fuel into the cam chamber as the operating time lapses.

Non-Commins engines

Cummins engine

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection No leaks found on any items Symptoms of leakage found No symptoms of leakage found on any items Symptom of leakage found Corrective action Change the oil and check for ingress of fuel. Thoroughly check the part where leakage was confirmed, then disassemble the part for repair. Change ths oil and check for the ingress of fuel by means of an oil checker. Thoroughly check the part where leakage was confirmed, and disassemble the part for repair.

* In order to perform the diagnosis efficiently, the order of inspection items should be determined by taking into account the predicted amount of fuel injection and lapse of operating time. r Preventing recurrence After completing the repair, check the part again with a fuel leak checker to confirm that the leak has been completely sealed. (1)-5 Defective rear seal (engine) If a defective rear is indicated by the analysis, confirm it by performing the following inspection, and take corrective actions as needed. The prediction of a defective rear seal is based on the presence of a lot of wear powder of Fe, Cu, and Si in the engine oil. The excessive wear powder is due to entrance of oil from the main clutch and torque converter into the engine. r Method and location of inspection
Location of inspection Engne oil Method of inspection Inspect carefully for variation in oil level. (If the oil is decreasing, check the color of the exhaust gas to see if it is related to abnormal oil consumption.) Inspect carefully for variation in oil level. Check the oil for remarkable contamination and abnormal odor.

TORQFLOW transmission oil Main clutch oil

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection No variation in oil level in either system. No contamination or abnormal odor detected. Variation in oil level is observed in both systems, and contamination and abnormal odor are recognized. Corrective actions Continue collecting oil samples to observe future trends. Check the oil level periodically to see how it develops. Change the oil earlier than the normal schedule. Disassemble the engine, replace or repair the rear seal, and change the oil.

r Actions to be taken after the repair If inflow of engine oil into the main clutch housing or torque converter housing is indicated, drain all the oil and flush the inside of the main clutch or torque converter to prevent secondary trouble. The periodic oil check should be continued even after the repair in order to confirm that the defect is completely eliminated. r Preventing recurrence Since defective rear seals are closely associated with the contamination or degradation of oil, proper maintenance (such as periodic oil changes) must be strictly observed. Give proper guidance on this matter to the customer.


(2)-1 Much powder from wear If a lot of powder from wear is found in the analysis, make the inspection described below and take appropriate measures promptly. An increase in wear powder may be caused by degraded oil, ingression of water and dirt, or improper handling of the machine (slippage of the main clutch). Check these items during the inspection. r Combination of wear elements and assumed location of defective parts. (Typical examples)
Analyzed result Much wear powder Cause of wear powder ! Ingress of water ! Ingress of dirt ! Improper maintenance ! Improper handling (slippage of clutch, etc.) Combination of elements Fe Fe, Cu Fe, Cr Si (Cu) Assumed defective part Pressure plate, flywheel, gear pump Clutch plate, disc (Medium and large-size machines) Bearing, gears, gear pump Clutch disc, etc. (Small-size machines)

* If the ingress of water is caused by a defective oil cooler, a high concentration of Cu wear powder may be detected. r Diagnostic equipment for inspection
No. 1 2 3 4 5 Description Sound scope Push-pull scale Hydraulic tester Treading force meter Stopwatch Part No. 799-101-5002 Available on the market Remarks Available on the market Available on the market 0 ~ 25 kg 0 ~ 80 kg

r Methods of inspection Select the inspection items from the following table according to the combination of wear elements obtained from the analyzed results, inspect the item selected, and take corrective actions as required.
No. 1 2 Inspection items Abnormal noise Foreign matter Wear powder Methods of inspection See if there is any abnormal noise. If so, check its source by inspecting with a sound scope. (1) Drain oil and closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder in the oil. See if any wear powder is attracted by the magnet plug. (2) Closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder caught in the strainer. Check for slippage of the clutch in the following manner. Measure the operating force of the main clutch lever (pedal) with a push-pull scale (tread force meter) while the engine is idling and inspect for defects such as poor performance of the main clutch pump. If the operating force of the main clutch lever (pedal) is greater than the specified value, measure the main clutch booster pressure with a hydraulic tester. Equipment to be used Sound scope Visual inspection

3 4

Slippage of clutch Operating force of main clutch lever (pedal)

Stopwatch Push-pull scale, tread force meter

Boost pressure of main clutch

Hydraulic tester

r Inspection items
Combina- Inspection item tion of elements 1 2 3 4 5 Fe Fe, Cu Fe, Cr Si (Cu)
K K K K K K K K K K K ! K !

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection No defects found on any inspection items. Clutch slippage and wear of the plate disc are assumed. Poor pump performance or booster pressure drop is assumed. Corrective actions Change the oil and continue sampling the oil to observe the future trends. See if there are any defective parts by adjusting or disassembling the clutch, and repair as required. Adjust the booster pressure or replace the pump assembly.

K: Rapid increase or high concentration !: Concentration may become higher

r Preventing recurrence Pinpoint the causes of the defects in the foregoing inspection and repair all defective parts. Instruct the customer on the importance of daily inspections and the necessity of proper maintenance. (2)-2 Contamination with water The properties of the oil will be remarkably degraded by the ingress of water, resulting in poor lubrication and rust. The ingress of water will accelerate wear of discs and plates or cause improper operation of the booster valve. If the ingress of water is indicated, inspect in the following manner and take corrective actions promptly. If anti-freeze is being used, the detection of antifreeze in the oil analysis may be regarded an indication of entry of cooling water, which in turn means that the oil cooler is defective.

r Ingress of water
Classification Inside of system (cooling water) Outside of system (rainwater, etc.) Location of defect Oil cooler (for water-cooled type only) Condition of oil management Handling of oil (by customer) Oil filler cap Others When collecting oil samples Condition of defect Cooling water enters through a damaged or cracked cooler element or tubing, or because or defective O-rings. Water gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (depending on its location and condition) or when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oiler. The inflow of the water, however, is comparatively small in most cases. Rainwater gets into the oil because the filler cap is missing or damaged. Careless sampling in the rain.

r Diagnostic equipment for inspection (Reference)

No. 1 Description Oil leak tester Part No. 799-301-1500 Remarks

r Inspection items
Steps 1 Inspection items

r Results of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection No defective items found on any inspection items. (Temporary ingress of water from outside) Abnormalities found on inspection items other than the oil cooler. (Ingress of water from outside) Abnormalities found on the inspection items for the oil cooler. (Ingress of water from inside the system) Corrective action Change oil as soon as possible (immediately if contaminated with a large amount of water) and observe the future trend by continuing to sample the oil. Repair defective parts and change the oil. Confirm that the ingression of water has been completely eliminated by continuing to take oil samples after the repair. Closely inspect and repair the oil cooler. After the repair, recheck confirm that it is free fromleaks.

To use the tester, attachments must be made.

Inspect for defects such as a missing or damaged oil filler cap. Inspect for big oil leaks. See if any oil is floating on the radiator water. (Reference) The cooling water will be contaminated with oil if the oil cooler is defective. Conduct a leak test on the main clutch cooler (with an oil leak tester). The test may be conducted while the main clutch cooler is either mounted on or dismounted from the machine.

2 3

r Actions to be taken after the repair After confirming that all leaks have been repaired and that there is no more ingression of water, drain the oil and flush the system to remove the residue in order to prevent secondary trouble. If oil has entered the cooling system because of a defective oil cooler, flush the cooling system as well. r Preventing recurrence If any troubles occur in this system, get a good understanding of the trouble before making the repair. If water has gotten into the system from outside, clarify the cause and take corrective actions to prevent occurrence. If the ingress of water is caused by one of the following, instruct the customer on proper preventive actions. e The fresh oil contains some water because of improper storage. e Water gets into the oil while adding oil with defective lubricating equipment such as an oil container. (2)-3 Contamination with dust Contamination with dust can result in significant degradation of the oil performance, leading to improper lubrication and accelerated wear of gears, bearings, plates, and discs. If contamination with dust is indicated by the oil analysis, thoroughly inspect the following items and take corrective actions. r Assumed location of dust ingression
Defective part Oil filler cap Breather Condition of oil management Handling of oil (by customer) Other (when collecting oil samples) Condition of trouble Dust enters because the filler cap is missing or damaged. Dust enters because of a broken breather or clogged breather element. Dust gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (because of its location and conditions) or when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oil container. Careless oil sampling at dusty places.

r Inspection items

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection Corrective action No abnormalities found on Change the oil soon any inspection items. (immediately if contaminated with a lot of dust) and observe the future trend by continuing to collect oil samples. Abnormalities on some inspection items. Repair the defective parts and change the oil. Take more oil samples to confirm that all defective parts are repaired.

lnspection items See if there are any defects such as a missing filler cap or other damage. See if the breather and breather element are damaged or clogged. lnspect for big oil Ieaks.

* When the oil is drained, closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder in the oil and also the wear powder attracted by the magnet plug. In addition, closely examine the foreign matter attached to the strainer. r Actions to be taken after the repair If a large amount of dust or excessive contamination of the oil is found, drain the oil and flush the inside of the system. r Preventing recurrence If any troubles occur in this system, get a good understanding of the trouble before making the repair. If the trouble was caused by poor oil management or improper handling of the oil, instruct the customer on the proper methods of oil management and handling.

(3) Direct Transmission

(3)-1 Much powder from wear If a lot of powder from wear is found in the analysis, make the inspection described below and take corrective actions promptly. An increase in wear powder may be caused by the entry of water or dust. Therefore, check these possible causes as well when taking corrective action. r Combination of wear elements and assumed location of defective parts For structural reasons, most of the wear powder detected in the analysis of the direct transmission is Fe. Although a little Cu and Cr powder may be found in the analysis, the amount is usually so small that it is hard to predict the wear level. Thus it is assumed that defects are located on gears and bearings.
AnaIyzed Combination of Causes of wear powder resuIt elements Much wear ! Ingress of water Fe (Cr) powder ! Ingress of dust ! Improper maintenance Cu ! Improper handling (improper adjustment of inertia brake) " Diagnostic equipment for inspection No. Description Part No. Remarks 1 Sound scope Available on the market Assumed defective parts Gears and bearings Bushing

" Inspection items and methods lnspection Method of inspection Equipment items required Abnormal See if there is any abnormal noise. If so, Iocate its source by Sound scope noise inspecting with a sound scope. Foreign Drain the oil and closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder Visual inspection matter in the oil. See if any wear powder is attracted by the magnet plug. Wear Check the amount of oil. powder " Result of inspection and corrective actions Result of inspection Corrective actions No trouble found on any inspection items. Change the oil and continue sampling the oil to observe the future trend. Abnormalities found oh one or more After disassembling the system to locate defects, repair as inspection items. needed. Find the causes of the trouble.

r Preventing recurrence Pinpoint the cause of the trouble and eliminate it. The following items are considered to be factors which accelerate the wear of parts in the system. Instruct the customer on these maters.
Items lmproper maintenance Development of accelerated wear Failure to make the periodic oil change at the regular interval will cause deterioration of the oil, resulting in poor lubrication and accelerated wear of the parts. Improper adjustment of the inertia brake will make ft difficult to shift speed, cause noise in the gears, and lead to accelerated wear and damage of gears.

lmproper handling (daily inspection)

(3)-2 Contamination with water The properties of oil will be remarkably degraded by the ingress of water, resulting in poor lubrication and rust, and accelerated wear of the gears and bearings. If the entry of water is indicated by the oil analysis, inspect as described below and take corrective actions promptly. r Assumed location of water ingression
Location of defect Classification Outside of system Condition of oil (such as rainwater) management, handling of oil (by customer)

Oil filter cap


When collecting oil samples

Condition of defect Water gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (because of its location and conditions) and when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oil filler. The inflow of water is comparatively small. Rain water gets into,the oil because the oil filter cap is missing or damaged. Careless oil sampling in the rain.

r Inspection items
1 lnspection items See if there are defects such as a missing or damaged oil filler cap. See if there are big oil leaks.

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection No abnormalities found on the inspection items. (Temporary ingress of water from the outside)

Abnormalities found on the inspection items.

r Actions to be taken after the repair Structually, large amounts of water seldom get into the direct transmission. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that a lot of water can temporarily get into the system under some circumstances. If so, drain the oil, flush the inside of the system, and remove as much of the residual water as possible to prevent secondary trouble. r Preventing recurrence The recurrence of trouble with this system can be prevented by finding the exact location of defects and repairing the trouble completely. If the inspection shows that the ingress of water was caused by one of the following circumstances, instruct the customer on proper management and handling of the oil. e The fresh oil contains some water because of improper storage. e The water gets into the oil while adding oil with defective lubricating equipment, such as an oil filler. (3)-3 Contamination with dust Contamination with dust can result in significant degradation of the oil performance, leading to poor lubrication and accelerated wear of gears and bearings. If contamination with dust is diagnosed, inspect the location of entry and take proper corrective actions. Since dust gets into the direct transmission in the same way as water, follow the method of inspection and corrective actions described for contamination with water. e When the oil is drained, closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder in the oil, and also for wear powder attracted by the magnet plug.

Corrective actions Change the oil soon (immediately if contaminated with a large amount of water) and continue taking oil samples to observe the future trend. Repair the defective parts and change the oil. After the repair, continue taking oil samples to confirm that the entry of water is completely eliminated.

(4) Steering Clutch System

(4)-1 Much powder from wear If a lot of wear powder is found in the analysis, make the inspection described below and take proper actions promptly. An increase in wear powder may be caused by entry of water, entry of dust, poor handling, or improper maintenance. Therefore, check these items during the inspection and take corrective actions if necessary. r Combination of wear elements and assumed location of defective parts (Typical examples) Causes of wear powder Combination of elements Assumed defective parts Analyzed resuIt ' Entry of water Fe Gears and bearings Much wear ' Entry of dust powder Fe, Cu Clutch plate, clutch disc ' Poor handling Cu* Bushing, seal ring ' Improper maintenance Fe, Si Brake drum, brake band Fe, Cr Gears, bearings, seal ring * If the entry of water is caused by a defective oil cooler, a high concentration of Cu wear powder may be detected. r Diagnostic equipment for inspection No. Description Part No. Remarks 1 Sound scope Available on the market r Methods of inspection Select the appropriate inspection item from the following table according to the combination of wear elements obtained from the analyzed result, inspect the selected item, and take corrective actions as required. No. lnspection items Method of inspection Equipment to be used 1 Abnormal noise See if there is any abnormal noise. If so, check Auditory inspection or its source by inspecting with a sound scope. sound scope 2 Foreign matter (1) Drain the oil and closely examine the Visual inspection
Wear powder foreign matter and wear powder in the oil. See if any wear powder is attracted by the magnet plug. (2) Remove the filter and closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder caught by the filter. 2 3 Hydraulic tester

Stop watch

799-101-5002 -

Available on the market

No. lnspection items 3 Slippage of clutch 4 Effect of brake

Method of inspection See if the steering clutch is slipping. With the engine running at full speed, measure how long it takes for the engine to stop. See if the steering brake is working well. With the engine running in the maximum speed range, measure the time required for the engine to stop. Inspect the wear level of the brake linings.

Equipment to be used Stopwatch Visual inspection


5 Oil pressure

r Inspection items
Combination of elements Fe Fe, Cu Cu Fe, Si Fe, Cr 1 # # # # #

Measure the steering clutch pressure with a Hydraulic tester hydraulic tester.

lnspection item 2 3 4 5 # # # # # # # # # #

r Result of inspection and corrective actions Result of inspection Corrective actions No defects found on any Continue taking oil samples to inspection items. observe the future trend. Instruct the customer in proper maintenance .
Minor abnormalities found on Shorten the oil sampling interval at least one of the inspection and make the analysis again to items. see if the abnormalities are still

present. Instruct the customer in prevent overload operation.

Major abnormality found Confirm the location of the on at least one inspection defective part by more detailed Item. troubleshooting . Disassemble and repair the defective part. r Actions to be taken after the repair and preventing recurrence After the repair, change the oil and flush the system, if necessary, to prevent secondary trouble caused by the residual dust. To prevent recurrence, find the exact cause of trouble, repair the defect, and instruct the customer about daily inspections and proper maintenance.

(4)-2 Contamination with water Water contamination will significantly degrade the oil properties and will cause poor lubrication and rust, resulting in accelerated wear of gears, bearings, plates, and discs. Water has an especially adverse effect on the steering control valve. If the entry of water is diagnosed, inspect as described below and take corrective actions promptly. If antifreeze is being used, the detection of Na in the KOWA may be regarded as an indication of the entry of cooling water, which in turn means that the oil cooler is defective. r Assumed location of water ingression
Classification Inside of system (Cooling water) Location of defect Oil cooler (for watercooled type only)

Condition of defect
Cooling water enters through a damaged or cracked cooler element or tube, or because of defective Orings.

Outside of system Condition of oil management (rainwater, etc.) Handling of oil (by customer)

Oil filler cap

Others When collecting oil samles

Water gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (because of the location and condition of storage) or when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oil filler. The inflow of water in this case is comparatively small . Rainwater gets into the oil because the oil filler cap is missing or damaged. Careless oil sampling in the rain.

r Diagnostic equipment for inspection

No. Description 1 Oil leak tester Part No. 799-301-1500 Remarks To use the tester, attachments must be made.

r Inspection items

r Actions to be taken after the repair After the repair, confirm that the leakage of water has stopped. If the presence of a lot of oil has caused the oil to emulsify, drain the oil and flush the inside of the system to remove as much of the residual content as possible to prevent secondary trouble. Likewise, if oil has gotten into the cooling system because of a defective oil cooler, flush the cooling system. r Preventing recurrence The recurrence of trouble in this system can be prevented by precisely locating the defects and completely repairing the trouble. If water has come from outside the system, find its cause and take appropriate action to prevent recurrence. If the ingress of water is caused by one of the following, instruct the customer on proper management and handling of the oil. * The fresh oil contains some water because of improper storage. * Water gets into the oil while adding oil with defective lubricating equipment such as an oil filler. (4)-3 Contamination with dust Contamination with dust will degrade the oil properties to a considerable extent, lead to poor lubrication, and cause accelerated wear of gears, bearings, plates, and discs. If contamination with dust is diagnosed, inspect the following items and take corrective actions promptly.

Steps Inspection items 1 lnspect for defects such as a missing or damaged oil filler cap. 2 Inspect for big oil leaks (especially on the upper part of the steering case). 3 See if any oil is floating on the radiator water. ( Reference) If the oil cooler is defective, oil will get into the coo I ing water. 4 Conduct a leak test on the steering cooler with an oil leak tester. The test may be conducted while the steering cooler is either mounted or dismounted from the machine.

Result of inspection Corrective actions No abnormalities found on any Change the oil as soon as inspection items (temporary possible (immediately if a lot of ingress of water from outside) water has gotten into the oil) and observe the future trend by continuing to sample the oil. Abnormalities found on inspection items other than the oil cooler. ( Ingress of water from outside) Repair the defective parts and change the oil. Continue to take oil samples even after the repair to confirm that the ingression of water is completely eliminated.

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Abnormalities found on the Closely inspect the oil cooler inspection items for the oil system and repair as required. cooler. After the repair, recheck the oil ( Ingress of water from outside cooler to see if it is free from the system) leaks.

r Assumed location of dust ingression

Defective part Oil filler cap Breather Condition of oil management Handling of oil (by customer) Others (when taking an oil sample) Steps 1 Inspection item lnspect for defects such as a missing or damaged oil filler cap. Condition of trouble Dust enters because the oil filler cap is missing or damaged.

Dust gets into the oil because of a damaged breather or clogged breather element. Dust gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (due to the location and conditions of storage) or when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oil filler.

r Inspection items

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection No abnormalities found on any inspection items. Corrective actions Change the oil soon (immediately if contaminated by a large amount of dust) and continue taking oil samples to observe the future trend .

Careless oil sampling fn a dusty area

Inspect the breather and breather element for damage and clogging. Inspect for big oil leaks (especially the upper part of the steering case) .

Abnormalities found on one of the inspection items.

Repair the defective part and change the oil. Continue taking oil samples after the repair to confirm that the defective is completely repaired.

* When the oil is drained, closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder in the oil, and also the wear powder attracted by the magnet plug. Also, examine the foreign matter caught in the strainer. r Actions to be taken after the repair If a large amount of dust has gotten into the oil, drain the oil and flush the system to remove as much of the residual dust as possible to prevent secondary trouble. r Preventing recurrence If any troubles occur in this system, get a good understanding of the trouble before making the repair. If the trouble was caused by poor oil management or improper handling of oil, instruct the customer on the proper method of oil management and handling.

(5) TORQFLOW System (Torque Converter, TORQFLOW Transmission, and Steering Clutch)
(5)-1 If a lot of wear powder is found in the analysis, make the inspection described below and take proper actions promptly. An increase in wear powder may be caused by ingression of water and dust, faulty operation, or improper maintenance. Therefore, check these items during the inspection and take corrective actions if necessary. (Note) Some machines may temporarily register a high concentration of wear powder, even if the oil is analyzed periodically. If this happens, do not disassemble the system on the assumption that the analyzed result indicates a defect. Instead, consider the situation carefully and recheck the oil samples at shorter intervals, or else confirm the defect with some substantiating data obtained from the following diagnosis. r Combination of wear elements and assumed location of defective parts (Typical examples)
Analyzed resuIt Causes of wear powder Combination of elements Fe, Cu Fe Fe, Cr Cu * Al Fe, Si Assumed defective part Clutch plate, clutch disc (transmission, steering) Gears, bearings, piston housing Gears, bearings, seal rings, piston housing Thrust washers, seal rings Torque converter, piston (wheel loader) Brake drum, brake band

Much ! Ingress of dust wear ! Ingress of water powder ! Improper maintenance ! Poor handling

* If the ingress of water is caused by a defective oil cooler, a high concentration of Cu wear powder may be detected. r Diagnostic equipment for inspection
No. 1 2 3 4 5 Description Sound scope Multi-tachometer HydrauIic tester Filter cutter Stopwatch Part No. 799-203-9000 799-101-5002 799-801-2300 Remarks Available on the market

Available on the market

r Methods of inspection Select the appropriate inspection item from the following table according to the combination of wear elements, obtained from the analyzed result, inspect the selected item, and take corrective actions as required.
No. lnspection item 1 Abnormal noise 2 Method of inspection See if there is any abnormal noise. If so, check its source with a sound scope. Foreign matter, wear (1) Drain the oil and closely examine the foreign powder matter and wear powder in the oil. See if any wear powder is attracted by the magnet plug. (2) Remove the filter (use a filter cutter for a cartridge-type filter) and closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder caught by the filter. (3) Drain the oil from the torque converter. Closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder in the oil and that caught by the torque converter strainer. Torque converter stalling Measure the engine r.p.m. with a multi-tachometer when the torque converter is stalled and confirm that it is in normal condition. Hydraulic pressure (1) Measure the modulating pressure of the transmission with a hydraulic tester. (2) Measure the steering clutch pressure with a hydraulic tester. (3) Measure the boost pressure of the steering brake with a hydraulic tester. Measure the pressure at the torque converter inlet and outlet, if necessary. Slippage of clutch See if the transmission clutch or steering clutch are slipping by making the torque converter stall. Effectiveness of brakes See if the steering brake functions properly by making the torque converter stall. Also, inspect for wear of the brake linings. Time lag Use a stop watch to measure the time lag between shifting the lever from neutral position to every speed stage of the transmission. Amount of leakage from Remove the drain plug, drain the oil from the torque torque converter converter case (oil leaked into the torque converter), and measure the quantity. Equipment to be used Sound scope Visual inspection Filter cutter

3 4

Multi-tachometer HydrauIic tester

5 6 7 8

Visual inspection Stopwatch Visua inspection Stopwatch Stopwatch

r Inspection items
Combination of elements Fe, Cu Fe Fe, Cr Cu Al Fe Si 1 # # # # # # 2 # # # # # # lnspection item 3 4 5 6 7 8 # # # # # # # # # # # # #

r Results of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection Corrective actions No defects found on Continue taking oil samples to any inspection items. observe the future trend. Instruct the customer in proper maintenance. Minor abnormalities Shorten the oil sampling interval are found on at least and make the analysis again to one inspection item. see if the abnormalities are still present. Instruct the customer in how to prevent overload operation . Major abnormalities Confirm the location of the found on at least one defective part by more detailed inspection item. troubleshooting . Disassemble and repair the defective part.

r Actions to be taken after the repair and preventing recurrence e After the repair, change the oil and flush the system, if necessary, to prevent secondary trouble caused by residual foreign matter. e To prevent recurrence, find the exact cause of trouble, repair the defect, and instruct the customer about daily inspections and proper maintenance. (5)-2 Contamination with water Contamination with water will significantly degrade the oil properties and will cause poor lubrication and rust, resulting in the accelerated wear of gears, bearings, plates, and discs. Water has an especially adverse effect on control valves. If the entry of water is diagnosed, inspect as described below and take appropriate actions promptly. If anti-freeze is being used, the detection of antifreeze by the oil analysis can be regarded as an indication of the entry of cooling water, which in turn means that the oil cooler is defective.

r Assumed location of water ingression

Classification Inside of system (cooling water) Outside of system (rainwater, etc.) Location of defect Oil cooler (for water-cooled type only) Condition of oil management Handling of oil (by customer) Condition of trouble Cooling water enters through a damaged or cracked cooler element or tubes, or because of defective O-rings. Water gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (because of the location or condition of storage) or when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oil filler. The inflow of water in this case is comparatively smalI. Rain water gets into the oil because the oil filler cap is missing or damaged. Careless oil sampling in the rain.

Oil filler cap Others When collecting oil samples

r Diagnostic equipment for inspection

No. Description 1 Oil leak tester Part No. 799-301-1500 Remarks To use the tester, attachments must be made.

r Inspection items
Step Inspection item 1 lnspect for defects such as a missing or damaged oil filler cap. 2 Inspect for big oil leaks (especially on the upper part of the steering case). See if any oil is floating on the radiator water. ( Reference ) If the oil cooler is defective, oil will get into the cooling water. Conduct a leak test on the torque converter cooler and steering cooler (with an oil leak tester). The test may be conducted while the coolers are either mounted on or dismounted from the machine.

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Corrective actions Change the oil as soon as possible (immediately if a lot of water has gotten into the oil) and continue collecting oil samples to observe the future trend. Abnormalities found on Repair the defective parts and inspection items other than change the oil. Continue to the oil cooler. take oil samples even after (Ingress of water from the repair to confirm that the outside) ingression of water is completely eliminated . Abnormalities found on the Closely inspect the oil cooler inspection items for the oil system and repair as cooler. (Ingress of water from required. After the repair inside the system) recheck the oil cooler to confirm that it is free from leaks. Result of inspection No abnormalities found on any inspection item (temporary ingression of water from outside).

* After the repair, confirm that the leakage of water has stopped. If the presence of a lot of oil has caused the oil to emulsify, drain the oil and flush the inside of the system to remove as much of the residual content as possible to prevent secondary trouble. Likewise, if oil has gotten into the cooling system because of a defective oil cooler, flush the cooling system. r Preventing recurrence The recurrence of trouble in this system can be prevented by precisely locating the defects and completely repairing the trouble. If water has come from outside the system, find its source to prevent recurrence. If the ingress of water is caused by one of the following, instruct the customer on proper management and handling of the oil. e The fresh oil contains some water because of improper storage. e Water gets into the oil while adding oil with defective lubricating equipment such as an oil filler.

(5)-3 Contamination with dust Relatively little dust enters the TORQFLOW system while the vehicle is in operation. Most dust gets into the system through carelessness during oil changes. This is shown by the data obtained from previous analysis. If the analysis indicates the entry of dust, closely inspect for the following items and take appropriate measures. r Assumed location of dust ingression
Defective part Oil filler cap Breather Oil management Handling of oil (by customer) Condition of trouble Dust enters because the oil filler cap is missing or damaged. Dust enters because of a damaged breather or clogged breather element. Dust gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (due to the location and conditions of storage) or when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oil filler. Careless oil sampling in a dusty area.

r Inspection items

Others (when taking an oil sample)

r Results of inspection and corrective actions

Steps Inspection item 1 lnspect for defects such as a missing or damaged oil filler cap. 2 Inspect the breather and breather element for damage and clogging. lnspect the component parts for big leaks (especial the upper part of the steering case).

Result of inspection Corrective actions No abnormalities found on any Change the oil soon inspection items. (immediately if contaminated by a large amount of dust) and continue taking oil samples to observe the future trend. Abnormalities found on one of the inspection items. Repair the defective part and change the oil. Continue taking oil samples after the repair to confirm that the defective is completely repaired.

r Actions to be taken after the repair If a large amount of dust has gotten into the system or if the oil is very dirty, drain the oil and flush the inside of the system if necessary. r Preventing recurrence If any troubles occur in this system, get a good understanding of the trouble before making the repair. If the trouble was caused by poor oil management or improper handling of oil, instruct the customer on the proper method of oil management and handling.

(6) Final Drive Unit

(6)-1 Much powder from wear If a lot of wear powder is found in the analysis, make the inspection described below and take appropriate actions promptly. An increase in wear powder may be caused by the ingression of water and dust. Therefore, check these items during the inspection and take corrective actions if necessary. (Note) Some machines may temporarily register a high concentration of wear powder, even if the oil is analyzed periodically. If this happens, do not disassemble the system on the assumption that the analyzed result indicates as defect. Instead, consider the situation carefully and recheck the oil samples at shorter intervals, or else confirm the defect with some substantiating data obtained from the following diagnosis. r Combination of wear elements and location of defective parts (Typical examples)
Analyzed resuIt Causes of wear powder Much wear powder ! Ingress of dust ! Ingress of water ! Poor handling ! Improper maintenance Combination of Assumed defective part elements Fe, Cr Gears, bearings, floating seals Cr Floating seals, bearings Fe, Cu, Cr Gears, bearings, plain bearings, bushing, thrust washers, floating seals Cu Plain bearings, bushing, thrust washers

r Diagnostic equipment for inspection

No. Description 1 Fiberscope 2 Oil leak tester Part No. 799-301-1500 Remarks Available on the market

r Methods of inspection Select the appropriate inspection item from the following table according to the combination of wear elements obtained from the analyzed result, inspect the selected item, and take corrective actions as required.
No. lnspection item 1 Abnormal noise 2 Foreign matter Wear powder Method of inspection Closely inspect for abnormal noise Equipment to be used Auditory inspection Visual inspection

r Inspection items
Analyzed resuIts Combination of elements Fe, Cr Cr Fe, Cu, Cr Cu * 1 # # # #

Drain the oil. Closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder in the oil, the wear powder caught by the magnet plug, and foreign matter and wear powder accumulated around the drain outlet inside the case. 3 Condition of damage Closely inspect the internal gears and bearings inside the case for damage by inserting a fiberscope through the drain hole or lubricating hole. Confirm the defective parts by taking photographs of the inside of the case, if necessary. 4 Air-tightness of floating Check for defective floating seals by seals pressurizing the inside of the case with an oil leak tester.

Fiberscope (Camera) Visual inspection Oil leak tester

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Resu It of inspection No defects found on any inspection items. Minor abnormalities are found on at least one inspection item. Major abnormalities found on at least one inspection item. Corrective actions Continue taking oil samples to observe the future trend. Instruct the customer in proper maintenance. Shorten the oil sampling interval and make the analysis again to see if the abnormalities are still present. Instruct the customer in how to prevent overload operation. Confirm the location of the defective part by more detailed troubleshooting. Disassemble and repair the defective part.

lnspection items 2 3 4 # # # # # # # # #

* (In rare cases, a lot of Cu may be present owing to the ingress of oil from the steering clutch case.)

r Preventing recurrence In most cases, an increase in wear powder is caused by external factors (ingress of water or dust) in the initial stage. Eventually, the wear powder will increase even more. To prevent recurrence, therefore, the ingression of dust and water must be eliminated by making periodic inspections, changing oil at shorter intervals, finding the cause of ingression, and taking corrective actions. (6)-2 Contamination with water Contamination with water will significantly degrade the oil properties and will cause poor lubrication and rust, resulting in the accelerated wear of gears and bearings. If the ingress of water is diagnosed, inspect as described below and take appropriate measures promptly. In the final drive unit, the ingress of water is usually accompanied by that of dust and dirt. r Assumed location of water ingression
Defective part Floating seal Condition of defect Depending on operating conditions (such as working in water, etc.) , water may enter through seals if the floating seals are defective. In this case, oil will also leak. Oil filler, inspection window Water gets into the case because of improper fitting of the oil filler plug or inspection plug, or because of a defective O-ring. The ingress of water often occurs when the machine is operated in the rain or water. Breather The dust accumulated at the breather mount forms itself into a crucible, water comes in the form of rainfall. The ingress of dust accompanies the water at the same time. Oil management and handling (by Water gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (because of the customer) location and condition of storage) or when adding oil with a lubricators. In most cases, only a little water enters. Others (when collecting oil samples) Careless oil sampling in the rain

r Diagnostic equipment for inspection

No. 1 Description Oil leak tester

Part No. 799-301-1500


r Method of inspection
Step 1 Method of inspection

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection Corrective actions

Closely inspect the breather mount for a large deposit of dust or looseness. See if the breather is clogged. Visually inspect for improper fitting of the oil filler plug and inspection plug, and for damaged O-rings, (These items can be inspected during the airtightness test for floating seals.) To inspect for defective floating seals, perform a leak check by pressurizing the inside of the case with an oil leak tester.

No abnormalities found on Change the oil and continue any inspection items taking oil samples to observe the future trend . Instruct the customers to clean the item after work. Minor abnormalities found Repair all defective parts except the floating seals. Analyze oil samples taken at shorter intervals to see if any abnormalities remain. Major abnormalities found Confirm the defect by on floating seals. disassembling, and repair as needed. Examine the condition of gears at the same time.

r Preventing recurrence The recurrence of trouble in the final drive can be prevented by precisely locating the defects and completely repairing the troubles. At the same time, instruct the customer to clean the system regularly to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt. Give special guidance for any defects or abnormalities caused by the customers mishandling of the machine. (6)-3 Contamination with dust Contamination with dust and dirt will degrade the properties of the oil, lead to poor lubrication, and cause accelerated wear of gears and bearings. The ingress of dust will cause a sharp increase in the wear of gears. Therefore, if the ingress of dirt is diagnosed, make the inspection described below and take corrective actions promptly. Dust gets into the final drive unit through the same routes as water does. Thus the same methods of inspection and corrective actions should be applied. * When the oil is drained, closely inspect the foreign matter and wear powder in the oil and the wear powder caught by the magnet plug.


(7)-1 Much powder from wear If a lot of wear powder is found in the analysis, make the inspection described below and take proper actions promptly. An increase in wear powder may be caused by entry of water, entry of dust, poor handling, or improper maintenance.Therefore, check these items during the inspection and take corrective actions if necessary. r Combination of wear elements and location of defective parts (Typical examples)
Analyzed Causes of wear powder resuIt Much wear ! Entry of foreign matter powder ! Entry of dust ! Entry of water ! Improper maintenance ! Poor handling Combination of elements Fe Cu * Cr Al Fe Cu Assumed defective part Pump, motor, cylinder, pump gear Cylinder bushing, pump side-plate Piston rod Pump body Retarder plate and disc (for dump trucks)

* 1. When copper parts are used in the pistons due to the structure of the cylinders (as in wheel loaders), a higher concentration of Cu wear powder may appear. r Diagnostic equipment for inspection
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Sound scope Hydraulic tester Contamination checker Oil cleaner Stopwatch Convex scale

2. The concentration of Cu wear powder may become higher if water gets into the system through a defective oil cooler.
Part No. 799-101-5002 79A-851-1000 790-601-4100 Remarks Available on the market

To be used when corrective actions are taken Available on the market Available on the market

r Methods of inspection Select the appropriate inspection item from the following table according to the combination of wear elements obtained from the analyzed result, inspect the selected item, and take corrective actions as required.
No. Inspection item Method of inspection 1 Abnormal noise See if there is any abnormal noise. If so, check its source by inspecting with a sound scope. 2 Foreign matter Wear powder (1) Remove the filter and closely examine the foreign matter and wear powder caught by the filter. (2) Run the engine and let the hydraulic oil circulate through the system until the oil becomes homogenous. Take oil samples. Use the contamination checker to check the contamination, and examine the foreign matter and wear powder. Oil pressure Measure the relief pressure of the work equipment with a hydraulic tester. Leakage of motor Measure the leakage of each motor on a hydraulic excavator Hydraulic drift Measure the hydraulic drift of the work equipment cylinders. Work equipment Measure the operating speed of each work equipment. operating speeds Retarder Confirm the effectiveness of the retarder brake by performance completely locking the retarder brake and seeing if it ( Dump truck) can hold the vehicle at a stand still in the specified speed range. Equipment to be used Sound scope Visual inspection Contamination checker

3 4 5 6 7

Hydraulic tester Stopwatch Stopwatch Convex scale Stopwatch

r Inspection items
Combination of elements Fe Cu Cr Al Fe, Cu 1 " " " " " Inspection items 2 3 4 5 6 7 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

r Result of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection Corrective actions No defects found on Continue taking oil samples to any inspection items. observe the future trend. Instruct the customer fn proper maintenance. Minor abnormalities Shorten the oil sampling interval are found on at least and make the analysis again to one inspection item. see if the abnormalities are still present. Instruct the customer in how to prevent overload operation. Clean the oil with oil cleaner. Major abnormalities Conduct a more detailed found on at least one troubleshooting to confirm the inspection item. location of the defect. Disassemble and repair the system. After the repair, clean the oil with oil cleaner.

* Before cleaning the oil with oil refresher, use the contamination checker to determine whether or not the oil can be purified. If it can not be purified, change the oil. If the oil contains more than 0.2% water, the oil must be changed.

r Actions to be taken after the repair and preventing recurrence e After the repair, periodically measure the contamination level of the oil with the contamination checker. If the oil can be cleaned, clean it with oil cleaner. e To prevent recurrence, find the exact cause of trouble, repair the defect, and periodically check the oil for contamination. Instruct the customer about the importance of daily inspections and the necessity of proper maintenance.

(7)-2 Contamination with water The entry of water into the oil will significantly degrade the performance of the oil and will cause poor lubrication and rust, resulting in accelerated wear of pumps and motors and cavitation of pumps. If the ingress of water is diagnosed, inspect as described below and take appropriate measures promptly. If anti-freeze is being used, the detection of antifreeze in the oil analysis may be regarded as an indication of the entry of cooling water, which in turn means that the oil cooler is defective. r Assumed location of water ingression
Location of defect Condition of defect Oil cooler Cooling water enters through a broken or cracked (for watercooled type only) cooler element or tube, or because of defective Orings. Oil filler cap Rainwater gets into the oil because the oil filler cap is missing or damaged. Hydraulic cylinder Water adhering to the cylinder rod because of rainfall will get inside the cylinder through worn-out seals and bushings on the cylinder head side. In this case. Outside of system Ieakage or oozing of oil from the head is often seen. (rainwater, etc.) Condition of oil Water gets into the oil while the oil is in storage management, handling of (because of the location and condition of storage) or oil (by customer) when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oil filler. Relatively little water enters in this case. Others When taking oil samples Careless oil sampling in the rain. Classification lnside of system (cool ing water)

r Diagnostic equipment for inspection

No. 1 Description Oil leak tester Part No. 799-301-1500 Remarks To use the tester, attachments must be made.

r Inspection items
Step Inspection item 1 Inspect for defects such as a missing or damaged oil filler cap. 2 Inspect for oil leaks on the hydraulic cylinder head and for damage on the piston rod. 3 See if any oil is floating on the radiator water. (Reference) If the oil cooler is defective, oil will get into the cooling water. 4 Conduct a leak test on the hydraulic oil cooler with an oil leak tester. The test may be conducted while the cooler is either mounted on or dismounted from the machine.

r Results of inspection and corrective actions

Corrective actions Change the oil as soon as possible (immediately if a lot of water has gotten into the oil ) and observe the future trend by continuing to sample the oil. Abnormalities found on Repair the defective parts and inspection items other change the oil. Continue to take than the oil cooler. oil samples even after the repair (Ingress of water from to confirm that the ingression of outside) water is completely eliminated . Abnormalities found on Closely inspect the oil cooler the inspection items for system and repair as required. the oil cooler. ( Ingress of After the repair, recheck the oil water from inside the cooler to see if it is free from system) leaks. Result of inspection No abnormalities found on any inspection items (temporary, ingress of water from outside)

r Actions to be taken after the repair After the repair, confirn that the leakage of water has stopped. If the presence of a lot of oil has caused oil to emulsify, drain the oil and flush the inside of the system to remove as much of the residual content as possible to prevent secondary trouble. Likewise, if oil has gotten into the cooling system because of a defective oil cooler, flush the cooling system. r Preventing recurrence The recurrence of trouble in this system can be prevented by precisely locating the defects and completely repairing the trouble. If water has come from outside the system, find its cause and take appropriate action to prevent recurrence. If the ingress of water is caused by one of the following, instruct the customer on proper management and handling of the oil. e The fresh oil contains some water because of improper storage. e Water gets into the oil while adding oil with defective lubricating equipment such as an oil filler.

(7)-3 Contamination with dust Contamination with dust will degrade the oil properties to a considerable extent, lead to poor lubrication, and cause accelerated wear of pumps, motors, and hydraulic cylinders. If dust contamination is diagnosed, inspect the following items and take proper actions promptly. r Assumed location of dust ingression
Defective part Oil filler cap Breather Hydraulic cylinder Condition of oil management Condition of trouble Dust enters into the oil through missing or damaged filler cap. Dust gets into the oil because of a damaged breather or clogged breather element. Dust adhering to the cylinder rods is carried into the cylinders during operation because of the worn-out seals and bushing on the cylinder heads. In this case. Ieakage or oozing of oil is often seen on the head. Dust gets into the oil while the oil is in storage (because of the location and conditions of storage) or when adding oil with lubricating equipment such as an oil container. Careless oil sampling in a dusty area

Others (when collecting oil samples)

r Diagnostic equipment for inspection

No. Description 1 Oil cleaner Part No. 790-601-4100 Remarks to be used when corrective actions are taken.

r Inspection items
Step Inspection item 1 lnspect for defects such as a missing or damaged oil filler cap. 2 lnspect the breather and breather element for damage and clogging. 3 Inspect for oil leaks on the hydraulic cylinder head and for damaged piston rods.

r Results of inspection and corrective actions

Result of inspection Corrective action No abnormalities found on Continue taking oil samples to any inspection items. observe the future trend and clean the oil with the oil cleaner. Abnormalities found on some inspection items. Repair the defective parts and clean the oil with the oil cleaner. After the repair, collect oil samples again to confirm that the defective parts are completely repaired.

* Before cleaning the oil with the oil cleaner, use the contamination checker to determine whether or not the oil can be purified. If it can not be purified, change the oil. After changing the oil, closely inspect the foreign matter and wear powder in the oil and also the wear powder attracted by the magnet plug. In addition, closely inspect the foreign matter attached to the filter. r Actions to be taken after the repair After the repair, periodically measure the contamination level of the oil with the contamination checker, and clean the oil with oil refresher depending on the measured contamination level. r Preventing recurrence To prevent recurrence, find the exact cause of the trouble, repair the defect, and periodically check the oil for contamination. Instruct the customer about the importance of daily inspections and the necessity of proper maintenance.

(8) Multiplate Oil Cooler

(8)-1 How to cope with elusion of the copper content from the multiplate oil cooler (8)-2 The Cu content may remain at a higher level when oil analysis of on board equipment (See page (8)-6) is conducted with machines being equipped with a multiplate coil cooler. This document is meant to inform you the method to cope with such circumstances. (8)-3 Causes for elusion of the copper content should include: r Elution of cooper solder from the oil cooler. r Wear of the main bearing of the engine. r Wear of the thrust plate and plain bearing of the hydraulic pump. (8)-4 How to cope with elusion of the copper content at field sites. To find out which of the aforesaid causes is applicable, a determination can be made after checking if metal abrasion chips are adhering to the oil filter element.

Check flow Abrasion chips were not found. Observe the copper content levels through several times of samplings. The copper content shall usually be reducing after a few times of oil replacement. (An example: See page 61-4.)

Check the oil filter element Abrasion chips were found.

These abrasion chips are coming from bearings and if, for example, the subject equipment is an engine, determine the wearing section of the equipment referring to the results of the oil pressure with an engine pressure measurements and to the information of the oil consumption level, before replacing the necessary parts in the wearing section.

(8)-5 Factors accelerating elution of copper solder from the multiplate oil cooler include: r When the oil temperature rises after over-heated operations for long hours. r When moisture content enters into the lubricating oil.

r Some oil brands are more corrosive against copper. r Specifically, with dump trucks, when the retarder brake is used frequently during loaded downhill travels, the cooling oil temperature rises to possibly cause elusion into the cooling oil of copper solder being used inside the oil cooler.

(8)-6 List of equipped oil coolers with different machine models



":Multiplate type (water cooling) !:Shell tube type (water cooling) !:Corrugated fin type (air cooling) Equipment Work Power line names Engine equipment ":D475 D575 !:Other models ! ! ! -

Rear brake

Remarks With models below D41, the power line and the work equipment are of the natural air cooling type. The work equipment is of the natural air cooling type. The same as above.

D41 - D575A HD205 Dump trucks HD325 HD465 HD785 PC60-PC1600 WA200

" " " " " " "

" " ! " " "

" ! " " above.

The work equipment is of the natural air cooling type.

" " WA300 " " WA450 Wheel " " Ioader WA500 " ! WA600 " ! WA700 " ! WA800 The natural air cooling is being-employed for models

" " " " ! ! other than the

(8)-7 [An example}

r Circumstances: The engine was overhauled after 1,700 hours but the abnormal wear in the bearing section was not detected and the engine was reassembled as it was to resume operation. The Cu content reading entered within the normal range after execution of two times of oil replacement. r Assumption: Since abnormal wear was not detected in the crank shaft, connecting rod, main bearing, pin bearing, cam shaft, oil pump, turbo, etc. after overhauling the engine, the cause for the Cu content hike is being deemed the elution of copper solder in the oil cooler. Opinion: The field servicing in this case determined that an abnormal wear was occurring with the drive shaft(bearing thereof) inside the engine, from the results of oil clinic analysis. However, if the oil element was checked and the hydraulic pressure was measured at the same time, the determination error may have been avoided.

r [For reference] Chart of the structures and materials of different oil coolers

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