ch4-6 Slip
ch4-6 Slip
ch4-6 Slip
Why are dislocations observed primarily in metals and alloys? What are slip systems? How to use Schmids Law to get initial active slip systems? How are strength and dislocation motion related? How do we increase strength? e.g., Strain-hardening, grain-boundary and solute hardening, and solid-solution strengthening. How can heating change strength and other properties? e.g., recrystallization and grain growth.
{211} planes in the direction of < 1 11> Slip systems: 12 x 1 =12 Fe, Mo, W, Na
{321} planes in the direction of < 1 11> Slip systems: 24 x 1 =24 Fe, K
Area of -planes: A = A/cos (A > A) NORMAL Stress in -planes: N = FN / A = (Fcos)/ (A/cos)= cos 2 SHEAR Stress in -planes: s = F s / A = (Fcos)/ (A/cos)= cos cos
Slip systems: 3 x 1 = 1
e.g. fcc
Slip direction
Slip systems: 6 x 1 = 6
Shear stress is what causes the slip to occur. Slip is not in same direction as tilt of plane!
Slip of atomic plane via applied tensile stress HCP Zinc Resolved Shear Stress
R = cos cos
Occurs at == 450.
Critical Resolved Shear Stress MAX R = ys 2 > CRSS Typically 10-4 to 10-2 GPa
CRSS is the min. shear stress to initiate slip. Dislocation move at ys when R > CRSS . R will vary from one crystal to another.
Plastic flow is initiated when RSS reaches a critical value, characteristic of the material, called critical RSS, when m RSS = ys (Schmids law). Schmids Law is only approximate, i.e., works for FCC, basil slip in HCP, not BCC.
MSE406: Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Materials
D.D. Johnson 2005
1 > 2
Solute effect
For T < 0.7 Tmelt , CRSS = a + *, (which depend upon microstructure) with athermal and thermal dependent parts. Athermal a from dislocation-dislocation interaction (long-range stress fields). Thermal * arises from Peierls stress due to impurities, kinks and jogs (short-range barriers ) . Small impurities are more mobile at intermediate T and can catch up to dislocations, repinning, etc. Impurity atoms increase CRSS. (PLC effect).
MSE406: Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Materials
D.D. Johnson 2005
MAXIMUM Resolved Shear Stress occurs when = = 45 o called RSS,max . Slip is on the planes 45 o from the applied stress. Then RSS, max = cos 2 = /2 at = = 45 o. max min
12 slip systems in FCC: 4 {111} planes and 3 <110> Directions Planes: (111) ( 1 11) (11 1) (111 )
Slip planes & directions (, ) change from one crystal to another. R will vary from one crystal to another. The crystal with the largest R yields first. Less favorably oriented crystals yield later.
MSE406: Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Materials
D.D. Johnson 2005
For a given direction of APPLIED Stress, there are different angles to the SLIP PLANE , , and SLIP DIRECTIONS, .
R = cos cos
For slip, need angles between load and plane normal and load and slip direction For a given direction of APPLIED Stress, there are different angles to the SLIP PLANE , , and SLIP DIRECTIONS, .
cos =
R = cos cos
Angles from geometry or
a b
ls | l || s |
cos cos
(MPa )
184 184 undef 367 122 184 122 367 184
+2 2 / 3
3 /6 3 /6
6 /9
6 /9
6 /18
cos = a b |a ||b |
(1 11)
2 /3
3 /6 3 /2 3 /3 3 /2 3 /6 3 /3
3 /2 3 /2
6 /6 6 /9 6 /6
Consider (101) plane with load along [100]. n = [101] and l=[100] y x
(1 1 1)
2 /3
6 /18
6 /9 0
(11 1)
0 0
Self-Assessment Example
Crystal with simple cubic structure slip planes {100} and slip directions <010>
Self-Assessment on Slip
What are slip planes and slip directions of BCC crystals? What are the most close-packed planes? What are the most close-packed directions?
m M
Load is applied along [010]. Determine Schmid factor, M, and what slip occurs.
slip plane n (100) (010) (001) , cos . l n 90 , 0.0 00, 1.0 900, 0.0
, cos . l s 0 , 1.0 900, 0.0 900, 0.0 900, 0.0 900, 0.0 00, 1.0
cos cos 0 0 0
R = cos cos
Is there any slip? Why? If no slip, what must happen finally to material as load is increased?
MSE406: Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Materials
D.D. Johnson 2005
z y x A B
Each bicrystal must have six strain components: 3 tensile and 3 shear: ii , (tensile) and ij (shear) with i=1,3 and j=1,3. To have compatibility of strains at interface (grain boundary) must have: 11 A = 11 B , 33 A = 33 B , and 13 A = 13 B . Because one grain has a larger value of cos cos [smaller Schmid factor (1/m)], the above constraints restrict the deformation of this more favorably oriented grain and result in a higher YS (greater work-hardening response) of the bicrystal. Niobium (bcc)
poly-xtal bi-xtal For poly-xtals, more restrictive constraint are required than those above. While each grain has 3 tensile and 3 shear components, plastic deformation has volume constraint, or 11+ 22+ 33=0. Thus, 5 independent slip systems are needed in vicinity of g.b. to have compatibility!
D.D. Johnson 2005
If A + B comprise 1 single crystal of the same materials, e.g. bcc Nb, then it is compatible by definition. If A + B comprise 2 bi-crystals of the same materials, e.g. bcc Nb, then it can be highly compatible: boundary is less significant primary slip is active If A + B material are not compatible, then boundary is significant secondary slip is activated near g.b. Additional strengthening effect is associated with reduced grain size, as (1/d) n, where n~1/2-1/3
grain boundary A B
grain boundary F/
MSE406: Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Materials
Dislocations are observed primarily in metals and alloys. Initial active slip can be predicted. During tensile test, sample must rotate by constraint from equipment. Geometric dislocations can also be created. Grain boundaries not only affect dislocation motion bit may also generate dislocation when stress is high enough.
[001] 2 [100]
1 [100]
Note orientation of crystal halves. Slip systems must be from slip system is {100}<100>. ** Not all slip directions are possible; from diagram, you see that (a) slip direction [100] does not lie in slip plane (100) (b) slip direction [010] does not lie in slip plane (010) (c) slip direction [001] does not lie in slip plane (001) So, these must be ignored (also true for the negative of these).
A bicrystal (marked as half #1 and #2) with a simple cubic crystal structure is oriented as shown. (a) What are the load axis directions for #1 and #2? (b) From cos cos, determine which crystal will slip first if the slip system is {100}<100> ? (Make a table of load axes, slip plane and direction, cosines, and 1/m for both crystals) (c) What are the initial active slip systems? (a) In half #1, the load axis is What is it for half #2?
i l 1 = [100]x[0 1 1] = 1 j k 0 0 = [0 1 1 ]
0 1 1
(b) With this load axis for #1, there are 3 slip planes: Some slip direction can be ignored, such as Show: primary slip system with (max.) cos cos = 1/2 is
(1 00),(0 1 0), and (00 1 ) [1 00] in (1 00) plane (0 1 0)[00 1 ] and (00 1 )[0 1 0]
(c) Show that #2 has no primary slip systems! Hence only #1 will exhibit initial slip!