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Ans1. 3.2 Address Space Organization

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Questions are as follows: 1. What are the major differences between message-passing and sharedaddress-space computers?

Also outline the advantages and disadvantages of the two. 2. Show how to embed a p-node mesh of trees into a p-node hypercube. 3. Show that the block-based bitonic sort algorithm that uses compare-split operations is correct. 4. Discuss four different types of Symmetric Multiprocessors. 5. Write binary tree construction procedure for the CRCW PRAM parallel quicksort formulation.
Ans1. 3.2 Address space organization
Organization of the address space is another factor making a difference in multiprocessor architectures. There are two base kinds of the organization

Shared address space architecture which provides hardware support for read and write access by all processors to a physically shared memory. This is typical for the computers with rather small number of superscalar processors or for the vector computers. A limiting factor is requirement for high bandwith to the memory necessary for minimizing a potential bottleneck for data read/write access. Advantages cover simple overall computer architecture and ease of programming. Examples of such machines are all multiprocessor vector machines (e.g. Cray T90, NEC SXx, Convex C46xx) and multiprocessor workstations and servers with common operating system (OS).

Since cost of access to data in memory is the same for all processors they are also called uniform memory access (UMA) computers. There is the role of OS to fed processors with instructions and data to get equal load of processors, thus OS is multithreaded (often using Mach kernel) and processing is called the symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP) - see Fig. 1. All major computer vendors produce SMP computers, but one case is worth to mention - the SGI Power Challenge computer with up to 36 MIPS R10000 processors, well suited for scientific applications.

Distributed memory architecture is typical for computers with many processors. For MIMD machines each processor has its own local memory, which is more difficult to program. Two subclasses are present o message-passing architecture - this is a classical distributed memory architecture, with no additional hardware for global oparations. Operating system exists on each processor; the best way to program is to use message-passing paradigm supported by the hardware with respective environments. Such machines, with loosely coupled processors, are commonly called multicomputers. Also network of computers cooperating with the massage-passing programming environments can be treated as a special kind of parallel (distributed) architecture. Typical commercial examples are IBM RS6K SP and Intel Paragon.

virtual-shared distributed memory architecture is more sophisticated version of message-passing one. Additional hardware is used to emulate physically shared memory - it is used for read and write access to other processor memories. Since processors use also local cache memory for data-parallel programming paradigm potential conflict of cache contents of each processor is possible. To overcome this problem and make dataparallel programming efficient these machines offer cache coherency mechanism, applied for all or for dedicated processors. Due to nonumiform memory access since access time depends on the kind of memory - processor local or processor remote - this kind of computers is also called NUMA computers. There is only one operating system in the computer and small part of it resides on each processor only, so this feature formulates the real parallel multiprocessor of global user view. Support from the operating system for parallel processing follows from implementation of multithreaded Mach microkernel. Typical commercial examples include HP/Convex SPP and SGI/Cray T3E and Origin2000 machines.

In contradiction to multicomputers, systems with common (to all processors) operating system and with physically or virtually shared address space are called tightly coupled multiprocessors or parallel computers.
Ans. 5

Parallel Formulation for a CRCW PRAM

We will now present a parallel formulation of quicksort for sorting n elements on an nprocess arbitrary CRCW PRAM. Recall from Section 2.4.1 that an arbitrary CRCW PRAM is a concurrent-read, concurrent-write parallel random-access machine in which write conflicts are resolved arbitrarily. In other words, when more than one process tries to write to the same memory location, only one arbitrarily chosen process is allowed to write, and the remaining writes are ignored. Executing quicksort can be visualized as constructing a binary tree. In this tree, the pivot is the root; elements smaller than or equal to the pivot go to the left subtree, and elements larger than the pivot go to the right subtree. Figure 9.16 illustrates the binary tree constructed by the execution of the quicksort algorithm illustrated in Figure 9.15. The sorted sequence can be obtained from this tree by performing an in-order traversal. The PRAM formulation is based on this interpretation of quicksort.

Figure 9.16. A binary tree generated by the execution of the quicksort algorithm. Each level of the tree represents a different array-partitioning iteration. If pivot selection is optimal, then the height of the tree is (log n), which is also the number of iterations.

The algorithm starts by selecting a pivot element and partitioning the array into two parts one with elements smaller than the pivot and the other with elements larger than the pivot. Subsequent pivot elements, one for each new subarray, are then selected in parallel. This formulation does not rearrange elements; instead, since all the processes can read the pivot in constant time, they know which of the two subarrays (smaller or larger) the elements assigned to them belong to. Thus, they can proceed to the next iteration. The algorithm that constructs the binary tree is shown in Algorithm 9.6. The array to be sorted is stored in A[1...n] and process i is assigned element A[i]. The arrays leftchild[1...n] and rightchild[1...n] keep track of the children of a given pivot. For each process, the local variable parenti stores the label of the process whose element is the pivot. Initially, all the processes write their process labels into the variable root in line 5. Because the concurrent write operation is arbitrary, only one of these labels will actually be written into root. The value A[root] is used as the first pivot and root is copied into parenti for each process i . Next, processes that have elements smaller than A[parenti] write their process labels into leftchild[parenti], and those with larger elements write their process label into rightchild[parenti]. Thus, all processes whose elements belong in the smaller partition have written their labels into leftchild[parenti], and those with elements in the larger partition have written their labels into rightchild[parenti]. Because of the arbitrary concurrent-write operations, only two values - one for leftchild[parenti] and one for rightchild[parenti] - are written into these locations. These two values become the labels of the processes that hold the pivot elements for the next iteration, in which two smaller arrays are being partitioned. The algorithm continues until n pivot elements are selected. A process exits when its element becomes a pivot. The construction of the binary tree is illustrated in Figure 9.17. During each iteration of the algorithm, a level of the tree is constructed in time (1). Thus, the average complexity of the binary tree building algorithm is (log n) as the average height of the tree is (log n) (Problem 9.16).

Figure 9.17. The execution of the PRAM algorithm on the array shown in (a). The arrays leftchild and rightchild are shown in (c), (d), and (e) as the algorithm progresses. Figure (f) shows the binary tree constructed by the algorithm. Each node is labeled by the process (in square brackets), and the element is stored at that process (in curly brackets). The element is the pivot. In each node, processes with smaller elements than the pivot are grouped on the left side of the node, and those with larger elements are grouped on the right side. These two groups form the two partitions of the original array. For each partition, a pivot element is selected at random from the two groups that form the children of the node.

Algorithm 9.6 The binary tree construction procedure for the CRCW PRAM parallel quicksort formulation.
1. procedure BUILD TREE (A[1...n])

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

begin for each process i do begin root := i; parenti := root; leftchild[i] := rightchild[i] := n + 1; end for repeat for each process i r oot do begin if (A[i] < A[parenti]) or (A[i]= A[parenti] and i <parenti) then begin leftchild[parenti] :=i ; if i = leftchild[parenti] then exit else parenti := leftchild[parenti]; end for else begin rightchild[parenti] :=i; if i = rightchild[parenti] then exit else parenti := rightchild[parenti]; end else end repeat end BUILD_TREE

After building the binary tree, the algorithm determines the position of each element in the sorted array. It traverses the tree and keeps a count of the number of elements in the left and right subtrees of any element. Finally, each element is placed in its proper position in time (1), and the array is sorted. The algorithm that traverses the binary tree and computes the position of each element is left as an exercise (Problem 9.15). The average run time of this algorithm is (log n) on an n-process PRAM. Thus, its overall process-time product is (n log n), which is cost-optimal.

Ans 4. A Symmetric Multiprocessor System (SMP) is a multiprocessor system with centralized shared memory called Main Memory (MM) operating under a single operating system with two or more homogeneous processorsi.e., it is not a heterogeneous computing system.[1][2]

SMP - Symmetric Multiprocessor System

More precisely a SMP is a tightly coupled multiprocessor system with a pool of homogeneous processors running independently, each processor executing different programs and working on different data and with capability of sharing common resources (memory, I/O device, interrupt system, etc.) and connected using a system bus or a crossbar. Usually each processor has an associated private high-speed memory known as cache memory (or cache) to speed-up the MM data access and to reduce the system bus traffic. Sometimes the term Symmetric Multiprocessor is confused with the term Symmetric multiprocessing. While multiprocessing is a type of "processing" in which two or more processors work together to "process more than one program simultaneously", the term multiprocessor refers to the hardware architecture that allows multiprocessing.[3][4]

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