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APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Nov. 1991, p. 3355-3360 Vol. 57, No.


Effect of the Lactoperoxidase System on Listeria monocytogenes

Behavior in Raw Milk at Refrigeration Temperatures
Departamento de Producci6n y Tecnologia de Alimentos, CIT-INIA, Apartado 8111, 28080 Madrid, Spain
Received 3 May 1991/Accepted 9 September 1991

Activity of raw milk lactoperoxidase-thiocyanate-hydrogen peroxide (LP) system on four Listeria monocy-
togenes strains at refrigeration temperatures after addition of 0.25 mM sodium thiocyanate and 0.25 mM
hydrogen peroxide was studied. The LP system exhibited a bactericidal activity against L. monocytogenes at 4
and 8°C; the activity was dependent on temperature, length of incubation, and strain of L. monocytogenes
tested. D values in activated-LP system milk for the four strains tested ranged from 4.1 to 11.2 days at 4°C and
from 4.4 to 9.7 days at 8°C. The lactoperoxidase level in raw milk declined during a 7-day incubation, the
decrease being more pronounced at 8°C than at 4°C and in control milk than in activated-LP system milk. The
thiocyanate concentration decreased considerably in activated-LP system milk at both temperatures during the
first 8 h of incubation. LP system activation was shown to be a feasible procedure for controlling development
of L. monocytogenes in raw milk at refrigeration temperatures.

The lactoperoxidase-thiocyanate-hydrogen peroxide (LP) of incubation has recently been described (14). The use of
system is a natural antimicrobial system present in milk (33). the LP system decreases thermal resistance of L. monocy-
Lactoperoxidase catalyzes the oxidation of thiocyanate by togenes in raw milk at subpasteurization temperatures (22).
hydrogen peroxide, yielding short-lived oxidation products The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the activity
(27), hypothiocyanite ions (2, 20), and higher oxyacids (5) of the raw milk LP system, after addition of thiocyanate and
being mainly responsible for the antibacterial effect of the hydrogen peroxide, on the behavior of L. monocytogenes at
system. Lactoperoxidase constitutes about 1% of whey refrigeration temperatures and to evaluate the stability of LP
proteins (30), with a reported mean value of 0.87 U/ml in system components during milk storage.
milk from Friesian cows (25). Thiocyanate ion is derived
from glucosinolates and cyanogenic glucosides present in
food (31), concentrations in bovine milk being in the range of MATERIALS AND METHODS
1 to 7 ppm (6, 17). Hydrogen peroxide can be supplied Organisms. Four isolates of L. monocytogenes, strains
exogenously or generated by lactic acid bacteria from milk Scott A and 5069 (obtained from R. G. Crawford, Food and
microflora or starter cultures. Drug Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio), ATCC 19119, and
Preservative action of the LP system in milk after addition NCTC 11994, were used as test organisms. They were
of thiocyanate and hydrogen peroxide has been demon- designated Lm 1, Lm 2, Lm 3, and Lm 4, respectively. Stock
strated previously (4, 6, 23). Different workers (3, 7, 26, 32, cultures were maintained at 4°C in slants of tryptic soy agar
42) agree on its bactericidal activity against gram-negative (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.) with 0.6% yeast extract
bacteria such as Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella spp., added. Before the experiments, they were grown in tryptic
Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas spp. However, only a soy-0.6% yeast extract broth and incubated at 37°C for 24 h.
bacteriostatic effect has been recorded for gram-positive A second transfer was done to the same broth incubated at
bacteria of the genera Streptococcus and Bacillus (25-27, 40, 20°C for 48 h.
43). Sample preparation. L. monocytogenes strains were inoc-
The high occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes in raw ulated to a concentration of approximately 104 CFU/ml into
milk (11, 15, 19, 24, 38) and its abilities to grow at refriger- 250-ml screw-cap flasks containing 100 ml of refrigerated raw
ation temperatures (12, 34, 41) and to withstand a 10% NaCl milk from Holstein cows, before activation of the LP sys-
concentration (35) and a pH level of 5.0 (9), together with tem. The LP system was activated by adding to flasks 1 ml of
recent outbreaks of food-borne listeriosis (16), point to L. a 25 mM aqueous solution of sodium thiocyanate (Merck,
monocytogenes as a pathogen of major concern in milk and Darmstadt, Germany) and then 1 ml of a 25 mM aqueous
dairy products. solution of hydrogen peroxide (30% [wt/vol] aqueous solu-
Biological inhibitors such as lysozyme (21), organic acids tion; Merck) previously filter sterilized through 0.22-,um-
(1), and bacteriocins produced by strains of lactic acid pore-size filters. Activated and control flasks were incubated
bacteria have been described as being effective against L. at 4°C for 7 days, 8°C for 7 days, or 20°C for 3 days. L.
monocytogenes (8, 18, 28, 29). Investigations of antimicro- monocytogenes counts, total viable counts, milk pH, and
bial activity of artificially added LP systems on L. monocy- lactoperoxidase and thiocyanate concentrations were moni-
togenes in broth and sterile milk (10, 13, 37) demonstrated a tored daily in duplicate experiments.
bacteriostatic effect which was dependent on temperature The stability of lactoperoxidase in sterile milk was tested
and culture medium. A bactericidal effect of the LP system by adding 0.50 U of lactoperoxidase (Boehringer Mannheim,
on L. monocytogenes in raw milk at 35°C during the first 4 h Mannheim, Germany) per ml to ultrahigh-temperature-
treated milk which was incubated at 20°C for 3 days.
Microbiological analyses. L. monocytogenes was enumer-
Corresponding author. ated on duplicate plates of Listeria selective medium, Ox-

TABLE 1. Log counts of four L. monocytogenes strains in control and activated-LP system raw milk during storage at 4°C
Log counts of L. monocytogenes strains in milk"
Length of
incubation Lm 1 Lm 2 Lm 3 Lm 4
8b 4.08 4.05 3.90' 3.81c 3.83c 3.78c 3.80c 3.80c
1 3.82c 3.94 3.87' 3.64cd 3.79C 3.76c 3.88c 3.85c
2 4.03 3.83c,d 3.80c 3.74C 3.80c 3.73C 3.84c 3.66c,d
3 4.03 3.76 3.79C 3.57c,d 3.75C 3.70c 3.85C 3.31c,d
4 3.97 3.33c.d 3.60c 3.30c,d 4.07 3.48c.d 3.81c 3.43cd
5 3.94 3.14d 3.76c 3.00c,d 4.12C 3.54c,d 3.94 2.46c,d
6 3.97 3.35c.d 3.92 3.12c.d 4.17c 3.32c,d 3.90c 3.18c,d
7 4.12c 3.05c.d 4.01 3.31c,d 4.70c 3.65c,d 3.67C 2.80c,d
a Lm 1, Scott A; Lm 2, 5069; Lm 3, ATCC 19119; Lm 4, NCTC 11994. C, control raw milk; A, activated-LP system raw milk.
b Length of incubation was 8 h.
c Data are significantly (P < 0.01) different from the respective value for the same strain at 0 h after inoculation of milk.
d Data are significantly (P < 0.01) different from the respective value
(same strain, same days of incubation) in control milk.

ford formulation (Oxoid Ltd., Basingstoke, Hampshire, En- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
gland), for each decimal dilution, after incubation at 37°C for
24 h. For expression of results, L. monocytogenes counts Effect of the LP system in raw milk at 4 and 8°C. Behavior
during incubation were corrected to an inoculum of 104 of L. monocytogenes strains in the activated-LP system raw
CFU/ml for all strains. Total viable counts were determined milk and control raw milk at 4 and 8°C is shown in Tables 1
on duplicate plates of plate count agar after incubation at and 2, respectively. Analysis of variance revealed highly
30°C for 72 h. significant (P < 0.001) effects of LP system activation, L.
Chemical analyses. Lactoperoxidase activity was analyzed monocytogenes strain, temperature, and length of incuba-
in duplicate according to the method of Marshall et al. (25) tion on L. monocytogenes counts.
by monitoring the oxidation of ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis-3-eth- In control milk incubated at 4°C, counts of L. monocyto-
ylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (Sigma Chemical Co., St. genes Lm 1 remained virtually unchanged throughout incu-
Louis, Mo.) at 412 nm with a Beckman DU7 spectrophotom- bation. Strain Lm 2 and Lm 3 counts decreased during the
eter (36). The thiocyanate concentration was evaluated in first 4 and 3 days, respectively, with growth thereafter.
duplicate after precipitation with 20% (wt/vol) trichloroace- Strain Lm 4 counts were, during most of the incubation
tic acid, as the colored complex formed with the ferric period, lower (P < 0.01) than the respective 0-h levels. The
nitrate reagent (7). The A460 was measured, and the content logarithmic-linear regression equation (L. monocytogenes
of thiocyanate was calculated from a standard curve. log counts on days of storage) was superior to the rest of
Statistical treatment of data. Analysis of variance of data equations in program Curve for all L. monocytogenes strains
obtained was performed by using program BMDP8V (De- in control milk at 4°C. Significant trends of decrease were
partment of Biomathematics, University of California at Los found only for strains Lm 2 and Lm 3. Equations for all
Angeles, Los Angeles), and regression analysis was per- strains and regression significance levels (P) obtained by
formed by using programs Curve and Regress (Sigstat, using program Regress are shown in Table 3. Determination
Provo, Utah). L. monocytogenes D values were calculated coefficients (r2) were 0.575 for Lm 2 and 0.399 for Lm 3.
from linear regression equations of decreasing log counts on L. monocytogenes counts in activated-LP system milk
length of incubation and are expressed in days. The least- incubated at 4°C were for all strains tested significantly (P <
significant-difference test (39) was used for comparisons of 0.01) lower than the respective values in control milk
means. throughout incubation except for the first 1 to 3 days,

TABLE 2. Log counts of four L. monocytogenes strains in control and activated-LP system raw milk during storage at 8°C
Log counts of L. monocytogenes strains in milka
Length of
incubation Lm 1 Lm 2 Lm 3 Lm 4
8b 4.10 4.02 3.85c 3.78c 3.85c 3.80C 3.87 3.76c
1 4.02 3.84c.d 3.89 3.75c 3.78c 3.78c 3.90 3.85c
2 4.04 3.62c,d 3.85c 3.75c 3.83' 3.75c 3.90 3.70c,d
3 4.09 3.31c,d 3.85c 3.33c,d 4.06 3.60c,d 3.89 2.91c,d
4 4.11 2.74c,d 3.92 3.41c,d 4.36c 3.52c,d 4.01 3.37c,d
5 4.14 2.93c,d 3.83c 2.57c,d 4.47c 3.58cd 4.11 2.40c,d
6 4.31c 2.87c,d 4.29c 3.41c,d 4.75c 3.17c,d 4.88c 2.93 d
7 4.29c 2.75cd 4.35c 3.74c,d 4.94c 4.lld 5.01c 2.33c,d
a Lm 1, Scott A; Lm 2, 5069; Lm 3, ATCC 19119; Lm 4, NCTC 1194. C, control raw milk; A, activated-LP system raw milk.
Length of incubation was 8 h.
c Data are significantly (P < 0.01) different from the respective value for the same strain at 0 h after inoculation of milk.
Data are significantly (P < 0.01) different from the respective value (same strain, same days of incubation) in control milk.

TABLE 3. Regression equations of decreasing log counts of four L. monocytogenes strains on days of incubation in activated-LP system
and control milk
Storage Strain'a Results with control milkb Results with activated-LP system milkb
temp Day Equation P Day Equation P

40C Lm 1 1 y = 4.061 - 0.214x 0.205 7 y = 4.066 - 0.147x 0.000

Lm 2 4 y = 3.966 - 0.082x 0.000 5 y = 3.944 - 0.166x 0.000
Lm 3 3 y = 3.912 - 0.060x 0.003 6 y = 3.902 - 0.089x 0.000
Lm 4 7 y = 3.902 - 0.016x 0.108 5 y = 4.039 - 0.245x 0.000
80C Lm 1 0 7 y = 3.974 - 0.201x 0.000
Lm 2 5 y = 3.918 - 0.015x 0.327 5 y = 4.009 - 0.226x 0.000
Lm 3 2 y = 3.923 - 0.069x 0.074 6 y = 3.924 - 0.103x 0.000
Lm 4 0 7 y = 3.957 - 0.255x 0.000
a Lm 1, Scott A; Lm 2, 5069; Lm 3, ATCC 19119; Lm 4, NCTC 11994.
Days are those with decreasing L. monocytogenes log counts. P is the regression significance level. y represents decreasing log counts; x represents days of

depending on the strain. Counts of Lm 1 decreased until the values in activated-LP system milk at 8°C, calculated from
end of incubation, whereas growth of Lm 2, Lm 3, and Lm these regression equations, were 5.0, 4.4, 9.7, and 4.5 days
4 started after 5, 6, and 5 days, respectively. Nevertheless, for Lm 1 to Lm 4, respectively.
log counts of L. monocytogenes strains in activated-LP Denis and Ramet (10) reported a bactericidal effect of the
system milk after 7 days at 4°C were 0.70 to 1.07 units lower LP system against L. monocytogenes ATCC 19111, with a
than the respective values in control milk. As with control higher D value at 4°C (8 days) than at 15°C (5 days) in
milk, the logarithmic-linear regression equation was superior ultrahigh-temperature-treated milk. A reduction of L. mono-
for all strains in activated-LP system milk, according to cytogenes NCTC 11994 counts by two log cycles after 6 days
program Curve. Highly significant (P < 0.001) regressions of at 10°C was achieved with sterile ultrahigh-temperature-
decreasing L. monocytogenes log counts on days of storage treated milk with an added LP system by Earnshaw and
at 4°C were obtained for all strains tested by using program Banks (13) who, however, considered the activity of the LP
Regress (Table 3), with r2 of 0.704, 0.488, 0.452, and 0.463 system only bacteriostatic.
for strains Lm 1 to Lm 4, respectively. For strains Lm 2 and The inhibition of L. monocytogenes by an LP system (0.37
Lm 3, with significant trends of decrease in both activat- U/ml) artificially added to milk at 20°C has been demon-
ed-LP system and control milk, the period with decreasing strated by Siragusa and Johnson (37). An extended lag
log counts was longer and the slope value was higher in the period of 12 to 36 h versus 9 h in control milk and log counts
former (Table 3). D values of L. monocytogenes at 4°C in approximately 3 log cycles lower in activated-LP system
activated-LP system milk, calculated from these regression milk than in control milk after 36 and 68 h at 20°C were
equations, were 6.8, 6.0, 11.2, and 4.1 days for Lm 1 to Lm obtained by these authors with L. monocytogenes Scott A.
4, respectively. In our experiment, mean decreases in L. monocytogenes log
Although at 8°C, counts of L. monocytogenes Lm 2 and counts of 0.36 after 1 day and 0.89 after 3 days were achieved
Lm 3 in control milk suffered an initial decrease, all strains at 20°C by activation of the LP system, with a D value
were present in significantly (P < 0.01) higher levels after 6 ranging from 2.0 days for Lm 2 to 4.6 days for Lm 1 (data not
to 7 days of incubation at this temperature than in milk at 0 shown). A bactericidal effect of the LP system on L.
days. Increases in log counts after 7 days at 8°C ranged from monocytogenes in raw milk at 35°C was recently reported
0.29 for Lm 1 to 1.01 for Lm 4. The logarithmic-linear (14), with decreases of approximately one log cycle after 4 h.
regression equation again performed the best, according to Highly significant (P < 0.001) effects of LP system acti-
program Curve. However, no significant regression equa- vation, temperature, and length of incubation on total viable
tions were obtained (Table 3), indicating the absence of counts were revealed by analysis of variance. Log total
significant trends of decrease in control milk at 8°C. viable counts in milk were 5.29 before inoculation and LP
As previously seen for 4°C, L. monocytogenes counts in system activation. A mean increase of 2.77 log units was
activated-LP system milk incubated at 8°C were for all found with control milk after 7 days at 4°C (Table 4),
strains tested significantly (P < 0.01) lower than the respec- whereas in activated-LP system milk, total viable counts
tive values in control milk except for the first 1 or 2 days of remained fairly constant during the first 5 days and increased
incubation, depending on the strain. Counts of Lm 1 and Lm by approximately 1 log unit from day 5 to day 7. At 8°C, total
4 decreased to the end of incubation, but development of Lm viable counts increased in control milk 3.24 log units after 7
2 and Lm 3 began after 5 and 6 days, respectively. Log days (Table 5), but in activated-LP system milk, they were
counts of L. monocytogenes strains in activated-LP system stabilized during the first 2 days and increased by 2.35 log
milk after 7 days at 8°C were 0.61 to 2.68 units lower than the units from day 2 to day 7. Similar results were obtained by
respective log counts in control milk. At 8°C, the logarith- Zajac et al. (44) with raw milk at refrigeration temperatures
mic-linear regression also yielded the best-fitting equations by repeated activation of the LP system.
for all L. monocytogenes strains in activated-LP system Milk pH at refrigeration temperatures (Tables 4 and 5) was
milk, according to program Curve. Highly significant (P < not significantly influenced by any of the effects investigated,
0.001) regressions of L. monocytogenes log counts on days according to analysis of variance. After 7 days, pH in control
of storage at 8°C were obtained for all strains tested by using milk decreased 0.16 unit at 4°C and 0.43 unit at 8°C, whereas
program Regress, with r2 of 0.564, 0.407, 0.335, and 0.607 for in activated-LP system milk, the respective decreases were
strains Lm 1 to Lm 4, respectively. L. monocytogenes D only 0.01 and 0.12 unit. L. monocytogenes growth or sur-

TABLE 4. Log total viable counts, pH, lactoperoxidase, and thiocyanate in control and activated-LP system raw
milk during storage at 40C'
Length of Total viable count pH LP SCN-
(days) C A C A C A C A
8b 5.50c 5.17d 6.71 6.69 0.63c 0.62C 6.38 18.09c,
1 5.64c 5.13d 6.70 6.69 0.60c 0.58c 4.35 17.22-
2 6.32c 5.20d 6.74 6.75 0.59C 0.55" 3.65c 15.47-
3 6.80c 5.1d 6.81 6.82 0.60C 0.60c 3.66c 15.94-
4 7.44c 5.06c,d 6.69 6.74 0.56c 0.65d 4.89 14.83-
5 7.72c 5.45d 6.66 6.75 0.52C 0.63c,d 4.32 14.33-
6 7.96c 5.83cd 6.60 6.64 0.49c 0.59C,d 5.02 16.04-
7 8.06c 6.52c,d 6.55 6.70 0.48c 0.62c,d 4.10 16.15c,d
a Lactoperoxidase (LP) is expressed in units per milliliter, and thiocyanate (SCN-) is expressed in parts per million. C, control raw milk; A, activated-LP
system raw milk.
b Lenth of incubation was 8 h.
c Data are significantly (P < 0.01) different from the respective value at 0 h.
d Data are significantly (P < 0.01) different from the respective value
(same days of incubation) in control milk.

vival should not be influenced by milk pH decreases re- Shenawy et al. (14) compared Listeria counts on TA and
corded in the present work. TA-plus-5.5% NaCl media and concluded that no cell injury
According to our results, the LP system exhibited a by the LP system occurred.
bactericidal activity against L. monocytogenes in raw milk at Stability of lactoperoxidase and thiocyanate in refrigerated
refrigeration temperatures. This bactericidal activity was milk. The lactoperoxidase level in milk before activation of
dependent on the strain of L. monocytogenes, as shown by the LP system was 0.70 U/ml. Analysis of variance detected
analysis of variance and by the D values obtained, which significant effects (P < 0.001) of LP system activation,
points out different strain sensitivities to the LP system. temperature, and length of incubation on the lactoperoxidase
Factors other than the LP system may be involved in L. concentration. Lactoperoxidase was more stable at 4°C than
monocytogenes death, as shown by the fact that strains Lm at 8°C and in activated-LP system milk than in control milk
2 and Lm 3 decreased significantly in control milk at 4°C, (Tables 4 and 5). The level of lactoperoxidase added to
although at a slower rate than in activated-LP system milk. sterile ultrahigh-temperature-treated milk did not decrease
These factors would be partly responsible for the variability during incubation for 3 days at 20°C (data not shown). This
not explained by the regression equations of the different L. fact and the finding that the regression of log total counts on
monocytogenes strains in activated-LP system milk, in the lactoperoxidase level after 6 or 7 days at 4°C or 8°C was
which r2 were in the range of 0.335 to 0.704. highly significant (r2 = 0.854; P < 0.01) suggest the involve-
Lower L. monocytogenes counts in activated-LP system ment of milk microflora in lactoperoxidase inactivation.
milk cannot be ascribed to cell injury caused by the LP The level of thiocyanate (Tables 4 and 5) was also signif-
system followed by a failure to recover on selective media. icantly influenced (P < 0.001) by LP system activation and
In an analogous work with the same L. monocytogenes length of incubation, with no significant differences between
strains which is being carried out at our laboratory (45), with temperatures. The thiocyanate concentration in milk was
goat's milk with total viable counts before L. monocyto- 5.37 ppm before and 27.33 ppm after activation of the LP
genes inoculation considerably lower than those due to the system. A decrease of approximately 10 ppm was detected at
inoculum, no significant differences throughout milk incuba- both temperatures during the first 8 h of incubation in
tion were recorded for Listeria counts on plate count agar activated-LP system milk, the resulting level remaining
and on Listeria selective medium, Oxford formulation. El- virtually constant thereafter. Minimal changes in the thiocy-

TABLE 5. Log total viable counts, pH, lactoperoxidase, and thiocyanate in control and activated-LP system raw
milk during storage at 80C'
Length of Total viable count pH LP SCN-
(days) C A C A C A C A
8b 5.49c 5.22d 6.69 6.66 0.62c 0.59c 7.34 15.84-
1 5.82c 5.15d 6.75 6.73 0.49c 0.46c 4.60 17.69-
2 6.90c 5.22d 6.74 6.76 0.60c 0.53c,d 3.77 15.14c,d
3 7.46c 5.48c,d 6.81 6.86 0.62C 0.60C 3.84 16.75-
4 8.00c 5.88cd 6.58 6.66 0.56C 0.54c 4.41 15.41
5 8.23c 6.38" 6.52 6.68 0.5OC 0.60c d 4.68 14.85-
6 8.36c 7.25c,d 6.38 6.65 0.48c 0.57c,d 4.63 15.86-
7 8.53c 7.57c,d 6.28 6.59 0.45c 0.52 d 3.96 14.61
a Lactoperoxidase (LP) is expressed in units per milliliter, and thiocyanate (SCN-) is expressed in parts per million. C, control raw milk; A, activated-LP
system raw milk.
b Length of incubation was 8 h.
c Data are significantly (P < 0.01) different from the respective value at 0 h.
Data are significantly (P < 0.01) different from the respective value (same days of incubation) in control milk.

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