BF 01576043
BF 01576043
BF 01576043
9 Springer-Verlag 1984
Abstract. A simple procedure for rapid isolation and detection of plasmid D N A from
Lactobacillus species is described. Using an alkaline-detergent lysis method, plasmid D N A was
released and characterized from cells treated with either mutanolysin or l y s o z y m e for 1 h at 0~
Treatment of cells with either e n z y m e at 37~ for 1 h was detrimental to plasmid isolation and
characterization in some Lactobacillus species. The procedure was effective with small
volumes of cells and allowed rapid characterization of plasmid D N A in Lactobacillus
plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus helveticus, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Recent progress in the genetics of lactic acid bacter- tive using either l y s o z y m e or mutanolysin to
ia, particularly the group N streptococci, has estab- achieve cell lysis. Although mutanolysin was more
lished the critical involvement of plasmid D N A in effective, plasmid detection in the lactobacilli was
numerous activities related to fermentative per- dependent more on the temperature conditions es-
formance [2, 5, 10]. Unfortunately, plasmid genet- tablished for e n z y m e activity than on the specific
ics of the lactobacilli have not kept pace with the enzyme used.
advances in molecular genetics, and little informa-
Materials and Methods
tion is presently available on plasmid determinants
Strains and culture conditions. All Lactobacillus strains were
or genetic transfer mechanisms for a bacterial genus
propagated in MRS broth (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) at
critical to many industrial food fermentations. Un- 37~ and maintained as described previously [11]. Escherichia
dermining progress in Lactobacillus genetics has coli V517 was propagated in nutrient broth (BBL, Cockeysville,
been the difficulty in achieving cell lysis with lyso- MD) at 37~ Growth conditions and methods for plasmid
zyme [4, 18] and developing reliable procedures for isolation from E. coli V517 were described previously [12, 15].
Strains used in this study, and their sources, are given in Table 1.
plasmid D N A isolation. Although plasmid D N A has
been reported in Lactobacillus acidophilus [13, 21], Cell lysis. Log phase cells from 200-ml MRS broth cultures (0.1%
Lactobacillus reuteri [21], Lactobacillus casei [3], inoculum, 37~ were harvested by centrifugation when the
Lactobacillus fermentum [7], and Lactobacillus optical density (OD) at 650 nm reached 1.0. Pelleted cells were
washed once in 20 ml of TES buffer [16] and resuspended in 2 ml
helveticus [20, 21], detection has been limited to a
of 25% (wt/vol) sucrose in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5. Two 925-~1
select number of strains within each species [13, aliquots were removed and placed in an ice bath. Mutanolysin
21]. Considering the ubiquity of plasmid D N A (Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, IN) or lysozyme (Sigma Chemical
throughout Gram-positive and Gram-negative bac- Company, St. Louis, MO) was added to one aliquot to a final
teria, the inability to demonstrate plasmid D N A concentration of 75 /zg/ml (75 /zl of a 1-mg/ml suspension in
throughout Lactobacillus species could reflect the sterile distilled H20). Sterile distilled H20 (75 ~1) was added to
the second aliquot and both aliquots placed at 37~ Samples
ineffectiveness of current plasmid isolation proce- containing 50/zl were removed from each aliquot at 0, 30, and 60
dures for this genus. min and added to cuvettes containing 2 ml of 50 mM Tris-HCl,
The reported sensitivity of Gram-positive bac- pH 7.0. After mixing, the OD65 o w a s determined. The percent
teria to N-acetylmuramidase from Streptomyces relative lysis at each sampling period was calculated from the
globisporus, mutanolysin [14, 17, 22], suggests that OD65o of control samples (no enzyme) and OD65 o of enzyme-
treated samples. The OD65 o of control aliquots approximated 0.5
D N A yields from lactobacilli could be enhanced and 0.6 and remained stable throughout the 60 min incubation.
upon employing this e n z y m e in plasmid isolation
procedures. This report describes a general method Plasmid isolation. Lactobacillus cultures were propagated over-
for plasmid isolation in Lactobacillus species effec- night (9-12 h) in 10 ml of MRS broth. A sample of 4 ml of culture
plasmid purification and identification in this genus. further, provides the first evidence for the presence
With the exception of L. lactis 1438, plasmid DNA of plasmid DNA in L. plantarum. The availability of
was detected in all strains examined (Fig. 5). a rapid and effective method for plasmid isolation in
the lactobacilli will, hopefully, facilitate future de-
velopments on the plasmid genetics of this genus.
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