Nursing Care Plan V Luna
Nursing Care Plan V Luna
Nursing Care Plan V Luna
SUBJECTIVE: Nahihirapanakong makatulogdahilmaya tmaya may ginagawasa akin at dahilsaposisyonko as verbalized by the client. OBJECTIVE: -restlessness -weakness -irritability -interrupted sleep
Disturbed Sleeping Patterns related to interruptions for therapeutic,mon itoring, other generated awakening and position as manifested by interrupted sleep and restlessness
Decrease in REM
Short Term: Within 1-2 hours of nursing interventions the patient will be able to identify factors that can help him to promote sleeping pattern. Long Term: Within 1-3 days of nursing intervention the patient will be able to adjust to the environment and achieve optimal amount of sleep as evidenced by rested appearance,verb alization of feeling rested
*Suggest engaging *To promote in relaxing sleep. activity(e.g.listening to calm music,reading books and warm bath).
Short Term: After 1-2 hours of nursing interventions the patient was able to identify factors that can help him to promote sleeping pattern.
*To prevent from voiding during night time. Long Term: After 1-3 days of nursing intervention the patient was able to adjust to the environment and achieve optimal amount of sleep with rested appearance,wasabl e to verbalized feeling of rested
*Avoid loud noises and use of overhead lights during night time.
Decrease oscillations
*Identify possible *To help underlying causes of patient know sleeplessness. the common consequence s of sleep deprivation. *To educate him about sleeping pattern.
* Suggest abstaining *To prevent from daytime naps impairment of ability to sleep at night. *Implement effective ageappropriate bedtime rituals. *To enhance clients ability to fall asleep.
*Recommend quiet *To reduce activities, such as stimulation reading or listening so that the
*Ascertain usual pattern and changes that are occurring,naps,awak ening, frequency and clients complaints of lack of rest
*To provide information in alleviating sleep deprivation,i dentifying and establishing plan of care.