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I. Direction: Make a study guide that shows important details of Republic act 1425. Use a diagram and bullet points to organize information. (15
pts) Answer the succeeding questions.

“Nole me Tangere and El Filibusterismo must be read by all Filipinos. They must be taken to heart, for in their
pages we see ourselves as in a mirror, our defects as well as our strength, our virtues as well as our voices. Only
then would be become conscious as a people and so learn to prepare ourselves for painful sacrifices that ultimately
lead to self-reliance, relf-respect, and freedom.”
AN act. to include in the curricula of ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS, COLLEGE Senator AND UNIVERSITIES
Jose P. LaurelCOURSES ON
“Rizal did not pretend to teach the
authorizing religion when and
printing he wrote those books.
distribution He aimed
thereof at inculcating
and for civic consciousness in
other purposes.
the Filipinos, national dignity, personal pride, and patriotism and if references were made by him in the course of
his narration to certain religious practices in the Philippines in those days, and to the conduct and behaviour of
erring ministers of the church, it was because he portrayed faithfully the general situation in the Philippines as it
then enrich
existed.”the minds of the stidents about the history of the Philippines specially talking about our national
Senator Claro M. Recto
Second°Is for the people not to take advantage of the novels of Rizal. For example, making revisions and or deleting
other parts of the text resulting to variations that would affect the undestandings of the students and other readers.
This act simply wants to preserve the original content of the writings.

Third°Is to prove the people that violence is not always the solution in battle like what Rizal did.

Fourth°Mainly is for the people to have an inpiration through the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal.

In one sentence that synthesizes your learning from reading this module, listening to the online class discussion, and the making of the
study guide above, explain the purpose of RA 1425. (5 pts)

__*RA 1425 mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer courses about Jose
Is the Rizal Law relevant in present times? If yes, discuss its immediate relevance to your life as a student and citizen of the
Philippines, if not, discuss at least two reasons why you think it no longer serves a relevant purpose. (10 pts)
______Yes, beacuse its mandated to the RA 1425 we no in every Filipino are admired to JOSE
II. Read the following excerpts from the statements of the legislators who supported and opposed the passage of the Rizal Law in
1956. Then, answer the questions that follow. (15 points)
1. What was the major argument raised by Senator Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo against the passage by the Rizal bill? (5 pts)
______*a conflict
“A vast between
majority of ourthepeople
nationalism andsame
are, at the religion between
time, theand
Catholic government and theAs such, they have two great loves: their
Filipino citizens.
country and their faith. These two loves are not conflicting loves. They are harmonious affections, like the love fir his father
and for his mother.
This is the basis of my stand. Let us not create a conflict between nationalism and religion, between the government and the
2. What was the major argument raised by Senators Jose P. Laurel and ClaroSenator Francisco
M. Recto “Soc”
in support Rodrigo
of the passage of the Rizal
Bill? ( 5 pts)
______*The religion and the Citizenship for every individual
3. Are there points of convergence between the supporters and opposes of the Rizal Bill based on these statements? (5 pts)
_____Yes beacuse not every individual are understand the


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