NURSING CARE PLAN 2 - Written Report
NURSING CARE PLAN 2 - Written Report
NURSING CARE PLAN 2 - Written Report
A 25-year-old woman, who has recently started employment in a fast-food restaurant, is being seen for eczema (atopic dermatitis).
The nurse notes patches of dry, red, and scaly skin on the backs of the client’s hands and on her arms. The client has a history of
eczema; and is allergic to a number of medications and cleaning products. The client states that at her new job she washes her hands
frequently with hot water and an antibacterial soap.
Desired Outcome: The patient will prevent more serious bacterial skin infections to occur by following a treatment regimen for
Planning, Client
Assessment Inference Diagnosis goal, Desired Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Data: Patches of dry, Risk for Short-Term Independent: Independent: Short-Term Goal:
● Patient stated red, and scaly Infection Goal: 1. Assess any 1. It is to determine MET
that at her skin on the secondary to After 2 hours of compromise in the the degree of damage After 2 hours of
new job, she backs of the eczema as nursing patient’s skin integrity. on the integument of nursing intervention,
frequently client’s hands evidenced by risk intervention, the the affected area of the patient was able to
washes her factors of patient will learn the patient that might learn the causative
hands with ↓ alteration in skin the causative be the mode of factors and the
hot water and integrity. factors and the transmission of preventive measures
antibacterial Damage to the preventive pathogens. for the infection
soap. integument measures for the related to her
infection related condition.
↓ to her condition. 2. Assess for signs of 2. It is to determine if
infection. the affected area of
Objective Data: Weak resistance the patient was Long-Term Goal:
● Dry, red, and against Long-Term Goal: infected and the MET
scaly skin on pathogens After 3 hours of degree of infection to After 3 hours of the
the backs of nursing the infected area. whole nursing
hands and intervention, the intervention, the
arms. patient's risk level patient's risk level of
● Recorded ↓ of infection will infection decreased
history of Exposure to decrease due to 3. Educate the patient 3. Patients are due to evasion of
eczema. infectious evasion of places about proper self-care encouraged to use the places that might
● Allergic to a pathogens that might expose with the use of moisturizer whenever expose her to causative
number of ↓ her to causative moisturizers. they feel dry and agents that lead to
medications agents that lead to itchy. This could infection.
and cleaning Infection infection. alleviate the itchiness
products. and irritation caused
by the patient's
condition and prevent
the worsening of the
irritation. This also
prevents further
damage to the
integument caused by
dried skin.