Try This! Directions: Answer All The Necessary Information Needed in The Column Below. Use
Try This! Directions: Answer All The Necessary Information Needed in The Column Below. Use
Try This! Directions: Answer All The Necessary Information Needed in The Column Below. Use
Try this!
Directions: Answer all the necessary information needed in the column below. Use
your own profile such as your health, medication used/taken, personal, and diet history.
Answer Key Sheet
Name: _ Christine Joy Molina ____________ Score:________
Course/Year: __BSN 2B__ ______________ Date:______
2.What can you say or Discuss about your historical and nutrition assessment results.
(Reaction paper).
Being a 19-year old with arthritis and chronic anemia, with which I was diagnosed at age
7, I have to be more conscious of my health. I also have to take note of my current weight and
height since it produces a BMI that is categorized as underweight because this might pose a
trigger to my current health conditions. Also, knowing my family’s health history, which I may
be able to acquire, I have to take action on ways how to prevent them from having them. One
way to prevent the development of a disease and promote health is by eating the right amount
and kind of food, which is why I include eating green leafy vegetables in my meals and eating
liver to increase the iron level in my blood. Moreover, being physically active reduces my risk
of having asthma since my body is used to physical activities.
Think ahead!
Directions: Research on the process of the Nutrition Care using ADIME-ADA Model.
1.Draw in a clean and clear long bond paper the NCP ADIME-ADA Model.
Answer Key Sheet
Name: _ Christine Joy Molin_________________ Score:________
Course/Year: __BSN 2B_____________________ Date:_________
Patient’s Name (Last, First, Middle): Salas, Leonila, Cumawas Date: October 22, 2020___
Address: _550 Sampaguita St. Villa, Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City, 7000__________
Food Preferences: _Green leafy vegetables, fruits, fish, sweets and rice ____
Diet Rx: TER: 1,420kcal; eat less pork and beef meat; no shellfish foods
(24 Hours Food Recall-Food Intake)
BREAKFAST 1 pc Banana Banana (Lakatan)
2 pcs. Slice Bread Toasted slice bread
1 cup Coffee (brewed) Coffee with Sugar
2 tsps. Sugar
Note: Additional SALT for cooking per day is _2_ tsp ONLY