Tetanus Toxoid
Tetanus Toxoid
Tetanus Toxoid
Date Generic Brand Classificat Indication Mechanism Dosage & Time Adverse Nursing
Name Name ion of Action Frequency Give Reaction Consideration
03-11- Anti- Tetanus EPI Toxoid is Tetanus After the Redness -Shake vial
21 tetanus Toxoid vaccine, indicated toxoid initial Warmth well before
Serum Anti- for booster absorbed immunizatio edema, withdrawing
tetanus injection induces n series is induration each dose.
only for active completed, with or Special
persons 7 immunity to a booster without care
years of tetanus dose of 0.5 tenderness should be
age or antigen by mL of as well as taken to
older stimulating Tetanus urticaria, ensure
against the Toxoid and rash. that the
tetanus immune (tetanus Malaise injection
(tetanus system to (tetanus transient does not
toxoid). produce toxoid) fever enter the
specific toxoid) pain blood
antitoxin. should be hypotensio vessel
given n For
intramuscul nausea nursing
arly every arthralgia mother
10 years to - Does not
maintain affect the
adequate safety of
immunity. mothers who
This 10- are
year period breastfeeding
is or their
determined infants.
from the For
last dose pediatric
administere use
d - This vaccine
irrespective is not
of whether indicated for
it was given children under
earlier in types of age.
routine For
childhood Geriatic
immunizatio use:
n or as part -should only
of wound be used in
manageme geriatic
nt. patients