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Drug Study

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Date Generic Brand Classificat Indication

Mechanism Dosage & Time Adverse Nursing
Name Name ion of Action Frequency Given Reaction Consideration
03-24- Clozapine Clozaril Therapeut Schizophr Binds to 12.5 mg CNS: · Watch for
21 ic: enia dopamine orally NEUROLE and report signs
antipsych unrespon receptors twice a PTIC of neuroleptic
otics sive to or in the CNS. day MALIGNAN malignant
intolerant Also has T syndrome,
Pharmaco of anticholiner SYNDROM including
logic: standard gic and E, hyperthermia,
tricyclic therapy alpha- SEIZURES diaphoresis,
dibenzodi with other adrenergic , dizziness, generalized
azepines antipsych blocking sedation. muscle rigidity,
otics activity. EENT: altered mental
(treatment Produces visual status,
refractory) fewer disturbance tachycardia,
. To extrapyram s. CV: changes in
reduce idal MYOCARD blood pressure
recurrent reactions ITIS, (BP), and
suicidal and less hypotensio incontinence.
behavior tardive n, Symptoms
in dyskinesia tachycardia typically occur
schizophr than , ECG within 4–14
enic standard changes, days after
patients. antipsychot hypertensio initiation of
ics but n. GI: drug therapy,
carries high constipatio but can occur at
risk of n, any time during
hematologi abdominal drug use.
c discomfort,
abnormaliti dry mouth, · Be alert for
es. ↑ salivation, new seizures or
Therapeuti nausea, increased
c Effects: vomiting, seizure activity,
Diminished weight especially at
schizophre gain. the onset of
nic Derm: drug treatment.
behavior. rash, Document the
Diminished sweating. number,
suicidal Endo: duration, and
behavior. hyperglyce severity of
mia. seizures, and
Hemat: report these
AGRANUL findings
OCYTOSIS immediately to

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