azithromycin Binds to the 50S CNS: dizziness, • Community • Contraindicated • Obtain specimen for • to prevent
(Zithromax) subunit of vertigo, headache, acquired to patients culture and sensitivity anaphylacti
500mg 1tab bacterial fatigue, somnolence. pneumonia hypersensitive to test before giving first c reaction.
ribosomes, CV: palpitations, caused by C. erythromycin or dose.
blocking protein chest pain pneumoniae, H. other • Give multidose oral • to prevent
Classificaton synthesis; GI: nausea, influenzae, M. macrolides. suspension 1 hour alteration of
Bacteriostatic or vomitting, diarrhea, pneumoniae, S. • Use cutiously in before or 2 hours after the drug
antibacterial bactericidal, abdominal pain, pneumoniae patients with meals;don't give with action.
depending on dyspepsia, impaired hepatic antacids. tablets and
concentration. flatulence, melena, fucntion single dose packet for
pseudomembranous oral suspension can
colitis be taken with or
GU:candidiasis, without food.
vaginitis, nephritis. • monitor patient for • Drug may
Hepatic: Cholestatic superinfection. cause
jaundice. overgrowth of
Skin: rash, non-susceptible
photosensitivity. bacteria or
Other: angioedema. fungi .
• reconstitute single- • to ensure the
dose, 1-g packets for patient has
suspension with 2 consumed the
ounces (60ml) water, entire dose.
and give to patient.
rinse the glass with
another 2 ounces
water and drink.