Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Generic Name: Reduces cardiac ♦ Acute anginal Contraindicated in CNS: headache, Antihypertensives: ♦ Monitor blood
isosorbide oxygen demand attacks; to prevent patients throbbing, possibly increased pressure and
decreasing left situations that may hypersensitive to dizziness, hypotensive intensity and
ventricular end cause anginal nitrites, head trauma, weakness effects. Monitor duration of
Brand Name: diastolic pressure attacks cerebral hemorrhage closely during initial response to drug.
Isordil (preload) and to a or severe anemia. CV: orthostatic therapy.
lesser hypotension. ♦ Advise patient to
extent,systemic Use cautiously in tachycardia, avoid alcoholic
Pharmalogical vascular resistance hypotension. palpitation, ankle beverages; they
Class: (afterload). Also edema, fainting may produce
nitrate increases blood increased
flow through the GI: nausea and hypotension.
collateral coronary vomiting
Therapeutic Class: vessels. ♦ Warn patient not
antianginal Skin: cutaneous to confuse
vasodilation, sublingual with oral
Dosage/Route/Freq flushing form.
♦ 5mg one tablet ♦ Store in cool
sublingual now place, in tightly
closed container,
away from light.
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF
Generic Name: Inhibits cell wall ♦ Lower Contraindicated in CV: phlebitis, Aminoglycosides: ♦ Before giving dug.
cefuroxime synthesis respiratory tract patients thrombophlebitis May cause ask patient if she is
promoting osmotic infections caused hypersensitive to drug synergistic activity allegic to penicillin
instability usually by S. or other GI: diarrhea, against some or cephalosporin.
Brand Name: bactericidal cephalosporin. anorexia, vomiting organisms.May Obtain specimen for
pneumoniae, S.
Xorimix increase culture and
aureus, E. coli, Use cautiously in Hematologic: nephrotoxicity. sensitivity tests
Klebsiella, H. patients hemolytic anemia, Monitor patient’s before giving first
Pharmalogical influenzae, S. hypersensitive to thrombocytopenia, renal function dose. Absorption of
Class: pyogenes penicillin because of transient closely. oral drug is
2nd generation possibility of cross- neutropenia, induced.
cephalosporin ♦ Dermatologic sensitivity with other eosinophilia
infections caused beta lactam ♦ Avoid alcohol
by S. aureus, S. antibiotics while on this drug
Therapeutic Class: pyogenes, E. coli, and for 3 days
Cephalosporin Klebsiella, after because
Enterobacter severe reactions
uency: often occur.
♦ 750 mg IVTT q8 ♦ UTIs caused by
hours ANST E. coli, Klebsiella ♦ Report severe
diarrhea, difficulty
unusual tiredness
or fatigue, pain at
injection site.
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF
Generic Name: A benzodiazepine ♦ Management of Contraindicated to CNS: drowsiness, Cimetidine, ♦ When using oral
diazepam that probably anxiety patients dysarthria, slurred disulfiram, solution, dilute dose
potentiates the disorders or for hypersensitive to drug speech, tremor, dfluoxetine, just before giving.
effects of GABA, short-term relief and soy proteins, in transient amnesia fluvoxamine,
Brand Name: depresses the CNS, patients experiencing CV: CV collapse, hormonal ♦ Monitor periodic
of symptoms of
Valium and suppresses the shock and coma or bradycardia, contraceptives, hematopoietic,
spread of seizure
anxiety acute alcohol hypotension isoniazid: may hepatic and renal
activity. intoxication; in EENT: diplopia, decrease clearance function studies in
Pharmalogical pregnant women blurred vision, of diazepam and patients receiving
Class: especially in first nystagmus increase risk of repeated or
benzodiazepine trimester; and in GI: nausea, adverse effects. prolonged therapy.
children younger than constipation, Monitor patient of
age 6 months. diarrhea with rectal excessive sedation ♦ Monitor patients
Therapeutic Class: form and impaired for dizziness,
Anxiolytic/ GU: incontinence, psychomotor ataxia, mental
Antianxiety agent urine retention function. status changes.
Dosage/Route/Freq neutropenia CNS depressants: ♦ Do not
uency: Hepatic: jaundice May increase CNS administer intra-
♦ 5mg IVTT now Respiratory: depression arterially; may
respiratory produce
depression, apnea
Skin: rash
Other: pain,
phlebitis at
injection ♦ Change from IV
site,altered libido therapy to oral
therapy as soon
as possible.
♦ Reduce dose of
analgesics with IV
diazepam; dose
should be reduced
by at least one-
third or
♦ Carefully
monitor P, BP,
respiration during
IV administration.
♦ Maintain
patients receiving
in bed for 3 hr; do
not permit
patients to
operate a vehicle
following an
♦ Monitor EEG in
patients treated
for status
seizures may
recur after initial
because of short
duration of drug
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF
♦ Provide comfort
and safety
analgesics, ready
access to
assistance with
ambulation, and
orientation if GI or
CNS effects occur,
to ensure patient
safety and
improve patient
tolerance of the
drug and drug
♦ Provide thorough
patient teaching,
including drug
name, prescribed
dosage, measures
for avoidance of
adverse effects
and warning signs
that may indicate
possible problems.
Instruct patients
about the need for
monitoring and
evaluation to
enhance patient
knowledge about
drug therapy and
to promote
♦ Offer support
encouragement to
help patients cope
with the disease
and the drug
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF
Generic Name: B1 – Combines with B1 - Recommended Hypersensitivity to B1-restlessness, B1- neuromuscular Don’t mix
Multivitamin B- adenosine daily allowance – B1, B6, B12. weakness, nausea blockers increase parenteral
complex triposphate to form vitamin b1 pulmonary edema, effects preparation with
B1 Thiamine a enzymes needed supplement urticaria , Of this drug. same syringe with
B6 Pyridoxine for carbohydrate Vitamin B1 diaphoresis. other drugs
B12 metabolism. deficiency
Cyanocobalamin Beriberi Don’t give large oral
B6 – Acts as a co B6 – Photo allergic B6 – levodopa may doses of vitamin
Brand Name: enzyme that B6 – dietary vitamin reaction, numbness, decrease B12 routinely ; drug
Javanex stimulates various B6 deficiency headache. effectiveness of is lost through
metabolic functions, Responsive anemia levodopa. excretion
including amino or dependency Pyridoxine has a
Pharmalogical acids metabolism. syndrome little to no effect of Monitor pt. for
Class: the combination hypokalemia for
Vitamins and B12 – a co enzyme B12- deficiency drug levodopa and first 48hours, give
menirals that stimulates from inadequate carbidopa. potassium
metabolic function diet supplement as
and is needed for Alcohol use may needed.
Dosage/Route/Freq cell replication, cause dillirium and
uency: hematopoietic, and B12 – pulmonary lactic acidosis. Teach pt. dietary
♦ 300mg one nucleoprotein and edema, urticaria. habits
tablet daily. myelin synthesis.
B12- Instruct pt. not to
aminogycosides take folic acid as a
, aminosalisilic, replacement for
anti combulsant, vitamin B12; folic
colchasine, acid may ease
extended- blood related
release symptoms of
potassium pernicious anemia
products, salts: but neurologic
may cause mal complication is
absorption of progress.
b12 from G.I.
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF
Safety measures
are considered
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF
Drug Name Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Drug interaction Nursing Responsibilities
Generic name: Co-amoxiclav is • Abdominal Hypersensitivity to GI: Nausea, vomiting, Allopurinol; May Before giving, ask patient
an antibiotic infections drug. diarrhea, gastritis, abd increase risk of rash. about allergic reaction to
that is a • Animal bites pain. penicillin. A negative history
Brand name: combination of • Infections of the CNS: dizziness, of allergy is no guaranty
a penicillin organs associated fatigue against allergic reaction.
(amoxicillin)and with breathing, GU: Interstitial
Classification: a substance including nasal nephritis Tell patient to take entire
called passages, sinuses, Hematolic: Anema, quantity of drug exactly as
Antibiotics thrombocytopenia,agr prescribed even after he feels
clavulanic acid. windpipe and lungs
Dosage/Route/Freq It kills bacteria, (respiratory tract) anulocytosis better.
uency by interfering • Infections of the Others: Anaphylaxis
with their ability sex organs and Drug can be taken with or
625 mg TID to form cell without food.
organs associated
walls. The with urination
bacteria (genito-urinary
therefore break infections)
up and die. • Inflammation of
connective tissue,
commonly the skin
Name of Patient: Mr. AB
Diagnosis: Anemia secondary to CRF