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Proxy Server: Project Synopsis & Ideas Final Year Project - It/Cse in

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Project Synopsis & Ideas Final Year Project - IT/CSE in IT Acumens

Proxy Server
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A proxy acts as an intermediary agent between its clients and the servers which they want to access, performing functions directed towards a variety of purposes, like security, caching, etc, in its capacity as an intermediary. Specifically, caching HTTP Proxy Servers are intermediate servers, which maintain a cache of Internet objects like html files, image files, etc which are obtained via HTTP.

Billing System
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This project is aimed at developing a system by which the employees in the organization submit the bills to their managers. The bills could of various types and also of various amounts. The employee after submitting the bill will automatically provide the managers name to which the bill will be submitted. The bill will pass through a workflow process and the owner of the bill can view the status of the bill at any time. An email will be sent to the concerned people to let them know about the status of the bill.

Online Product Master Maintenance System

This project is aimed at developing an online product master maintenance system used in a manufacturing industry. The Product Master Maintenance (PMM) is a client server based application that can be accessed by a selected group of users. This system can be used for maintaining all the details related to a product like Product hierarchy,product/sub-components attributes(cost/size/weight etc.) and supplier details. There are additional features like user access control, report generators etc in this system.

Speed Cash System

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Speed Cash System is used to transfer money from one place to another within a day. This is basically used to speed up the money transfer. The necessary information for the money transfer from the source bank to the destination bank is sent in the form of file on daily basis. This file contains the information like remitter details, beneficiary details and DD (Demand Draft) details, etc. Basically the remitter is a person who sends the money and the beneficiary is the person who receives the money. If the remitter has already an account with the bank, the deduction at the back end should happen instead of cash dealings. Once the file is received, it is processed and the data is put into the database. Then it is again processed and DD is printed. The printed DD will be handed over to the concerned person. Various reports are generated by this system.

Virtual file system

The project involves creation of a virtual file system. The project would require creation and manipulation of various data structures to store the contents of the file system. There should be a programmer-level library of functions (API) like my_create, my_delete, my_open, my_close, my_read, my_write, etc to simulate file system operations. The APIs will work on this simulated file system. The file system can model an existing system such as Unix/Windows or you can invent your own.

Search Engine
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This project is aimed at developing an Search Engine that is of importance to either an organisation or a college. This Intranet based stand-alone application can be accessed through a web browser or e-mail. This application gives the search results for the keyword .

Fresh Department of a Store

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This application is for fresh department of a store. This corporate function encompasses the processes for the management of recipes used by the fresh departments in the stores. This includes the processes for creation, approval, maintenance and inactivation of recipes. The store function of scaling recipes is also included. The recipes are used by

Replenishment planning processes to determine ingredient and supply item requirement and plan the replenishment of the same at the stores. This is a list of some of the projects that final-year and MSc students may undertake. Projects are allocated on a first-come first-served basis. However, I am willing to discuss alternative projects and to accept modifications of these projects. Cache memory Simulator Over the past few years, the speed of microprocessors has increased faster than the speed of semiconductor memories. The effective speed of memory can be increased by using a small amount of high-speed cache memory to hold frequently accessed data and instructions. The purpose of this project is to create a cache memory simulator in order to analyze the effect of changing a cache's parameters (size, organization, line size). Ideally, the simulator would be written as a Java applet.

Address and Data Simulator

Computers generate addresses and either read data from memory or write data to memory. Instructions are read from memory sequentially, unless a branch or jump instruction modifies the flow of control. Cache memory systems rely on the "locality of reference" of data; that is, data elements are frequently accessed from locations that are close together. The goal of this project is to produce a CPU simulator that generates random addresses and data to simulate a real processor. The simulator can be programmed to behave in various modes. You can select how clustered the data is, the frequency of subroutine calls, the size of subroutines, and so on.

Advanced Processor Simulator

There have been two trends in computer design. One is towards simplicity and cut-down instruction sets (the RISC trend) and the other is towards complexity and powerful instructions (the CISC trend). The goal of this project is to design a simulator for a sophisticated architecture that implements advanced addressing modes (e.g., memory indirect with indexing) and complex instructions such as bit field operations. The user should be able to enter instructions in mnemonic form and the simulator will execute them. In order to keep the project simple, the number of different instructions can be kept small. 68000 Monitor

Chapter 11 of "Microprocessor Systems Design" includes a simple 68000 monitor (control program or simple operating system) that enables you to test a single-board computer. This code was written in 68000 assembly language. The goal of this project is to construct a more sophisticated monitor with greater functionality. Ideally, this monitor should be written in C and compiled to 68000 code. Real-time Kernel for a 68K-based Single-board Computer The purpose of this project is to design and construct a real-time kernel that switches between tasks in a multitasking environment. The kernel should be written in C and compiled to 68K code. The project must include the design of the task-switching system and include means of creating and removing tasks. The system must support prioritized tasks, communication between tasks, and dynamic task creation.

Pilots Intelligent Knee-pad

A private pilot in a single-engine aircraft has to fly, navigate, and communicate with air traffic control, ATC, all at the same time. These operations have to be performed without the benefit of a copilot or an autopilot. The objective of this project is to design a special-purpose computer that can be used to remove some of the load from the pilot. The computer will store the information supplied by ATC and perform aviation-related calculations (e.g., the current location). The computer will contain a data-base of information about other airports and the pilot will be able to find important information rapidly (e.g., the approach frequency of an airport or the length of its runways). The computer to be designed will be, essentially, a special-purpose notebook computer. For the purposes of the project, this computer will be simulated on a PC. An important part of the project will be the ergonomic and HCI considerations. Any successful system must be easy to use. A good system should anticipate the pilots needs (e.g., by making periodic suggestions).

Assembly Language Teaching Aid

Almost all computer science courses include a first-year component on computer architecture and assembly language programming. Some students regard assembly language programming as difficult and find it hard to visualize what is happening as an assembly language program is executed. This project requires the design of a CPU simulator that can execute a simple assembly language program. The flow of information within the CPU should be shown as the program is executed.

The user should be able to operate at the microprogram level (i.e., the execution of each instruction in terms of operations within the CPU), or at the macroprogram level (i.e., the machine level instructions). The final system should be able to display the CPUs registers and the contents of a block of memory. A good system will also provide interactive, context-sensitive help.

Computerized Student Testing System

Monitoring the performance of students is very time-consuming because it is so labourintensive. The goal of this project is to devise an automated means of testing a students knowledge of computer arithmetic, computer logic and computer architecture. The system will generate questions at random from a database. Some questions will be factual, multi-choice questions. Some will require an exact answer. For example, the computer may generate a random 8-bit binary integer and the student will be asked to convert it into a decimal value. The testing system should be diagnostic and locate the students problems. For example, if a students performs well in one area, further questions at the same level in the same area will not be asked. If a student performs baldly in one area, the region of "uncertainty" will be probed.

CPU Visualization
One of the areas of computer science that students find most difficult is the operation of the CPU at the machine level (i.e., the fetch/execute cycle and the role of the buses and registers) The operation of the CPU is a good candidate for visualization. The aim of this project is to construct an interactive system that explains the operation of a simple CPU. The user should be able to observe the flow of information within the CPU and be able to zoom in on or expand internal operations (that is, they should be able to control the level of the detail). The project will involve examining the CPU and determining the "conceptual bottlenecks" before constructing and implementing a system.

Map Manipulation
Pilots in light aircraft normally have to perform their own navigation and receive relatively little help from air traffic control. Many pilots use specially designed aviation maps to perform their navigation. However, such maps suffer from limitations. The scale

and level of detail is fixed. Moreover, if you orient a map in the direction of flight, the text might be upside down. Since laptop PCs are widely available, it seems reasonable to use a laptop as a display device. A computer-based map can be constructed to provide a variable scale (you need more detail approaching an airport than when en route). Names and features can be added or removed to reduce clutter. Moreover, the map can be designed so that text does not change as the map is rotated (i.e., the up direction can be the direction of flight without changing and text).

Automatic Terrain Generation

Computer techniques involving fractals and similar mechanisms can be used to construct random landscapes. Such landscapes can be used in simulators for various environments (e.g., computer games, flight simulators). The goal of this project is to construct a general-purpose landscape simulator (by, for example, using "plasma techniques"). The user should be able to control the general nature of the landscape by selecting appropriate parameters. The depth and the general direction of this project will be determined by the student. Some students might wish to add features to the landscape and others might wish to concentrate on the texture of the landscape.

Simulating a Novel Architecture

There is remarkably little variation between the structure and instruction sets of many microprocessors. The purpose of this project is to construct a new microprocessor architecture with novel features. Some of these will be suggested by myself (e.g., support for high-level language constructs). Others will be suggested by the student after reading literature on computer organization. Once an architecture has been constructed, the second part of the project will be to implement it in software. This will involve the design of a simple simulator that can execute a program written in the machine code of this new processor.

A Timing Diagram Generator

A timing diagram displays the relationship between the signals in a digital system as a function of time, and is used by engineers wishing to interface memory and peripheral components to a microprocessor. The purpose of this project is to design an animated timing diagram generator that demonstrates the sequence of events that the timing diagram illustrated. In other words,

the project is concerned with taking a static diagram and animating it in order to show the reader the sequence of events that the diagram illustrates. Any student underrating this problem should have some knowledge of graphics programming.

Software to Support Teaching Computer Architecture

Students find some topics are harder to understand than others (for example, the subject of addressing modes is regarded as notoriously difficult). A simple textual description of a topic (with diagrams) does not suit all studentsparticularly when the topic is conceptually difficult to understand. Hypertext systems help a little by enabling the user to seek details at a higher or lower level. Keywords are highlighted and the user can seek further detail by selecting and clicking on such an element. When people explain things to each other verbally the often ask "why" or "how". The aim of this project is to produce a lesson that covers some suitably complex topic. The system will automatically generate suitable "how", "why" and "what if" questions at appropriate points in the lesson. If time permits, some elements of the project should be animated to demonstrate sequences of events and the relationship between cause and effect.

Advanced Architecture Simulator

A complex processor architecture (unlike the CISC) has a rich instruction set in terms of addressing modes and instructions. The aim of this project is to simulate such a processor so that students can contrast it with RISC processors. This "complex" processor does not require a full instruction set because it is intended only to demonstrate certain principles. The computer should interpret instructions directly (i.e., the assembly language does not need to be converted into machine code). If possible, the simulation should be done in Java in order to convert the simulator into an applet that students can access from the Internet. However, this simulator could also be written in one of the "visual" languages.

Road Traffic Simulator

From personal experience it appears that the flow of traffic on a highway is a sensitive function of its volume. When the traffic density reaches a certain level, hold-ups begin to appear.This effect is caused by one car slowing and setting up a chain reaction in the vehicles behind. The aim of this project is to construct a visual road traffic simulator. The number and characteristics of the vehicles should be programmable (e.g., the range of reaction times of the drivers, the type of vehicles, the skill of the drivers, the effect of obstacles, etc). The simulator should be capable of testing ways of improving traffic flow (e.g., limiting the number of vehicles that can enter a junction over a given period).

Flight Scenario Tester

Pilots use flight simulators to test their ability to fly. Unfortunately, the difficulty of flying the aircraft sometimes gets in the way of the simulation. This is particularly true of "instrument flying" when the pilot is so busy trying to fly the simulator that he or she doesn't have time to deal with the navigational aspects of the flight. "Instrument flight" indicates flight that is carried out by reference to instruments alone and that does not rely of visual cues (e.g., flight in cloud). The aim of this project is to construct a flight simulator where the aircraft flies itself. The user (pilot) is able to enter the direction of flight from the keyboard and the aircraft flies automatically in the selected direction. The pilot will get feedback from the various simulated navigational aids. The principal purpose of this simulator is to help the pilot to visualize his or her position by interpreting the navigational aids. The simulator will take account of the affects of wind (which will have to be modeled). This system is called a "scenario tester" because the user will be able to investigate what will happen if they perform certain actions (e.g., they can check whether they have estimated the effect of wind-drift accurately during the hold). The output of the simulator will be the path that the aircraft follows over the ground (there will be no view from the cockpit).

Digital Filter Simulator

Analog signals can be sampled, converted into digital form, and stored in a digital computer as a sequence of numerical values. Once these values have been stored in the computer, they can be processed just like any other data. After processing, the digital signals can be converted back into analog form. Digital signal processing can be applied to these stored values to modify the characteristics of the signal. For example, y = xi + kxi-j represents the ith sample of a signal plus a fraction of the signal j samples earlier. This expression represents an "echo".

The aim of this project is to construct a test bed (using a visual environment) that allows users to examine the effect of digital filters. Filter coefficients (e.g., k and j in the last example) should be modified by graphical objects such as sliders. The project can be extended to include digital control systems.

Microprogram Simulator
A CPU can be implemented by means of microprogramming in which each machine level (i.e., assembly language) instruction is converted into a series of even more primitive micro-instructions. These micro-instructions directly control the registers, buses, and functional units of the computer. The aim of the project is to create and to simulate an architecture consisting of registers and buses etc, and a microprogrammed control unit that can control these units. The user of the simulator will be able to define machine-level instructions in terms of micro-operations. These micro-operations will be executed, step-by-step on the simulated target machine. The user should be able to display either the macro-level machine (i.e., the buses and registers) or the micro-level machine (i.e., the microprogram, control store, micro-program counter, micro-instruction register).


Neural networks for time-series analysis and forecasting

In many scientific, economic and engineering applications there arises the problem of predicting the future on the basis of some collected historical data. The most powerful approach to the problem of prediction is to find a law underlying the given dynamic process or phenomenon. An alternative approach is to discover some strong empirical regularities in the observation of the time series. Unfortunately, the information about the dynamic process under investigation is often partial and incomplete and regularities, such as periodicity, are usually masked by noise. This project will provide a review of neural network-based methods for time-series analysis and forecasting. In the implementation phase of the project the use of a neural network in a practical prediction task will be investigated.

Indicative literature

1. Gately, E. J, (1996) Neural Networks for Financial Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, United States of America. 2. Gilbert, J. (1995) Artificial Intelligence on Wall Street: An Overview and Critique of Applications in the Finance Industry, http://gryphon.ccs.brandeis.edu/~grath/brandeis/aipaper/ 3. Giles, C. L., Lawrence, S., Tsoi C. A., (1997), Rule Inference for Financial Prediction using Recurrent Neural Networks, Proceedings of IEEE/IAFE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering (CIFEr), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 253259. 4. Kaashoek, J. F., (1998) A Simple Strategy to Prune Neural Networks with an Application to Economic Time Series, Paper provided by Erasmus University Rotterdam, Econometric Institute in its series Econometric Institute Report, No 103. 5. Wong, C. C., Chan, M. C., Lam, C., (2000) Financial Time Series Forecasting By Neural Network Using Conjugate Gradient Learning Algorithm And Multiple Linear Regression Weight Initialisation Paper provided by Society for Computational Economics in its series Computing in Economics and Finance 2000, No 61. Search keywords: prediction, forecasting, multivariate time series 2. Backpropagation training and local minima

The commonly used training methods are gradient-based algorithms such as the widely used backpropagation. These are local minimisation methods and have no mechanism that allows them to escape the influence of a local minimum. In this project global search methods for feedforward neural network batch training will be investigated. These methods are expected to lead to "optimal" or near-optimal weight configurations by allowing the network to escape from local minima during training. Specifically, the practical part of the project will be focused on the software implementation of a method of this type and its application on a notorious for its local minima learning problem.

Indicative literature 1. Gori, IEEE Trans.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 14, pp. 76-85, 1992 2. Magoulas G.D., Vrahatis M.N. and Androulakis G.S., On the alleviation of the problem of local minima in back-propagation, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 30, 4545-4550, 1997.

3. Parsopoulos K.E. , Plagianakos V.P. , Magoulas G.D. and Vrahatis M.N., Objective function ``stretching'' to alleviate convergence to local minima, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, vol. 47, 3419-3424, 2001. Search keywords: local minima, global search. global optimisation, backpropagation


The use of neural networks in medical imaging

Intelligent systems, particularly those for medical imaging, cover a major application area providing significant assistance in medical diagnosis. In most cases, the development of these systems leads to valuable diagnostic tools that may largely assist physicians in the identification of tumours or malignant formations by means of non-invasive or minimally invasive imaging procedures (e.g., computed tomography, ultrasonography, endoscopy, confocal microscopy, computed radiography, and magnetic resonance imaging). The aim of the project is to provide a survey of neural network-based intelligent systems in this area and to implement a neural network-based system for identifying abnormal tissue regions in endoscopic images.

Indicative literature 1. Pouloudi A. and Magoulas G.D. , Neural Expert Systems in Medical Image Interpretation: Development, Use and Ethical Issues, Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol.10, No. 5-6, 451-471, 2000. 2. Karkanis S., Magoulas G.D. and Theofanous N., Image Recognition and Neuronal Networks: Intelligent Systems for the Improvement of Imaging Information, Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, vol. 9, No. 3-4, 225-230, August 2000. Relevant articles in journals as IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 4. Texture recognition and classification using neural networks

Texture plays an important role for the characterisation of regions in digital images. Texture carries information about the micro-structure of the regions and the distribution of the grey levels. A scheme for the recognition of regions based on the texture

information should be capable of encoding the properties of the texture using a number of parameters, named descriptors. These descriptors are usually represented by sets of statistical measures defining by this way the vectors to be used, consequently, for the recognition and can be very useful for recognition and classification. Usually, the approach followed has two major processing stages. The first stage consists of all the processing procedures that will be performed on an image to extract all the identifiable features, which will form the feature vectors. The second processing stage decides how to incorporate obtained from the first stage together with background and prior information, such as temporal data, relationships about features, etc., in order to draw inferences. The project will focus on the second stage of processing by investigating the use of neural networks in the recognition and classification of images by texture. A review of neural network models for texture recognition and classification should be provided and the performance of a neural network will be investigated by means of a software implementation.

Indicative literature 1. Panden, IEEE Tr. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 24, pp. 291-310, 1999; http://www.ux.his.no/~tranden/. 2. Karkanis S., Magoulas G.D. and Theofanous N., Image Recognition and Neuronal Networks: Intelligent Systems for the Improvement of Imaging Information, Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, vol. 9, No. 3-4, 225-230, August 2000. Search keywords: texture, backpropagation, neural networks, feature extraction 5. Genetic algorithms for simulation optimisation An effective way to analyse complex systems is to devise an abstract model, simplify the model in such a way that superfluous systems details are removed without loosing validity, and observe a simulation of the simplified model under the desired sets of experimental conditions. Evolutionary algorithms can be used as a means to optimise discrete-event simulation models. These methods do not require derivative-related information and are characterised by good global convergence properties. For example, Evolutionary algorithms can aid in model input parameter optimisation, which appears to be a traditional weakness of computer simulation [3-4], and in the building of auxiliary models (metamodels) for different analysis goals [5]. Indicative literature 1. Abdurahiman V. and Paul R. (1994). Machine learning and simulation model specification, Simulation Practice and Theory, 2, 1-15. 2. Bratko I., Paul R. et al. (1993). Using machine learning techniques to interpret results from discrete event simulation. Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Information Technology, Croatia, 401-406.

3. Paul R. and Chanev T. (1998). Simulation optimisation using a genetic algorithm, Simulation Practice and Theory, 6, 601-611. 4. Paul R. and Chanev T. (1997). Optimising a complex discrete event simulations model using a genetic algorithm, Neural Computing and Applications, 6, 229-237. 5. Hurrion R. (2000). A sequential method for the development of visual interactive meta-simulation models using neural networks, J. Operational Research Society, 5, 712719. 6. Magoulas, G.D., Eldabi, T., and Paul R.J., Adaptive Stochastic Search Methods for Parameter Adaptation of Simulation Models, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems, Varna, Bulgaria, Sept. 10-12, 2002, vol. 2, 22-26. Relevant articles in journals such as Simulation, ACM transactions on modeling and computer simulation, The Journal of the Operational Research Society, European journal of operational research. 6. Knowledge-based neurocomputing in user-adaptive systems

In Neural expert systems or knowledge-based neurocomputing, as it is the name that is used now, the emphasis is on the use and representation of knowledge about an application within the neurocomputing paradigm. Despite the powerful processing capabilities of a neurocomputing system, explicit modelling of the knowledge represented by that system remains a major research topic. The aim of this project is to address this issue from various perspectives, present state-of-the-art in knowledge-based neurocomputing in an easily accessible form, and implement a knowledge-based neural network for user modelling. Search keywords: hybrid systems, neuro-fuzzy systems, knowledge-based neurocmputing Indicative literature 1. Stathacopoulou R., Magoulas G. D., Grigoriadou M. and Samarakou M., Neuro-fuzzy knowledge processing in intelligent learning environments for improved student diagnosis, Information Sciences, 170, 2, 273-307, 2005. 2. Frias-Martinez E., Magoulas G.D., Chen S., and Macredie R. Recent Soft Computing Approaches to User Modeling in Adaptive Hypermedia. In Paul De Bra, Wolfgang Nejdl (eds), Adaptive Hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems, Proceedings of 3rd Int Conf Adaptive Hypermedia-AH 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Aug. 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3137, Springer, 104-113.

3. Magoulas G. D. , Papanikolaou K. and Grigoriadou M., Towards a computationally intelligent lesson adaptation for a distance learning course, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 5-11, Chicago, November 1999. 4. Magoulas G.D. , Papanikolaou K.A., and Grigoriadou M. Neuro-fuzzy Synergism for Planning the Content in a Web-based Course, Informatica, vol. 25, 39-48, 2001. Relevant articles in the journals IEEE Tr. Neural Networks, Neurocomputing, Neural Computing and Applications, Neural Networks, and in the ACM Digital Library.


Hybrid Genetic Algorithms in User-adaptive systems

GAs may be crossed with various problem-specific search techniques that exploit the global perspective of the GA and the convergence of the problem-specific technique. There are a number of ways to hybridise GAs and still maintain a fairly modular program structure. The aim of this project is to address this issue and to present state-of-the-art in hybrid GAs in an easily accessible form. Search keywords: global search, global optimisation, Darwinian strategies, Lamarkian strategies, Indicative literature 1. Zacharis N, and Panayiotopoulos T. (2001). Web search using genetic algorithms, IEEE Internet Computing, March-April, 18-26. 2. http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/ah/ 3. Frias-Martinez E., Magoulas G.D., Chen S., and Macredie R. Recent Soft Computing Approaches to User Modeling in Adaptive Hypermedia. In Paul De Bra, Wolfgang Nejdl (eds), Adaptive Hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems, Proceedings of 3rd Int Conf Adaptive Hypermedia-AH 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Aug. 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3137, Springer, 104-113.

Relevant articles in the journals IEEE Tr. Neural Networks, IEEE Tr. Evolutionary Computation, Neurocomputing, Neural Computing and Applications, Neural Networks, Natural Computing, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Internet Computing, and in the ACM Digital Library.


Methods for improving the generalisation

The ability to extrapolate the good performance from the training set to the test set is called generalisation. Improving generalisation performance of intelligent systems is a subject of considerable ongoing research and various methods have been proposed to this end, such as early stopping, cross validation, pruning, mixture of experts etc. This project can take different forms. For example, students may decide to provide a detailed review of methods belonging to one category, e.g. mixture or experts, or cross validation methods, or decide to cover two or more classes of methods. In any case the report must be within the word limits defined in the Study Guide. Search keywords: early stopping with cross-validation or cross-validation, pruning methods, such as weight elimination and optimal brain damage, committee of networks or classifier ensembles, modular networks. Indicative literature 1. Hassoun M., Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks, MIT Press, ISBN: 0-26208239-X, 1995. 2. Hagan M. Demuth H., and Beale M., Neural Network Design, PWS Publishing Company, ISBN: 0-534-94332-2, 1996. Relevant articles in the journals IEEE Tr. Neural Networks, Neurocomputing, Neural Computing and Applications, Neural Networks 9. Data clustering with graph theory

So far many clustering methods have been developed in the fields of psychology, statistics, machine learning and recently in molecular biology. The choice of which clustering technique to use for a given data set, is often very difficult. Most techniques require the user to define the number of clusters in advance, and those that do not, often require tuning of various parameters. Most clustering methods also require well-formed, convex clusters if they are to do a good job. Clustering with minimum spanning has been proposed as a promising alternative because MST-clustering is intuitive and easy to implement, and they seem to to work well on a variety of distributions. The project will focus on MST clustering algorithms and discuss their applications. Search keywords: graph theory, clustering, minimum spanning trees. 10.Data Mining in Personalisation Personalised web-based systems make use of intelligent techniques to provide individual users with content tailored to their needs. A number of data mining techniques can be used to support personalisation and they can be classified into supervised learning (i.e. classification) and unsupervised learning (i.e. clustering). These techniques can increase

the effectiveness of personalisation, but they still have some limitations. The project can take different forms. For example, it can focus on either (a) the comparison between supervised learning and unsupervised learning, or (b) the differences between data mining and traditional techniques in the support of personalisation, or (c) the effectiveness and limitations of a particular technique in personalisation, e.g. neural network, genetic algorithms. Search keywords: adaptive web-based systems, adaptive hypermedia, personalisation, data mining, machine learning, user modelling, neural networks, genetic algorithms.

Indicative literature 1. Adomavicius G. and Tuzhilin A. (2001). Using data mining methods to build customer profiles, Computer, February, 74-82. 2. Changchien S and Lu T (2001). Mining association rules procedure to support online recommendation by customers and product fragmentation. Expert Systems with application, 20, 4, 325-335. 3. Hui S., and Jha G. (2000). Data mining for customer service support, Information and Management, 38, 1-13. 11.Personalisation in e-commerce, e-health, digital libraries, e-learning, e-museums, TV, mobile computing (several projects) The use of the Web has proliferated in businesses, libraries, and schools. Research and development on the semantic web indicates that we must direct web technologies towards developing relevant, and, to the extent possible, complete personal information spaces, visualization methods that enable users to process vast quantities of information, and interaction paradigms that facilitate human-computer communication. The proposed set of projects aim at the development of personalised information spaces in which both econtent and navigation as well as the user interface are adapted according to the individual information and navigation requirements based on a user model, which records user actions and changes in observed user navigational and interactive behaviour depending on the task. The projects require significant programming work (usually this includes Java or ASP, Javascript, Access or SQL but Im open to suggestions) and their output will be the development and evaluation of proof-of-concept applications. Search keywords: adaptive web-based systems, adaptive hypermedia, personalisation. Indicative literature 1. Ghinea G., Magoulas G. D., and Frank A. O., Intelligent Multimedia Communication for Enhanced Medical e-Collaboration in Back Pain Treatment, Transactions of Institute Measurement Control, vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 223-244, 2004.

2. Papanikolaou K., Grigoriadou M., Kornilakis H., and Magoulas G.D., Personalising the Interaction in a Web-based Educational Hypermedia System: the case of INSPIRE, User-Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, vol. 13, 213-267, 2003. 3. Magoulas G.D., Papanikolaou K.A., and Grigoriadou M., Adaptive web-based learning: accommodating individual differences through systems adaptation, British Journal of Educational Technology, 34(4), 511 527, 2003. 4. Chen S., Magoulas G.D. and Macredie R. Cognitive Styles and Users Reponses to Structured Information Representation, International Journal of Digital Libraries, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 93-107, 2004. 5. http://www.easy-hub.org/hub/index.jsp 6. http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/ah/ 7. Magoulas, G. D., Chen, S. Y., and Dimakopoulos, D. A Personalised Interface for Web Directories based on Cognitive Styles. In User-Centered Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in the Information Society: 8th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All, Vienna, Austria, June 28-29, 2004, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3196, Springer-Verlag, 159-166. 8. Magoulas, G. D., Chen, S. Y., and Papanikolaou , K. A. Integrating Layered and Heuristic Evaluation for Adaptive Learning Environments. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Adaptive Systems, 9th International Conference on User Modeling UM2003, June 22-26, 2003. 9. Papanikolaou K.A., Grigoriadou M., Kornilakis H., and Magoulas G.D. INSPIRE: an INtelligent System for Personalized Instruction in a Remote Environment. In S. Reich. M. Tzagarakis, P.M.E. De Bra, Hypermedia: Openess, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2266, 215-225. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2002. 10. Magoulas G.D. and Ghinea G., Neural network-based interactive multicriteria decision making in a quality of perception-oriented management scheme, in Proceedings of the INNS-IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington

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