Eucharistic Adoration: Holy Hour Meditations On The Seven Last Words of Christ
Eucharistic Adoration: Holy Hour Meditations On The Seven Last Words of Christ
Eucharistic Adoration: Holy Hour Meditations On The Seven Last Words of Christ
Do not read this book: pray this book. An extraordinary combination of biblical study, knowledge of giants in the Catholic tradition, and profound spiritual insights borne, no doubt, of the
authors own practice of Eucharistic adoration. An incomparable
companion for ones experience of the worship of the Eucharist
invitational, poignant, and pastoral. Murphy draws us into
appreciating what is never totally appreciatedthe experience
of communion in and with the Eucharistic Lord. An excellent
companion to anyone on the journey to deeper conversion and
joy in the Eucharistic Lord.
Msgr. Kevin W. Irwin
Former Dean
School of Theology and Religious Studies
Catholic University of America
Holy Hour
on the
Seven Last Words
Charles M. Murphy
Excerpts from The New Jerusalem Bible, copyright 1985 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd., and Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell
Publishing Group, Inc. Used with permission of the publisher.
2012 by Charles M. Murphy
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in
any manner whatsoever, except in the case of reprints in the context of
reviews, without written permission from Ave Maria Press, Inc., P.O.
Box 428, Notre Dame, IN 46556.
Founded in 1865, Ave Maria Press is a ministry of the United States Province of Holy Cross.
Paperback: ISBN-10 1-59471-308-1 ISBN-13 978-1-59471-308-8
E-book: ISBN-10 1-59471-352-9 ISBN-13 978-1-59471-352-1
Cover image Agnus Images
Cover by Brian Conley.
Text design by Katherine Robinson Coleman.
Printed and bound in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Murphy, Charles M.
Eucharistic adoration : holy hour meditations on the seven last words
of Christ / Charles M. Murphy.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-59471-308-8 (pbk.) -- ISBN 1-59471-308-1 (pbk.)
1. Lords Supper--Adoration--Meditations. 2. Jesus Christ--Seven last
words--Meditations. I. Title.
BX2233.M87 2012
Peter L. Gerety
Archbishop Emeritus of Newark
Mentor and Model of Priestly Virtue
on the occasion of his one hundredth birthday
Foreword by Cardinal William Levada ~ ix
Acknowledgments ~ xiii
Gazing upon Our Eucharistic Lord ~ 1
First Word:
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? ~ 12
Witness: Simone Weil ~ 20
Second Word:
Father, forgive them, for they know not
what they do. ~ 28
Witness: St. Teresa Blessed
by the Cross (Edith Stein) ~ 33
Third Word:
Today you will be with me in paradise. ~ 42
Witness: Dorothy Day ~ 46
Fourth Word:
Father, into your hands
I commend my spirit. ~ 52
Witness: Blessed John XXIII ~ 57
Fifth Word:
Woman, this is your son. Son,
this is your mother. ~ 64
Witness: Blessed John Paul II ~ 69
Sixth Word:
I thirst. ~ 74
Witness: Blessed Teresa of Calcutta ~ 79
Seventh Word:
It is finished. ~ 86
Witness: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque ~ 90
Hymns of the Passion and the Eucharist ~ 95
Notes ~ 108
Eucharistic Adoration
Foreword xi
Eucharistic Adoration
Introduction 3
Eucharistic Adoration
Introduction 5
dying new life by the power of God, not just once, but
over and over again.
In a special manner the seven last words of Christ
each in its own way casts light upon this central truth
of our faith. The Eucharist itself is the living memorial
of the same paschal mystery as is manifest in the postResurrection appearance of the Lord to two discouraged
former disciples leaving all behind in Jerusalem and making their way Easter Sunday to the village of Emmaus
(Lk 24:1335).
Jesus in his new existence is not recognized by the
disciples as he joins them. He asks what they had been
talking about, and one, speaking sarcastically out of his
grief and disillusion, responds, You must be the only
person staying in Jerusalem who does not know the
things that have been happening there these last few
days. They then go on to speak of Jesus in the past tense
as a prophet powerful in action and speech and how
he had been crucified at the hands of the chief priests and
leaders. Then, in a clear statement of their loss of faith,
they said, Our own hope had been that he would be
the one to set Israel free. Their hope was not revived at
the reports from women of his tomb empty and angels
announcing he was alive.
Jesus, still a stranger to them, continues his walk with
them and patiently, starting with Moses and the prophets,
explained that the scriptures had foretold how the promised Christ had to suffer these things before entering into
his glory. Had is the earliest explanation the first disciples
could come up with for Jesus dying and risingit had
Eucharistic Adoration
Introduction 7
Eucharistic Adoration
At the conclusion of this book you will find a number of ancient hymns from the liturgy. They express the
Churchs deep piety regarding the events of the Passion
and regarding the Eucharist. They deserve our reflection,
over and over again.
tion upon the One who is there with you. Take as much
time as you need.
again. Some pray the Rosary for the same purpose. Moving your fingers over the beads and repeating the prayers
over and over have the same calming effect.
also to prayer. Ask for the help you need. This prayer for
help may be for someone other than yourself.
Introduction 9
your meditation. Read it several more times. Let its meaning sink in. You are now standing on Calvary beneath the
cross of Jesus. He is speaking to you. You are responding
to him with all your heart.
3. And now simply rest in the presence of the Lord. Enjoy his
company, wordlessly. Let his peace and joy fill your heart.
Ask God for the grace you need to implement your holy
resolutions to carry the cross with Jesus more faithfully.
Eucharistic Adoration
My God, my God,
why have you forsaken me?
(Mt 27:46)
Eucharistic Adoration