In The United States Bankruptcy Court For The District of Delaware
In The United States Bankruptcy Court For The District of Delaware
In The United States Bankruptcy Court For The District of Delaware
) ) ) ) ) ) ) Chapter 11 Case No. 12-10968 (BLS) Jointly Administered Re: Docket No. 159
CERTIFICATION OF COUNSEL Raymond H. Lemisch, Esquire, counsel to FastShip, Inc., et al. (the Debtors), hereby submits this Certification as follows: 1. On March 20, 2012, the Debtors filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter
11 of the Bankruptcy Code. 2. On June 28, 2012, the Bankruptcy Court entered an Order [D.I. 133] confirming
the Joint Liquidating Second Amended Plan of FastShip, Inc. and its Subsidiaries Pursuant to Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code [D.I. 125]. 3. On August 31, 2012, the Debtors filed their Motion for Entry of Final Decree and
Closing of Chapter 11 Cases [D.I. 159] (the Motion) with an objection deadline of September 13, 2012. A hearing on the Motion is scheduled for September 20, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. 4. On September 6, 2012, the Debtors filed their Final Report in Chapter 11 Cases
[D.I. 162] pursuant to Local Rule 5009-1(c). 5. Pursuant to Local Rule 5009-1(a), annexed hereto as Exhibit A is a proposed
The Debtors, along with the last four digits of each Debtors tax identification number, are as follows: FastShip, Inc. (8309) (Case No. 12-10968 (BLS)), FastShip Atlantic, Inc. (0980) (Case No. 12-10970 (BLS)) and Thornycroft, Giles & Co., Inc. (1142) (Case No. 12-10971(BLS)). The mailing address for the Debtors is: Liquidating Trust of FastShip, Inc., et al., c/o The Brownstein Corporation, 441 East Hector Street, Suite 205, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
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This Certification is only being filed to provide the Court with the Proposed
Order as it was not included at the time of the original filing of the Motion. Dated: September 6, 2012 BENESCH, FRIEDLANDER, COPLAN & ARONOFF LLP By: /s/ Raymond H. Lemisch Raymond H. Lemisch, Esquire (No. 4204) Jennifer E. Smith, Esquire (No. 5278) 222 Delaware Avenue, Suite 801 Wilmington, DE 19801 Telephone: (302) 442-7010 Facsimile: (302) 442-7012 - and Kari Coniglio, Esquire (OH 0081463) 200 Public Square, Suite 2300 Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 363-4500 (Telephone) (216) 363-4588 (Facsimile) Counsel for the Debtors
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IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In re: FASTSHIP, INC., et al.,1 Debtors. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Chapter 11 Case No. 12-10968 (BLS) Jointly Administered Re: Docket No. 159 and 163
FINAL DECREE AND ORDER CLOSING CHAPTER 11 CASES Upon consideration of the Motion2 of FastShip, Inc., et al. (the Debtors) for Entry of Final Decree and Closing of Chapter 11 Cases; and it appearing that due and adequate notice has been provided; and it appearing that the estates of the above-captioned debtors were substantively consolidated for administrative purposes only; and after due consideration and deliberation and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is hereby: ORDERED, that the Motion is granted; and it is further ORDERED, that the Plan has been substantially consummated, as all property to be transferred under the plan has been transferred and distribution under the Plan has commenced; and it is further ORDERED, that pursuant to Bankruptcy Code 350(a), Bankruptcy Rule 3022, and Local Rule 5009-1(a), Case Nos. 12-10968 (FastShip, Inc.), 12-10970 (FastShip Atlantic, Inc.), and 12-10971 (Thornycroft, Giles & Co., Inc.) are hereby closed; and it is further
The Debtors, along with the last four digits of each Debtors tax identification number, are as follows: FastShip, Inc. (8309) (Case No. 12-10968 (BLS)), FastShip Atlantic, Inc. (0980) (Case No. 12-10970 (BLS)) and Thornycroft, Giles & Co., Inc. (1142) (Case No. 12-10971(BLS)). The mailing address for the Debtors is: Liquidating Trust of FastShip, Inc., et al., c/o The Brownstein Corporation, 441 East Hector Street, Suite 205, Conshohocken, PA 19428. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Motion.
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ORDERED, that the Court shall retain jurisdiction pursuant to the Plan and Confirmation Order to the extent necessary to enforce this Order, and for all other applicable purposes. Dated: September _____, 2012 ______________________________________ HONORABLE BRENDAN L. SHANNON, United States Bankruptcy Court Judge
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