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Thought and Sociopolitics, Late 20th Century Filipino Philosophy, Demeterio

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The document discusses several Filipino philosophers and their works, as well as topics like Filipino philosophy, methodology for philosophizing, and content. It also mentions critiques of political and economic structures.

Some of the main topics discussed include Filipino philosophy, Filipino methodology for philosophizing, and Filipino content. Specific philosophers and their works are also mentioned.

Filipino methodology for philosophizing is mentioned. It also refers to behaviorist methodology.




Hc uas ccntinccd Mar|ia| |au uas |nc ocginning. |nc |cng |ui|ign| |na| nad
fina||u ccnc. . . . lna| can uc cxpcc| ncu. Rc|u? |rni as|cd. Snc uas again
in a grccn si|| drcss Rc|andc Cruz |i|cd tcru nucn. . . . |cr |ncsc unc natc
|nc ncans |c uca|ncr |nis ca|ani|u |ifc ui|| nc| cnangc. || ui|| rcnain
ccnfcr|ao|c. Par|icu|ar|u if ucu arc nc| pc|i|ica|. 8u| |nis |ui|ign| ui||
|cng|ncn in|c nign|. |cc| arcund usuna| can uc scc?. . .

-I. SioniI Iose. |rni|a. A |i|ipinc Nctc|.


This papei viII lackIe lhe niseialIe pIighl of IiIipino phiIosophv in lhe lvenlv-
fiisl cenluiv fion a hisloiicaI poinl of viev. UnIike olhei posl-coIoniaIisl accounls,
hovevei, lhal vouId piediclalIv vind up casligaling lhe dislanl and shadovv figuies
of lhe coIoniaI nasleis as lhe iool cause of aII naIadies, lhis papei viII neilhei go lhal
fai noi lo lhal exlenl. Inslead, lhis viII neieIv exanine oui innediale hisloiicaI
lackvaid, lhal is lhe Iale lvenlielh cenluiv, and assune lhal oui IiIipino phiIosopheis
al lhal line vieIded enough povei and oppoilunilv lo chail a noie piogiessive
palhvav foi IiIipino phiIosophv. ul sonevheie, sonehov a falaI shoilconing
happened lhal iesuIled lo lhe piesenl condilion. This papei viII aIso allenpl lo
visuaIize a possilIe palhvav foi lhe iehaliIilalion of IiIipino phiIosophv.

Ioi sludenls and schoIais vho aie inleiesled vilh lhe cuiienl conceins of
IiIipino phiIosophv, lheie aie lvo iIIuninaling essavs lhal can salisfacloiiIv addiess
lheii queiies. One is enlilIed Mga Anuc ng Pi|cscpiuang Pi|ipinc, viillen lv Ieinando
NakpiI-ZiaIcila in 1971, and lhe olhei is enlilIed Ccn|cnpcraru |i|ipinc Pni|cscpnu,
viillen lv RonuaIdo AluIad in 1988. WhiIe NakpiI-ZiaIcila laIked aloul IiIipino
phiIosophv, as he sav il in lhe eaiIv 7Os, AluIad laIked aloul lhe sane lhing fion an
evoIulionaiv and deveIopnenlaI poinl of viev laking lhe eccIesiaslicaI Thonisn as his
slailing poinl and lhe deveIopnenls in lhe Iale 8Os as his end poinl. Though lhese
essavs cane oul sevenleen veais apail, and seen lo have sone veiv diveigenl vievs on
lhe hisloiicaI slalus of IiIipino phiIosophv, a caiefuI conpaialive ieading vouId

acluaIIv ieveaI a handfuI of conveigenl opinions as veII as sone aslonishing ieveIalions
iegaiding lhe slale of affaiis and piolIens of IiIipino phiIosophv.


Accoiding lo NakpiI-ZiaIcila lheie aie lhiee foins of IiIipino phiIosophv. He

Maaring naging Pi|ipinc ang pi|cscpiua sa pananaraan c |a|annan. Ang |a|annan au
naaaring naging isang pagsusuri sa pananau ng Pi|ipinc sa daigdig c di|i |auau isang
pagsusuri sa nga sa|igan sa pu|i|i|a a| sa c|cncniua ng oansa. Kaua| nasasaoing |a||c ang
naaaring naging anuc ng pi|cscpiuang Pi|ipinc. 1) |sang pananaraan Pi|ipinc sa pi|cscpiua.
2) |sang pagsusuri sa nga sa|igan ng pu|i|i|a a| c|cncniua ng |ipunang Pi|ipinc. a| 3) |sang
in|crprc|asucn ng pananau-sa-nundc ng Pi|ipinc.

CiaphicaIIv, vhal he asseiled is iepiesenled lv lhe foIIoving figuie.

Ioi hin, IiIipino phiIosophv as a nelhodoIogv couId le a pionising haIInaik of vhal
IiIipino phiIosophv shouId le. UnfoilunaleIv oving lo lhe ieIalive voulh of such a
coIIeclive discouise, lhis foin of IiIipino phiIosophv is vel an undeIinealed and
piolean nass. Dani| ua|a pa ni |a|ana|ing dan|acn ang a|ing |radisucn sa pi|cscpiua. nindi
pa |uni|i|au ang pananaraang i|c. Nguni| i|cu |iua| na |i|i|au gaua na sa pin|ura a|

Ieinando NakpiI-ZiaIcila, Mga Anvo ng IiIosopivang IiIipino, Tians. Nicanoi Tiongson, in
ViigiIio Lniiquez, Mga 8aoasanin sa Pi|cscpiua. |pis|cnc|cniua. |cni|a. li|a a| Pi|cscpiuang Pi|ipinc (ManiIa:
IhiIippine IsvchoIogv Reseaich and Tiaining House, 1983) p. 318.
Filipino Philosophy

Filipino Methodology for
Filipino Content
Critique of the Political and
Economic Structures of
Philippine Society

Interpretation of the Filipino
Nakpil-Zialcitas Morphololgy of Filipino Philosophy

cs|u||ura. sa nusi|a a| sa sauau.
IiIipino phiIosophv as a ciilique of lhe poIilicaI and
econonic sliucluies of IhiIippine socielv can le liaced lack as eaiIv as lhe
enIighlennenl-slvIe ciilicaI aclivilies of lhe piopaganda novenenl, and finds ils fuIIesl
nanifeslalion duiing lhe advenl of Maixisl inspiied ciilicaI lheoiv spavned lv lhe
sociaIisl novenenls. Hovevei, lhis second foin of IiIipino phiIosophv, as lhoioughIv
dependenl on lhe inpoiled phiIosophies of KaiI Maix (1818-1883), VIadinii IIich Lenin
(187O-1924), and Mao Zedong (1893-1976) anong olheis, alliacled lhe iadicaI queslion
of ils leing IiIipino in lhe fiisl pIace. Hence, vheieas lhe fiisl foin of IiIipino
phiIosophv can le a haIInaik of leing IiIipino phiIosophv, ils exislence is sliiclIv
speaking sliII sonelhing hvpolhelicaI: vhiIe lhe second foin of IiIipino phiIosophv has
an unqueslionalIe exislence, il is consideied as definileIv nol a haIInaik of leing
IiIipino phiIosophv. The lhiid foin of IiIipino phiIosophv, lhal is IiIipino phiIosophv
as inleipielalion of lhe IiIipino voiId-viev, lianscends lhe piolIens of lolh lhe fiisl
and second foins, in lhe sense lhal lhis lhiid foin ieaIIv exisls and can suipass even
lhe fiisl foin in leing a haIInaik of IiIipino phiIosophv. NakpiI-ZiaIcila sliessed: Mas
na|iuanag ang pag|a-Pi|ipincng sa gani|cng anuc ng Pi|cscpiua |ausa sa unang da|auang
naoanggi| na.
Hovevei, lhis lhiid foin of IiIipino phiIosophv geneialed anolhei
lheoielicaI piolIen. NakpiI-ZiaIcila poinled oul: Ang nau |a|aouan au ang |auunin ng
gani|cng pi|cscpiua.
WhiIe il is liue lhal lhe lhiid foin of IiIipino phiIosophv exisls,
in facl il acluaIIv pioIifeiales, and vhiIe il is liue lhal ils leing IiIipino is
unqueslionalIe, vhal ienains lo le pondeied is ils puipose. Ma|apcs niuang
nai|angna| ang pananau-sa-nundc ng Pi|ipinc. naurccn pang dapa| gauin ang pan|as.
aigues NakpiI-ZiaIckila, dapa| niuang isipin |ung paanc i|cng nagani| sa |asa|u|uuan a|
sa ninanarap. ||c ang |a|cng nagpapaoiga| sa |anguang |a|ung|u|an.
Ioi hin, IiIipino
phiIosophv as inleipielalion of lhe IiIipino voiId-viev nusl nol end vilh lhe
inleipielalion lul nusl lheoiize fuilhei on lhe inpacl of such a voiId-viev on lhe
piesenl and lhe fuluie of lhe IiIipinos.

Il is inleiesling lo nole fion NakpiI-ZiaIcilas anaIvsis, is lhal lhe conlenl of
IiIipino phiIosophv (lhal is, lhe second and lhiid foins) is lolaIIv devoled lo ideoIogicaI
sludv and ciilicisn. Accoiding Iohn Thonpson, a iespecled ideoIogicaI lheoiisl, lheie
aie al Ieasl lvo neanings foi lhe void idcc|cgu.

On lhe one hand, 'ideoIogv' is enpIoved lv nanv aulhois as if il veie a puieIv
desciiplive lein: one speaks of 'svslens' of lhoughl', oi 'svslens of leIief' of 'svnloIic

NakpiI-ZiaIcila, p. 32O-321.
NakpiI-ZiaIcila, p. 323.
NakpiI-ZiaIcila, p. 323.
NakpiI-ZiaIcila, p. 325.

piaclices' vhich peilain lo sociaI aclion oi poIilicaI piojecls. . . . Theie is, hovevei,
anolhei sense of 'ideoIogv' vhich is evidenl in lhe cuiienl Iileialuie. In lhe viilings of
sone aulhois, ideoIogv is essenliaIIv Iinked lo lhe piocess of suslaining asvnneliicaI
ieIalions of povei-lhal is lhe piocess of nainlaining doninalion.

He caIIs lhe fiisl neaning lhe ncu|ra| ccnccp|icn, and lhe second neaning lhe cri|ica|
ccnccp|icn cf idcc|cgu. Ioi Thonpson, in lelveen lhe ncu|ra| and lhe cri|ica| ccnccp|icns
lheie Iies a lheoielicaI lension. Wheieas lhe ncu|ra| ccnccp|icn is geaied lovaids
knovIedge and undeislanding, lhe cri|ica| ccnccp|icn is geaied lovaids lhe Maixisl
ideaIs of ciilique and enancipalion. NakpiI-ZiaIcilas second foin of IiIipino
phiIosophv is an ideoIogicaI sludv in ils ciilicaI conceplion, vhiIe his lhiid foin of
IiIipino phiIosophv is an ideoIogicaI sludv in ils neuliaI conceplion.


AluIad, on lhe olhei hand, did nol Iook onIv on lhe piesenl conceins of IiIipino
phiIosophv, lul on lhe gioup of conceins lhal pieoccupied lhe hisloiv of IiIipino
phiIosophv. Using an evoIulionaiv schena, he denonslialed lhal lhe hisloiv of
IiIipino phiIosophv has foui slages: 1) lhe fiisl coIoniaI phase, vhich is chaiacleiized
lv lhe unchaIIenged piedoninance of Thonislic phiIosophv: 2) lhe second coIoniaI
phase, vhich is chaiacleiized lv lhe infIux of conlenpoiaiv phiIosophicaI lheoiies
lioughl hone lv veslein-liained IiIipino acadenicians: 3) lhe phase of eaiIv
indigenizalion, vhich is chaiacleiized lv lhe IiIipino acadenicians concein ovei lhe
exislence and piogiess of IiIipino phiIosophv, and lhe quesl foi a IiIipino phiIosophv,
idenlilv and voiId-viev: and 4) lhe leginnings of lhe Iale indigenizalion, vhich is
chaiacleiized lv IiIipino acadenicians dislanlialion fion lhe agenda of lhe eaiIv phase
of indigenizalion. CiaphicaIIv, vhal he slaled can le iepiesenled lv lhe foIIoving

Iohn Thonpson, S|udics in |nc Tnccru cf |dcc|cgu (Canliidge: IoIilv Iiess, 1984), p. 4.


The nosl olvious diffeience lelveen NakpiI-ZiaIcilas noiphoIogv and
AluIads evoIulionaiv schene is lhal lhe foinei is svnchionic in ils appioach~lhal is,
NakpiI-ZiaIcila fioze line, and look a sIice of il foi anaIvsis~vhiIe lhe Iallei is
diachionic~lhal is, AluIad did nol fieeze line lul inslead anaIvzed IiIipino
phiIosophv aIong lines liajecloiv. Anolhei diffeience is lheii hisloiicaI conlexls lhal
aie sepaialed lv a slielch of sevenleen veais. Theie veie olviousIv lhings seen lv
NakpiI-ZiaIcila in 1971 lhal nav nol le visilIe anvnoie foi AluIad in 1988. Iusl as
lheie aie lhings seen lv AluIad in 1988 lhal aie olviousIv unfoieseen lv NakpiI-
ZiaIcila in 1971. SliII anolhei diffeience is lhe conlenl of IiIipino. Ioi NakpiI-ZiaIcila
lhe conlenl of IiIipino phiIosophv is lolaIIv devoled lo ideoIogicaI sludv and ciilicisn,
lolh in lhe neuliaI and ciilicaI conceplions. Ioi AluIad, on lhe olhei hand, lhe conlenl
of IiIipino phiIosophv is noie diveise and ianges fion exposiloiv voiks, ideoIogicaI
sludv, and lhe ciilique and novenenl avav fion pievious agenda. Hovevei, since lhe
lvo schoIais aie laIking aloul lhe sane suljecl nallei, lheie nusl le a vav of piecing
logelhei lheii seeningIv diveigenl lhoughls. In facl, lv filling logelhei lheii lhoughls,
Iike vhal ve do lo a jigsav puzzIe, ve nighl le alIe lo cone up vilh a cIeaiei and
noie conpIele picluie of IiIipino phiIosophv. Hence, in lhe foIIoving chail ve
supeiinposed, vilh sone giaphic adjuslnenls of couise, lhe lhoughls of AluIad on lhe
lhoughls of NakpiI-ZiaIcila.

Unchallenged Predominance of
Influx of Contemporary Philosophical
Theories brought home by Filipino
Academicians from Western Universities
The question on the existence and
progress of Filipino Philosophy, and
Description of the Filipino Identity

Filipino Academicians distantiation from
the Agenda of the Early indigenization
Filipino Philosophy

Second Colonial


Beginnings of Late

First Colonial
Abulads Evolutionary Schema of Filipino Philosophy

Iion lhis chail ve can gainei a nunlei of inpoilanl poinls. Iiisl, NakpiI-ZiaIcila did
nol nenlion lhe fiisl and lhe second coIoniaI phases of AluIad, lhe foinei neieIv
focused his anaIvsis on vhal vas lhe cuiienl in lhe 7Os. Second, NakpiI-ZiaIcilas
lhiid foin of IiIipino phiIosophv (lhal is, phiIosophv as lhe inleipielalion of lhe
IiIipino voiIdviev) coiiesponds nealIv vilh AluIads lhiid slage of IiIipino
phiIosophv (lhal is, lhe slage of lhe eaiIv indigenizalion). Thiid, NakpiI-ZiaIcilas fiisl
foin of IiIipino phiIosophv (lhal is, a dislinclive IiIipino nelhod foi phiIosophizing) is
noie oi Iess spiead of ovei AluIads lhiid and fouilh slages.

The nosl aslonishing poinl ieveaIed lv lhis conpaialive ieading, hovevei, is
lhe gIaiing dispaiilv lelveen lhe lvo cIassificalions: vheieas NakpiI-ZiaIcila laIked
aloul a IiIipino phiIosophv as ciilique of poIilicaI and econonic sliucluies, oi aloul
ideoIogicaI sludv in ils ciilicaI conceplion, AluIad is siIenl aloul lhis. We can onIv
juslifv lhis diffeience if ve hvpolhesize lhal in lhe 7Os lheie had leen indeed an
eneiging cuiienl of an eaiIv ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv, so as foi il lo neiil a pIace in
NakpiI-ZiaIcilas noiphoIogv, and lhal in lhe 8Os lhis liend had diaslicaIIv sIackened,
so as lo juslifv AluIads siIence. This hvpolhesis can onIv le lesled lv Iooking lack al
lhe liack of inleIIecluaI aclivilies of oui IiIipino phiIosopheis, as veII as piofessois,
insliuclois and sludenls of phiIosophv, congeaIed foi posleiilv in lhe foin of
Filipino Philosophy


Beginnings of Late





Critique of the Political and
Economic Structures of
Philippine Society

Interpretation of the Filipino
Abulads Scheme
Nakpil-Zialcitas Scheme
Filipino Content

Second Colonial

First Colonial Phase
Superimposition of Abulads Evolutionary Scheme
Over Nakpil-Zialcitas Morphology


RoIando CiipaIdos nonunenlaI voik enlilIed |i|ipinc pni|cscpnu. A Cri|ica|
8io|icgrapnu. 1774-1997 viII seive as oui galevav foi lhis needed ieliospecl.
lilIiogiaphic ieseaich, pulIished lhiough a CD ROM, docunenled noie lhan 5,5OO
enliies on IiIipino phiIosophv. v liansfeiiing his lienendous anounl of dala fion ils
void piocessing piogian (Micrcscf| lcrd) lo a spieadsheel piogian (Micrcscf| |xcc|),
lhe lask of peiiodizalion, cIassificalion and anaIvsis lecones nuch easiei. We nav
focus oui allenlion lo lhe enliies fion lhe veais 1965 lo 1992, lo piovide anpIe naigins
lo NakpiI-ZiaIcilas 1971, as veII as lo AluIads 1988 poinls of iefeience. This
deIinilalion liinned dovn lhe Iisl fion ovei 5,5OO lo 3,2O2 enliies. A cIosei Iook al
lhis Iisling, hovevei, vouId acluaIIv ieveaI a videi specliun of voiks lhal spieads
ovei lhe IhiIippine sociaI sciences, hunanilies and Ianguage. Added lo lhis is lhe facl
lhal lhe deIiniled Iisling aIso incIudes isoIaled pulIicalions lv isoIaled individuaIs lhal
nake no leaiing al aII lo oui concein of sludving lhe liends of IiIipino phiIosophv.
Hence, lhe Iisl vas fuilhei liinned dovn lv eIininaling lhose enliies lhal aie cIeaiIv
non-phiIosophicaI voiks, as veII as lv focusing onIv on lhe voiks of individuaIs vho
pulIished five lines oi noie. IinaIIv, a slieanIined Iisl of 928 enliies cane oul (See
Appendix A). A peiiodizalion vilh an inleivaI of lhiee veais (lhal is, 1965-1968, 1969-
972, 1973-1976, and so on) vas consliucled lo cIassifv lhe enliies in accoidance lo lheii
veai of pulIicalion. Lach enliv vas lhen cIassified in accoidance lo ils lhene oi
concein: vhelhei il is ciilicaI phiIosophv, exislenliaI/conlinenlaI phiIosophv, IogicaI
posilivisl phiIosophv, oiienlaI phiIosophv, schoIaslic phiIosophv, deaIing vilh lhe
IiIipino voiIdviev, oi nodein veslein phiIosophv. The vhoIe cIassificalion is
piesenled al lhe end of lhis papei as Appcndix A. Conceining lhe liend of ciilicaI
IiIipino phiIosophv, lhe lai giaph leIov shovs ils lehavioi fion 1965 lo 1992.

RoIando CiipaIdo, |i|ipinc pni|cscpnu. A Cri|ica| 8io|icgrapnu. 1774-1997 (ManiIa: De La SaIIe
Univeisilv Iiess, 2OOO).

CiilicaI phiIosophicaI pulIicalions consliluled 8 of lhe deIinealed voiks fion
1965-1968. These incieased lo 13 in lhe peiiod 1969-1972, and ienained al 13 in lhe
foIIoving peiiod 1973-1976. These diopped lo 8 in lhe peiiod 1977-198O, and
diopped fuilheinoie lo 7 in lhe peiiod 1981-1984. CiilicaI phiIosophicaI pulIicalions
incieased lo 16 of lhe deIinealed voiks fion 1985-1988, and diopped again lo 11 in
lhe peiiod 1989-1992. Hence, in lhe Ialei pail of lhe 6Os and lhe eaiIv pail of lhe 7Os,
lheie had leen indeed an eneiging liend ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv, coiioloialing
NakpiI-ZiaIcilas noiphoIogv. ul in lhe Ialei pail of lhe 7Os and lhe eaiIv pail of lhe
8Os, lhis liend sIackened, iegaining ils upsuige onIv in lhe Ialei pail of lhe 8Os. This
diop is vhal piolalIv nade il difficuIl foi AluIad lo nolice lhe significance of such a
liend. These olseivalions gain noie veighl, vhen lhe liend of ciilicaI IiIipino
phiIosophv is pIaced side lv side vilh lhe olhei liends. The foIIoving lalIe shovs lhe
peiiodized peicenlages of lhe cIassificalions of IiIipino phiIosophv.

The Percentage of Critical Philosophical Works from 1965 to 1992
1965-1968 1969-1972 1973-1976 1977-1980 1981-1984 1985-1988 1989-1992
Lod|ca| Pos|l|v|sl
F|||p|ro wo(|dv|eW
Vode(r wesle(r







1965-1968 1969-1972 1973-1976 1981-1984 1985-1988
Percentages of the Different Trends of Filipino Philosophy
from 1965 to 1992
1977-1980 1989-1992

The conpaialive liends of ciilicaI phiIosophv, exislenliaI/conlinenlaI phiIosophv,
IogicaI posilivisl/Iinguislic phiIosophv, oiienlaI phiIosophv, schoIaslic phiIosophv and
lhose deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev, aie piesenled in lhe foIIoving lai giaph.
Due lo Iiniled space, lhe liend foi nodein veslein phiIosophv as veII as lhe
uncIassifialIe enliies aie nol piesenled leIov.

In lhe peiiod 1965-1968, ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv ianks onIv fouilh, slanding lehind
exislenliaI/conlinenlaI phiIosophv, schoIaslic phiIosophv, and lhose deaIing vilh lhe
IiIipino voiIdviev. In lhe peiiod 1969- 1972, hovevei, ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv
suiged lo lhe second iank, lehind exislenliaI/conlinenlaI phiIosophv, and lving vilh
schoIaslic phiIosophv. This diaslic novenenl fion fouilh lo second iank is nosl
piolalIv vhal caughl lhe allenlion of NakpiI-ZiaIcila. In lhe peiiod 1973-1976, ciilicaI
IiIipino phiIosophv diopped lo fouilh iank: in lhe peiiod 1977-198O, il fuilhei diopped
dovn lo lhe fiflh iank: in lhe peiiod 1981-1984, il cIinled lo fouilh iank, lul il
ienained vav leIov lhe ieseaiches and pulIicalions deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino
voiIdviev vhich vas al ils highesl poinl al lhis peiiod: in lhe peiiod 1985-1988, il
cIinled fuilhei lo second iank: and in lhe peiiod 1989-1992, il diopped dovn again lo
lhe lhiid iank. The equaIIv diaslic diop fion lhe second iank lo lhe fouilh iank, lhen lo
lhe fiflh iank, as veII as lhe facl lhal ciilicaI phiIosophizing had leen oveishadoved lv
voiks deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev as veII as lv exislenliaI/conlinenlaI
phiIosophizing, aie nosl piolalIv vhal condilioned AluIad lo niss lhe sullIe liend.

Percentages of the Different Trends of Filipino Philosophy
from 1965 to 1992 in Gripaldos Bibliography
1965-1968 1969-1972 1973-1976 1977-1980 1981-1984 1985-1988 1989-1992

Logical Positivist/Linguistics


Filipino Worldview

Todav, vhenevei IiIipino schoIais and sludenls laIk aloul lhe liends of IiIipino
phiIosophv, lhev lend lo laIk aloul IocaI pockels cenleied on lhe Ieading inslilulions of
phiIosophv: naneIv, schoIaslic phiIosophv al lhe Unitcrsi|u cf San|c Tcnas:
exislenliaI/conlinenlaI phiIosophv al lhe A|cncc dc Mani|a Unitcrsi|u: and IogicaI
posilivisn/Iinguislic phiIosophv al lhe Unitcrsi|u cf |nc Pni|ippincs. Added lo lhese
IocaIized liends is anolhei one lhal culs acioss lhese Ieading inslilulions and fIouiishes
even oulside lhen, vhich is lhal liend lhal deaIs vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev. IiIipino
schoIais and sludenls vouId lend lo niss lhe sullIe undeicuiienl of ciilicaI IiIipino
phiIosophv, vhich lo a veiv Iaige exlenl ienained laieIv noliced, laieIv discussed, and
aInosl foigollen. NakpiI-ZiaIcilas noiphoIogicaI sludv ieveaIed lhal lhe conlenl of
IiIipino phiIosophv is lolaIIv devoled lo ideoIogicaI sludv and ciilicisn, one lakes
ideoIogv in ils ciilicaI conceplion vhiIe lhe olhei in ils neuliaI conceplion. The second
lai giaph piesenled alove shovs lhal in lhe Iale 6Os lhe ciilicaI and lhe neuliaI
ideoIogicaI sludv had leen in noie oi Iess lhe sane liackel, vilh ciilicaI phiIosophv
consliluling 8 of lhe pulIicalions and voiks deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev
consliluling 1O of lhe pulIicalions. In lhe eaiIv 7Os, ciilicaI phiIosophv suiged lo 13
vhiIe voiks deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev diopped lo 7 of lhe pulIicalions.
NonelheIess, lhe neuliaI ideoIogicaI sludv, oi lhe voiks deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino
voiIdviev, cane oul lo le lhe Ieading liend of doing IiIipino phiIosophv, and lhe
ciilicaI ideoIogicaI sludv, oi lhe ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv, ienained a laieIv knovn
and laieIv iecognized undeicuiienl. Whal happened lo lhe upsuige of ciilicaI IiIipino
phiIosophv in lhe eaiIv 7Os` Whal happened lo lhis veiv pionising and ieIevanl foin
of IiIipino phiIosophv as ciilique of poIilicaI and econonic sliucluies` The sudden
decIine of ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv, side lv side vilh lhe sudden loon of voiks
deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev, onIv caIIs foi a cIosei hisloiicaI anaIvsis.


If ve supeiinpose lhe fiisl lai giaph on a lineIine of oui counlivs poIilicaI
hisloiv, lhings viII lecone cIeaiei. Il viII le suipiising lo Ieain lhal lhe suige, lhe
pIaleau, lhe diop, and lhe iesuige of ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv aII happened lo lhe
ihvlhnic lealings of lhe poIilicaI diun. The foIIoving chail juxlaposes lhe fiisl lai
giaph lhal shovs lhe liend of ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv vilh a lineIine lhal shovs lhe
nosl significanl poIilicaI evenls lhal lianspiied fion 1965 lo 1992.


The chail shovs lhal lhe suige of lhe ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv in lhe Iale 6Os and lhe
eaiIv 7Os had leen in peifecl svnchionv vilh lhe geneiaI poIilicaI ieslIessness,
nanifesled lv lhe founding of lhe Connunisl Iailv of lhe IhiIippines in 1968 vilh ils
fIaie foi Maixisn, Leninisn and Maoisn, lhe second lein eIeclion of Ieidinand Maicos
in 1969 lhal naiked lhe leginning of his shievd ascenl lo diclaloiship, lhe piolesls
occasioned lv lhe dispalch of sone engineeiing lioops lo Vielnan in 197O, and lhe
heighl of sludenl and voulh aclivisn lhioughoul 197O and 1971. The chail shovs
fuilhei lhal lhe pIaleau and lhe decIine of ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv in lhe eaiIv and
nid 7Os iespecliveIv coincided vilh lhe decIaialion of lhe Prcsidcn|ia| Dccrcc Nunocr
1081 lhal pIaced lhe nalion undei MailiaI Lav on 23 Seplenlei 1972. Hovevei, lhe
Iifling of lhe MailiaI Lav in Ianuaiv of 1981, seens lo have no effecl on lhe liend of
ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv. ul lhis is undeislandalIe lecause even aflei lhe MailiaI
Lav, lhe diclaloi ielained sone exliaIegaI poveis Iike lhe Prcsidcn|ia| Ccnni|ncn| Ordcr
(ICO) lhal can aIIov hin lo pul inlo delenlion anv peison suspecled of sulveision oi
ieleIIion. IinaIIv, lhe chail shovs lhal lhe iesuige of ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv in lhe
Iale 8Os occuiied duiing lhe LDSA RevoIulion lhal happened on 22-25 Ieliuaiv 1986.
The queslion lhal vas iaised eaiIiei vhv ideoIogicaI sludv in ils ciilicaI sense, oi ciilicaI
IiIipino phiIosophv, ienained an undeicuiienl vhiIe ils anaIogue lhe ideoIogicaI sludv
in ils neuliaI sense, oi lhose voiks deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev, looned lo
lecone a Ieading liend in IiIipino phiIosophv, couId nol jusl le expIained in leins of
chance. The conlined lilIiogiaphic and poIilico-hisloiicaI anaIvses sliongIv suggesls
lhal lhe lvo veie aloul lo iise in lhe eaiIv 7Os, lul lhe Prcsidcn|ia| Dccrcc Nunocr 1081
Juxtaposition of the Trend of Critical Filipino Philosophy and the
Timeline of Philippine Political History
1965-1968 1969-1972 1973-1976 1977-1980 1981-1984 1985-1988 1989-1992
1965-1968 1969-1972 1973-1976 1977-1980 1981-1984 1985-1988 1989-1992
1972: Declaration of
Presidential Decree # 1081
(Martial Law)
1986: EDSA
1983: Assassination
of Benigno Aquino
1981: Lifting of Martial
Law. But Marcos
extralegal powers were
1969: Marcos won
his second term
1968: Establishment of
the Communist Party
of the Philippines
1970: Filipino troops
sent to Vietnam War
1970-71: Height of
Student & Youth

slunled lhe suige of lhe fiisl one. CiilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv vas sinpIv loo coIoied
vilh lhe hues of Maix, Lenin, and Mao, and undei lhe lolaIilaiian gaze of a diclaloiiaI
iegine, and schoIais and sludenls invoIved vilh il couId easiIv le laxononized vilh
lhe Ieflisls sulveisives, insuigenls, and ieleIs. Hence, even IiIipino phiIosophv vhich
lodav is palhelicaIIv a-poIilicaI, a-socioIogicaI, and a-hisloiicaI is acluaIIv foined lv lhe
calacIvsnic poIilicaI, sociaI and hisloiicaI foices.

The finding fion lhe conlined lilIiogiaphic and poIilico-hisloiicaI anaIvses is
ceilainIv conlioveisiaI. When lhe lhene of lhis papei vas fiisl deIiveied duiing lhe
cIosing ceienonies of lhe 2OO1 phiIosophv veek ceIelialions al San 8cda Cc||cgc, il
alliacled fieiv ieaclions fion lhe pailicipaling piofessois and sludenls. The iefIex
specuIalion on lhe effecls of lhe MailiaI Lav on phiIosophv seens lo conliadicl lhe
finding. Il is loo IogicaI and ideaI lo specuIale lhal lhe aluses and eviIs of lhe diclaloiiaI
iegine vouId have fanned lhe enleis of ciilicaI spiiil. Il is loo IogicaI and ideaI lo
asseil lhal phiIosophv is aII aloul ideas and lhal nolodv can iepiess ideas. Il is loo
IogicaI and ideaI lo envision lhal phiIosopheis have aIieadv falhoned lhe deplhs of oui
hisloiicilv as veII as soaied lo lhe Iofliesl heighls of hunan visdon naking lhen
insensilive lo lhe lhiealening piesence of ained lhugs. The socioIogisl RandoIf David
shaies noie oi Iess lhis sane Iine of lhinking:

DefinileIv, lhe nailiaI Iav vas so iepiessive, il vanled lo pionole a hegenonic voiId-
viev. ul I lhink il pionoled lhe seeds of ciilicisn and seeds of ciilicaI lhoughl
especiaIIv in lhe univeisilies. Il navle sulveisive lo pulIish ciilicaI lhings duiing lhal
line lul il does nol nean lhal peopIe did nol iisk. Thev look iisks. So I vonl
undeisland lhe idea lhal vouId suggesl lhal ciilicaI lhoughl fIouiished duiing lhe 6Os
and lhe 7Os lul died duiing lhe nailiaI Iav and so on and so foilh. Il depends on vhal
vou aie laIking aloul.

Ioi IiIipino phiIosophv, lhe nosl IogicaI and lhe nosl ideaI scenaiio sinpIv did nol
lianspiie. On 8 Ieliuaiv 2OO2, duiing lhe open foiun of a svnposiun vilh lhe lhene
Pni|cscpnu as Cri|iuuc cf Sccic|u and |ns|i|u|icns al lhe Unitcrsi|u cf San|c Tcnas, I had lhe
iaie oppoilunilv of asking lhe piofessoi eneiilus Lneiila Ouilo aloul vhal happened
lo IiIipino phiIosophv in lhe MailiaI Lav peiiod. The pailicipanls veie noved vhen
she said I confess, I an guiIlv of vhal happened. She iecaIIed lhal she liied lo
ciilique MailiaI Lav in one of hei looks, lul appaienlIv an agenl appioached hei and
denanded lo excise lhe ciilicaI poilion fion hei look. Iion lhal line on, she
expIained, hei phiIosophv nevei daied lo engage again in ciilicaI venluies. IIoienlino
Tinlieza, anolhei iespecled senioi IiIipino phiIosophei, allesled:

Kasi sa panahong von di nalin naiivasan vong suivivaI, eh. Whelhei vou Iike il oi nol,
vou vanl lo suivive. LaIo na sivenpie kong nav paniIva ka, nedvo Iav Iov nang
kunli. . . Kaianihan nagIav-Iov. Kunanpi iin vong ila. Ieio noong panahong von in

Inleiviev vilh RandoIf David lv Richaid Sanchez, Ouezon Cilv, 15 Ieliuaiv 2OO2.

siIence inaalake niIa ang adninisliasvon. WaIa Iang vong in piinl. Avav pavagan, di
nakapagpulIish laIaga. Mavioon din peio padapIis Iang. Sali nga IavIov nuna
halang naIakas ang hangin.

ManueI Dv laIked aloul lhe feai lhal giipped lhe piofessois al lhe A|cncc dc Mani|a
Unitcrsi|u lhal foIIoved lhe aiiesl of lheii Iileialuie piofessoi, ienvenido Lunleia.
His inleiviev vilh Richaid Sanchez happened as foIIovs:

RIchard 5anchcz: Ieio naiandanan laIaga vong pagkasagalaI ng MailiaI Lav sa
piIosopivang kiilikaI`

Manuc! Dv: Ala, oo. Napaka-iepiessive van, eh. Di ka pvedeng nagsuIal. Kasi vong
nagsuIal ka ng againsl Maicos, eh, naku lagsak ka sa kuIungan. Iack Iisled ka,
ganoon. TuIad nga ng nangvaii sa isang piopesoi naning si ien Lunleia.

RIchard 5anchcz: SunuIal siva ng nga ano` Yong anli-Maicos`

Manuc! Dv: Ieio, di ko naaaIaIa kong nagsuIal siva. Ieio, lIack Iisled siva. Tapos,
kung nagkila kani palago sa ook Mail. Naguusap kani dvan peio nakalakip vong
Iilio. uIong-luIongan.

Theie veie voungei phiIosophv piofessois, Iike AIfiedo Co, vho sliessed lhal lhev did
nol ienain siIenl duiing lhose daik veais. Duiing lhe sane 8 Ieliuaiv 2OO2
svnposiun al lhe Unitcrsi|u cf San|c Tcnas, he iecaIIed lhal nanv of lhen venl lo lhe
slieels joining lhe sludenls and lhe voulh. ul one lhing is lo le an aclivisl, and quile
anolhei lhing is lo sil and viile ciilicaI phiIosophv and conliilule lo lhe foinalion of a
ciilicaI phiIosophicaI discouise. AluIad expIained lhe silualion lhis vav:

We veie of couise nol in lhe poIilicaI foiefionl. The goveinnenl viII nol go aflei us
lecause ve aie nol insligaling. . . ievoIulionaiv novenenls. . . . We, on oui piivale
inilialives, ve can join lhen. ul vhen ve do IiIipino phiIosophv in oui ovn liand of
phiIosophv, ve nevei Iosl piogiessive dinensions lul ve veie jusl slailing. IiIipino
phiIosophv is jusl in ils infancv. And so lhe advanlage lheie is lhal ve veie Iooked
upon as infanls vho aie hainIess. . . . So nolodv louched us. We did nol nake a
diffeience in lheii conceins.

Thus, lhe conlioveisiaI finding fion lhe conlined lilIiogiaphic and poIilico-hisloiicaI
anaIvses is confiined lv lhe leslinonies of lhe Ieading IiIipino phiIosopheis of lodav.

Inleiviev vilh IIoienlino Tinlieza lv Richaid Sanchez, ManiIa, 31 Ianuaiv 2OO2.
Inleiviev vilh ManueI Dv lv Richaid Sanchez, Ouezon Cilv, 19 Ieliuaiv 2OO2.
Inleiviev vilh RonuaIdo AluIad lv Richaid Sanchez, Ouezon Cilv, 2O Ieliuaiv 2OO2.

The Prcsidcn|ia| Dccrcc Nunocr 1081 had indeed slunled lhe suige of lhe ciilicaI IiIipino
phiIosophv in lhe eaiIv 7Os.

ul il is nolicealIe lhal lhe peopIe naking leslinonies so fai aie eilhei aIieadv
lenuied in lhe 7Os oi on lheii vav lo acadenic lenuie, vhich nake lhen faiiIv
conseivalive ones. Is il nol possilIe lhal lheie veie noie iadicaI IiIipino phiIosophv
piofessois vho despile lhe odds daied lo conlinue doing ciilicaI phiIosophv` As David
eaiIiei said: Il navle sulveisive lo pulIish ciilicaI lhings duiing lhal line lul il does
nol nean lhal peopIe did nol iisk. Thev look iisks. So I vonl undeisland lhe idea lhal
vouId suggesl lhal ciilicaI lhoughl fIouiished duiing lhe 6Os and lhe 7Os lul died
duiing lhe nailiaI Iav and so on and so foilh.
In facl, vhen lhe lhene of lhis papei
vas piesenled foi lhe fiisl line, lvo of nv coIIeagues al San 8cda Cc||cgc suggesled an
aIleinalive scenaiio lhal couId have happened lo ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv.

Naging ila nanan ang lugon nina (Iose Aicadio) MaIlaiosa al (MaxveII) IeIiciIda sa
silvasvong ilo. Avon sa kaniIa nagpaluIov ang piIosopivang IiIipino IaIo na ang
kiilikaI na paniniIosopiva. NapigiI nan ilo sa kaIunsuian peio Iunaganap ilo sa
kanavunan dahiI sa nga gavain ng nga kiIusang iadikaI o ang undeigiound
novenenl. IsinivaIal ni MaIlaiosa ang panunundok ng nga inleIeklvaI IaIo na
noong panahon ng MaiiaI Lav (alas MiIilai). Idinagdag iin ni IeIiciIda ang pagsaIi
nina Ii. Ldicio DeIa Toiie al Ii. aIveg sa NIA liIang palunav ng pagpapaluIov ng
kiIusang kiilikaI. . .

The MailiaI Lav, lhev specuIaled, couId have succeeded in iepiessing lhe ciilicaI
aclivilies of lhe nainsliean phiIosophv piofessois, lul il sinpIv couId nol conlioI lhe
aclivilies of lhose vho venl undeigiound. Thev suggesled lhal ciilicaI IiIipino
phiIosophv couId have fIouiished in lhe undeigiound novenenl. This scenaiio, lhough
adnilledIv piovocalive, is veiv piolIenalic. The undeigiound, as pioven ovei and
again lv hisloiv, can successfuIIv suslain ideoIogicaI and ained novenenl, lul
phiIosophv is an enliieIv diffeienl lhing. Iiisl, phiIosophv needs a sliongei inleIIecluaI
spheie lo fIouiish. If phiIosophv lodav is expeiiencing lienendous difficuIlies lhiiving
on lhe fiee and alove-lhe-giound IhiIippine inleIIecluaI spheie, hov can il lhiive in lhe
confined spaces of lhe undeigiound` Second, vhen ve have in nind is a phiIosophv
lhal ciiliques poIilicaI and econonic sliucluies, ve piesuppose an equaI fooling
lelveen lhe ciilic and lhe lhing leing ciiliqued. The socioIogisl/phiIosophei Iuigen
Haleinas caIIs lhis silualion lhe ideaI speech silualion, vheie aII lhe pailicipaling
agenls have an equaI oppoilunilv lo pailicipale in a faii diaIogue, asseil, defend oi
queslion aII and anv of lheii speech acls cIain lo vaIidilv, and vheie inleiaclion is nol
consliained lv sociaI hieiaichies and uniIaleiaIIv linding noins. v liinging ciilicaI

Inleiviev vilh RandoIf David lv Richaid Sanchez, Ouezon Cilv, 15 Ieliuaiv 2OO2.
Richaid Sanchez, Isang Iag-uusisa al Iagguhil sa Naging Landas al Agos ng IiIipinong
IiIosopivang KiilikaI sa Ianahon ng alas MiIilai (A Thesis, San eda CoIIege, 2OO2) p. 4.

phiIosophv undeigiound, lhe ideaI speech silualion is inpossilIv Iosl. Thiid, lhe
undeigiound novenenl due lo ils Iiniled size and piecaiious silualion cannol affoid
lo nuiluie lhe loId advenluiisn and spiiil of ciilicaI phiIosophv. CiilicaI phiIosophv,
David enphasized, is nol lound lv anv dogna oi ideoIogv. Il ciilicizes ils ovn
pienises and ils ovn assunplions. . . . The spiiil of ciilique is aulo-ciilicisn.
of pionoling inleIIecluaI aclivilv, lhe undeigiound novenenl iepiesses such aclivilv.
David poinled oul:

The undeigiound novenenl vas shovn as anli-inleIIecluaIs on ceilain poinl, lecause
lhev pieciseIv veie pionoling lhal sludenl aclivisl shouId go lo lhe nasses and nol lo
looks. Anli-inleIIecluaIisn vas so nuch aIive in lhe undeigiound novenenl. Thal is
vhv lhev discouiage peopIe lo puisue lheii caieei lecause lhe ieaI lallIegiound vas
oulside lhe univeisilv.

The sliongesl pioof lhal lhe undeigiound novenenl couId nol conlain lhe spiiil of
ciilicaI phiIosophv is lhe giin inleinaI puige lhal happened dovn undei. David
specified: The canpaign againsl lhe deep-penelialion agenl lhal Ied lo lhe dealh of
ovei lhousands of lhe nenleis of lhe undeigiound novenenl allesls lo lhe inloIeiance
of delale and ciilicisn and discussion vilhin lhe undeigiound novenenl.
even if ciilicaI phiIosophv indeed fIouiished in lhe undeigiound, il sliII faiIed lo
feiliIize lhe oveiaII discouise of IiIipino phiIosophv. Thus, vhelhei ve laIk aloul
evenls alove oi undei lhe giound il lecones noie convincing lhal lhe Prcsidcn|ia|
Dccrcc Nunocr 1081 had indeed slunled lhe suige of lhe ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv in
lhe eaiIv 7Os.


If ve Iook al IiIipino phiIosophv lodav, vhal ve can nolice easiIv is ils
chaiacleiislic shiiking avav fion lhe poIilicaI, lhe sociaI, lhe hisloiicaI, and lhe
econonic. Il has lecone a phiIosophv lhal is dispassionale, coId, and devoid of Iilido:
a phiIosophv lhal is IuIIed lv sone pIenilude of innocuous lhings, such as lhe Ioflv
lenels of schoIaslicisn and hunanisn, lhe endIess nazes of Ianguage and IogicaI
ieasoning, and lhe exolicisn of oiienlaI lhoughl. Looking lack, IiIipino phiIosophv
onIv slailed lo venluie inlo lhe ieaIn of poIilics, socielv, hisloiv, econonics, and
piaxioIogv in geneiaI, duiing lhe eneigence of ils ciilicaI node. When lhis voulhfuI
expeiinenlalion vas ciueIIv iepiessed, lhe liauna deIiveied affecled lhe oveiaII
chaiacleiislic of IiIipino phiIosophv and inauguialed ils piesenl dav chaiacleiislic

Inleiviev vilh RandoIf David lv Richaid Sanchez, Ouezon Cilv, 15 Ieliuaiv 2OO2.
Inleiviev vilh RandoIf David lv Richaid Sanchez, Ouezon Cilv, 15 Ieliuaiv 2OO2.
Inleiviev vilh RandoIf David lv Richaid Sanchez, Ouezon Cilv, 15 Ieliuaiv 2OO2.

disengagenenl vilh lhe IhiIippine ieaIilv. ul liauna of lhis kind is nol anvlhing
unique in lhe hisloiv of IiIipino phiIosophv. Il is noie Iike lhe iuIe, ialhei lhan lhe
exceplion. Looking lack again, lhe fiisl coIoniaI phase slailed vilh lhe liauna of lhe
Spanish coIonizalion, jusl as lhe second coIoniaI phase slailed vilh lhe noie sullIe
liauna of lhe Aneiican coIonizalion. CiaphicaIIv, ve nav iepiesenl lhese vilh lhe
foIIoving chail:

Wilh a hisloiv lhal is geneiousIv Iaced vilh liaunalic iupluies, il vouId no Iongei le a
suipiise vhv ve have al hand a palhoIogicaIIv undeideveIoped IiIipino phiIosophv. A
liaunalic iupluie is nol even conpaialIe vilh a HegeIian diaIeclic noi vilh a Thonas
Kuhnian ievoIulion, vheie disconlinuilies aie nedialed lv a diaIogue, no nallei hov
hosliIe such a diaIogue nav go. A liaunalic iupluie is aII aloul a vioIenl end and an
equaIIv vioIenl leginning. In lhe hisloiv of IiIipino phiIosophv lhe onIv snoolh
liansilions, iepiesenled lv aiiovs in lhe chail alove, aie fion lhe second coIoniaI
phase lo lhe peiiod of neuliaI and ciilicaI ideoIogicaI sludies (lhal is, AluIads eaiIv
indigenizalion, and NakpiI-ZiaIcilas inleipielalion of voiIdviev and ciilique of
poIilicaI and econonic sliucluies), and fion AluIads eaiIv indigenizalion lo his
leginnings of lhe Iale indigenizalion. Hovevei, lhese snoolh liansilions can le quile
liickv. The novenenl fion lhe eaiIv indigenous phase lo lhe Iale indigenous phase is
acluaIIv nol an evoIulionaiv novenenl lul a devoIulionaiv one. v dislanlialing
lhenseIves fion lhe agenda of lhe eaiIv indigenous phase, nanv IiIipino phiIosopheis
sIid lack lo lhe conceins of lhe second coIoniaI phase, vheie lhev look lhe easv vav
again of pieoccupving lhenseIves vilh lhe puiposeIess expounding of one foieign
phiIosophv aflei anolhei. The liansilion fion lhe eaiIv indigenizalion lo lhe leginnings
Beginnings of Late





Critique of the
Political and
Economic Structures
of Philippine Society

Interpretation of the

Second Colonial Phase

First Colonial Phase
Spanish Colonization
American Colonization
Traumatic Transitions in the History of Filipino Philosophy

of lhe Iale indigenizalion is a liansilion nolivaled lv lhe inleIIecluaI loiedon iesuIling
fion lhe ovei-saluialion of voiks on eaiIv indigenous phiIosophv.
Hence, lhe nexl
line ve iaise lhe queslion vhv ve have al hand a palhoIogicaIIv undeideveIoped
IiIipino phiIosophv lhal chaiacleiislicaIIv shiiks avav fion lhe poIilicaI, lhe sociaI, lhe
hisloiicaI, and lhe econonic, a Iook al ils hisloiv, vhich is viiluaIIv a paiade of liaunas
and loiedon, viII ansvei eveivlhing.


Wilh an eneigenl ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv in lhe 7Os, lhe IiIipino
phiIosopheis indeed vieIded enough povei and oppoilunilv lo chail a noie
piogiessive palhvav foi IiIipino phiIosophv. ul IiIipino phiIosophv aIIoved lhis
shining nonenl lo jusl sIip avav fion ils cIulches. Of aII lhe slages nenlioned lv
NakpiI-ZiaIcila and AluIad, and of aII lhe IocaIized liends cenleied on lhe Ieading
inslilulions of phiIosophv, il is ciilicaI phiIosophv lhal pionised a Iol.

Thc Inadcquacv nf thc FIrst Cn!nnIa! Phasc

The fiisl coIoniaI phase of AluIad, consliluled lv lhe unchaIIenged
piedoninance of Thonisn, is nol as pionising. IhiIippine Thonisn slailed nol
lecause of a conscious inleIIecluaI choice, lul oul of a hisloiicaI accidenl of a coIoniaI
aulhoiilvs need lo piepaie sone sludenls foi CalhoIic lheoIogv. Since il

is sulsuned undei lhe agenda of calhoIic lheoIogv, vhich in ieluin is sulsuned undei
lhe agenda of CalhoIic dognalisn, Thonislic phiIosophv is nol a fiee phiIosophv, lul a
phiIosophv in londage. A hunan peison, vhose fieedon is laken avav and vho is
chained inlo seivilude, cannol le ciealive noi capalIe of deveIoping hinseIf anvnoie.
A phiIosophv lhal is vilhoul ils ovn agenda shaies a siniIai fale vilh a peison in

On lhe conliaiv, ciilicaI phiIosophv cones vilh a definile agendun, vhich is lo ciilique
lhe IhiIippine cuIluiaI, sociaI, econonic and poIilicaI sliucluies. Such agenda is
innedialeIv ieIevanl lo a socielv lhal is as palhoIogicaI as ils phiIosophv. A socielv
and cuIluie lhal is iiddIed vilh conliadiclions and sliucluiaI defoinalions is in

The lalIe Pcrccn|agcs cf |nc Diffcrcn| Trcnds cf |i|ipinc Pni|cscpnu frcn 1965 |c 1992 piesenled
alove cIeaiIv shovs lhe ienaikalIe pioIifeialion of voiks deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev.
eginning fion lhe peiiod 1977-1984 il has lecone lhe Ieading liend of doing IiIipino phiIosophvf vilh
an aveiage shaie of 27.5 of aI lhe pulIicalions foi eveiv peiiod.
I.I.A. Deneleiio, Reieading Lneiila Ouilo's Thoughls Conceining lhe UndeideveIopnenl of
IiIipino IhiIosophv, OnIine AilicIe fion hllp://vvv .geocilies.con/phiIodepl/divalao/index.hln.


innediale need of ciilicaI anaIvsis. Hence, lhe uigencv of a ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv
lo finaIIv eneige fion ils palhoIogicaI slale is nol a neie acadenic desiie of sone
ainchaii inleIIecluaIs, lul is sonelhing lhal is acluaIIv pienised on a sociaI, cuIluiaI,
and nalionaI inleiesl. eside, IhiIippine Thonisn has aIieadv lecone a phiIosophv
lhal is loied vilh ilseIf. Oui lilIiogiaphic anaIvsis lased on CiipaIdos voik ieveaIs
lhe foIIoving dovnvaid liend.

LaslIv, lhis vav of doing phiIosophv has leen aiound foi cenluiies, and if il faiIed lo
calaIvze lhe deveIopnenl of IiIipipino phiIosophv lefoie, il vouId le fuliIe lo expecl
lhal navle il sliII couId in lhe neai fuluie.

Thc Inadcquacv nf thc 5ccnnd Cn!nnIa! Phasc

The second coIoniaI phase of AluIad, consliluled lv lhe infIux of veslein
lheoiies, and lv lhe IocaIized liends of exislenliaI/conlinenlaI phiIosophv al lhe A|cncc
dc Mani|a Unitcrsi|u and IogicaI posilivisn/Iinguislic phiIosophv al lhe Unitcrsi|u cf |nc
Pni|ippincs, is aIso nol as pionising as ciilicaI phiIosophv. In lheii dianalic noveIlv
and exolic foieignness il lecane veiv easv foi lhe IiIipino phiIosophv piofessoi lo le
Iosl in lheii piofundilv, foigelling in lhe piocess lhal phiIosophv is oughl lo le a
lheoielicaI engagenenl vilh ieaIilv. CiaphicaIIv, lhis is lhe funclionaI concepl of

Deneleiio, Reieading Lneiila Ouilo's Thoughls Conceining lhe UndeideveIopnenl of
IiIipino IhiIosophv.
1965-1968 1969-1972 1973-1976 1981-1984 1985-1988
Trend of Scholastic Philosophy from 1965 to 1992

13% 15% 12% 4%


1977-1980 1989-1992

Search Answer


Functional Diagram of the Structure of Philosophy


IhiIosophv is oughl lo le a paiadignalic (in lhe Thonas Kuhnian sense of lhe void)
iefIeclion on ieaIilv lhal geneiales queslions vhich caIIs foi a seaich in oidei lo cone
up vilh an ansvei, and vhose ansvei can le deposiled lack lo liadilion lo le used in
pioviding fuilhei paiadigns and ieseaich nelhodoIogies.
Il is nol lhe paiadign
aIone, noi lhe queslion aIone, noi lhe seaich aIone, noi lhe ansvei aIone, noi lhe
lheoiies fion liadilion aIone, lhal viII conslilule phiIosophv. Ralhei, il is lhe ciicuil
fion liadilion, lo paiadign, lo queslion, lo seaich, lo ansvei, and lhen lack lo liadilion
conslilules lhe IifelIood of phiIosophv.
The infIux of veslein lheoiies duiing lhe
second coIoniaI phase devialed fion lhis funclionaI sliucluie. In lheii fascinalion foi
lheii noveIlv and foieignness, lhe IiIipino phiIosophv piofessois seened lo ovei-sliess
lhe ansvei conponenl of phiIosophv, al lhe expense of lhe olhei sliucluiaI

If oul of six sliucluiaI conponenls in oui diagian, ve had leen conceined onIv vilh
jusl one conponenl, ve cannol expecl IiIipino phiIosophv lo evei Iive and nuch Iess
deveIop on oui soiI. Iuilheinoie, lhis vav of doing phiIosophv is nol sinpIv aIien lo
IhiIippine ieaIilv, il is indeed aIien on five counls: naneIv aIien lo oui liadilion, aIien lo
oui paiadigns, aIien lo oui queslions, aIien lo oui seaich, and aIien lo oui ansveis.

Manv of oui IiIipino phiIosophv piofessois sIid dovn inlo lhe nosl niseialIe silualion
of lhinking lhal lhe oljecl lo le sludied in phiIosophv is olhei phiIosophies, and lhal
phiIosophv is loo Ioflv lo condescend vilh IovIv ieaIilies. Though ciilicaI phiIosophv
is siniIaiIv aIien in oiigin, lhiough ils leing an innanenl iefIeclion on lhe ieaI voiId
and lhiough ils sinpIe engagenenl vilh IhiIippine ieaIilv, il can easiIv le
appiopiialed lv oui IiIipino phiIosopheis, and piofessois and sludenls of phiIosophv.
Thiough cvcIes of ciilique and aulo-ciilique, il vouId nol lake veiv Iong lefoie a liuIv
ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv can finaIIv eneige. Iuilheinoie, ciilicaI phiIosophv can le
lhe easv galevav foi IiIipino phiIosophv lovaids poslnodeinisn and poslcoIoniaIisn.
Though lhe infIux of veslein lheoiies can endIessIv laIk aloul phiIosophicaI cuiienls,
lhe acluaI and ieaI poslnodein and poslcoIoniaI phiIosophies happen duiing lhe
nonenl of ciilique of lhe nodein, poslnodein, coIoniaI and neocoIoniaI voiIds.

Deneleiio, Reieading Lneiila Ouilo's Thoughls Conceining lhe UndeideveIopnenl of
IiIipino IhiIosophv.
Deneleiio, Reieading Lneiila Ouilo's Thoughls Conceining lhe UndeideveIopnenl of
IiIipino IhiIosophv.
Deneleiio, Reieading Lneiila Ouilo's Thoughls Conceining lhe UndeideveIopnenl of
IiIipino IhiIosophv.

Thc Inadcquacv nf FI!IInn PhI!nsnhv
as IntcrrctatInn nf thc FI!IInn Wnr!dvIcw

The phase of eaiIv indigenizalion of AluIad, vhich is equivaIenl lo lhe
inleipielalion of lhe IiIipino voiIdviev of NakpiI-ZiaIcila, is aIso nol as pionising as
ciilicaI phiIosophv. Oui lilIiogiaphic anaIvsis lased on CiipaIdos voik ieveaIs lhe
foIIoving iolusl giovlh:

We can see lhal lhis vav of doing IiIipino phiIosophv has suiged so dianalicaIIv lo
lecone lhe doninanl node slailing in lhe peiiod 1977-198O, and iising lo noie lhan
25 in lhe suceeding peiiods. ul lenealh lhis phenonenaI giovlh, lheie aie
svnplons lhal lhis node of doing IiIipino phiIosophv has lecone ovei-saluialed vilh
ils ovn voiks. Whal AluIad suggesled vilh lhe idea of dislanlialion lv lhe olhei
acadenicians fion lhe agenda of lhe eaiIv indigenizalion is in facl vaIidaled lv lhe
sane lalIe alove. Theie had leen a 7 diop of pulIicalions of lhis kind in lhe peiiod
1985-1988, foIIoved lv a fuilhei diop of 3 in lhe peiiod 1989-1992.

The nain piolIen vilh lhis vav of doing IiIipino phiIosophv has leen ieveaIed
aIieadv lv NakpiI-ZiaIcila vhen he queslioned lhe phiIosophic naluie of lhe concein of
lhis vav of phiIosophizing. Having doulled ils phiIosophic naluie, NakpiI-ZiaIcila
pIaced ils leing phiIosophic on ils puipose vhich is lo lheoiize fuilhei on lhe inpacl of
lhe IiIipino voiId-viev on lhe piesenl and fuluie of lhe IiIipino. Inslead of doing lhe
posl-socioIogicaI and posl anlhiopoIogicaI specuIalions, nanv of oui phiIosophv
piofessois and sludenls had leen niied lehind lhe liaiI of lhe sociaI scienlisls and
olhei cuIluiaI expeils vhose lasks lhev pooiIv allenpled lo dupIicale.

Theie is anolhei veiv sullIe piolIen vilh lhis vav of of doing IiIipino
phiIosophv lhal eneiges onIv aflei geneaIogicaI and svnplonalic ieading. We have
aIieadv nenlioned in passing lhal in lhe eaiIv 7Os lheie had leen a sudden decIine of
ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv lhal coincided vilh an equaIIv sudden loon of voiks
deaIing vilh lhe IiIipino voiIdviev. The foIIoving lai giaph shovs lhe conpaialive
lehavioi of lhese lvo nodes of doing IiIipino phiIosophv:

1965-1968 1969-1972 1973-1976 1981-1984 1985-1988
Trend of Filipino Philosophy as Interpretation of
Filipino Worldview from 1965 to 1992

7% 16% 22% 25%
1977-1980 1989-1992
35% 28%

Wheieas lhe IiesidenliaI Deciee Nunlei 1O81 appeaied lo have slunled lhe suige of
lhe ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv in lhe eaiIv 7Os, il equaIIv appeaied lo have favoied lhe
giovlh of IiIipino phiIosophv as inleipielalion of IiIipino voiIdviev in lhe sane
peiiod. This phenonenaI giovlh is sinpIv innocuous vhen conlexluaIized in lhe
lhoughl lhal lhis node of doing IiIipino phiIosophv giev lecause il vas consideied
poIilicaIIv lane lv lhe diclaloiiaI iegine. ul a noie iadicaI ieading of lhe sane lhing
can ieveaI a noie sinislei silualion. The fascisl iegine of Maicos soughl a ieguIalion of
nalionaI and individuaI exislence in accoidance vilh a nvlhic nalionaIisn lhal he
inlended lo consliucl. Thus, lhe sIogan Isang Iahi, isang lansa, isang ladhana. Il is nol
a seciel lhal lhe diclaloi pooIed logelhei gifled inleIIecluaIs lo consliucl foi hin a nvlh
of a nalion lo consoIidale his fascisl piojecl. CeilainIv, lhe socioIogicaI, anlhiopoIogicaI
and cuIluiaI discouises aloul lhe idenlilv of lhe IiIipino and lhe desciiplion of his
voiIdviev aie significanl eIenenls of lhis nvlhicaI consliuclion. Il is levond
aigunenl lhal nanv inleIIecluaIs in lhe fieIds of sociaI sciences and cuIluiaI sludies had
leen coIIaloialing vilh lhe diclaloiiaI iegine in lhe piocess of naking lhis sane
nvlhicaI consliuclion a doninanl concein of IiIipino schoIais and inleIIecluaIs since lhe
7Os. The IiIipino piofessois of phiIosophv duiing lhis peiiod nav nol leen pail of lhe
diclalois inleIIecluaI nachineiv, luv nanv of lhen joined lhe epislenic landvagon
lhal is pailiaI lovaids lhe chuining oul of nalionaIisl discouises lhal vouId uIlinaleIv
seive lhe diclalois fascisl iegine.

Manv IiIipino piofessois of phiIosophv lheiefoie did nol onIv shiik fion lheii
ciilicaI lask, lul aIso coIIaloialed~consciousIv oi unconsciousIv~vilh lheii aInosl
nechanicaI pailicipalion in lhe diclalois nvlhic facloiv.
Comparative Percentages Between Critical Filipino Philosophy and the
Interpretation of Filipino Worldview from 1965 to 1992 in Gripaldos Bibliography
1965-1968 1969-1972 1973-1976 1977-1980 1981-1984 1985-1988 1989-1992
Critical Filipino Worldview

Thc Inadcquacv nf thc Latc IndIgcnnus Phasc

The phase of lhe Iale indigenizalion of IiIipino phiIosophv is aIso nol as
pionising as ciilicaI phiIosophv. We have slaled eaiIiei lhal lhe novenenl fion lhe
eaiIv indigenous phase lo lhe Iale indigenous phase is acluaIIv nol an evoIulionaiv
novenenl lul a devoIulionaiv one. v dislanlialing lhenseIves fion lhe agenda of lhe
eaiIv indigenous phase, nanv IiIipino phiIosopheis sIid lack lo lhe conceins of lhe
second coIoniaI phase, vheie lhev look lhe easv vav again of pieoccupving lhenseIves
vilh lhe puiposeIess expounding of one foieign phiIosophv aflei anolhei. The giealesl
piolIen vilh lhis phase of IiIipino phiIosophv, lheiefoie, is lhe alsence of a coIIeclive
agenda, vhich viII nol onIv slaII lhe deveIopnenl of IiIipino phiIosophv, lul viII
IileiaIIv calaIvze lhe Ialleis devoIulion, foi in lhis ciilicaI nonenl lheie is no such lhing
as slalus quo. Il is eilhei IiIipino phiIosophv evoIves olheivise il devoIves.


I. SioniI Ioses noveI 8cn Sing|c|, nenlions a nonenl vhen a vai veleian,
enjanin SingkoI, pondeis vilh his adoIescenl daughlei aloul lhe luiluIence lioughl
lv lhe diclaloiiaI iegine.

I suppose each geneialion faces sone kind of lesl. Whelhei lhal geneialion is sliong oi
nol, nol lhe enliie geneialion ilseIf, lul ils nenleis, individuaIs Iike vou. Like ne. Mv
giandfalheis geneialion, I said lhinking of Apo Iio, il vas lhe Spaniaids vho lesled
lhen, and lhe Aneiicans, loo, vhon lhev foughl couiageousIv. I vas lhinking of lhe
allIe Tiiad Iass. and nv geneialion, il vas lhe Iapanese vho lesled us.

She Ieaned lack and Iooked veiv lhoughlfuI. and peihaps, nine~il is leing lesled
nov lv Maicos.

SiniIaiIv, Iike enjanins giandfalhei, hinseIf and his daughlei, IiIipino phiIosophv
had aIso leen lesled, lv lhe Spaniaids, Aneiicans, and lv Maicos diclaloiiaI iegine.
enjanins giandfalhei, Apo Iio, faiIed lhe lesl, lecause he leliaved his feIIov
ievoIulionaiies lo lhe Spanish aulhoiilies. enjanin Iikevise faiIed lecause lhough he
did nol coIIaloiale vilh lhe Iapanese, he coIIaloialed vilh lhe Aneiicans. OnIv his
daughlei, Iosie, pasl lhe lesl lv going undeigiound. ul Apo Iio and enjanin Iived lo
iipe oId age, vhiIe Iosie vas capluied lv lhe niIilaiv.

IiIipino phiIosophv faiIed lhe lesl of lhe fiisl and lhe second coIoniaI phases, and
il Iikevise faiIed lhe lesl of Maicos fascisn. In lhe sane open foiun of lhe svnposiun
al lhe Unitcrsi|u cf San|c Tcnas on 8 Ieliuaiv 2OO2, vhen Ouilo decIaied I confess, I

I. SioniI Iose, 8cn Sing|c (ManiIa: SoIidaiidad IulIishing House, 2OO1) p. 184.


an guiIlv of vhal happened, she aIso nade a side connenl on nv peisislenl
queslions, does lhal nake vou feeI lellei` The audience appIauded hei candidness,
lul il nade ne pondei deepei. We, lhe voungei IiIipino piofessois of phiIosophv, ve
nighl le Iuckv foi leing spaied fion lhe giin and ceilainIv conpionising eia of lhe
MailiaI Lav, lul foi suie ve aIso viII le lesled in oui ovn line, and onIv Cod knovs
hov nanv of us viII pass vhalevei lhis lesl vouId luin oul lo le.

Ioi us, lhe voungei IiIipino piofessois of phiIosophv, lhe Iasl lhing lhal ve
shouId do is lo casl accusing fingeis on oui piedecessois, foi vhal ve need is a
deconceaInenl and naiialivizalion of lhe knovIedges and inleiesls of oui innediale
pasl. Inslead of denanding foi a Nuienleig liiaI foi lhose vho faiIed lhe pievious
lesls, ve can lenefil noie if ve pIace oui hisloiv on a Iieudian couch. OnIv a
psvchoanaIvlic puigalion of oui coIIeclive psvche can heaI lhe nuIlipIe liaunas
suffeied lv IiIipino phiIosophv. We have deiaiIed a veiv pionising phiIosophv and
ve shouId nol ienain siIenl, lul Ieain again lhe palhvav of ciilique. The saIvalion foi
IiIipino phiIosophv nav cone fion ieliieving and ieIiving lhe foigollen novenenl of
lhe eaiIv indigenous phase of ciilicaI IiIipino phiIosophv.



Pion, Antonio T 1965 What is communism: The Marxist
ideology of communism
Prudente, Nemesio E 1965 Nationalism and the economics of
Salgado, Pedro 1966 Review of The theory of
communism, an introduction, by
George H
Prudente, Nemesio E 1968 Some problems of Philippine
education and suggested
Prudente, Nemesio E 1969 Education for nationalism
Bulatao, Jaime 1970 Some psychological dynamics of
Philippine student activism
Quito, Emerita 1970 Herbert Marcuse and
contemporary society
Quito, Emerita 1970 Marcuse: Students make the best
Quito, Emerita 1970 Should communism be taught in
the universities? Horizons (April)
Abulad, Romualdo 1971 Student militancy in the
Bulatao, Jaime 1971 The doctrine of evolution
according to Comte, Spencer,
and Marx
Gonzalez, Salvador 1971 Democracy or communism?
Bagong Silang 2
Pion, Antonio T 1971 The faces of nationalismface 1:
Nationalism born of oppression
Reyes, Ramon C 1971 Reflection on the qualitative
concept of development
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1971 Recipes for revolution
Abulad, Romualdo 1972 Projective morality: An ethics for
the new society
Marina, Maximo, O 1972 Review of Towards a Filipino
social revolution, by Ed Garcia, S
Pion, Manuel 1972 Review of The philosophy of
revolution, by Amancio S
Salgado, Pedro 1972 Social philosophy in the Philippine
Vao, Manolo O 1972 Christ and Marx
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1972 The concept of entropy in physics:
Its implications for social systems
Bonifacio, Armando 1973 Human rights and the Philippines
Bonifacio, Bod 1973 God molded the man and made
the woman
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1973 Review of An introduction to some
ethical problems of American
advertising, by Thomas M
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1973 Review of Social philosophy in the
Philippine context, by Pedro V
Marina, Maximo, O 1973 Review of La critica de la religion
en Karl Marx, by Werner Post
Tuibeo, Amable G 1973 The secular city: A land of broken
Quito, Emerita 1974 Regeneration of moral and social
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1974 Authoritarianism and political
modernization: The Philippine
Abulad, Romualdo 1975 The materialist prospect
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1975 A national ideology for the Filipino:
A proposal
Bonifacio, Armando 1976 Philosophy and national survival
Tuibeo, Amable G 1976 Modern man: His alienation and
Tuibeo, Amable G 1976 Nietzsche: His critique of
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1976 Education in the ideology of China
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1976 Is Philippine authoritarianism
responsive? 5
Pion, Antonio T 1977 Theology of liberation,
evangelization and martial law
Marina, Maximo, O 1978 Review of Marxismo y Marxistas,
by Gregorio Rodriguez de Yurre
Marina, Maximo, O 1978 Review of The roots of society:
The metaphysical ground of
social ethics, by Joseph M
Quito, Emerita 1978 The role of the university in
changing womens
Timbreza, Florentino 1978 Erich Fromms concept of freedom
in a constitutional
authoritarianism under martial law
Tuibeo, Amable G 1978 Christian theism: Its need for a re-
Demigilio, Eugenio A 1979 Dalawang sangkap-pilosopiya ng
neo-kolonyalismo (isang kritika
ng empirisismo at positibismo)
Quito, Emerita 1979 Universitys role in changing
womens consciousness
Timbreza, Florentino 1980 Erich Fromms concept of freedom
and the Filipino struggle for
national integration
Timbreza, Florentino 1980 Is there freedom in a constitutional
authoritarianism under martial
law? Maharlika Crusade (11
Elesterio, Fernando 1981 Is liberation theology Marxist?
Religious Studies Journal 4
Terrenal, Quintin 1982 The Hegelian dialectic of
multinational corporations and
less developed nations
Abulad, Romualdo 1983 Review of Religion, by Leszek
Castillo, Norberto 1983 Seminary philosophy
Elesterio, Fernando 1983 Marxism: An American Christian
perspective [art
Elesterio, Fernando 1983 Review of Marxism: An American
Christian perspective, by Arthur F
Monis, Patricio 1983 The philosophy of change
Elesterio, Fernando 1984 Introductory readings in liberation
theology, 2 vols
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1984 Language as ideology of power
Hornedo, Florentino 1984 Political jokes: Evasion and
Bolasco, Mario 1985 Dissecting theologies as politics
Bolasco, Mario 1985 Notes on theologies of liberation
as politics
Bolasco, Mario 1985 The context of religion as opium in
Dy Jr, Manuel 1985 Liberation and values: The long
road to freedom; 1985
Gabriel, Pedro B 1985 Nationalism and religion
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1985 The Vatican instruction and
liberation theology in the
Gripaldo, Rolando 1985 Is Philippine industrialization an
elusive goal? Diliman Review 33
Gripaldo, Rolando 1985 The north and south of a national
Hornedo, Florentino 1985 Crisis of law: the people versus
their will
Marina, Maximo, O 1985 Review of Marxist analysis and
Christian faith
Acua, Andresito 1986 Towards the development of a
sense of nationhood
Bolasco, Mario 1986 On class struggle
Bonifacio, Bob 1986 Komunismo sa isang Kristiyanong
Bonoan, Raul J 1986 Paideia, humanitas, magpakatao:
Values for national reconstruction
[re peace education]
Elesterio, Fernando 1986 Review of Social thought:
Message form the fathers of the
church, by Peter Phan
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1986 Theologies of liberation and the
Philippine context
Quito, Emerita 1986 Maari bang magtagumpay ang
komunismo sa Pilipinas? Malay 5
Quito, Emerita 1986 Review of Critique de la raison
dialectique [vol
Bonifacio, Bob 1987 Church: Imperial politics or gospel
Bonoan, Raul J 1987 Tasio El filosofo and Padre
Florentino: An inquiry into Rizals
prophetic vision
Bonoan, Raul, S 1987 Paideia, humanitas, magpakatao:
Values for national reconstruction
Castillo, Norberto 1987 Education and national
List of Works in Critical Philosophy
Author Year Title
List of Works in Critical Philosophy
Author Year Title

Dy Jr, Manuel 1987 The economic structure of society,
Habermass reconstruction of
historical materialism
Terrenal, Quintin 1987 The mightiest impact of
Proclamation No
Bolasco, Mario 1988 Harmony and contradiction: The
Marxist-Christian dialogue for
national liberation
Bolasco, Mario 1988 Review of The feminist challenge:
Initial working principles toward
reconceptualizing the feminist
movement in the Philippines, by
Delia D
Elesterio, Fernando 1988 Readings in liberation theology
Prudente, Nemesio E 1988 Education for liberation and
transformation Trends No
Terrenal, Quintin 1988 CARP and two theories of justice
Timbreza, Florentino 1988 The future of democracy in the
Tuibeo, Amable G 1988 God is dead: Revisiting Nietzsche
Agcaoili, Aurelio S 1989 Empowering the poor
Elesterio, Fernando 1989 Moral issues against the U
Terrenal, Quintin 1989 The peculiar character of the
EDSA revolution
Timbreza, Florentino 1989 The Marxist philosophy of man
Timbreza, Florentino 1989 The struggle for wholeness in
Asia: Challenge to Education
de Guzman, Domingo 1990 Praxis and philosophy
Garcia, Elenita 1990 Feminism and philosophy
Ibana, Rainier 1990 Kalayaan at rason bilang batayan
ng mga karapatang pantao
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1990 Bakit tinitibag ang demokrasya
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1990 Demokrasya: ideolohiya o
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1990 Mga hamon sa sosyalismo sa
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1990 Narcisismo vs nasyonalismo sa
siglo 21
Aquino, Ranhilio C 1991 Neighbor and word in the
de Guzman, Domingo C 1991 Theorizing the theories of the
anticolonial revolution
Prudente, Nemesio E 1991 Language education for cultural
Bolasco, Mario K 1992 Leftist formations in Asia:
Dilemmas and prospects
de Guzman, Domingo 1992 Dear Jameson
Salgado, Pedro V 1992 Social encyclicals, commentary
and critique
List of Works in Critical Philosophy
Author Year Title
Quito, Emerita 1967 The phenomenology of Edmund
Timbreza, Florentino 1967 A phenomenological reflection on
human existence
Borrajo, Magin 1968 Moral perspectives in the
existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre
Borrajo, Magin 1968 Moral pespectives in the
existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre
Hornedo, Florentino 1968 Review of Teilhard and the
creation of the soul, by Robert
Hornedo, Florentino 1968 Review of The estranged God:
Modern mans search for belief
Quito, Emerita 1968 The theme of absurdity in Albert
Borrajo, Magin 1969 Current trends in the renewal of
Dy Jr, Manuel 1969 Kafkas ideational values
Miranda, Dionisio 1969 Martin Buber: The eclipse of God
Quito, Emerita 1969 Existentialism and
phenomenology: An introduction
Borrajo, Magin 1970 Methodological perspectives in
moral theology
Borrajo, Magin 1970 Moral values and the conflict of
Timbreza, Florentino 1970 Freedom and responsibility
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Open Forum on The philosophy
of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Heideggers nihilism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Monods chance-ism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Nietzsches atheism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Open forum on Marasigans The
philosophy of Pierre Teilhard de
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Panorama of contemporary
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Sartres humanism
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1971 Max Scheler: A study
Hornedo, Florentino 1971 Strength and freedom: A
perspective on the possibilities of
Hornedo, Florentino 1971 Truth, man, and Martin Heidegger
Pion, Antonio T 1971 The shortcomings of structuralism
and existentialism
Quito, Emerita 1971 Contemporary trends in
Quito, Emerita 1971 On structuralism
Quito, Emerita 1971 Open forum on The historical
concept of being and truth
Quito, Emerita 1971 Philosophy of life
Quito, Emerita 1971 Review of Le hasard et la
necessite, by Jacques Monod
Quito, Emerita 1971 Structuralism and myth
Quito, Emerita 1971 The contemporary mind
Quito, Emerita 1971 The historical concept of being
and truth
Timbreza, Florentino 1971 Erich Fromms theory of alienation
and the problem of God
Bolasco, Mario 1972 Karl Rahners concept of man
Gabriel, Pedro B 1972 Reflections on Joseph Fletchers
situation ethics
Hornedo, Florentino 1972 The philosophy of freedom
Hornedo, Florentino 1972 The stuff of freedom: Autonomous
energy for being
Bonifacio, Bob 1973 Man in search of meaning:
Philosophy, religion, psychology
Bonifacio, Bod 1973 For a sacro-secular vision of
human existence: A
reflexion 3
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1973 Human development as human
Borrajo, Magin 1974 Moral perspectives in Sartres
Co, Alfredo P 1974 Buddhism, nihilism and the
contemporary quest for a
meaning in life
Gabriel, Pedro B 1974 Man is deadFoucault
Quito, Emerita 1974 What philosophy ought to be
Singson, Jose Mo 1974 Philosophy and contemporary man
Timbreza, Florentino 1974 The meaning of God is man
Timbreza, Florentino 1974 Ikaw at ako
Abulad, Romualdo 1975 The future of man: The
philosophical viewpoint

List of Works in Existential and
Continental Philosophy
Author Year Title
Quito, Emerita 1965 Lidee de la liberte participee
dans la philosophie de Louis
Lavelle [The idea of participated
liberty in the philosophy of Louis
Quito, Emerita 1966 The philosophy of Henri Bergson
Salgado, Pedro 1966 An evaluation of the Freudian
Borrajo, Magin 1967 Perspectivas eticas en el
existencialismo de Jean-Paul
Sartre y la moral autentica
Borrajo, Magin 1967 The existentialist approach to
Borrajo, Magin 1967 The existentialist approach to
Quito, Emerita 1967 A new concept of philosophy
Quito, Emerita 1967 Address on a new concept of
Quito, Emerita 1967 Principles of existentialism
[retitled: Existential principles and
Christian morality]
Quito, Emerita 1967 The meaning of existentialism

List of Works in Existential and
Continental Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title

Pion, Manuel 1975 Review of Bergson: Vida Y
muerte del hombre y de Dios, by
Georges Levesque
Prudente, Nemesio E 1975 Philosophy and the social
Timbreza, Florentino 1975 Ang pasko at ang sambayanang
Timbreza, Florentino 1975 Death and change
Tuibeo, Amable G 1975 Man: His coming of age
Abulad, Romualdo 1976 Review of Hegels
phenomenology, by Howard P
Ceniza, Claro 1976 Man, morals, and society:
reflections on John Deweys
concept of the moral dimension of
Co, Alfredo P 1976 Mans search for fulfillment: an
Oriental perspective
Hornedo, Florentino 1976 Camus literary perception of
contemporary philosophic
Singson, Jose Mo 1976 The personality and uniqueness of
Tuibeo, Amable G 1976 Jean-Paul Sartre: the theologian
without God
Tuibeo, Amable G 1976 Mans prospect in modern society
Abulad, Romualdo 1977 Heidegger and the pursuit of being
Gabriel, Pedro B 1977 Dialogue between a square and
the death of God philosophers
Gripaldo, Rolando 1977 Circumstantialism
Lantin, Emmanuel 1977 Man as a person: some
Quito, Emerita 1977 Reflections on the death of God
Abulad, Romualdo 1978 Mga puna tungo sa pag-asa
Borrajo, Magin 1978 Conscience, guilt and regulation of
Borrajo, Magin 1978 The right to life and ethical
Borrajo, Magin 1978 The test tube babies: A moral
point of view
Ceniza, Claro 1978 Philosophy is learning to live with
others: A definition for our times
Ceniza, Claro 1978 The logic of the mind-body relation
Demigilio, Eugenio A 1978 The sociology of knowledge: Its
philosophical value and
epistemological implications
Calasanz, Eduardo Jose 1979 Ang aking katawan
Ferriols, Roque, SJ 1979 Magpakataoilang babasahing
Lantin, Emmanuel 1979 Loving and knowing
Lantin, Emmanuel 1979 The two dimensions of man
Reyes, Ramon C 1979 Eric Weils political philosophy
Terrenal, Quintin 1979 An introduction to Heideggers
conception of truth-as-disclosure
Timbreza, Florentino 1979 Ang tao at ang pilosopiya
Abulad, Romualdo 1980 Ang pilosopiya ng tao
Bolasco, Mario 1980 Readings in the philosophy of man
Demigilio, Eugenio A 1980 Sociology of knowledge: A survey
of its organization
Quito, Emerita 1980 Ang pilosopiya ng tao
Aquino, Ranhilio 1981 Existential pessimism and the
affirmation of God: A
philosophical reading of Qoheleth
Aquino, Ranhilio 1981 The believing pessimist, a
philosophical reading of the
Borrajo, Magin 1981 Moral perspectives in Sartres
Dy Jr, Manuel 1981 On the sources of moral
obligation: Kantian, Schelerian
and Confucian
Lantin, Emmanuel 1981 On Henri Bergsons An
introduction to metaphysics
Monis, Patricio 1981 Oedipus Rex and the modern
Quito, Emerita 1981 Homage to Jean-Paul Sartre
Reyes, Herminia 1981 Review of Ang pilosopiya ng tao,
by Emerita Quito and Romualdo
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Review of Saan nga ba
nanggaling ang tao? Malay 2
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Review of Feeling and form, by
Susanne K

List of Works in Existential and
Continental Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title
List of Works in Existential and
Continental Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Review of Writing and difference,
by Jacques Derrida
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Saan nga ba nanggaling ang tao?
Malay 2
Ibana, Rainier 1982 Ang panlipunang pananaw-sa-
daigdig ni Max Scheler
Lantin, Emmanuel 1982 Person as freedom
Quito, Emerita 1982 An existentialist approach to
Singson, Jose Mo 1982 The phenomenology and
psychology of the trancendental
Abulad, Romualdo 1983 Ulat bunga ng pakikipamuhay
Aquino, Ranhilio 1983 Philosophical models of death
Dy Jr, Manuel 1983 Man, society, and social order
Guevara, Jaime 1983 Marcel and Camus:
Lantin, Emmanuel 1983 Contemporary approach to
Abulad, Romualdo 1984 Review of Husserl: an analysis of
his phenomenology, by Paul
Abulad, Romualdo 1984 Review of Ideas: general
introduction to pure
phenomenology, by Edmund
Hornedo, Florentino 1984 Joseph Fletchers Situation ethics
Reyes, Herminia 1984 The philosophy of man in the
philosophy of Hegel: An
exposition and analysis
Aquino, Ranhilio 1985 Karol Wojtilas philosophy of the
acting person
Guevarra, Jaime 1985 Gabriel Marcel: Secondary
Ibana, Rainier 1985 A Neo-Thomist presentation of
Gabriel Marcels metaphysics of
Lantin, Emmanuel 1985 Paul van Burens linguistic
analysis: A Biblical hermeneutics
Timbreza, Florentino 1985 The life of human dialogue
Abulad, Romualdo 1986 Review of The history of sexuality,
Aquino, Ranhilio 1986 Existential pessimism
Dy Jr, Manuel 1986 Philosophy of man: Selected
Guevara, Jaime 1986 Marcel and Kant: Views on faith
Ibana, Rainier 1986 Mans quest for freedom
Dy Jr, Manuel 1987 On nature, values, and ideology
Garcia, Elenita 1987 Sartre
Garcia, Elenita 1987 Sartre
Lantin, Emmanuel 1987 Human encounter
Maggay, Arturo 1987 Understanding human action
Reyes, Ramon C 1987 Ethics and hermeneutics
Reyes, Ramon C 1987 Moral reflection as hermeneutical:
From the teleological to the
Reyes, Ramon C 1987 Philosophy in a crisis situation
Briones, Raymund A 1988 Hermeneutika: Isang historikong
Garcia, Elenita 1988 Gabriel Marcel: Primary and
secondary reflection
Lantin, Emmanuel 1988 The human person:A theological
synthesis Religious Studies
Journal 12
Quito, Emerita 1988 Jacques Derrida: A demystification
Quito, Emerita 1988 Louis Lavelles concept of freedom
Abulad, Romualdo 1989 Revolution through values
Aquino, Ranhilio 1989 The being of man and education
Briones, Raymund A 1989 Ang hemeneutikang pilosopiko ni
Hans-Georg Gadamer: Isang
paglalahad at pagsusuri
Briones, Raymund A 1989 Understanding Gadamers play as
model for understanding
Dy Jr, Manuel 1989 Ang pilosopiya ng buhay ni Gabriel
Marcel, hango sa kanyang
pakikipag-usap kay Paul Ricoeur
Ferriols, Roque, SJ 1989 Karanasang mahal-banal
Garcia, Elenita 1989 Negativity in the human subject,
the impossibility of good faith
Ibana, Rainier 1989 The essential elements for the
possiblity and necessity of the
principle of solidarity according to
Max Scheler

Ibana, Rainier 1989 The principle of solidarity in Max
Schelers philosophy of social
Quito, Emerita 1989 Ang konsepto ng kalayaan ni
Louis Lavelle
Quito, Emerita 1989 Ang pilosopiya ng tao
Abulad, Romualdo 1990 Martin Heidegger: Mula
penomenolohiya hanggang
eksistensiyalismo hanggang
Aquino, Ranhilio C 1990 Man in existentialism: An
introduction to existentialist
Dy Jr, Manuel 1990 Pag-ibig at pagmamahal sa tulong
ni Max Scheler (alay kay A at R)
Ibana, Rainier 1990 Max Schelers analysis of illusions,
idols and ideologies
Quito, Emerita 1990 Homage to Jean-Paul Sartre
Quito, Emerita 1990 The hermeneutics of Jurgen
Timbreza, Florentino 1990 Ang buhay ng tao
Timbreza, Florentino 1990 Ano nga ba ang buhay? Malay 9
Tuibeo, Amable G 1990 Death of God: An obituary to
Christian orthodoxy
Abulad, Romualdo 1991 Ang pilosopiyang Pranses sa
pananaw ng isang Pilipino
Abulad, Romualdo 1991 The anthroposophy of Rudolf
Agcaoili, Aurelio S 1991 Word becoming worlds: Meaning
and language in the literary
hermeneutics of H
Aquino, Ranhillo C 1991 To be man: Essays on the
philosophy of man
Dy Jr, Manuel 1991 Phenomenological papers: A
supplement to philosophy of man,
selected readings
Garcia, Elenita 1991 Hope for the flowers: An existential
search for being
Ibana, Rainier 1991 A Lauer reader: The Ateneo
Ibana, Rainier 1991 Ang pagbabalik-loob ni Edith Stein
Ibana, Rainier 1991 Preface to Riordans essay on
Rawls notion of justice
Ibana, Rainier 1991 The basic elements of Max
Schelers philosophy of social
Ibana, Rainier 1991 The stratification of the emotional
life and the problem of other
Reyes, Ramon C 1992 The social philosophy of Edmund

List of Works in Existential and
Continental Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title
List of Works in Logical Positivism and
Author Year Title
Monis, Patricio 1975 Language and mans quest of
Pion, Manuel 1977 Is it possible to derive a moral
ought from a statement of fact?
Unitas 50
Acua, Andresito 1978 Essentialism in the social sciences
Ceniza, Claro 1978 Universals
Gripaldo, Rolando 1978 Language and its philosophical
presuppositions [rev
Gripaldo, Rolando 1979 The L-T fatalistic paradox
Singson, Jose Mo 1979 The constructs of mind and reality
of J
Ceniza, Claro 1980 Are there paradoxes of material
implication? Agham 7
Ceniza, Claro 1980 Does classical metaphysics have
a logical basis? DLSU Dialogue
Ceniza, Claro 1980 Mathematical logic: How the
conditional proof is generalized
Monis, Patricio 1980 How we think: Abstract thinking
Ceniza, Claro 1981 Particulars: Problems of
numerical identity and
Ceniza, Claro 1982 Unsolvable philosophical puzzles
Acua, Andresito 1983 Is there freedom of choice? Cogito
Castillo, Norberto 1983 Unsolvable philosophical puzzles
Ceniza, Claro 1983 Institutional meaning [about
Peirces theory of meaning]
Aquino, Ranhilio 1985 Logic, Boolean algebra, and doing
things simply
Ceniza, Claro 1985 Material implication and entailment
Ceniza, Claro 1985 The real meaning of modal terms
Gabriel, Pedro B 1985 Can machines think? Unitas 58
Ceniza, Claro 1986 Two essays in modality
Acua, Andresito 1987 Philosophical analysis
Ceniza, Claro 1987 A paradox of traditional logic
Ceniza, Claro 1987 Elementary logic
Ceniza, Claro 1987 Are there concrete
universals? 17
Aquino, Ranhilio 1988 Knowing and the known: A guide
to epistemology
Calasanz, Eduardo Jose E 1988 [Tatlong tula hango sa
Philosophical investigations ni
Ludwig Wittgenstein]: #308,
#526, #426
Aquino, Ranhilio 1989 A comment on alternate
metaphysical systems, closing
remarks to Prof
Ceniza, Claro 1989 Ang tractatus ni Ludwig
Ceniza, Claro 1992 The logic of ordinary language

List of Works in Logical Positivism and
Linguistics (Continuation)
Author Year Title
Bonifacio, Armando 1965 On capacity limiting statements
Gonzalez, Salvador 1965 The logic of statements
Maggay, Arturo 1968 Contemporary theology and the
analytic movement
Miranda, Dionisio 1970 Charles Sanders Peirce: A
neglected argument for the reality
of God
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Carnaps positivism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Russells universalism
Singson, Jose Mo 1971 Some biographical tidbits about
Bertrand Russell
Ongsansoy, Juanito 1973 A note on a criticism on one
argument for the immateriality of
the intellect
Ongsansoy, Juanito 1973 The nature of a postulational
Vao, Manolo O 1973 The algebra of sets and traditional
Acua, Andresito 1975 Behaviorism and Wittgenstein
Acua, Andresito 1975 The private language argument

List of Works in Modern Philosophy
Author Year Title
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Berkeleys subjectivism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Descartes parallelism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Hegels dialectic
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Humes phenomenalism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Kants dualism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Leibnitz determinism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Lockes qualities
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Panorama of modern philosophy
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Spinozas pantheism
Quito, Emerita 1971 The philosophy of the
renaissance: An introduction
Quito, Emerita 1971 The renaissance mind
Abulad, Romualdo 1972 Kants critique of pure reason
Abulad, Romualdo 1972 Rousseau and Kant
Abulad, Romualdo 1973 The humility of Kant
Abulad, Romualdo 1974 Kants metaphysics
Abulad, Romualdo 1975 The status of metaphysics in
Kants Critique of pure reason
Abulad, Romualdo 1976 Kants agnosticism
Pion, Antonio T 1977 Rousseaus theory of the general


Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Three problems in Kants
Vao, Manolo O 1985 Kants formulation of natural law:
An exposition of his moral treatise
Reyes, Herminia 1986 The Hegelian geist and its
Abulad, Romualdo 1987 Kants view of science
Guevara, Jaime 1987 Cartesian philosophy: A
foundation for Galileos scientific
Ceniza, Claro 1988 Kants categorical imperative:
Abulad, Romualdo 1989 Ang pilosopiya ng salapi ni Georg
Abulad, Romualdo 1990 Kants philosophy of man
Aquino, Ranhilo C 1990 Chateaubriands romance with
Calasanz, Eduardo Jose 1992 Pagpapakilala kay Charles Peguz:
Politique at mystique
Hornedo, Florentino 1992 The French enlightenment and
Bourbon Philippines
Prudente, Nemesio E 1992 Further notes on Machiavelli: On
Cesare Borgia
Quito, Emerita 1992 John Baptist de La Salle and
education today

List of Works in Modern Philosophy
Author Year Title
List of Works in Oriental Philosophy
Author Year Title
Ferriols, Roque, SJ 1966 The psychic entity in Aurobindos
The life divine
Villaba, Magdalena A 1970 Gandhis philosophy of non-
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Dialogue on Brahmans intuition
and the atman
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Dialogue on the comparative
analysis of Christian and Zen
Quito, Emerita 1971 The Oriental mind
Singson, Jose Mo 1971 Christian and Zen mysticisma
comparative study
Dy Jr, Manuel 1972 Knowledge and action in the
philosophy of Wang Yang-ming
Singson, Jose Mo 1972 Christian and Zen mysticisma
comparative study
Co, Alfredo 1973 Cultural influences of Chinese
porcelain art
Dy Jr, Manuel 1973 Jen as unity in the philosophy of
Wang Yang-ming
Perez, Arturo 1973 Krishnamurtis concept of desire
Quito, Emerita 1973 Ex Oriente Lux
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1973 The philosophy and social gospel
of Theravada buddhism
Singson, Jose Mo 1974 The philosophy and methods of
oriental mysticism
Dy Jr, Manuel 1975 A way of thinking and living called
Quito, Emerita 1975 A short introduction to Oriental
Quito, Emerita 1975 Oriental roots of Occidental
Singson, Jose Mo 1975 The concept of good and evil: East
and West
Villaba, Magdalena A 1975 Review of The road to Oriental
Villaba, Magdalena A 1975 The road to Oriental mysticism
Co, Alfredo 1976 Hindu ethics: Mans realization of
Gabriel, Pedro B 1976 The Tao Te Ching and Western
Gabriel, Pedro B 1976 The Tao te vhing and Western
Villaba, Magdalena A 1976 Philosophy: an Asian view

Abulad, Romualdo 1977 Comparative philosophies of
Shankara and Kant
Abulad, Romualdo 1977 Review of The sublime in the
Mahabharata, by Joseph
Nacorda Acosta
Tuibeo, Amable G 1977 East and West: Their cultural
Villaba, Magdalena A 1977 An interpretation of the doctrine of
Villaba, Magdalena A 1977 The atman-brahman relationship
in the Upanishads
Abulad, Romualdo 1978 Links between East and West in
the philosophies of Shankara and
Co, Alfredo 1978 Islam: Mans surrender to Allah
Co, Alfredo P 1978 The legacy of Chinese power
Dy Jr, Manuel 1978 Classical Chinese theory of
Quito, Emerita 1978 Yoga and Christian spirituality
Villaba, Magdalena A 1978 The spirit of Oriental wisdom
Co, Alfredo 1979 The future of man: The classical
Chinese vision
Co, Alfredo 1979 The legacy of Chinese power
Dy Jr, Manuel 1979 The ethics of Wang-Yang-ming
and Max Scheler: A comparative
Gabriel, Pedro B 1979 Reflections on reincarnation
Gabriel, Pedro B 1979 Hindu ethics
Gabriel, Pedro B 1979 Reflections on reincarnation
Pion, Manuel 1979 Hindu ethics
Quito, Emerita 1979 Lectures on comparative
Gabriel, Pedro B 1980 Muslim ethics
Timbreza, Florentino 1980 Ang landas ng buhay, ayon kay
Lao Tzu
Perez, Arturo 1981 The mind-body problem in
transcendental meditation (TM)
Quito, Emerita 1981 The philosophy of Avicenna in the
twentieth century
Villaba, Magdalena A 1981 East and west: an introduction
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Review of Christian and Oriental
philosophy of art, by Ananda K
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Review of Jnana-yoga, by Swami
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Review of The Indian heritage, by
Humayun Kabir
Co, Alfredo 1982 An inquiry into Oriental atheism
Co, Alfredo 1982 Ideogram as an approach to
Co, Alfredo 1982 Philosophy in Chinese ideograms
Co, Alfredo 1982 The Buddhist virtue of metta
expressed in the Bon Lian Charity
Gabriel, Pedro B 1982 Confucian ethics
Singson, Jose Mo 1982 Sri Aurobindos philosophy of
human evolution
Villaba, Magdalena A 1982 Introduction [to east-west
Ceniza, Claro 1983 Satyagraha
Co, Alfredo 1983 Buddhahood: Mans existential
journey to enlightenment
Co, Alfredo 1983 Confucian ethics: Junzia
paradigm of a self- realized man
Dy Jr, Manuel 1983 Jen in Confucian and neo-
Confucian thought and Christian
Singson, Jose Mo 1983 An educated look at reincarnation
Abulad, Romualdo 1984 Shankara and Kant: A
Co, Alfredo 1985 Chinese values
Co, Alfredo 1985 The classical roots of
contemporary Chinese politics: a
philosophical perspective
Co, Alfredo P 1985 The classical roots of
contemporary Chinese politics: A
philosophical perspective
Gabriel, Pedro B 1985 Maharishi technology and modern
Ibana, Rainier 1985 Non-violence, peace and the order
of values
List of Works in Oriental Philosophy
Author Year Title

Co, Alfredo 1986 Chinese calligraphy and painting:
Philosophical principles
Co, Alfredo 1986 Chinese ceramics and porcelain
Co, Alfredo 1986 Church-state relations in the
Confucian tradition
Co, Alfredo 1986 Confucian tradition
Co, Alfredo 1986 The book of Tao: a work on
mysticism, a political treatise, or a
military treatise? Karunungan 3
Co, Alfredo P 1986 Church-state relations in the
Confucian tradition
Co, Alfredo P 1986 The book of Tao: A work on
mysticism, a political treatise, or a
military treatise? Karunungan 3
Co, Alfredo 1987 Aesthetic analysis of Chinese art
Co, Alfredo 1987 Rationalism and Oriental value
Co, Alfredo 1987 The Chinese mind
Hornedo, Florentino 1987 Confucius, justice, peace, and
freedom today
Villaba, Magdalena A 1987 The spirituality of the East
Villaba, Magdalena A 1987 Towards a view of man: An
oriental perspective
Ceniza, Claro 1988 The problem of truth in classical
Chinese history
Co, Alfredo 1988 Chinese enamelware
Co, Alfredo 1988 Sun Zis art of war and his
message of peace
Co, Alfredo 1988 The problem of truth in classical
Chinese philosophy
Co, Alfredo P 1988 Sun Zis art of war and his
message of peace
Timbreza, Florentino 1988 Ang doktrinang wu-wei ni Lao Tzu
Villaba, Magdalena A 1988 The concept of maya in Indian
Co, Alfredo 1989 Ang hedonismo ni Yang Chu ng
antigong Tsina
Co, Alfredo 1989 Chinese miniature carving
Dy Jr, Manuel 1989 Education in Confucius Analects
Dy Jr, Manuel 1989 Readings in philosophy of religion
Mercado, Leonardo M 1989 The holy in the Analects of
Guevara, Jaime 1990 A general introduction to
Timbreza, Florentino 1990 Shinto religion and the Japanese
way of life
Co, Alfredo 1991 The work of Lao Zi as found in the
Ma-Wang-Tui archaeological
Quito, Emerita 1991 The merging philosophy of East
and West
Abulad, Romualdo 1992 Krishnamurti
de Guzman, Domingo 1992 Indian philosophy
Dy Jr, Manuel 1992 Zhuang Zis perfect joy: An answer
to the contemporary
predicament? Karunungan 9

List of Works in Oriental Philosophy
Author Year Title
List of Works in Scholastic Philosophy
Author Year Title
List of Works in Scholastic Philosophy
Author Year Title
Ceniza, Claro 1971 The argument of Parmenides
Ongsansoy, Juanito 1971 The tertia via: the third proof for
the existence of God in the
Summa theologiae of St
Pion, Antonio T 1971 The rapport between Shankara
and Aquinas
Pion, Manuel 1971 The metaphysical conciliation of
the universal causality of God
with the particular secondary
causality of creatures, in
particular with the free action of
the will
Pion, Manuel 1971 The rapport between Shankara
and Aquinas
Pion, Manuel 1971 The Thomistic distinction between
essence and existence as
viewed from ontological
Quito, Emerita 1971 The Greek mind
Quito, Emerita 1971 The medieval mind
Singson, Jose Mo 1971 Updating eudemonistic ethics
Co, Alfredo 1972 A reflection on scholastic arts
Pion, Antonio T 1972 Laws of nature and natural law
Pion, Manuel 1972 Being and reality
Singson, Jose Mo 1972 The role of prudence in
Eudemonistic and situationist
Gabriel, Pedro B 1973 Was St
Singson, Jose Mo 1973 Ethics of stoicism
Ceniza, Claro 1974 Some basic presuppositions of
classical philosophy
Gabriel, Pedro B 1974 St
Gabriel, Pedro B 1974 Thomas and analytical philosophy
Pion, Manuel 1974 The nature and causes of the
psychological freedom on
psychical mastery of the will over
its acts in the writings of St
Pion, Manuel 1974 Thomas Aquinas on human and
Christian liberty
Gabriel, Pedro B 1975 Heideggera Thomist?
Philippiniana Sacra 10
Gabriel, Pedro B 1975 Thomas and modern natural
Lantin, Emmanuel 1975 The anthropological approach to
the problem of God
Pion, Manuel 1975 The will as principal agent and
primary cause in its particular
psychological sphere, the
Thomistic and Suarezian Views
Abulad, Romualdo 1976 Review of Causa siu and the
object of intuition in Spinoza, by
Quintin Terrenal
Abulad, Romualdo 1976 The unconscious in the light of
philosophic tradition
Gabriel, Pedro B 1976 Christian and non-Christian ethics
Gonzalez, Salvador 1976 Does God exist? 6
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1976 Review of Christian ethics, by C
Rosario, Tomas G 1976 Thomas on Gods relation to the
world: An analysis in the context
of the current debate about Gods
Terrenal, Quintin 1976 Causa sui and the object of
intuition in Spinoza
Castillo, Norberto 1977 The basic presuppositions of
classical philosophy
Ceniza, Claro 1977 The cosmological argument
Ceniza, Claro 1977 Three basic presuppositions of
classical philosophy
Gabriel, Pedro B 1977 Aquinas and Kant on the existence
of God
Pion, Manuel 1977 Thomas and the right to wealth
Gabriel, Pedro B 1978 Dialogue on human rights
Gonzalez, Salvador 1978 Human rights and the natural law
Pion, Antonio T 1978 The natural right of personality
Vao, Manolo O 1978 A study of the significance of
natural law of morality today
Aquino, Ranhilio 1979 Thomas Aquinas and
existentialism: Links in
Gabriel, Pedro B 1979 Dialogue between St
Gonzalez, Salvador 1979 Human rights: Church and state
Bulatao, Jaime 1980 Altered state of consciousness
and the spiritual exercises of St
Pion, Manuel 1966 Metaphysics of personality
Pion, Manuel 1966 The issues in birth control
Pion, Manuel 1967 The mission of the Catholic
university in todays world
Salgado, Pedro 1967 The phenomenon of religion in the
light of St
Pion, Manuel 1968 Responsible parenthood and sex
Pion, Manuel 1969 Individuality and unity of existential
beings and the principle of
Pion, Manuel 1969 Organ transplantation, ethical
Pion, Manuel 1970 The metaphysics of evil,
defectability and peccability, and
the problem of evil
Pion, Manuel 1970 The philosophy of the beautiful
and beauty


Gonzalez, Salvador 1980 Three views on causality: Aristotle,
Hume, and Kant
Pion, Antonio T 1980 The deciphering of the meaning of
human existence in Aquinas
Ceniza, Claro 1982 Existence
Ceniza, Claro 1983 Metaphysics, a study of the
structure of metaphysical inquiry
Abulad, Romualdo 1984 Review of Gott und theoria bei
Aristoteles, by John Dudley
Aquino, Ranhilio 1984 Epistemological considerations on
dogmatic statements
Ceniza, Claro 1984 Causality
Guevara, Jaime 1985 A new perspective of the Socratic
method in Philippine context
Guevara, Jaime 1985 A philosophy of education based
on the Socratic method
Alejo, Albert E 1986 Ang etika nina Sto
Reyes, Ramon C 1987 Review of Metaphysics: A study
of the structure of metaphysical
Castillo, Norberto 1988 The Thomasian philosophy of
Maggay, Arturo 1988 Kant and Plato on the logic of
Calasanz, Eduardo J 1989 Lohika at ang paniniwala sa pag-
iral ng Diyos
Castillo, Norberto 1989 Socrates unchained
Ceniza, Claro 1989 New essays in metaphysics
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1989 Thomas treatise on the natural
Timbreza, Florentino 1989 Konseptong pangkasamaan ni
Santo Tomas de Aquino
Castillo, Norberto 1990 Socrates, prophet or king?
Philippiniana Sacra 25
Rosario, Tomas G 1990 Political leadership in St
Ferriols, Roque, SJ 1991 Pambungad sa metapisika
Ferriols, Roque, SJ 1992 Mga sinaunang Griyego
Ibana, Rainier 1992 Isang Sokratikong landas sa
pagsusuri ng mga
pagpapahalagang moral

List of Works in Scholastic Philosophy
Author Year Title
List of Works on Filipino Worldview,
Identity and Philosophy
Author Year Title
List of Works on Filipino Worldview,
Identity and Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title
Bulatao, Jaime 1965 Split-level Christianity
Bulatao, Jaime 1965 The hiya system in Filipino culture
Demetrio, Francisco R 1966 Death: Its origin and related
beliefs among the early Filipinos
Bonifacio, Armando 1968 Philosophical orientation in the
Philippines today
Demetrio, Francisco R 1968 Creation myths among the early
Timbreza, Florentino 1969 The Filipino struggle against
Quito, Emerita 1971 Philosophy in Pilipino, anyone?
Manila Chronicle (4 April)
Quito, Emerita 1971 Structuralism, Pilipino and a
universal language
Quito, Emerita 1971 The Filipino mind
Gabriel, Pedro B 1972 Review of Ang pilosophiya sa
diwang Pilipino, by Emerita Quito
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1972 Some basic values in the 1971
constitutional convention: A
Christian perspective
Mercado, Leonardo M 1972 Filipino thought
Mercado, Leonardo M 1972 Reflections on buot-loob-nakem
Quito, Emerita 1972 Ang pilosopiya sa diwang Pilipino
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1973 The new Christian morality and the
Mercado, Leonardo M 1973 Elements of Filipino philosophy
Reyes, Ramon C 1973 Sources of Filipino thought
Abulad, Romualdo 1974 Review of Ang kasaysayan ng
pilosopiya and Ang pilosopiya sa
diwang Pilipino, by Emerita S
Andres, Tomas 1974 A Christian philosophy of values

Andres, Tomas 1974 The Filipino thought on religious
instruction: An analysis
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1974 Mga babasahin sa pilosopiya:
Epistemolohiya, lohika, wika, at
pilosopiyang Pilipino
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1974 Tao at lipunan
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1974 The Filipino search for meaning
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1975 Pagkataong Pilipino I-II
Gabriel, Pedro B 1975 Reflections on Fr
Mercado, Leonardo M 1975 Elements of Filipino theology
Pion, Manuel 1975 Review of Elements of Filipino
philosophy, by Leonardo N
Abulad, Romualdo 1976 Pilipino sa pilosopiya
Bonifacio, Armando 1976 Philosophy and national survival
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1976 Freedom and the ethics of
Philippine population control
Mercado, Leonardo M 1976 Notes on the Filipino philosophy of
Timbreza, Florentino 1976 Ang pampasaherong jeepney at
and ugaling Pinoy
Timbreza, Florentino 1976 Ang tao at ang kanyang
kasiyahang seksuwal
Abulad, Romualdo 1977 Ang pulitika ni Quezon sa
Bonoan, Raul J 1977 Rizal on divine providence and
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1977 Sources of Filipino moral
Mercado, Leonardo M 1977 Applied Filipino philosophy
Pion, Manuel 1977 Review of Applied Filipino
philosophy, by Leonardo N
Reyes, Ramon C 1977 Review of Applied Filipino
philosophy, by Leonardo N
Singson, Jose Mo 1977 Humanistic appraisal of Filipino
Singson, Jose Mo 1977 Sakup-orientation and amor
proprio 7
Demetrio, Francisco R 1978 Filipino universe: The early
Filipino myths speak of a time
when the earth and the sky were
close to each other
Demetrio, Francisco R 1978 Myths and symbols Philippines
[includes Filipino creation myths
and worldviews]
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1978 Kapwa: a core concept in Filipino
social psychology
Demigilio, Eugenio A 1979 Tungo sa Pilipinong pilosopiya
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1979 Pagkataong Filipino: Kahulugan at
Gabriel, Pedro B 1979 Elements of Filipino ethics [Rev
Mercado, Leonardo M 1979 Elements of Filipino ethics
Andres, Tomas 1980 Understanding values
Bulatao, Jaime 1980 Ang transpersonal na pananaw as
mundo ng mga Pilipino
Demetrio, Francisco R 1980 A note on diversity in Filipino
religious values
Demigilio, Eugenio A 1980 Weltanschauung
Dy Jr, Manuel 1980 Ang paghahanap sa
Weltanschauung ng Pilipino
Dy Jr, Manuel 1980 Review of Elements of Filipino
ethics, by Leonardo N
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1980 Ang weltanschauung ng Pilipino
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1980 Ang pananaw sa buhay at
Weltanschauung na
mahihiwatigan sa sikolohiya ng
wikang Tagalog
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1980 Review of Proceedings of the
conference/dialogue on the role
of Christianity in Philippine
education, ed
Hornedo, Florentino 1980 The world and the ways of the
Ivatan Aitu
Mercado, Leonardo M 1980 Ang pananaw sa daigdig ng
Mercado, Leonardo M 1980 Filipino thought on man and
Quito, Emerita 1980 Ang pilosopiya: Batayan ng
pambansang kultura
Abulad, Romualdo 1981 Joseph de Torre, Christian
Abulad, Romualdo 1981 Kant and the Filipino quest for a


List of Works on Filipino Worldview,
Identity and Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title
Abulad, Romualdo 1981 Review of Christian philosophy, by
Joseph M
Abulad, Romualdo 1981 Si Kant at ang pilosopiya ng
Andres, Tomas 1981 Lohika sa kaisipang Pilipino
Dy Jr, Manuel 1981 Towards a Filipino philosophy of
Singson, Jose Mo 1981 Teaching ethics in the Philippine
Timbreza, Florentino 1981 Diwang Pilipino: Pilosopiya ng
Timbreza, Florentino 1981 Diwang Pilipino: Konseptong
Timbreza, Florentino 1981 Konseptong de parentibus ng
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Rationale for a Filipino philosophy
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 Review of The Filipino way of Life,
by Camilo Osias
Aquino, Ranhilio 1982 A philosophical review of Marino
Gatans Ibanag indigenous
religious beliefs
Ceniza, Claro 1982 Self-identity and the Filipino
Dy Jr, Manuel 1982 Review of Ang pilosopiya ng tao,
by Emerita S
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1982 The significance of McCormicks
bioethics in the Philippine context
Gripaldo, Rolando 1982 Laurel: The political philosopher
and the man
Timbreza, Florentino 1982 Diwa ng pangako sa pananaw ng
Timbreza, Florentino 1982 Diwang Pilipino: Pagbabalanse ng
Timbreza, Florentino 1982 Ginintuang tuntunin ng Pilipinas
Timbreza, Florentino 1982 Pag-ibig: konseptong Pilipino
Timbreza, Florentino 1982 Pilosopiyang Pilipino
Bonifacio, Armando 1983 Ang pagtuturo ng lohika sa Pilipino
Briones, Raymund A 1983 Review of The state of philosophy
in the Philippines, by Emerita S
Hornedo, Florentino 1983 Religious art in Batanes
Mercado, Leonardo M 1983 Philosophy of knowledge in the
Quito, Emerita 1983 A Filipino philosophy of value
Quito, Emerita 1983 Ang sariling wika, ang pilosopiya,
at ang mga tao
Quito, Emerita 1983 Review of Kasaysayan ng
komedya sa Filipinas, 1766-1982,
by Nicanor G
Quito, Emerita 1983 Structuralism and the Filipino
Quito, Emerita 1983 The state of philosophy in the
Timbreza, Florentino 1983 Filipino concept of causality
Abulad, Romualdo 1984 Options for a Filipino philosophy
Andres, Tomas 1984 The many faces of the Filipino
loob: Its implications to
organization life
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1984 A philosophy of human values in a
Filipino setting
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1984 Philippine science and social
Gripaldo, Rolando 1984 Quezon: His political and social
Mercado, Leonardo M 1984 The Filipino as thinker and as
social being
Quito, Emerita 1984 A philosophy of education for
Quito, Emerita 1984 Filipino Volgeist in vernacular
Quito, Emerita 1984 Isang teorya ng pagpapahalaga
Terrenal, Quintin 1984 Jose Rizal: Lover of truth and
Terrenal, Quintin 1984 Kantian duty and utang-na-Loob
Timbreza, Florentino 1984 A second look at the Filipino
concept of God
Timbreza, Florentino 1984 Diwang Pilipino: Pangako at
Timbreza, Florentino 1984 Prudence, violence, and self-
defense in Filipino thought
Timbreza, Florentino 1984 Technological developmentvis-a-
vis Filipino freedom
Timbreza, Florentino 1984 Technological education vis-a-vis
Filipino freedom

List of Works on Filipino Worldview,
Identity and Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title
Timbreza, Florentino 1984 The Filipino concept of survival
Abulad, Romualdo 1985 The Filipino as a philosopher in
search of originality
Andres, Tomas 1985 Management by Filipino Values
Ceniza, Claro 1985 Reaction to Dr
Hornedo, Florentino 1985 Towards an hermeneutic of
pagmamahal and pagmumura
Maggay, Arturo 1985 Review of Pilosopiyang Filipino, by
Florentino Timbreza
Mercado, Leonardo M 1985 A synthesis of Filipino thought
Quito, Emerita 1985 Pilosopiya ng edukasyon sa
diwang Pilipino
Terrenal, Quintin 1985 The centerpiece of the Philippine
lowland poblacion
Timbreza, Florentino 1985 Filipino centripetal morality
Timbreza, Florentino 1985 Mga hugis pag-iisip ng Pilipino
Timbreza, Florentino 1985 Pagsasakatubo at katutubong
Timbreza, Florentino 1985 Pamimilosopiya sa Pilipino: Mga
problema at solusyon
Timbreza, Florentino 1985 Review of Gaddang literature, by
Maria Luisa Lumicao-Lora
Abulad, Romualdo 1986 Ang diwa at kaisipan ng Pilipino sa
kasaysayan ng himagsikan
Abulad, Romualdo 1986 Kant for Filipinos
Abulad, Romualdo 1986 Kant and the task of contemporary
Filipino philosophy
Abulad, Romualdo 1986 Pulong-Isip: meeting of Filipino
Alejo, Albert E 1986 Hermeneutika of loob: Isang
landas ng pag-unawa sa
Alejo, Albert E 1986 Pagod at pahinga: Pananagutan at
Bonifacio, Armando 1986 Towards a Filipino philosophy of
Bonifacio, Armando 1986 Towards a Filipino philosophy of
Ceniza, Claro 1986 Philippine education: Prospects
for the year 2000
Gripaldo, Rolando 1986 Rizals politics of non-violence
Quito, Emerita 1986 Pulong-Isip: Meeting of Filipino
Terrenal, Quintin 1986 Labaw Donggon and Philippine
folk Catholicism
Timbreza, Florentino 1986 Filipino concept of life and death
Timbreza, Florentino 1986 Mga suliranin at iba pang mga
balakid sa paggamit ng Pilipino
sa pagtuturo
Timbreza, Florentino 1986 Pagkataong Pilipino: kaalaman,
gamit, at etika
Timbreza, Florentino 1986 Reading the Filipino mind through
the February revolution
Abulad, Romualdo 1987 Review of Three women
philosophers, by Emerita Quito
Alejo, Albert E 1987 Mga katagang pilosopiko [I-II]
Andres, Tomas 1987 Understanding the Filipino
Bonoan, Raul J 1987 Religion and nationalism in Rizal
Dy Jr, Manuel 1987 Values in the Noli me tangere: A
critical hermeneutics
Enriquez, Virgilio G 1987 The concept of social justice in the
Philippine value system
Gripaldo, Rolando 1987 Bonifacio the translator: A critique
Hornedo, Florentino 1987 Noli me tangere: Creating an
idiom to legitimize a new
paradigm of power
Miranda, Dionisio 1987 Pagkamakatao
Quito, Emerita 1987 Ang kaugnayan ng wikang
pambansa at edukasyon
Timbreza, Florentino 1987 Understanding Filipino philosophy
Abulad, Romualdo 1988 Contemporary Filipino philosophy
Bonoan, Raul J 1988 Values education at a tertiary level
Ceniza, Claro 1988 The Filipino in politics
Co, Alfredo 1988 Elements of Chinese thought in
the Filipino mind
Co, Alfredo P 1988 Elements of Chinese thought in
the Filipino mind
Dy Jr, Manuel 1988 Outline of a project of Filipino
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1988 Filipino values revisited
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1988 Philippine church and government
on population: ethical and
theological aspects


Garcia, Elenita 1992 Ceniza, poet; the metaphysician
wrote poetry
Gripaldo, Rolando 1992 A second look at the Janus-faced
Guevara, Jaime 1992 Philosophical thoughts of Claro
Rafols Ceniza
Mercado, Leonardo M 1992 Kagandahan: Filipino thought on
beauty, truth, and good
Miranda, Dionisio 1992 Buting Pinoy

List of Works on Filipino Worldview,
Identity and Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1988 Power and responsibility: A
Filipino Christian perspective
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1988 Understanding the Filipino value
Gripaldo, Rolando 1988 Review of The state of philosophy
in th Philippines by Emerita S
Hornedo, Florentino 1988 Catholic education: Growing to
become persons-for-others
Hornedo, Florentino 1988 People power as the traditional
Filipino go-between
Quito, Emerita 1988 The ambivalence of Filipino traits
and values
Agcaoili, Aurelio S 1989 Social justice in the Ilocano mind:
A linguistic interpretation
Andres, Tomas 1989 Positive Filipino values
Ceniza, Claro 1989 Filipino logic: A preliminary
Ceniza, Claro 1989 The relevance of Confucius to
national reconstruction
Dy Jr, Manuel 1989 Teaching philosophy in Filipino
Hornedo, Florentino 1989 Ang mga agham panlipunan sa
makapilipinong edukasyong
Tomasino sa antas tersyarya
Hornedo, Florentino 1989 The discourse of power in Florante
at Laura
Mercado, Leonardo M 1989 The holy in Filipino thought
Miranda, Dionisio 1989 Loob: The Filipino within
Miranda, Dionisio 1989 Sa harap ng mahiwagang loob
Quito, Emerita 1989 A structural approach to Philippine
Quito, Emerita 1989 The relevance of the national
language to education
Timbreza, Florentino 1989 Filipino logic: A preliminary
Timbreza, Florentino 1989 Mga hugis ng kaisipang Pilipino
Abulad, Romualdo 1990 Filipino philosophy has come to its
own [rev
Abulad, Romualdo 1990 Filipino philosophy in dialogue with
Abulad, Romualdo 1990 Introduction: kaisipang kanluranin
sa pilosopiyang Pilipino
Abulad, Romualdo 1990 Review of Tao po! Tuloy! by Albert
Abulad, Romualdo 1990 Review of The way of greater self:
Constructing a theology around a
Filipino mythos, by Jaime A
Alejo, Albert E 1990 Tao po! Tuloy! Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila University
Bonifacio, Bob 1990 Review of Pagkamakatao, by
Dionisio Miranda
Co, Alfredo 1990 Confucian model for a Filipino
philosophy of value
Hornedo, Florentino 1990 The changing core themes of
Filipino nationalism and their
literary expression
Mercado, Leonardo M 1990 The Filipino as individual
Quito, Emerita 1990 Teaching and research of
philosophy in the Philippines
Terrenal, Quintin 1990 The Edsa era: End of Filipino
Timbreza, Florentino 1990 Filipino philosophy in dialogue with
three philosophers of non-
Timbreza, Florentino 1990 Maawa tayo sa ating sarili
Timbreza, Florentino 1990 Pilosopiya ng buhay ng mga
Ibana, Rainier 1991 Ang tatlong antas ng pagsusuri sa
pilosopiyang Pilipino
Mercado, Leonardo M 1991 Soul and spirit in Filipino thought
Mercado, Leonardo M 1991 The Filipino image of God
Timbreza, Florentino 1991 Mga ugaling Pilipino
Timbreza, Florentino 1991 Pakikipagkapwa-tao
Agcaoili, Aurelio S 1992 Towards a hermeneutics of health
and healing: Focus in the
Philippine setting
Bonoan, Raul J 1992 The enlightenment, deism, and
Co, Alfredo P 1992 Filipino philosophers in a dialogue
on Filipino culture
Demetrio, Francisco R 1992 Cosmogonic myths and the
mythologically instructed

List of Works on Filipino Worldview,
Identity and Philosophy (Continuation)
Author Year Title
List of Unclassifiable Works
Author Year Title
Bulatao, Jaime 1965 The conflict between home values
and school values
Gonzalez, Salvador 1965 Liberal education and the new
dimensions in service
Gonzalez, Salvador 1965 What is physics? DLSC Dialogue
Hornedo, Florentino 1965 Review of Philosophy of
education, by Leo R
Ongsansoy, Juanito 1965 Review of Three philosophers, by
Salgado, Pedro 1966 Review of Pictorial history of
philosophy, by Dagobert D
Timbreza, Florentino 1966 Brotherhood must precede
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1967 Moral theology after Vatican II
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1967 Review of War, poverty, freedom,
Salgado, Pedro 1967 Overpopulation and the Catholic
Bonifacio, Armando 1968 Can history be taught?, in Papers
and proceedings, 1968 U
Ceniza, Claro 1968 Review of A history of philosophy,
by Frederick Copleston, S
Ceniza, Claro 1968 Some thoughts on the relation of
the citizen and the law
Gonzalez, Salvador 1968 The value of orientations of the
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1968 Ethics and creative responsibility,
2 vols
Timbreza, Florentino 1968 A crisis of pedagogic relevance
Ferriols, Roque, SJ 1969 Review of Conquest of violence,
by Bondurant
Gripaldo, Rolando 1969 Footnotes to an argument
Gripaldo, Rolando 1969 The agnostic view
Timbreza, Florentino 1969 We are the creators of each other
Demigilio, Eugenio A 1970 Sociological ethics
Demigilio, Eugenio A 1970 Towards a sociological ethics
Gonzalez, Salvador 1970 Research, teaching, and academic
Monis, Patricio 1970 The philosophy of W
Timbreza, Florentino 1970 The student and Goddess Mary
Vao, Manolo O 1970 The meaning and mission of
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 James pragmatism
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 Philosopher
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 The lovers of wisdom
Gabriel, Pedro B 1971 The problem of relevance
Gonzalez, Salvador 1971 Lord Bertrand Russell
Gonzalez, Salvador 1971 The unity of philosophy and
Gripaldo, Rolando 1971 The soul and Bertrand Russell
Hornedo, Florentino 1971 Towards a philosophy of higher
Pion, Antonio T 1971 A rejoinder to Mr
Pion, Antonio T 1971 Digest of The challenges to higher
education, by Sidney Hook
Pion, Antonio T 1971 Rejoinder 2
Pion, Manuel 1971 Academic freedom in the Catholic
Quito, Emerita 1971 Chance or necessity


Quito, Emerita 1971 Robert Andrey: Scientist or
philosopher? Unitas 44
Quito, Emerita 1971 The modern mind
Reyes, Ramon C 1971 Report on the workshop on
Timbreza, Florentino 1971 Debate versus dialogue
Vao, Manolo O 1971 Natural law in Protestant ethics
Co, Alfredo 1972 The relevance of contemporary art
to our contemporary society
Ongsansoy, Juanito 1972 Prolegomena to the history of
philosophy and elements of the
philosophy of history
Quito, Emerita 1972 The evolving concept of the
Reyes, Ramon C 1972 Secularization and religious
Singson, Jose Mo 1972 My philosophy of education
Tuibeo, Amable G 1972 Christian theism: Its future in a
secular age
Abulad, Romualdo 1973 Toward a philosophy of science
Gonzalez, Salvador 1973 Logic
Gonzalez, Salvador 1973 Science, mathematics, and
Pion, Antonio T 1973 Philosophy, theology, analogy
Pion, Manuel 1973 Fundamental logic
Quito, Emerita 1973 The paradox of freedom in Louis
Singson, Jose Mo 1973 Philosophy of liberal education
Quito, Emerita 1974 Ang kasaysayan ng pilosopiya
Vao, Manolo O 1974 The origin and destiny of man
Abulad, Romualdo 1975 Can science save the world?
Abulad, Romualdo 1975 Review of Process and reality, by
Alfred North Whitehead
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1975 American philosophy
Gripaldo, Rolando 1975 A philosophy of study
Gripaldo, Rolando 1975 On freedom of choice
Quito, Emerita 1975 Pagsusuri: Ang kasaysayan ng
Reyes, Ramon C 1975 Of things moral and political: An
adaptation of Eric Weils political
Abulad, Romualdo 1976 The question of faiths
Ceniza, Claro 1976 Why? Silliman Journal 23
Lantin, Emmanuel 1976 The Christian in the world
Timbreza, Florentino 1977 Technological education in the
Abulad, Romualdo 1978 The factor of indeterminacy in
Gabriel, Pedro B 1978 The rise and fall of scientism
Abulad, Romualdo 1979 Ang teorya ng ebolusyon
Abulad, Romualdo 1979 Prepare yourself for a life of work
and study
Bonifacio, Armando 1979 Discussion [of Esperantos socio-
cultural factor]
Ceniza, Claro 1979 Relativity and realism
Ceniza, Claro 1979 The self and morality
Monis, Patricio 1979 Notes on democracy and a
relativistic philosophy of
Pion, Manuel 1979 Did Christ allow divorce?
Pion, Manuel 1979 Logic primer
Singson, Jose Mo 1979 The mystical philosophy of
Castillo, Norberto 1980 The foundations of modern
physics: Relativity, the structure
of matter, and space travel
Gonzalez, Salvador 1980 The science of mechanics and its
philosophy, from Newton to
Monis, Patricio 1980 My philosophy of teaching
Quito, Emerita 1980 Process philosophy: An
Rosario, Tomas G 1980 Ilang babasahin sa pilosopiya ng
Bolasco, Mario 1981 Church-state relations
Gonzalez, Salvador 1981 The development of mathematics
Gonzalez, Salvador 1981 Three derivations of Heisenbergs
uncertainty principle
Singson, Jose Mo 1981 Pragmatism: a brief exposition and
List of Unclassifiable Works
Author Year Title
List of Unclassifiable Works
Author Year Title
Singson, Jose Mo 1981 Review of The riddle of the self, by
Felix T
Abulad, Romualdo 1982 A personal note on reviews [about
book criticism]
Gabriel, Pedro B 1982 Transcending transcendental
Gabriel, Pedro B 1982 Moral values and the natural
Gonzalez, Salvador 1982 Physics and society
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1982 Philosophy and morality
Guevarra, Jaime 1982 Bad faith: A social cohesive force
Guevarra, Jaime 1982 Theory of freedom
Monis, Patricio 1982 Philosophies of education and
Perez, Arturo 1982 Diverging views of the relationship
of mind and body
Perez, Arturo 1982 Introduction to logic
Perez, Arturo 1982 Review of The moral prism, by
Dorothy Emmet
Timbreza, Florentino 1982 Student role in the creation of a
healthy academic community
Abulad, Romualdo 1983 Kabanalan
Abulad, Romualdo 1983 Review of The religious
experience of mankind, by
Ninian Smart
Bonoan, Raul J 1984 Moral education revisited: Truth
and justice as educational goals
Castillo, Norberto 1984 An integral philosophy of science
Lantin, Emmanuel 1984 Some reflections on effective
Mercado, Leonardo M 1984 Legal philosophy
Quito, Emerita 1984 Values as a factor in social action
Rosario, Tomas G 1984 104, foundations of moral value
Tuibeo, Amable G 1984 Basic concepts of logic and ethics
Abulad, Romualdo 1985 Ulat tungkol sa sanggunian at
leksikon ng pilosopiya
Bonifacio, Armando 1985 Should U
Briones, Raymund A 1985 Basic logic
Gripaldo, Rolando 1985 Hitting the central issue
Guevarra, Jaime 1985 Reaction to Dr
Pion, Manuel 1985 Conditioning rural folks to the work
ethic and industriousness
Quito, Emerita 1985 A morality of ambiguity or the
ambiguity of
Quito, Emerita 1985 Philosophical conception of value
Quito, Emerita 1985 Ulat tungkol sa sanggunian at
leksikon ng pilosopiya
Reyes, Herminia 1985 Reactions to Dr
Reyes, Herminia 1985 Ulat tungkol sa sanggunian at
leksikon ng pilosopiya
Reyes, Ramon C 1985 Morality and government: Some
consequences for education
Reyes, Ramon C 1985 Religious experience in the
Philippines: from mythos through
logos to kairos
Timbreza, Florentino 1985 Ulat tungkol sa sanggunian at
leksikon ng pilosopiya
Abulad, Romualdo 1986 Kalooban mo, kagustuhan ko
Abulad, Romualdo 1986 Review of The birth of a new
physics, by Bernard Cohen
Bolasco, Mario 1986 Fidel and religion
Castillo, Norberto 1986 Introducing philosophy of science
in seminary curriculum
Ceniza, Claro 1986 Spaces, dimensions, and possible
Gripaldo, Rolando 1986 Clarifying the issues
Gripaldo, Rolando 1986 Views/Comments [on birth control,
philosophy, and communism]
Maggay, Arturo 1986 Ethical issues in science
Maggay, Arturo 1986 Talakayan ng Pulong-isip 5
tungkol sa Cogito, ergo sum ni
Reyes, Ramon C 1986 The moral dimension of
government: Some educational
Timbreza, Florentino 1986 Sex, freedom, and responsibility
Abulad, Romualdo 1987 The philosophical bases of values
Co, Alfredo P 1987 Presidents annual report 1985-
Gabriel, Pedro B 1987 Christianity, humanism and

Garcia, Elenita 1987 The fury of a goddess
Gonzalez, Salvador 1987 Man and science
Gripaldo, Rolando 1987 Making democracy and
Christianity succeed in our
Reyes, Ramon C 1987 Morality and government: Some
consequences for education
Castillo, Norberto 1988 Nature, science and values
[Readings], 2 vols
Castillo, Norberto 1988 Philosophy and science education:
Towards Cross-Fertilization, in
Nature, science and values
[Readings I]
de Guzman, Domingo C 1988 The political economy of salvation
(or the ideology of the divine)
Hornedo, Florentino 1988 Theories of history and the
philosophy of science
Agcaoili, Aurelio S 1989 Generics as a Bioethical issue
Dy Jr, Manuel 1989 The philosophy of value: The
value of philosophy
Garcia, Elenita 1989 Negativity in the human subject
(the impossibility of good faith)
Garcia, Elenita 1989 The lonely belief
Hornedo, Florentino 1989 Social sciences: Body of facts, or
method of discovering facts?
Unitas 62
Ibana, Rainier 1989 A historical introduction to the
foundations of moral values
Quito, Emerita 1989 Fundamentals of ethics
Quito, Emerita 1989 Isang teorya ng pagpapahalaga
Reyes, Ramon C 1989 Ground and norm of morality
Villacorta, Wilfred V 1989 The constitutional basis of an
independent foreign policy
Aquino, Ranhillo C 1990 A philosophy of education
Bolasco, Mario K 1990 Populist imperative of progressive
Ceniza, Claro 1990 Five faces of morality
Ceniza, Claro 1990 Review of Logic: Simplified and
integrated, by Edgardo Reyes
Ceniza, Claro 1990 What is philosophy? Manila: De
La Salle University Press
Ceniza, Claro 1990 What is science? 20
Garcia, Elenita 1990 Reflections on Stopping by the
woods on a snowy evening
Garcia, Elenita 1990 Thomas Manns The magic
mountain: Philosophy in
Ibana, Rainier 1990 Mga pahiwatig ukol sa batayan ng
mga pagpapahalagang moral
Miranda, Dionisio 1990 Hindi kusang-loob
Miranda, Dionisio 1990 Why be moral
Prudente, Nemesio E 1990 University education in our time
Calasanz, Eduardo E 1991 It begins with a handshake
Calasanz, Eduardo Jose E 1991 The point of departure of social
Ceniza, Claro 1991 Dissolving Professor Hempels
paradoxes of confirmation
Elesterio, Fernando G 1991 Man, earthly goods and ownership
Gorospe, Vitaliano 1991 Review of Interreligious dialogue
Guevara, Jaime 1991 A critique of philosophy
Guevara, Jaime 1991 What is philosophy for? DLSU
Newslatter, 15 July
Hornedo, Florentino 1991 Humanization in an era of
business and technology
Rosario, Tomas G 1991 Ilang babasahin sa pilosopiya ng
Rosario, Tomas G 1991 The uncommon good
Timbreza, Florentino 1991 Sex selection: Any taker?
Karunungan 8
Timbreza, Florentino 1991 The moral issue of abortion
Abulad, Romualdo 1992 The mystical philosophy of St John
of the Cross
Castillo, Norberto M 1992 Review of Filosofia de la ciencia
Ceniza, Claro 1992 Logic is boring: Truth is ugly
Ceniza, Claro 1992 Seven poems
Guevara, Jaime 1992 A tribute to a philosopher
Hornedo, Florentino 1992 Political control of behavior: The
behaviorist way
Hornedo, Florentino 1992 The principle of restitution in cases
of graft and corruption
Ibana, Rainier 1992 Ang landas ng pagmamahal
patungo sa Diyos
Prudente, Nemesio E 1992 Philosophy and the social
List of Unclassifiable Works
Author Year Title


AluIad, RonuaIdo. Conlenpoiaiv IiIipino IhiIosophv. Karunungan/Scpnia, VoI. 5, 1988.
AluIad, RonuaIdo. IhiIosophv Iiofessoi al lhe Chiisl The Kind Ioinalion Cenlei, Ouezon Cilv.
Inleiviev vilh Richaid Sanchez, 2O Ieliuaiv 2OO2.
ooi, David. "SocioIogv of KnovIedge." Ionalhan Dancv & Linesl Sosa. A Ccnpanicn |c cpis|cnc|cgu.
8|ac|uc|| Ccnpanicn |c Pni|cscpnu. Oxfoid: IackveII IulIisheis, 1992.
ouidieu, Iieiie, "Sliucluies, Halilus, Iovei: asis foi a Theoiv of SvnloIic Iovei." Ld. NichoIas Diiks,
el aI. Cu||urc/Pcucr/His|cru. Nev Ieisev: Iiincelon Univeisilv Iiess, 1994. Ip. 155-199.
David, RandoIf. SocioIogisl al lhe Univeisilv of lhe IhiIippines, Ouezon Cilv. Inleiviev vilh Richaid
Sanchez, 15 Ieliuaiv 2OO2.
Deneleiio, I. I. A. Reieading Lneiila Ouilo's Thoughls Conceining lhe UndeideveIopnenl of IiIipino
IhiIosophv. OnIine AilicIe fion hllp://vvv .geocilies.con/phiIodepl/divalao/index.hln.
Deneleiio, I. I. A. SpecuIalions on lhe Dis/Iunclion Ioinl elveen IhiIosphv and lhe SocIaI Sciences.
OnIine AilicIe fion hllp://vvv .geocilies.con/phiIodepl/divalao/index.hln.
Deneleiio, I. I. A. Cognilive AnlhiopoIogv and lhe Unfinished Agenda of lhe LaiIv Indigenous Ihase
of IiIipino IhiIosophv. OnIine AilicIe fion hllp://vvv
Deneleiio, I. I. A. The Iiinilivizalion of lhe Indio Mind and lhe LxpIosion of RalionaIilies: The IoIilics
of KnovIedge in lhe Spanish CoIoniaI IhiIippines. OnIine AilicIe fion hllp://vvv

Dv, ManueI. IhiIosophv Iiofessoi al lhe Aleneo de ManiIa Univeisilv, Ouezon Cilv. Inleiviev vilh
Richaid Sanchez, 19 Ieliuaiv 2OO2.
CiipaIdo, RoIando. |i|ipinc pni|cscpnu. A Cri|ica| 8io|icgrapnu. 1774-1997. ManiIa: De La SaIIe Univeisilv
Iiess, 2OOO.
Hodge, Roleil & Kiess, Cunlhei. Language as IdeoIogv. London: RoulIedge, 1993.
Iose, I. SioniI. 8cn Sing|c|. ManiIa: SoIidaiidad IulIishing House, 2OO1.
Iose, I. SioniI. |rni|a. A |i|ipinc Nctc|. ManiIa: SoIidaiidad IulIishing House, 1989.
Keainev, Richaid. "elveen Tiadilion and Ulopia: The HeineneulicaI IiolIen of Mvlh." David Wood,
Ld. On Pau| Ricccur. Narra|itc and |n|crprc|a|icn. London: RoulIedge, 1991.
Mannhein, KaiI. |dcc|cgu and U|cpia. An |n|rcduc|icn |c |nc Sccic|cgu cf Kncu|cdgc, Louis Wiilh & Ldvaid
ShiIIs, Tians. London: RoulIedge & Kegan IauI, 1991.
NakpiI-ZiaIcila, Ieinando. Mga Anvo ng IiIosopivang IiIipino. Tians. Nicanoi Tiongson. In ViigiIio
Lniiquez, Mga 8aoasanin sa Pi|cscpiua. |pis|cnc|cniua. |cni|a. li|a a| Pi|cscpiuang Pi|ipinc. ManiIa:
IhiIippine IsvchoIogv Reseaich and Tiaining House, 1983.
Ouilo, Lneiila. Ld. IiIosopivang IiIipino. |nsau||cpidiua ng Pi|cscpiua. ManiIa: De La SaIIe Univeisilv
Iiess, 1993.
Ouilo, Lneiila. Tnc S|a|c cf Pni|cscpnu in |nc Pni|ippincs. ManiIa: De La SaIIe Univeisilv Iiess, 1983.
Ricoeui, IauI. Ricccur. Pau|.. Hcrncncu|ics and |nc Hunan Scicnccs. Iohn Thonpson, Ld., Tians.
Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisilv Iiess, 1989.
Sanchez, Richaid. Isang Iag-uusisa al Iagguhil sa Naging Landas al Agos ng IiIipinong IiIosopivang
KiilikaI sa Ianahon ng alas MiIilai. A Thesis, San eda CoIIege, 2OO2.
SeIigei, Mailin. |dcc|cgu and Pc|i|ics. Nev Yoik: Iiee Iiess, 1976.
Thonpson, Iohn. Cri|ica| Hcrncncu|ics. A S|udu in |nc Tncugn| cf Pau| Ricccur and ]urgcn Haocrnas.
Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisilv Iiess, 1981.
Thonpson, Iohn. IdeoIogv and Modein CuIluie. Slanfoid, CaIifoinia: Slanfoid Univeisilv Iiess, 199O.
Thonpson, Iohn. S|udics in |nc Tnccru cf |dcc|cgu. Canliidge: IoIilv Iiess, 1984.
Tinlieza, IIoienlino. IhiIosophv Iiofessoi al De La SaIIe Univesilv, ManiIa. Inleiviev vilh Richaid
Sanchez, 31 Ianuaiv 2OO2.
WiIIians, Ravnond. Tnc Sccic|cgu cf Cu||urc. Chicago: Univeisilv of Chicago Iiess, 1995.

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