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2nd Quranic Therapy Booklet SinglePage

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Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Qadrl

A Non-Proflt, Non-Po|ltlca| Organltatlon

P.O. Bnx 1646
UnInn CIty, CA 94587, U5A
EmaI!: Iccrcnanctscapc.nct
WcbsItc: www.Iccrcna.nrg
Phnnc: (510) 739-6759, (510) 441-7867

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All proceeds go towards supporting IECRC Services
Page 2


I INTRODUCTION NTRODUCTION .................................................................3
P PRAYER5 RAYER5 FOR FOR 5 5PECIFIC PECIFIC O OCCA5ION5 CCA5ION5 ................................ ................................ 5 5
H H|ADACH| |ADACH| ................................ ................................................................ ................................................. ................. 5 5
M M|GRA|N| |GRA|N| ................................ ................................................................ .................................................... .................... 6 6
| |Y|S|GHT Y|S|GHT P PRO8||MS RO8||MS ................................ ................................................................ .................................. .. 7 7
H H|ART |ART P PRO8|| RO8||MS MS ................................ ................................................................ ....................................... ....... 8 8
| ||V|R |V|R ................................ ................................................................ ........................................................... ........................... 9 9
D D||||CU|T ||||CU|T C CH||DR|N H||DR|N ................................ ................................................................ ................................ 11 11
] ]O8 O8 S S|ARCH |ARCH ................................ ................................................................ ............................................... ............... 12 12
| |NM|TY NM|TY ................................ ................................................................ ...................................................... ...................... 13 13
S SPOUSA| POUSA| P PRO8||MS RO8||MS ................................ ................................................................ ................................. . 15 15
S SA|| A|| ] ]OURN|Y OURN|Y ................................ ................................................................ ........................................... ........... 15 15
M M|NSTRUAT|ON |NSTRUAT|ON P PRO8||MS RO8||MS ................................ ..................................................... ..................... 17 17
| |ST|KHAA ST|KHAARA RA (D (D|C|S|ON |C|S|ON M MAK|NG AK|NG) ) ................................ ............................................ ............ 18 18
P PROMOT|ON ROMOT|ON O| O| 8 8US|N|SS US|N|SS ................................ ........................................................ ........................ 19 19
T TR|A| R|A| ................................ ................................................................ ......................................................... ......................... 19 19
| |DUCAT|ON DUCAT|ON ................................ ................................................................ ............................................... ............... 20 20
| ||AR |AR O| O| 8||NG 8||NG D D|S||K|D |S||K|D 8Y 8Y P P|OP|| |OP|| ................................ ....................................... ....... 20 20
S S||K|NG ||K|NG A A||AH ||AH A A|M|GHT |M|GHTY Y S S H HAPP|N|SS APP|N|SS ................................ ................................ 21 21
G G|N|RA| |N|RA| P PROT|CT|ON ROT|CT|ON ................................ ............................................................. ............................. 21 21
P PROT|CT|ON ROT|CT|ON O| O| | |A|TH A|TH ................................ ............................................................. ............................. 22 22
R R|||AS| |||AS| |ROM |ROM P PR|SON R|SON ................................ ............................................................. ............................. 22 22
P PROT|CT|ON ROT|CT|ON O| O| P PROP|RTY ROP|RTY ................................ ...................................................... ...................... 23 23
P P|AC| |AC| AT AT H HOM| OM| ................................ ................................................................ ....................................... ....... 24 24
| |NT|R|NG NT|R|NG 8 8ATHROOM ATHROOM ................................ .............................................................. .............................. 24 24
| |X|T|NG X|T|NG 8 8ATHROOM ATHROOM ................................ ................................................................ ................................. . 25 25
G G|N|RA| |N|RA| P PRO8||MS RO8||MS ................................ ................................................................ ................................. . 25 25

Page 3


The lopic of SpiiiluaI HeaIing, i.e. lhe science of ollaining
spiiiluaI lenefil (faiz) fion AInighly AIIahs Woids and
Cuidance foi lhe liealnenl of hunan aiInenls, is leneficiaI
foi eveiyone. Hovevei, lefoie any allenpl is nade lo piac-
lice lhis highIy honoialIe acl, one nusl le avaie of lhe code
of elhics oi condilions vhich aie ils pieiequisiles.

The fiisl and foienosl condilion foi piaclicing oi Ieaining
lhis science is sinceiily. Theie shouId le no inlenlion lo ac-
quiie nonelaiy gain fion lhese voids. The second condi-
lion is lhal il shouId nol le iead foi lhe sake of ievenge oi lo
shov oneseIf as a supiene povei in lhe sociely. The nexl
condilion is lhal vhalsoevei lhe piaclilionei feeIs iegaiding
lhe inpiovenenl of his oi hei spiiiluaI aliIily, il shouId nol
le shaied vilh anyone. This vouId piove leneficiaI foi hin
oi hei as veII as lhose vho expecl sonelhing fion hin oi
hei. AIso, anolhei veiy inpoilanl condilion is lo le cIean, i.e.
lo have uudu (iiluaI alIulion), and aIso lo iecile as pei lhe
given diieclions / insliuclions. These diieclions have nol
leen ciealed ly any Iay peison. They have leen liansnilled
dovn fion lhe Au|iqa Kiran (Iiiends of AIIah AInighly)
lhiough a liuslvoilhy chain of piaclilioneis and has ly AI-
Iah AInighlys Ciace ieached us foi oui lenefil. Il is aIso
veiy inpoilanl lo nole lhal lhese piayeis aie effeclive foi
lhose vho leIieve in lhe povei of Cod's Woids. Ioi lhose
vho do nol leIieve in il viII nol ieceive any lenefil. So lhe
lasic condilion is lo have leIief in lhese piayeis. And lo le-
Iieve lhal Cod, leing oui Ciealoi has aIso piovided soIulions
lo oui piolIens in His NolIe Quian and lhe Anaadcc|n,
vhich aie lhe sayings of lhe HoIy Iiophel Muhannad .

If aII lhe alove nenlioned insliuclions aie foIIoved, lhe
Page 4
piaclilionei of lhis nolIe science viII ieceive lenefils ly lhe
WiII of AIIah AInighly. This science is foi lhe Iaigei inleiesl
of hunan leings and il nusl le laughl lo aII so lhal eveiyone
nay lenefil and ieceive peace and happiness in lhis voiId.
And one nusl aIvays ienenlei in oui difficuIl lines as veII
as oui happy lines lhal oui puipose in Iife is one: i.e. lo oley
AIIah AInighly and lo foIIov lhe Iife of lhe HoIy Iiophel
Muhannad .

This lookIel is a conlinualion of lhe fiisl ieIease of ILCRCs
Quianic Theiapy - HeaI YouiseIf vhich vas pulIished in
Augusl 2OO3. In lhe pulIicalion of lhis lookIel vhich conlains
noie piayeis foi siniIai and addilionaI lopics, I exlend ny
deep gialilude lo Ayyaz Yousaf Qadii and lo Di. Syeda Saiqa
Zuleda foi lheii conslanl suppoil, advise and inpul. AIso, ny
lhanks lo Shagufla Ahnad Qadii foi conpiIing lhe Aialic
lexl and liansIalion, and lo Naveed AgloalvaIa, Iaivez Zia
Qadii, Shaiaaz Khan Qadii and Saad Haneed foi lheii lech-
nicaI assislance and piinling suppoil. We piay lhal lhis hun-
lIe effoil is accepled ly oui Loid and His eIoved and is
leneficiaI lo aII of hunanily. (Aanin).

Prnf. Dr. Mnhammad Ahmcd QadrI
Ca!IfnrnIa, U5A
Nnvcmbcr 2003 / Ramadan 1424

Page 5


lnstructlons for the fo||ouer:
1 Reclte the raers ulth a c|ean mlnd and bod.
2 Hate falth ln the raers.
3 Malntaln the reglmen.
4 Be|lete ln one.
5 |o||ou the ru|es uho|e-hearted|.
6 Women shou|d not reclte these raers durlng thelr
month| cc|e. When lt ls oter, the shou|d contlnue
thelr reglmen uhere the |eft off.


Headache is a connon occuiience anong peopIe. Ioi sone,
il is veiy fiequenl and can le veiy disiupling lo lheii Iives.
Those vho have lhis piolIen can ieIale lo lhis pain. To gel
iid of lhis piolIen, iead lhe piayei Iisled leIov vhich con-
lains AIIah AInighlys Nanes. The nelhod of ieading il is lo
keep ones iighl hand on ones head and lo iecile lhe piayei
11 lines. AIso one shouId keep sone valei in fionl vhiIe
ieading. When finished vilh lhe ieading, lIov on lhe valei
and diink il in lhiee sips. y AIIah AInighlys WiII lhe head-
ache viII suddenIy go avay.
A||aanunna inncc asa|u|a oi asnaai|a| nusna
Yaa Nccrun Nccru Yaa Knaa|iqun Nccru

In lhe Nane of AIIah, The eneficenl, The MeicifuI
O AIIah! VeiiIy I ask of You ly Youi eaulifuI Nanes
O Lighl of Lighls! O Ciealoi of Lighls!
Page 6

Migiaine is aIso a veiy connon disease. Those vho expeii-
ence il aie in exliene pain as il is conpIeleIy Iife disiupling.
y lhe Ciace of AIIah AInighly, lheie is a Quianic chaplei
foi lhis vhose expeiienliaI lenefils have lioughl gieal ieIief
lo lhose vho have piacliced il. The nelhod of iecilalion of
lhis chaplei is lo keep ones iighl hand on ones head and lo
iecile lhe piayei Iisled leIov 7 lines. AIso, one shouId keep
sone valei in fionl duiing lhe iecilalion. When finished ie-
ciling, one shouId ienove ones hand and lIov on lhe valei
and vash ones face vilh lhal valei and aIso diink sone of
il. Insha AIIah ly doing lhis foi 7 days conlinuousIy one viII
gel iid of lhe piolIen of nigiaine.
|AI-Quian, chaplei 112 (A|-||n|aas)j

Qu| nuua||aanu anad 1 A||anus sanad 2 |an qa|id ua
|an qcc|ad 3 la |an qa |u||anu |ufuuan anad 4

In lhe Nane of AIIah, The eneficenl, The MeicifuI
IiocIain: He is AIIah, He is One. 1 AIIah is lhe Un-
vanling. (Ieifecl, does nol iequiie anylhing.) 2 He
has no offspiing, noi is He loin fion anylhing. 3 And
lheie is none equaI lo Hin. 4

Page 7

This is aIso a connon piolIen, lolh anong lhe young and
lhe oId. The Iiiends of AIIah (Au|iqa Kiran) have laughl us
lhiough lheii ovn expeiience lo iecile Aqa|u| Kursi vhich is
veise nunlei 255 of lhe second chaplei of lhe NolIe Quian.
Il is inpoilanl lo Ieain lhis veise ly heail and iecile il al
Ieasl once aflei eveiy iiluaI piayei. The veise is iepioduced
leIov foi lhe convenience of lhe ieadei. When one ieaches
la |aa qaccdunu nifdnununaa, one shouId iecile lhese voids
11 lines, lIov on lolh hands and lhen nassage ones eyes,
especiaIIy lhe affecled eye. One viII insha AIIah feeI a ieslo-
ialion of lhe eyesighl.
|AI-Quian, chaplei 2 (A|-8aqaran), veise 255j

A||aanu |aa i|aana i||aa nuua| Haqqu| Qaqqccn
|aa |a|nudnuncc sina|un ua |aa naun
|ancc naa fis sanaauaa|i ua naa fi| ard
Man dna| |adncc qasnfau indancc i||aa oi idnnin
Ya|anu naa oaina aidccnin ua naa |na|fanun
la |aa quncc|ccna oi snaqin nin i|nincc i||aa oinaa snaa
lasiqa |ursiqqunus sanaauaa|i ua| ard
Wa |aa aooduhoo hlfdhuhumaa
la nuua| a|iqqu| adnccn
Page 8
AIIah - lheie is no Cod excepl Hin, He is AIive (eleinaIIy, on
His ovn) and lhe UphoIdei (keeps olheis eslalIished), He
nevei feeIs diovsy noi does He sIeep, lo Hin onIy leIongs
aII vhalevei is in lhe heavens and aII vhalevei is in lhe
eailh, vho is he lhal can inleicede vilh Hin excepl ly His
connand` Knoving vhal is in fionl of lhen and vhal is le-
hind lhen, and lhey do nol achieve anylhing of His knovI-
edge excepl vhal He viIIs, His Thione (of Soveieignly) en-
conpasses lhe heavens and lhe eailh, and il is nol difficuIl
foi Hin lo guaid lhen, and He is lhe Supiene, lhe Ciealesl.

Other Other Benefits of Reciting Ayatul Benefits of Reciting Ayatul- -Kursi Kursi

The Ayal-uI-Kuisi oi Veise of lhe Thione has noie lhan
5OOO lenefils. AIlhough lhe enliie NolIe Quian is leneficiaI,
lhis veise is pailicuIaiIy inpoilanl. To nenlion a fev of ils
lenefils: il shouId le ieciled ly lhose vho vanl lo gel iid of
sIeep piolIens oi lad dieans, oi heaiing of voices fion dif-
feienl pails of lhe hone. Il is aIso leneficiaI foi lhose vho
feeI lhal lhey aie viclins of lIack nagic oi jinn oi eviI eye.
AIso, especiaIIy if lheie is a nev loin laly, lhis veise nusl
le iead and lIovn on lhe face of lhe laly. Il has aIso leen
suggesled ly lhe Iiiends of AIIah lhal one shouId iecile lhis
lefoie going lo sIeep oi Ieaving hone.


Il has leen ieconnended ly lhe Iiiends of AIIah, i.e., lhe
Sufiqa Kiran lo iecile Suiah AI-Taiiq, i.e. veises 1-17 of chap-
lei nunlei 86 of lhe HoIy Quian. (Due lhe Ienglh of lhis
chaplei, il has nol leen iepioduced in lhis lookIel. IIease
iefei lo a copy of lhe HoIy Quian lo ollain lhe lexl of lhis
chaplei.) Iiecede lhe ieading of lhis suiah vilh 8isni||aanir-
rannaanirranccn. The nelhod of lhe iecilalion is lo lIov lhis
suiah on food oi on valei and lhen lake in lhis valei oi
food. Make il a halil lo iecile lhis chaplei 3 lines daiIy foi
Page 9
4O days. This viII insha AIIah liing gieal ieIief lo ones heail

Anolhei nelhod vhich has leen ieconnended is lo iecile
lhe piayei Iisled leIov 191 lines. If one ieads lhis eaiIy in
lhe noining lefoie lhe sun iises and aIso jusl aflei sunsel
insha AIIah one viII feeI a gieal ieIief fion ones heail
Yaa A||anu Yaa Rannaanu Yaa Ranccnu Yaa Karccnu
undnur i|aqqa qaa A||an oiranna|i|a ua oi uascc|a|in
Naoi sa||a||aanu a|aqni ua sa||an Yaa A||an
irnan a|aqqa.

O AIIah! O eneficenl! O MeicifuI! O Ceneious One!
IIease Iook al ne O AIIah vilh Youi Meicy and ly lhe con-
neclion of The Iiophel, piayeis and peace le upon Hin,
O AIIah have neicy on ne.


Ievei is a veiy connon piolIen in lhe voiId. If il iecuis,
lheie is a veiy speciaI piayei foi ils innediale ieIief ly lhe
WiII of AIIah AInighly. The nelhod of iecilalion is lo iead
lhe piayei viillen leIov and lIov on valei and diink lhis
valei foi 11 days. Insha AIIah lhe fevei viII le ienoved and
one viII feeI a gieal change foi lhe lellei.

Page 10
|AI-Quian, chaplei 21 (A|-Anoiqaa), veises 69-7Oj

Qu|naa Yaa Naaru |ccni oardan ua sa|aanan a|aa |oraanccn ua
araadu oini |aidan fa jaa|naanunu| a|nsarccn

In lhe Nane of AIIah, The eneficenl, The MeicifuI
We said, "O fiie, lecone cooI and peacefuI upon Iliahin."
And lhey vished lo cause hin hain, so We nade lhen lhe
giealesl of Ioseis.

Anolhei piayei foi lhe ieIief of fevei is lo iecile lhe foIIov-
ing Nane of AIIah AInighly 151 lines, lIov on valei and
diink il. This piaclice nusl le done 3 lines duiing lhe day.
One viII feeI a gieal ieIief vilhin a day insha AIIah, vhelhei
one faces lhe fevei on aIleinale days oi conlinuousIy.

Yaa Muncc|u
O AII Lnconpassing One

Anolhei ieconnended vay foi ieIief is lo iecile lhe foIIov-
ing Nane of AIIah AInighly 511 lines in lhe noining and
in lhe evening. One viII insha AIIah find a gieal lenefil.

Page 11
Yaa Sa|aanu
O Souice of Ieace


If one feeIs lhal ones chiId is exhililing alnoinaI lehavioi,
in lhal he oi she is seening veiy diffeienl fion lheii oiiginaI
seIf (lhey nay le shouling unconlioIIalIy oi leing exlieneIy
disoledienl), lheie is a piayei lo liing a change in lhen foi
lhe lellei, ly lhe WiII of AIIah AInighly. The nelhod of
iecilalion is lo iead lhe foIIoving veise of lhe HoIy Quian
and lIov on lheii faces and lheii food. When lhey eal lhis
food, insha AIIah il viII liing aloul a change in lheii lehav-
ioi in 3 days.
|AI-Quian, chaplei 3 (Aa|-|nraan), veise 8j

Raooanaa |aa |uzign qu|ccoanaa oada idn nadai|anaa
ua nao |anaa ni||a dun|a ranna inna|a an|a| lannaao

In lhe Nane of AIIah, The eneficenl, The MeicifuI
Oui Loid! Do nol deviale oui heails aflei You have guided
us, and leslov neicy on us fion YouiseIf,
VeiiIy You aie The Cieal eslovei.

Page 12

If one finds oneseIf unsuccessfuI in seaiching foi a jol de-
spile naking aII allenpls lo Iook foi one, oi one gels iejecled
ly a seIeclion loaid ovei and ovei again, lefoie going foi
lhe inleiviev one shouId iecile lhe foIIoving veises of lhe
NolIe Quian in a singIe silling 2O5O lines. Then, one shouId
pIead lo AIIah AInighly foi ones need in such a nannei: O
AIIah! I an youi seekei, I an needy, I need Youi speciaI
guidance, and heIp, I need lhis jol foi ne and foi ny faniIy.
O AIIah, heIp ne. Insha AIIah vhen one conpIeles lhis
piayei and goes foi lhe inleiviev, he oi she viII le seIecled
ly lhe lIessing of lhese voids and lhis vouId indeed le lhe
speciaI lIessing of AIIah AInighly. The veises aie as foIIovs:

Kaaf Haa Yaa Aqn Saad Haa Mccn Aqn Sccn Qaaf
OnIy AIIah AInighly and lhose He has seIecled
knov lhe neanings of lhese Ielleis.

Anolhei nelhod foi finding a jol is lo iecile lhe foIIoving
Nanes of AIIah AInighly 111 lines lefoie lhe sun iises and
111 lines aflei lhe sun sels. This shouId le done foi 4O days.
y lhe WiII of AIIah AInighly lhe seekei viII gel a good jol.

Yaa Muninu Yaa ]aniu
O eslovei of Iessings! O AII IncIusive One!

Yel anolhei piayei lo iecile foi seaiching foi a jol is Iisled
leIov. Il shouId le done in lhe noining lefoie lhe sun iises.
If il is ieciled and one nakes a speciaI dua saying: O AIIah!
I an needy. IIease heIp ne oul in finding a nev jol. y lhe
WiII of AIIah AInighly, vilhin 4O days ones iequisilion viII
Page 13
le accepled ly His Infinile Iessing.
[Al-Quran, chapter 65 (At-Talaaq), verses 2-3]

la nanqqa||aqi||aana qaja||anu na|nrajan 65:2
la qarzuqnu nin nai|nu |a qan|asio

. and vhoevei feais AIIah - AIIah viII cieale foi hin a vay
of deIiveiance 65:2 And viII piovide hin suslenance
fion a pIace he had nevei expecled ...


If one feais hain fion enenies, one shouId iecile lhe foIIov-
ing speciaI piayei iequesling AIIah foi pioleclion. This
shouId le iead 111 lines in lhe evening aflei sunsel. Il
shouId le conlinued foi 11 days. Insha AIIah one viII see
lhal ones enenies cannol liing any hain.
A||aanunna sa|n|nirncc adaacc |anaa sa|n|nar|a
arrccna |i Su|aqnaan oin Dauccd a|aqninas sa|aan

O AIIah! Make ny enenies sulseivienl lo ne Iike you nade
lhe vind sulseivienl lo SuIaynaan, son of Davood, peace
le upon lhen lolh.

Page 14
Il is nol heaIlhy foi lheie lo exisl ennily anong ieIalives oi
fiiends. In oidei lo noinaIize ieIalions and cieale a good en-
viionnenl and feeIings, one shouId iead Suiah AI-Ialiha,
vhich is lhe fiisl chaplei of lhe NolIe Quian. These Quianic
veises shouId le ieciled 11 lines daiIy foi 4O days. Insha AI-
Iah vilhin 4O days lhe ennily viII le conveiled lo fiiend-
ship. Suiah AI-Ialiha has leen iepioduced leIov foi lhe
convenience of lhe ieadei:
|AI-Quian, chaplei 1 (A|-|a|ina)j

8isni||aanirrannaanirranccn 1
A|nandu |i||aani raooi| aa|anccn 2
Ar-rannaanir ranccn 3 Maa|i|i qaunid dccn 4
|qqaa|a naoudu ua iqqaa|a nas|accn 5 |ndinas siraa| a|-
nus|aqccn 6 Siraa| a||adnccna anan|a a|aqnin gnaqri|
nagndccoi a|aqnin ua|ad daa||ccn 7

In lhe Nane of AIIah, The eneficenl, The MeicifuI 1
AII piaise is lo AIIah, lhe Loid of lhe Ciealion 2
The Mosl Ciacious, The Mosl MeicifuI 3 Ovnei of lhe
Day of Reconpense 4 You aIone ve voiship and fion
You aIone ve seek heIp 5 Cuide us on lhe Sliaighl
Ialh 6 The palh of lhose vhon You have favoied -
Nol lhe palh of lhose vho eained Youi angei - noi of lhose
vho aie asliay 7
Page 15
Anolhei veiy speciaI piayei foi safely againsl enenies and
olhei unseen ciicunslances and piolIens is Iisled leIov.
This piayei nusl le ieciled 111 lines jusl aflei sunsel. AIIah
AInighly piolecls and secuies lhe iecilei of lhis piayei.
|aa i|aana i||a||aanu uandanu |aa snarcc|a |anu |anu| nu||u ua
|anu| nandu ua nuua a|aa |u||i snaqin qadccr

Theie is no god lul AIIah, He is AIone, He has no pailnei,
To Hin leIongs lhe kingdon and foi Hin is aII Iiaise, and
He has Iovei ovei aII lhings.


If a husland and vife aie expeiiencing difficuIly in lheii ie-
Ialionship despile sinceie effoils lo ieclify il, lheie nay le
olhei poveis al pIay lhal nay le inleifeiing such as }inn,
nagic, elc. The coupIe shouId iecile Suiah AI-Ialiha (piinled
on pievious page) 11 lines anyline duiing lhe day and con-
linue lhis piaclice foi 4O days. Insha AIIah vhen lhey con-
pIele lhis ieginen, lhey shouId suppIicale lo AIIah AInighly
saying O AIIah! nake speciaI ioon in his (oi hei) heail foi
ne. Insha AIIah lhey viII expeiience inpiovenenl in lheii


If one pIans lo liaveI lo an unknovn aiea and vanls lo le
Page 16
safe fion aII unseen piolIens incIuding lhose ieIaled lo
heaIlh, lhen one shouId iecile lhe chapleis of lhe NolIe
Quian Iisled leIov. One nusl legin ly ieciling 8isni||aanir-
rannaanirranccn once, lhen iecile lhe foIIoving Daiood-e-
Iak (Iliahini) once:
A||aanunna sa||i a|aa Saqqidina ua Mau|aana Munannad ua
a|aa aa|i Saqqidina ua Mau|aana Munannad |anaa sa||aq|a
a|aa |oraanccna ua a|aa aa|i |oraanccna
inna|a Hanccdun Majccd.

O AIIah, send piayeis on oui Maslei and Iiolecloi
Muhannad and on lhe faniIy of oui Maslei and Iiolecloi
Muhannad Iike You senl piayeis on Iliahin and on lhe
faniIy of Iliahin, veiiIy You aie The Iiaised, The NolIe.

Conlinue ly ieciling lhe foIIoving 5 chapleis of lhe NolIe
Quian each pieceded ly lhe iecilalion of
Suiah Kafiioon (AI-Quian, chaplei 1O9, veises 1-6), lhen
Suiah IkhIas (AI-Quian, chaplei 112, veises 1-4), lhen
Suiah IaIaq (AI-Quian, chaplei 113, veises 1-5), lhen
Suiah Naas (AI-Quian, chaplei 114, veises 1-6), lhen
Suiah Ialiha (AI-Quian, chaplei 1, veises 1-7 - piinled on
page 14 of lhis lookIel)
Then nake a speciaI piayei: O AIIah! You aie lhe Ciealesl
Savioi. Save ne fion aII unseen ciicunslances. Save ne and
ny faniIy fion aII piolIens. When one ieaches ones des-
Page 17
linalion, one shouId iepeal lhe sane sequence. AIso vhen
one ieluins lack lo ones oiiginaI Iocalion, lhis iecilalion
shouId le iepealed again. Insha AIIah ly lhe lIessing of AI-
Iah AInighly, one viII le saved fion aII piolIens.


In oidei lo iesoIve nensliuaI and olhei piolIens ieIaled lo
lhe fenaIe lody, one shouId viile lhe foIIoving 7 Quianic
veises on a pIale vilh ones iighl hand fingei (vilhoul any
foin of ink), lhen vash lhe pIale vilh valei and use lhal
valei foi diinking. This piayei aIso voiks foi piolIens ie-
Ialed lo posl-nalaI lIeeding. The veises aie as foIIovs:
Sa|aanun qau|an nir raoirranccn 36:58 Sa|aanun a|aa
Nccnin fi| aa|anccn 37:79 Sa|aanun a|aa |oraanccn
37:109 Sa|aanun a|aa Mccsa ua Harccn 37:120 Sa-
|aanun a|aa ||qaasccn 37:130 Sa|aanun a|aq|un |io|un
fad|nu|ccnaa |naa|idccn 39:73 Sa|aanun niqa na||aa na||ai|
fajr 97:5 la sa|aanun a|a| nursa|ccn 37:181

Page 18
In lhe Nane of AIIah, The eneficenl, The MeicifuI
Ieace - a Woid fion lheii MeicifuI Loid! 36:58 Ieace
le upon Nooh, anong lhe enliie peopIe. 37:79 Ieace le
upon Iliahin! 37:109 Ieace le upon Moosa and Ha-
ioon! 37:120 Ieace le upon IIyas! 37:130 Ieace le
upon you! You have done veII! Theiefoie enlei Iaiadise, lo
alide in il foievei. 39:73 Il is peace unliI lhe iising of
davn. 97:5 And peace is upon lhe NolIe Messengeis.


In Iife, al one poinl oi anolhei, eveiyone is faced vilh a deci-
sion lo nake. In oidei lo ollain a soIulion lo lhis piolIen, il
is ieconnended lo foIIov lhe piaclice (Sunnan) of lhe HoIy
Iiophel Muhannad and His Conpanions (Sanaoas), nay
AIIah le pIeased vilh lhen aII. The easiesl nelhod is lo lake
a lalh, and lhen iecile lhe Daiood-e-Iak lhal is on page 16 of
lhis lookIel, 15 lines. Then, iecile lhe piayei Iisled leIov
111 lines. Aflei lhis, il is inpoilanl lo nol laIk lo anyone and
go lo sIeep. Insha AIIah one viII ieceive guidance and in-
sliuclions in ones sIeep iegaiding lhe decision one is faced

Yaa adeeuI 'ajaa`il Yaa KashifuI ghaiaa`il
O Oiiginaloi of Wondious Things!
O UnveiIei of Lxliaoidinaiy Things!

Theie is anolhei vay of peifoining Islikhaaia: One shouId
iecile Suiah AI-Ialiha (piinled on page 14 of lhis lookIel)
111 lines, piay foi ones need and vilhoul laIking lo any-
one, go lo sIeep. The piayeis foi Islikhaaia can le used foi
seeking guidance foi naiiiage oi any olhei consuIlalion one
vouId Iike lo nake vilh AIIah AInighly. Insha AIIah one
viII gel a iesponse.
Page 19

To find nev avenues in lusiness, adopl lhe liadilion of ie-
pealing lhe foIIoving Nane of AIIah AInighly al Ieasl 511
lines daiIy foi 4O days:

Yaa lanaaou
O The Cieal eslovei!

AIleinaliveIy, iecile lhe piayei in lhe seclion on Pcacc a|
Hcnc on page 24 of lhis lookIel. This shouId le done vilh-
oul laIking lo anyone, concenlialing on lhe voids vilh fuII
failh lhal aflei lhe iecilalion of lhis piayei AIIah AInighly
viII lake caie of lhe affaiis.


If one is faced vilh a liiaI oi any olhei piolIen in ones do-
neslic Iife, one shouId iecile lhe foIIoving Nane of AIIah
The Mosl LxaIled 1O91 lines aflei sunsel pieceded ly lhe
iecilalion of Daiood-e-Iak (shoil veision) 11 lines.

Yaa |a||aanu
O Openei!

The shoil veision of lhe Daiood-e-Iak is as foIIovs:

Page 20
A||aanunna sa||i a|aa Saqqidina ua Mau|aana Munannad ua
a|aa aa|i Saqqidina ua Mau|aana Munannad
ua oaari| ua sa||in ua sa||i a|aqn

O AIIah, send piayeis upon oui Maslei and Iiolecloi
Muhannad and upon lhe faniIy of oui
Maslei and Iiolecloi Muhannad
and send lIessings and peace and piayeis upon Hin.


Ioi educalion and good giades, one shouId iecile lhe foIIov-
ing Nanes of AIIah The Mosl LxaIled 111 lines. This can le
done daiIy and especiaIIy duiing lhe line of exans. Wilh lhe
WiII of AIIah AInighly, one viII see good giades.

Yaa A|ccnu Yaa Aa|inu
O AII Knoving! O KnovIedgealIe One!


If one expeiiences feai of disIike ly peopIe, one shouId iecile
lhe foIIoving Nanes of AIIah AInighly daiIy 111 lines in
lhe noining and evening. One viII insha AIIah find a gieal
lenefil in lhis iecilalion.

Yaa ]aooaaru, Yaa Qannaaru
O ConpeIIei! O Sulduei!

Page 21


AIlhough AIIah The Mosl LxaIled is aIvays happy vilh His
ciealion, if an individuaI seeks His speciaI WiIIingness, Ia-
lionage, and Happiness, accoiding lo a Hadcc|n, i.e. saying of
lhe HoIy Iiophel Muhannad anyone vho ieciles lhe foI-
Ioving piayei, ieceives AIIah AInighlys speciaI neicy and
suppoil and he oi she is veiy happy in lhis voiId and aflei-
Radcc|u oi||aani raooan ua oi| |s|aani dccnan
ua oi Munannadin naoiqqan sa||a||aanu a|aqni ua sa||an

| an p|cascd ui|n A||an as |crd, |s|an as a uaq cf |ifc
and Munannad as Prcpnc|, praqcrs and pcacc cf A||an oc upcn


The foIIoving piayei is foi geneiaI pioleclion, good doings,
pioleclion againsl }inn, enenies and aII piolIens:

A||aanunna aafincc fcc oadancc A||aanunna aafincc
Page 22
fcc sancc A||aanunna aafincc fcc oasarcc
|aa i|aana i||a an|a

O AIIah! Cianl heaIlh lo ny lody, O AIIah! Cianl heaIlh
lo ny heaiing, O AIIah! Cianl heaIlh lo ny sighl,
lheie is no god lul You.


The foIIoving is a veiy speciaI piayei, especiaIIy foi lhe pio-
leclion of failh and heaIlh. One shouId nake il a piaclice and
conlinue ils iecilalion foi 4O days aflei Isha (Nighl piayei) oi
Maghiil (Lvening piayei).

Hasoiqa||aanu |aa i|aana i||aa ncc a|aqni
|aua||a||u ua nuua raoou| arsni| adnccn

AIIah is enough foi ne, lheie is no god lul He, I have pul
ny liusl in Hin and He is lhe Loid of lhe Cieal Thione.


The piayei nenlioned in lhe alove seclion (Prc|cc|icn cf
|ai|n) can aIso le ieciled foi lhe ieIease of a piisonei vho
has leen incaiceialed vilhoul juslificalion. Ioi lhis puipose,
lhis piayei shouId le ieciled al Ieasl 7OOO lines eveiyday af-
lei Isha (Nighl) and conlinued foi 4O days. Lveiyday aflei
conpIelion of lhis piayei, one shouId iecile: O AIIah, O
Rahnaan, O Raheen, ve iequesl you foi lhe ieIease of lhal
individuaI in lhe piison vho has leen kepl lheie vilhoul
Page 23
any juslificalion and he is innocenl. Thiough lhe lIessings
of lhis piayei he oi she vouId le ieIeased, insha AIIah.


Theie is a veiy unique piayei foi lhe pioleclion of oneseIf,
ones eslale, piopeily and faniIy. Accoiding lo lhe saying of
lhe HoIy Iiophel Muhannad , vhosoevei ieciles lhis
piayei in lhe noining jusl aflei vaking up, he oi she vouId
le piolecled fion aII piolIens. This piayei shouId le ie-
ciled al Ieasl 11 lines duiing lhe day vilh any Daiood-e-Iak
pieceding il (sa||a||aanu a|aqni ua sa||an in lhe Ieasl).
Asoannaa ua asoana| nu||u |i||aani raooi| aa|anccn A||anunna
inncc asa|u|a |naqra nadna| qaun fa|nanu ua nasranu ua
nccranu ua oara|a|anu ua nudaanu ua accdnuoi|a nin snarri
naa fccni ua nin snarri naa oadanu

We iose in lhe noining and lhe doninion of AIIah, lhe Loid
of lhe voiIds, iose in lhe noining, O AIIah! VeiiIy I ask foi
goodness foi lhis day, foi ils opening, and ils heIp, and ils
Iighl, and ils lIessing and ils guidance and I seek iefuge in
You fion any eviI lhal is in il and fion any eviI lhal is aflei
Page 24

If one finds depiession in lhe hone oi sone sliange sounds
in lhe ledioon and one is seeking a peacefuI alnospheie,
one shouId iecile lhe foIIoving piayei 111 lines in lhe led-
ioon foi pioleclion againsl lhis piolIen. Insha AIIah, lhis
piayei is sufficienl foi a sound sIeep.

Suonaana||aani ua oinandincc suonaana||aani| adnccn
CIoiy le lo AIIah and lo Hin is aII Iiaise
CIoiy le lo AIIah lhe Cieal


UnfoilunaleIy, nosl peopIe aie nol avaie lhal lhe lalhioon
(loiIel), no nallei hov hygienicaIIy nainlained, is lhe iesi-
dence of eviI poveis. We have leen advised ly oui eIoved
Iiophel Muhannad lo iecile lhe foIIoving lo seek piolec-
lion againsl lhen:

8isni||aani A||aanunna inncc accdnuoi|a nina|
|nuo|ni ua| |naoaai|n

In lhe Nane of AIIah, O AIIah! VeiiIy I seek iefuge in you
fion naIe and fenaIe deviIs.

Page 25

Aflei ieIieving oneseIf and exiling lhe lalhioon, one shouId
iecile lhe foIIoving piayei:

Gnufraana|a A|nandu|i||aani| |adncc adnnaoa
anni| adnaa ua aafaancc

I seek youi foigiveness, AII piaise is lo AIIah vho look avay
fion ne lhal vhich is hainfuI and gave ne heaIlh


Accoiding lo Inan }afai Sadiq (nay AIIah le pIeased vilh
hin), if one ieciles lhe foIIoving Nanes of AIIah AInighly,
ly lheii lIessing, eveiy piolIen viII le soIved. These
shouId le ieciled day and nighl as nany lines as possilIe
foi al Ieasl 3 days .

Yaa Gnafccru, Yaa Gnaffaaru, Yaa Afuuuu
O Mosl Ioigiving One! O Mosl Ioigiving One!
O Mosl Ioigiving One!

Anolhei veiy speciaI piayei is Iisled leIov lo addiess aII
kinds of piolIens. The HoIy Iiophel Muhannad used lo
iecile lhe foIIoving piayei eveiy noining and evening and
He nenlioned lhal vhosoevei ieciles lhis piayei in lhe sane
nannei, AIIah AInighly viII piolecl hin fion aII kinds of
piolIens and piolecl hin. The piayei is as foIIovs:

Page 26

A||aanunna inncc asa|u|a| aafiqa fid dunqaa ua| aa|nira A|-
|aanunna inncc asa|u|a| af ua| aafiqa fcc dccncc ua dunqaacc
ua an|cc ua naa|cc A||aanunnas|ur auaraa|i ua aanin rcca-
a|cc A||aanunnanfidnncc nin oaina qadaqqa ua nin |na|fi ua
an qanccni ua an sninaa|i ua nin fauqi ua accdnu
oiadnna|i|a an ugn|aa|a nin |an|i

O AIIah! VeiiIy I ask You foi heaIlh in lhis voiId and in lhe
Heieaflei, O AIIah! VeiiIy I ask You foi foigiveness and
heaIlh in ny ieIigion and in ny voiIdIy affaiis and foi ny
faniIy and ny veaIlh, O AIIah! Hide ny defecls and gianl
pioleclion fion ny sins, O AIIah! Iiolecl ne fion lhal
vhich is fionl of ne, and lhal vhich is lehind ne and lhal
vhich is lo ny iighl and lhal vhich is lo ny Iefl and lhal
vhich is alove and I seek iefuge in Youi Ciealness fion aII
eviIs fion leIov.

AIso lhe piayeis Iisled undei Prc|cc|icn cf |ai|n (page 22),
and Prc|cc|icn cf Prcpcr|q (page 23) can le ieciled foi gen-
eiaI piolIens.

Page 27

IECRC Is a nnn-prnfIt, nnn-pn!ItIca!, charIty nrganIzatInn, dcvntcd tn prnvIdIng
acadcmIc and spIrItua! rcsnurccs tn dIvcrsc rc!IgInus and cu!tura! grnups. IECRC
was cstab!Ishcd In 2002 and Is bascd In Frcmnnt, Ca!IfnrnIa. As a cnmmunIty
scrvIcc nrganIzatInn, It Is bascd nn thc mndc! nf thc ccnturIcs n!d Is!amIc tradI-
tInn nf brIngIng pcacc and harmnny tn sncIcty by addrcssIng thc csscntIa! nccds
nf pcnp!c rcgard!css nf thcIr cast, crccd, cn!nr nr rc!IgInn.

IECRC's !nng-tcrm vIsInn Is tn Insha A!!ah (Gnd wI!!Ing) cstab!Ish a wnr!d-c!ass,
vIbrant and dynamIc unIvcrsIty that prnvIdcs a fnrum fnr thnsc scckIng tn
qucnch thc thIrst nf thc hcart and mInd In thc mcrgcr nf ancIcnt and mndcrn
knnw!cdgc and scIcnccs In nrdcr tn prnvIdc sn!utInns tn Issucs nf nur cnntcmpn-
rary tImcs wIth thc gna! nf prnmntIng pcacc, brnthcrhnnd and thc bcttcrmcnt nf
humanIty at !argc.

In oidei lo achieve lhis vision, ILCRC has seveiaI shoil lein pIans vhich aie di-
vided inlo lhe aieas of educalion (lolh chiIdien and aduIl), cuIluie, ieseaich and

EDUCATION: ILCRC vouId Iike lo insha AIIah eslalIish a Iov-cosl, affoidalIe
fuII-line schooI foi chiIdien ages 5 - 15 yeais vheie lhe young ninds viII le
laughl lolh liadilionaI IsIanic as veII as nodein knovIedges. They viII aIso le
oiienled in IsIanic adao (eliquelle). Tnis rcquircs a scncc| oui|ding cr a piccc cf |and
uncrc cnc can oc oui||.
CULTURE: ILCRC vouId Iike lo pionole IsIanic cuIluie vilhin lhe MusIin con-
nunily and lo liing IsIanic cuIluiaI avaieness lo olhei failh connunilies. Tnis
gca| rcquircs a ccnnuni|q ccn|cr ui|n an audi|criun.
RE5EARCH: ILCRC inlends lo insha AIIah eslalIish a conpiehensive Iiliaiy vilh
a coIIeclion of IsIanic looks incIuding iaie ones in oiiginaI souices, pulIish a quai-
leiIy IsIanic SociaI Sciences Reseaich }ouinaI, and invile schoIais of high caIilei
fion aiound lhe voiId on a lenuie lasis. Tncsc gca|s rcquirc a pnqsica| faci|i|q fcr |nc
|iorarq, a prin|ing prcss fcr cfficicn| puo|isning cf jcurna|s and occ|s and a gucs| ncusc |c
|cdgc tisi|ing scnc|ars.
COUN5ELING: ILCRC vouId Iike lo expand ils aIieady exisling seivices of spiii-
luaI heaIing and counseIing. Topics coveied vouId le in lhe aieas of IaniIy Affaiis
(Maiiiage - Ni|an, Divoice - Ta|aq, elc.), IndividuaI CounseIing (Depiession, Anxi-
ely, elc.), LegaI Aid & MedicaI Canps. Tnc aoctc gca|s rcquirc a pnqsica| faci|i|q fcr |nc
ccunsc|ing ccn|cr |na| can |cdgc pa|icn|s scc|ing nc|p frcn far auaq p|accs.
We lntlte our feedback, he| and suort!

Checks ma be made aab|e to lECRC and mal|ed to:
P.O. Box 1646, Unlon Clt, CA 94587
Thank You!
Emal|: lecrcnanetscae.net Webslte: uuu.lecrcna.org
Phone: (510) 739-6759 / (510) 441-7867
Page 28
Abnut thc Authnr

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Qadri is the
Founding Director of IECRC, Northern
California. Dr. Qadri is a renowned scholar
from Pakistan who taught at colleges there as
well as the University of Karachi, Pakistan for
over 20 years. He has expertise both in modern
education as well as traditional Islamic sciences
having completed the Dars-e-Nizami: An 18 year
traditional Islamic course from Pakistan and has
studied with scholars from Al-Azhar University,
Cairo. He has dedicated his life towards
spreading the light and love of our beloved
Master, Prophet Muhammad (prayers and peace
of Allah Almighty be upon Him).

The main sources for this monograph are the
Holy Quran and Ahaadeeth.

A Non-Proflt, Non-Po|ltlca| Organltatlon
P.O. Bnx 1646
UnInn CIty, CA 94587, U5A
EmaI!: Iccrcnanctscapc.nct
WcbsItc: www.Iccrcna.nrg
Phnnc: (510) 739-6759, (510) 441-7867

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