In The United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division
In The United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division
In The United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division
et al.1 ) ) Debtors. ) ) ) ) ) ) _________________________________________) Chapter 11 Case No. 05-55927 (SWR) (Jointly Administered) (Tax Identification #13-3489233) Honorable Steven W. Rhodes
THE COLLINS & AIKMAN LITIGATION TRUSTS SIXTY-FOURTH OMNIBUS OBJECTION TO CLAIMS (INSUFFICIENT BOOKS AND RECORDS) The Collins & Aikman Litigation Trust (the Trust), as successor to the above-captioned Debtors (collectively, the Debtors) pursuant to the First Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization of Collins & Aikman Corporation and its Debtor Subsidiaries (the Plan) as confirmed by order of the Bankruptcy Court, hereby files this omnibus objection (the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection) to the claims listed on Exhibit B because those claims arise out of alleged injury due to asbestos exposure. Although the claims set forth on Exhibit B were initially categorized as
The Debtors in the jointly administered cases include: Collins & Aikman Corporation; Amco Convertible Fabrics, Inc., Case No. 05-55949; Becker Group, LLC (d/b/a/ Collins & Aikman Premier Mold), Case No. 05-55977; Brut Plastics, Inc., Case No. 05-55957; Collins & Aikman (Gibraltar) Limited, Case No. 05-55989; Collins & Aikman Accessory Mats, Inc. (f/k/a the Akro Corporation), Case No. 05-55952; Collins & Aikman Asset Services, Inc., Case No. 05-55959; Collins & Aikman Automotive (Argentina), Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive (Argentina), Inc.), Case No. 05-55965; Collins & Aikman Automotive (Asia), Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive (Asia), Inc.), Case No. 0555991; Collins & Aikman Automotive Exteriors, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Exteriors, Inc.), Case No. 05-55958; Collins & Aikman Automotive Interiors, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Interiors, Inc.), Case No. 05-55956; Collins & Aikman Automotive International, Inc., Case No. 05-55980; Collins & Aikman Automotive International Services, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive International Services, Inc.), Case No. 05-55985; Collins & Aikman Automotive Mats, LLC, Case No. 05-55969; Collins & Aikman Automotive Overseas Investment, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Overseas Investment, Inc.), Case No. 05-55978; Collins & Aikman Automotive Services, LLC, Case No. 05-55981; Collins & Aikman Canada Domestic Holding Company, Case No. 05-55930; Collins & Aikman Carpet & Acoustics (MI), Inc., Case No. 05-55982; Collins & Aikman Carpet & Acoustics (TN), Inc., Case No. 05-55984; Collins & Aikman Development Company, Case No. 05-55943; Collins & Aikman Europe, Inc., Case No. 05-55971; Collins & Aikman Fabrics, Inc. (d/b/a Joan Automotive Industries, Inc.), Case No. 05-55963; Collins & Aikman Intellimold, Inc. (d/b/a M&C Advanced Processes, Inc.), Case No. 05-55976; Collins & Aikman Interiors, Inc., Case No. 05-55970; Collins & Aikman International Corporation, Case No. 05-55951; Collins & Aikman Plastics, Inc., Case No. 05-55960; Collins & Aikman Products Co., Case No. 05-55932; Collins & Aikman Properties, Inc., Case No. 0555964; Comet Acoustics, Inc., Case No. 05-55972; CW Management Corporation, Case No. 05-55979; Dura Convertible Systems, Inc., Case No. 05-55942; Gamble Development Company, Case No. 05-55974; JPS Automotive, Inc. (d/b/a PACJ, Inc.), Case No. 05-55935; New Baltimore Holdings, LLC, Case No. 05-55992; Owosso Thermal Forming, LLC, Case No. 05-55946; Southwest Laminates, Inc. (d/b/a Southwest Fabric Laminators Inc.), Case No. 05-55948; Wickes Asset Management, Inc., Case No. 05-55962; and Wickes Manufacturing Company, Case No. 05-55968.
general unsecured claims, these claims are Potentially Insured Claims, as defined by the Plan, and therefore should be assigned to the Residual Claims Trust. The Trust requests, therefore, the entry of an order, substantially in the form of Exhibit A, classifying the claims identified on Exhibit B as Potentially Insured Claims, and assigning those claims to the Residual Claims Trust. Pursuant to Rule 3007(e)(1) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, Claimants receiving this Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection should locate their names and claims in the objection and the attached exhibits. In support of the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection, the Trust respectfully represents as follows: Jurisdiction 1. The Court has subject matter jurisdiction to consider and determine the Sixty-
Fourth Omnibus Objection pursuant to Paragraph 41(a) of the Order Confirming First Amended Joint Plan Of Collins & Aikman Corporation And Its Debtor Subsidiaries (the Order). 2. 3. Venue is proper before the Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1408 and 1409. The statutory basis for the relief requested by the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus
Objection is section 502 of the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. 101-1330 and Rule 3007 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. Background 4. On July 9, 2007, Debtors filed the First Amended Joint Plan of Collins & Aikman
Corporation and Its Debtor Subsidiaries (the Plan). 5. On July 18, 2007, the Court entered the Order confirming the Plan. The Order
provided the mechanism by which claimants would submit claims and the process by which the Trusts would File, settle, compromise, withdraw or litigate to judgment objections to Claims. (Order at 38.) Thus, consistent with the Orders directive regarding disposition of the Claims,
as well as the subsequent order of this Court extending the Claims Objection Bar Date, this Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection is timely filed. (Order at 49.) Objection to Asbestos Claims 6. The Debtors and the Trust are in the process of reviewing and evaluating the
claims that have been filed. In that process, the claims set forth on Exhibit B have been identified as claims arising from alleged asbestos exposure. The claims identified on Exhibit B were initially classified as general unsecured claims. Pursuant to the Plan, as confirmed by the Order, these claims should be classified as Potentially Insured Claims. Pursuant to the
Residual Claims Trust Agreement, as contemplated by the Plan, Debtors liabilities associated with Potentially Insured Claims and Insured claims were transferred, assigned and delivered to the Residual Trust. (Ex. C at 2.3(a).) In order to ensure the claims listed on Exhibit B are correctly assigned to the Residual Claims Trust, the Litigation Trust respectfully requests that this Court enter an Order defining the claims as Potentially Insured Claims, and assigning them to the Residual Claims Trust. This Objection is without prejudice to the Residual Claims Trust to object to, contest, or otherwise resolve the claims on Exhibit B, and is in no way intended to waive or release any rights or obligations of any party arising from the Plan, the Order, the Residual Claims Trust Agreement, or any other document related thereto. Notice 7. Pursuant to Article VII.A.1 of the Plan, the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection
(with exhibits) and a notice thereof will be served upon the Holders of such Claims and the United States Trustee.2 A copy of the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection has also been filed with
Capitalized terms used in this paragraph not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Plan and the Order.
the CM/ECF system which will serve a copy of this pleading on all attorneys registered to receive such filings. 8. No prior request for the relief sought in the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection has
been made to this or any other Court. WHEREFORE, the Trust respectfully requests entry of an order, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, (a) classifying the claims identified on Exhibit B as Potentially Insured Claims; (b) assigning the claims identified on Exhibit B to the Residual Claims Trust; and (c) granting such other and further relief as is just and proper. Respectfully submitted, BOYLE BURDETT By:s/H. William Burdett, Jr. Eugene H. Boyle, Jr. (P42023) H. William Burdett, Jr. (P63185) 14950 East Jefferson, Suite 200 Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 48230 (313) 344-4000 (313) 344-4001 (facsimile) Attorneys for the Collins & Aikman Litigation Trust
IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN SOUTHERN DIVISION In re: ) ) COLLINS & AIKMAN CORPORATION, et al.1 ) ) Debtors. ) ) ) ) ) ) _________________________________________) Chapter 11 Case No. 05-55927 (SWR) (Jointly Administered) (Tax Identification #13-3489233) Honorable Steven W. Rhodes
NOTICE AND OPPORTUNITY TO RESPOND TO THE COLLINS & AIKMAN LITIGATION TRUSTS SIXTY-FOURTH OMNIBUS OBJECTION TO CLAIMS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Collins & Aikman Litigation Trust (the Trust), as successor to the above-captioned Debtors (collectively, the Debtors) pursuant to the First Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization of Collins & Aikman Corporation and its Debtor Subsidiaries as confirmed by the order of the Bankruptcy Court, have filed its Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection to Claims (the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection).
The Debtors in the jointly administered cases include: Collins & Aikman Corporation; Amco Convertible Fabrics, Inc., Case No. 05-55949; Becker Group, LLC (d/b/a/ Collins & Aikman Premier Mold), Case No. 05-55977; Brut Plastics, Inc., Case No. 05-55957; Collins & Aikman (Gibraltar) Limited, Case No. 05-55989; Collins & Aikman Accessory Mats, Inc. (f/k/a the Akro Corporation), Case No. 05-55952; Collins & Aikman Asset Services, Inc., Case No. 05-55959; Collins & Aikman Automotive (Argentina), Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive (Argentina), Inc.), Case No. 05-55965; Collins & Aikman Automotive (Asia), Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive (Asia), Inc.), Case No. 0555991; Collins & Aikman Automotive Exteriors, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Exteriors, Inc.), Case No. 05-55958; Collins & Aikman Automotive Interiors, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Interiors, Inc.), Case No. 05-55956; Collins & Aikman Automotive International, Inc., Case No. 05-55980; Collins & Aikman Automotive International Services, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive International Services, Inc.), Case No. 05-55985; Collins & Aikman Automotive Mats, LLC, Case No. 05-55969; Collins & Aikman Automotive Overseas Investment, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Overseas Investment, Inc.), Case No. 05-55978; Collins & Aikman Automotive Services, LLC, Case No. 05-55981; Collins & Aikman Canada Domestic Holding Company, Case No. 05-55930; Collins & Aikman Carpet & Acoustics (MI), Inc., Case No. 05-55982; Collins & Aikman Carpet & Acoustics (TN), Inc., Case No. 05-55984; Collins & Aikman Development Company, Case No. 05-55943; Collins & Aikman Europe, Inc., Case No. 05-55971; Collins & Aikman Fabrics, Inc. (d/b/a Joan Automotive Industries, Inc.), Case No. 05-55963; Collins & Aikman Intellimold, Inc. (d/b/a M&C Advanced Processes, Inc.), Case No. 05-55976; Collins & Aikman Interiors, Inc., Case No. 05-55970; Collins & Aikman International Corporation, Case No. 05-55951; Collins & Aikman Plastics, Inc., Case No. 05-55960; Collins & Aikman Products Co., Case No. 05-55932; Collins & Aikman Properties, Inc., Case No. 0555964; Comet Acoustics, Inc., Case No. 05-55972; CW Management Corporation, Case No. 05-55979; Dura Convertible Systems, Inc., Case No. 05-55942; Gamble Development Company, Case No. 05-55974; JPS Automotive, Inc. (d/b/a PACJ, Inc.), Case No. 05-55935; New Baltimore Holdings, LLC, Case No. 05-55992; Owosso Thermal Forming, LLC, Case No. 05-55946; Southwest Laminates, Inc. (d/b/a Southwest Fabric Laminators Inc.), Case No. 05-55948; Wickes Asset Management, Inc., Case No. 05-55962; and Wickes Manufacturing Company, Case No. 05-55968.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT your rights may be affected. Pursuant to Rule 3007(e)(1) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, Claimants receiving this SixtyFourth Omnibus Objection should locate their names and claims in the objection and the attached exhibits. You may wish to review the Objection and discuss it with your attorney, if you have one in these cases. If you do not have an attorney, you may wish to consult one. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT if you wish to object to the Court granting the relief sought in the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection, or if you want the Court to otherwise consider your views on the Objection, no later than August 11, 2008, or such shorter time as the Court may order and of which you may receive subsequent notices, you or your attorney must file with the Court a written response explaining your position at: United States Bankruptcy Court 211 West Fort Street, Suite 2100 Detroit, Michigan 48226 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT if you mail your response to the Court for filing, you must mail it early enough so the Court will receive it on or before the date above. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT you must also serve your response so that it is received on or before August 11, 2008 by the undersigned attorney.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT if no response to the Objection is timely filed and served, the Court may grant the Objection and enter the order without a hearing as set forth in Rule 9014-1 of the Local Rules for the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. Respectfully submitted, BOYLE BURDETT By:s/H. William Burdett, Jr. Eugene H. Boyle, Jr. (P42023) H. William Burdett, Jr. (P63185) 14950 East Jefferson, Suite 200 Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 48230 (313) 344-4000 (313) 344-4001 (facsimile) Attorneys for the Collins & Aikman Litigation Trust
IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN SOUTHERN DIVISION In re: ) ) COLLINS & AIKMAN CORPORATION, et al.1 ) ) Debtors. ) ) ) ) ) ) _________________________________________) Chapter 11 Case No. 05-55927 (SWR) (Jointly Administered) (Tax Identification #13-3489233) Honorable Steven W. Rhodes
NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing on The Collins & Aikman Litigation Trusts (the Trust) Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection to Claims (the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection) is scheduled to be heard before the Honorable Steven W. Rhodes on August 21, 2008 at 2:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, in his courtroom in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 211 West Fort Street, Detroit, Michigan 48226. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the August 21, 2008 hearing (the Hearing) may be adjourned thereafter from time to time without further notice to claimants and other
The Debtors in the jointly administered cases include: Collins & Aikman Corporation; Amco Convertible Fabrics, Inc., Case No. 05-55949; Becker Group, LLC (d/b/a/ Collins & Aikman Premier Mold), Case No. 05-55977; Brut Plastics, Inc., Case No. 05-55957; Collins & Aikman (Gibraltar) Limited, Case No. 05-55989; Collins & Aikman Accessory Mats, Inc. (f/k/a the Akro Corporation), Case No. 05-55952; Collins & Aikman Asset Services, Inc., Case No. 05-55959; Collins & Aikman Automotive (Argentina), Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive (Argentina), Inc.), Case No. 05-55965; Collins & Aikman Automotive (Asia), Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive (Asia), Inc.), Case No. 0555991; Collins & Aikman Automotive Exteriors, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Exteriors, Inc.), Case No. 05-55958; Collins & Aikman Automotive Interiors, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Interiors, Inc.), Case No. 05-55956; Collins & Aikman Automotive International, Inc., Case No. 05-55980; Collins & Aikman Automotive International Services, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive International Services, Inc.), Case No. 05-55985; Collins & Aikman Automotive Mats, LLC, Case No. 05-55969; Collins & Aikman Automotive Overseas Investment, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Overseas Investment, Inc.), Case No. 05-55978; Collins & Aikman Automotive Services, LLC, Case No. 05-55981; Collins & Aikman Canada Domestic Holding Company, Case No. 05-55930; Collins & Aikman Carpet & Acoustics (MI), Inc., Case No. 05-55982; Collins & Aikman Carpet & Acoustics (TN), Inc., Case No. 05-55984; Collins & Aikman Development Company, Case No. 05-55943; Collins & Aikman Europe, Inc., Case No. 05-55971; Collins & Aikman Fabrics, Inc. (d/b/a Joan Automotive Industries, Inc.), Case No. 05-55963; Collins & Aikman Intellimold, Inc. (d/b/a M&C Advanced Processes, Inc.), Case No. 05-55976; Collins & Aikman Interiors, Inc., Case No. 05-55970; Collins & Aikman International Corporation, Case No. 05-55951; Collins & Aikman Plastics, Inc., Case No. 05-55960; Collins & Aikman Products Co., Case No. 05-55932; Collins & Aikman Properties, Inc., Case No. 0555964; Comet Acoustics, Inc., Case No. 05-55972; CW Management Corporation, Case No. 05-55979; Dura Convertible Systems, Inc., Case No. 05-55942; Gamble Development Company, Case No. 05-55974; JPS Automotive, Inc. (d/b/a PACJ, Inc.), Case No. 05-55935; New Baltimore Holdings, LLC, Case No. 05-55992; Owosso Thermal Forming, LLC, Case No. 05-55946; Southwest Laminates, Inc. (d/b/a Southwest Fabric Laminators Inc.), Case No. 05-55948; Wickes Asset Management, Inc., Case No. 05-55962; and Wickes Manufacturing Company, Case No. 05-55968.
parties in interest other than the announcement of the adjourned date at the Hearing or any other hearing thereafter. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you need not appear at the Hearing if you do not object to the relief requested in the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that if no responses to the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection are timely filed and served, the Court may grant the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection and enter the order without a hearing as set forth in Rule 9014-1 of the Local Rules for the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. Respectfully submitted, BOYLE BURDETT By:s/H. William Burdett, Jr. Eugene H. Boyle, Jr. (P42023) H. William Burdett, Jr. (P63185) 14950 East Jefferson, Suite 200 Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 48230 (313) 344-4000 (313) 344-4001 (facsimile) Attorneys for the Collins & Aikman Litigation Trust
IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN SOUTHERN DIVISION In re: ) ) COLLINS & AIKMAN CORPORATION, et al.1 ) ) Debtors. ) ) ) ) ) ) _________________________________________) Chapter 11 Case No. 05-55927 (SWR) (Jointly Administered) (Tax Identification #13-3489233) Honorable Steven W. Rhodes
ORDER GRANTING THE COLLINS & AIKMAN LITIGATION TRUSTS SIXTY-FOURTH OMNIBUS OBJECTION TO CLAIMS (INSUFFICIENT BOOKS & RECORDS) Upon the Collins & Aikman Litigation Trusts (the Trust) Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection, dated July 18, 2008; and upon consideration of the supporting papers and the files and records in these cases and upon the arguments and testimony presented at a hearing before the Court; and any responses to the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection having been withdrawn or overruled on the merits; and it appearing that the Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection and the relief requested therein; and it appearing that notice
The Debtors in the jointly administered cases include: Collins & Aikman Corporation; Amco Convertible Fabrics, Inc., Case No. 05-55949; Becker Group, LLC (d/b/a/ Collins & Aikman Premier Mold), Case No. 05-55977; Brut Plastics, Inc., Case No. 05-55957; Collins & Aikman (Gibraltar) Limited, Case No. 05-55989; Collins & Aikman Accessory Mats, Inc. (f/k/a the Akro Corporation), Case No. 05-55952; Collins & Aikman Asset Services, Inc., Case No. 05-55959; Collins & Aikman Automotive (Argentina), Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive (Argentina), Inc.), Case No. 05-55965; Collins & Aikman Automotive (Asia), Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive (Asia), Inc.), Case No. 0555991; Collins & Aikman Automotive Exteriors, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Exteriors, Inc.), Case No. 05-55958; Collins & Aikman Automotive Interiors, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Interiors, Inc.), Case No. 05-55956; Collins & Aikman Automotive International, Inc., Case No. 05-55980; Collins & Aikman Automotive International Services, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive International Services, Inc.), Case No. 05-55985; Collins & Aikman Automotive Mats, LLC, Case No. 05-55969; Collins & Aikman Automotive Overseas Investment, Inc. (f/k/a Textron Automotive Overseas Investment, Inc.), Case No. 05-55978; Collins & Aikman Automotive Services, LLC, Case No. 05-55981; Collins & Aikman Canada Domestic Holding Company, Case No. 05-55930; Collins & Aikman Carpet & Acoustics (MI), Inc., Case No. 05-55982; Collins & Aikman Carpet & Acoustics (TN), Inc., Case No. 05-55984; Collins & Aikman Development Company, Case No. 05-55943; Collins & Aikman Europe, Inc., Case No. 05-55971; Collins & Aikman Fabrics, Inc. (d/b/a Joan Automotive Industries, Inc.), Case No. 05-55963; Collins & Aikman Intellimold, Inc. (d/b/a M&C Advanced Processes, Inc.), Case No. 05-55976; Collins & Aikman Interiors, Inc., Case No. 05-55970; Collins & Aikman International Corporation, Case No. 05-55951; Collins & Aikman Plastics, Inc., Case No. 05-55960; Collins & Aikman Products Co., Case No. 05-55932; Collins & Aikman Properties, Inc., Case No. 0555964; Comet Acoustics, Inc., Case No. 05-55972; CW Management Corporation, Case No. 05-55979; Dura Convertible Systems, Inc., Case No. 05-55942; Gamble Development Company, Case No. 05-55974; JPS Automotive, Inc. (d/b/a PACJ, Inc.), Case No. 05-55935; New Baltimore Holdings, LLC, Case No. 05-55992; Owosso Thermal Forming, LLC, Case No. 05-55946; Southwest Laminates, Inc. (d/b/a Southwest Fabric Laminators Inc.), Case No. 05-55948; Wickes Asset Management, Inc., Case No. 05-55962; and Wickes Manufacturing Company, Case No. 05-55968.
of the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection was sufficient and no other or further notice need be provided; and after due deliberation and sufficient cause appearing therefore, it is ORDERED: 1. 2. The Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection is granted in its entirety. The Claims identified on Exhibit B are classified as Potentially Insured Claims
and are assigned to the Residual Claims Trust, as those terms are defined in the First Amended Joint Plan of Collins & Aikman Corporation and its Debtor Subsidiaries. 3. claimants. 4. The Debtors, the Trust, and Kurtzman Carson Consultants, LLC are authorized to This Order is effective without further action of the Trust, Debtors or the
take all actions necessary to effectuate the relief granted pursuant to this Order in accordance with the Sixty-Fourth Omnibus Objection. 5. The terms and conditions of this Order shall be immediately effective and
enforceable upon its entry. 6. The Court retains jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or relating to
Claim No. 4901 Leon Schmidt 3482 Leonard Parsons 4088 Leonard Spano 4099 Leslie Tollefson
Claim Amount $20,000.00 $1,500.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 $60,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 $60,000.00
5238 Lisa Olien for Raymond Fletch 4216 Llewellyn Williams 3493 Lloyd Levasseur 4215 Lorenzo Williams 5880 Lorin Fisher 3486 Louis Nehring 4223 Louis Szabo 3976 Luke Brown 3975 Margaret Conflitti 4990 Margaret Masanz for Victor Masanz Marvin Nordquist Jr as Executor to the 7135 Estate of Marvin Nordquist Sr Mary Ann Sassin PR for Tneodrre 3538 Loukas 3970 Mary Hammond 4222 Mary Warren 6904 Mckay Farmer 4042 Melvin White 4213 Melvin Wimpy 3489 Michael Mikols 3515 Michael Rayba Michael Serling Esq & James T Doran 4962 Dec 3563 Mildred Burt PR for Charles Burt 5364 Mohammad Abuzahria 4803 Nancy Laurain
$500,000.00 $3,900.00 >25000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 >25000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $3,900.00 >25000.00 $3,900.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00
5244 Nicholas Kemp 5236 Orville Ethier 3980 Oscar Lee Winchester 5378 Patrick Driscoll 6916 Patrick Hinkle PR for Fred Hinkle 3485 Patrick OBrien 4404 Paul Thomas Dylenski 3552 Pauline Of Est Of Rodney David David 4164 Pete Evangelista 6914 Peter Erkman 4115 Peter Lertola 3993 Peter Woochuck 2432 Phil Balfour 3544 Phyllis Jubelt PR for Frederick Jubelt 4207 Ramon Zewicki 5182 Ray Miller 3974 Raymond Brown 4041 Raymond R Swistara 5368 Richard Bilbrey 3836 Richard Charles Taylor 4100 Richard Dunn 4126 Richard Luh 3491 Richard Mccoy 4121 Robert B Martens 4098 Robert Doetsch 4087 Robert Hayden 4038 Robert Hutchinson 3833 Robert J Crawford Dec 4045 Robert L Usher
$20,000.00 $20,000.00 >25000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 >25000.00 $2,700.00 >25000.00 $1,500.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 $50,000.00 $3,900.00 $1,500.00 $20,000.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 $2,700.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 $3,900.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 >25000.00
4086 Robert Sharp 5175 Robert Sr Bjur 5377 Robet Davies 3501 Roderick Dunham 3490 Rodney Meeker 4923 Ronald Benter 6892 Ronald Hodges 3990 Ronald Nannie 5241 Roy Johnson 4218 Rudolph & Rose Vega 5240 Russell Holman 3518 Russell Maitland 5369 Sammie Boston 3562 Sammy & Jacqueline Compton 1245 Samuel Peter Benard Jr 3983 Samuel Sluka 6880 Sandra Johnson 4083 Serafm Callis 3508 Sharon Varga PR for Richard Varga 3497 Sidney Holmes 3510 Spartico Tortonesi 4040 Stanley H Lehn 4081 Theresa Carbott 5373 Thomas & Shirley Dankow 5375 Thomas Darcey 4910 Thomas Springer 4125 Thomas Wright 3988 Thornell Perry 4123 Timothy Carlysle Medley
>25000.00 $20,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $20,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $20,000.00 $1,500.00 $20,000.00 $2,700.00 $1,500.00 $3,900.00 $300,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 >25000.00 $3,900.00 $1,500.00 $2,700.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $20,000.00 >25000.00 $1,500.00 >25000.00
$1,500.00 >25000.00 Asbestos Personal Injury Case $25,000.00 $25,000.00 >25000.00 $1,500.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 >25000.00 $2,700.00 $1,500.00 $25,000.00
5954 Victor Ditullio 3480 Virginia Roman PR for John Roman 1243 Warren J Ruffino 3918 Wilard Klenk 3496 Willard Hoogerhyde 4105 William Dan Winchester 3981 William Jones 4405 William LHeureux 3505 William Warren 6885 Winfred Jackson Yolanda Gonzalez PR for Salvador 3548 Gonzalez