HDL Modeling and Design Flow: Symbiosis Institute of Technology SIT
HDL Modeling and Design Flow: Symbiosis Institute of Technology SIT
HDL Modeling and Design Flow: Symbiosis Institute of Technology SIT
Course Code - 212604 Course Name VLSI Design Credit Points 5 Teaching Hrs/Week 4 Details
Introduction to VLSI: complete VLSI design flow (with reference to an EDA tool), Verilog: Hierarchial
Practical Hrs/Week 2
EDC-I EDC-II Analog Circuit Design Digital Electronics Microprocessor & Microcontroller Hrs 12L
Unit I
Topic Name
HDL Modeling and Design Flow
modeling concepts, Lexical conventions, Identifiers and keywords, data types , operators, Modules and ports, gate level modeling, Dataflow Modeling: Behavioral modeling, blocking and non blocking assignments, conditional statements, Tasks and functions , function declaration and Invocation, Concept of test bench
examples. Circuits, Meta-stability Synchronization, 6L
And Sequential
Sequential Logic Design of Finite State Machines, and State minimization, Principles FSM CASE STUDIES - Traffic Light control, Lift Control Vending machine Programmable Logic Devices Introduction to the CPLDs, Study of architecture of CPLD, 6L and Study of the Architecture of FPGA.
System On Chip
One, two phase clock, Clock distribution, Power 12L distribution, Power optimization, SRC and DRC, , Floor planning :Placement and Routing , design validation Off chip connections, I/O Architectures, Timing issues. Static timing analysis. Study of memory-Basics of memory
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includes types of memory cells and memory architectures, Types of memory, based on architecture specific and application specific viz. SRAM, DRAM, SDRAM, FLASH, FIFO. CMOS CMOS VLSI parasitics, equivalent circuit, body effect, 12L
Technology Scaling, parameter, CMOS Fabrication process, p-well, n-well and twin tub. CMOS layout and design rules. Stick diagrams. CMOS Transmission gates. Difference between verification and testing. Need of 12L
Design for testability, Introduction to Fault Coverage, Testability, Design-for-Testability, Controllability and Observability, Stuck-at Fault Model, Stuck-Open and Stuck-Short faults, Boundary Scan check, JTAG
technology; TAP Controller and TAP Controller State Diagram. Scan path, Full and Partial scan, BIST
Any 8 assignments out of the following: Simulation, Synthesis, and Implementation of 1. 8: 1 Multiplexer, 2:4 Decoder, Comparator and Adder. 2. Flip Flop(s), Shift Register and Counter. 3. Lift Controller I Traffic Light Controller / UART. Anyone of the three. 4. Parity generator and Checker. 5. Implementation of RAM I FIFO. 6. Ramp waveform generator using DAC
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7. Bi-directional buffer 8. Temperature sensing using ADC, Displaying on 7-Segment display and threshold setting using keyboard 9. Implementation of general purpose processor.
1. John F. Wakerly, Digital Design, Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall Publication 2. Neil H. E Weste and Kamran Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design. 3. Wyane Wolf, Modern VLSI Design 4. Sudhkar Yalamachalli, Introductory VHDL from simulation to Synthesis 1. Perry VHDL. 2. Charles Roth, Digital System Design using VHDL, McGraw hill. 3. Xilinx Data Manual The Programmable Logic Data Book". 4. Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, Second Edition, McGrawHill, 2005. ' John Sebastian Smith, Application-Specific 5. Michael
Text Books
Reference Books
Integrated Circuits, Addison Wesley. 6. Wayne Wolf, FPGA-Based System Design, Prentice Hall, 7. Miron Abramovici, Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design, Jaico Publishing. 8. Sung-Mo (Steve) kang, Yusuf Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit, Tata MeGrahill Publication.
Related Websites
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Internal Assessment 40 marks Examination Scheme Term Work 25 marks Final Theory Paper 60 marks
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