of Delhi
G.B.Pant Engineering College
Okhla, Phase-III, New Delhi-110020
Sealed quotations are invited from the reputed registered manufacturers and suppliers for
the supply of equipments for Control Engineering Lab, as per the specification
given in the attached Annexure 1 so as to reach this office not later than 12.01.2009
(Monday) up to 2 P.M. The Tenders will be opened on the same day at 3 P.M.
The tender documents complete with contract conditions may also be obtained
from the Purchase Officer against payment of Rs.500/- in cash or by Account Payee
Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque in favour of the DDO, G.B. Pant Engineering
College, Okhla, Phase-III, New Delhi-110020.
The following terms and conditions must be followed while submitting the
1. The sealed quotations must have two sealed envelops in it; one envelope should
have only Technical Bid and the second envelope only Financial Bid. The
sealed covers should have clear marking as ‘Technical Bid’ and ‘Financial Bid’ on
respective envelopes. The quotations with combined bid will not be considered
and will be rejected out right.
2. EMD required is Rs. 24,500/-(Rupees Twenty Four Thousand and Five
Hundred Only) should be deposited along with the tender document in the form
of Account Payee Demand Draft or Fixed Deposit Receipt or Banker’s Cheque or
Bank Guarantee from any of the commercial bank, in favour of the DDO, G.B.
Pant Engineering College, Okhla, Phase-III, New Delhi-110020. Any tender
without requisite EMD will be rejected out-right and the EMD must be
accompanied by Technical bid only. Also the tenderers will have to submit a
tender fee of Rs.500/- (Rupee Five Hundred only) in cash or in the form of
Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque in favour of DDO, G.B. Pant Engineering College
at the time of submission of Tender.
3. The Technical Bids will be opened first on the date mentioned above and the
financial bids will be opened later on and only for those tenderes who qualify in
technical bid.
4. The bidder should be manufacturer/authorized dealer of a manufacturer, who must
have designed, manufactured, tested and supplied the required items. He is
required to furnish performance certificate for the last three years showing
turnover of the category of the items for which bid is submitted.
5. The firms must be registered with the Value Added Tax/ Sales Tax department of
state where the firm is registered for operations and should be income tax payee.
Attested photocopies of the Sales Tax/VAT registration and Income Tax number
should be attached with the tender (with technical bid). The quotation without
Sales Tax registration certificate and Income Tax number shall be rejected out
6. All the documents, such as copy of Sales Tax/VAT registration number, PAN
number, copy of latest IT return, Trader Identification Number (TIN), EMD etc.
should be attached with the technical bid only.
7. The tenderer must furnish details of their customers with full address, telephone
no. etc.
8. The tenderer must furnish details of supplies made, name of the equipment and
cost etc. during the lasts three financial years.
9. If the tenderer is a manufacturer, he/she must furnish details of his/her
organization, stating the number of personnel employed, manufacturing facilities,
after sales service facilities and quality control systems.
10. If the tenderer is supplier he/she must furnish details of his/her organization,
stating the number of personnel employed, tie- ups for after sales service
facilities, whether he is authorized dealer or not for the items he is intending to
supply, and how will he/she provide for after sales service etc.
11. The average annual financial turnover of the tender during the last 3 years ending
31st March of the previous financial years should be at least 30% of the estimated
cost of the tender. The tender must submit proof of the same in the form of ‘Sales
Tax Return’ statement duly verified from Trade & Taxes Department, Govt. of
NCT of Delhi of last 3 years or through Balance Sheet of the firm, if so desired by
the Head of the Institution.
12. Delivery period will be 4 (Four) weeks for ‘off the shelf’ items locally available, 6
(Six) weeks for items to be transported from other states, 8 (Eight) weeks for
items made on orders. For each week of delay in supply, there will be a penalty
of 1% per week for undelivered goods after stipulated delivery period.
Penalty: If the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the goods or to provide the
services within delivery period of four weeks, the purchaser shall, without
prejudice to its other remedies under the contract, deduct from the contract price
as a liquidated damages @ 1% per week for undelivered items. Once the
maximum deduction of 9% is reached, the purchaser will terminate the contract
and forfeit the 7.5% performance security for undelivered goods.
13. If the tenderer quotes longer delivery period then the stipulated as above, an
amount of 1% will be added in the quoted price.
14. Supplier will not be relieved from any liability related to warrantee/guarantee or
any obligation under the contract.
15. Firms registered with DGS&D & NSIC are exempted from submission of bid
16. The successful tenderer (s) have to deposit a performance security, which will be
the 7.5% of the total value of contract. The performance security should be in the
form of Account Payee Demand Draft or Fixed Deposit Receipt or Banker’s
Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any of the commercial bank favour of DDO,
G.B.Pant Engineering College, Okhla, Phase-III, New Delhi-110020. The
performance security will be forfeited in case the successful tenderer fails to
perform as per the contract/supply order.
17. Mention clearly whether the items are available Ex-Stock; if not, please state the
period of supply.
18. The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, terms and conditions in the
bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information as required in the tender
documents may result in rejection of the bid.
19. The manufacturer/dealer must quote the unit cost of the item including Sales
Tax/VAT, Excise duty, Transportation charges, loading and unloading charges and
incidental charges, if any, and must also mention the rate of Sales Tax/VAT,
Excise Duty etc.
20. The tenderer should quote all the rates on the basis of the delivery at the purchaser
site. No extra transportation charges, delivery charges, installation charges will be
paid or considered.
21. If desired, the Principal can ask for the demonstration of the items and non-
production of item for demonstration will result in rejection of the tender.
22. The items supplied should be new and as per the specifications.
23. That, at any time prior to the deadline for submission of quotations, the purchaser
may, for any reason, may modify any or all conditions of the documents and the
same will also be communicated to the respective tenderer and to which the
tenderer shall have no objection.
24. The rates will be valid for one year from the date of opening of tender.
25. The quotation received after the due date and time will not be accepted.
26. The tender should be sent by ordinary post in a sealed cover marking
‘Quotations For Control Engineering Lab’ on the envelope or can also
be put in the sealed box kept in the office of the ‘Purchase Officer’, G.B.Pant
Engineering College, Okhla, Phase-III, New Delhi-110020.
27. The tenders will be opened on 12.01.2009 (Monday) at 3:00 P.M in the Office of
the Head of Office/Purchase Officer, G.B.Pant Engineering College, Okhla,
Phase-III, New Delhi. One representative of each tenderer, if any, may be allowed
at the time of opening of tenders. No one will be entertained/ allowed without
letter of authority.
28. In the event of specified date of opening of tender being declared a holiday, the
tender shall be opened at same place and same time on the next working day.
29. The purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations without
assigning any reason.
30. Bid Validity: Bids shall remain valid for 120 days after the date of commercial
bid opening.
31. Over writing/over typing should be avoided.
32. Any dispute is subject to the jurisdiction of the Delhi courts only.
33. Following firms need not send quotations for the above mentioned work
(a) M/s Impex Sales Corporation
(b) M/s Sachdeva Sales Corporation
(c) M/s Sameer Traders
(d) M/s India Tools House
(e) M/s Usha & Co.
(f) M/s L.E.C. Software Ltd.
· Functional blocks for Lag (3No.), Integrator (3No.), Transport Lag (1No.),
Summer (2No.), Gain (1No.),
Inverter (2No.) for constructing simulated Type 0,1,2,3 & 1st, 2nd, 3rd Order
processes to work under PID.
· Experiments with Lead / Lag / Lead - Lag compensators to control behaviors
of matching processes using
above function blocks
· Auto Tuning explained using ziegler Nicolas method I & II.
· Drawing Bode plot & Nyquist plots, transfer function determination.
· Level shifters (2No) 9V to 0-2.5V & 0-2.5V to 9V
. Sets of patch cords with instructions manuals .
2(b) Thyristor Actuator panel (real time process control ) module 1 set
Thyristor bridge based 0-200V/3A cosine firing circuit. Supports signal
conditioning of RTD (PT100),
Thermocouple K type & Photodiode to output 0-2.5Vdc (FS). Should
facilitates closed loop control
experiments based on temperature, light intensity, speed measurement using
built in P/PI controller as
well as external Analog / Digital PID controller.
Should have following real life process
. Sets of patch cords with instructions manuals
1 set
2(c) Process Temp/Light :
Process box contains 3 high wattage (60W) bulbs under aluminum plate
Built in fan, lamp as disturbance generator.
Sensor RTD for temperature control upto 100 degree C with built in CAL
facility, Photodiode for
light intensity control upto 2000lux.
. Sets of patch cords with instructions manuals 1 set
Stepper Motor demonstrator experiment panel
PMDC motor 12Vdc, 40W, ND RPM 2000RPM with gear box (Ratio
Loading:. Servo amplifier with built in 12V / 3A Power
Supply. Sensor: Photo reflective speed sensor with dir detects using 2 nos.
of photodiodes.
Servo pot as position feedback, position, speed, cascade control.
. Sets of patch cords with instructions manuals
1 set
2(g) AC servo position control
• Mag. Amplifiers 2Nos table top units with bias & error winding (12V/ 500
mA)and load winding (6Vac/500mA).
• Loading resistor 10Ω/5W.
• Can draw characteristics curve, series parallel mode of operations.
. Sets of patch cords with instructions manuals
3 2 set
PC-based analog and digital motor control training system:
Set of 36 x 4mm Interconnection Leads : This set shall feature leads that
comprise high quality multi strand wire with molded ends. Each lead
shall be terminated with a 4mm plug at each end. Each set shall
comprise assorted colors and lengths.
Power Supply Unit : With output voltages of 5V @ 3A, -5V @ 1A, +/- 12V
@ 1A with overload protection on all rails, outputs all floating from ground.
Virtual control laboratory compatible with above DC motor control setup :
This Virtual control laboratory should provide computer
software and an interface for use with the above DC motor
control trainer and the command potentiometer board. Virtual
control laboratory should perform the following functions
• Monitors the reference signal from the Command
• Provides a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller
with adjustable parameters.
• Generates analog/digital signals to control the DC motor
• Responds to analog/digital feedback signals from the DC
motor module.
• Displays all control and feedback signals on the PC screen.
3(a) • Students can recognize the behavior of dynamic systems in
time and frequency and Investigate the transient behavior of
2nd order systems. .
• Sets of patch cords with instructions manuals 2 sets
This shall provide a three term controller module for use with a
modular servo system. This unit shall be of open board construction. It
shall have each of the three terms clearly identified on a large system
mimic. Each term of the controller shall be capable of isolation by
switches. The gains for the various elements shall be adjustable. The
range of time constants should enable servo and process control
operation. The module shall be fitted with low pass and high pass filters
and shall be capable of accepting position and velocity feedback
signals. All system interconnections shall be via 4mm sockets. The 2 sets
module shall be supplied with a student experiment manual and
lecturers guide.
. Sets of patch cords with instructions manuals
Function Generator compatible with above DC motor control setup :
The function generator should be compatible with aforementioned
DC Motor Control setup. It should provide high quality waveforms for
frequency range 0.002Hz to 2MHz frequency range with capability of
1000:1 frequency change on each range
Each of the modules in the system shall be interconnected using 4mm
leads. The system shall be supplied complete with comprehensive
student experiment text and lecturers notes.
• Simulated 1st , 2nd and 3rd order system of type-0 and type-1.
• Calibrated variable gain amplifier (resolution 1: 1000)
• Built in signal sources square wave and triangular ( 45 to 90 Hz,
Amplitude 0 to 2.5 V)
• Trigger output for perfectly steady display on CRO
• Amplifier for phase adjustment and provision for disturbance
• Supporting literature with experiment details
• Sets of patch cords with instructions manuals