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Baking Update

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Practical technology from Lallemand Inc., parent of American Yeast Sales, producers and distributors of Eagle yeast, fresh and instant.

Cookies and Biscuits

Structure Builders and Tenderizers

Ingredients used in baked goods such as cookies, biscuits, crackers, and cakes are sometimes categorized as structure builders or tenderizers. Structure builders are, in general, the ingredients that strongly interact to build the continuous structure in a product that keeps the product together and gives it its rmness. Tenderizers are ingredients that interrupt this structure, thus making the product more soft and tender. While the classication of ingredients into structure builders and tenderizers differs from one product to another, it can still be a useful concept when adjusting a formula to obtain certain product characteristics. Flour is a structure builder in most baked goods (cookies, cakes, crackers, and bread). Gluten protein develops during mixing to form a continuous structure in the dough so the baked product can become very hard and tough when specic volume of the product or its moisture content is low. This is undesirable for cookies, crackers, and biscuits, and, therefore, tenderizers are added that interrupt the continuous gluten structure or prevent the formation of such a continuous gluten structure. Shortening (oil), when used at high levels, is the main ingredient used as a tenderizer. It shortens the gluten structure by preventing proper hydration of the our particles, the rst step in the development of a continuous gluten structure. Proteases break down the continuous gluten protein and are used to improve tenderness of cookies and crackers. Sugar lowers water activity, and high levels prevent a quick hydration of gluten protein. High sugar levels in cookies will also prevent the starch from gelatinizing during baking so it cannot set up a continuous structure in the product. Therefore, sugar usually acts as a tenderizer. In sugarsnap cookies, however, sugar (sucrose)

Cookie and Biscuit Production

origin and means twice cooked. In earlier times some dough products were baked twice, once to set the structure of the product and again to further reduce the moisture content so the product acquired a long shelf life. This way travelers, soldiers, and sailors could use these storagestable products as their principal food source. Nowadays, only a few products are baked twice (for example, rusks, biscotti, croutons, and Melba toast), while most biscuits and cookies are baked only once. In Europe the word biscuit is used for low-moisture products that are made with high levels of sugar and shorteningproducts that are called cookies in the United States. In the U.S., biscuit refers to a unique American product that was introduced by eighteenth century colonists and has become especially popular in the South. The U.S. biscuit is a chemically leavened product with a moisture content similar to bread, but produced by a different process and with quite a different taste and texture. To avoid confusion, the U.S. terminology for biscuits and cookies will be used from here on.

HE WORD biscuit is of French

In general, cookies are made from soft wheat our, contain high levels of sugar and shortening, and have a low moisture content.

All cookies are produced from low-protein soft ours, using gentle mixing to produce a dough without developing the gluten protein. Industrially produced cookies can be categorized into three general types by the way the cookie dough is divided and placed on the band of a long tunnel oven. Rotary-mold cookies are produced from dough that is forced into the molds of a rotating drum. While the drum turns, the excess dough is scraped off, and the dough pieces with the imprint from the mold are extracted from the cavity and placed on the band of the tunnel oven for baking. The consistency of the cookie dough is critical for this type of operation and has to be carefully controlled. Rotary-mold cookie formulations contain intermediate levels of shortening and sugar, but low levels of water. These cookies do not expand much during baking, so the imprint from the mold remains visible after baking. Because of the low water content in the dough, less energy is required during baking. The low water content in the dough and the high output of the line make rotary-type cookies the most economical to produce. Cutting-machine cookies are produced from dough with less sugar, less shortening, and more water than rotary-mold cookies. Therefore, some gluten is developed during mixing that holds the dough together

ROTARY MOLD Flour Sugar Shortening Water Baking powder Salt Eggs Flavoring Milk powder 100% 2050% 2540% 10% (varies) 5% (varies) 1.5% 05% (varies) varies 02% (varies) CUTTING MACHINE 100% 25% 25% 1020% (varies) 5% (varies) 1.5% 05% (varies) varies 02% (varies) WIRE-CUT AND DEPOSIT 100% 3075% (varies) 3060% (varies) 1020% (varies) 5% (varies) 1.5% 7.510% varies 02% (varies)

Cookies and Biscuits



FORMULA Flour Shortening Sugar Baking powder Salt (Butter)milk Whole eggs 100% 20 (1040)% 4 (015)% 5 (46)% 2 (13)% 65 (6070)% 0% (varies) Resting Sheeting Cutting Baking Mixing PROCESS Short time and dough temperature of 6065F 15 minutes (varies)

during sheeting, so the cookies can be cut out, with the scrap dough returning to the mixer. The partial development of gluten also prevents the cookie from spreading during baking and tends to make the cookie hard. Wire-cut cookies are produced by extruding soft dough containing high levels of sugar, shortening, and eggs through an orice and cutting disk-shaped cookies by a wire. Wire-cut cookies spread and increase in size during baking. When levels of sugar and water of a wire-cut cookie formula are increased further, the cookie dough becomes viscous so the dough can be deposited directly on the band of the oven so it will spread out before and during baking.

/ inch (varies)

231/4 inch 1015 minutes at 475F

pH during dough mixing will be high enough to prevent rapid gluten development. Mixing times should be adjusted to optimize sheeting properties of the dough, not to develop the gluten protein. Use shortening at relatively high levels. Shortening will give the biscuit its desirable tender eating quality. Any type of hydrogenated vegetable shortening can be used, while oil is not recommended because it makes the dough sticky. Too high a level of shortening (greater than 30 percent) should be avoided because it reduces the volume of the biscuit and prevents proper setting of the biscuit structure during baking. Control dough temperature. This is important because dough temperature will affect sheeting properties, especially when high levels of shortening are used. Use baking powder to optimize biscuit volume. Usually baking powders with low levels of MCP work best, especially when buttermilk is used containing lactic acid as a fast-acting leavening acid. Baking powders used for biscuits usually contain SALP and/or SAPP to produce carbon dioxide gas mainly during baking. Optimal loaf volume will result in a less dense biscuit that is soft and tender.

Structure Builders and Tenderizers (Continued)

crystallization in the baked product causes the cookie to become hard and brittle over time. Baking powder or yeast is used in many baked goods to increase specic volume, thus making a product less rm and dense. Baking powder also gives the dough an alkaline pH that interferes with a quick hydration and development of a continuous gluten structure. Water is required to develop a continuous gluten structure during mixing and a continuous starch structure during baking, but it can also act as a plasticizer/tenderizer in the nal baked product. For this reason, cookies become softer when stored outside the package in a humid environment.

The U.S. biscuit uses a simple process to produce a dough that is sheeted, cut into disk-shaped pieces, placed on a sheet, and baked in an oven. Biscuit dough is quite different from bread dough. Low-protein soft wheat ours are preferred and chemical leavening is used for gas production, while a mixing procedure is used to optimize dough machinability and sheeting properties. This gives the nished product a much lower specic volume, thicker cell walls, and coarser grain. The taste is strongly inuenced by the baking soda and the leavening acids of the baking powder. High-quality biscuits are preferably consumed when fresh and have a soft and tender bite. Here are some recommendations for optimal biscuit quality: Use a soft, low-protein our and limit gluten development. Gluten, when developed during mixing, becomes the continuous structure in the biscuit dough, making the bite rmer. The use of baking powder (soda) ensures that the


Lallemand Baking Update is produced by Lallemand Inc. to provide bakers with a source of practical technology for solving problems. If you would like to be on our mailing list to receive future copies, or if you have questions or comments, please contact us at: LALLEMAND Inc. 1620 Prfontaine Montral, QC H1W 2N8 CANADA tel: (800) 840-4047 (514) 522-2133 fax: (514) 255-6861
To the best of our knowledge, the information in Lallemand Baking Update is true and accurate. However, any recommendations or suggestions are made without warranty or guarantee. 2000 Lallemand Inc.

Lallemand Baking Ingredients

ALLEMAND Inc. is a leading producer of yeast, baking powders, and dough conditioners and supplies a complete assortment of baking ingredients distributed through Lallemand Distribution and American Yeast Sales. All Lallemand products are backed with problem-solving technical support from experienced baking technicians. For producers of cookies and biscuits, the following products are of interest: Eagle Double Acting Baking Powder and Eagle Bakers Cream are supplied in ten-pound pails and fty-pound bags.

Special baking powders tailored to specic requirements of the particular product or bakery can be provided. LBI 2130 and LBI 2133 are avor products based on inactive yeast that are used for taste and avor enhancement in baked goods such as biscuits and cookies. Fermaid is a range of enzyme-based dough conditioners for improving the product characteristics of baked goods including bread, cakes, crackers, cookies, and biscuits.

LALLEMAND products are distributed by its subsidiaries, AMERICAN YEAST SALES and LALLEMAND DISTRIBUTION.



Lallemand Baking Update Volume 2/Number 19

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