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Revised Syllabus of B.C.A. (Science), With Credit Based System. W.e.f.: 2009-10

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Course : B.C.A.(Sci.

) Code : 301T

Semester : I Computer Fundamentals

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Objective: To impart basic introduction to computer hardware components, computer numbering, how the CPU works, fundamental about algorithms and flowchart as well as different type of software. Sr. Topic No 1. Fundamentals of Computer System Introduction. Characteristics & features of Computers. Components of Computers. Organization of Computer. 2. Data Representation Introduction to Number System o Decimal Number System o Binary Number System o Hexadecimal Number System Conversion within Numbers Systems Arithmetic Operation on Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers Normalized Floating point Number Representation of Character in Computers Representation of Integer Numbers Representation of Fraction Numbers Hexadecimal Representation of Number 3. Algorithm and Flowcharts Algorithm o Definition o Characteristics o Advantages and disadvantages o Examples Flowchart o Definition o Define symbols of flowchart o Advantages and disadvantages o Examples 4. Computer Generation & Classification Generation of Computers : First to Fifth Classification of Computers Distributed & Parallel computers 5. Computer Languages Types of Programming Languages o Machine Languages o Assembly Languages o High Level Languages Assembler, Linker, Loader, Interpreter & Compiler.
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

Ref. No. of Lect. 3 1/1


12 4




6 3

3/3 3/ 4

3 2/12

3 2/9

2/9 1





Computer Memory Memory Cell & Organization Types of Memory (Primary And Secondary) o RAM o ROM o PROM o EPROM o Secondary Storage Devices ( FD, CD, HD, Pen drive, DVD, Tape Drive, DAT ) I/O Devices Input Devices : o Touch screen , OMR, OBR , OCR, Light pen Output Devices : o Scanners, Digitizers, Plotters, LCD o Plasma Display, Printers Processor Structure of Instruction Description of Processor Processor Features RISC & CISC Operating system Concepts Why Operating System Functions of Operating System Types of Operating System o Batch O.S. o Multiprogramming O.S. o Time Sharing O.S o Personal Computers O.S. o Network O.S.

3 2/4 2/4

3 1/4 1/4

6 2/5

6 2/10 2 2/10 4

Core Reference: 1. Fundamentals of Information Technology By Chetan Srivastava, Kalyani Publishers 2. Fundamentals of Computers By V.Rajaraman, PHI Publication , IVth Edition. 3. Fundamentals of Programming By Raj K.Jain, S.Chand Publication Additional Reference: 1. Computer Today By Suresh K. Basandra, Galgotia Publication,Updated Edition 2. Computer Fundamental By B.Ram, BPB Publication.

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 302T

Semester : I Digital Electronics.

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Objective: To impart basic knowledge in digital logic and circuits and to introduce basic concepts of data communications. Student will be able to learn basic concepts of digital logic and the design of basic logic circuits using commonly used combinational and sequential circuits Sr. No 1 Topic Ref. No. of Lect. 10 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 7 1 2

Number Systems and Arithmetic 1/1 Decimal Number System & Binary Number System Decimal to Binary conversion(Double-dabble method only) Binary to Decimal Conversion Binary Arithmetic : Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication & division Hexadecimal number system , Hexadecimal to binary, binary to Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal to decimal conversion Hexadecimal arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division Binary subtraction using 1' complement, 2's complement method Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates Postulates of Boolean Algebra Theorems of Boolean Algebra: Complementation , commutative, AND, OR, Associative,Distributive,Absorption laws , De morgan's theorems Reducing Boolean expressions Logic Gates : AND, OR, NOT, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR NAND as Universal building block Logic diagrams of Boolean expressions Boolean expressions for logic diagrams Minimization Techniques Introduction , Minterms and Maxterms K-Map, K-map for 2 variables K-map for 3 variables K-map for 4 variables Combinational and Arithmetic Logic Circuits Half Adder & Full Adder Binary parallel Adder Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor Adder/Subtractor in 2's complement system BCD to Decimal decoder 2 : 4 demultiplexer 4 line to 1 line multiplexer 1/3

1 1 1 1 1/5 5 1 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3


Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

Flip Flops Introduction : RS FF Clocked RS FF, D FF Triggering, preset and clear JK FF , T FF , Race around condition Master slave FF Counters Introduction : Asynchronous/ ripple counter Modulus Counter , MOD-12 counter Synchronous counter : Synchronous serial & synch parallel counter BCD counter Ring counter Johnson counter Shift Registers Introduction, Buffer register Serial- in serial -out Serial-in parallel-out Parallel-in serial-out, parallel-in paralle-out


6 1 1 1 2 1 7 1 1 2 1 1 1



3 1 1 1

Core Reference: 1. Digital Electronics and Micro-Computers R.K.Gaur , Dhanpat Rai Publication Additional Reference: 1. Digital Electronics and Logic Design N.G.Palan, Technova Publication

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 303AT

Semester : I 8085:Microprocessor

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Objective: To introduce 8085 assembly language and thereby familiarize the student with architecture of microprocessors. Sr. No 1. Topic Microprocessor, Microcomputers and Assembly language Microprocessors Microprocessor Instruction set and computer languages From large Computers to Single chip microcontrollers Building Concept of Microprocessor Introduction , Study of human body Memory, input, output devices Central processing unit 8085 Microprocessor Features of intel 8085 microprocessor Pin diagram and pin functions of 8085 8085 CPU architecture Functions internal blocks Introduction to 8085 Assembly Language Programming The 8085 programming model Instruction Classification Instruction and Data formats How to write assembly and execute simple programs 8085 Instruction Set-I Addressing Modes Classification of Instruction set Data Transfer group of Instructions Program examples for data transfer group 8085 Instruction Set-II Arithmetic instructions group Program examples Logical instruction group Program examples 8085 Instruction Set-III Conditional and unconditional Jump Conditional and unconditional CALL Conditional and unconditional RET Ref. 1/1 No. of Lect. 5 2 2 1 2/3 3 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 2 1 2/6 5 1 1 2 1 9 3 2 3 1 6 2 2 2





Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

Concept of Looping Flowchart Programs using loop : Examples Stack and Machine control group


6 1 3 2

Core Reference: 1. Microprocessors : Architecture, programming and Applications with 8085 By R.S.Gaonkar. 2. 8- it Microprocessors By V.J.Vibhute, P.B.borole

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 304AT

Semester : I Programming in C

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Objective: To expose students to algorithmic thinking and problem solving and impart moderate skills in programming using C Language in a industrystandard. Introduce students to learn basic features, Create, execute simple C programs using conditional statements, loops and arrays. Sr. No 1. Topic Introduction An Overview of C , History of C language, C as a Structured Language, Features of C. Basic Elements & Operators Character set, C Token, Identifier & Keywords, Variables Constant and its types. Integer constant, floating point constant, character constant, string constants. Operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Unary operators: Increment & decrement Assignment and Conditional operator. Precedence & Associatively of Operators Data Types Data Types: int, char, float, double. Declaration & Initialization. Type modifiers: long, short, signed and unsigned C Program & I/O statements Structure of C Program, Compilation & Execution of C program I/O: Introduction, Formatted Input/Output function: scanf & printf, Escape sequence characters. Library functions: General used & Mathematical. Control and Iterative Statements : Simple if, nested if, if-else, else if ladder Switch-case statement The conditional expression (? : operator) while and do-while loop, and for loop break & continue statement, goto statement Arrays: Introduction, Declaration and initialization Accessing array elements, Memory representation of array. One dimension and multidimensional arrays, character array, Introduction to string Ref. 2/1, 1/1, No. of Lect. 3


2/2,3, 1/1


2/2, 1/1, 1/6


2/4, 2/3, 1/1


2/5, /6, 1/3, 1/4



2/7, 2/8, 1/8, 3

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Functions Introduction, types of functions. Defining functions, Arguments, Function prototype, actual parameters and formal parameters, Calling function, Returning function results, Call by value, Recursion.

2/9, 1/5, 3

Core Reference: 1. 2. 3. Let us C : Y.P. Kanetkar [bpb publication] [Shaums Series]

Programming in C : E. Balaburuswamy [Tata macgraw hill] Programming in C : Goterfried

Additional References: 1. Spirit of C : Moolish Kooper.

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 305ATP

Semester : I Communication Skill

Hours/week: 2T+1P Credit : 3

Objective: To equip students of computer science with effective speaking and listening skills
in English To help them develop their soft skills and people skills, which will make the transition from college to workplace smoother and help them to excel in their jobs. & to enhance students performance at Placement Interviews, Group Discussions and other recruitment exercises.

Sr. No Topic 1. Concept of Communication Attributes of Communication Process of Communication Feedback 2. Objective of Communication Upward Communication Downward Communication Horizontal Communication 3 Method of Communication Verbal , Oral , Written 4 Written Communication Punctuation marks, Capitals, Abbreviations Grammer: Parts of Speech, tenses, vocabulary building, reduction of sentence length, summarization, constructing paragraphs. CS of good communication Language of business writing 5 Oral Communication Speeches and Presentation Dialogues

Ref. No. of Lect. 1/1 3


3 12


1/12 9 1/29 1/30

(4) (5) (6)

English Language Lab (15 Periods) 1. Listening Comprehension Listening and typing Listening and sequencing of sentences Filling in the blanks Listening and answering the questions 2. Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Filling in the blanks - Cloze Exercises Vocabulary building Reading and answering questions. 3. Speaking: Phonetics: Intonation Ear Training Correct Pronunciation Sound recognition exercises -Common Errors in English Conversations: Face to Face Conversation - Telephone conversation Role play activities (Students take on roles and engage in conversation)

Core Books 1. Business Communication , By urmila Rai & S.M.Rai. Himalaya Pub. 2. Communication Skill for Effective Management By Dr.Anjali Ghanekar. Everest Pub. House. 3. Developing Communication Skill By Krishna Mohan, Meera Banerji.
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 306AT

Semester : I Mathematical Foundation

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Objective: Main objective of this course is to introduce mathematical concepts and techniques that have applications in computer science and Information Technologies. Sr. Topic Ref. No. of No Lect. 1. Set Theory 1/1,2/1 13 1 Basic Definitions: Set, Finite set, Infinite set, Singleton Set, Empty set, Subset, Proper Subset, Universal set, Power set, Venn diagram. 2 Combinations of Sets: Union of sets, Intersection of Sets, Complement of a set, Equality of two sets, Disjoint sets, Difference of two sets, Symmetric Difference, Cartesian Product; explanation of each using Venn-diagram and simple examples. 1 Rules of Set Theory. 9 Algebraic Properties of Set Operations: Statement and proof of Commutative Laws, Associative Laws, Distributive Laws, Idempotent Laws, Properties of Compliment, Properties of Universal set, Properties of Empty set, Principal of Inclusion and Exclusion 2. Permutation and Combination 1/3,2/3 14 3 Permutation: The Multiplication Principal of Counting, Counting Methods 3 Combination: Theorems and Examples. 2 Pigeonhole Principal without proof, Examples. 6 Probability: Sample Spaces, Events, Assigning Probabilities to Events, Equally Likely Outcomes. 3. Relation and Function 2/4 9 3 Introduction: Binary Relation, Tabular Form, Graphical Form, Ternary Relation, Quaternary Relation. 6 Properties of Binary Relations: Reflexive Relation, Symmetric Relation, Antisymmetric Relation, Transitive Relation, Transitive Closure. 4. Boolean Algebra 2/12 9 Lattice: Introduction, Sublattices , Properties of Lattices, Distributive and Complimented Lattices Principle of Duality. Core Reference: [1] Discrete Mathematical Structures by Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross, Pearson Education Asia. [2] Elements of Discrete Mathematics by C.L. Liu, Tata McGraw-Hill Additional Reference: [3] Discrete Mathematics by Dr. Bembalkar. Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10 10

Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 301P

Semester : I Office Lab

Hours/week : 6 Credit : 3

Objective: To impart the student hands on practice so that students should be able to: Create, Save, Copy, Delete, Organize various types of files and manage the desk top in general, use a standard word and spread-sheet processing package exploiting popular features. GUI Operating System : Mouse Practice, Starting, Login, Shutdown, Exploring Directories, Resizing, Moving, Minimizing, closing of software windows, familiarization with file icons, Launching Applications, Deleting, Renaming files, Managing Directories, Searching for files, Using Accessories. Web Browser: Basic Browsing, Buttons: forward, backward, home, adding to favorites, stop, save, save as, Saving an Image from the Web, printing, Specifying a Home Page, Browsing: Using Web URLs, Anatomy of a URL, Membership Websites: Signing up for email service, Searching: Academic Search on the web. Word Processing Tool: Menus, Shortcut menus, Toolbars, Customizing toolbars, Creating and opening documents, Saving documents, Renaming documents, Working on multiple documents, Close a document ; Working With Text :Typing and inserting text, Selecting text, Deleting text, Undo, Formatting toolbar, Format Painter, Formatting Paragraphs: Paragraph attributes, Moving, copying, and pasting text, The clipboard, Columns, Drop caps; Styles : Apply a style, Apply a style from the style dialog box, Create a new styles from a model, Create a simple style from the style dialog box, Modify or rename a style, Delete a style; Lists : Bulleted and numbered lists, Nested lists, Formatting lists Tables :Insert Table button, Draw a table, Inserting rows and columns, Moving and resizing a table, Tables and Borders toolbar, Table properties Graphics :Adding clip art, Add an image from a file, Editing a graphic, AutoShapes; Spelling and Grammar: AutoCorrect, Spelling and grammar check, Synonyms, Thesaurus; Page Formatting: Page margins, Page size and orientation, Headers and footers, Page numbers, Print preview and printing. Spreadsheet Basics: Screen elements, Adding and renaming worksheets, The standard toolbar - opening, closing, saving, and more; Modifying A Worksheet, Moving through cells, Adding worksheets, rows, and columns, Resizing rows and columns, Selecting cells, Moving and copying cells,, Freeze panes; Formatting Cells: Formatting toolbar, Format Cells dialog box, Dates and times; Formulas and Functions: Formulas, Linking worksheets, Relative, absolute, and mixed referencing, Basic functions, Function Wizard, Autosum, Sorting and Filling: Basic ascending and descending sorts, Complex sorts, Autofill; Alternating text and numbers with Autofill, Autofilling functions; Graphics; Adding clip art; Add an image from a file; Editing a graphics; AutoShapes; Charts: Chart Wizard; Resizing a chart; Moving a chart, Chart formatting toolbar; Page Properties and Printing: Page breaks, Page orientation, Margins, Headers, footers, and page numbers, Print Preview, Print; Keyboard Shortcuts.

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Presentation Tool: AutoContent Wizard, Create a presentation from a template, Create a blank presentation, Open an existing presentation, AutoLayout, Presentation Screen: Screen layout, Views, Working with Slides: Insert a new slide, Applying a design template, Changing slide layouts, Reordering slides, Hide slides, Create a custom slide show, Edit a custom slide show Adding Content: Resizing a text box, Text box properties, Delete a text box, Bulleted lists, Numbered lists, Adding notes, Video and Audio Working with Text: Adding text, Editing options, Formatting text, Replace fonts, Line spacing, Change case Spelling check Color & Background: Color schemes, Backgrounds, Graphics, Adding clip art, Adding an image from a file, Editing a graphic, AutoShapes, WordArt Slide Effects: Action buttons, Slide animation, Animation preview, Slide transitions, Slide show options, Master Slides, Slide master, Header and footer, Slide numbers, Date and time Saving and Printing, Save as a web page, Page setup, Print Integrating Programs Word, spreadsheet and Presentation. The above practical is to be conducted using the either MicrosoftOffice or OpenOffice.


Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 202P

Semester : I Digital Electronics Lab

Hours/week : 4 Credit : 2

Objective: To provide hands-on practice of the basic knowledge in digital logic and circuits and to provide hands-on practice in some commonly used combinational and sequential circuits Instruction: The Laboratory work will have to be performed during the semester consisting of any of the 8 experiments from the given list below: List of Experiments: 1. Study and Testing of measuring instruments: Digital and Analog multimeters, CROs and Signal Generators measurement of AC & DC voltages, measurement of frequency. Study of Components: Identification and testing of resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, LEDs & transistors Study of Logic Gates: Study of truth table of basic gates, realization of Boolean functions Study of Half adder and Full Adder Study of Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor Study of Implementation of a 3:8 decoder, Study of 4-line to 16 bit decoder Study of BCD to 7-segment decoder Study of Generating a Boolean expression with a multiplexer Study of Clocked JK Flip Flop Study of 4-bit ripple counter Study of Parallel-in, serial-out, 4-bit shift register

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 203AP

Semester : I 8085: Microprocessor

Hours/week : 4 Credit : 2

Instruction: Any ten experiments from the list given below are to be performed on the 8085 Microprocessor Kit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Addition and subtraction of two 8-bit numbers with programs based on different Addressing modes of 8085. Addition and subtraction of two 16-bit numbers. (Using 2s complement method, also programs which access numbers from specified memory locations) Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers using the method of successive addition and Shift & add. Division of two 8-bit numbers using the method of successive subtraction and shift & subtract. Block transfer and block exchange of data bytes. Finding the smallest and largest element in a block of data. Arranging the elements of a block of data in ascending and descending order. Generating delays of different time intervals using delay subroutines and measurement of delay period on CRO using SOD pin of 8085. Program for Summation of First n Number. Program for Factorial of n. Program for Addition of Array elements. Program for Reversing the Array elements.

Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 204AP

Semester : I Lab for Programming in C

Hours/week : 4 Credit : 2

List of Experiments: 1. Find Area, Perimeter of Triangle & Rectangle. 2. Find maximum amongst 3 numbers. 3. Program for nested loops. 4. Program to Calculate x y 5. Program to check Prime Number. 6. Program to find Armstrong Number. 7. Program to print the Fibonacci Series 8. Searching and element from array. 9. Transpose of matrices 10. Multiplication of matrices 11. Sorting array using bubble sort technique 12. Program for recursion e.g. factorial, reverse of digit 13. Program for structure initialization 14. Array of Structure e.g. student result, Employee pay slip , Phone bill 15. Function with parameter & return values
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 307T

Semester : II Introduction to Data Structure

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Objective: This course provides students an opportunity to develop and refine their programming skills. In particular, the emphasis of this course is on the organization of information, the implementation of linear data structures such as arrays, lists, stacks, queues, and techniques of data abstraction, including searching and sorting. Sr. Topic Ref No 1. Introduction to Data Structure: Introduction Basic Terminology : Data item, Fields, Records, Files, Entity, Attributes Data Organization and Data Structure 2. Arrays Representation of Linear Arrays Traversing, Insertion and Deletions Sorting & Searching Algorithms Multidimensional Arrays : 2D & M-D Concept Record : Record Structures, Representation in Memory 3 Linked List Concept of Linked List Representation of linked List in memory Traversing a linked list Searching a linked list : sorted and unsorted Insertion & Deletion in Linked List Header Linked List & Two way List 4 Stacks, Queues , Recursion Stack: Operation , Array Representation of Stack, linked representation of stack, Arithmetic Expression POLISH & POSTFIX, Application of stacks: Quicksort, Recursion. Queue : Representation of queues, linked representation of queues Types of Queues : Deques & Priority Queues No. of Lect. 3 1 1 1 9 1 3 2 1 2 15 1 1 3 3 7 2 12 6

3 3

Core References: 1. Data Structures : By Seymour Lipschutz, Tata Mcgraw- Hill Publication. Advance Reference: 1. Fundamentals of Data structures, by Horowitz and Sahani (Galgotia publications). 2. An introduction to data structures and application, by Jean Paul Tremblay & Pal G. Sorenson (McGraw Hill). 3. Data Structures, by Tannenbaum, (PHI).
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 308AT

Semester : II Operating Systems

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Objectives: To introduce students the basic functioning of operating systems as resource manager and its Salient features. Also to study about process states, scheduling, Memory and I/O Management techniques. Sr. No I Topic Ref No. of Lect. 2 2




Introduction to Software: Software: Definition, classification and components of software, operating system as the main component of system software; Operating System Fundamental 2/1 Operating Systems: OS as a resource manager, Structure of OS, Evolution of OS, OS functions, Characteristics of modern OS. Types of O.S.: Early systems, simple batch systems, multiprogrammed batch systems, Time sharing system, Personal Computer systems, Parallel systems, Distributed systems, Real time systems OS Structures: Components of OS: Process management, Memory management, Storage management, File management, I/O management. Process Management 1/2 Concept of Process: Process State, Operation on Processes, thread. CPU Scheduling : Types of Schedulers, Criteria for scheduling, Scheduling Algorithms. Process Synchronization: Need for synchronization, Critical Section, Hardware Synchronization, Semaphores, Monitors, Problem of synchronization. Deadlocks: Concept of Deadlock, Deadlock Modeling, Methods for Handling Deadlock Storage Management 1/3 Memory Management: Address Binding, Logical Vs. Physical Address space, Memory Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation and paging of Intel Pentium. Virtual Memory: Demand Paging, Page replacement Algorithms (FIFO, Optimal, LRU), Virtual Memory in windowsXp. File System Interface: Files, File Access, Directory Structure, Protection Implementation of File System: Allocation Methods, Free space Management

7 2

18 3 5 5

5 12 4

2 2

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


I/O System I/O System Components : I/O Devices , I/O Hardware , Application I/O interface Secondary Storage Structure : Disk fundamental, Disk Scheduling , Disk Management


6 3 3

Core References: 1. Operating System, By S.R.Sathe & Anil S.Mokhade , MacMillan Publication. 2. Operating System, By Stuart E.Madnick, John J.Donovan. Additional References: 1. Operating System Concepts- A. Silberzchaz & P.B. Galvin, Addison Wesley Publishing Company.

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 303BT

Semester : II 8086: Microprocessor

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Objectives: Make the student aware about the functional organization of physical components and architecture of a 8086 Microprocessor Kit. Also give the brief about instruction set of 8086. Sr. No 1. Topic Ref No. of Lect. 1/1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1

Introduction to Microprocessor and Microcomputer Historical background Microprocessor based personal computer system Number system Computer data formats 2 8086 Hardware specification Types of computers Microcomputer structure and operation 8086 internal architecture Introduction to programming 8086 : programming languages 3 Addressing Modes 1/3 Data addressing modes Program memory addressing modes Stack memory addressing modes 4 Data Movement Instructions ( Instructions related 1/4 with 8086 only) MOV revisited: Machine language,the op-code, MOD field, resister assignment,R/M memory addressing,special addr.mode PUSH/POP, initializing stack Miscellaneous data transfer instructions: XCHG, LAHF & SAHF 5 Arithmetic instructions Addition, subtraction and comparison Multiplication and division BCD and ASCII arithmetic 6 Logic instructions Basic logic Instructions Shift and rotate 7 Program control Instructions The JUMP group LOOP CALL & RET Core Reference: 1. The Intel Microprocessors: Architecture, programming and interfacing By Barry B. Brey 2. Microprocessors and Interfacing : Douglas Hall
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10

4 2 1

4 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 3


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 304BT

Semester : II

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Advance Programming in C Objective: After working through this paper the students should be able to 1) Learn some advance features of C language. 2) Write programs using pointers, file handling. 3) Aware of graphics functions of C. Sr. No 1. Topic Structure & Union Structure: Introduction, Declaration and initializing structure, Accessing structure members, Nested structures, Arrays of structure, typedef statement. Unions: Declaration, Difference between structure and union Pointers: Introduction, Memory organization. Declaration and initialization of pointers. The pointer operator * and &, De-referencing, Pointer expression and pointer arithmetic, Pointer to an array, Pointer to pointer, Constant pointers. Functions & Pointers: Call by reference, Passing array and structure to function, functions returning pointers, character pointer, Two dimensional array of string, array of pointer to string, passing structure pointer to function, arrow (->) operator. Storage Class & Library Functions: Storage classes, Scope, visibility and lifetime of variable, block and file scope, auto, extern, static and register storage classes. String handling functions: strcpy(), strcmp(), strcat(), strlen(), strupr(), strlwr(), gets(), puts() Data conversion functions from stdlib.h: atoi(), atol(), atof(), itoa(), ltoa(), random(), calloc(),malloc(),exit(), abs(), toupper(), tolower() Preprocessor Directives: File inclusion and conditional compiler directives, Macro substitution, #define, #if, #ifdef, #else, #elif, #endif, Miscellaneous Features: Bitwise Operators: Introduction, Masking, Internal representation of data, Bit fields, Enumerated data types, Type casting. 19 References No. of Lectures 2/10, 1/10, 4


2/11, 1/5


2/9,11, 1/5



2/14, 1/7


2/App-I, 1/15,

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10



File Handling 2/12, 1/12,13 File handling: Introduction, Opening & closing a file, Input/Output operations on files, text and binary files, getc(), putc() function. File copy program, fprintf() and fscanf(). fread() and fwrite() function. Writing and reading records from binary file, Appending, modifying and deleting a record from file, Random access functions fseek(), rewind(), flushall(), remove(), rename(). Command line arguments: use of argc and argv. Graphics in C: 4 Introduction: initgraph() and detectgraph() function, Drawing object in C, Line, Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Changing foreground & background colors, Filling object by color, outtextx() function.

Core Reference: 1. Let us C Solutions 2. Programming in C 3. Programming in C 4. Graphics Under C Additional References: 1. Spirit of C 2. Test your Skills in C : Moolish Kooper. : Y.Kanetkar : Y.P. Kanetkar : Goterfried : Y. Kanetkar [bpb publication] [Shaums Series] : E. Balagurusamy. [Tata macgraw hill]

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 305BTP

Semester : II Communication Skill- II

Hours/week : 2T+1P Credit : 3

Objective: To introduce advance topics to self-assess various components of communication skills as well as to improve listening, reading, writing, and speaking and presentation skills through practice.

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 306BT

Semester : II

Hours/week : 3 Credit : 3

Numerical Computational Methods Sr. No 1 Topic Ref. No. of Lect. 2

Error in Calculation 1/1 Significant Error , Absolute, Percentage, Relative Error Chopping off and Rounding off Error. Truncation Error, Propagation Error. 2 Matrices and Determinants. 3/2 2 Definitions, Matrix Operations Determinant of Square Matrix, Cofactor Adjoint of Matrix, Inverse of Matrix, Rank of Matrix 3 Numerical Solutions of Transcendental Equations 1/2 10 1 Concept of Iterative Methods, Search Method for Initial Guess. 2+1 Bisection Method 2+1 False Position Method 2+1 Newton-Raphson Method 4 Elimination Methods for Solving Simultaneous 1/3 7 Equations 2 Introduction and Matrix Notation of set of Equations 4 Gauss Elimination Method 3 Matrix Inverse Method 5 Interpolation 1/6 16 1 Introduction and Polynomial Interpolation 2 Newton-Gregory Forward Difference Interpolation Formula 2 Newton-Gregory Backward Difference Interpolation Formula 2 Central Difference Formula 2 Newtons divided Difference Interpolation 2 Lagranges Interpolation 2 Spline Interpolation 2 Cubic Spline Interpolation 1 Applications of Interpolation 6 Least Square Curve Fitting 1/7 8 2 Best Fit and Criteria for Best Fit and Least Square Fit. 3 Linear Regression. 3 Polynomial Regression. Core Reference Books: 1. Numerical Computational Methods - Dr. P.B.Patil, Narosa Publication Hous. Advance Reference Books: 1. Numerical methods -S.C.Chapra, R.P.Canale-McGraw Hill 2. Numerical methods-E.Balguruswamy
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 307P

Semester : II

Hours/week : 6 Credit : 3

Data Structure & Operating System Assignments: Write the Program using C (if applicable) : Data Structure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Write a program using DIV(J,K) which reads a positive integer N>10 and determines whether or not N is a prime number. Write a program which counts the number of particular character/word in the String. Write a program which reads words WORD1 and WORD2 and then replaces each occurrence of word1 in text by word2 Write the programs for traversing of n item using the array. Write the programs for insertion and deletion of n item using the array. Implement Linear and binary search algorithm using C. Implement Bubble sort using C. Write the programs for traversing of n item from the linked list. Write the programs for push and pop operation using the stacks. Write the programs for insertion and deletion of n item from the queues.

Operating System: 1. Study of Unix/Linux Command. 2. Write a program to implement the FCFS Scheduling Algoithms. 3. Write a program to implement the SJF Scheduling Algoithms. 4. Write a program to implement the Priority Scheduling Algoithms. 5. Write a program to implement the Round Robin Scheduling Algoithms.

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 203BP

Semester : II 8086 Microprocessor

Hours/week : 4 Credit : 2

Any ten experiments from the list given below: 1. Addition and subtraction of two 8-bit numbers with programs based on different Addressing modes of 8086. 2. Addition and subtraction of two 16-bit numbers. (Using 2s complement method, also programs which access numbers from specified memory locations) 3. Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers using the method of successive addition and Shift & add. 4. Division of two 8-bit numbers using the method of successive subtraction and shift & subtract. 5. Block transfer and block exchange of data bytes. 6. Finding the smallest and largest element in a block of data. 7. Arranging the elements of a block of data in ascending and descending order. 8. Generating delays of different time intervals using delay subroutines and measurement of delay period on CRO using SOD pin of 8086. 9. Program for Summation of First n Number. 10. Program for Factorial of n. 11. Program for Addition of Array elements. 12. Program for Reversing the Array elements.

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 204BP

Semester : II Advance Programming in C

Hours/week : 4 Credit : 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Swapping of numbers by using call by reference Program to pass array to function. Program for passing structure pointer to function. String manipulation function e.g. string copy, concatenation, compare, string length, reverse Program for reading/writing text file. Program for reading/writing binary file File copy program. Program to modify a record from binary file Program to delete a record from binary file Program on conditional compiling Program on macro substitution. Program for data conversion Program to draw simple pictures (human face, clock, hut, etc.) using graphics functions. Program using command line arguments. Program to demonstrate the storage class. Program to sort names.

Course : B.C.A.(Sci.) Code : 206BP

Semester : II

Hours/week : 4 Credit : 2

Implementation of Numerical Computational Methods Using C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Program in C for representation of, Inverse of Matrix Program in C for representation of, Bisection Method Program in C for representation of, False Position Method Program in C for representation of, Newton-Raphson Method Program in C for representation of, Gauss Elimination Method Program in C for representation of, Matrix Inverse Method Program in C for representation of, Newton-Gregory Forward Difference Interpolation Formula Program in C for representation of, Newton-Gregory Backward Difference Interpolation Formula Program in C for representation of, Central Difference Formula Program in C for representation of, Newtons divided Difference Interpolation Program in C for representation of, Lagranges Interpolation Program in C for representation of, Spline Interpolation

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. Appendix A A Candidate shall be admitted to the I year of the B.C.A.(Science) degree course only if he/she satisfies the following condition: 1. He/ She must have passed the higher secondary (multipurpose) examination conducted by H.S.C. board Government of Maharashtra with science / technical subjects Or an Examination of any statutory University and Board recognized as equivalent thereto. OR He/She must have passed examination prescribed at the end of second year of the junior college conducted by the H.S.C. board, Government of Maharashtra with English, Second language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and or Biology or one of the technical subjects prescribed at the said examination as the optional or elective subjects or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto. OR Candidate having offered prescribed vocational course (MCVC) with Computer techniques/I.T./Electronics. OR Three years Diploma Course in engineering conducted by the board of technical Education, Maharashtra State. 2. He/ She must have passed with minimum 50% of marks (45% reserved category) at qualifying examination. A candidate who has passed the B.C.A.(Science) examination of this university may be allowed to present himself subsequently at the degree examination in a subject or subjects other than those he has taken earlier provided that he puts in three years of attendance as a regular candidate for First, Second and Third year in the subject or subjects concerned excluding compulsory English, Second Language and remaining optional subject(s). A candidate shall not be allowed to appear for such examination if he has passed the higher examination.
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


The Degree of Bachelor of Computer Application (Science) shall be conferred on candidate who has pursued a regular course of study consisting of six semesters in the relevant subject as prescribed and has appeared at the end examination and passed under the credit based system in all the examination prescribed for the Degree course in the faculty. The pattern of the examination and the scope is indicated in the syllabus. The Number of students in a theory class shall not exceed 60. Maximum number of students in a batch for practicals in first four semesters shall consist of 20 students and for fifth & sixth semester the batch shall consist of 15 students. A candidate will not be allowed to admit in Third Semester, if he/she failed to gain the complete (27) credits of the First Semester and a candidate will not be allowed to get admission in Fifth Semester, if he/she failed to gain the complete credits of the Second and Third Semester. For Each course the concerned teacher will have to conduct two Class tests after completion of 15 and 30 lectures respectively. The mark list of the same is to be submitted to the university authority within 7 working days after the completion of class tests. Final Examination will be conducted by the University based on the complete syllabus. Final Practical Examination will be conducted by the university and examiners will submit the grade of students for practical examination to the university. There will be 40% weightage for two class test and 60% for the final theory examination. The concerned teachers have to take class test in their teaching schedule. There shall not be separate timetable for the class test. The schedule for the first class test will tentatively be after 30 working days (not later than 31 August/10 February), second class test after 60 working days (not later than 15 October/15 March) and Final examination after 75 working days in respective semesters. The final grade will be given to the candidate by the university. If Marks of the final Theory examination in any course is less than 40%, the Candidate will be given F grade, in that course irrespective of marks obtained in the class tests. Grade: The grade will be given as follows: The candidate with more than or equal to 75% marks will get A+ grade.
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


The candidate with 60% & above and less than 75% marks will get A grade. The candidate with 55% & above and less than 60% marks will get B+ grade. The candidate with 50% & above and less than 55% marks will get B grade. The candidate with 45% & above and less than 50% marks will get C+ grade. The candidate with 40% & above and less than 45% marks will get C grade. The candidate with less than 40% marks will get F grade.
Any students with F grade will be considered to be failed in the course. He/She has to repeat the course as per the guidelines given by the college. During repetition of the course the candidate has to re-appear for the class tests and final examination. The course incharge of the course will conduct the class test.

Points Calculation:
Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C F Points 10 9 8 7 6 5 0

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Grade Point Average (GPA): The student will have GPA between 4 to 10 computed as follows: GPA = Sum (Course credit * number of points obtained) Sum (Course Credit) The final grade will be assigned to students on the basis of final GPA, as follows: Final Grade as per the final GPA: Equivalent Percentage More than or Equal to 75% 60% and less than 75% 55% and less than 60% 50% and less than 55% 45% and less than 50% 40% and less than 45% Below GPA GPA >=9 8 > GPA < 9 7 > GPA < 8 6 > GPA < 7 5 > GPA < 6 4 > GPA < 5 < 4 GPA Final Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C F

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad Curriculum Structure and Scheme of Evaluation: B.C.A.(Sci.) Sr. Course Name of the Subject Scheme of Teaching No. Code P Total Total T
hrs/ week hrs/ week hrs/ week


Class Tests

Scheme of Evaluation(Marks) Uni.Exam Univ. Th. Uni. Total Exam. Pract. Duration Marks ( in hrs.) Exam. 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 50 50 50 50 200 50 50 50 50 200 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 800 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 800

Semester I 1 301T

Computer Fundamentals 2 302T Digital Electronics 3 303AT 8085:Microprocessor 4 304AT Programming in C 5 305ATP Communication Skill I 6 306AT Mathematical Foundation 7 301P Office Suite 8 202P Digital Electronics 9 203AP 8085:Microprocessor 10 204AP Programming in C Total of Semester I Semester II 1 307T Data Structure 2 308AT Operating System I 3 303BT 8086:Microprocessor 4 304BT Adv. Programming in C 5 305BTP Communication Skill - II 6 306BT Numerical Computation Methods 7 307P Data Structure & O.S. 8 203BP 8086:Microprocessor 9 204BP Adv. Programming in C 10 206BP Numerical Methods Total of Semester II

3 3 3 3 2 3 17 3 3 3 3 2 3 17

1 6 4 4 4 19

3 3 3 3 3 3 6 4 4 4 36 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 4 4 4 36

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 27 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 27

20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 240 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 240

1 6 4 4 4 19

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad Curriculum Structure and Scheme of Evaluation: B.C.A.(Sci.)
Sr. No. Course Code Name of the Subject Scheme of Teaching P Total Total Credit hrs/ hrs/
week week

hrs/ week

Class Test

Scheme of Evaluation(Marks) University Uni.Exam Uni. Exam. Pract. Duration ( in hrs.)

Total Marks

50 50 50 50 50 250 50 50 50 50

Semester III 1 309AT Analysis of Algorithm 2 308BT Operating System II 3 312AT DBMS I 4 304CT OOPs using C++ 5 306CT Statistical Method 6 Tech.writing 305CT 7 209AP Pr. Based on 309AT 8 208BP Pr. Based on 308BT 9 212AP Pr. Based on 312AT 10 204CP Pr. Based on 304CT 11 106CP Pr. Based on 306CT Total of Semester III Semester IV 1 326AT Soft. Proj. Mgmt-I 2 327T Adv. DBMS using SQL 3 314AT DCN I 4 310AT OOPs using JavaI 5* 335T Financial Accounting 6* 316AT Web Fund-I 7* 336T Principal of Mgmt 8* 317T Linux 9 126AP Pr. Based on 326AT 10 227P Pr. Based on 327T 11 210AP Pr. Based on 310AT 12 235P/216 Pr. Based on 335T/316AT / AP/ 236P/ 336T/317T 217P 13 235P/216 Pr. Based on 335T/316AT / AP/ 236P/ 336T/317T 217P Total of Semester IV

3 3 3 3 3 3 18 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 2 18

3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 36 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 4

3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 27 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2

20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 -

60 60 60 60 60 60 -

240 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20

360 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 4

100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 850 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50

2 4 4 4











* Indicate optional paper (any two from Sr.No. 5/6/7/8)

Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad Curriculum Structure and Scheme of Evaluation: B.C.A.(Sci.)
Sr. No . Course Code Name of the Subject Scheme of Teaching P Total Total Credit hrs/ hrs/
week week

hrs/ week

Class Test

Scheme of Evaluation(Marks) University Uni.Exam Uni. Exam. Pract. Duration ( in hrs.)

Total Marks

50 50 50 50

Semester V 1 326BT Soft.proj.mgmt-II 2 314BT DCN-II 3 337T MIS 4 315AT Computer Graphics 5* 330T E-Business 6* 304ET GUI Prog 7* 333T Internet Prog Using Php 8* 338T DBA 9 226BP Pr. Based on 326BT 10 114BP Pr. Based on 314BT 11 215AP Pr. Based on 315AT 12 230P/204E Pr. Based on 330T / 304ET P / 233P/ /333T / 338T 238T 13 230P/204E Pr. Based on 330T / 304ET P/233P/ /333T / 338T 238T Total of Semester V Semester VI 1 313CT Soft.Test.andQA 2 332T Cust Rela Mgmt 3 323T Ethics and Cyber law 4 331AT Mutlimedia tech. 5* 321BT KDD 6* 339T PHP 7* 334T ERP 8* 314CT Mobile Computing 9 740P PROJECT WORK 10 241P SEMINAR

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 2 4 4

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 4

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2

20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 -

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 4

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50



18 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 18


36 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 4 36

27 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7** (1+2+4) 2*** (1+1) 27

240 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20

360 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

250 200 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 -

850 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 50 850

14 4 18

Total of Semester VI




* Indicate optional paper (any two from 5/6/7/8) ** Indicates credit for review 1, review 2 and Actual Project Work. *** Indicates credit for review 1 and Actual Seminar presentation.
Revised Syllabus of B.C.A.(Science), with Credit Based System. w.e.f.: 2009-10


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