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resume based questions


3. What is a Dangling pointer

4. ask questions like microprocessors, computer networks, etc.

5. Then qns in domain(ECE related) and maximum of qns in projects that i have done in
my college days, facing challenges
6. Most of the question is from c programming
7. I took embedded systems n c … so I was asked to code in embedded c
8. Draw a full wave n half wave rectifier Networking questions Embedded systems basics
9. C language, communication, interface, code
10. 1 st technical interview:
1.Tell about yourself
2.Previous Job description and role

3.Technical topics mentioned in resume.

4.what is microcontroller and microprocessor?
5.what is meant by ARM and PIC ,RISC ?
6.Tell about project you worked in your current job.
7.Tell about your family.
8.Where you used SPI,USART,I2C and CAN protocols?
9.what is the difference between SPI and I2C?
10.what are architecture in Microcontroller and Microprocessor ?
11.What id Non veumann and Harvard architecture?
12.Expalin 8051 and PIC.
13. Expected CTC?
2nd Technical interview :
1.tell about yourself
2.Tell about the projects you worked in your current job in detail?
3.difgiculty faced during project
. 4.what is an interrupt and Reset ?
5.Can we use Static in place of Global
6.what is volatile and Non- volatile memory?
7.what si static variable.
8.can we change unsigned 16 bit to signed 8 bit?
9.Excepted CTC?
1: small intro about yourself 2.tell about your family. 3.why should I hire you ? 4.how you
see yourself in next 5 or 10 years? 5.excepeted CTC. 6.How many days you need to join
Bosch and how many days of notice period in your current job.

Basic Embedded Questions How to Microcontroller ?

ADC, Timer,
Sensor peripherals.
function pointer
Storage classes
It was a simple one they asked about the project and C language

different types of memories?

About protocols i2c, spi, UART, usart?
c programm
he concerned topics were Embedded C programming, RTOS , Sensors and general
Embedded Systems.
basic question about Embedded C and Sensors

Questions on microcontrollers at very basic level, c language, rtos

the difference between assembly and c, how to handle errors
what is function of controller
1) Different Data types In C their value and the Range of Data types?
2)Pattern program?
3)program on Armstrong number?
4) Project related Question(main area to focus)?
5)Different types Of loop in explain with example?
6)Storage class in C?
Most of them was based on pointer and precedence table
In First round many questions was releted to pointer and there was one programming
question also included in first round
Write a macro for swap two numbers without using semicolon.
In Second round there was GD on topic
Automation is a boon or bane
In third round they asked about embedded and C question
Basic C programs,static storage class in detail,
swap a nibble in a byte of data
,CAN protocol--Types of Errors,Data format,Projects in depth....
Ask about microcontroller, basic C language, your last project

2 technical rounds and 1 HR round. The first round was phone screen, they just talked
about my resume, interests. The 2 technical rounds were 1 to 1. It was a pleasant

Interview Questions
• questions were based on C.
• Programs on linked lists.
• Questions on mutexes, sempahores.
• Questions in Embedded domain like I2C drivers, more on CAN bus.
• Bosch interview questions
• 1) Explain about ur projects, block diagra, modules used in ur project , working,
code for those modules(only logic).
• 2) How many months taken to complete project.
• 3) About ur company, clients
• 4) Stepper motor interfacting with the microcontroller and logic code
• 5) Reverse of a no. program
• 6) Questions on Bitwise operators(&,^,|,~).
• 7) Traingle oriented programs
• 1
• 12
• 123
• 1234 E.t.c
• 8)CAN protocol depth, frames, speed
• 9)LIN, UDS theoritically
• 10)Interrupt execution (stack pointer, program counter) operation clearly step by
step explanation.
• 11)Digital electronics and analog ciruits, Op amps, Transistors, amplifiers, ce
amplifier how they works
• 12)what is CAPL ,XML and its uses
• 13)what is CANoe, why and how,
• 14)Increment and Decrement (pre, post operators)
• 15)Storage classes with examples
• 16)Conversions like hexa to decimal etc
• 17)what is bit stuffing , why and how.
• 18)what are preprocessor directives, why and how
• 19)Swaping 2 var with using 3rd var and without 3rd var
• 20)Particular bit set or not in a given integer program
• 30)Implement an invertor using one exor gate
• 31)what are hardware and software interrupts, with examples
• 32)what is watchdog timer, explain it.
• 33)What is ternary Operator
• 34)How u will interface node to CANoe
• 35)difference between Structure and Union
• 36)what is call by value and call by reference with example
• 37)example program on static variable
• 38)1’s and 2’s complement which is easy to implement and why
• 39)what , why diagnostics and how u will do
• 40)what is arbitration , how, example with values.
• 41)what is automotive domain includes and what do u know about it
• 42)what is declaration and definiton
• 43)what is volatile and explain it briefly
• 44)what is linking, compiling , execution , syntax error
• 45)memory segments, explain each segment briefly
• 46)diffrence between rom and flash
• 47)can frames , explain them
• 48)programs on Extern varialbes
• 49)shall we declare same variables so many times.
• 50)Shall we acess local var as globally r not
• 51)can we use same header files in multiple c programs r not
• 52)difference between remote and data fram with example
• 53)Prime no program, reverse of a string program.

tell us about yourself Software dev life cycle oops concept basic os and dbms question

conver a number from hexadecimal to decimal without using predefined functions

Watchdog timers. Implement basic line follower

echnical interview was held for 1 hour.
Be very strong at basics and fundamentals of your domain.
What is internal size of RAM, ROM in 8051?
differentiate java and c oops concepts explanation tell about interfaces what is
Types of normalization
explain about SDLC
explain about exceptions in java write code for printing n prime numbers

General questions about oop, design patterns, personal projects, bitwise operations

1.)define macros 2.) types of amplifiers 3.)questions on spi,i2c

data structures, algorithms such as last breath linked list, heap, queue, stack, dynamic
programming, yu, and so on. B thinking by

Storage class in C programming ,EVs ,ADAS , ESP ,EPS etc

about microprocessors, my projects and internships, explain about your project a few c
based questions

questions were on c programming . communication protocols like can and lin. the
concepts of digital electronics also was asked as i was electronics engineer.
What are the typical peripheries of a microcontroller?
Why do we need a servo motor in the steering system?

How to reverse a doubly linkedlist?

1.Basics about C program

2. program writing :
Pattern printing,
binary conversion,
prime or not,
factorial using recursion etc
3.Explanation about the last project (Hardware level and software level)
4.HR round: Salary expectation
5. Codility test: Counting no of ones in a binary number, counting number on of ones in
What's a linker and a loader?

Coding questions to print given pattern and prime numbers

What is the difference between x++ and ++x

Write a program for quicksort , oops concepts like polymorphism and inheritance
C program to check for palindrome
Basic C and Java Questions
Questions related to mini project
Reverse string using pointer
What is a structure?
1. In deep about projects. 2. Flipflops. 3.latches. 4. Microcontroller basic questions.
5. Synchronous and asynchronous circuits.
2. Describe the basic functionality of 8086 microcontroller Describe the basic Op-
amp Adder circuit Describe Op-Amp filters What is Chebyshev filter used for
3. Java basics python programs design for satellite communication 25 horse puzzle
rubix cube puzzle
What is String pointers,
Difference between call by value and call by reference
malloc() and calloc()
I2C Microcontroller

1. Basic questions on C language 2. Storage classes 3. Basic questions on electronics

4. Questions on Digital electronics
2. Questions were asked on the basis of microprocessors, C++ coding, Maths puzzles
3. Why do you want to work with our company?
Maths puzzle based on triangle and a circle
Technical interview was majorly based on Data structures,Algorithms and
Operating systems. ->insertion, deletion of nodes from a linked list ->Depth first search. -
>in OS, they asked me explain process life cycle ->cache memory concepts few simple
programs in C or C++ or any language of your choice.
Some basic digital questions : MUX related

Architecture of a micro controller and addressing modes

Main focus was on CAN and Embedded C.

Q: CAN Frames, Error management, CAN Voltage Levels, Arrays, Pointers, Friend
Functions etc.
1.Explain any three sorting techniques
2.Where is Super key used? DBMS/C++ He asked some puzzle type questions and some
basics questions related to particular branch subjects. Mainly he asked to explain about
my project and asked some questions on the same
1.Basics of Microprocessor. 2.Basics of C language. 3.Digital circuits. 4.Questions
regarding academic projects.
Pointers in C
Questions on 1. Linux booting sequence, init and other system processes. 2. C++ - stl,
polymorphism, inheritance, vtable, static and dynamic casts, more about pointers 3. QML
- some basic questions on importing C++ objects to (and from) QML

Interview Questions
• --> Microcontroller architecture --> Logic for programming --> interface of various
sensor to controller --> CAN
• Define a Linked list in c++
Answer Question
• merge 2 integer array lists to one that all element of final list is increase.

Explain the working of the temperature sensor?
Different types of storage classes in C
there was a lot of questions on the college project. questions including my role, hpw the
ADC was interfaced, the number of lines of code etc.

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