Battery Charger Calculation
Battery Charger Calculation
Battery Charger Calculation
MIN AMBIENT TEMPERATURE:- 15 Deg C (for battery design) However, Battery sizing considered for worst condition of 5 Deg C MAXIMUM DC VOLTAGE :125 X 1.1 = 137.5V DC (+10%)
125 X 0.9
112.5V DC (-10%)
1.14V/Cell .
The battery is sized for safe shutdown of gas turbine in the event of failure of AC supply.
Load current Starting for 10 secs
Sl Tag No No 01 02 03 04 05 88QE-1 88DS 88HR Lighting TURBINE CONTROL PANEL (Mark-VI) Emergency lighting 40 watts (12 numbers)
Load Load current current Remarks Normal Duration 66.67 Amps 66.67 Amps 5 Amps 2A 15 Amps 5
Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle Requirement for coasting down and cool down Requirement for start-up Requirement for cool down Requirement for coasting down and cool down
250 W
Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle Refer duty cycle
The load requirement occurs when AC lighting fails. Considering 2A/ breaker & 2 breakers operating simultaneously.
10 11
Generator 1.25KW Control Panel Generator 1.25KW Relay Panel Automatic 1.25KW Voltage regulator 0.25KW
10 2
10 2
159.7A L O A D C U R R E N T
1Min 127.7A
Load cycle
119.7 A
2 Min
A1: FIRST 10 secs (Considering Starting :Loads 1, 4, 5,7,8,9,10,11,12 of Table I Current ) starting currents are considered 159.67 Amps A2: Next 14 Min , 50 secs Table I Normal currents are considered 119.67 Amps A3: Next 1 Min : Loads sl no.1,3,4 ,5,7,8,9,10,11,12 of table I are considered Starting currents for 88HR 127.67 Amps Load 1,4 ,5,7,8,9,10,11,12 Normal currents are considered 119.67 Amps. : Loads 1,4 ,5,7,8,9,10,11,12 of
Section A3, A4 repeats sequentially for the next 105 Min (till the total duration of 2 hours) at the rate of 3min/cycle (1 min ON 2 min OFF and 35 such cycles occur in 105 Min. DUTY CYCLE : 1) 2) 3) 4) 159.7 Amps for 10 secs followed by 119.7 Amps for 14 min 50 secs followed by 127.7 Amps for 1 min followed by 119.7 Amps for 2 min.
3 & 4 repeats for remaining duty cycle time. FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED: 1) Aging factor = 2) Design margin = 3) Temp correction factor = TABLE -1 Period Load ( In amps) Duration Performance factor (A/AH)
as per vendor Datasheet-M/s HBL 10 sec. 14 min 50 sec. 1 min. 2 min. 2.56 1.08 2.06 1.88
I1= I2= I3 = I4 =
Load in Amps 159.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7 127.7 119.7
Duratio n 10 sec 14 min 50 sec. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min. 1 min. 2 min.
Ah Reqd. 77.37 130.70 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33 76.14 78.33
Ah Drain 2.662 27.93 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990 2.13 3.990
Ah Balan ce 74.71 102.7 7 100.6 4 96.65 94.52 90.53 88.40 84.41 82.29 78.30 76.17 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 Total
Ah to Add 77.37 55.988 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.163 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 1.797 4.322 196.71
0.00 74.71 102.77 100.64 96.65 94.52 90.53 88.40 84.41 82.29 78.30 76.17 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01 74.34 74.01
2.06 0.92 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53 1.68 1.53
196.71 Ah
6 OF 7
(Float charge current= Continuous load + trickle current) THE CURRENT IN ON LINE FLOAT CHARGING THE CURRENT REQUIREMENT FOR BOOST CHARGING Total charger rating Charger rating selected : 46.1
The charger selected is 2 X 100% Float cum boost charger 125VDC, 110 A