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Cold War: Organized Crime?

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Soviet-American Cold War Organized Crime?

By William P. Litynski

From Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.:

Lone Gunman or Patsy?

The Assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 196

Ameri!an President John F. Kennedy, a devo"t #oman $atho%i!, and his &ife Ja!'ie Kennedy ride in a motor!ade in (a%%as, Te)as, United States of Ameri!a on November 22, 196 , moments before President Kennedy &as assassinated.

*After the +ay of Pi,s disaster, JFK -President John F. Kennedy. had been b%"nt abo"t his fee%in,s to&ard the inte%%i,en!e e%ite that had !on!o!ted the $"ban s!heme. I e !ot to "o somet#in! a$out t#ose %IA $astar"s,& he had ra,ed. /eads had ro%%ed, and A%%en ("%%es, the +"shes0 !%ose friend, &as sti%% smartin, over his firin,. So &as $har%es $abe%%, the brother of (a%%as mayor 1ar%e $abe%% and the $2A0s de3"ty dire!tor of o3erations d"rin, the +ay of Pi,s invasion4 Kennedy dee35si)ed his !areer. A%so ho%din, a ,r"d,e a,ainst the Kennedys &as Pres!ott +"sh, &ho &as f"rio"s at both JFK and #FK for sa!'in, his !%ose friend ("%%es. And there &ere many others.6 7 Family of Secrets by #"ss +a'er, $ha3ter 6, 3. 86

International Bankers & Communism

David Rockefeller (left), President of Chase Manhattan Bank, and his dau hter !eva Rockefeller (second from left) reet "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev (ri ht) at the #remlin in Mosco$, "oviet %nion on &uly '(, )(*+. David Rockefeller attended the March 1964 Bilderberg Meetings held in Williamsburg, Virginia, !"!#! (Photo, Memoirs -y David Rockefeller.Wide World Photos)

/merican ca0italist David Rockefeller (left), the President of Chase Manhattan Bank -ankin firm in !e$ 1ork City, visits "oviet Communist -ureaucrat /leksei #osy in in Mosco$, "oviet %nion. David Rockefeller is a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations, a 0rivate or ani3ation in !e$ 1ork City.

#merican ca$italist David Rockefeller (left), the Chairman and C45 of Chase Manhattan Bank (located in !e$ 1ork City), and "oviet communist #leksei %os&gin (ri ht), the Premier of the "oviet %nion, are seen lau hin .

"oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev (left) and 'ohn Mc(lo&, former )resident of the World Bank and former (hairman of the board of (hase Manhattan Bank, are seen s$immin in a s$immin 0ool to ether at !ikita #hruschev6s house in the "oviet %nion. ("ource, The Wise Men: Six Friends and The World They Made -y Walter 7saacson and 4van 8homas) 2ront 0a e 0hoto, Charles Bohlen (left) $atches %.". /m-assador to "oviet %nion /verell 9arriman (center) shake hands $ith "oviet Commissar &osef "talin durin a meetin at 1alta Conference in 2e-ruary )(+:. /verell 9arriman $as an international -anker (0artner of Bro$n Brothers 9arriman ; Co. in !e$ 1ork City), a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations from )('< to )(=*, and a mem-er of "kull ; Bones at 1ale %niversity.

Bro*n Brothers +arriman , (o! $artner #verell +arriman sits -et$een British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and "oviet Russia6s Commissar &osef "talin in )(+'. >eor e W. Bush6s randfather Prescott Bush and /verell6s -rother Roland 9arriman financed the !a3is -efore and durin World War 77. /verell 9arriman $as a mem-er of "kull ; Bones and the Council on 2orei n Relations. "oviet Russian 2orei n Minister ?yacheslav Molotov is seated on the far ri ht. (Photo, Li-rary of Con ress)

(hase Manhattan Bank (hairman and (-. David Rockefeller (left) visits Red China6s 2orei n Minister Chou 4nlai in Pekin in )(@<. (Photo, Memoirs -y David Rockefeller)

/verell 9arriman (ri ht) visits "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev (left) in the "oviet %nion in &une )(:(. / 0ortrait of ?ladimir Lenin can -e seen in the -ack round. (Photo -y 9o$ard "ochurek.8ime Life Pictures.>etty 7ma es)

/verell 9arriman and his $ife Pamela 9arriman reet "oviet Commissar 1uri /ndro0rov (far ri ht) in &une )(=< in Mosco$. /ndro0ov $as the former chief of the #>B and former head of the "oviet %nion. ("ource, Spanning The Century: The Life of W. Averell Harriman !"#!$!#"% -y Rudy /-ramson)

/m-assadorAatALar e /verell 9arriman (second from ri ht) meets $ith 1u oslavia6s communist leader &osi0 Bro3 8ito (second from left) in 1u oslavia on &anuary ), )(**. (/P Wire0hoto)

/verell 9arriman (left) meets $ith "oviet Communist Leader Leonid Bre3hnev in Mosco$, "oviet %nion on &une +, )(@+. (/P Wire0hoto)

"oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev, President >eor e 9.W. Bush, and /ederal Reserve (hairman #lan 0reens$an a00ear in a receivin line at a state dinner in Washin ton, D.C. on May <), )((B. 8his 0hoto a00ears in the -ook The Age of Tur&ulen'e: Adventures in a (e) World -y /lan >reens0an. (Photo, >eor e Bush Presidential Li-rary)

/ederal Reserve (hairman #lan 0reens$an (second from left) visits Red China6s President &ian Cemin. 8his 0hoto a00ears in the -ook The Age of Tur&ulen'e: Adventures in a (e) World -y /lan >reens0an.

World Bank )resident Robert B! 1oellick listens to Red ?ietnamDs Prime Minister ! uyen 8an Dun in 9anoi on /u ust *, 'BB@. (E 8he World Bank)

/ormer (hairman of (hase Manhattan Bank David Rockefeller reets Communist Cu-a6s des0ot 2idel Castro. (Wally Mc!amee.C5RB7")

World Bank )resident 'ames D! Wolfensohn (left) meets $ith Red China6s President 9u &intao at the >reat 9all of the Peo0le in BeiFin on May <B, 'BB+.

World Bank )resident Robert Mc2amara (left) a00ears $ith Red China6s des0ot Den Giao0in in /0ril )(=B.

U.S. President 9yndon +. Johnson :ri,ht; meets &ith Fe"eral 'eser e %#airman (illiam )*%#esney )artin +r. :se!ond from %eft;, Assistant Se!retary of $ommer!e for 1!onomi! Affairs (r. Andre& F. +rimmer :third from ri,ht;, and Under Se!retary of State <eor,e =. +a%% :se!ond from ri,ht; d"rin, a +a%an!e of Payments >eetin, in the $abinet #oom at the =hite /o"se in =ashin,ton, (.$., U.S.A. on Se3tember 2?, 196@. :PhotoA Boi!hi #. C'amotoD9yndon +. Johnson Presidentia% 9ibrary; Ameri!an Nationa% (ebt d"rin, the $o%d =ar :19E@51991; J"ne ?, 19EE 5 F2?1,?? , 8G,221.1 J"ne ?, 1961 5 F288,9G?,9 8,61?.?@ Se3tember ?, 19GG 5 F698,8E?,???,???.??H J"ne ?, 19E@ 5 F2@8,682,18G,E?9.9 J"ne ?, 1962 5 F298,2??,822,G2?.8G Se3tember ?, 19G8 5 FGG1,@EE,???,???.??H J"ne 28, 19E6 5 F269,E22,?99,1G .26 J"ne ?, 196 5 F ?@,8@9,6 2,996.E1 Se3tember ?, 19G9 5 F826,@19,???,???.??H J"ne ?, 19EG 5 F2@8,286, 8 ,1?8.6G J"ne ?, 196E 5 F 11,G12,899,2@G. ? Se3tember ?, 198? 5 F9?G,G?1,???,???.??H J"ne ?, 19E8 5 F2@2,292,2E6,@12.99 J"ne ?, 196@ 5 F 1G,2G ,898,98 .6E Se3tember ?, 1981 5F99G,8@@,???,???.??H J"ne ?, 19E9 5 F2@2,GG?, @9,86?. J"ne ?, 1966 5 F 19,9?G,?8G,G9@.E8 Se3tember ?, 1982 5 F1,1E2,? E,???,???.??H J"ne ?, 19@? 5 F2@G, @G, @2, @1.?E J"ne ?, 196G 5 F 26,22?,9 G,G9E.@E Se3tember ?, 198 5 F1, GG,21?,???,???.??H J"ne 29, 19@1 5 F2@@,221,9G6,81E.9 J"ne ?, 1968 5 F EG,@G8,E?6,E2@.88 Se3tember ?, 198E 5 F1,@G2,266,???,???.??H J"ne ?, 19@2 5 F2@9,1?@,1G8,G8@.E J"ne ?, 1969 5 F @ ,G2?,2@ ,8E1.E1 Se3tember ?, 198@ 5 F1,82 ,1? ,???,???.??H J"ne ?, 19@ 5 F266,?G1,?61,6 8.@G J"ne ?, 19G? 5 F G?,918,G?6,9E9.9 Se3tember ?, 1986 5 F2,12@, ?2,616,6@8.E2 J"ne ?, 19@E 5 F2G1,2@9,@99,1?8.E6 J"ne ?, 19G1 5 F 98,129,GEE,E@@.@E Se3tember ?, 198G 5F2, @?,2G6,89?,9@ .?? J"ne ?, 19@@ 5 F2GE, GE,222,8?2.62 J"ne ?, 19G2 5 FE2G,26?,E6?,9E?.@? Se3tember ?, 1988 5 F2,6?2, G,G12,?E1.16 J"ne ?, 19@6 5 F2G2,G@?,81 ,6E9. 2 J"ne ?, 19G 5 FE@8,1E1,6?@, 12.?9 Se3tember 29, 1989 5 F2,8@G,E ?,96?,18G. 2 J"ne ?, 19@G 5 F2G?,@2G,1G1,896.E J"ne ?, 19GE 5 FEG@,?@9,81@,G 1.@@ Se3tember 28, 199? 5 F ,2 , 1 ,E@1,GGG.2@ J"ne ?, 19@8 5 F2G6, E ,21G,GE@.81 J"ne ?, 19G@ 5 F@ ,189,???,???.??H Se3tember ?, 1991 5 F ,66@, ? , @1,69G.? J"ne ?, 19@9 5 F28E,G?@,9?G,?G8.22 J"ne ?, 19G6 5 F62?,E ,???,???.??H Se3tember ?, 1992 5 FE,?6E,62?,6@@,@21.66 J"ne ?, 196? 5 F286, ?,G6?,8E8. G

Cartoon -y Ro-ert Minor in "t. Louis PostADis0atch ()())). #arl MarH surrounded -y an a00reciative audience of Wall "treet financiers, &ohn D. Rockefeller, &. P. (PontifeH MaHimus) Mor an, (PontifeH MaHimus), &ohn D. Ryan of !ational City Bank, and Mor an 0artner >eor e W. Perkins. 7mmediately -ehind #arl MarH is 8eddy Roosevelt, leader of the Pro ressive Party.

Leon 8rotsky (left, May )=, )(':) and &oe "talin (ri ht, Man of the 1ear, &anuary ), )(+B)

!ikita #hrushchev (left, Man of the 1ear, &anuary *, )(:=) and 1uri /ndro0ov (ri ht, !ovem-er '', )(=')

Mao 8seAtun (left, &anuary )<, )(*@) and Chou 4nAlai (ri ht, &une )=, )(:))

Che >uevara (left, /u ust =, )(*B) and 2idel Castro (ri ht, &anuary '*, )(:()

9o Chi Minh of !orth ?ietnam (left, !ovem-er '', )(:+) and #im 7l "un of !orth #orea (ri ht, &une )<, )((+)

!icolae Ceausescu of Romania (left, March )=, )(**) and >eneral WoFciech &aru3elski of Poland (Decem-er '=, )(=))

ICold WarJ, "oviet Russian 7m0erialism or Phony WarK

Prime Minister of >reat Britain Winston Churchill, %.". President 2ranklin D. Roosevelt, and "oviet Russian tyrant &osef "talin meet at 1alta in 2e-ruary )(+:. "tandin from left to ri ht, British 2orei n "ecretary /nthony 4den, %.". "ecretary of "tate 4d$ard R. "tettinius &r., %.". "ecretary of Commerce 9arry 9o0kins, "oviet 2orei n Minister ?yacheslav Molotov, and %.". /m-assador to the "oviet %nion W. /verell 9arriman. W. /verell 9arriman $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations and a mem-er of "kull ; Bones at 1ale %niversity. 8he decision to s0lit #orea into t$o countries $as decided -y the /llied Po$ers at the Potsdam Conference. 8he decision to allo$ the "oviet Communists to occu0y and su-Fu ate 4astern 4uro0e $as decided at 1alta and Potsdam conferences. 8he decision to allo$ four /llied armies (/merica, Britain, 2rance, Russia) to occu0y >ermany and /ustria $as decided at 1alta Conference. 8he decision allo$in the Re0u-lic of China to recover the island of 8ai$an $as decided at Cairo Conference.

Se!retary of =ar /enry Stimson :!enter;, Assistant Se!retary of =ar John >!$%oy :ri,ht;, and Soviet di3%omat Andrei <romy'o stand to,ether on an air3ort r"n&ay d"rin, the Potsdam $onferen!e he%d near +er%in in J"%y5A","st 19E@. :So"r!eA Americas Germany: John J. McCloy and the Federal Republic of Germany by Thomas A%an S!h&artI;

9arry ". 8ruman and &ose0h "talin meet at the Potsdam Conference on &uly )=, )(+:. 2rom left to ri ht, first ro$, "talin, 8ruman, "oviet /m-assador /ndrei >romyko, "ecretary of "tate &ames 2. Byrnes, and "oviet 2orei n Minister ?yacheslav Molotov. "econd ro$, 8ruman confidant 9arry ?au han, Russian inter0reter Charles 4. Bohlen, 8ruman naval aide &ames #. ?ardaman, &r., and Charles >riffith Ross (0artially o-scured). (Photo, %.". /rmy.9arry ". 8ruman Presidential Li-rary)

/merican President 2ranklin Delano Roosevelt (ri ht), $ith /dmiral William D. Leahy and >eneral >eor e C. Marshall at the 1alta Conference in the Crimea in 2e-ruary )(+:. "oviet Commissar Marshal &ose0h "talin ()=@(A)(:<), left of center at the ta-le, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ()=@+A)(*:), $ith his -ack to the camera, are also amon those 0resent at the conference. (Photo -y #eystone.>etty 7ma es)

*2n this irre,"%ar fashion the Soviet Union 3"shed her 3o&er f"rther &est and so"th in 1"ro3e than the #"ssian 1m3ire had ever rea!hed. The territoria% ,ains of the Soviet Union itse%f &ere re%ative%y modest. 2n addition to the territoria% a!J"isitions she had made &hi%e sti%% *ne"tra%6 in 19 95E? at the e)3ense of Po%and, #"mania, Fin%and, and the +a%ti! states, the U.S.S.#. a!J"ired the $ar3atho5U'raine, &hi!h had former%y been 3art of $Ie!hos%ova'ia, 3art of 1ast Pr"ssia, and additiona% territory from Fin%and, the most si,nifi!ant 3art of &hi!h, the Petsamo ni!'e%5minin, area, made the Soviet bo"ndary !oin!ide &ith that of Nor&ay. 2n addition she had a!J"ired a fifty5year %ease on the Por''a%a 3enins"%a, idea%%y sit"ated for a nava% base in the <"%f of Fin%and. 2n the Far 1ast, besides a %ease on Port Arth"r, in the Be%%o& Sea, she had re!overed so"thern Sa'ha%in and a!J"ired the K"ri%e 2s%ands. /er ,reatest territoria% ,ains, ho&ever, &ere beyond her te!hni!a% borders. A3art from her o!!"3ation Iones in <ermany and A"stria, her troo3s he%d and her 3"33ets r"%ed a Po%and &ith its !enter of ,ravity shifted &est&ard, as &e%% as /"n,ary, #"mania, and +"%,aria. B",os%avia, tho",h Soviet troo3s had been &ithdra&n, seemed se!"re on the basis of !%ose re%ations &ith Tito4 a simi%ar sit"ation e)isted in A%bania. Soviet troo3s re!eived the Ja3anese s"rrender in >an!h"ria4 they soon &ithdre&, b"t in s"!h fashion as to a%%o& that territory to be ta'en over by the $hinese $omm"nists rather than by the Nationa%ist for!es of $hian, Kai5she'4 nor did the Soviet ,overnment ne,%e!t, d"rin, its brief o!!"3ation of >an!h"ria, to remove to #"ssia as m"!h as 3ossib%e of the 3hysi!a% eJ"i3ment of Ja3anese5o&ned 3%ants in that area, as &e%% as to send the Ja3anese so%diers into Soviet %abor !am3s. In ,ort# -orea, o**u.ie" $y So iet /or*es .en"in! esta$lis#ment o/ a .ro isional !o ernment /or t#e 0#ole o/ -orea, a .u..et %ommunist !o ernment 0as .rom.tly set u.. So iet troo.s remaine" also in t#e nort#0estern *orner o/ Iran, 0#ere t#ey #a" $een !uar"in! t#e Ameri*an su..ly line. 2n addition, the $omm"nists s"33orted stron, *"nder,ro"nd6 movements, sometimes in !ontro% of e)tensive territory, in areas &here Sta%in .had !on!eded to $h"r!hi%% a 3re3onderant inf%"en!e for +ritain. C"tstandin, &as the !ase of <ree!e, &here the *1A>6 and its fi,htin, or,aniIation, *19AS,6 offered stron, resistan!e to +ritish 3ost&ar o!!"3ation and 3rovo'ed a !ivi% &ar. 1ven in Fran!e and 2ta%y, n"meri!a%%y stron, $omm"nist 3arties seemed a threat to the stabi%ity of these *%iberated6 !o"ntries. The $omm"nists made no attem3t to in!or3orate the h",e area of 1astern 1"ro3e into the Soviet Union or even immediate%y to introd"!e the !hara!teristi! feat"res of Soviet e!onomy. 1ven today, &hat are !ommon%y !a%%ed the *sate%%ite states6 are not rated as *so!ia%ist re3"b%i!s6 b"t on%y as *3eo3%e0s demo!ra!ies.6 This &as not at a%% the res"%t of 3romises made, either at Ba%ta or e%se&here, nor &as it an indi!ation that the $omm"nists had abandoned their dream of &or%d revo%"tion. #ather, it &as one more 3roof of &hat &as a%ready 3atent eno",h, name%y, that they &ere 3rin!i3a%%y ,"ided by !on!ern for the interests of the state they r"%ed as the heirs of the #"ssian 1m3erors. Po%iti!a%%y they e)er!ised !om3%ete !ontro% thro",h the handf"% of adherents :on the sty%e of <ermany0s K"is%in,s; they attra!ted in ea!h of the ne& s"bLe!t nationa%ities, ba!'ed by their o&n tested ma!hinery of se!ret 3o%i!e and arbitrary 3"nishments. 2n ea!h !ase they &or'ed thro",h a *front,6 in &hi!h the $omm"nists too' 'ey 3ositions in !ontro% of the 3o%i!e and the army. =ith &hatever mis,ivin,s, %eaders of the severa% nationa% movements a,reed to !oo3erate &ith their $omm"nist ministeria% !o%%ea,"es4 themse%ves ,enera%%y be%ievers in ,en"ine demo!ra!y, they !o"%d not fair%y be e)3e!ted to be more omnis!ient than the !hairman and !hief s3o'esman of the *+i, Three6 had been. The 3o3"%ations of the severa% !o"ntries, e)ha"sted by their horrifyin, e)3erien!es "nder NaIi r"%e and &ith no 3ossibi%ity of findin, aid from the demo!rati! =est, had no !hoi!e b"t to s"bmit to the ne& form of o33ression4 hatin, the #"ssians, b"t hatin, a%so the <ermans, and &ith no %ove for the other nei,hbor nations in the same 3osition as themse%ves, they !o"%d on%y bide their time and ho3e for a !han,e in the internationa% sit"ation. There &as no 3ossibi%ity that s"!h s"%%en%y hosti%e 3eo3%es !o"%d be ta'en into the str"!t"re of the Soviet Union itse%f. T#e .eo.le 0#ose in"e.en"ent s.irit seeme" most to $e /eare" 0ere t#e Poles1 $ut a Polan" almost #al/ o/ 0#ose territories #a" $een /or*i$ly ta2en /rom Germany #a" to "e.en" on 'ussian su..ort to maintain #er national existen*e, su*# as it 0as. T#e satellite states,& #o0e er, ser e" .ur.oses use/ul to t#e So iet Union. For one t#in!, t#ey *onstitute" a $roa" $elt3a ne0 /orm o/ cordon sanitaire 0#i*# #el.e" to isolate 'ussia /rom t#e *a.italist& (est1 so lon! as t#ey *oul" $e .re ente" /rom esta$lis#in! in"e.en"ent relations 0it# t#e (est, t#ey *onstitute" a alua$le !la*is .rote*tin! t#e 'ussian so*ialist& /ortress. 1!onomi!a%%y, too, they &ere a ,reat advanta,e to the Soviet Union. The very fa!t that no attem3t &as !"rrent%y bein, made to e)tend to them the anti!i3ated b%essin,s of the !omm"nism to&ard &hi!h the Soviet Union &as strivin, made it J"ite "nne!essary to 3romote their ra3id e!onomi! deve%o3ment. 2nstead, they !o"%d be and &ere initia%%y "sed as a sort of !o%onia% em3ire, the reso"r!es of &hi!h, in mer!anti%ist s3irit, &ere at the free dis3osa% of their *3rote!tor,6 to aid in the restoration of its o&n devastated e!onomy.6 7 A History of Russia by Jesse (. $%ar'son, 3. 681568

>a3 of 3ost5=or%d =ar 22 o!!"3ation of <ermany

The 2ron $"rtainA The 1stab%ishment of NATC and =arsa& Pa!t

>a3 of NATC and =arsa& Pa!t nations

:So"r!eA Americas Germany: John J. McCloy and the Federal Republic of Germany by Thomas A%an S!h&artI;

+ritish Forei,n Se!retary 1rnest +evin :%eft;, U.S. Se!retary of State <eor,e $. >arsha%% :!enter; and Fren!h Forei,n >inister #obert S!h"man :ri,ht; meetin, at the Fren!h >inistry of Forei,n Affairs fo%%o&in, the Soviet UnionMs veto !on!ernin, the sit"ation in +er%in d"rin, a meetin, at the K"ai d0Crsay in Paris, Fran!e on C!tober 2G, 19E8. :N US2SDC1$(; htt3ADD&&&.oe!d.or,D!ontentvie&D?, E26,enO21@G1 61O 869@29@O 8G1G?66O1O1O1O1,??.htm%

Armed $Ie!h =or'ersM >i%itia &ho b"%%ied non5$omm"nists into s"bmission mar!h thro",h Pra,"e, $Ie!hos%ova'ia in !e%ebration of the ne& $omm"nist ,overnment insta%%ed in 19E8.

<ree' $ommanders and 9t. <enera% James A. Pan F%eet, !hief Ameri!an mi%itary re3resentative in <ree!e, stand over dead ,"erri%%as near the <re!o5B",os%av border in >ay 19E9. :PhotoA (avid (o",%ass ("n!an, 9ife;

%.". "ecretary of "tate Dean /cheson si ns the !/85 8reaty for the %nited "tates on /0ril +, )(+(. "tandin -ehind /cheson is %.". President 9arry 8ruman. !/85 $as set u0 durin the Cold War as an /tlantic (4uro0ean) /lliance a ainst the "oviet %nion. (!/85 Photo)

:So"r!eA Americas Germany: John J. McCloy and the Federal Republic of Germany by Thomas A%an S!h&artI;

Meeting bet*een %onrad #denauer and #nthon& -den, Dean #cheson and Robert "chuman in $re$aration for the future Bonn #greements 3Ma& 44, 195467 8he 2ederal Chancellor of >ermany, #onrad /denauer (center), meets $ith 2orei n "ecretary of >reat Britain /nthony 4den (on the left), %.". "ecretary of "tate Dean /cheson, and 2orei n Minister of 2rance Ro-ert "chuman (on the ri ht) on May '+, )(:' to discuss the final outstandin Luestions relatin to the future Convention on relations -et$een the 8hree Po$ers and the 2ederal Re0u-lic of >ermany (Photo, htt0,..$$$.cvce.eu.vie$er.A.content.f:-)c)e:Aaa)'A+)<)A=+<(Ac:e@cfB:B<*c.en)

>erman children $ave to an air0lane as the air0lane 0re0ares to land at 8em0elhof /ir0ort in West Berlin. 8he /merican military delivers food and su00lies to the >erman 0eo0le livin in West Berlin durin the Berlin /irlift and the "oviet -lockade of West Berlin from &une )(+= until May )(+(.

!umerous CA+@ aircrafts unloadin car o at 8em0elhof /ir0ort in West Berlin durin the Berlin /irlift. (%.". /ir 2orce Museum)

U.S. S3e!ia% #e3resentative >i%ton KatI :%eft;, /erbert Pra!', /ead of the A"strian (e%e,ation :!enter;, and C11$ Se!retary <enera% #obert >arLo%in :ri,ht; dis!"ss the a,reement on the 1"ro3ean Payments Union, &hi!h fa!i%itated finan!ia% transa!tions amon, 1"ro3ean !o"ntries d"rin, re!onstr"!tion fo%%o&in, =or%d =ar 22, at the $hatea" de %a >"ette in Paris, Fran!e on Se3tember 19, 19@?. >i%ton KatI &as a member of the $o"n!i% on Forei,n #e%ations in Ne& Bor' $ity. :PhotoA C1$(; htt3ADD&&&.oe!d.or,D!ontentvie&D?, E26,enO21@G1 61O 869@29@O 8G1G?66O1O1O1O1,??.htm%

Lavrenti Beria, head of the "oviet "ecret Police (!#?D) and the "oviet >ula , a00ears $ith "oviet dictator &osef "talin and "talinDs dau hter, "vetlana. &osef "talin ordered Beria to develo0 a "oviet atomic arsenal shortly after the end of World War 77. 8he "oviet overnment tested Both "talin and Beria died in )(:<. /n estimated <B million "oviet citi3ens died durin World War 77M at least )B million "oviets of the <B million died at the hands of the !#?D.

The first Soviet atomi! e)3%osion 7 !ode5named *First 9i,htnin,6 :*Joe516; 7 o!!"rred at the Semi3a%atins' Test Site in KaIa'hstan SS#, Soviet Union on A","st 29, 19E9.

S"s3e!ted Ameri!an $omm"nist a,ent J"%i"s #osenber, :!enter; is f%an'ed by F+2 a,ents as he &as bein, ta'en to Federa% +"i%din, for J"estionin, on J"%y 19, 19@?4 J"%i"s #osenber, &as !har,ed &ith es3iona,e. :Asso!iated Press 3hoto; :So"r!eA he umultuous Fifties: A !ie" from he #e" $or% imes &hoto Archi'es by (o",%as (reish3oon and A%an Tra!htenber,;

/merican %.". /rmy soldiers from the %.". /rmy )) th /ir-orne Division 0artici0ate in an atomic -om- test, 0art of 4Hercise Desert Rock, held at 1ucca 2lats, !evada on !ovem-er ), )(:). (Photo -y C0l. McCauhey. %.". /rmy) (!ational /rchives and Records /dministration, Records of the 5ffice of the Chief "i nal 5fficer ()))A"CA<=('(@) N?4!D5R O )')P) ("ource, Wiki0edia)

Mem-ers of the >eneral /dvisory Committee visit Los /lamos, !e$ MeHico, %."./. in )(+@. 2rom left to ri ht, 9arvard %niversity President &ames B. Conant, &. Ro-ert 500enheimer, %.". /rmy >eneral &ames McCormack &r. (later a %.". /ir 2orce maFor eneral), 9artley Ro$e, &ohn Manley, 7sidor 7. Ra-i, and Ro er Werner. (onant, .$$enheimer, Mc(ormack, and Rabi *ere members of the (ouncil on /oreign Relations, a $rivate foreign affairs organi8ation in 2e* 9ork (it&!

*=or%d =ar 22 interr"3ted the &or' and %ives of most Ameri!an 3hysi!ists. 2n 19E2, C33enheimer &as a33ointed to the >anhattan ProLe!t, !ode name for the 3roLe!t formed to deve%o3 an atomi! bomb. The 3roLe!t invo%ved severa% %aboratories in se!ret %o!ations a!ross the !o"ntry, in!%"din, the University of $hi!a,o4 Ca' #id,e, Tennessee4 and 9os A%amos, Ne& >e)i!o. C33enheimer oversa& the !onstr"!tion of the 9os A%amos %aboratory, &here he ,athered the best minds in 3hysi!s to &or' on the 3rob%em of !reatin, an atomi! bomb. +e!a"se of his %eadershi3 in this 3roLe!t, he is often referred to as the QfatherQ of the atomi! bomb. =hen the &ar ended, the ,overnment set "3 the Atomi! 1ner,y $ommission :A1$; to re3%a!e the >anhattan ProLe!t. The A1$ &as !har,ed &ith overseein, a%% atomi! resear!h and deve%o3ment in the United States. As $hairman of the <enera% Advisory $ommittee, C33enheimer o33osed the deve%o3ment of the hydro,en bomb. Kno&n as the QS"3er +omb,Q the hydro,en bomb &as a tho"sand times more 3o&erf"% than the atomi! bomb. 2n the !onte)t of the $o%d =ar, &hen the United States and the Soviet Union Lo!'eyed for 3o&er, C33enheimerMs stan!e &as !ontroversia%. 2n the 19@?s, &hi%e C33enheimer &as (ire!tor of the 2nstit"te, anti5$omm"nist hysteria &as s&ee3in, thro",h =ashin,ton, (.$., s3earheaded by the !onservative Senator Jose3h >!$arthy of =is!onsin. >!$arthy and anti5$omm"nist Iea%ots devoted themse%ves to rootin, o"t $omm"nist s3ies from every &a%' of Ameri!an %ife. C33enheimer &as s"bLe!ted to a se!"rity investi,ation that be!ame a !a"se !R%Sbre and divided the inte%%e!t"a% and s!ientifi! !omm"nity. 2n 19@ , he &as denied se!"rity !%earan!e and %ost his 3osition &ith the A1$. (oors that had former%y been o3en to him &ere !%osed.6 So"r!eA htt3ADD&&&.ias.ed"D3eo3%eDo33enheimer

A%bert 1instein :%eft; a33ears &ith J. #obert C33enheimer :ri,ht; in 19EG. A%bert 1instein "r,ed the U.S. ,overnment to deve%o3 an atomi! bomb in 19 9, a 3roLe!t J. #obert C33enheimer :ri,ht; &o"%d oversee, %eadin, to the 19E@ defeat of Ja3an and the start of the n"!%ear era. +. 'o$ert 4..en#eimer 0as a mem$er o/ t#e %oun*il on Forei!n 'elations. :PhotoA A%fred 1isenstaedtDTime 9ife Pi!t"resD<etty 2ma,es;

=ith the $o%d =ar advan!in,, the ne& Atomi! 1ner,y $ommission &as set to &or' deve%o3in, an Ameri!an atomi! arsena%. 9eft to ri,htA 1rnest C. 9a&ren!e :not a member;, 9e&is 9. Stra"ss, #obert +a!her, $hairman (avid 9i%ientha%, S"mner Pi'e, and =i%%iam =ayma!'. Le0is L. Strauss an" Da i" Lilient#al 0ere mem$ers o/ t#e %oun*il on Forei!n 'elations.

1d&ard Te%%er :ri,ht; testified a,ainst J. #obert C33enheimer at the 19@E se!"rity hearin,. 2n 196 , Te%%er shoo' C33enheimerMs hand &hen C33enheimer re!eived the A1$Ms 1nri!o Fermi A&ard. C33enheimer &as a%ready i%% &ith the throat !an!er that 'i%%ed him. At %eft is Kitty C33enheimer4 the man standin, bet&een C33enheimer and Te%%er is A1$ $hairman <%enn Seabor,. 5"0ar" Teller, +. 'o$ert 4..en#eimer, an" Glenn Sea$or! 0ere mem$ers o/ t#e %oun*il on Forei!n 'elations in 67891 Teller an" 4..en#eimer 0ere mem$ers o/ t#e %oun*il on Forei!n 'elations in 678:.

8he heads of state of the IBi 2ourJ 0o$ers 0ose in the arden of the %nited !ations Palace in >eneva, "$it3erland on &uly )(, )(::, Left to ri ht, "oviet leader !ikolai /leksandrovich Bul anin, %.". President D$i ht D. 4isenho$er, 2rench Prime Minister 4d ar 2aure, and British Prime Minister "ir /nthony 4den. 8he three state leaders of the Western 0o$ers and the "oviet %nion met on the neutral territory of "$it3erland to ne otiate im0ortant 0ostA$ar issues the day -efore. (Photo, E Roh$edder.d0a.Cor-is)

8he -i four Chiefs of "tate and their aides donned the dinner Fackets and met socially for the first time durin the QsummitQ talks $hen they attended the state dinner iven for them -y "$iss President MaH Pettit0ierre in >eneva, "$it3erland on &uly '<, )(::. 2rom left here at the Palais 4ynard are RussiaDs !ikita #hrushchevM British Premier "ir /nthony 4den ($hite Facket)M 2rench 2orei n Minister /ntoine PinayM "oviet Premier !ikolai Bul aninM "$iss President MaH Pettit0ierreM President D$i ht D. 4isenho$erM %.". /m-assador 2rances 4. Willis and MaFor &ohn 4isenho$er, son of the President. (Photo, E Bettmann.C5RB7")

President D$i ht 4isenho$er smiles as he listens to British Prime Minister 9arold Macmillan, 2rench President Charles de >aulle, and West >erman Chancellor #onrad /denauer at a conference in Paris in Decem-er )(:(.

The =arsa& Pa!t !onferen!e in =arsa&, Po%and on >ay 11, 19@@. =arsa& Pa!t &as estab%ished on >ay 1E, 19@@ :PhotoA <erman Federa% Ar!hives;

8he trial of /merican %.". /ir 2orce 0ilot 2rancis >ary Po$ers in Mosco$ in /u ust )(*B.

Wrecka e from a do$ned /merican %A' s0y 0lane is on dis0lay in Mosco$ in May )(*B. (Carl Mydans.Life Ma a3ine)

Protesters !arry si,ns !ondemnin, the Soviet #"ssian intervention in /"n,ary in front of the Soviet #"ssian %e,ation in Ne& Bor' $ity in November 19@6. :PhotoA =a%ter SandersD9ife 2ma,es;

Anti5!omm"nist 3oster and 3i!'ets d"rin, United Nation <enera% Assemb%y meetin, in Ne& Bor' $ity in Se3tember 196?. :PhotoA #a%3h $raneD9ife 2ma,es;

Left 0hoto, "olidarity leader and Polish antiAcommunist dissident Lech Walesa cam0ai ns for President of Poland in May @, )(=(. (Reuters.Les3ek Wdo$inski./rchive Photos) Ri ht 0hoto, /n ola6s antiAcommunist leader &onas "avim-i in an undated 0hoto. &onas "avim-i $as assassinated in 'BB'.

Po0e &ohn Paul 77 reets the cro$d shortly -efore he $as shot -y a unman at "t. Peter6s "Luare in ?atican City on May )<, )(=).

President Rea an meets $ith President of the Phili00ines 2erdinand Marcos and 7melda Marcos durin a state visit outside the 5val 5ffice on "e0tem-er )*, )(='. 2erdinand Marcos $ould flee to 9a$aii after he attem0ted to ri the 0residential elections in the Phili00ines in )(=:. 8he %.". overnment maintained military -ases in the Phili00ines, includin Clark /ir Base and "u-ic Bay naval -ase. 2erdinand Marcos im0osed martial la$ on the Phili00ines in )(@' under the 0reteHt of fi htin communism in the Phili00inesM 2erdinand Marcos sus0ended 0residential elections under martial la$. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

California >overnor Ronald Rea an dances $ith Phili00ine 2irst Lady 7melda Marcos, $hile Phili00ines President 2erdinand Marcos dances $ith !ancy Rea an, durin a state visit to Manila, Phili00ines in )(*(. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

2ndira <andhi :%eft;, Prime >inister of 2ndia, meets &ith U.S. President 9yndon +aines Johnson in the Cva% Cffi!e of the =hite /o"se in =ashin,ton, (.$. on >ar!h 28, 1966.

#i!hard Ni)on :%eft;, President of the United States, stands beside 2ndira <andhi, the Prime >inister of 2ndia, in 19G1. 2ndira <andhi served as the Prime >inister of 2ndia from Jan"ary 2E, 1966 "nti% >ar!h 2E, 19GG and a,ain from Jan"ary 1E, 198? "nti% her death by assassination on C!tober 1, 198E. The +an,%adesh 9iberation =ar %asted from >ar!h 26, 19G1 "nti% (e!ember 16, 19G1, res"%tin, in the se3aration of +an,%adesh :former%y 1ast Pa'istan 3rovin!e; from Pa'istan.

"ecretary of Defense Ro-ert Mc!amara (left) talks to "oviet Premier /leksei #osy in (second from ri ht) and President Lyndon B. &ohnson (ri ht) at the >lass-oro Conference on &une '<, )(*@. (Photo, Lyndon B. &ohnson Presidential Li-rary)

President Richard !iHon 0lays arm $restlin $ith "oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev.

Council on 2orei n Relations mem-ers meet $ith the "oviets in 9elsinki on &uly <B, )(@:. Commissar #orniyenko, /ndrei >romyko, "oviet dictator Leonid Bre3hnev, ?iktor "ukhodrev, /leksandrov, ?avilov, Peter W. Rodman, 9elmut "onnenfeldt, "ecretary of "tate 9enry #issin er (hidden -ehind 2ord), >erald 2ord, Walter &. "toessel, Brent "co$croft, and William >. 9yland (at $indo$). (Photo, >erald R. 2ord Li-rary)

President &immy Carter si ns an uneLual treaty $ith "oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev on &une )=, )(@( in ?ienna. Chairman of the &oint Chiefs of "taff >en. David &ones ($earin his uniform), !ational "ecurity /dvisor C-i nie$ Br3e3inski, Defense "ecretary 9arold Bro$n, "tate De0artment assistant Les >el- (standin -ehind 9arold Bro$n), "ecretary of "tate Cyrus ?ance, "oviet 2orei n Minister /ndrei >romyko, and "oviet /m-assador to the %.". /natoly Do-rynin are standin in the -ack round. Carter, &ones, Br3e3inski, Bro$n, and >el- are mem-ers of the Council on 2orei n RelationsM ?ance $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations.

President Ronald Rea an meets $ith "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev at Maison de "aussure in >eneva, "$it3erland durin the >eneva "ummit on !ovem-er 'B, )(=:. "ecretary of "tate >eor e P. "hult3 is sittin on the lo$er ri ht corner. Don Re an is standin directly -ehind >or-achev. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

/merican envoy Paul !it3e shakes hand $ith "oviet ne otiator 1uli #vitsinsky at an 7!2 summit in >eneva, "$it3erland on !ovem-er <B, )(=). 8he follo$in summer, the t$o men $ould o for an informal Q$alk in the $oods.Q (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

President Ronald Rea an and "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev si n the 7!2 treaty ratification at the >rand #remlin 0alace in Mosco$ on &une ), )(==. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

President >eor e Bush si ns an uneLual treaty $ith "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev at the #remlin on &uly <), )((). (Photo, >eor e Bush Presidential Li-rary)

?arious /merican cor0orate -usinessmen contri-uted to the develo0ment of the "oviet military -y sellin factory eLui0ments and s0are 0arts to the Communist re ime in Mosco$. (Photo, (i*ita +hrush'hev and the Creation of a Superpo)er -y "er ei !. #hrushchev)

Bay of Pi s ; Cu-an Missile Crisis

Anti5$astro $"ban re!r"its re!eive trainin, at a $2A5s3onsored mi%itary trainin, !am3 in F%orida in !ir!a 196?. This mi%itary trainin, &as avai%ab%e to $"bans &ho &ere !ommitted to the overthro& of Fide% $astro and his !omm"nist re,ime. :NoteA most of these !am3s &ere %o!ated in F%orida; :PhotoA 9ynn Pe%hamD92F1;

A s!ene of the mi%itary fias!o at the +ay of Pi,s, $"ba on A3ri% 1G, 1961.

Part of the 1@?? member anti5$astro 3arami%itaries &ere !a3t"red at the +ay of Pi,s in $"ba in A3ri% 1961.

$2A5trained $"ban *%iberation6 so%diers !a3t"red at the +ay of Pi,s :=ide =or%d Photo;

Fide% $astro ins3e!ts the &re!'a,e of an Ameri!an 3%ane that !rashed at P%aya <iron in A3ri% 1961. :+ob /enriJ"eID9ife;

U.S. President John F. Kennedy :2nd %eft; sha'es hands &ith Soviet Premier Ni'ita Khr"sh!hev at the Pienna S"mmit in Pienna, A"stria on J"ne E, 1961. U.S. Se!retary of State (ean #"s' is seen standin, on the far ri,ht. :Photo by Pi!toria% ParadeDAr!hive PhotosD<etty 2ma,es;

2n his Qs"mmitQ meetin, &ith Ni'ita Khr"sh!hev in J"ne 1961, President John F. Kennedy be!omes a&are that a ne& test of 1ast5=est reso%ve &as abo"t to o!!"r over +er%in. :=ide =or%d Photo;

Soviet $ommissar Ni'ita Khr"sh!hev !e%ebrates as 9eonid +reIhnev and other $omm"nist Party members a33%a"d at the 22nd Party $on,ress in >os!o& in C!tober 1961. :=ide =or%d Photo;

Soviet $ommissar Ni'ita Khr"sh!hev meets &ith his advisers at the Krem%in in >os!o& to dis!"ss the 3ossibi%ity of an Ameri!an invasion of $"ba 7 and the Soviet UnionMs deterrent in the form of n"!%ear ti33ed ba%%isti! missi%es 3%a!ed in $"ba in A3ri% 1962. :=ide =or%d Photo;

Aeria% s3y 3hotos of a medi"m ran,e ba%%isti! missi%e base &ith %abe%s detai%in, vario"s 3arts of the base d"rin, the $"ban >issi%e $risis, San $ristoba%, $"ba in C!tober of 1962. :Photo by /"%ton Ar!hiveD<etty 2ma,es;

Soviet missi%e bases in $"ba on C!tober 1@, 1962 :U.S. Air For!eDU%%stein +i%derdienst, +er%in;

An Ameri!an &arshi3 es!orts a Soviet tan'er !arryin, missi%es o"t of $"ba d"rin, the s"mmer of 1962. :$ar% >ydans D 92F1;

(e3art"re of Soviet missi%es from $"ba in 1962 :UP2D+ettmann;

(e%e,ates raise their hands in a vote of 1951 a33rovin, the United StateM de!ision to ta'e ste3s a,ainst $"ba, d"rin, a meetin, of the Cr,aniIation of Ameri!an States, !a%%ed by President Kennedy, to !onsider $"baMs threat to the se!"rity of the =estern /emis3here, Ne& Bor', 1962. :Photo by PhotoK"estD<etty 2ma,es;

An Ameri!an &arshi3 ins3e!ts the !ar,o of a Soviet shi3 near $"ba in 1962. :UP2;

U.S. President John F. Kennedy :front ro&, !enter;, U.S. Pi!e President 9yndon +aines Johnson :front ro&, se!ond from %eft;, U.S. Se!retary of (efense #obert >!Namara :front ro&, se!ond from ri,ht;, and Pa"% /. NitIe :Assistant Se!retary of (efense for 2nternationa% Se!"rity Affairs, ba!' ro&, se!ond from ri,ht;, and other senior members of the Kennedy Administration attend a !onferen!e d"rin, the $"ban >issi%e $risis in C!tober 1962. :PhotoA htt3ADD&&&.mi)edmartia%arts.!omDmma.!fmT,oUfor"m.3ostsVfor"mU2VthreadU2?@1?26V3a,eU1;

4lementary school children in "t. Peters-ur , 2lorida, %."./. duck under their desks durin a nuclear disaster drill on 5cto-er ':, )(*', at the hei ht of the Cu-an Missile Crisis. (E Bettmann.C5RB7")

The U.S. destroyer +arry 3"%%s a%on,side the #"ssian frei,hter Anosov in the At%anti! C!ean, November 1?, 1962, to ins3e!t !ar,o as a U.S. 3atro% 3%ane f%ies overhead. The Soviet shi3 3res"mab%y !arries a !ar,o of missi%es bein, &ithdra&n from $"ba. The inter!e3tion too' 3%a!e abo"t G8? mi%es northeast of P"erto #i!o. :AP Photo;

8he "i nin the 8est Ban 8reaty in Mosco$ in /u ust )(*<. /mon those in attendance include "oviet Commissar !ikita #hrushchev (left), "oviet 2orei n Minister /ndrei >romyko (' nd left), "oviet /m-assador to the %.". /natoly Do-rynin (fourth left), /tomic 4ner y Commission chairman >lenn 8. "ea-or (center of ta-le, rear), %.". "enator &. William 2ul-ri ht (< rd ri ht), and %.". "ecretary of "tate Dean Rusk. (%P7.Bettmann !e$s0hotos)

Photo ra0hers take a 0icture of the deceased /r entineA-orn <(AyearAold Communist re-el 4rnesto ICheJ >uevara (May )+, )('=A5cto-er (, )(*@) after >uevara $as eHecuted -y the Bolivian army in Bolivia on 5cto-er (, )(*@. !a3i >erman $ar criminal #laus Bar-ie lived in Bolivia in )(*@ and had alle edly masterminded the ca0ture of Che >uevara.

4ast >ermany, Berlin Wall ; "tasi

Conrad "chumann, a )(AyearAold 4ast >erman ?olks0oli3ei (Peo0le6s Police or ?o0o) officer, deserts his 0ost in 4ast Berlin and esca0es into West Berlin on /u ust ):, )(*) in his Luest for freedom.

8he infamous Berlin Wall erected -y the "oviet re ime 0revented >ermans in 4ast Berlin from esca0in into West Berlin.

<erman 3eo3%e *!e%ebrate6 >ay (ay in front of the Friedri!hstrasse +ahnhof train station in 1ast +er%in on >ay E, 19@ . :PhotoA #a%3h $raneD9ife 2ma,es; htt3ADD&&&.an,%ona"tes.!omDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&arDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&ar.htm

<erman 3eo3%e *!e%ebrate6 >ay (ay in +er%in on >ay E, 19@ . :PhotoA #a%3h $raneD9ife 2ma,es; htt3ADD&&&.an,%ona"tes.!omDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&arDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&ar.htm

<erman 3eo3%e *!e%ebrate6 >ay (ay in +er%in on >ay E, 19@ . :PhotoA #a%3h $raneD9ife 2ma,es; htt3ADD&&&.an,%ona"tes.!omDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&arDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&ar.htm

The (er )erliner Ju*end :+er%in Bo"th; headJ"arters in 1ast +er%in is de!orated &ith 3osters of :%eft to ri,ht; >ar), 1n,e%, 9enin, and Sta%in. The 3hoto of the headJ"arters &as ta'en on >ay E, 19@ . :PhotoA #a%3h $raneD9ife 2ma,es; htt3ADD&&&.an,%ona"tes.!omDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&arDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&ar.htm

A Soviet #ed Army tan' a33ears in 9ei3Ii,, 1ast <ermany in J"ne 19@ as the Soviet #ed Army attem3ts to !ra!' do&n the 1ast <erman stri'es. :(e"ts!hes +"ndesar!hiv;

1ast +er%in U3risin, in +er%in on J"ne 1G, 19@

4ast >ermany demonstrators, some carryin -anners, march throu h famed Branden-ur >ate into the Western sector of Berlin on &une )(, )(:< after -loody antiA"oviet riotin and u0risin -roke out in the 4astern sector. 8he Russians declared martial la$ in several cities as a eneral strike -y the antiACommunist >ermans almost 0araly3ed much of the 4ast >erman industry. 8he u0risin -e an on &une )@, )(:<. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

<ermans in 1ast +er%in thro& stones at Soviet tan's on A","st 2 , 19@ . :Asso!iated Press 3hoto; :So"r!eA he umultuous Fifties: A !ie" from he #e" $or% imes &hoto Archi'es by (o",%as (reish3oon and A%an Tra!htenber,;

Konrad Adena"er, the $han!e%%or of =est <ermany, attends the f"nera% of <erman !itiIens &ho died d"rin, the 1ast +er%in riots in J"ne 19@ . :PhotoA #a%3h $raneD9ife 2ma,es; htt3ADD&&&.an,%ona"tes.!omDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&arDhistO"sO2?O!o%dO&ar.htm

A ,ro"3 of <ermans in =est +er%in :%eft side; observe the !onstr"!tion of the +er%in =a%% a33rehensive%y &hi%e an 1ast <erman border ,"ard stands in front of the ne&%y !onstr"!ted +er%in =a%% in 1961. :PhotoA Pa"% S!h"tIerD9ife 2ma,es;

Construction of the Berlin Wall in /u ust )(*). (Photo from %niversity of %tah -y Corey 9atch)

President &ohn 2. #ennedy meets $ith West >ermany6s Chancellor #onrad /denauer in the 5val 5ffice in Washin ton, D.C. on /0ril )', )(*). (Bettmann.C5RB7")

8he standAoff -et$een %.". /rmy M+= tanks and "oviet 8:: tanks at Che'*point Charlie in ,erlin during the &order dispute of late -'to&er !#%!. ./hoto: htt0,..$arand ame.$ord0ress.com.'BB@.)'.B:.check0ointAcharlieAocto-erA)(*). )

President &ohn 2. #ennedy o-serves the Berlin Wall in West Berlin, West >ermany on &une '*, )(*<. (Photo, Ro-ert #nudsen.White 9ouse.&ohn 2. #ennedy Presidential Li-rary and Museum)

North Korea0s $omm"nist des3ot Kim 2% S"n, :%eft; visits 1ast <ermany0s $omm"nist des3ot 1ri!h /one!'er in 1ast +er%in, 1ast <ermany.

Cu-a6s Communist terrorist Che >uevara reets 4ast >ermany6s IPresidentJ Walter %l-richt in 4ast Berlin in )(:(.

4ast >erman Commissar 4rich 9onecker (left) $atches Cu-an Commissar 2idel Castro carry a rifle.

4ast >erman Commissar 4rich 9onecker (left) $elcomes /merican Communist leader /n ela 1vonne Davis in 4ast Berlin, 4ast >ermany (>erman Democratic Re0u-lic) on "e0tem-er )), )(@'. 8he visit came Fust after Davis $as acLuitted of murder and kidna00in , defeatin an 2B7 frameAu0 in court. 8he $ellAkno$n Communist Party %"/ mem-er and famous Professor of 2eminist Philoso0hy $as iven an honorary de ree from #arl MarH %niversity in 4ast Berlin. (Photo, >erman 2ederal /rchives.Bundesarchiv)

9eads of state si n the 9elsinki /ccords at the Conference on "ecurity and Coo0eration in 4uro0e in 9elsinki, 2inland on /u ust ), )(@:. "eated at the ta-le from left to ri ht, Chancellor of 2ederal Re0u-lic of >ermany (West >ermany) 9elmut "chmidt, Chairman of the "tate Council of the >erman Democratic Re0u-lic (4ast >ermany) 4rich 9onecker, President of the %nited "tates >erald 2ord, and Chancellor of /ustria Bruno #reisky. 9elmut "chmidt, >erald 2ord, and Bruno #reisky attended the Bilder-er Meetin s in the 0ast. +elmut "chmidt attended the 19:4 Bilderberg Meetings held in Megeve, /rance from 19;41 #$ril 19:4! (Photo, >erman 2ederal /rchives.Bundesarchiv)

Chancellor of West >ermany 9elmut "chmidt (left) a00ears $ith 4ast >ermany6s Commissar 4rich 9onecker at the BerlinA "chRnefeld /ir0ort on Decem-er )), )(=). (Photo, htt0,..$$$.mdr.de.damals.schmidt)@'.html)

9elmut "chmidt (ri ht), the Chancellor of West >ermany, revie$s the honor uard $ith Leonid Bre3hnev (left), >eneral "ecretary of the "oviet Communist Party and President of the %""R, after his arrival in Mosco$, "oviet %nion on &une <B, )(=B. "chmidt $as on a t$oAday visit in Mosco$. +elmut "chmidt attended the 19<= Bilderberg Meetings held in #achen, West 0erman& from 1<;4= #$ril 19<=! (E Riethausen.d0a.Cor-is)

"oviet President Leonid Bre3hnev (left) and West >erman Chancellor 9elmut "chmidt a00ear in Bonn, West >ermany on !ovem-er '+, )(=) to make statements after the conclusion of several days of talks. "chmidt told ne$smen later that Bre3hnev had convinced him of "oviet interest in arms reduction -ut that the "oviet leader $as una-le to ackno$led e that the Rea an administration $anted 0eace. Behind them are /ndrei >romyko (ri ht), "oviet forei n minister, and 9ans Dietrich >enscher, West >erman forei n minister. (Photo, E Bettmann.C5RB7")

"oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev (left) meets $ith Chancellor of West >ermany 9elmut "chmidt (ri ht). (Photo, Men and /o)ers: A /oliti'al 0etrospe'tive -y 9elmut "chmidt)

"oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev ('nd left) meets $ith Chancellor of West >ermany Willy Brandt (left) and West >erman 2inance Minister 9elmut "chmidt (ri ht). (Photo, Men and /o)ers: A /oliti'al 0etrospe'tive -y 9elmut "chmidt)

9elmut "chmidt (ri ht), Chancellor of West >ermany, meets $ith "oviet 2orei n Minister /ndrei >romyko in !ovem-er )(@(. (Photo, Men and /o)ers: A /oliti'al 0etrospe'tive -y 9elmut "chmidt)

9elmut "chmidt (<rd ri ht, front ro$), the Chancellor of West >ermany, meets $ith "oviet 2orei n Minister >romyko (center) and /leksei #osy in in Mosco$, "oviet %nion in &uly )(=B. +elmut "chmidt attended the 19<= Bilderberg Meetings in #achen, West 0erman& in #$ril 19<=! (Photo, Men and /o)ers: A /oliti'al 0etrospe'tive -y 9elmut "chmidt)

4ast >erman Commissar 4rich 9onecker (center) and Chancellor of West >ermany 9elmut #ohl (left) arrive in Bonn, West >ermany on "e0tem-er @, )(=@. 9elmut #ohl attended the )(== Bilder-er Meetin s held in 8elfsABuchen, /ustria from <A: &une )(==. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.focus.de.fotos.@Ase0tem-erA)(=@AddrAstaatsAundA0arteichefAerichAhoneckerA$irdAvonSmidS+(B*=@.html)

Comrade 4rich 9onecker (left) a00ears $ith his friend Comrade 2idel Castro.

"oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev (left) a00ears $ith 4ast >ermany6s Commissar 4rich 9onecker. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.n'+.de.media.Sfotos.-ilder alerien.BB'B)'.mr3'B)'.saarlandS).honeckerSd0aSP".F0 )

"oviet President Mikhail >or-achev (center) and his $ife Raisa >or-achev are $elcomed -y 4ast >erman Commissar 4rich 9onecker (ri ht) $ith a fraternal kiss in 4ast Berlin, 4ast >ermany after the >or-achevs arrive to cele-rate the +Bth anniversary of 4ast >ermany on 5cto-er *, )(=(. (Reuters)

"oviet President Mikhail >or-achev (center) and his $ife Raisa >or-achev are $elcomed -y 4ast >erman Commissar 4rich 9onecker (ri ht) $ith a fraternal kiss in 4ast Berlin, 4ast >ermany after the >or-achevs arrive to cele-rate the +Bth anniversary of 4ast >ermany on 5cto-er *, )(=(.

A 3reserved se!tion of the border fortifi!ations at /Wtens%eben, <ermany. The 3atro% road is on the %eft4 the 3rimary !ontro% stri3 r"ns 3ara%%e% in the midd%e4 beyond it rise a ro& of che'au+,de,frise barri!ades and the border &a%%. :PhotoA htt3ADDen.&i'i3edia.or,D&i'iDFi%eA$ontro%Ostri3Ohoetens%eben.L3,;

Preserved e%ements of the inner <erman border at S!h%a,sdorf, >e!'%enb"r,5Por3ommern :PhotoA htt3ADDen.&i'i3edia.or,D&i'iDFi%eA/a%tOhierO,renIe.L3,;

C"ter stri3 of the inner <erman border :1ast5=est <ermany border; in !ir!a Jan"ary 19G6.

<erman &or'ers 3rotest a,ainst the $omm"nist re,ime in 9ei3Ii,, 1ast <ermany on Se3tember E, 1989.

U.S. President #ona%d #ea,an ,ives his famo"s *>r. <orba!hev, tear do&n this &a%%X6 s3ee!h in front of the +randenb"r, <ate at the +er%in =a%% in =est +er%in, <ermany on J"ne 12, 198G. =est <ermany0s $han!e%%or /e%m"t Koh% is seated to the ri,ht of #ea,an.

General Se*retary Gor$a*#e , i/ you see2 .ea*e, i/ you see2 .ros.erity /or t#e So iet Union an" 5astern 5uro.e, i/ you see2 li$eralization, *ome #ere to t#is !ate; )r. Gor$a*#e , o.en t#is !ate; )r. Gor$a*#e , tear "o0n t#is 0all;& 7 U.S. President #ona%d #ea,an, 12 J"ne 198G, in +er%in, <ermany

"oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev and 4ast >erman Commissar 4rich 9onecker attend a 0arade commemoratin the +B th year of the esta-lishment of 4ast >ermany in 4ast Berlin on 5cto-er @, )(=(.

>erman citi3ens 0rotest a ainst the Communist re ime in Lei03i , 4ast >ermany on 5cto-er )*A)@, )(=(.

>erman citi3ens 0rotest a ainst the Communist re ime in Lei03i , 4ast >ermany on 5cto-er )*A)@, )(=(.

<ermans stand ato3 the +er%in =a%% near the +randenb"r, <ate in +er%in, =est <ermany on ,o em$er 7, 67<7 short%y after the !omm"nist 1ast <erman ,overnment anno"n!ed "nrestri!ted trave% bet&een 1ast and =est +er%in.

>ermans in West Berlin destroy the Berlin Wall in !ovem-er )(=(.

C3enin, of the inner <erman border at /einersdorf, <ermany on (e!ember E, 1989 :PhotoA htt3ADDen.&i'i3edia.or,D&i'iDFi%eA<renIoeffn"n,ObeiOheinersdorf.L3,;

The Stasi: East Germanys Ministry o State Sec!rity

Stasi Prison in eastern +er%in

A ,ro"3 of Stasi se!ret 3o%i!e offi!ers in 1ast <ermany stand in front of a 3ortrait of Kar% >ar) in the ba!',ro"nd.

The o%d Stasi /eadJ"arters in eastern +er%in

Stasi 3risoner trans3ort tr"!'

4ast >ermany6s Communist dictator 4rich 9onecker (left) reets "tasi chief 4rich Mielke in 4ast Berlin on 2e-ruary =, )(=B. 4rich Mielke served as the Minister of "tate "ecurity ("tasi) from )(:@ until !ovem-er )(=(. (Photo, >erman 2ederal /rchives)

4m-lem of the "tasi (left) and a "tasi s0y camera

4rich 9onecker (left) chats $ith 4ast >ermany6s Commissar Walter %l-richt in )(@). (Photo, htt0,..iconic0hotos.$ord0ress.com.'BB(.B+.0a e.'.)

/rom Russia With >ove7 "oviet dictator Leonid Bre3hnev kisses 4ast >ermany6s des0ot 4rich 9onecker in )(@(. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.military0hotos.net.forums.sho$thread.0h0KtT)<(+B<)

So iet In asion an" 4**u.ation o/ A/!#anistan =67>7367<7?

/ "oviet army 0arade takes 0lace in #a-ul, /f hanistan. 8he "oviet War in /f hanistan lasted from Decem-er '+, )(@( to 2e-ruary ):, )(=(.

Af,han m"Lahidin 3re3are to fi,ht the Soviet #ed Army invaders stationed in Af,hanistan in 198?. :>in,am 5 <ammaD9iaison;

"oviet 7nvasion of /f hanistan. 8he "oviet War in /f hanistan lasted from Decem-er '+, )(@( to 2e-ruary ):, )(=(.

>a3 of >aLor 2ns"r,ent <ro"3s in Af,hanistan d"rin, the Soviet o!!"3ation of Af,hanistan in the 198?s

'esistan*e to %ommunist 'ule:

The /"n,arian #evo%"tion :19@6;, Pra,"e S3rin, :1968;, So%idarity Stri'e in Po%and :19G95198?;, and #omanian #evo%"tion of 1989

9un arian re-els $ave the 9un arian tricolor fla from a "oviet Russian tank ca0tured in the main sLuare in front of the houses of 0arliament in Buda0est, 9un ary on !ovem-er ', )(:*. 8he u0risin -e an on 5cto-er '<, )(:* $ith demonstrations a ainst the "talinist re ime in Buda0est and $as crushed )) days later -y "oviet Russian tanks amid -itter fi htin . "ome ':BB 0eo0le $ere killed and a further 'BB,BBB forced into eHile. (/P Photo)

2reedom 2i hters in Buda0est, 9un ary en a e in street fi htin a ainst the "oviet Red /rmy in )(:*. 9uri #ndro$ov *as the "oviet #mbassador to +ungar& from 1954 to 195:? 9uri #ndro$ov *ould serve as the chief of the %0B 3"oviet intelligence agenc&6 from 196: to 19<4!

:So"r!eA $uri Andropo': A Secret &assa*e into the -remlin by P%adimir So%ovyov and 1%ena K%e3i'ova;

9un ary6s Ili-eralJ Communist 0remier 7mre !a y delivers a s0eech inside the 0arliament in Buda0est, 9un ary. !a y su00orted the 9un arian freedom fi hters durin the Buda0est %0risin in )(:*M !a y $as hun -y the "oviet Russian overnment in )(:=.

St"dents and &or'ers in +"da3est, /"n,ary stand ne)t to a to33%ed stat"e of Sta%in at the be,innin, of the /"n,arian "3risin, on C!tober 2 , 19@6. :=ide =or%d;

A dead /"n,arian se!ret 3o%i!e offi!er %ies at the feet of yo"n, 3rotesters in +"da3est, /"n,ary in November 19@6. :John Sadovy D 92F1;

+"rned5o"t Soviet tan's a33ear in +"da3est, /"n,ary in November 19@6 :>i!hae% #o",ierD92F1;

Soviet #ed Army so%diers s"33ress the /"n,arian U3risin, in +"da3est, /"n,ary in November 19@6.

/ man stands on to0 of a tank in Pra ue, C3echoslovakia on /u ust 'BA'), )(*= to 0rotest the "oviet invasion of C3echoslovakia.

9eftA Cn the ni,ht of A","st 2?521 1968, Soviet and =arsa& Pa!t for!es !rossed into $Ie!hos%ova'ia to !r"sh the movement for freedom and the inde3enden!e 'no&n as the Pra,"e S3rin,. :PhotoA htt3ADDthe!onno%%y!o%"mn.b%o,s3ot.!omD2??8D?8DE?5years5a,o5today5"ssr5invades.htm%; #i,htA A%e)ander ("b!e' :192151992;, reformed $omm"nist %eader of $Ie!hos%ova'ia in 1968. ("b!e' &as arrested by Soviet a"thorities in Pra,"e on A","st 21, 1968 and es!orted to >os!o&, &here he si,ned vario"s *3roto!o%s6 before ret"rnin, to Pra,"e on A","st 2G, 1968.

Soviet #ed Army tan's a33ear in the streets of Pra,"e on A","st 2?521, 1968. :#a%3h $raneD92F1;

A %one !ar drives 3ast doIens of Soviet #"ssian tan's d"rin, the Soviet invasion of $Ie!hos%ova'ia d"rin, Pra,"e S3rin, in Pra,"e, $Ie!hos%ova'ia :3resent5day $Ie!h #e3"b%i!; in A","st 2?521, 1968. :PhotoA +i%% #ayD9ife 2ma,es;

Po3e John Pa"% 22 ,reets a %ar,e !ro&d in =arsa&, Po%and on J"ne 2. 19G9.

The enormo"s re!e3tion to Po%ish5born Po3e John Pa"% 22Ms visit to =arsa&, Po%and on J"ne 2, 19G9 !reated heada!hes for $omm"nist Party offi!ia%s in =arsa&.

Po%ish e%e!tri!ian 9e!h =a%esa or,aniIes the MSo%idarityM trade "nion as the voi!e of shi3yard &or'ers at the P%adimir 9enin Shi3yard in <dans', Po%and in 198?. :APD=ide =or%d Photo;

So%idarity %eader 9e!h =a%esa :%eft; %eads a &or'ers0 stri'e at the P%adimir 9enin Shi3yard in <dans' :(anIi,;, Po%and on A","st ?, 198?. :PhotoA Peter Kno33 5 +i%derdienst S"dde"ts!her Per%a,, >"ni!h;

So%idarity %eader 9e!h =a%esa addresses stri'in, Po%ish &or'ers in <dans', Po%and in 198?. 9e!h =a%esa served as the President of Po%and "nder demo!rati! r"%e from (e!ember 199? to (e!ember 199@. :J.9. At%anDSy,ma;

The Po%ish army "nder <en. =oL!ie!h Jar"Ie%s'i, fearf"% of a Soviet mi%itary re3risa% :simi%ar to $Ie!hos%ova'ia in 1968;, re!%aim Po%and from So%idarity in (e!ember 1981 :Photo >$P 7 >a,n"m;

Anti5$omm"nist dissident Pa!%av /ave%, &ho served as President of $Ie!hos%ova'ia :(e!ember 29, 1989 7J"%y 2?, 1992; and President of the $Ie!h #e3"b%i! :199 52?? ;, attends a memoria% servi!e in Pra,"e, $Ie!hos%ova'ia in November 1989 d"rin, the hei,ht of the Pe%vet #evo%"tion.

8he remains of former Romania6s Communist ruler !icolae Ceausescu after he $as eHecuted -y the Romanian 0eo0le on Decem-er ':, )(=( (Christmas Day).

The #omanian 3eo3%e !ro&d the streets of +"!harest, #omania in (e!ember 1989 d"rin, a vio%ent !o"3 that res"%ted in the death of #omania0s !omm"nist di!tator Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!".

#omanian so%diers a33ear on the streets of +"!harest, #omania in (e!ember 1989 fo%%o&in, a vio%ent !o"3 that res"%ted in the death of #omania0s !omm"nist di!tator Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!".

A #omanian s"b5offi!er ,ives the vi!tory si,n on (e!ember 1, 19894 he has removed the insi,nia of !omm"nist #omania from his head&ear.

Communist Cu-a, Workers6 ParadiseK 2idel Castro and the Cu-an IRevolutionJ

$"ba0s $omm"nist r"%er Fide% $astro meets &ith members of the 1ast <erman army and Stasi a,ents in front of the +randenb"r, <ate in 1ast +er%in on J"ne 1E, 19G2. :<erman Federa% Ar!hive;

Fide% $astro, %eader of $"ba0s !omm"nist revo%"tionary for!es, de%ivers a s3ee!h in front of the Presidentia% Pa%a!e in /avana, $"ba in Jan"ary 19@9. :PhotoA /aro%d Pa%entineDAsso!iated Press; :So"r!eA he umultuous Fifties: A !ie" from he #e" $or% imes &hoto Archi'es by (o",%as (reish3oon and A%an Tra!htenber,;

2idel Castro (left) a00ears $ith his -rother Raul Castro.

Fide% $astro de%ivers a s3ee!h in /avana, $"ba in Jan"ary 19@9.

Fide% $astro and other !a3t"red $"ban rebe%s arrive at the Santia,o !ity Lai% in Santia,o, $"ba in J"%y 19@ , fo%%o&in, his arrest after the fai%ed !o"3 at >on!ada +arra!'s in Santia,o, $"ba on J"%y 26, 19@ .

Fide% $astro :%eft; and $he <"evara :!enter; mar!h to,ether in an "ndated 3hoto.

President of 2ndonesia S"'arno :2nd %eft, &earin, s"n,%asses; a33ears &ith President of $"ba Csva%do (orti!os and $"ban $omm"nist revo%"tionaries Fide% $astro :!enter; and $he <"evera :2 nd ri,ht; in /avana, $"ba on >ay 9, 196?. :PhotoA +ettmannD$C#+2S;

Cu-a6s Communist des0ot 2idel Castro (left) reets 4 y0t6s dictator >amal /-dul !asser at %nited !ation >eneral /ssem-ly in !e$ 1ork City in "e0tem-er )(*B. (Photo, "tan Wayman.8ime Life)

Cu-an terrorist Che >uevara reets 4 y0t6s President >amal /-del !asser in Cairo in )(:(.

"oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev em-races Cu-a6s Premier 2idel Castro at a %nited !ations >eneral /ssem-ly meetin in !e$ 1ork City on "e0tem-er 'B, )(*B. (Photo, E Bettmann.C5RB7")

Cu-a6s Premier 2idel Castro (left) and "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev hu each other heartily at the %nited !ations in !e$ 1ork City on "e0tem-er 'B, )(*B. (E Bettmann.C5RB7")

Cu-a6s Premier 2idel Castro (left) and "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev (ri ht) shake hands and em-race each other at a meetin in Mosco$, "oviet Russia on May '<, )(*<. (E Bettmann.C5RB7")

2idel Castro cele-rates $ith !ikita #hrushchev

Cu-a6s communist Premier 2idel Castro (left) cele-rates $ith "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev ato0 Lenin6s 8om- in Mosco$.

Left to ri ht, "oviet President Leonid Bre3henev, Cu-an des0ot 2idel Castro, and "oviet Premier !ikita ". #hrushchev meet near Mosco$ on /0ril <B, )(*<. #hrushchev had taken Castro to his country home for a meal one day -efore the Cu-an leader revie$ed troo0s durin the traditional May Day 0arade. (8/""./ssociated Press)

Left, 7ndonesia6s President /chmed "ukarno (left, lasses) si ns a document $ith Cu-a6s Communist stron man 2idel Castro. Ri ht, Che >uevara (left) and 2idel Castro smile for the camera.

$o%. >oammar <adhafi, ri,ht, &ith $"ba0s $omm"nist r"%er Fide% $astro, in an "ndated 3hoto from a !o%%e!tion of 3hotos ta'en from <adhafiMs home, in Tri3o%i, 9ibya. :Ty%er /i!'sDThe Ne& Bor' Times; htt3ADDre!order.sayfor&ard.!omD!ate,oryD3ersonDeisha

1thio3ia0s >ar)ist di!tator /ai%e >en,ist" :ri,ht; a33ears &ith $"ba0s >ar)ist di!tator Fide% $astro :!enter; and his brother #a"% $astro :%eft;, &ho sent an estimated 1G,??? $"ban troo3s to 1thio3ia to defend >en,ist"Ms >ar)ist re,ime. :<etty 2ma,es;

Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro and "outh /frican 0olitician !elson Mandela (left) cele-rate durin the cele-ration of the QDay of the RevolutionQ in Matan3as, Cu-a on &uly '@, )((). (/leFandro Bala uer./P Photo)

4ast >ermany6s Commissar 4rich 9onecker (left) reets Cu-a6s Premier 2idel Castro in 4ast Berlin, 4ast >ermany on /0ril ', )(@@. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

"oviet Communist >eneral "ecretary Leonid Bre3hnev (left) $elcomes Cu-an Premier 2idel Castro u0on his arrival at ?nukovo /ir0ort in Mosco$, "oviet Russia on /0ril +, )(@@. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

President P%adimir P"tin visits $"ba0s di!tator Fide% $astro d"rin, a &e%!omin, !eremony at the air3ort on (e!ember 1E, 2???. :PhotoA Krem%inD#"ssian Presidentia% Press and 2nformation Cffi!e;

Left, %nited !ations "ecretaryA>eneral #ofi /nnan reets 2idel Castro. Ri ht, Russian Prime Minister ?ladimir Putin (ri ht) shakes hands $ith Cu-an President Raul Castro (left) in Mosco$, Russia on 2e-ruary ', 'BB(. (/P Photo)

2idel Castro a00ears $ith %nited !ations "ecretaryA>eneral #ofi /nnan.

2idel Castro reets 7ran6s ruler Mohammed #hatami.

CB" !e$s anchor Dan Rather (center) visits Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro.

9eftA Ne%son >ande%a a33ears &ith Fide% $astro in >atanIas, $"ba on J"%y 2G, 1991, after >ande%a0s re%ease from 3rison. #i,htA $"ba0s di!tator Fide% $astro a33ears &ith his trademar' !i,ar in his mo"th on Se3tember 29, 19GE.

2idel Castro entertains Panama6s dictator Manuel !orie a (left) and !orie aDs -ody uard.

2idel Castro talks to !icara ua6s re-el Daniel 5rte a.

President of Chile "alvadore /llende meets $ith Cu-a6s Communist des0ot 2idel Castro.

2idel Castro reets /ra- terrorist 1asser /rafat.

2idel Castro reets President of "outh /frica !elson Mandela.

2idel Castro reets Red China6s commissars 9u &intao (left) and &ian Cemin.

MeHico6s President 4rnesto Cedillo reets 2idel Castro.

Left 0hoto, 2idel Castro reets Red China6s Commissar 9u &intao (left) Ri ht 0hoto, 2idel Castro smokes a ci ar $ith 1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (ri ht).

Cu-a6s Dictator 2idel Castro (ri ht) reets the Dictator of Cim-a-$e Ro-ert Mu a-e in 9avana, Cu-a on "e0tem-er ), 'BB<. (Photo -y &or e Rey.>etty 7ma es)

Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro 0resents "outh /frica6s President 8ha-o M-eki $ith a medal at the Revolution Palace in 9avana, Cu-a on March '=, 'BB). (&or e Rey.>etty 7ma es)

%nited !ations "ecretaryA>eneral #ofi /nnan and ?icente 2oH6s $ife Marta 2oH $atch MeHico6s President ?icente 2oH shake hands $ith 2idel Castro in Monterrey, MeHico on March '), 'BB'. (Photo, !8G.>ustavo BenUte3.)

MeHico6s President ?icente 2oH reets Cu-a6s Communist dictator 2idel Castro.

>renada6s re-el Maurice Bisho0 stands -eside 2idel Castro.

Left 0hoto, 2idel Castro em-races Red China6s Commissar Chu Ron Fi.

2idel Castro chats $ith /BC Fournalist Bar-ara Walters in Cu-a in May )(@@. (/P.Wide World Photos)

/r entineA-orn Cu-an Communist terrorist Che >uevara visits 7ndonesia6s President /chmed "ukarno.

Left 0hoto, Castro reets Palestine Li-eration 5r ani3ation terrorist 1asser /rafat at the inau uration of the "outh "ummit of develo0in nations in 9avana, Cu-a in this /0ril )', 'BBB file 0hoto. (&ose >oitia./ssociated Press) Ri ht 0hoto, 2idel Castro em-races ?ene3uela6s ruler 9u o Chave3.

Cu-a6s Communist ruler 2idel Castro (left) and ?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 salute at a $reath layin ceremony at the Cara-o-o -attle field memorial, scene of a decisive inde0endence -attle, in ?ene3uela on 5cto-er '(, 'BBB. (Photo, #im-erly White.Reuters.Cor-is)

Cu-a6s des0ot 2idel Castro s0eaks to Bra3il6s President Luis 7nacio Lula da "ilva (left) durin a meetin in 9avana, Cu-a on &anuary ):, 'BB=. Castro met $ith Bra3ilDs 0resident on 8uesday, and the Cu-an leader looked frail -ut alert in a series of official 0hoto ra0hs from the meetin , the first ima es released of him in months. (Cu-an >overnment./ssociated Press 0hoto)

Bra3ilian President Luis 7nacio Lula da "ilva, ri ht, takes a 0icture of Cu-an dictator 2idel Castro, left, durin a meetin in 9avana, Cu-a on &anuary ):, 'BB=. /t center is a translator. (/ssociated Press)

4rnest 9emin $ay reets 2idel Castro on May ):, )(*B.

Canada6s Prime Minister Pierre 4lliott 8rudeau meets $ith Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro in )(@<. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.freeal-erta.com.castro.F0 )

President of 7ran Mahmoud /hmadineFad (left) and Cu-a6s communist odfather 2idel Castro hold hands durin /hmadineFad6s visit to 9avana, Cu-a on &anuary )<, 'B)'. (Photo, htt0,..thesouthsentinel.$ord0ress.com.'B)'.B).)<.)

President of 7ran Mahmoud /hmadineFad visits 2idel Castro durin /hmadineFad6s visit to 9avana, Cu-a on &anuary )<, 'B)'. (Photo, htt0,..thesouthsentinel.$ord0ress.com.'B)'.B).)<.)

President of 7ran Mahmoud /hmadineFad reets former Cu-an dictator 2idel Castro durin /hmadineFad6s visit to 9avana, Cu-a on &anuary )<, 'B)'. (Photo, htt0,..thesouthsentinel.$ord0ress.com.'B)'.B).)<.)

Communist Cu-a6s President Raul Castro (left) and President of 7ran Mahmoud /hmadineFad (ri ht) $alk to ether as Cu-an soldiers a00ear in the -ack round durin /hmadineFad6s visit to 9avana, Cu-a on &anuary )<, 'B)'.

Cu-aDs President Raul Castro, left, and 7ranDs President Mahmoud /hmadineFad esture -efore /hmadineFadDs de0arture at the &ose Marti international air0ort in 9avana, Cu-a on 8hursday, &anuary )', 'B)'. /hmadineFad is visitin ?ene3uela, !icara ua, Cu-a and 4cuador as 0art of his Latin /merican tour. (&avier >aleano./P)

/merican ca0italist David Rockefeller shakes hands $ith 2idel Castro in an undated 0hoto. (Wally Mc!amee.C5RB7")

$"ba0s di!tator Fide% $astro ho%ds a !o3y of A%an <reens3an0s boo' he A*e of urbulence. :AP Photo;

Cu-an Commissar 2idel Castro cele-rates $ith "oviet Russian Commissar Mikhail >or-achev in 9avana, Cu-a on #$ril 5, 19<9. (/P.Wide World Photos)

9o"is Farra'han visits $"ba0s !omm"nist di!tator Fide% $astro d"rin, a visit to $"ba in >ar!h 2??6. :Photo by Kenneth >"hammad; :So"r!eA htt3ADD&&&.3r&eb.!omDre%easesD2??6D?8D3r&ebE28668.htm;

Ri ht 0hoto, 2ormer >reen 0arty 0residential candidate Ral0h !ader, left, shakes hands $ith Cu-an President 2idel Castro after a conference at the %niversity of 9avana in 9avana, Cu-a on 8uesday, &uly (, 'BB'. !ader arrived in Cu-a on "unday at the invitation of !ational /ssem-ly President Ricardo /larcon. (/P Photo.Cristo-al 9errera)

>etter to (ommandante /idel (astro from the +onorable Minister >ouis /arrakhan
By 2inalCall.com !e$s %0dated /u '+, 'BB* A @,'B,BB /M

7n a FinalCall.'om (e)s eHclusive, the teHt of a letter to Commandante 2idel Castro from the 9onora-le Minister Louis 2arrakhan has -een 0u-lished. Prior to under oin sur ery, Cu-an President 2idel Castro 0rovisionally dele ated his res0onsi-ilities as leader of "tate, overnment, the Revolutionary /rmed 2orces, and the Communist Party. The follo)ing is the text of a letter to Commandante Fidel Castro from the Honora&le Minister Louis Farra*han. 7! 894 !/M4 52 /LL/9, 894 B4!427C4!8, 894 M4RC72%L. /u ust )+, 'BB* Commandante 2idel Castro Leader of the Cu-an Revolution /sA"alaam /laikum. (Peace Be %nto 1ou) Dear Commandante Castro,

5n -ehalf of my family, the mem-ers of the !ation of 7slam and myself, $e 0ray that /llah (>od) $ill rant you a full and s0eedy recovery that you may resume your duty to the 0eo0le of Cu-a and the $orld. /lso, on -ehalf of my family, the mem-ers of the !ation of 7slam and myself, $e $ish you a ha00y -elated -irthday, and $e 0ray that /llah (>od) $ill -less you $ith many, many more. Dear Commandante Castro, the idea of servicin the needs of the 0eo0le rather than the idea of ainin material $ealth is the essence of the revolution. 8his idea of service is the drivin force in the Cu-an Revolution that re0resents the seminal sta e of $hat reli ious 0eo0le of Christianity, &udaism and 7slam call the #in dom of >od. 7 firmly -elieve that /llah (>od) has chosen you and the Cu-an 0eo0le to -e in this 0rocess of servicin human needs, thus settin the sta e for all 0eo0le of ood$ill to emulate this mode of service to others. &esus said, Q9e $ho $ould -e the reatest amon you let him -e your servant.Q 7n this re ard, you are one of the reatest leaders to emer e in the 'Bth Century, settin the foundation of a true eHam0le of service for all $ho $ill lead in the ')st Century. 7n closin , you and the revolution you ins0ired have an ered many 0eo0le of $ealth and status $ho have enriched themselves at the eH0ense of the 0oor. 7 -elieve this is $hy &esus told the 0eo0le of 9is day, Q7t is easier for a camel to o throu h the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the #in dom of >od.Q Please remem-er $hat 7 said to you in our last meetin , that there is no such thin as death for 2idel Castro, for you are an idea $hose time has arrivedM and that idea is dee0 in the souls of most of the Cu-an 0eo0le and no$ in the hearts of many throu hout the $orld. 8his idea $ill continue to ro$ and you $ill continue to ro$ Minister 2arrakhan and his dele ation met 0rivately $ith President 2idel Castro of Cu-a durin March, 'BB* visit. $ith it from -eyond the rave. May /llah (>od) continue to sho$er 9is Blessin s on you and those $ho hel0 you in the service of others. "incerely, and $ith much love and reat res0ect, 7 /m 1our Brother and "ervant, 8he 9onora-le Minister Louis 2arrakhan "ervant to the LostA2ound !ation of 7slam in the West 9ML2.sm

So"r!eA htt3ADD&&&.fina%!a%%.!omDartmanD3"b%ishDarti!%eO28GE.shtm%

So"r!eA #i%ita -hrushche' and the Creation of a Superpo"er by Ser,ei N. Khr"sh!hev

8his 0hoto is a ift C.L. "ul3-er er received from Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro in )(*+.

9olly$ood movie director 5liver "tone sits -eside 2idel Castro. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.therealcu-a.com.8heV'B%sefulV'B7diots.htm)

Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro tries on a 0air of sun lasses as he talks to the media durin an international summit in 9avana, Cu-a on !ovem-er )*, )(((. (Christo0he "imon./2P.>etty 7ma es)

Cu-an President 2idel Casto s0eaks -efore a national 8? audience in 9avana, Cu-a on /0ril '', 'BB'. (R4%84R".Rafael Pere3)

2idel Castro falls to the round after deliverin a s0eech in Cu-a on 5cto-er ') 'BB+.

Council on 2orei n Relations ; Communist Cu-a

David Rockefeller (center) shakes hands $ith Cu-a6s Communist ruler 2idel Castro in an undated 0hoto. (Wally Mc!amee.C5RB7")

2ormer %.". President &immy Carter talks $ith Cu-a6s Communist dictator 2idel Castro (L) after a friendly ame of -ase-all Cu-a a ainst %." at the Latinoamericano stadium in 9avana, Cu-a on May )+, 'BB'. (R4%84R".Rafael Pere3)

Left 0hoto, Ro-ert Mc!amara (left), former President of the World Bank and former %.". "ecretary of Defense, stands -eside Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro in 5cto-er 'BB'. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.latinamericanstudies.or .missile.htm) Ri ht 0hoto, CB" !e$s anchor Dan Rather stands -eside Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro.

"enator >eor e Mc>overn oes for a ride $ith Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro. "enator >eor e Mc>overn $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations at the time this 0hoto $as taken in May )(@:.

&esse &ackson smokes Cu-an ci ars $ith 2idel Castro durin a controversial visit to 9avana, Cu-a on &une '* (or '@), )(=+. &esse &ackson, a Democratic Party candidate for President of the %nited "tates, caused a stir in the %.". overnment and 0ress -y visitin $ith the Communist dictator. (&acLues M. Chenet.C5RB7")

Reverend &esse &ackson shakes hands $ith Cu-a6s Communist des0ot 2idel Castro in 9avana, Cu-a on &une '@, )(=+. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

Mc>eor e Bundy (the man on the ri ht $ith lasses) listens to 2idel Castro deliver a s0eech at 9arvard %niversity.

"ecretary of "tate Christian 9erter (ri ht) reets Cu-a6s Communist dictator 2idel Castro in Washin ton, D.C. in /0ril )(:(. (8ime Life 0hoto)

Pe y Dulany, David Rockefeller6s dau hter, smiles as she listens to Red Cu-a6s Minister of 2orei n /ffairs 7sidoro Malmierca Peoli at the 9arold Pratt 9ouse on 5cto-er ', )(=@. (Photo, Council on 2orei n Relations /nnual Re0ort)

Con ressman Bill Richardson reets Cu-a6s communist tyrant 2idel Castro. ("ource, ,et)een Worlds: The Ma*ing of An Ameri'an Life -y Bill Richardson)

2ormer "ecretary of "tate Dean /cheson visits Cu-a6s dictator 2idel Castro in !e$ 1ork City in /0ril )(:(. 8he man on the left is Ro-ert Meyner, former >overnor of !e$ &ersey. Meyner $as not a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations.

?ice President Richard !iHon reets 2idel Castro in Washin ton, D.C. on /0ril )=, )(:(. !iHon $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations from )(*) to )(*+.

Cu-a6s Communist des0ot 2idel Castro hosts %.". "enator >eor e Mc>overn in )(@:. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.latinamericanstudies.or .usAcu-aA)(B'A)((@.htm)

"enators Clai-orne Pell (DAR.7.) and &aco- &avits (RA!.1.) visit 2idel Castro in 9avana in "e0tem-er )(@+. Clai-orne Pell and &aco- &avits $ere mem-ers of the Council on 2orei n Relations. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.latinamericanstudies.or .usAcu-aA)(B'A)((@.htm)

Con ressman &onathan Bre$ster Bin ham (DA!.1.) visits 2idel Castro in 9avana, Cu-a in 2e-ruary )(@@. &onathan Bre$ster Bin ham $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations and a mem-er of "kull ; Bones at 1ale %niversity. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.latinamericanstudies.or .usAcu-aA)(B'A)((@.htm)

"enator Lo$ell Weicker (RAC8) visits Cu-a6s Communist dictator 2idel Castro in Cu-a in !ovem-er )(=B. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.latinamericanstudies.or .usAcu-aA)(B'A)((@.htm)

Council on 2orei n Relations ; I7ron CurtainJ Countries

7n 1u oslavia for the first time, %nited "tates "ecretary of "tate &ohn 2oster Dulles, (R), is $elcomed $ith a smile and a handshake -y 1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito on Dulles6 arrival on &uly )), )(:: at Brioni, 1u oslavia for a oneAday official visit. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

President D$i ht D. 4isenho$er (left) and 1u oslavia6s Communist President Marshal &osi0 Bro3 8ito lau h to ether as they meet at the formerDs suite at the WaldorfA/storia 9otel in !e$ 1ork City on "e0tem-er '', )(*B. 4arlier, -oth men addressed the %nited !ations >eneral /ssem-ly. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

President >erald 2ord leans over to chat $ith 1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito durin "tate Dinner held in Bel rade, 1u oslavia on /u ust <, )(@:. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

President Richard !iHon is escorted -y 1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito as !iHon revie$s the honor uard u0on arrival in Bel rade, 1u oslavia on "e0tem-er <B, )(@B. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

Communist Poland6s des0ot >eneral WoFciech &aru3elski ($earin sun lasses, center) talks to Council on 2orei n Relations mem-er &ames 2. 9o e &r. (ri ht) at the 9arold Pratt 9ouse in !e$ 1ork City. (Photo, Council on 2orei n Relations /nnual Re0ort)

$anadian5born b"sinessman 1d,ar >. +ronfman :%eft;, the President of =or%d Je&ish $on,ress, sha'es hands &ith 1ast <ermany0s $ommissar 1ri!h /one!'er in 1ast +er%in on C!tober 1G, 1988. 1d,ar >. +ronfman is a member of the $o"n!i% on Forei,n #e%ations. The 1ast <erman se!ret 3o%i!e, a%so 'no&n as the Stasi, s3ied on the <erman 3eo3%e %ivin, in 1ast <ermany, !o%%e!tin, fi%es on their 3ersona% and 3"b%i! %ives. :PhotoA <erman Federa% Ar!hive;

#oIanne 9. #id,&ay :%eft;, the U.S. Ambassador to 1ast <ermany, ,reets 1ri!h /one!'er :!enter, smi%in,;, the $ommissar of 1ast <ermany, in 9ei3Ii,, 1ast <ermany on >ar!h 1?, 198@. #oIanne 9. #id,&ay, a member of the $o"n!i% on Forei,n #e%ations in Ne& Bor' $ity sin!e 198?, served as the U.S. Ambassador to 1ast <ermany from Jan"ary 26, 198 "nti% J"%y 1 , 198@. 'ozanne L. 'i"!0ay atten"e" t#e 67<9 @il"er$er! )eetin!s #el" in 'ye @roo2, ,e0 Aor2, U.S.A. =lo*ate" near ,e0 Aor2 %ity an" Stam/or", %onne*ti*ut? /rom 6B36C )ay 67<9. :PhotoA <erman Federa% Ar!hivesD+"ndesar!hiv;

John Foster ("%%es, the U.S. Se!retary of State, shares a drin' &ith B",os%avia0s !omm"nist %eader Josi3 +roI Tito at +rioni, B",os%avia in >ay 19@@. :PhotoA he (e'il and John Foster (ulles by To&nsend /oo3es;

"#MM$ CA%TE% & '%#E()S

2ormer President &immy Carter receives a ift from !orth #orea6s dictator #im 7l "un durin his visit to !orth #orea in )((+.

&immy Carter (left) and his $ife Rosalyn Carter (ri ht) visit 2idel Castro.

2ormer President &immy Carter visits !orth #orea6s tyrant #im 7l "un in Pyon yan , !orth #orea in )((+. #im 7l "un invaded "outh #orea in )(:B and killed thousands of /mericans durin the #orean War.

&immy Carter shakes hands $ith Cu-a6s Communist dictator 2idel Castro.

2ormer %.". President &immy Carter (left) and Communist Cu-aDs President 2idel Castro listen to the Cu-an national anthem at the -ase-all stadium QLatinoamericanoQ in 9avana, Communist Cu-a on May )+, 'BB'. (Reuters)

Cu-a6s Communist dictator 2idel Castro $atches the former %.". President &immy Carter thro$ a -ase-all -efore a match -et$een t$o Cu-an teams in 9avana, Cu-a on May )+, 'BB'. Carter $as the first former /merican 0resident to visit Cu-a since the )(:( revolution. ("ven Creut3mann.Mam-o Photo ra0hy.>etty 7ma es)

2ormer %.". President &immy Carter talks $ith Cu-a6s Communist dictator 2idel Castro (L) after a friendly ame of -ase-all Cu-a a ainst %." at the QLatinoamericanoQ stadium in 9avana, Cu-a on May )+, 'BB'. (R4%84R".Rafael Pere3)

President &immy Carter shakes hands $ith "oviet colla-orator /rmand 9ammer, the Chairman of 5ccidental Petroleum, in the 5val 5ffice in May )(@=. 9ammer $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations. 8his 0hoto $as 0u-lished in /rmand 9ammer6s auto-io ra0hy Hammer.

President &immy Carter em-races Panama6s ruler 5mar 8orFillos after si nin a treaty relinLuishin /merica6s control over the Panama Canal.

/merican s0ecial envoy 4lls$orth Bunker (center, -ack round) $atches %.". President &immy Carter (left) and Panama6s ruler >eneral 5mar 8orriFos (ri ht) si n the Panama Canal 8reaty at the 5r ani3ation of /merican "tates in Washin ton, D.C. on "e0tem-er @, )(@@. "eated in the center is /leFandro 5rfila, 5/" "ecretary >eneral. "tandin at rear left are /merican treaty ne otiators "ol Lino$it3 (left, face o-scured) and 4lls$orth Bunker (standin , center). /t ri ht rear is Panamanian treaty ne otiator /ristedes Royo.

/merican treaty ne otiators "ol Lino$it3 (rear, left) and 4lls$orth Bunker (center), the former %.". /m-assador to "outh ?ietnam, a00lauds as %.". President &immy Carter (left) shakes hands $ith Panama6s ruler >eneral 5mar 8orriFos after si nin the Panama Canal 8reaty in Washin ton, D.C. on "e0tem-er @, )(@@. "ol Lino$it3 and 4lls$orth Bunker $ere mem-ers of the Council on 2orei n Relations. (White 9ouse 0hoto)

President &immy Carter si ns an uneLual treaty $ith "oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev on &une )=, )(@( in ?ienna. Chairman of the &oint Chiefs of "taff >en. David &ones ($earin his uniform), !ational "ecurity /dvisor C-i nie$ Br3e3inski, Defense "ecretary 9arold Bro$n, "tate De0artment assistant Les >el- (standin -ehind 9arold Bro$n), "ecretary of "tate Cyrus ?ance, "oviet 2orei n Minister /ndrei >romyko, and "oviet /m-assador to the %.". /natoly Do-rynin are standin in the -ack round. Carter, &ones, Br3e3inski, Bro$n, and >el- are mem-ers of the Council on 2orei n RelationsM ?ance $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations. Carter, ?ance, Bro$n, Br3e3inski, and >el- are (or $ere) mem-ers of the 8rilateral Commission.

President &immy Carter shakes hands $ith "oviet dictator Leonid Bre3hnev after si nin an uneLual treaty $ith the "oviets. "ecretary of "tate Cyrus ?ance is seen a00laudin . "oviet 2orei n Minister /ndrei >romyko is standin in the rear on the far ri ht.

President &immy Carter reets Red China6s Commissar Den Giao0in in Washin ton D.C.

President &immy Carter shakes hands $ith Red China6s dictator Den Giao0in .

President &immy Carter and "oviet commissar Leonid Bre3hnev $ave to a cro$d.

President &immy Carter visits Romania6s dictator !icolae Ceausescu (left) in Bucharest, Romania in )(@=.

President &immy Carter (left) and Red China6s Commissar Den Giao0in lau h to ether on &anuary '(, )(@(.

&immy Carter shakes hands $ith !icara ua6s "andinista re-el Daniel 5rte a at the White 9ouse.

/ra- terrorist 1asser /rafat entertains &immy Carter.

%.". President &immy Carter and his $ife Rosalyn Carter o to a 0arty $ith 1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito.

&immy Carter reets /ra- terrorists 1asser /rafat (left) and Mahmoud /--as (formerly /-u Ma3en, ri ht).

Left, &immy Carter and Daniel 5rte a 0artici0ate in a housin 0roFect. Ri ht, !elson Mandela (middle) and &immy Carter (ri ht) each hold a child durin a tour s0onsored -y Bill >ates.

2ormer %.". President &immy Carter visits ?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3, a kno$n MarHist.

&immy Carter shakes hands $ith former re-el of !icara ua Daniel 5rte a.

President &immy Carter and "oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev shake hands amidst a00lause in the ?ienna 7m0erial 9of-ur Palace after si nin the "/L8 77 treaty on &une =, )(@(. Les >el- is on the far left a00laudin . /ndrei >romyko is cla00in $hile /natoly Do-rynin is smilin in the rear. "ecretary of "tate Cyrus ?ance is standin -ehind Carter.

2ormer %.". President &immy Carter em-races ?ene3uela6 President 9u o Chave3.

2ormer %.". President &immy Carter (left) visits "yria6s ruler Bashar /ssad in Damascus, "yria. (Reuters)

%#C*A%) (#+O( & '%#E()S

Cu-a6s Communist dictator 2idel Castro visits ?ice President Richard !iHon at the %.". Ca0itol on /0ril )(, )(:(.

2idel Castro reets ?ice President Richard !iHon.

President Richard !iHon shares a drink $ith "oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev (left) and Romania6s Commissar !icolae Ceausescu.

?ice President Richard !iHon toasts "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev at a 0arty in Mosco$ in &uly )(:(.

President Richard !iHon and Chou 4nlai ins0ect the Chinese Communist military in Pekin (BeiFin ) in )(@'.

President Richard !iHon reets Red China6s mass murderer Mao 8seAtun in Pekin , Red China in )(@'.

President Richard !iHon toasts Commissar Chou 4nlai in Pekin , Red China.

President Richard !iHon toasts Chou 4nlai in Pekin at the >reat 9all of the Peo0le on March *, )(@'.

"oviet dictator Leonid Bre3hnev $his0ers into President Richard !iHon6s ear.

"oviet dictator Leonid Bre3hnev $his0ers into the ears of President Richard M. !iHon $hile standin on the White 9ouse -alcony in &une )(@<.

!ational "ecurity /dvisor 9enry #issin er takes notes as "oviet 2orei n Minister /ndrei >romyko talks to President Richard !iHon, "ecretary of "tate William P. Ro ers, and "oviet /m-assador to the %.". /natoly Do-rynin (left) at the White 9ouse on 5cto-er ':, )(@B.

"ecretary of "tate 9enry #issin er, 9olly$ood actress &ill "t. &ohn, President Richard !iHon, and "oviet dictator Leonid Bre3hnev cele-rate at a 0arty at Richard !iHon6s house in "an Clemente, California on &une '<, )(@<.

9enry #issin er and Richard !iHon meet $ith Chou 4nlai 0rivately.

Richard !iHon reets "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev in )(=*. /natoly Do-rynin ($earin

lasses) is smilin .

%.". President Richard !iHon meets $ith 1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito.

Pi!e President #i!hard Ni)on ta%'s to Soviet Premier Ni'ita Khr"sh!hev in a *'it!hen debate6 on J"%y 2E, 19@9.

President Richard !iHon (left) and "oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev ne otiate an arms treaty.

%.". ?ice President Richard !iHon talks to "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev (front ro$, third from left) in a Ikitchen de-ateJ as they stand in front of a dis0lay in the kitchen area of the %.". eHhi-it in "okolniki Park in Mosco$, "oviet Russia on &uly '+, )(:(. (/ssociated Press 0hoto)

President Richard !iHon 0lays arm $restlin $ith "oviet %nion6s Premier Leonid Bre3hnev (left).

"oviet Premier Leonid Bre3hnev drives a olf cart $hile President Richard !iHon rides in the front and !ational "ecurity /dvisor 9enry #issin er rides in the -ack (sittin -ehind Bre3hnev) at "an Clemente in &une )(@<.

M#,*A#- GO%.AC*E/ & '%#E()S

2ormer %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush (left) talks to former Dictator of the "oviet %nion Mikhail >or-achev (ri ht) -efore the 0resentation of the Li-erty Medal at the !ational Constitution Center in Philadel0hia, Pennsylvania on "e0tem-er )=, 'BB=. >or-achev is the 'BB= reci0ient of the a$ard that reco ni3es individuals and or ani3ations that have demonstrated leadershi0 and vision in the 0ursuit of li-erty of conscience or freedom from o00ression, i norance, or de0rivation. (Reuters)

*F"rther ,%oba% 3ro,ress is no& 3ossib%e on%y thro",h a J"est for "niversa% !onsens"s in the movement to&ards a ne0 0orl" or"er.6 7 >i'hai% <orba!hev, (e!ember 1988 at the United Nations *The !risis in the Persian <"%f, as ,rave as it is, a%so offers a rare o33ort"nity to move to&ard an histori! 3eriod of !oo3eration. C"t of these tro"b%ed times, o"r fifth obLe!tive 7 a ne0 0orl" or"er 7 !an emer,eY6 7 President <eor,e /.=. +"sh, in a s3ee!h to the U.S. $on,ress on Se3tember 11, 199?

2ormer "oviet leader Mikhail >or-achev (center) is 0resented $ith the Li-erty Medal -y former %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush (ri ht) and Constitution Center C45 and President &oe 8orsella at the !ational Constitution Center in Philadel0hia, Pennsylvania on "e0tem-er )=, 'BB=. >or-achev is the 'BB= reci0ient of the a$ard that reco ni3es individuals and or ani3ations that have demonstrated leadershi0 and vision in the 0ursuit of li-erty of conscience or freedom from o00ression, i norance, or de0rivation. &oe 8orsella is a Rhodes "cholar. (Reuters)

2ormer "oviet leader Mikhail >or-achev (L) is em-raced -y former %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush -efore the 0resentation of the Li-erty Medal at the !ational Constitution Center in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, "e0tem-er )=, 'BB=. >or-achev is the 'BB= reci0ient of the a$ard that reco ni3es individuals and or ani3ations that have demonstrated leadershi0 and vision in the 0ursuit of li-erty of conscience or freedom from o00ression, i norance, or de0rivation. (Reuters)

President Barack 5-ama dro0s -y ?ice President &oe BidenDs meetin $ith former "oviet %nion President Mikhail >or-achev in the ?ice PresidentDs 5ffice in the West Win on March 'B, 'BB(. (5fficial White 9ouse Photo -y Pete "ou3a) htt0,..$$$.flickr.com.0hotos.$hitehouse.<+=+B'():<.

Left 0hoto, Bono, former President Bill Clinton, and former "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev smile for the camera at a 0arty. Ri ht 0hoto, 2ormer Russian President Mikhail >or-achev receives the 4ner y >lo-e Lifetime /chievement /$ard from "loveniaDs Prime Minister &ane3 &ansa, left, and 4% Commission President &ose Manuel Barroso, center, durin the 4ner y >lo-e /$ards ceremony at the 4uro0ean Parliament in Brussels, Monday, May '*, 'BB=. 8he 4ner y >lo-es re$ard local and re ional 0roFects that contri-ute to ener y conservation, environmental 0rotection or the su00ly of -asic resources such as $ater and electricity to remote and 0oor communities. (/ssociated Press 0hoto)

Left to ri ht, World Bank President &ames Wolfensohn, Ru0ert Murdoch, "ecretary of "tate Madeline /l-ri ht, Mikhail >or-achev, 9enry #issin er, and &eanAClaude 8richet attend the >lo-al 2orum 'BBB Conference held at the World 8rade Center in !e$ 1ork City on /0ril '+, 'BBB. (8imothy 2adek."y ma.Cor-is)

Left to ri ht, World Bank President &ames Wolfensohn, >or-achev6s translator, Ru0ert Murdoch, Mikhail >or-achev, 9enry #issin er, !e$t >in rich (-ack round), and Colin Po$ell attend the >lo-al 2orum 'BBB Conference held at the World 8rade Center in !e$ 1ork City on /0ril '+, 'BBB. (8imothy 2adek."y ma.Cor-is)

Mikhail >or-achev, former 0resident of the "oviet %nion, and former President of Chile Ricardo La os (C), meet Wueen BeatriH of the !etherlands (R) durin the Clu- of Rome annual conference in /msterdam, !etherlands on 5cto-er '*, 'BB(. 8he Clu- of Rome is a lo-al think tank that deals $ith a variety of international 0olitical issues. (>etty 7ma es)

Mikhail >or-achev (L), former President of the "oviet %nion, talks $ith >eor e 8enet, former Director of the Central 7ntelli ence / ency, at the !e$ 1ork 9ilton 9otel in !e$ 1ork City on 5cto-er '', 'BB: 0rior to receivin the /thena oras 9umanitarian /$ard. 8he /$ard $as 0resented at the annual -anLuet of the 5rder of "t. /ndre$, an or ani3ation of distin uished laymen of the >reek 5rthodoH Church $ho have -een ranted the title of /rchon -y the 4cumenical Patriarchate of Constantino0le. (E &ustin Lane.4P/.Cor-is)

7raLi President "addam 9ussein (ri ht) and 7raLi 2orei n Minister 8ariL /3i3 meet $ith "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev (left) and "oviet 2orei n Minister 4duard "hevardnad3e (' nd left) in Mosco$, "oviet %nion in Decem-er )(=:. !amed forei n minister in )(=< and then de0uty 0remier in )((), 8ariL /3i3 $as -elieved to have $ielded little real 0o$er of decisionAmakin , -ut he -ecame one of the re imeDs -estAkno$n fi ures a-road $ho matched his /merican 0eers in de-ate. (/2P.>etty 7ma es) htt0,..$$$.tele ra0h.co.uk.ne$s.0icture alleries.$orldne$s.=B=@*B@.7nA0icturesA8ariLA/3i3A"addamA9usseinsAde0utyAisA sentencedAtoAdeathA-yAtheA7raLiA"u0remeACourt.htmlKima eT<

2ormer %nited !ations "ecretary >eneral #ofi /nnan (L) and former "oviet %nion President Mikhail >or-achev (R) attend a conference on local environmental schemes at the 4uro0ean Parliament in Brussels, Bel ium on May '@, 'BB=. (Reuters)

%nited !ations "ecretaryA>eneral Ban #iAmoon (left) shakes hands $ith former President of the "oviet %nion Mikhail >or-achev after closin the <rd edition of the >eneva Lectre "eries on the theme QResettin the nuclear disarmament a endaQ at the 4uro0ean headLuarters of the %nited !ations in >eneva, "$it3erland on 5cto-er :, 'BB(. (E "/L?/85R4 D7 !5L27.4P/.Cor-is)

Mikhail >or-achev (L), former Commissar of the "oviet %nion, shakes hands $ith former Chancellor of >ermany 9elmut #ohl (R) $hile former %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush sits -et$een them at 2riedrichstadt0alast in Berlin, >ermany on 5cto-er <), 'BB(. 8he event or ani3ed -y 8he #onrad /denauer 2oundation takes 0lace under the motto, I8he 2all of the Wall and Reunification X the ?ictory of 2reedom.J Bush, >or-achev and #ohl 0layed key roles as the 0eaceful revolution unfolded in 4ast >ermany in the autumn of )(=(. 8heir coo0eration $ould 0ave the $ay for >erman reunification in )((B. (>etty 7ma es)

Mikhail >or-achev (left) meets $ith !e$ 1ork City Mayor Rudy >iuliani in an undated 0hoto. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.talkleft.com.ima es.rudy or-.F0 )

Paul !it3e is flanked -y "ecretary of "tate >eor e P. "hult3 (left) and "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev (ri ht).

Left to ri ht, "0ain6s Prime Minister &ose Maria /3nar, #in &uan Carlos of "0ain, Wueen "ofia of "0ain, and former "oviet Russian President Mikhail >or-achev attend the closin ceremony of the conference on DDDemocratic 8ransition and ConsolidationDD in Madrid, "0ain on 5cto-er '@, 'BB). (Photo -y Carlos /lvare3.>etty 7ma es)

8his file 0icture taken on /0ril '*, )(=: in Warsa$ sho$s "ecretary >eneral of the Central Committee of the CP"% (Communist Parti of the "oviet %nion) Mikhail >or-achev (L) and 2irst "ecretary of the Central Committee of the P%WP (Polish %nited WorkersD Party) >eneral WoFciech &aru3elski durin a meetin . (/2P.>etty 7ma es)

9enry #issin er talks to "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev $hile President >eor e Bush can -e seen in the -ack round (ri ht). 8his 0hoto a00ears in +issinger: A ,iography -y Walter 7saacson. (Photo, 8he White 9ouse)

"oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev, President >eor e 9.W. Bush, and 2ederal Reserve Chairman /lan >reens0an a00ear in a receivin line at a state dinner in Washin ton, D.C. on May <), )((B. 8his 0hoto a00ears in the -ook The Age of Tur&ulen'e: Adventures in a (e) World -y /lan >reens0an. (Photo, >eor e Bush Presidential Li-rary)

"oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev, President >eor e 9.W. Bush, and De0uty !ational "ecurity /dvisor Ro-ert M. >ates a00ear at a 0arty at the White 9ouse in May )((). (White 9ouse 0hoto) ("ource, From the Shado)s: The 1ltimate 2nsider3s Story of Five /residents and Ho) They Won the Cold War -y Ro-ert M. >ates)

"ecretary of "tate &ames /. Baker 777 smiles as he meets $ith "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev for the first time on May )), )(=(. 8his 0hoto a00ears in &ames /. Baker 7776s -ook The /oliti's of 4iploma'y. (/P.Wide World)

Mikhail >or-achev (ri ht) 0lays a ame of dominos $ith "oviet dictator and former #>B chief 1uri /ndro0ov (second from left). ("ource, Memoirs -y Mikhail >or-achev)

Mikhail >or-achev (center, rear) a00ears $ith Leonid Bre3hnev (front, center), 1uri /ndro0ov (third from ri ht), and /ndrei >romyko (far ri ht). ("ource, Memoirs -y Mikhail >or-achev)

"oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev meets $ith President >eor e 9.W. Bush (left), #in &uan Carlos of "0ain (second from left), and "0ain6s Prime Minister 2eli0e >on3ale3 (ri ht) at a dinner in Madrid, "0ain in 5cto-er )((). ("ource, Memoirs -y Mikhail >or-achev)

>@ "ummit leaders6 0ortrait in &uly )(() in London. "eated, left to ri ht, "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev, 2rench President 2rancois Mitterrand, British Prime Minister &ohn MaFor, /merican President >eor e 9.W. Bush. "tandin , left to ri ht, unkno$n, unkno$n, Canada6s Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, >ermany6s Chancellor 9elmut #ohl, &a0anese Prime Minister (name unkno$n), unkno$n. ("ource, Memoirs -y Mikhail >or-achev)

Cu-aDs President 2idel Castro (R) and "oviet leader Mikhail >or-achev (L) eHchan e documents durin a treaty si nin ceremony in 9avana in this /0ril +, )(=( file 0hoto. /ilin Cu-an leader 2idel Castro said on 2e-ruary )(, 'BB= that he $ill not return to lead the country, retirin as head of state +( years after he sei3ed 0o$er in an armed revolution. (Reuters)

/merican actor >eor e Clooney (left) acce0ts the Peace "ummit a$ard from Mikhail >or-achev for their efforts in tryin to alleviate the sufferin of the victims of "udanDs Darfur re ion at the "ummit of the !o-el Peace Pri3e Laureates in Rome on Decem-er )<, 'BB@. (/2P.>etty 7ma es)

2ormer "oviet President Mikhail >or-achev meets $ith Prime Minister >ordon Bro$n at !um-er )B Do$nin "treet in London on &anuary '=, 'BB=. Later, >ordon Bro$n $ill hold a meetin and 0ress conference $ith Pakistan President Perve3 Musharaf. (>etty 7ma es)

2ormer "oviet %nion President Mikhail >or-achev (left) leaves )B Do$nin "treet in London on &anuary '=, 'BB= follo$in a meetin $ith BritainDs Prime Minister >ordon Bro$n. (/2P.>etty 7ma es)

Soviet Po%itb"ro member >i'hai% <orba!hev :%eft; 3oses &ith Prime >inister of <reat +ritain >ar,aret That!her in 9ondon on (e!ember 1@, 198E. :AP Photo;

Soviet $ommissar >i'hai% <orba!hev :%eft; meets &ith 1ast <erman $ommissar 1ri!h /one!'er in 1ast +er%in on A3ri% 21, 1986. :PhotoA <erman Federa% Ar!hives;

8he Dalai Lama shakes hands $ith former "oviet leader Mikhail >or-achev, durin a lecture he ave at RomeDs /uditorium hall on Decem-er )+, 'BB@. 8he Dalai Lama, $ho $on the !o-el Peace Pri3e in )(=(, sto00ed in Rome for an annual summit of 0eace laureates or ani3ed -y a foundation headed -y former "oviet leader >or-achev. /t left is Rome Mayor Walter ?eltroni. 5thers are unidentified. (/ssociated Press 0hoto)

8i-etDs eHiled s0iritual leader the Dalai Lama (L) s0eaks $ith former Russian 0resident Mikhail >or-achev durin his lesson at the =th "ummit of the !o-el Peace Pri3e Laureates at the Parco della Musica /uditorium in Rome on Decem-er )+, 'BB@. (/2P.>etty 7ma es)

Russian President ?ladimir Putin (L) and >erman Chancellor /n ela Merkel ('R) are $elcomed -y leaders of the steerin committees Lothar De Mai3iere ('L) and former "oviet leader Mikhail >or-achev (R) durin the >ermanARussian overnmental consultations "t. Peters-ur Dialo ue in Wies-aden, >ermany on 5cto-er ):, 'BB@. (Reuters)

>erman Chancellor /n ela Merkel (left) chats $ith former "oviet Russian President Mikhail >or-achev durin the DPeters-ur Dialo ueD conference in Wies-aden, >ermany on 5cto-er ):, 'BB@. Merkel ur ed Putin to $ork $ith 4uro0e to find solutions to lo-al 0ro-lems at a time $hen Russia and the West are increasin ly at odds. (/2P.>etty 7ma es)

British Prime Minister Mar aret 8hatcher $alks $ith "oviet ruler Mikhail >or-achev at )B Do$nin "treet in "e0tem-er )(=(.

"oviet ruler Mikhail >or-achev (left) a00ears $ith British Prime Minister Mar aret 8hatcher at CheLuers in )(=+. (>etty 7ma es)

"oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev talks to "ecretary of "tate >eor e "hult3 as President Ronald Rea an shakes hands $ith /ndrei >romyko durin the Mosco$ summit on May <B, )(==. "oviet 2orei n Minister 4duard "hevardnad3e is on the far left.

President Ronald Rea an $alks $ith "oviet 2orei n Minister /ndrei >romyko at the White 9ouse on "e0tem-er '=, )(=+.

President Ronald Rea an meets $ith "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev at Maison de "aussure in >eneva, "$it3erland durin the >eneva "ummit on !ovem-er 'B, )(=:. "ecretary of "tate >eor e P. "hult3 is sittin on the lo$er ri ht corner. Don Re an is standin directly -ehind >or-achev. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

President Ronald Rea an reets "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev and /natoly Do-rynin after the last meetin at 9ofdi 9ouse in ReykFavik, 7celand on 5cto-er )', )(=*. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

President Ronald Rea an and "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev si n the 7!2 8reaty in the 4ast Room of the White 9ouse on Decem-er =, )(=@. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

President Ronald Rea an and "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev si n the 7!2 treaty ratification at the >rand #remlin 0alace in Mosco$ on &une ), )(==. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

%.". ?ice President and PresidentAelect >eor e 9.W. Bush (left), lon time 9olly$ood actor and out oin %.". President Ronald Rea an (center), and "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev stand to ether on >overnor6s 7sland in !e$ 1ork City on December :, 19<<, on the +@th anniversary of the 7m0erial &a0anese !avy attack on Pearl 9ar-or. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

Left 0hoto, Russian President ?ladimir Putin talks to former "oviet President Mikhail >or-achev in 'BB+ -efore a 0ress conference $ith >erman Chancellor >erhard "chroeder at >ottorf castle in "chles$i in >ermany. (&ochen Lue-ke./2P.>etty 7ma es)

President Ronald Rea an meets $ith "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev on Red "Luare durin the Mosco$ "ummit on May <), )(==. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

Mikhail >or-achev em-races Cu-an President 2idel Castro durin an official visit to Cu-a in 9avana on /0ril :, )(=(. By eH0ressin the desire to hold a conference concernin the 8hird World de-t, >or-achev offered the -e innin of a solution to the 0ro-lem of Q8hird World /7D"Q, an eH0ression of CastroDs. ("y ma.Cor-is)

Syria0s President /afeI Assad :%eft; visits Soviet Premier >i'hai% <orba!hev in >os!o& in 198G. :PhotoA Asad of Syria: he Stru**le for the Middle .ast by Patri!' Sea%e;

/merican President >eor e 9.W. Bush (left) and "oviet President Mikhail >or-achev shake hands at the end of a 0ress conference a-out the 0eace summit in Mosco$, "oviet Russia on &uly <), )((). (Peter 8urnley.C5RB7")

/merican President >eor e 9.W. Bush (left) and "oviet President Mikhail >or-achev shake hands durin a summit held -efore the start of the )(() Madrid Peace Conference in Madrid, "0ain on 5cto-er '(, )((). 8he t$o leaders s0onsored the )(() conference for the Middle 4ast, $hich $as the first time 7srael, "yria, Le-anon, &ordan, and the Palestinians all came to ether for ne otiations. (Photo, Pascal Le "e retain."y ma.Cor-is)

/rmand 9ammer (center), Chairman of the 5ccidental Petroleum Com0any, confers $ith "oviet leader Mikhail >or-achev in Washin ton, D.C. on Decem-er (, )(=@ as they attend a luncheon at the "tate De0artment. "ecretary of "tate >eor e "hult3 is seen standin to the ri ht of /rmand 9ammer. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

President Ronald Rea an and Mikhail >or-achev meet for the -e innin of their last scheduled round of talks of the fiveAday summit in Mosco$ on &une ), )(==. Later the t$o $ere to eHchan e documents 0uttin into effect a treaty eliminatin mediumAran e nuclear missiles. (Cliff 5$en.Bettmann.C5RB7")

President Ronald Rea an relaHes $ith Mikhail >or-achev at a summit in >eneva, "$it3erland on !ovem-er )(, )(=:. (Photo, Ronald Rea an Presidential Li-rary)

President Ronald Rea an and "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev lau h to ether.

(icolae Cea!sesc! & 'riends

#omania0s *President6 Ni!o%ae $ea"!es!" and his &ife 1%ena :%eft; meet &ith Po% Pot, his &ife, Kien Sam3han, and Khmer #o",e !abinet members in 19G8. :PhotoA htt3ADDfotote!a.ii!!r.roD3i!detai%s.3h3T3i!idUE@?1EZ1ZE;

%.". President &immy Carter, $ho once served as the >overnor of >eor ia, visits Romania6s Communist dictator !icolae Ceausescu (left) in Bucharest, Romania in )(@=.

$omm"nist #omania0s President Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" ,reets Soviet Premier A%e'sei Kosy,in on A","st 22, 19GE. :PhotoA #omanian $omm"nism Cn%ine Photo $o%%e!tion;

$omm"nist #omania0s President Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" a33ears &ith 1ast <ermany0s $ommissar 1ri!h /one!'er in +er%in on >ay ?, 198@. :<erman Federa% Ar!hives;

#omania0s di!tator Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" visits North Korea0s di!tator Kim 2% S"n, :%eft; d"rin, the 3arty and state visit to North Korea on J"ne 1@, 19G1. :PhotoA #omanian $omm"nism Cn%ine Photo $o%%e!tion;

Left 0hoto, /ra- terrorist 1asser /rafat reets Romania6s dictator !icolae Ceausescu. Ri ht 0hoto, Poland6s dictator WoFciech &aru3elski (left) $ith Romania6s dictator !icolae Ceausescu. (Photo, Romanian !ational 9istory Museum)

$omm"nist #omania0s President Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" :!enter; !e%ebrates &ith >oIambiJ"e0s $omm"nist stron,man Samora >a!he% :ri,ht; and his &ife <ra[a >a!he% :%eft; in >a3"to, >oIambiJ"e in A3ri% 19G9. <ra!a >a!he% %ater married Ne%son >ande%a. :PhotoA #omanian $omm"nism Cn%ine Photo $o%%e!tion;

U.S. Pi!e President <era%d Ford :%eft; and U.S. President #i!hard Ni)on :!enter; a33ears &ith #omania0s $omm"nist r"%er Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" d"rin, a re!e3tion for $ea"ses!" hosted by the #omanian 1mbassy on >ay 12, 19G . :PhotoA Nationa% Ar!hives;

Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!", the President of $omm"nist #omania, visits 2ndira <andhi, Prime >inister of 2ndia, in 2ndia on C!tober 1 , 1969. :PhotoA htt3ADDfotote!a.ii!!r.roD3i!detai%s.3h3T3i!idU 66GEZ@Z1 ;

Prin!e Norodom Sihano"' of $ambodia a33ears &ith Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!", the President of $omm"nist #omania, d"rin, his visit to $omm"nist #omania in 19G2.

$omm"nist #omania0s President Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" :se!ond from ri,ht; a33ears &ith K"een 1%iIabeth 22 of <reat +ritain :ri,ht; and Prin!e Phi%i3, ("'e of 1dinb"r,h :%eft; at the +"!'in,ham Pa%a!e in 9ondon on J"ne 1 , 19G8. :PhotoA #omanian $omm"nism Cn%ine Photo $o%%e!tion;

$omm"nist #omania0s President Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" :!enter; and his &ife 1%ena $ea"ses!" a33ear &ith 1m3eror /irohito of Ja3an d"rin, a visit in To'yo, Ja3an in 19G@. :PhotoA #omanian Nationa% /istory >"se"m;

$omm"nist #omania0s President Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" ,reets Kin, J"an $ar%os 2 of S3ain :%eft; in S3ain in >ay 19G9. :PhotoA #omanian $omm"nism Cn%ine Photo $o%%e!tion;

#omania0s $omm"nist r"%er Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" :%eft; ,reets Soviet %eader >i'hai% <orba!hev in 198@. :PhotoA #omanian Nationa% Ar!hives;

"osi0 .roz Tito & 'riends

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito and his $ife Mrs. 8ito, President Richard !iHon and his $ife Pat !iHon overlookin arrival ceremony on the "outh La$n from the "outh Balcony of the White 9ouse on 5cto-er '=, )(@). (White 9ouse Photo.!ational /rchives)

%.". "enator 8ed #ennedy, the -rother of former %.". President &ohn 2. #ennedy, a00ears $ith 1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (second from ri ht) a00ears $ith #in Baudouin of Bel ium.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (seated, second from ri ht) a00ears $ith the royal family of the !etherlands, includin Bilder-er Meetin s or ani3er Prince Bernhard (seated, left), Wueen &uliana of the !etherlands (seated, ri ht), and thenAPrincess BeatriH of the !etherlands (standin , second from ri ht).

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (left) a00ears $ith British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and British 2orei n "ecretary /nthony 4den in London on March )*, )(:<. (Photo, >overnment of 1u oslavia."er-ia)

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (ri ht) a00ears $ith British Prime Minister 9arold MacMillan.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (left) a00ears $ith British Prime Minister "ir 9arold Wilson.

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito a00ears $ith Wueen 4li3a-eth 77 of >reat Britain.

"oviet leader Leonid Bre3hnev (left) escorts 1u oslavia6s 0resident &osi0 Bro3 8ito as they revie$ troo0s u0on 8itoDs arrival in Mosco$, "oviet %nion on /u ust )*, )(@@. (E Bettmann.C5RB7")

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito received Mar aret 8hatcher, leader of the British Conservative Party in Bel rade, 1u oslavia on Decem-er *, )(@@. (E Bettmann.C5RB7")

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (left) a00ears $ith West >ermany6s Chancellor Willy Brandt.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito a00ears $ith 7ndia6s Prime Minister &a$aharlal !ehru (center).

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (left) a00ears $ith Mohammad Re3a Pahlevi, "hah of 7ran (second from left).

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (ri ht) visits Celal Bayar, President of 8urkey.

4 y0t6s communist dictator >amal /-dul !asser em-races &osi0 Bro3 8ito durin a meetin in !e$ 1ork City in "e0tem-er )(*B. (Photo, Ral0h Crane.8ime Life)

1u oslavia6s Communist President Marshal &osi0 Bro3 8ito entertains Li-ya6s ruler Colonel Muammar >addafi in circa )(@:.

B",os%avia0s President Josi3 +roI Tito :%eft; a33ears &ith /ai%e Se%assie :ri,ht;, the 1m3eror of 1thio3ia.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (ri ht) reets 7raLi stron man "addam 9ussein (left) in the )(@Bs.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (left) a00ears $ith 9aile "elassie, the 4m0eror of 4thio0ia.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (left) reets % anda6s dictator 7di /min.

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito reets &omo #enyatta (left), President of #enya.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (left) a00ears $ith &ulius !yerere, President of 8an3ania.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito reets #enneth #aunda, President of Cam-ia (formerly !orthern Rhodesia).

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (ri ht) a00ears $ith 7ndira >andhi, Prime Minister of 7ndia.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (center) a00ears $ith #in #arl >ustav G?7 of "$eden (left) and his $ife.

Prince !orodom "ihanouk of Cam-odia (left) visits President of Communist 1u oslavia &osi0 Bro3 8ito.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito a00ears $ith /n$ar el "adat, President of 4 y0t.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito reets Po0e Paul ?7

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito a00ears $ith Muhammad Cia %lA9aL, President of Pakistan

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito reets >eor e Pom0idou, President of 2rance

Left to ri ht, 7ndia6s Prime Minister &a$aharlal !ehru, >hana6s President #$ame !krumah, 4 y0t6s dictator >amal /-dul !asser, 7ndonesia6s communist President "ukarno, and 1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito stand to ether durin a meetin in Bel rade, 1u oslavia on "e0tem-er '(, )(*B. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

7ndonesia6s communist President "ukarno (left) and 1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito (ri ht) ins0ect the 1u oslavian army after arrivin at BataFnica /ir0ort in Bel rade, 1u oslavia for the Bel rade Conference of !onA/li ned !ations in )(*). (&ames Burke.8ime Life)

1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito, ri ht, shakes hands $ith 4rnesto >uevara, head of Cu-an ood$ill dele ation and one of Cu-an Premier 2idel Castro6s to0 lieutenants, $hen rou0 visited 8ito at his summer home on Brioni 7sland, 1u oslavia on /u ust '+, )(:(. Bet$een them is Cu-an communist 5mar 2ernande3 Cami3ares. (/P Wire Photo)

Che >uevara (second from left) visits 1u oslavia6s President &osi0 Bro3 8ito.

B",os%avia0s President Josi3 +roI Tito :!enter; a33ears &ith #omania0s $omm"nist r"%er Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!" :ri,ht;.

Miscellaneous Photos of Communist Leaders

/merican evan elist 0reacher Billy >raham visits !orth #orea6s dictator #im 7l "un in Pyon yan , !orth #orea on /0ril ', )(('. (Photo, 5ust As 2 Am -y Billy >raham)

/merican evan elist 0reacher Billy >raham visits Red China6s commissar Li Pen in Red China in )(==. (Photo, 5ust As 2 Am -y Billy >raham)

/merican evan elist 0reacher Billy >raham visits the #remlin in Mosco$ in )(=+. (Photo, 5ust As 2 Am -y Billy >raham)

Chile6s army eneral /u usto Pinochet a00ears $ith Chile6s 0roACommunist President "alvadore /llende in )(@<.

2idel Castro (left) reets Po0e &ohn Paul 77 in Cu-a in &anuary )((=.

Left to ri ht, /n unidentified man, /lla Bo-richeva, W.4.B. Du Bois, !ikita #hrushchev, and "hirley >raham Du Bois a00ear at the #remlin in Mosco$, "oviet Russia on !ovem-er @, )(:=. (Photo, %niversity of Massachusetts Li-rary)

W.4.B. Du Bois shakes hands $ith "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev. (Photo, %niversity of Massachusetts Li-rary)

Mao 8seAtun shakes hands $ith W.4.B. Du Bois at his villa in CommunistAoccu0ied south central mainland China in /0ril )(:(. (Photo, %niversity of Massachusetts Li-rary)

W.4.B. Du Bois chats $ith Chinese Communist minister Chou 4nlai in Communist China in )(:(. (Photo, %niversity of Massachusetts Li-rary)

1m3eror of 1thio3ia /ai%e Se%assie :%eft; sha'es hands &ith $omm"nist $hina0s des3ot >ao Tse5t"n,. :PhotoA htt3ADDrastafarie)3oses.&ord3ress.!omDse%assie5in5!hinaD;

$omm"nist $hina0s r"%er >ao Tse5t"n, :%eft; ,reets First 9ady of the Phi%i33ines 2me%da >ar!os.

1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito a00ears $ith 9aile "elassie (left), the 4m0eror of 4thio0ia.

The 1astern Afri!an /eads of State $onferen!e is he%d in Kam3a%a, U,anda in 196G. From %eft to ri,ht, Front ro&, President <re,oire Kayibanda of #&anda, President :%ater se%f 3ro!%aimed 1m3eror;Jean +ede% +o'assa of the $entra% Afri!an #e3"b%i! :%ater 1m3ire;, 1m3eror /ai%e Se%assie of 1thio3ia, President Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Prime >inister 2smai% a%5AIhari of the S"dan, President Jose3h (esire >ob"t" :%ater >ob"t" Sese Se'o; of the $on,o :%ater \aire;, Se!ond ro&, se!ond from %eft, President >i%ton Cbote of U,anda, President J"%i"s Nyerere of TanIania, President Kenneth Ka"nda of \ambia and Prime >inister 2brahim 1,a% of Soma%ia.

4leanor Roosevelt (left) has a dinner $ith 7ndonesia6s Communist leader "ukarno in 7ndonesia in )(:'.

2ormer 2irst Lady 4leanor Roosevelt visits 1u oslavia6s Communist President &osi0 Bro3 8ito in the BriFuni islands, Croatia, 1u oslavia on &uly )*, )(:<. (2ranklin D. Roosevelt Li-rary.!ational /rchives)

Left 0hoto, President /chmed "ukarno of 7ndonesia, $ho $as on an )=Aday official visit to the %nited "tates, is sho$n (left) chattin $ith ?ice President Richard !iHon shortly -efore a ca0itol luncheon iven in his honor -y Mr. !iHon in Washin ton, D.C., %."./. on May )=, )(:*. (Photo, E Bettmann.C5RB7") Ri ht 0hoto, 7ndonesiaDs President "ukarno chats $ith /merican actress Marilyn Monroe durin a 0arty iven -y Mr. and Mrs. &oshua Lo an at a Beverly 9ills 9otel in Los /n eles, California, %."./. in &une )(:*.

7ndonesian President /chmed "ukarno ('nd left) and "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev ('nd ri ht) reet each other $armly at the 7ndonesian rece0tion held at the WaldorfA/storia 9otel in !e$ 1ork City on 5cto-er <, )(*B. (Photo, E Bettmann.C5RB7")

4 y0t6s President >amal /-del !asser (left) and 7ndonesian President /chmed "ukarno (center) cele-rate $ith their host 7ndia6s Prime Minister &a$aharlal !ehru at a rece0tion at 7ndia 9ouse in !e$ 1ork City on "e0tem-er '(, )(*B. (7ma e -y E Bettmann.C5RB7")

7ndonesia6s communist President "ukarno (center) chats $ith Cu-a6s President 5svaldo Dorticos (left) and Cu-a6s communist Premier 2idel Castro (ri ht) in 9avana, Cu-a on May (. )(*B. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

"oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev (L) stands silently -y, as President "ukarno of 7ndonesia s0eaks to ne$smen outside the "oviet %.!. dele ation headLuarters in !e$ 1ork City on 5cto-er *, )(*B. "ukarno s0oke to re0orters after a +BAminute meetin $ith the "oviet Premier. Before his de0arture from the %."., "ukarno issued a loomy statement sayin the session had accom0lished very little. (7ma e -y E Bettmann.C5RB7")

"ukarno shares a Foke $ith President &ohn 2. #ennedy and ?ice President Lyndon &ohnson in )(*).

/rmand 9ammer reads a eulo y at "oviet dictator Leonid Bre3hnev6s funeral in )(='. %.". "enator Bo- Dole is on the far left. 8his 0hoto $as 0u-lished in /rmand 9ammer6s auto-io ra0hy Hammer.

8his 0hoto $as 0u-lished in /rmand 9ammer6s auto-io ra0hy Hammer.

/rmand 9ammer visits "oviet %nion founder and dictator ?ladimir Lenin6s office. 8his 0hoto $as 0u-lished in /rmand 9ammer6s auto-io ra0hy Hammer.

/rmand 9ammer shakes hands $ith #onstantin Chernenko in Mosco$ on Decem-er +, )(=+. /ndrei /leHandrovA/ entov is on the far ri ht. 8his 0hoto $as 0u-lished in /rmand 9ammer6s auto-io ra0hy Hammer. (/P Photo)

Leon 8rotsky (left) a00ears $ith Die o Rivera (center) and /ndrY Breton. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.0m entry.net.-lo .'BB=SB:SB)Sarchive.html)

Die o Rivera makes a s0eech to the MeHican Communist Party in )(:*. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.f-uch.com.die o.htm)

Mao 8seAtun , Bul anin, &osef "talin, and 4ast >erman Communist Party chief Walter %l-richt cele-rate "talin6s @Bth -irthday at the #remlin in Decem-er )(+(.

Left, &osi0 Bro3 8ito meets 9o Chi Minh.

Ri ht, Chou 4nlai (left) a00ears $ith Mao.

Left 0hoto, 4 y0t6s President >amal /-del !asser a00ears $ith "oviet Premier !ikita #hrushchev at the /s$an Dam in 4 y0t. Ri ht 0hoto, Che >uevara (left) a00ears $ith 4 y0t6s President >amal /-del !asser in 4 y0t.

Red Chinese 2orei n Minister Chou 4nlai (left) visits 4 y0t6s dictator >amal /-dul !asser (C) in 4 y0t in Decem-er )(*<. (Photo, Paul "chut3er.8ime Life)

/ -ill-oard 0hoto of 4 y0t6s des0ot >amal /-dul !asser (left) and #limenti ?oroshilov (ri ht) in Mosco$ in May )(:=. (Photo, 9o$ard "ochurek.8ime Life)

Li-ya6s dictator Muammar >addafi em-races "oviet Commissar Leonid Bre3hnev.

Che >uevara reets Mao 8seAtun , the dictator of Communist China, in BeiFin in )(*B. (Photo, htt0,..commons.$ikimedia.or .$iki.7ma e,CheAmao.F0 )

7n )(@B, Mao Cedon $as 0hoto ra0hed shakin hands $ith 7en "ary, $ho ranked third in the Red #hmer. 8he man in the middle is Pol Pot.

Canada6s Li-eral Prime Minister Pierre 8rudeau meets Mao 8seAtun , Dictator of Communist China in 5cto-er )(@<. (/ssociated Press)

Canada6s Prime Minister Pierre 4lliot 8rudeau (ri ht) visits "oviet 2orei n Minister /ndrei >romyko (left). (Photo, htt0,..$$$.freeal-erta.com.trudeau.html)

Cim-a-$e6s MarHist dictator Ro-ert Mu a-e and 7ran6s ruler Mahmoud /hmadineFad ins0ect the 7ranian army in 8ehran, 7ran.

Left 0hoto, 7ran6s ruler Mahmoud /hmadineFad $elcomes Cim-a-$e6s dictator Ro-ert Mu a-e (left) durin an official $elcomin ceremony in 8ehran, 7ran on !ovem-er 'B, 'BB*. (htt0,..fla0s-lo .com.'BB*.)).').iranAnuclearA$atchAro-ertAmu a-eAiranA3im-a-$eAthinkAalike.) Ri ht 0hoto, Mahmoud /hmadineFad, a su00orter of the I7slamic RevolutionJ em-races Ro-ert Mu a-e, the Communist tyrant of Cim-a-$e.

"outh /frican dissidents Winnie Mandela (left), !elson Mandela (center), and &oe "lovo (ri ht) render the Communist salute in front of the "outh /frican Communist Party fla in )((B, shortly after !elson Mandela $as released from 0rison. 'oe "lovo *as the 0eneral;"ecretar& of the "outh #frican (ommunist )art& 3"#()6 from 19<4 to 1991 and, for a short time, $resident of the #frican 2ational (ongress!

Left 0hoto, Russia6s President and former #>B a ent ?ladimir Putin reets Communist ?ietnam6s President ! uyen Minh 8riet. Ri ht 0hoto, Russia6s President ?ladimir Putin reets !orth #orea6s IDear LeaderJ #im &on 7l. (Photo, htt0,..$$$. lo-alsecurity.or .military.$orld.d0rk.kimAFon Ail.htm)

/",o $haveI V Friends

Kin, J"an $ar%os of S3ain :%eft; re!eives PeneI"e%aMs President /",o $haveI :ri,ht; at \arI"e%a Pa%a!e in >adrid, S3ain on Se3tember 11, 2??9. /",o $haveI arrived in S3ain to meet &ith Prime >inister Jose 9"is #odri,"eI \a3atero and Kin, J"an $ar%os on his %ast sto3 of a nine5!o"ntry to"r. :PhotoA $ar%os A%vareID<etty 2ma,es 1"ro3e;

$omm"nist %eader /",o $haveI :%eft;, the President of PeneI"e%a, a33ears &ith K"een 1%iIabeth 22 of <reat +ritain at the +"!'in,ham Pa%a!e in 9ondon in 2??1. :AP;

PeneI"e%a0s President /",o $haveI :%eft; ,reets #"ssia0s President P%adimir P"tin at the Krem%in in >os!o&, #"ssia on November 26, 2??E.

Tony +%air :%eft;, Prime >inister of <reat +ritain, ,reets PeneI"e%a0s >ar)ist r"%er /",o $haveI, in 9ondon.

9u o Chave3 (left) em-races 7ran6s President Mahmoud /hmadineFad.

?ene3uela President 9u o Chave3 (left) and former %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush hold a 0rivate meetin at the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas, ?ene3uela on 2e-ruary )*, 'BB). (&%/! B/RR485 . /2P) htt0,..$$$.miamiherald.com.'B)<.B).B'.<)*+==*.hu oAchave3.html

2ormer %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush shakes hands $ith ?ene3uela6s President >en. 9u o Chave3 (left) durin a 0rivate meetin at the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas, ?ene3uela on 2e-ruary )*, 'BB). >eor e 9.W. Bush said he held cordial talks $ith 9u o Chave3 -ut insisted his main mission to the oil eH0ortin "outh /merican country $as to 0ractice one of his favorite ho--ies, fishin . (Photo, htt0,.. eor e-ush.che3.com.en.ne$s.'BB).'BB)AB'A)*.indeH.html)

2ormer %.". President &immy Carter (left) em-races President of ?ene3uela 9u o Chave3.

%.". President Barack 5-ama reets ?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 as %ru uayan President 8a-are ?a3Lue3 (left) looks on -efore the o0enin ceremony of the :th "ummit of the /mericas in Port of "0ain, 8rinidad on /0ril )@, 'BB(. (Reuters)

%nited "tates "ecretary of "tate 9illary Clinton ('nd left) shakes hands $ith President of ?ene3uela >en. 9u o ChZve3 (ri ht) in a 0hoto $ith Colom-iaDs President &uan Manuel "antos and ChileDs President "e-astiZn Pi[era in Brasilia, Bra3il on &anuary ), 'B)), for the installation ceremony of President Dilma Rousseff. (Photo, 24R!/!D5 B7C4RR/ &R. . 424)

?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 (left) meets $ith "yria6s President Bashar /ssad in Damascus, "yria in "e0tem-er 'BB(.

President of Communist China 9u &intao (R) meets $ith ?ene3uelan President 9u o Chave3 at the >reat 9all of the Peo0le in BeiFin , ca0ital of China, on /0ril =, 'BB(. (Ginhua.Rao /imin)

President of Communist China 9u &intao (center) accom0anies ?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 (ri ht) to vie$ an honour uard durin a $elcomin ceremony inside the >reat 9all of the Peo0le in BeiFin , Communist China on "e0tem-er '+, 'BB=. Chave3 $as on a threeAday official visit to Communist China. (Photo, >uan !iu.>etty 7ma es)

$"ba0s $omm"nist r"%er Fide% $astro :ri,ht; a33ears &ith PeneI"e%a0s >ar)ist President /",o $haveI.

$"ba0s $omm"nist r"%er Fide% $astro :ri,ht; a33ears &ith PeneI"e%a0s >ar)ist President /",o $haveI.

!icara ua6s President Daniel 5rte a (L) reets ?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 u0on his arrival at the /u usto Cesar "andino air0ort in Mana ua, !icara ua on March )), 'BB@. (>etty 7ma es)

Left to ri ht, President of !icara ua Daniel 5rte a, President of ?ene3uela 9u o ChZve3, President of Cu-a Raul Castro, and President of Bolivia 4vo Morales 0ose for a rou0 0ortrait -y ivin the MarHist salute durin a Bolivarian /lliance (/LB/) conference in 9avana, Cu-a on "unday, Decem-er )<, 'BB(. (424."8R)

Left 0hoto, ?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 0rays in front of a statue of 9o Chi Minh in 9anoi, Red ?ietnam. Ri ht 0hoto, 9u o Chave3 holds a s$ord for >eneral ?o ! uyen >ia0 in 9anoi, Red ?ietnam.

?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 (left) is seen a00laudin $ith ?ietnam6s >eneral ?o ! uyen >ia0 in 9anoi.

PeneI"e%a0s President /",o $haveI and Pietnam0s President N,"yen >inh Triet revie& the #ed Pietnamese army in /anoi, Pietnam.

PeneI"e%a0s President /",o $haveI embra!es Pietnam0s Army <enera% Po N,"yen <ia3 in /anoi, #ed Pietnam.

PeneI"e%a0s President /",o $haveI :%eft; and Pietnam0s President N,"yen >inh Triet share a toast at the Presidentia% Pa%a!e in /anoi, Pietnam.

PeneI"e%a0s President /",o $haveI :%eft; ,reets Pietnam0s President N,"yen >inh Triet at the Presidentia% Pa%a!e in /anoi, Pietnam on Febr"ary 22, 2??9.

PeneI"e%a0s President /",o $haveI :%eft; ,reets Pietnam0s President N,"yen >inh Triet at the Presidentia% Pa%a!e in /anoi, Pietnam on Febr"ary 22, 2??9.

President /",o $haveI of PeneI"e%a and President N,"yen >inh Triet of Pietnam si,n a,reements in the Presidentia% Pa%a!e in /anoi, Pietnam in J"ne 2??6.

?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 (left) em-races Cim-a-$e6s MarHist President Ro-ert >a-riel Mu a-e.

&esse &ackson em-races ?ene3uela6s MarHist ruler 9u o Chave3.

?ene3uela6s ruler 9u o Chave3 meets $ith MeHico6s President ?icente 2oH (left) and 2rench President &acLues Chirac (ri ht).

?ene3uelaDs President 9u o Chave3, left, em-races MeHicoDs President 2eli0e Calderon durin the o0enin ceremony of the Rio >rou0 "ummit on the outskirts of Playa del Carmen, *= kms (+' miles) south of Cancun, MeHico on Monday, 2e-ruary '', 'B)B. (/P Photo. 4duardo ?erdu o)

President of ?ene3uela 9u o Chave3 (left) and President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev sho$ si ned documents durin their meetin in Mosco$, Russia on 5cto-er ):. 'B)B. (Reuters)

?ene3uela6s ruler 9u o Chave3 a00ears $ith Russia6s ruler ?ladimir Putin.

?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 (left) and 7ran6s President Mahmoud /hmadineFad make a clenchedAfist salute durin a travel to the 5rinoco River -asin in southeastern ?ene3uela to $itness the o0enin of a ne$ oil $ell on "e0tem-er )=, 'BB*. 7ran on Monday critici3ed the %nited "tates for -ein slo$ in issuin visas for mem-ers of a dele ation accom0anyin President Mahmoud /hmadineFad to attend this $eekDs %! >eneral /ssem-ly, after a t$oAday visit to ?ene3uela. (/2P.>etty 7ma es)

Left, ?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 (left) reets "yria6s President Bashar /ssad. (%P7 0hoto) Ri ht, ?ene3uela6s President 9u o Chave3 (left) reets Communist China6s President 9u &intao at the >reat 9all of the Peo0le in BeiFin , Communist China on /u ust '+, 'BB*.

PeneI"e%an !itiIens mo"rn the death of PeneI"e%a0s %on,time President /",o $haveI in >ar!h 2?1 .

<en. /",o $haveI ins3e!ts a rif%e d"rin, a 3arade.

Prominent $omm"nists
:V P"r3orted *1nemies6 of Ne& Bor' $ity0s $or3orate 1%ite; Prominent %ommissars o/ t#e So iet Union =676>36776?

Lev #amenev De0uty Chairman of the Council of Peo0leDs Commissars of the "oviet %nion ()('<A)('*) -@ecuted in Mosco* on #ugust 45, 19A6

Leon 8rotsky "oviet Commissar of War ()()(A)(':)M "oviet Commissar of 2orei n /ffairs ()()@A)()=) #ssassinated in Me@ico on #ugust 41, 194=

?ladimir Lenin Commissar of the "oviet %nion ()()@A)('+)

>ri ori "okolnikov "oviet NPeo0le6sP Commissar of 2inance ()(''A)('*) Murdered in $rison on Ma& 41, 19A9

!ikolai Pavlovich Bryukhanov "oviet NPeo0le6sP Commissar of 2inance ()('*A)(<B) -@ecuted in Mosco* on "e$tember 1, 19A<

!ikolay #restinsky "oviet /m-assador to >ermany ()(')A)(<B)M Peo0leDs Commissar for 2inance of the Russian "2"R ()()=A)('')M -@ecuted in Mosco* on March 15, 19A<

>enrikh >ri oryevich 1a oda Peo0leDs Commissar for 7nternal /ffairs (!#?D) ()(<+A)(<*) -@ecuted in Mosco* on March 15, 19A<

/leHei Rykov Chairman of the Council of Peo0leDs Commissars of the "oviet %nion ()('+A )(<B)M -@ecuted in Mosco* on March 15, 19A<

!ikolai Bukharin Chairman of the Communist 7nternational (Comintern, )('*A)('()M 4ditorAinAChief of /ravda ()()=A)('()M -@ecuted in Mosco* on March 15, 19A<

Christian Rakovsky "oviet /m-assador to 2rance ()(':A)('@)M Chairman of the Council of Peo0leDs Commissars of the %krainian ""R ()()(A)('<)M -@ecuted on "e$tember 11, 1941

/dol0h /-ramovich &offe "oviet /m-assador to China ()(''A)('<)M 9ead of "oviet dele ation to BrestALitovsk conference ()()@A)()=)

?yacheslav Rudolfovich Men3hinsky Chairman of the 5>P% ()('*A)(<+)

?las Chu-ar "oviet NPeo0le6sP Commissar of 2inance ()(<@A)(<=)M -@ecuted in Mosco* on /ebruar& 46, 19A9

!ikolai 7vanovich 1e3hov Peo0leDs Commissar for 7nternal /ffairs (!#?D) ("e0tem-er '*, )(<* X &anuary '@, )(<@) -@ecuted in Mosco* on /ebruar& 4, 194=

>ri ory Cinoviev 9ead of the Communist 7nternationalM -@ecuted on #ugust 45, 19A6

>ri ory Petrovsky Peo0leDs Commissar of !#?D NRussiaP (!ovem-er )@, )()@ X March <B, )()()

/rseny Cverev "oviet Minister of 2inance ()(<=A)(+=, )(+=A)(*B)

Leonid #rasin "oviet /m-assador to 2rance ()('+A)(':)M "oviet NPeo0leDsP Commissar for 2orei n 8rade ()('<A)(':)

Moisei %ritsky Chief of Cheka of Petro rad (March )B, )()=A/u . )@, )()=)M #ssassinated on #ugust 1:, 191<

/ndrei Bu-nov Chief of "oviet Red /rmy Political Directory ()('+A)('()

!ikita #hrushchev 2irst "ecretary of the Communist Party of the "oviet %nion ()(:<A)(*+)

Leonid Bre3hnev "ecretaryA>eneral of the "oviet Communist Party ()(**A)(=')

&osef "talin Commissar of the "oviet %nion ()('+A)(:<)M Peo0leDs Commissar for Defence ()(+)A)(+@)

/leksei #osy in Premier of the "oviet %nion ()(*+A)(=B)

Mikhail >or-achev "ecretaryA>eneral of the "oviet Communist Party ()(=:A)(())

>eor y Chicherin "oviet NPeo0leDsP Commissar for 2orei n /ffairs ()()=A)(<B)

MaHim MaHimovich Litvinov 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(<BA)(<() "oviet /m-assador to the %.". ()(+)A)(+<)

?yacheslav Molotov 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(<(A)(+(, )(:<A)(:*)

/ndrey ?yshinsky 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(+(A)(:<)

/ndrei >romyko 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(:@A)(=:)M "oviet /m-assador to the %.". ()(+<A)(+*)

/natoly Do-rynin "oviet /m-assador to the %.". ()(*'A)(=*)

4duard "hevardnad3e 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(=:A )((B)M President of >eor ia ()(('A'BB<)

#onstantin %mansky "oviet /m-assador to the %.". ()(<(A)(+))M "oviet /m-assador to MeHico ()(+<A)(+:)

!ikolai Bul anin "oviet Minister of Defence ()(+@A)(+(, )(:<A)(::) and Premier of the "oviet %nion ()(::A)(:=)

#liment ?oroshilov Peo0leDs Commissar for Defence ()(':A)(+B)M Chairman of Presidium of the "u0reme "oviet of the "oviet %nion ()(:<A)(*B)

Mikhail 7vanovich #alinin Chairman of the Presidium of the "u0reme "oviet of the "oviet %nion ()(''A)(+*)

1uri /ndro0ov Chairman of the Committee for "tate "ecurity (#>B) ()(*@A)(=')

2eliH D3er3hinsky inau ural Director of Cheka ("oviet intelli ence, later #>B) ()()@A)('')M Director of the 5>P% ()('<A)('*)

Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria "oviet Minister of 7nternal /ffairs ()(<=A)(+:, )(:<)

"er ei #ru lov "oviet Minister of 7nternal /ffairs ()(+:A)(:<, )(:<A )(:*)

Den Giao0in Paramount Leader of Communist China ()(@=A)((')

Chou 4nAlai Premier of Communist China ()(+(A)(@*)

Mao 8seAtun Dictator and Chairman of Communist China ()(+(A)(@*)

&ian Cemin President of Communist China ()((<A'BB<)

9u &intao President of Communist China ('BB<A'B)<)

Chen 1i 2orei n Minister of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()(:=A)(@')

Lin Piao Minister of !ational Defense of Communist China ()(:(A)(@))

Liu "haoLi Chairman of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()(:(A)(*=)

Li Pen Premier of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()(==A)((=)

Wian Wichen 2orei n Minister of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()(==A)((=)

Chu Ron Fi Premier of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()((=A'BB<)

Wen &ia-ao Premier of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ('BB<A0resent)

>en. Chi 9aotian Minister of !ational Defense of Communist China ()((<A'BB<)

>en. Cao >an chuan Minister of !ational Defense of Communist China ('BB<A'BB=)

&ian Win (Madame Mao 8seAtun ) Chinese Communist Party "0okes$oman

#im 7l "un Dictator of !orth #orea ()(+=A)((+)

#im &on 7l I"u0reme LeaderJ of !orth #orea ()((+A'B)))

9o Chi Minh IPresidentJ of !orth ?ietnam ()(+:A)(*()

Pol Pot IPrime MinisterJ of Cam-odia ()(@*A)(@()

"ukarno President of 7ndonesia ()(+:A)(*@)

&osi0 Bro3 8ito President of 1u oslavia (&anuary )+, )(:<AMay +, )(=B)

!icolae Ceausescu President of Romania (March '=, )(@+A Decem-er '', )(=()

Walter %l-richt >eneral "ecretary of the Central Committee of the "ocialist %nity Party of 4ast >ermany ()(:BA)(@))

4ric 9onecker >eneral "ecretary of the Central Committee of the "ocialist %nity Party of N4astP >ermany ()(@)A)(=()

WoFciech &aru3elski Minister of Defense of Poland ()(*(A)(=:)

/-dul #arim #assem Prime Minister of 7raL (&uly )+, )(:=A2e-ruary =, )(*<)

>amal /-del !asser President of 4 y0t (&une '<, )(:*A "e0tem-er '=, )(@B)

Muammar >addafi Dictator of Li-ya ("e0tem-er ), )(*(A /u ust '<, 'B)))

9afe3 /ssad President of "yria ()(@)A'BBB)

1asser /rafat Chairman of Palestine Li-eration 5r ani3ation (PL5)

&eanABertrand /ristide President of 9aiti ()((), )((<A)((*, 'BB)A'BB+)

4rnesto ICheJ >uevara Cu-an Commissar

2idel Castro Dictator of Cu-a ()(:(A'BB=)

9u o Chave3 President of ?ene3uela ()(((A'B)<)

"alvador /llende President of Chile ()(@BA)(@<)

Patrice Lumum-a Communist from Con o (Caire)

7di /min President of % anda ()(@)A)(@()

Ro-ert Mu a-e President of Cim-a-$e ()(=@A0resent)M Prime Minister of Cim-a-$e ()(=BA)(=@)

9aile Men istu Dictator of 4thio0ia ()(@@A)(())

8ha-o M-eki President of "outh /frica ()(((A'BB=)

Rosa LuHem-ur >erman I"0artacistJ Communist re-el ()()()

#arl Lie-knecht >erman I"0artacistJ Communist re-el ()()()

Dr. #arl MarH, Ph.D. CoAauthor of Communist Manifesto

2riedrich 4n els CoAauthor of Communist Manifesto

/ntonio >ramsci 7talian Communist

W\adys\a$ >omu\ka 2irst "ecretary of the Polish %nited WorkersD Party NCommissar of PolandP ()(:*A)(@B)

7stvZn Do-i Chairman of the Presidential Council of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of 9un ary ()(:'A)(*@)

4rich Mielke Minister of "tate "ecurity ("tasi) of 4ast >ermany ()(:@A)(=()

Bela #un 9un arian CommunistM head of the 9un arian "oviet Re0u-lic ()()()

4u en Levine Leader of the Bavarian "oviet Re0u-lic (/0ril )', )()(AMay <, )()()

Prominent $omm"nist Sym3athiIers

C-i nie$ Br3e3inski !ational "ecurity /dvisor ()(@@A)(=))M CoA2ounder of the 8rilateral Commission

9enry #issin er %.". "ecretary of "tate ()(@<A)(@@)M !ational "ecurity /dvisor ()(*(A )(@:)

David Rockefeller Chairman and C45 of Chase Manhattan Bank ()(*(A)(=))M Chairman of the Council on 2orei n Relations ()(@BA)(=:)

/verell 9arriman %.". /m-assador to the "oviet %nion ()(+<A)(+*)M %.". "ecretary of Commerce ()(+*A)(+=)

/rmand 9ammer Chairman and C45 of 5ccidental Petroleum Cor0. ()(:@A)((B)

5$en Lattimore

9arry DeHter White CoA2ounder of 8he World Bank and 7nternational Monetary 2und

Dean /cheson %.". "ecretary of "tate ()(+(A)(:<)

/l er 9iss President of Carne ie 4ndo$ment for 7nternational Peace ()(+*A)(+()

Lauchlin Currie

2ranklin D. Roosevelt President of the %.". ()(<<A)(+:)

&immy Carter President of the %.". ()(@@A)(=))

William &. IBillJ Clinton President of the %.". ()((<A'BB))

Barack 5-ama President of the %.". ('BB(A0resent)M %.". "enator (DA7llinois, 'BB:A 'BB=)

>eor e 9.W. Bush President of the %.". ()(=(A)((<)M C7/ Director ()(@*A)(@@)

/l >ore ?ice President of the %.". ()((<A'BB))

4d$ard M. I8edJ #ennedy %.". "enator (DAM/, )(*'A'BB()

Dianne 2einstein %.". "enator (DAC/, )(('A0resent)

&ohn McCain %.". "enator (RA/C, )(=@A0resent)

&ohn 2. #erry %.". "enator (DAM/, )(=:A0resent)

>eor e "oros Chairman of "oros 2und Mana ement Nfinancial -usiness in !e$ 1ork CityP ()((*A0resent)

Ro-ert 4. Ru-in Partner of >oldman, "achs ; Co. N-ankin firm in !e$ 1ork CityP ()(@)A )((')M "ecretary of the 8reasury ()((:A)((()

9illary Rodham Clinton %.". "ecretary of "tate ('BB(A0resent)M %.". "enator (DA!e$ 1ork, 'BB)A'BB()

8ed 8urner 2ormer Chairman of 8urner Broadcastin "ystem (8B") and founder of Ca-le !e$s !et$ork (C!!) N/merican television com0anyP

Bill >ates 2ormer Chairman and C45 of Microsoft N/merican soft$are com0anyP

&ohn &. McCloy Chairman of the -oard of Chase Manhattan Bank ()(::A)(*))

&aco- 9. "chiff former Partner of #uhn, Loe- ; Co. N-ankin firm in !e$ 1ork CityP

W.4.B. du Bois CoA2ounder of !//CPM Foined the Communist Party of >hana in )(*)

Charles de >aulle President of 2rance ()(:(A)(*()

!elson Mandela President of "outh /frica ()((+A)((()M lon time 0olitical 0risoner

Left, >eor e W. Bush $alks $ith ?ladimir Putin, &ian Cemin, and 8un CheeAh$a (far ri ht). Ri ht, 8he ImeJ in the ca0tion is /rmand 9ammer. 8his 0hoto $as 0u-lished in /rmand 9ammer6s auto-io ra0hy Hammer.

1rominent Comm!nists
"oviet Communists, ?ladimir Lenin (real name ?ladimir 7lyich %lyanov) (/0ril '', )=@BA&anuary '), )('+) X Commissar of the "oviet %nion ()()@A)('+) Leon 8rotsky (real name Lev Davidovich Bronstein) (!ovem-er @, )=@(Adied in MeHico on /u ust '), )(+B) X "oviet Commissar of 2orei n /ffairs ()()@A)()=)M "oviet Commissar of War ()()(A)(':)M lived in !e$ 1ork City in early )()@M lived in MeHico in eHile until assassinated in )(+BM RussianA-orn &e$ish Communist &osef "talin (real name 7osif ?issarionovich D3hu ashvili) (Decem-er )=, )=@=AMarch :, )(:<) X Commissar of the "oviet %nion ()('+A)(:<)M Peo0leDs Commissar for Defence Nlater renamed Minister of the /rmed 2orcesP ()( &uly )(+)A< March )(+@) Lev Borisovich #amenev NRo3enfeldP (&uly )=, )==<A/u ust ':, )(<*) A De0uty Chairman of the Council of Peo0leDs Commissars of the "oviet %nion ()('<A)('*)M eHecuted in Mosco$ on /u ust ':, )(<*M RussianA-orn &e$ish Communist >enrikh >ri oryevich 1a oda (real name 4nokh >ershevich 7e uda) (@ !ovem-er )=()X): March )(<=) X Peo0leDs Commissar for 7nternal /ffairs (!#?D) ()B &uly )(<+ X '* "e0tem-er )(<*) !ikita "er eyevich #hrushchev (/0ril ):, )=(+X"e0tem-er )), )(@)) X 2irst "ecretary of the Communist Party of the "oviet %nion ("e0tem-er )+, )(:<A5cto-er )+, )(*+) /leksei #osy in (2e-ruary 'B, )(B+ADecem-er )=, )(=B) X Premier of the "oviet %nion ()(*+A)(=B) Leonid Bre3hnev (Decem-er )(, )(B*A!ovem-er )B, )(=') X "ecretaryA>eneral of the "oviet Communist Party ()(**A)(=') 1uri /ndro0ov (&une ):, )()+A2e-ruary (, )(=+) X Chairman of the Committee for "tate "ecurity (#>B) ()(*@A)(=')M "ecretaryA>eneral of the "oviet Communist Party ()(='A)(=+) Mikhail "er eyevich >or-achev (-orn March ', )(<)) X "ecretaryA>eneral of the "oviet Communist Party (March )), )(=:A/u ust '+, )(()) /natoly Do-rynin X "oviet /m-assador to the %nited "tates ()(*'A)(=*)M %! %nderA"ecretary for "ecurity and Political /ffairs ()(:=A)(:() ?yacheslav Molotov X Premier of the "oviet %nion ()(<BA)(+))M 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(<(A)(+(, )(:<A)(:*) /ndrei ?yshinsky X 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion (+ March )(+( X : March )(:<)M "oviet Re0resentative to %nited !ations ()(+(A)(:+) /ndrei >romyko X "oviet /m-assador to the %nited "tates ()(+<A)(+*)M "oviet Re0resentative to the %nited !ations "ecurity Council ()(+*A )(+=)M "oviet /m-assador to >reat Britain ()(:'A)(:<)M 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(:@A)(=:) 4duard "hevardnad3e X 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(=:A)((B)M President of >eor ia ()(('A'BB<) 2eliH 4dmundovich D3er3hinsky ("e0tem-er )), )=@@X&uly 'B, )('*) X inau ural Director of Cheka ("oviet intelli ence, later #>B) >ri ori 1akovlovich "okolnikov (>irsh 1ankelevich Brilliant) X "oviet NPeo0le6sP Commissar of 2inance ()(''A)('*)M Murdered in 0rison on May '), )(<( 9ryhoriy 2edorovych 9rynko X "oviet NPeo0le6sP Commissar for 2inance ()(<BA)(<@)M eHecuted in Mosco$ on March ):, )(<= /rseny Cverev X "oviet Minister of 2inance ()( &anuary )(<= X )* 2e-ruary )(+=, '= Decem-er )(+= X )* May )(*B) ?asily 2yodorovich >ar-u3ov (&uly <, )())A!ovem-er )', )(=:) X "oviet Minister of 2inance (May )*, )(*BA!ovem-er )', )(=:) MaHim MaHimovich Litvinov ()@ &uly )=@* X <) Decem-er )(:)) X 2orei n Minister of the "oviet %nion ()(<BA)(<()M "oviet /m-assador to the %nited "tates (!ov. )B, )(+)X/u ust '', )(+<) #onstantin /leksandrovich %mansky X "oviet /m-assador to the %.". ()(<(A)(+))M "oviet /m-assador to MeHico ()(+<A)(+:) ?yacheslav Rudolfovich Men3hinsky X Chairman of the 5>P% ()('*A)(<+) Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria X "oviet Minister of 7nternal /ffairs ()(<=A)(+:, )(:<) "er ei #ru lov X "oviet Minister of 7nternal /ffairs ()(+:A)(:<, )(:<A)(:*) >ri ory 1evseevich Cinoviev ()==<A)(<*), 9ead of the Communist 7nternationalM eHecuted on /u ust ':, )(<* Moisei "olomonovich %ritsky ()=@<A)()=), Chief of Cheka of Petro rad (March )B, )()=A/u . )@, )()=)M assassinated on /u . )@, )()= >ri ory 7vanovich Petrovsky X Peo0leDs Commissar of !#?D NRussiaP (!ovem-er )@, )()@ X March <B, )()() #liment ?oroshilov X Peo0leDs Commissar for Defence ()(':A)(+B)M Chairman of the Presidium of the "u0reme "oviet of the "oviet %nion ()(:<A)(*B) !ikolai Bul anin (<B March )=(: X '+ 2e-ruary )(@:) X "oviet Minister of Defence ()(+@A)(+(, )(:<A)(::) and Premier of the "oviet %nion ()(::A)(:=) ?las Chu-ar X "oviet NPeo0le6sP Commissar of 2inance ()(<@A)(<=)M De0uty Chairman of the Council of Peo0leDs Commissars of the "oviet %nion ()('<A)(':, )(<+A)(<=)M -@ecuted in Mosco* on /ebruar& 46, 19A9 >eor y ?asilyevich Chicherin ('+ !ovem-er )=@' X @ &uly )(<*) X "oviet NPeo0leDsP Commissar for 2orei n /ffairs (( /0ril )()=A') &uly )(<B) /dol0h /-ramovich &offe (5cto-er )B, )==<X!ovem-er )*, )('@) X "oviet /m-assador to China ()(''A)('<)M 9ead of "oviet dele ation to BrestALitovsk conference ()()@A)()=)

Chinese Communists, Mao 8seAtun (Decem-er '*, )=(<A"e0tem-er (, )(@*) X Dictator and Chairman of Communist China ()(+(A)(@*) Chou 4nAlai (March :, )=(=A&anuary =, )(@*) X Premier of Communist China (5cto-er ), )(+(A&anuary =, )(@*)M 2orei n Minister of Communist China ()(+(A)(:=) Den Giao0in (/u ust '', )(B+A2e-ruary )(, )((@) X Paramount Leader of Communist China (Decem-er '', )(@=A5cto-er )', )((') &ian Cemin (-orn /u ust )@, )('*) X President of Communist China ()((<A'BB<)M Mayor of "han hai ()(=:A)(==) 9u &intao (-orn Decem-er '), )(+') X President of Communist China (March ):, 'BB<A0resent) Liu "haoLi X Chairman of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()(:(A)(*=) Lin Piao X Minister of !ational Defense of Communist China ()(:(A)(@)) Li Pen X Premier of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China (': March )(== X )@ March )((=) Chu Ron Fi X Mayor of "han hai ()(==A)(())M >overnor of the Peo0leDs Bank of China ()((<A)((:)M Premier of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()((=A'BB<) Wen &ia-ao X Premier of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ('BB<A'B)<) Wian Wichen X 2orei n Minister of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()(==A)((=) Chen 1i X Mayor of "han hai ()(+(A)(:=)M 2orei n Minister of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of China ()(:=A)(@') >en. Chi 9aotian X Minister of !ational Defense of Communist China ()((<A'BB<) >en. Cao >an chuan X Minister of !ational Defense of Communist China ('BB<A'BB=) &ian Win (Madame Mao 8seAtun ) X Chinese Communist Party "0okes$oman 5ther /sian Communists, #im 7l "un (/0ril ):, )()'A&uly =, )((+) X Dictator of !orth #orea ("e0tem-er (, )(+=A&uly =, )((+) #im &on 7l (2e-ruary )*, )(+)A Decem-er )@, 'B))) X I"u0reme LeaderJ of !orth #orea (&uly =, )((+ADecem-er )@, 'B))) Pol Pot (real name "aloth "ar, &anuary ':, )(':A /0ril ):, )((=) X IPrime MinisterJ of Cam-odia ()(@*A)(@()M 9ead of the #hmer Rou e 9o Chi Minh (real name ! uyen "inh Cun M later ! uyen /i Wuoc, May )(, )=(BA"e0tem-er <, )(*() X IPresidentJ of the Democratic Re0u-lic of ?ietnam N!orth ?ietnamP ("e0tem-er ', )(+:A"e0tem-er <, )(*() /chmed "ukarno (&une *, )(B)A&une '), )(@B) X President of 7ndonesia (/u ust )=, )(+:AMarch )', )(*@) 2orei n Communists, #arl 9einrich MarH (Born in 8rier, Prussia N>ermanyP on May :, )=)=M died in London on March )+, )==<) X >odfather of CommunismM coA author of Communist ManifestoM received a Ph.D. at %niversity of Berlin in )=+)M >ermanA-orn &e$ish communist 2riedrich 4n els (-orn in Barmen, >ermanyM !ovem-er '=, )='BM died in London on /u ust :, )=(:) X coAauthor of Communist Manifesto and 4as +apital &osi0 Bro3 8ito (-orn &osi0 Bro3M May @, )=('AMay +, )(=B) X President of 1u oslavia (&anuary )+, )(:<AMay +, )(=B)M Prime Minister of 1u oslavia (!ovem-er '(, )(+<A&une '(, )(*<) !icolae Ceausescu (-orn &anuary '*, )()=M eHecuted on Decem-er ':, )(=() X >eneral "ecretary of the Romanian Communist Party (March '', )(*:ADecem-er '', )(=()M President of Romania (March '=, )(@+ADecem-er '', )(=() WoFciech &aru3elski (-orn &uly *, )('<) X Minister of Defense of Poland ()(*(A)(=:)M President of Poland ()(=(A)((B) Walter %l-richt (-orn on &une <B, )=(<M died on /u ust ), )(@<) X >eneral "ecretary of the Central Committee of the "ocialist %nity Party of N4astP >ermany ()(:BA)(@)) 4ric 9onecker (-orn on /u ust ':, )()'M died in "antia o, Chile on May '(, )((+) X >eneral "ecretary of the Central Committee of the "ocialist %nity Party of N4astP >ermany ()(@)A)(=() 2idel Castro (-orn /u ust )<, )('*) X Prime Minister of Communist Cu-a (2e-ruary )*, )(:(ADecem-er ', )(@*)M President of Communist Cu-a (Decem-er ', )(@*A2e-ruary '+, 'BB=)M 2irst "ecretary of the Communist Party of Cu-a (5cto-er <, )(*:A0resent) Che >uevara (-orn in /r entina on &une )+, )('=Adied in Bolivia on 5cto-er (, )(*@) X Cu-an communist terroristM 2idel Castro6s /ssistant >amal /-del !asser (&anuary ):, )()=A"e0tem-er '=, )(@B) X President of 4 y0t (&une '<, )(:*A"e0tem-er '=, )(@B)M Prime Minister of 4 y0t (/0ril )=, )(:+A2e-ruary ), )(:=) /-dul #arim #assem X Prime Minister of 7raL (&uly )+, )(:=A2e-ruary =, )(*<) Muammar >addafi (&une )(+'A5cto-er 'B, 'B))) X Dictator of Li-ya ("e0tem-er ), )(*(A/u ust '<, 'B))) 9afe3 /ssad X President of "yria ()(@)A'BBB) 1asser /rafat (-orn in Cairo, 4 y0t on /u ust '+, )('(M died in Paris, 2rance on !ovem-er )), 'BB+) X /ra- 8errorist and Chairman of Palestine Li-eration 5r ani3ation (PL5) and 2atahM earned !o-el Peace Pri3e in )((+ 7di /min (died in &eddah, "audi /ra-ia on /u ust )*, 'BB<) X President of % anda (&anuary ':, )(@)A/0ril )), )(@() 9aile Men istu X Dictator of 4thio0ia ()(@@A)(())M livin in eHile in Cim-a-$e Ro-ert >a-riel Mu a-e (-orn 2e-ruary '), )('+) X President of Cim-a-$e (Dec. <), )(=@A0resent)M Prime Minister of Cim-a-$e ()(=BA)(=@) 8ha-o M-eki X President of "outh /frica ()(((A'BB=) 9u o Chave3 (-orn &uly '=, )(:+M died March :, 'B)<) X President of ?ene3uela (2e-ruary ', )(((AMarch :, 'B)<) "alvador /llende X President of Chile (!ovem-er +, )(@BA"e0tem-er )), )(@<) &eanABertrand /ristide X President of 9aiti ()((), )((<A)((*, 'BB)A'BB+) /ntonio >ramsci ()=()A)(<@) X 7talian communist 4rich Mielke (Dec. '=, )(B@AMay '), 'BBB) X Minister of "tate "ecurity ("tasi) of 4ast >ermany ()) Decem-er )(:@ X )= !ovem-er )(=() W\adys\a$ >omu\ka X 2irst "ecretary of the Polish %nited WorkersD Party NCommissar of PolandP (') 5cto-er )(:* X 'B Decem-er )(@B) 7stvZn Do-i X Chairman of the Presidential Council of the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of 9un ary ()(:'A)(*@) 4u en Levine X Leader of the Bavarian "oviet Re0u-lic NMunich, >ermanyP (/0ril )', )()(AMay <, )()()

$"ban !hi%dren are seen &earin, their ,overnment5iss"ed $omm"nist s!hoo% "niforms.

$"ban !hi%dren are seen sin,in, and sa%"tin,. $omm"nist ,overnment offi!ia%s in >os!o&, +eiLin,, /avana, Pyon,yan,, and /anoi reJ"ire that a%% !hi%dren be indo!trinated in $omm"nism. :PhotoA htt3ADD&&&.%atinameri!anst"dies.or,D!"baD3ioneros5sa%"te.L3,;

8iananmen "Luare in BeiFin , Communist China

8he 9o Chi Minh 8om- in 9anoi, Red ?ietnam

Pietnamese $omm"nist %eader /o $hi >inh re%a)es &ith 1ast <erman sai%ors on J"%y 2G, 19@G. :<erman Federa% Ar!hives;

19@ A Bear of the Sna'e

8he Death of &ose0h "talin and the Continuation of the Cold War

Left to ri ht, %.". President D$i ht D. 4isenho$er, %.". "ecretary of "tate &ohn 2oster Dulles, 2rench 2orei n Minister >eor es Bidault, and British envoy Lord Ro-ert Cecil "alis-ury (Ro-ert >ascoyneACecil, :th MarLuess of "alis-ury), the Leader of the 9ouse of Lords ()(+'A)(+:, )(:)A)(:@), lau h to ether durin the 2orei n Ministers Conference in Washin ton, D.C. in &uly )(:<. D$i ht D. 4isenho$er and &ohn 2oster Dulles $ere mem-ers of the Council on 2orei n Relations in )(:<. Bhe %orean War armistice *as established at the Demilitari8ed 1one 3DM16 in )anmunCom, %orea on 'ul& 4:, 195A! 5ver <<,*BB /merican soldiers died and over )B<,'BB /merican soldiers $ere $ounded durin the #orean War. Bhe Bureau of Dnternal Revenue *as formall& renamed Dnternal Revenue "ervice on 'ul& 9, 195A! /ccordin to the Chinese calendar, )(:< $as kno$n as I1ear of the "nakeJ. (Photo, >eor e "kaddin .8ime Life)

Ameri!an and So"th Korean offi!ia%s meet at So"th Korea0s President Syn,man #hee0s residen!e in Seo"%, Korea on J"ne 1 , 19@ , on%y days before #hee0s re%ease of $omm"nist 3risoners threatened an ear%y armisti!e. 9eft to ri,htA U.S. Navy Admira% Arth"r #adford, $hairman5desi,nate of the Joint $hiefs of Staff4 President #hee4 U.S. Ambassador to So"th Korea 1%%is C. +ri,,s4 Forei,n >inister of So"th Korea Py"n T"n, Tai4 U.S. Army 9ie"tenant <enera% >a)&e%% (. Tay%or, $ommander of the 1i,hth Army. U.S. Army Lieutenant General )ax0ell D. Taylor 0as a mem$er o/ t#e %oun*il on Forei!n 'elations, a .ri ate or!anization in ,e0 Aor2 %ity, in 679:. :PhotoA Rethin%in* the -orean /ar: A #e" (iplomatic and Strate*ic History by =i%%iam St"e!';

The armisti!e is si,ned on J"%y 2G, 19@ . U.S. Army <en. =.K. /arrison :%eft tab%e; and North Korean <enera% Nam 2% :ri,ht tab%e; si,n do!"ments. <enera% Nam 2% served as Forei,n >inister of North Korea from 19@ to 196G. <enera% Nam 2% &as 'i%%ed in a stran,e !ar a!!ident in Pyon,yan, in 19G6. :U.S. Air For!e 3hoto; htt3ADD&&&.ed&ards.af.mi%D3hotosDmedia,a%%ery.as3T,a%%ery2(U@29V3a,eU ?

North Korea0s Premier Kim 2% S"n, :%eft; 3re3ares to si,n armisti!e that is handed to him by <enera% Nam 2%, head of the !omm"nist de%e,ation at Panm"nLom, on J"%y 2G, 19@ . :1ast3hoto; htt3ADD&&&.bevina%e)ander.!omD'oreaD'orean5&ar53hotos.htm

>aLor <enera% +%a!'shear >. +ryan, U.S. Army :2nd from %eft;, Senior >ember of the >i%itary Armisti!e $ommission, United NationsM $ommand, e)!han,es !redentia%s &ith >aLor <enera% 9ee San, $ho, North Korean Army : rd from ri,ht;, Senior $omm"nist de%e,ate, at the $onferen!e +"i%din, at Panm"nLom, Korea, 28 J"%y 19@ . This &as the day after the Korean =ar Armisti!e &ent into effe!t. :Photo,ra3h from the Army Si,na% $or3s $o%%e!tion in the U.S. Nationa% Ar!hives; htt3ADD&&&.history.navy.mi%D3hotosDima,esDsE?????DsE2668E!.htm

S&edish di3%omat (a, /ammars'LW%d served as United Nations Se!retary <enera% from A3ri% 1?, 19@ to Se3tember 18, 1961.

%.". /m-assador to "outh #orea 4llis 5. Bri s (center) talks $ith /merican 0eace ne otiator /rthur 9. Dean (center, ri ht) -efore takin 0art in the Peace !e otiations at PanmunFom, #orea in 5cto-er )(:<. Both men $ere mem-ers of the Council on 2orei n Relations. /rthur 9. Dean $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations in )(:<. (Photo, &ose0h "cherschel.8ime Life)

%.". ?ice President Richard !iHon (ri ht) reets Dr. "yn man Rhee, President of the Re0u-lic of #orea, in the $arAtorn ca0ital of "eoul, "outh #orea on !ovem-er )=, )(:<. !iHon 0resented a letter from %.". President D$i ht 4isenho$er to Dr. Rhee. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

!uclear tests in !evada, %."./., B/D>4R $as a '< kiloton to$er shot that $as fired on /0ril )=, )(:< at the !evada 8est "ite, as 0art of the 50eration %0shotA#nothole nuclear test series. (htt0,..0icdit.$ord0ress.com.'BB=.B@.').=AinsaneAnuclearAeH0losions.)

8he %0shotA#nothole atomic test series of )) eH0losions a-ove round (includin the a-ove 0hoto ra0h of the %A# >ra-le test that occurred on May ':, )(:<) took 0lace at the !evada 8est "ite from March )@, )(:< to &une +, )(:<.

4ast >ermany demonstrators, some carryin -anners, march throu h famed Branden-ur >ate into the Western sector of Berlin on &une )(, )(:< after -loody antiA"oviet riotin and u0risin -roke out in the 4astern sector. 8he Russians declared martial la$ in several cities as a eneral strike -y the antiACommunist >ermans almost 0araly3ed much of the 4ast >erman industry. 8he u0risin -e an on &une )@, )(:<. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

2rench Premier Laniel (left), %.". President D$i ht D. 4isenho$er and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, $ho is seen ivin the Q? for ?ictoryQ si n, meet in Bermuda on Decem-er *, )(:<. (Photo, 9ultonADeutsch Collection.C5RB7")

/merican &e$ish Communist s0ies 4thel >reen lass Rosen-er (left) and her hus-and &ulius Rosen-er $ere sentenced to death and eHecuted at "in "in Prison, !e$ 1ork, %."./. on &une )(, )(:<.

%.". "enator &ose0h McCarthy (left) is seen Luestionin 9arvard %niversity President &ames B. Conant (far ri ht) at a "enate /00ro0riations "u-committee meetin in )(:<. &ames B. Conant $as a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations.

2ranian so%diers s"rro"nd the 2ranian 3ar%iament in Tehran, 2ran on A","st 19, 19@ . This in!ident !"%minated in the $2A5 ba!'ed 2ranian !o"3 d0Rtat that de3osed >ohammed >ossade,h, the demo!rati!a%%y5e%e!ted 3remier of 2ran.

The $entra% 2nte%%i,en!e A,en!y :$2A;, %ed by $2A (ire!tor A%%en ("%%es :a dire!tor of the $o"n!i% on Forei,n #e%ations in Ne& Bor' $ity;, sta,ed a !o"3 d0etat in Tehran, 2ran on A","st 19, 19@ in an attem3t to remove 2ran0s Prime >inister >ohammad >ossade,h from offi!e.

Prime >inister of 2ran <en. FaI%o%%ah \ahedi :%eft; ,reets >ohammad #eIa Shah in 19@ :3ress 3i!t"re re%eased by the im3eria% 3a%a!e in 19@@;. \ahedi s"!!eeded >ohammad >ossade,h as Prime >inister of 2ran in a $2A5ba!'ed !o"3 on A","st 19, 19@ .

>ohammad #eIa Pah%avi :Shah of 2ran, &hite s"it; a33ears &ith Prime >inister of 2ran <enera% FaI%o%%ah \ahedi :standin, behind Shah; "3on the Shah0s ret"rn to 3o&er in 19@ , fo%%o&in, the !o"3.

#i!hard Ni)on :%eft;, the Pi!e President of the United States, sha'es hands &ith <enera% FaI%o%%ah \ahedi, the Prime >inister of 2ran in Tehran, 2ran in (e!ember 19@ .

>ohammad #eIa Pah%avi, the Shah of 2ran, sa%"tes to his so%diers d"rin, his ret"rn to 2ran in %ate 19@ .

>eneral 9enri !avarre (left) chats $ith ?ietnam6s 4m0eror Bao Dai after Bao Dai arrived in 7ndochina on !ovem-er *, )(:<. (Photo, E Bettmann.C5RB7")

(e!ember 6, 19@ , at the north base, :North; Pietnam0s President /o $hi >inh and Party %eaders, in!%"din, <enera% Po N,"yen <ia3, !ommander of the Pietminh for!es, de!ided to o3en the (ien +ien Ph" !am3ai,n :PhotoA htt3ADD!3v.or,.vnD!3vD>od"%esDNe&sO1n,%ishDNe&sO(etai%O1.as3)T$NO2(UE19EE2V$CO2(U ?E 8;

?ice President Richard !iHon ('nd from left) reets %.". "enator Prescott ". Bush (ri ht) on May *, )(:<. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

2ollo$in an or ani3ational meetin of his commission on forei n economic 0olicy yesterday, President D$i ht 4isenho$er said that it is essential that the %.". develo0 ne$ $orld markets and at the same time Qassist other nations to earn their o$n livin .Q 8he 0resident (ri ht) is chattin $ith commission chairman Clarence Randall as he 0osed $ith the rou0 in the White 9ouse Rose >arden on "e0tem-er '<, )(:<. "econd ro$ (from left), &esse W. 8a00M Re0. &on ?orys, 5hioM "en. Prescott Bush, Connecticut. 8hird ro$, &ohn R. WilliamsM David &. McDonald and &ohn 9ay Whitney. 2ourth ro$, Re0. &ere Coo0er, 8ennesseeM "en. Walter >eor e, >eor iaM "en. 4u ene Milliken, Colorado. 2ifth ro$, Re0. Laurie Battle, /la-amaM Cola >. ParkerM Re0. Daniel Reed, !e$ 1orkM Lamar 2lemmin and "en. 9arry Byrd, ?ir inia. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

%.". "enator Ro-ert /. 8aft (ri ht) shakes hands $ith California >overnor 4arl Warren $hile attendin the Re0u-lican Party national convention in Chica o in &uly )(:'. !"! "enator Robert #! Baft died in 2e* 9ork (it& on 'ul& A1, 195A! 4arl Warren received a recess a00ointment from %.". President D$i ht D. 4isenho$er on 5cto-er ', )(:< to serve as Chief &ustice of the %.". "u0reme Court follo$in the death of %.". "u0reme Court Chief &ustice 2red M. ?inson, $ho died in office on "e0tem-er =, )(:<. (Photo, Mark #auffman.8ime Life)

Kin, 2bn Sa"d Abd"%5AIiI of Sa"di Arabia :18G6519@ ; died on November 9, 19@ .

Fide% $astro and other !a3t"red $"ban $omm"nist rebe%s arrive at the Santia,o !ity Lai% in Santia,o, $"ba in J"%y 19@ , fo%%o&in, his arrest after the fai%ed !o"3 at >on!ada +arra!'s in Santia,o, $"ba on J"%y 26, 19@ .

(avid #o!'efe%%er :%eft;, the Senior Pi!e President of $hase Nationa% +an' :19@1519@@; and a dire!tor of the $o"n!i% on Forei,n #e%ations :19E95198@;, a33ears &ith former First 9ady 1%eanor #ooseve%t :2nd %eft;, former United Nations Se!retary <enera% Try,ve 9ie :2nd ri,ht;, and Thomas J. =atson :ri,ht;, $hairman of the board of 2nternationa% +"siness >a!hines $or3. :2+>;, in Ne& Bor' $ity on C!tober 2E, 19@ . (avid #o!'efe%%er and Thomas J. =atson &ere members of the $o"n!i% on Forei,n #e%ations in 19@ . Try,ve 9ie served as the Se!retary <enera% of the United Nations from Febr"ary 2, 19E6 to November 1?, 19@2. :PhotoA Fran'%in (. #ooseve%t 9ibrary;

2orei n Minister of 7srael Moshe "harett (left, hat in hand), 9arold "tassen, and %.". "ecretary of "tate &ohn 2oster Dulles revie$ 7sraeli soldiers at Lydda /ir0ort, 7srael on May )<, )(:<. (Photo, /i'torial History of 2srael -y &aco- /. Ru-in and Meyer Barkai)

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, center, sits $ith &ohn 2oster Dulles, left, "ecretary of "tateAdesi nateM Bernard Baruch, second from ri htM and (hase 2ational Bank chairman Winthro0 W. /ldrich, %.". /m-assadorAdesi nate to >reat Britain, in Bernard Baruch6s home in !e$ 1ork City on &anuary *, )(:<. &ohn 2oster Dulles and Winthro0 W. /ldrich $ere mem-ers of the Council on 2orei n Relations. (/P Photo.Marty Lederhandler)

United States Se!retary of State John Foster ("%%es :%eft; and President (&i,ht (. 1isenho&er :!enter; meet &ith Arth"r /. (ean, s3e!ia% envoy to the Korean 3ea!e ta%'s at Panm"nLom, at the =hite /o"se in =ashin,ton, (.$. on (e!ember 21, 19@ . A%% three men &ere members of the $o"n!i% on Forei,n #e%ations, a 3rivate 3o%iti!a% or,aniIation in Ne& Bor' $ity. :AP Photo;

United States President (&i,ht 1isenho&er :%eft; sha'es hands &ith Prin!e +ernhard of the Nether%ands, the h"sband of K"een J"%iana of the Nether%ands, at the =hite /o"se in =ashin,ton, (.$., U.S.A. on >ar!h 2G, 19@ . Prin!e +ernhard of the Nether%ands &as the !o5fo"nder of the +i%derber, <ro"3, a 3rivate 1"ro3ean 3o%iti!a% or,aniIation.

9eftA $2A (ire!tor A%%en ("%%es a33ears on the front !over of the A","st , 19@ edition of ime ma,aIine. #i,htA Jose3h Sta%in, &ho died on >ar!h @, 19@ , a33ears on the front !over of the >ar!h 16, 19@ edition of ime ma,aIine.

9eftA Ameri!an se) *s!ho%ar6 (r. A%fred $. Kinsey a33ears on the front !over of the A","st 2E, 19@ edition of ime ma,aIine. (r. Kinsey0s man"s!ri3t Se+ual )eha'ior in the Human Female &as 3"b%ished in 19@ . #i,htA Ameri!an a!tress >ari%yn >onroe :J"ne 1, 19265A","st @, 1962; a33ears on the front !over of the ina","ra% (e!ember 19@ edition of P%ayboy ma,aIine.

The 'all o Comm!nism & The %ise o Socialism and (e2 World Order

1989A Bear of the Sna'e

(avid #o!'efe%%er, the fo"nder of the Tri%atera% $ommission, and other members of the Tri%atera% $ommission visit Soviet $ommissar >i'hai% <orba!hev in >os!o&, Soviet Union on +anuary 6<, 67<7. :So"r!eA htt3ADD&&&.tri%atera%.or,Ddo&n%oadDdo!D$ommemoratin,O1989.3df;

8he Colla0se of 4ast >ermany ; Berlin Wall

<ermans stand ato3 the +er%in =a%% near the +randenb"r, <ate in +er%in, =est <ermany on ,o em$er 7, 67<7 short%y after the !omm"nist 1ast <erman ,overnment anno"n!ed "nrestri!ted trave% bet&een 1ast and =est +er%in.

"oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev and 4ast >erman Commissar 4rich 9onecker attend a 0arade commemoratin the +B th year of the esta-lishment of 4ast >ermany in 4ast Berlin on 5cto-er @, )(=(.

"oviet President Mikhail >or-achev (center) and his $ife Raisa >or-achev are $elcomed -y 4ast >erman Commissar 4rich 9onecker (ri ht) $ith a fraternal kiss in 4ast Berlin, 4ast >ermany after the >or-achevs arrive to cele-rate the +Bth anniversary of 4ast >ermany on 5cto-er *, )(=(.

>erman $orkers 0rotest a ainst the Communist re ime in Lei03i , 4ast >ermany on "e0tem-er +, )(=(.

>erman citi3ens 0rotest a ainst the Communist re ime in Lei03i , 4ast >ermany on 5cto-er )*A)@, )(=(.

?aclav 9avel and Ladislav /damec shake hands durin a conference in Pra ue, C3echoslovakia in 2ovember 19<9. ProAdemocracy demonstrations led -y ?aclav 9avel durin )(=( resulted in the resi nation of the rulin Communist Party. 8he colla0se of communism in C3echoslovakia -ecame kno$n as the ?elvet Revolution, due to the relative 0eacefulness of events. (Photo, Miroslav CaFUc.C5RB7")

/ man in Buda0est holds out his hat to eH0ress his su00ort as 9un arian interim head of state and 0arliament 0resident Matyas "3uros 0roclaims the Re0u-lic of 9un ary in Buda0est, 9un ary on .ctober 4A, 19<9. Called the Peo0leDs Re0u-lic of 9un ary since )(+(, the ne$ly renamed Re0u-lic of 9un ary holds the 0romise of multiA0arty elections and the end of Communist rule. 8he historic announcement comes on the anniversary of the )(:* u0risin a ainst the "oviet %nion. (Photo, Bernard Bisson."y ma.Cor-is)

The #omanian 3eo3%e !ro&d the streets of +"!harest, #omania in (e!ember 1989 d"rin, a vio%ent !o"3 that res"%ted in the death of #omania0s !omm"nist di!tator Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!".

#omanian so%diers a33ear on the streets of +"!harest, #omania in (e!ember 1989 fo%%o&in, a vio%ent !o"3 that res"%ted in the death of #omania0s !omm"nist di!tator Ni!o%ae $ea"ses!".

8iananmen "Luare Massacre

President >eor e 9.W. Bush cele-rates on 8iananmen "Luare in BeiFin , Communist China on /ebruar& 45, 19<9, Fust months 0rior to the 8iananmen "Luare Massacre.

8iananmen "Luare Massacre in BeiFin , Communist China on 'une 4, 19<9

President <eor,e /. =. +"sh meets &ith $hinese $omm"nist %eader (en, Ziao3in, in +eiLin,, $omm"nist $hina on Febr"ary 26, 1989. President +"sh 3aid a state visit to $hina from Febr"ary 2E52G, 1989. The Tiananmen SJ"are >assa!re o!!"rred in +eiLin, on J"ne E, 19894 an estimated 1?,??? $hinese 3eo3%e died that day. :PhotoA htt3sADDa33s.!nd%s.,eor,eto&n.ed"D3roLe!tsD"s!hinaDitemsDsho&D29G;

Communist China6s Commissar Den Giao0in talks to "oviet Commissar Mikhail >or-achev at a meetin in BeiFin in May )(=(. >or-achev visited Communist China from May ):A)=, )(=(. Den Giao0in ordered the Chinese Communist Peo0le6s Li-eration /rmy to murder thousands of Chinese 0eo0le on 8iananmen "Luare the follo$in month. (Photo, htt0,..$$$.idc0c.or .cn.en lish.Hiao0in .relations.=(A)).htm)

T#e Inau!uration o/ Presi"ent Geor!e D.(. @us# an" a ,e0 (orl" 4r"er&

<eor,e /erbert =a%'er +"sh ta'es the oath of offi!e from U.S. S"3reme $o"rt $hief J"sti!e =i%%iam #ehnJ"ist in =ashin,ton, (.$., U.S.A. on Jan"ary 2?, 1989. U.S. Senator <eor,e >it!he%% :rear, %eft; and U.S. Senator +ob (o%e :rear, !enter; a33ear in the ba!',ro"nd.

Reverend &esse &ackson (left) and Reverend &erry 2al$ell arrive at the Ca0itol in Washin ton, D.C. on 'anuar& 4=, 19<9 for the 7nau uration of President >eor e 9.W. Bush. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

%.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush delivers his inau ural address at the Ca0itol in Washin ton, D.C., %."./. on 'anuar& 4=, 19<9 after -ein s$orn in as President of the %nited "tates. 2ormer President Ronald Rea an (ri ht) is seen a00laudin . (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

President >eor e Bush reets British Prime Minister Mar aret 8hatcher in London on 'une 1, 19<9, three days 0rior to the 8iananmen "Luare Massacre. (Photo, >eor e Bush Presidential Li-rary and Museum)

President >eor e 9.W. Bush and Bar-ara Bush arrive in Buckin ham Palace in London on 'une 1, 19<9 $here they are met -y Wueen 4li3a-eth 77 of >reat Britain and Prince Phili0, Duke of 4din-ur h. (>eor e Bush Presidential Li-rary and Museum)

%.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush (ri ht) and Poland6s "olidarity leader Lech Walesa (left) stand -efore a cro$d of thousands of 0eo0le in >dansk, Poland on 'ul& 11, 19<9 in front of the monument dedicated to the $orkers $ho died in )(@B strikes in the Lenin "hi0yard neHt to the monument. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

Political leaders at >@ "ummit outside Louvre in Paris, 2rance on 'ul& 14, 19<9, also kno$n as Bastille Day in 2rance, at the entrance of the Pyramid of the Louvre. 2rom left to ri ht, Prime Minister of 7taly Ciriaco De Mita, President of the Commission of 4uro0ean Communities &acLues Delors, >erman Chancellor 9elmut #ohl, %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush, 2rench President 2rancois Mitterrand, Prime Minister of >reat Britain Mar aret 8hatcher, Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney, and Prime Minister of &a0an "osuke %no. (Photo, Peter 8urnley.C5RB7")

President >eor e 9.W. Bush shakes hands $ith "oviet Premier Mikhail >or-achev at Malta on December 4, 19<9. 8his 0hoto a00ears in >eor e 9.W. Bush6s o$n -ook All The ,est: My Life in Letters and -ther Writings . (Bush Li-rary 0hoto)

Left 0hoto, "olidarity leader and Polish antiAcommunist dissident Lech Walesa cam0ai ns for 0resident in Poland on Ma& :, 19<9. (Reuters.Les3ek Wdo$inski./rchive Photos) Ri ht 0hoto, 8he remains of former Romanian Communist des0ot !icolae Ceausescu after he $as eHecuted -y the Romanian 0eo0le on December 45, 19<9. (Christmas Day).

%.". President >eor e Bush is reeted -y &a0anese Prime Minister !o-oru 8akeshita 0rior to their meetin in 8okyo, &a0an on /ebruar& 4A, 19<9 after Bush arrived for the funeral of 4m0eror 9irohito of &a0an. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

Prime Minister of 8hailand Chatichai Choonhavan (left) chats $ith %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush durin a meetin at the /merican am-assadorDs residence in 8okyo, &a0an on /ebruar& 4A, 19<9. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

/merican President >eor e 9.W. Bush s0eaks $ith Caire6s IantiACommunistJ President Mo-utu "ese "eko in 8okyo, &a0an on /ebruar& 44, 19<9. (Photo, Wally Mc!amee.C5RB7")

7ndia6s President Ramas$amy ?enkakataraman listens as %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush s0eaks durin their meetin at the %.". am-assadorDs residence in 8okyo, &a0an on /ebruar& 4A, 19<9. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

Pakistani President Bena3ir Bhutto and %. ". President >eor e 9.W. Bush meet in 8okyo, &a0an on /ebruar& 44, 19<9 after -oth leaders attended the funeral of 4m0eror 9irohito. (Bettmann.C5RB7")

Phili00ines President Cora3on /Luino (left) meets $ith %. ". President >eor e 9.W. Bush on /ebruar& 44, 19<9 durin a rece0tion at the 7m0erial Palace in 8okyo, &a0an after -oth attended the funeral of 4m0eror 9irohito. 8he %.". /ir 2orce $as stationed at Clark /ir Base, at the time /merica6s lar est air force -ase, in the Phili00ines in )(=(. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

%.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush (second from left) and his $ife Bar-ara Bush shares a smile $ith "outh #orea6s President Roh 8aeAWoo and his $ife #im 5kA"ook, durin a 0hoto session at the Blue 9ouse in "eoul, Re0u-lic of #orea on /ebruar& 4:, 19<9. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

4 y0t6s President 9osni Mu-arak (left), his $ife "usan (second from left), %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush (ri ht), and 2irst Lady Bar-ara Bush, 0osin for a 0icture -efore a formal dinner at the White 9ouse in Washin ton, D.C., %."./. on #$ril 4, 19<9. (&erome Delay./2P. >etty 7ma es)

!ational "ecurity /dvisor Brent "co$croft (left) $atches "ecretary of Defense Dick Cheney (center) and President >eor e Bush (ri ht) read a letter in the 5val 5ffice of the White 9ouse in Washin ton, D.C., %."./. on #$ril 19, 19<9. (Photo, >eor e Bush Presidential Li-rary)

%.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush a00ears at a 0ress conference at the White 9ouse in Washin ton, D.C. on #ugust 1=, 19<9 to announce the a00ointment of %.". /rmy >eneral Colin L. Po$ell as the neHt Chairman of the &oint Chiefs of "taff. 2rom left to ri ht, >en. Colin L. Po$ell, ?ice President Dan Wuayle, >eor e 9.W. Bush, "ecretary of Defense Dick Cheney, and out oin Chairman of the &oint Chiefs of "taff /dmiral William Cro$e. (E Ron "achs.C!P."y ma.Cor-is)

%.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush dis0lays a -a of crack cocaine at his desk in the 5val 5ffice at the White 9ouse in Washin ton, D.C. on "e$tember 5, 19<9. 8he crack cocaine $as sei3ed -y Dru 4nforcement / ency (D4/) a ents in Lafayette Park across from the White 9ouse fe$ days earlier in )(=(. Bush addressed the nation on "e0tem-er :, )(=( detailin his ne$ ]@.( -illion antiAdru 0ro ram. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

President >eor e 9.W. Bush (center) outlines his antiAdru 0ro ram to %.". "ecretary of "tate &ames /. Baker (left) and %.". "ecretary of Defense Dick Cheney (ri ht) at a ca-inet meetin in the White 9ouse in Washin ton, D.C., %."./. on "e$tember 5, 19<9. /t rear is dru c3ar William Bennett. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

Political leaders at >@ "ummit outside Louvre in Paris, 2rance on 'ul& 14, 19<9, also kno$n as Bastille Day in 2rance, at the entrance of the Pyramid of the Louvre. 2rom left to ri ht, Prime Minister of 7taly Ciriaco De Mita, President of the Commission of 4uro0ean Communities &acLues Delors, >erman Chancellor 9elmut #ohl, %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush, 2rench President 2rancois Mitterrand, Prime Minister of >reat Britain Mar aret 8hatcher, Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney, and Prime Minister of &a0an "osuke %no. (Photo, Peter 8urnley.C5RB7")

%nited !ations "ecretary >eneral &avier Pere3 de Cuellar (seated, left) looks on as /merican President >eor e 9.W. Bush 0ro0oses an a reement sti0ulatin that the %.". and the "oviet %nion cut their chemical $ea0ons stocks to an eLual level, at a-out =B 0ercent -elo$ current /merican stocks, durin a s0eech at the %nited !ations headLuarters in !e$ 1ork City on "e$tember 45, 19<9. (Photo, Rick Maiman."y ma.Cor-is)

/rkansas >overnor Bill Clinton (left) 7o$a >overnor 8erry Branstad (center), and %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush (ri ht) lau h as they meet in Charlottesville, ?ir inia, %."./. on "e$tember 4:, 19<9 to -e in the education summit. (Photo, Bettmann.C5RB7")

"0eaker of the 9ouse 8homas ". 2oley (far left) $atches "ecretary of "tate &ames /. Baker 777 (second from left) shake hands $ith President >eor e 9.W. Bush on #$ril <, 19<9 after si nin the Central /merican Bi0artisan /ccord. 8homas ". 2oley $as a mem-er of the 8rilateral Commission in )(=(.

Prime >inister of <reat +ritain >ar,aret That!her :%eft; a33ears &ith Soviet %eader >i'hai% <orba!hev :!enter; and his &ife #aisa <orba!hev at the Soviet 1mbassy in 9ondon on A3ri% 1, 1989.

# E2e* World .rderF in the Middle -ast

2rom left to ri ht, President of !orth 1emen /li /-dullah "aleh, President of 7raL "addam 9ussein, #in 9ussein of &ordan and President of 4 y0t 9osni Mu-arak $ave to the cro$d durin a motorcade rally 0rior to the o0enin of the /ra- Coo0eration Council in /leHandria, 4 y0t on &une ):, )(=(. (M7#4 !4L"5!./2P.>etty 7ma es)

2rom ri ht to left, >rand "heik of /lA/3har, 7raLi President "addam 9ussein, 4 y0tian President 9osni Mu-arak, &ordanian #in 9ussein and !orth 1emeni President /li /-dullah "aleh attend the 2riday 7slamic noon 0rayer, durin the /ra- Coo0eration Council in /leHandria, 4 y0t on &une )*, )(=(. (M7#4 !4L"5!./2P.>etty 7ma es)

2inance Minister of 7srael "himon Peres (left) meets $ith >erman Chancellor 9elmut #ohl in Bonn, >ermany on 'anuar& 1<, 19<9 durin his official visit to West >ermany. (Photo, RY is Bossu."y ma.Cor-is)

%.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush (left) and "audi Prince Bandar (second from left, red headdress) taste some "audi /ra-ian treats $hile visitin a "audi /ra-ian eHhi-ition in Washin ton, D.C., %."./. on #ugust 9, 19<9. Prince Bandar $as "audi /ra-ia6s /m-assador to the %nited "tates from )(=< to 'BB:. (Photo, Bettmann.Cor-is)

/ra- terrorist 1asser /rafat (left) and President of "yria 9afe3 /ssad sit to ether on a couch for a talk durin the /ra- summit in Casa-lanca, Morocco on Ma& 45, 19<9. (Photo, Maher /ttar."y ma.Cor-is)

/ra- terrorist 1asser /rafat $elcomes 7raLDs President "addam 9ussein to his Casa-lanca villa durin the /ra- summit in Casa-lanca, Morocco on Ma& 45, 19<9. (E Maher /ttar."y ma.Cor-is)

/ra- terrorist 1asser /rafat (left) sits on the 0ool side in the arden of his Casa-lanca villa $ith 4 y0t6s President 9osni Mu-arak $hile t$o -ody uards kee0 an eye on them in the -ack round durin the /ra- summit in Casa-lanca, Morocco on Ma& 46, 19<9. (E Maher /ttar."y ma.Cor-is)

President of Le-anon Rene Moa$ad, a Maronite Christian, shakes hands $ith %.". /m-assador to Le-anon &ohn McCarthy in 7hden, Le-anon on 2ovember 19, 19<9. Moa$ad $as assassinated in Beirut, Le-anon on 2ovember 44, 19<9. (Photo, Maher /ttar."y ma.Cor-is)

President of "outh /frica 2rederik W. de #lerk and his $ife attend a 0u-lic meetin in Wit-ank, 8ransvaal, "outh /frica on #ugust A=, 19<9. 2.W. de #lerk, $ho ended a0artheid in "outh /frica in )((B, $as the President of "outh /frica from /u ust ):, )(=( to May )B, )((+. (Photo, Richard 5livier.C5RB7")

Left 0hoto, /un "an "uu #yi, a Burmese human ri hts and 0olitical activist, a00ears in Ran oon, Burma in &uly )(=(. 8he Burmese army Funta leaders $ho ruled Burma under martial la$ 0laced /un "an "uu #yi under house arrest in Ran oon, Burma on 'ul& 4=, 19<9. Burma is a country that is kno$n for o0ium traffickin M the I>olden 8rian leJ is located in eastern Burma. (Photo, Reuters.C5RB7") Ri ht 0hoto, 8eHaco Chairman and C45 /lfred C. DeCrane &r. (ri ht) invites 7raLi De0uty Prime Minister 8ariL /3i3 to the 9arold Pratt 9ouse in !e$ 1ork City on .ctober 5, 19<9. DeCrane is a mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations. (Photo, Council on 2orei n Relations /nnual Re0ort)

President of 1,y3t /osni >"bara' :9; ,reets President of 2srae% $haim /erIo, d"rin, a bi%atera% meetin, &hi%e both are in To'yo, Ja3an to attend the f"nera% of 1m3eror /irohito in this Febr"ary 2 , 1989 fi%e 3hoto. :#1UT1#SD(enis <rayDFi%es;

/riel "haron (ri ht) meets $ith Council on 2orei n Relations mem-er /lton 2rye at the 9arold Pratt 9ouse in !e$ 1ork City on "e$tember 1A, 19<9. (Photo, Council on 2orei n Relations /nnual Re0ort)

President of 1,y3t /osni >"bara' %oo's at Ameri!an !ivi% ri,hts a!tivist #everend Jesse Ja!'son &hi%e ,reetin, him at the start of a meetin, in $airo, 1,y3t in this J"%y G, 1989 fi%e 3hoto. :#1UT1#SD$hery% /at!h;

Council on 2orei n Relations mem-er 4d ar Bronfman (left) talks to Moshe /rad (center), the 7sraeli /m-assador to the %.". and Moshe /rens (ri ht), the 7sraeli Minister of 2orei n /ffairs, at the 9arold Pratt 9ouse in !e$ 1ork City on March 16, 19<9. (Photo, Council on 2orei n Relations /nnual Re0ort)

1,y3tMs President /osni >"bara' :9; meets &ith 9ibyan 9eader >"ammar <addafi at the 1,y3tian border !ity of >ersa >atro"h in this C!tober 16, 1989 fi%e 3hoto. :#1UT1#SDFrederi! NeemaDFi%es;

Left 0hoto, %.". President >eor e 9.W. Bush (ri ht, B./. 1ale )(+=) s0eaks to 7srael6s Prime Minister 1it3hak "hamir at the White 9ouse in Washin ton, D.C., /merica on 2ovember 15, 19<9. Bush is a mem-er of "kull ; Bones and a former mem-er of the Council on 2orei n Relations. "hamir $as a commander of the "tern >an and a mem-er of the Likud Party. Ri ht 0hoto, 2ormer %.". "ecretary of "tate Cyrus ?ance (ri ht, B./. 1ale )(<() a00ears $ith #in 9ussein of &ordan at the 9arold Pratt 9ouse in !e$ 1ork City on #$ril 41, 19<9. (Photo, Council on 2orei n Relations /nnual Re0ort)

# E2e* World .rderF in >atin #merica

Panama6s ruler >eneral Manuel !orie a $aves his fist in Panama City, Panama on .ctober 4, 19<9 after the failed cou0 dDetat. (Photo, Patrick Chauvel."y ma.Cor-is)

/merican armed forces soldiers, $earin camoufla e uniforms, arrest Panamanian civilians on the streets of Panama City, Panama on December 46, 19<9. %nited "tates President >eor e 9. W. Bush ordered Q50eration &ust Cause,Q durin $hich soldiers invaded Panama in Decem-er )(=( to de0ose Panama6s ruler >eneral Manuel !orie a. (Photo, Les "tone."y ma.Cor-is)

Cu-an Commissar 2idel Castro cele-rates $ith "oviet Russian Commissar Mikhail >or-achev in 9avana, Cu-a on #$ril 5, 19<9. (/P.Wide World Photos)

David Rockefeller (left) introduces former President of MeHico Mi uel de la Madrid 9urtado ()(='A)(==) at the 9arold Pratt 9ouse in !e$ 1ork City on Ma& 4, 19<9. (Photo, )(=( Council on 2orei n Relations /nnual Re0ort)

# E2e* "ocial .rderF

Cele-rities take 0art in a I0roAchoiceJ, 0roAa-ortion (infanticide) march in Washin ton, D.C., %."./. on /0ril (, )(=(. /mon the cele-rities in the march are, Reverend &esse &ackson (second ro$, left), Mor an 2airchild, &ane 2onda, &udy Collins, Marlo 8homas, Whoo0i >old-er , and Cy-ill "he0herd. 8heir -anner reads Q#44P /B5R875! ; B7R89 C5!8R5L "/24 /!D L4>/L.Q (E "usan "teinkam0.C5RB7")

/merican actress &ane 2onda (left) chats $ith Maria "hriver (center) and her hus-and /rnold "ch$ar3ene er at a 0remiere of Q5ld >rin oQ, to -enefit the Ro-ert 2. #ennedy Memorial 2und, in !e$ 1ork City on 5cto-er :, )(=(. (E Bettmann.C5RB7")

"moke and flames eru0t from a fire in the marina area of "an 2rancisco, California, %."./. on 5cto-er )@A)=, )(=(. / section of the Bay Brid e also colla0sed, and the u00er deck of 5aklandDs Cy0ress 2ree$ay colla0sed crushin many cars causin several deaths. 8he Loma Prieta earthLuake, also kno$n as the Wuake of D=( and the World "eries 4arthLuake, $as a maFor earthLuake that struck the "an 2rancisco Bay /rea of California on 5cto-er )@, )(=(M the earthLuake occurred durin the $armAu0 0ractice for the third ame of the )(=( World "eries, a ame that featured the 5akland /thletics and the "an 2rancisco >iants. (8he >olden >ate Brid e a00ears in the -ack round.) (E >erald 2rench.Cor-is)

Left 0hoto, /merican sin er Michael &ackson, live 0erformance on the final ni ht of his )(==A)(=( tour at L./. "0orts /rena, 4H0osition Park, Los /n eles, California. &anuary '@, )(=(. (E >re /llen . Retna Ltd.) Ri ht 0hoto, /merican sin er Michael &ackson holds an /merican Music /$ard for lifetime achievement in Los /n eles, California on &anuary <B, )(=(. (/P Photo.LennoH McLendon)

0icense o -ill, a James +ond movie, &as re%eased on J"%y 1E, 1989, the 2??th anniversary of the Fren!h #evo%"tion.

)(=( 5-ituaries

4m0eror 9irohito of &a0an (/0ril '(, )(B)A&anuary @, )(=() 4m0eror of &a0an (Decem-er ':, )('*A &anuary @, )(=()

>rand /yatollah "ayyed Ruhollah Mostafavi Moosavi #homeini (/yatollah #homeini) ("e0tem-er '+, )(B'A &une <, )(=() )st "u0reme Leader of 7ran ()(@(A)(=()

2erdinand 4mmanuel 4dralin Marcos ("e0tem-er )), )()@A "e0tem-er '=, )(=() President of the Phili00ines ()(*:A)(=*)

!icolae Ceausescu (&anuary '*, )()=A Decem-er ':, )(=() President of Romania ()(@+A)(=()

Phili0 D. Reed (!ovem-er )*, )=((A March )B, )(=() Chairman of the 2ederal Reserve Bank of !e$ 1ork ()(*BA)(*:)

&ohn &. McCloy (March <), )=(:AMarch )), )(=() Chairman of the -oard of Chase Manhattan Bank ()(::A)(*))

Ro-ert Bernard /nderson (&une +, )()BA/u ust )+, )(=() %.". "ecretary of the 8reasury ()(:@A)(*))

/lfred 9ayes (&uly +, )()BA5cto-er '), )(=() President of the 2ederal Reserve Bank of !e$ 1ork ()(:*A)(@:)

8heodore Ro-ert Q8edQ Bundy (!ovem-er '+, )(+*A &anuary '+, )(=() /merican "erial #iller

/ndrei >romyko (&uly )=, )(B(A&uly ', )(=() "oviet Minister of 2orei n /ffairs ()(:@A)(=:)

Dr. /n elo Bartlett >iamatti, Ph.D. (/0ril +, )(<=A "e0tem-er ), )(=() President of 1ale %niversity ()(@(A)(=*)

RenY Moa$ad (/0ril )@, )(':A !ovem-er '', )(=() President of Le-anon (!ovem-er :, )(=(A !ovem-er '', )(=() /ssassinated via car -om- in Beirut, Le-anon on !ovem-er '', )(=(

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