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B & C, Vol-11 PDF

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Life Sciences For NET & SET Exams. Of UGC-CSIR

Section B and C

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Section B & C Vol-11


Life Sciences For NET & SET Exams. Of UGC-CSIR

Blood Blood is a liquid connective tissue and acts as the main transporting system of the body. It consists of free cells (corpuscles) and a fluid intercellular substance (plasma), as in any other type of connective tissue, in case of blood the same definite spatial relationship does not exist between cells and intercellular substance. circulating plasma as a vehicle for transportation Blood in higher animals is circulated through definite channels constituting blood vessels, arteries and veins. In lower animals, it flows through blood spaces constituting the system of haemocoels. In general, the blood components are classified as 1) Liquid component and 2) Corpuscle component 1. LIQUID COMPONENT It includes histologically homogeneous and slightly alkaline fluid, the plasma. Chemically it is composed of proteins like globulins, albumins etc along with inorganic salts, chiefly the chloride, bicarbon it and phosphate of sodium dispersed in the water. Calcium present in a remarkably constant quantity, 1 mg per 10 cc blood 1 lie plasma constitutes 55 % of the total quantity of blood, rest of the 45 % being the formed elements, i.e. corpuscles. The percentage ratio of plasma to corpuscles is subject to fluctuations depending on physiological and pathological conditions, for example in microcytic anemia there is a marked reduction in size and number of erythrocytes Similarly, in viral infections the count of leucocytes is pretty high Plasma being the fundamental substance transporting all materials, is a mixture of various useful as well as waste substances. The origin of the plasma is not entirely clear However, it differs from the tissue
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fluidity of plasma allows a free movement of the corpuscles, whereas the latter use

Section B & C Vol-11


Life Sciences For NET & SET Exams. Of UGC-CSIR

fluids by the greater uniformity of its components The plasma proteins form permanent components of the plasma rather than being utilized for nutritive purpose by other tissues bathed by it Experimentally, plasma proteins can be lowered down; however, normally their steady state level is maintained. Composition of the plasma 1. Water 91 to 92% 2. Solids (a) Inorganic constituents: 0.9 % sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus etc (b) Organic constituents: (i) Proteins: 7.5 % serum albumin and globulin, fibrinogen, prothrombin etc. (ii) Non-protein nitrogenous substances (NPN): Urea, uric acid, xanthine, hypoxanthene, creatine, creatinine, ammonia, amino acids etc. (iii) Fats: Neutral fats, phospholipids, cholesterol and cholesterides etc. (iv) Carbohydrates Glucose, fructose, galactose etc. (v) Other substances Hormones, antibodies and various enzymes Apart from this the plasma contains a small amount of bilirubin, carotine and xanthophyllin which impart the characteristic yellow color to the plasma 2. CORPUSCLE COMPONENT It includes various formed elements called as blood corpuscles. They remain floating in the plasma. Three types of corpuscles have been described in this component viz. (i) Red blood corpuscles (Erythrocytes), (ii) White blood corpuscles (Leucocytes): and (iii) Platelets or thrombocytes. (i) Erythrocytes (Red blood corpuscles) The erythrocytes are highly differentiated and specialized cells for the transport of respiratory gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide. In all the classes of vertebrate except _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Section B & C Vol-11


Life Sciences For NET & SET Exams. Of UGC-CSIR

mammals, they are nucleated and contain haemoglobin, a respiratory pigment that gives oxygen transporting characteristic to the blood Whenever blood is exposed to a physiological pressure of oxygen, haemoglobin forms loose and reversible combination with the oxygen and gets transformed into oxyhaemoglobin. Thus, rate of oxygen uptake is highly conditioned by the partial pressure of oxygen at the site of its exchange
Erythrocyte AGRANULOCYTES Lymphocyte GRANULOCYTE Neutrophil Monocyte Eosinophil Platelets Basophil

Fig.1: Different types of blood cells

Structurally, RBC in general is a circular biconcave disc and when seen from edges appears to be a dumbbell shaped structure with about 7.7 diameter and 1.9 greatest thickness in dried smears They are about 86 diameter in the living state. Large erythrocytes are commonly found in greatest thickness in dried smears. They state Large erythrocytes are commonly found in some types of anemia like Pernicious anemia, and are known as macrocytes or megalocytes On the other hand, microcytes are the small forms also found in some anemia like iron deficiency anemia When a RBC is kept in hypotonic solution, it swells as a result of endosmosis) Further endosmosis brings about haemolysisa process in which haemoglobin diffuses out of the cell Such haemolysed erythrocytes are called as erythrocytic ghosts and are widely used in the study of permeability characteristics of the plasma membrane (Such studies have revealed that 0.85% sodium chloride solution is isotonic to the erythrocytes).
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Section B & C Vol-11

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