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Rtorrent + Screen On Centos6

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Setup rtorrent + GNU Screen on Centos 6

Posted by rion on June 1, 2012 Recently I found myself out running an errand across town. While running errands I decided that I wanted to download a large file (Centos DVD Images). Since these take a little while to download I thought 'Wouldn't it be great if I could tell my home server to download the torrents? They would probably be finished by the time I get home!' This spurred me on to create a PHP based website that could be quickly and easily accessed from my mobile device. A key part of this system is having a BitTorrent client that can be scripted or in some other way manipulated to download a file then stop seeding when finished. Enter rtorrent. It appears to be the best fit for my purposes. This article shows how to get rtorrent installed and configured on a Centos 6 x64 system Notes: rTorrent The libTorrent and rTorrent Project [libtorrent.rakshasa.no] Installing libTorrent and rTorrent on Linux Centos [markus.revti.com] Compile rtorrent on Centos 64bit [lamnk.com] Howto: Use rtorrent like a pro [kmandla.wordpress.com] rTorrent dependencies libsigc++ [libsigc.sourceforge.net] libTorrent [libtorrent.rakshasa.no] pkg-config [freedesktop.org] GNU Screen GNU Screen [gnu.org] GNU Screen Quick Reference [aperiodic.net]

Screen command with Bash Scripting [linuxquestions.org]

Install Pre-requisite software

Login to your Centos 6 server and run the following commands to get the pre-requisite packages required for rtorrent: yum install gcc gcc-c++ curl curl-devel m4 automake perl openssl-devel libtool yum install ncurses ncurses-devel yum install screen (used later on to keep a copy of rtorrent open in the background) yum install wget (This isn't strictly required, but it does come in handy for downloading the packages!) There are a few packages that we can't get through yum, so we'll install them manually. Throughout these steps I assume a Prefixdirectory of /usr because I want my software going to /usr/bin, /usr/lib, etc... Install libsigc++ Can be downloaded from their download page Run the following commands to Install (assumes that the file has been downloaded and decompressed) ./configure --prefix=/usr make sudo make install Fairly straight-forward stuff Configure libsigc++ to be accessible & Usable by the libTorrent install (see further down). I ran the following pkgconfig commands to make this work: updatedb locate pkgconfig | grep sigc++-2.0.pc Take the directory that was output by the grep command and use it to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib64/pkgconfig (this is the path from my system, YMMV)

Copy the sigc++-2.0.pc file from /usr/lib/pkgconfig to /usr/lib64/pkgconfig On my system this was necessary to get libtorrent to compile: cp /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/sigc++-2.0.pc /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/sigc++-2.0.pc (YMMV) Install libtorrent Can be downloaded from their download site Decompress & run through the familiar make process: ./configure --prefix=/usr make sudo make install Configure libtorrent to be available when rTorrent is compiled. I ran the following pkg-config commands to make this work:


updatedb locate pkgconfig | grep libtorrent.pc Take the directory that was output by the grep command and use it to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib64/pkgconfig (this is the path from my system, YMMV)

Note: exporting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable is redundand if you did this when installing libsigc++ Copy the libtorrent.pc file from /usr/lib/pkgconfig to /usr/lib64/pkgconfig On my system this was necessary to get rtorrent to compile: cp /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libtorrent.pc /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/libtorrent.pc (YMMV)

Install & Configure rTorrent

If you have made it through the above process without any build errors you should be in good shape to compile rTorrent: rTorrent can be downloaded from the download page Decompress & run through the typical make process: ./configure --prefix=/usr make sudo make install If all goes well you should be able to type which rtorrent and see a result Before you can run rTorrent it needs to be configured. Fortunately the developers have put together a sample configuration file which can be downloaded from their website: Download the config file Place it in your user's home directory and rename it to .rtorrent.rc Edit the configuration file to your liking. It is well-commented, so it should be fairly straight forward to alter. For some 'help' you can see this blog post [kmandla.wordpress.com] I configured my profile to: Watch a certain folder for torrents and start downloading new ones as they appear # Watch a directory for new torrents, and stop those that have been # deleted. schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=/root/watch/*.torrent Limit the uploading rate of the torrent client (since rtorrent needs to be on all the time) # Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited. #download_rate = 0

#download_rate = 0 upload_rate = 50 Limit how much the torrent client seeds (Primary purpose is download) # Stop torrents when reaching upload ratio in percent, # when also reaching total upload in bytes, or when # reaching final upload ratio in percent. # example: stop at ratio 2.0 with at least 200 MB uploaded, or else ratio 20.0 #schedule = ratio,10,10,"stop_on_ratio=20,1M,10" schedule = ratio,10,10,"stop_on_ratio=30,400M,600"

Set a downloads folder where completed files should go # Default directory to save the downloaded torrents. directory = /shared/downloads

Run rTorrent
At this point rTorrent should be ready to run! I installed GNU Screen to allow me to start it and leave it running in the background. From what I can tell, rTorrent doesn't run as a service. Maybe later on I'll take libTorrent and create a background-service torrent daemon. For now, screen quickly gets me where I want to go by typing these commands: screen (Starts a new terminal session in screen) rtorrent (starts rTorrent in the screen session Ctrl-a, d (Disconnects from the screen session while leaving rtorrent running) Note: Press Ctrl-a then release the keys and press d to disconnect If I want to observe how rtorrent is doing I can re-connect to screen: screen -r This makes it really simple to keep rtorrent running after I close my ssh window. For some other quick help commands, see this quick reference guide [aperiodic.net]. Screen can have more than one session open- it is a powerful tool which I'm only using superficially in my project. Previous Next Comments:
Thankyou very much :) Posted by sam on Jul 1st, 2012

can you post the tutorial to install rutorrent or torrentflux on centos for VPS ? Posted by sam on Jul 1st, 2012

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