Capital Development Guideline 3.7: Schematic Design
Capital Development Guideline 3.7: Schematic Design
Capital Development Guideline 3.7: Schematic Design
The complete Schematic Design Report is to be provided in loose bound hardcopy format as well as on CD to the CPSP Project Manager with overall responsibility for the project. The hardcopy of the report is to be in A4 format with folded A3 drawings. The complete report is to be provided on CD as: A single Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file, with All drawings included in the report as separate, indexed Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files. All drawings included in the report as separate, indexed CAD compatible drawing (.dwg) files. Refer to the checklist for the requirements for the format of other sections of the report. Templates have been developed for some sections of the Schematic Design Report and these must be used where available. Copies of templates can be obtained from the CMB project manager with overall responsibility for the project.
Quality Assurance
A copy of this checklist must be attached to the front of the Schematic Design Report. The document must be: Certified and signed by the Principal Consultant to the effect that they have included all of the required sections in the report in the specified formats. Endorsed and signed by the Consultant Project Manager to the effect that the report has been checked and found to contain all of the required sections and is in the specified formats Signed by the CPSP Project Manager to the effect that they have checked the received report and confirmed that it contains all of the required sections and is in the required formats.
Document History
Date April 2010 Version Version 5 Status Released
Required Formats1
VOLUME ONE 1. 2. 3. Executive Summary Introduction Terms of Reference 3.1 Purpose of Project Design Study 3.2 Project Stakeholders 3.3 Project Participants 3.4 Project Consultants Master Plan Review 4.1 Campus Master Plan 4.2 Schematic Design Response to Masterplan Functional Brief & Schedule of Accommodation 5.1 Model of Care 5.2 Summary Schedule of Accommodation Architectural Design 6.1 Design Brief 6.2 Analysis of Context 6.3 Architectural Intent 6.4 Siting 6.5 Building Form/Height 6.6 Response to Model of Care 6.7 Integration with Other On-Site Facilities/Services 6.8 Constructability (Staging, Vehicular Access, Security, OH&S) 6.9 Future Expansion Capabilities 6.10 Landscape Design 611 Schematic Design Development Plans (1:100) 6.12 Material Selection (key elements only) 7. Cost Planning 7.1 Cost Plan C1 Summary (including reconciliation against Feasibility Costs) 8. Recurrent Cost Impacts 8.1 Staffing/Operational 8.2 Funding Requirements (eg WIES) 8.3 Energy 8.4 Maintenance 8.5 Cleaning, Security etc Program MS Excel
Sections of the report are to be provided to DHS in the specific formats indicated.
VOLUME 2APPENDICES Appendix ASchedules of Accommodation2 Appendix B Preliminary Furniture, Fitout & Equipment Schedule Appendix C Building Services Schematic Design Report Appendix DStructural/Civil Schematic Design Report Appendix EFire Engineers Report Appendix EEnergy & Sustainability Report Energy & Environmental Objectives Energy & Environmental Opportunities Energy & Environmental Targets & Benchmarks Financial Assessment Criteria Contributions to Energy Reduction Targets Energy & Sustainability Checklist Appendix FInfrastructure Risk Assessment Engineering Systems Alternative Engineering Systems considered Condition & Age Capacity VS Demand Likelihood of Failure Consequences/Impacts of Failure Single Points of Failure Back-up Appendix GCost Plan Report (C1) Cost Plan C1 (including Reconciliation against Feasibility Costs) Cost Plan Methodology Drawings & Information Used Area Measurement Specific Inclusions Specific Exclusions Tendering & Market Assumptions Tender Price Index Risks Appendix HStatutory Report Disability Discrimination Act OH&S Building Surveyor Report Fire Engineering Report Town Planning Other Appendix IProgram MS Excel MS Excel / MS Access CAD format (.dwg) CAD format (.dwg)
For hospital projects the Schedules of Accommodation are to use the Departmental Health Planning Unit naming conventions and include a comparison of proposed areas against Departmental Design Guidelines and benchmarks and against the Area Allocation Models proposed at Master Plan and at Feasibility stages.
Certified by:
Endorsed by:
. Principal Consultant
. Date