R20.55IATF IATF 16949 Documentation Review
R20.55IATF IATF 16949 Documentation Review
R20.55IATF IATF 16949 Documentation Review
The client (organization) applying for certification or transitioning to IATF 16949:2016 shall provide SRI with the
following and documentation for each certified manufacturing site and supporting function(s) on-site or remote. This
form must be completed by the client and submitted along with supporting information. This information is
required prior to the audit and should be received at SRI /submitted to the assigned Lead Assessor ten weeks prior
to the scheduled event and accepted by the Lead Assessor at least eight weeks prior to the scheduled event. It
applies to both manufacturing sites and remote support locations (RSLs). The on-site transition audit shall not
begin until the minimum required information for the off-site documentation review has been submitted and
reviewed by the SRI Auditor.
1Please forward the completed form (Microsoft WORD preferred) and attachments to our office via e-mail:
E-mail: to your customer care coordinator [first initial+ last name]@sriregistrar.com (e.g., smazur@sriregistrar.com)
Or: Direct to your assigned Auditor with notice to SRI at time of submittal.
Remote support location(s) Name, address, and number of employees (including full time, part
for Certification and time, contractors, temporary, subcontractors on-site)
Extended Sites
Where a support function (on-site or remote) has not completed a transition audit to IATF 16949:2016, a
complete Gap Analysis for each manufacturing site and support function/location (on-site or remote) is
required. Note: A complete gap analysis must be available at the manufacturing site’s audit – in a situation
where the organization does not provide the gap analysis and detailed action plan, the audit at the
manufacturing site shall be considered Failed [refer to IATF transition strategy revision 4 (or most current
revision), transition audit requirements section (approx. pages 8 and 9), and transition strategy FAQ 12
(approx. page 16)] and the site shall be required to undertake a full initial audit.
Part I: Documentation – An off-site documentation review shall be conducted prior to the transition audit. This
off-site documentation review shall include as a minimum a review of the client’s quality management system
IATF 16949 Documentation Review Form Date: 10/17/17
©2017 by SRI Quality System Registrar Form Revision: 4
All rights reserved Page: 2 of 9
Form: Document1
documentation (i.e., quality manual and procedures), including the evidence of conformity to IATF 16949
requirements for each certified manufacturing site and supporting function(s) on-site or remote.
Note: if the organization does not provide the minimum required information, the on-site transition audit shall
not begin. It is at the discretion of SRI to schedule additional audit time on-site to conduct an in-depth review
of the documentation provided by the client prior to the audit. (***See last page to add time.) The on-site
transition audit shall not begin until the minimum required information for the off-site documentation
review has been submitted and reviewed by the SRI Auditor.
Instructions for the below table: If a requirement is listed in black font, it is part of the minimum required
information needed for the off-site documentation review. Requirements listed in red font indicate not required
to be submitted prior to the on-site audit and verification can be conducted on-site.
Part II: Additional information – evidences about conformity to IATF 16949 requirements.
SRI Auditor to
Organization to Complete - IATF OEM Customers
Included in QMS
IATF OEM Supplier Code Customer Specific Requirement
Yes No
Daimler /
FCA Italy
*** It is the responsibility of the SRI Auditor to complete the R20.102S “IATF 16949 Surveillance and Renewal Planning”
record and identify the results of the off-site documentation review and pre-planning event. If additional review time on-
site is needed to review documentation, the SRI Auditor shall revise the audit plan to conduct an additional in-depth
review of the documentation provided by client prior to the start of the first day of the audit. This additional documentation
review shall not be a part of the required one (1) hour pre-planning meeting.
SRI Guidelines for where the documentation has not been submitted or the submitted documentation does not meet the
minimum requirement:
1. The on-site transition audit shall not begin until the minimum required information for the off-site documentation
review has been submitted and reviewed by the SRI Auditor.
2. Documentation has been submitted for off-site review but does not address all the requirements. The auditor has
determined that the missing requirements may be addressed in other documentation - One (1) hour to four (4) hours
should be added.
***If required, additional audit time on-site prior to the start of the first day of the audit
[list specific number of hour(s)]:
*Documented GAP Analysis shall include a current up-to-date action plan with timing, responsibilities assigned,
and implementation status to IATF 16949:2016