Introduction of The Project: Why Did The Crisis Affect Greece, The Most?
Introduction of The Project: Why Did The Crisis Affect Greece, The Most?
Introduction of The Project: Why Did The Crisis Affect Greece, The Most?
The report is created in response to EUROZONE CRISIS (EZ) faced by its member states in 2010. The crisis traces its origin from the global financial crisis in 2007. Amongst the EZ member states (countries using EURO as their currency), economy of Greece was badly hit that left it with sovereign debt problems. WHY DID THE CRISIS AFFECT GREECE, THE MOST? It is because Greeces economy before joining the EZ was weak and was also not fulfilling the economic criteria to be a permanent member of the Euro region. This led Greek government to tough reductions in government spending and imposes higher taxes to reduce Budget Deficits and Public Debt levels. The economy was not able to solve internal crisis that banged global financial crisis on Greeces door. This arised the question of stability of EURO. Many countries came forth to bail-out (loan) Greece with lower interest rates (German & French banks amongst them), International Monetary Fund(IMF), European Central Bank(ECB) also played major role in financing Greece. The idea of eliminating Greece from EZ also came forward. The reason behind was the crash of Euro in one country may hamper the economies of other country since other than Greece, 15 other nations are also using the same currency. As the crisis expanded, the name of PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece & Spain) countries also came into light. These countries were also convicted of following Greeces path. It was not possible to make all the countries default. Hence, possible measures in the direction of reforming EZ were undertaken by the supreme bodies by creating more political integration with economic governance and thereby improving competitiveness of EZ member states.
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The demand for oil from the European members was expected to fall by 1.60 lakh barrels per day in 2012 and there is a risk of the Euro zone economy contracting this year. If the situation were to worsen, the effect on the oil markets will be seen through a decline in demand for oil in Europe. There will be a spill-over effect on demand for oil in the emerging economies as well. Further, the World Bank has in a recently-released report, downgraded its estimate of global economic expansion in 2012. The World Bank warned that both developed and developing nations will witness the effects of a global economic downturn because of the Euro zone crisis.
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The objectives of the treaty are: Elimination of customs duties among member states. Elimination of obstacles to the free flow of import and/or export of goods and services among member nations. Establishment of common customs duties and united industrial/ commercial policies regarding countries outside the community. Free movement of capital and people within the block. Acceptance of common agricultural policies, transport policies, technical standards, health and safety regulations, and educational degrees. Common measures for consumer protection. Common laws to maintain competition throughout the community and to fight monopolies or illegal cartels. Regional funds to encourage the economic development of certain countries/ regions.
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1. On 9 May 1950, the Schuman Declaration proposed the establishment of a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which became reality with the Treaty of Paris of 18 April 1951. This put in place a common market in coal and steel between the six founding countries (Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands). The European project was an attempt to overcome the nationalist conflicts of the first half of the twentieth century, especially the rivalry between Germany and France that had contributed to both world wars. 2. The Six then decided, on 25 March 1957 with the Treaty of Rome, to build a European Economic Community (EEC) based on a wider common market covering a whole range of goods and services. Customs duties between the six countries were completely abolished and common policies, notably on trade and agriculture, were also put in place during the 1960s.
On 9 May 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman first publicly put forward the ideas that led to the European Union. So 9 May is celebrated as the EU's birthday.
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3. The worldwide economic recession in the early 1980s brought with it a wave of euro-pessimism. However, hope sprang anew in 1985 when the European Commission, under its President Jacques Delors, published a White Paper setting out a timetable for completing the European single market by 1 January 1993. This ambitious goal was enshrined in the Single European Act, which was signed in February 1986 and came into force on 1 July 1987. 4. The political shape of Europe was dramatically changed when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. This led to the unification of Germany in October 1990 and the coming of democracy to the countries of central and eastern Europe as they broke away from Soviet control. In 1992, the Maastricht Treaty transformed the European Community - turning it into the European Union (EU), giving it new roles in the areas of foreign and domestic policy.
The Berlin Wall was pulled down in 1989 and the old divisions of the European continent gradually disappeared.
5. This new European dynamism and the continents changing geopolitical situation led three more countries Austria, Finland and Sweden to join the EU on 1 January 1995. 6. By then, the EU was on course for its most spectacular achievement yet, creating a single currency. The Euro was introduced for financial (non-cash) transactions in 1999, while notes and coins were issued three years later in the 12 countries of the euro area (also commonly referred to as the euro zone). The euro is now a major world currency for payments and reserves alongside the US dollar. .
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7. Scarcely had the European Union grown to 15 members when preparations began for a new enlargement of EU. In the mid-1990s, the former Soviet-bloc countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia), the three Baltic states that had been part of the Soviet Union (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania).
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The European Union is more than just a confederation of countries, but it is not a federal state. It is, in fact, a new type of structure that does not fall into any traditional legal category. Its political system is historically unique and has been constantly evolving over more than 50 years.
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The accession of new countries in 2004 and 2007 created 130 million new EU citizens, and the total population of the EU was, at the beginning of 2010, approximately 501 million.
Upon joining, average GDP per head in the 2004 accession countries was 52.9% of the EU-15.
Arguments For
A wider EU will mean greater security and wealth for everyone and will help prevent another European war.
The membership process encourages countries to become more democratic and respect the rule of law.
Western Europe needs cheap labour from the new member states to fill gaps in the job market.
Enlargement works to the detriment of existing member states: EU development aid will flow to the poorer accession countries and lower taxes in these countries could mean businesses re-locate there.
Migration from Eastern Europe to the EU-15 will take jobs from citizens of these countries. Letting a Muslim country like Turkey or Bosnia into the EU could undermine Europe's culture. No referendum has ever been called on enlargement.
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Membership European Enlargement Original Members France Germany 1973 Expansion Britain Denmark & Ireland 1980s Expansions Portugal Spain 1995 Expansion Austria, Finland & Sweden 2004 Expansion Poland The Baltic States The Czech Republic & Slovakia 2007 Expansion Bulgaria & Romania Candidate Countries Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Albania Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Hercegovina Slovenia & Hungary Cyprus & Malta Greece Italy Benelux Nations
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'A fully robust and fully operational single market is the main vehicle for economic union.' - Mario Monti, Internal Market Commissioner The single market (sometimes called the internal market) describes the EU project to create free trade within the EU and to mould Europe into a single economy. A single market can describe any area where people are free to trade goods, invest their money and move to look for work without facing legal, technical or physical barriers. The EU single market is designed to create economies of scale, allow the establishment of Europe-wide commerce and enable faster growth by setting the same rules across the EU. In June 1985, the Commission, under its then President, Jacques Delors, published a White Paper seeking to abolish, within seven years, all physical, technical and tax-related barriers to free movement within the Community.
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The aim was to stimulate industrial and commercial expansion within a large, unified economic area on a scale with the American market.The enabling instrument for the single market was the Single European Act, which came into force in July 1987. Facts and Figures
The EU single market has the largest GDP of any economy in the world. In November 2010, the EU Commission had 1091 pending infringement proceedings against the member states in relation to the single market. This was a reduction of 11% on the previous six months.
" Almost half of the infringement proceedings launched by the Commission relate to the environment and taxation (470 out of the 1091 in November 2010).
In 2010, the 'Eurotariff' limited the cost of making a mobile phone call within the EU to 32 pence, and it limited the cost of sending a text message to 9 pence.
Arguments For
By standardising national regulations, the single market makes it easier to do business in the EU and contributes to faster economic growth.
Economic ties are good for European stability because they make conflicts like World War II unthinkable today.
National governments continue to resist single market measures, so the system can't work properly.
A single market can never operate across an area with such different cultures and levels of wealth.
The single market hasn't removed regulations - it has just moved them to a European level.
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EU Economic and Monetary Union (EMU): enshrined in the Maastricht Treaty (1992). Members of the EMU have diminished control over trade and monetary policy and give up some economic powers to supranational bodies. Full integration into the European Union EMU involves adopting the EUs single currency, the Euro. Supranational: form of organisation through which decisions are made by international institutions, not by individual states The Euro is the currency used in the 16 member states of the EU that have signed up to full Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). People in all of these countries use the same coins and notes and business amongst companies in Eurozone states takes place in the single currency. For many people, the most noticeable benefit is that money does not have to be changed when travelling within the Eurozone.
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The Euro is also the official currency in Monaco, San Marino, the Vatican City, Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique, Runion and Madeira.
Just over 27% of world foreign exchange reserves are held in Euros.
Arguments For
The Euro makes trade and travel between Eurozone countries cheaper and easier. The Euro creates greater economic stability in the countries that use it because it takes control of monetary policy out of the hands of politicians and gives it to the ECB. This encourages confidence among investors.
The Euro is a symbol of European identity and a vital part of the process of political integration.
The Eurozone is not an optimal currency area; the economies that make it up are too different to make the Euro work properly. This could result in more severe unemployment during recessions and more inflation during booms.
EMU can't work because so many members fail to meet the SGP rules. This will eventually create uncontrollable splits.
A national currency is a symbol of identity: adopting the Euro means symbolically and practically giving up sovereignty.
Before analysing the Eurozone, it is important to understand what changes for a country when it joins an Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), such as the Eurozone. The process (outlined below) sees states move from having full control over their monetary and economic policy, to giving over full control of their monetary policy (and partial control of economic policy) to supranational bodies.
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NOTE : The UK is part of the EU single market but opted-out of the Eurozone. However, new member states must join both the single market and, once they fulfil the convergence criteria, the Eurozone.
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The Maastricht Treaty (1992) made EMU a part of EU law and set out a plan to introduce the single currency (the Euro) by 1999. The Maastricht Treaty also established certain budgetary and monetary rules for countries wishing to join the EMU (known as the convergence criteria)
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Convergence criteria: countries need to fulfil 4 criteria before they can join the Euro, including: keep the budget deficit below 3% of GDP. keep public debt below 60% of GDP demonstrate long-term price stability ; and ensure interest rates remain within certain limits for at least 2 years
In 1998, 11 member states (Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Austria and Finland) undertook the final stage of EMU when they adopted a single exchange rate, which was set by the European Central Bank (Britain, Sweden and Denmark negotiated an opt-out from this final states of EMU). The new Euro notes and coins were launched on 1 January 2002.
European Central Bank (ECB): central bank of the Eurozone. It controls the monetary policy of all the member states that use the Euro.
There are currently 16 EU states in the Eurozone. Greece joined the initial 11 members in 2001, Slovenia joined in 2007, Cyprus and Malta in 2008, and Slovakia joined in 2009. Estonia is due to join the Eurozone in 2011. All future members of the EU must adopt the Euro when they fulfil the convergence criteria.
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The rules are intended to encourage good economic management: - Stable prices, low inflation and low interest rates; - More resilience to external economic 'shocks'. The Euro doesnt create economic stability on its own, but stability was meant to be achieved by states sticking to the SGP rules. This graph shows the
deterioration of the Eurozones finances since the beginning of the financial crisis. The
average budget deficit in the Eurozone fell from just above 1% in 2007 to a predicted peak of 6.5% in 2010. The area in red shows the limit for budget deficits set by the Stability and Growth Pact (-3%)
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In the same year, Spains unemployment rate reached 19%, and its annual budget deficit grew to more than 11% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Italys public debt reached 1.812 trillion in April 2010, its highest ever level. In response to the global economic crash, member states across the EU proposed tough austerity measures to try to reduce their budget deficits and public debt. The Spanish Government proposed to cut public sector pay by 5%. Italys Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, introduced measures to reduce Italys budget deficit to 2.7% by 2012. In June 2010, Germanys Government also promised to reduce its public spending by 80 billion over the next 4 years. The measures to cut public spending led to protests and strikes across the EU, including in Spain, Italy and France.
This graph shows how the average public debt level in the Eurozone has increased dramatically since the
beginning of the financial crisis. In 2007, public debt in the Eurozone was just over 65% of GDP, whereas by 2010 debt levels were predicted to rise to 85% of GDP (and to nearly 90% by 2011). The part of the graph in red shows the projected excess over the limit for debt levels set by the Stability and Growth Pact (60%).
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The EU member state most severely hit by the global economic crisis was Greece. When the Eurozone was established, Greece was initially refused membership of the single currency area, due to its weak economy and failure to meet the required economic criteria. The Greek Government was told to implement a series of austerity measures to improve its economy.
In 2001, the EU revised its opinion and Greece became the 12th country to join the Eurozone. However, concern about the strength of Greeces economy remained as many argued that the country had not adequately reformed its economy or reduced its public spending, including the huge military budget. There was also suspicion (which was later confirmed) that Greece had doctored its economic data to cover up its poor financial situation
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When the global economic crisis hit, Greeces dire finances became apparent; in November 2009, the countrys public debt was predicted to rise to 124.9% of GDP (300 billion) during 2010, the highest level in the EU. The Greek Government also announced that its 2009 budget deficit would be equivalent to 12.7% of its GDP, more than four times higher than the maximum allowed under the EUs Stability and Growth Pact. One problem Greece faced was that it needed to borrow 50 billion in 2010 just to service its debt, but banks and investors were worried that it might not be able to pay the money back. As a result, Greeces credit rating was downgraded, so it had to pay much higher interest on its borrowings than other Eurozone states.
At first, the Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou, insisted that Greece would not need a bailout from Eurozone states and, in November 2009, Papandreou promised to cut Greeces budget deficit to 8.7% of GDP during 2010. To achieve this, he announced tough austerity measures for 2010, including a 10% reduction in social security spending, and a freeze of public sector wages. He also promised to
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reform the pension and tax systems to make sure wealthier people paid more, and to fight corruption and tax evasion. However, despite Greeces proposed public spending cuts, in March 2010, EU Economic Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn asked the Greek Government to take further measures to tackle its budget crisis. The countrys credit rating was repeatedly downgraded, eventually reaching junk-status (below BBB, according to ratings agency Standard & Poors) in April 2010.
In response, Greece said it wanted to cut its budget deficit to 2.8% of GDP by 2012 and the Greek Government promised to save an extra 4.8 billion by cutting public sector pay (cutting salary bonuses by 30% and freezing state-funded pensions in 2010) and increasing taxes (on fuel, tobacco, alcohol, and raising VAT from 21% to 23%).
There were widespread protests against the austerity measures in Greece. On 24 February and 11 March 2010, 50,000 people - including Greek transport workers and civil servants took part in general strikes. The situation deteriorated further in May 2010, when three people were killed in violent protests. What could the EU do to help Greece? EU member states discussed several possible solutions. The first possible solution was to let Greece default on its debt. However, this was opposed by member states whose banks held Greek debt (including the UK) because they would lose money.
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Moreover, members of the Eurozone were worried that allowing Greece to default would undermine investor confidence in the Euro. A second possible solution, proposed by France, was to arrange a bailout for Greece from the European Central Bank (ECB), the EU, or the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, some states, including Germany, were concerned that a bailout (particularly involving external international institutions such as the IMF) would further undermine the credibility of the Euro and signal the failure of the great economic monetary union experiment. A third possible solution was for Greece to leave the Eurozone and return to its old currency, the Drachma.
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THE $110 BILLION GREEK BAIL-OUT Despite initial reluctance, in April 2010, the 16 Eurozone countries agreed to lend Greece 30 billion worth of low interest loans during 2010 they insisted it was not a direct bailout but a funding mechanism to be used as a safety net if Greeces problems worsened.
However, it quickly became apparent that Greece would need further funds and stronger financial backing from the EU. Therefore, on 2 May 2010, Eurozone states and the IMF agreed a bailout package for Greece in the form of a Stabilisation Mechanism - a fund that low interest loans could be drawn from. The fund was worth a total 110 billion, with Eurozone countries providing 80 billion and the rest (30 billion) coming from the IMF. In a move to restore confidence in the Euro, the fund was made available to all Eurozone members. Greece withdrew the first loan on 18 May 2010.
The Stabilisation Mechanism loans had a much lower interest rate than private bank loans, but came with tough conditions in order to protect member states that had given huge quantities of money to the fund. For Greece, these conditions included: allowing auditors from the IMF and the EU to assess its national budget and judge the success of its austerity measures; and imposing important structural changes to its economy on an annual basis for the duration of the loan. The decision to bailout Greece was controversial because a number of EU treaties forbid the explicit bailing out of member states (the Maastricht Treaty specifically prohibited bailouts, and the Lisbon Treaty created a no-bailout clause. Bailouts had originally been banned in order to prevent states from breaking the SGP rules, and then being propped up by other member states. However, to allow the Greek bailout, the no-bailout clause was overruled and the Lisbon Treatys exceptional occurrences clause was used instead. The Greek debt crisis caused concern that further Eurozone states with weak economies would default. For example, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland all had big budget deficits. Ultimately, fear that the Greek economic crisis would infect other states undermined the credibility of the EUs single currency worldwide. In May 2010, the Euro fell in value against the dollar to its lowest level for 4 years. Many began to question whether, in such a time of economic turmoil, the economically stronger northern
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European states, such as Germany, Finland and France, would act to support the economically weaker states, in order to save the European Unions EMU. The 690 billion European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
As concern about the stability of the Euro grew, the 16 Eurozone states agreed to set up a Eurozonewide fund to remove the fear that weak Eurozone states wouldnt be able to repay their debt. The resulting fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) was established in May 2010. Eurozone states provided 440 billion, in conjunction with the IMF, which provided an additional 250 billion.
The EFSF established a safety net for the 16 Eurozone states (but not the full 27 member states of the EU) particularly those in dire financial straits, by giving them access to a total of 750 billion emergency funding (this includes the Eurozone and IMF contributions along with 60 billion from the Stabilisation Mechanism described above).
To raise the funds, the EFSF is able to sell bonds to investors guaranteed by Euro area members. The amount raised in bonds sales can then be lent to Eurozone member states. If a country does draw funds from the EFSF, the IMF will begin an investigation and the country will no longer have an obligation to contribute to the facility (i.e. Greece has not contributed). The EFSF has the status of a registered company owned by members of the Eurozone and is based in Luxembourg.
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ANALYSIS : The EU does not have a comprehensive mechanism for states that want (or need) to leave the Eurozone: no member has ever tried to leave the Eurozone, and there are no specific rules or procedures for how to do it. This meant there was no clear route for Greece to leave the Eurozone if it wished, or to be expelled by the other Eurozone members.
ANALYSIS: An "orderly" default could mean a substantial part of this debt being rescheduled so that repayments are pushed back decades. A "disorderly" default could mean much of this debt not being repaid - ever.Either way, it would be extremely painful for banks and bondholders.The real risk is that a unilateral default by Greece could lead to a financial panic, as investors fear that other, much bigger eurozone countries may ultimately follow Greece's example.
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It appears that the Italian government does have control over its finances. That is what it has demonstrated in recent years. However, I would not exclude that possibility that particularly should the crisis spread to Spain in a major way that the markets will become very nervous about Italy. ANALYSIS: Now, Italy is a mixed case because on the one hand it has clearly seen very large losses in competitiveness, like the other vulnerable countries, and at the same time, its debt to GDP ratio is very high. Its about as high as that of Greece. On the other hand, unlike Greece in recent years, at least Italy has seemed to get a handle on its fiscal deficit and its fiscal deficit is modest compared to other countries in Europe. It's about half, let's say, the British deficit, or half the Spanish deficit.
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The more important risk to the United States comes to the financial angle and in one word, the concern is about fear. Will we have a return of the credit crunch that sank the global economy eighteen months ago because banks become very concerned about lending to each other or banks lending at all, given the fact that European banks are of course laden with European government debt, as you would expect after all this was supposed to be the safest possible investment
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THE EUROZONE CRISIS, WAS IT INEVITABLE? The structure of the Eurozone: did it cause the crisis?
Some argue that a sub-optimal EMU will always be subject to crises because it doesnt have a central body to direct activity. They argue that the Eurozone has a coordination problem and that the Eurozone crisis was inevitable because it doesnt have the political structures to coordinate member states economic actions by setting rules to prevent countries from pursuing their self-interest in damaging ways. Below is a list of problems that amount to a coordination problem in the Eurozone.
1) Excessive borrowing. When not coupled with economic growth, excessive borrowing can make government debt dangerously large (a lack of growth makes it harder for borrowers to pay back loans and interest). In the Eurozone, governments can sell bonds to investors with the implicit guarantee that the ECB and other Eurozone states will pay the debt if the country defaults. The ECB and Eurozone states support the guarantee because they would not want investors to think the Euro is a weak currency, and the implicit Eurozone guarantee encourages investors to buy bonds. However, this means that countries can borrow money (through selling bonds) when they have little chance of paying it back. In recent years, therefore, countries have been able to borrow cheaply and excessively.
The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, faced a political backlash during the Greek bailout, as many Germans felt that Greece had been allowed to borrow too much money without its economy being able to grow enough to pay the money back, due to the implicit Eurozone guarantee.
2) Conflict over who is responsible for bank bail-outs. In a sovereign state, this responsibility clearly lies with the national government that controls the central bank. However, no such clear line of responsibility exists in the Eurozone. For example, some banks survival might be considered necessary to ensure wider financial stability, but depositors in one country would undoubtedly feel unhappy about bailing out important banks in other countries.
3) Problems when separate countries pursue different macroeconomic policies (this may be particularly apparent between developed and underdeveloped countries). Some countries may want to
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promote growth by lowering interest rates and, in doing so, increasing inflation. However, other countries may want to keep inflation low to consolidate growth. Consolidating growth: when a country decides to reduce spending and borrowing so that the growth achieved can be supported by a reduction in the countrys deficit and debt. This problem may get worse as the EU admits more members into the EMU from eastern and north-eastern Europe. For example, Estonia is due to join the Eurozone in 2011.
4) National economic growth occurring at a faster rate in one country than in other countries. If a countrys economy grows and demand increases, prices will rise and supply will be encouraged, which will reduce demand. This process may be accompanied by an appreciation of the countrys currency. If a countrys currency appreciates, imports from countries with weaker economies - whose currency has not appreciated at the same rate - will be more attractive. This would allow weaker countries to increase their output, which would appreciate their currency. However, this process cannot occur in the Eurozone because there is a single currency rate. The result is that the single currency may not suit members of the EMU because the natural mechanism of currency movements cannot operate to help redress imbalances in trade and the internal economy. Some countries may benefit from using the Euro in the short term, as perhaps Germany has done. However, Germany has been criticised for supporting policies that closely linked the value of the Euro to its own trading needs (i.e. its high-quality export industry), while not favouring other countries in the Eurozone.
5) Trade imbalances. A trade imbalance is a surplus or a deficit . A trade deficit occurs when the value of a countrys imports exceeds the value of its exports. A trade surplus is when the opposite occurs. When applied to the Eurozone, this is a problem because countries cannot control their monetary policy to attempt to redress this balance (e.g. by devaluing its currency to make exports cheaper). Some people argue that trade imbalances are normally self-correcting; when a country runs up a trade surplus it creates international demand for its currency because it is viewed as a good investment. This would lead to the currency appreciating, which would make its exports less competitive, and in turn the country will begin to lose its surplus. Other countries would then increase their exports as they have a weaker currency and so the process begins again. However, some argue that this self-correction has not occurred in the Eurozone because of the single currency. .
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Since the creation of the Eurozone, all Eurozone countries listed above (except Germany) have seen an increase in their trade deficit as a percentage of their overall GDP. It is clear that governments in some countries (in particular, Greece) have run up inappropriate trade imbalances that have seriously undermined their International Investment Position and their economy. Greeces trade deficit has come under close scrutiny and it has been argued that Greece was unable to deal with its deficit during the recent crisis because it cannot devalue its currency to stimulate its exports
2) The role of the ECB. By underwriting loans to countries that would not be able to pay them back, or by setting interest rates low, to encourage investment and job creation, the ECB may have encouraged excessive borrowing.
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3) The global financial crisis. It is also important to remember that some of the problems faced by the Eurozone were caused by problems in the wider global economy and financial system. This may suggest that individual states financial regulation was partly at fault, and so full blame cannot be levelled at the EMU. 4) Countries borrowed too heavily and invested the borrowed money unwisely. Countries borrowed money whilst not using the funds to improve infrastructure and other elements of their economy that could improve growth and competitiveness. This created debt that could not be paid back.
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In order to examine where the Eurozone should go next, the following section picks out the main problems faced by the EUs EMU: 1. The lack of competitiveness of some Eurozone countries; 2. Trade imbalances; 3. Annual deficits and public debt; 4. Exposure to sovereign debt. As a result of these problems, the fates of the Eurozone countries are intertwined: if one member defaults on its debt, others will be affected; if one member runs a trade surplus it may mean another state has to run a trade deficit (as long as trade is between these countries); improvements in competitiveness for one country can be the result of reduced competitiveness in another. Because of this interdependence between Eurozone states, responses to these problems are not simple or uncontroversial, yet whatever response is taken will have important implications for the future of the EU and its EMU. Following are the suggestions for reforming the Eurozones EMU:
3) The economic reform: it would be a mistake to dismantle the EMU because it will be easier to complete the economic reforms that are needed if countries remain in the Eurozone. Dismantling the EMU (to enable states to deal with the problems faster by devaluing their currency, making their exports more attractive) wouldnt sufficiently solve the current problems.
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If at this point, given how it's failing, Europe isn't capable of making a united response, then there is no point to the Euro. French President, Sarkozy, EU Crisis Summit, 2010
The Eurozone is the most adventurous economic endeavour the world has seen; never before have so many diverse and large economies been integrated both monetarily and economically. As result, the Eurozones future has huge implications for economic theory and practice. It is perhaps safe to say that the Eurozone is at a crossroads, where European economic integration is set to increase or perhaps fatally stall.
There have been suggestions that the Eurozone is on the way to economic recovery (e.g. the value of the Euro rose to a 3-month high against the dollar in August 2010). However, this recovery may be just the calm before the storm with many states due to implement austerity measures from 2011. Furthermore, economic recovery may only exacerbate the divisions in the Eurozone if countries recover at different rates; there are already signs that Germany is witnessing a return to economic growth, while Greece has yet to witness any significant improvement in growth prospects and Spain struggles to deal with massive structural problems. This suggests that the recovery could yet be two tiered, and could threaten an already battered sense of unity within the Eurozone. The picture, both economically and politically, is thus not clear, and the future of the Eurozone is still in doubt. We will defend the Euro, whatever it takes. EU Commission President, Barroso, press conference 2010
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