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Kanai Deb Nath, Economist - Updated 25 Jan 2021

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CRDP-2: Second Preparation, Design and Supervision Technical Proposal

(PDS-2) Consultancy Services TECH-6B


2. NAME OF FIRM: …………………
4. CURRENT RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: Residence Address: Flat #A5; House #32; Road #05; Sector #03; Uttara; Dhaka-1230
Mail: debnathkanai@gmail.com , Mob: (+88) 01715275172/(+88)01631758850
4. DATE OF BIRTH: 09 July 1954 Citizenship Bangladeshi
6. EDUCATION:  M.A. in Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1975-1976
7. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL  Membership: Economic Association of Bangladesh, Since 2001
8. OTHER TRAININGS:  Training on Management and Credit in Banking sector organized by Bangladesh Krishi Bank
(BKB), Bangladesh, 09/1980 – 10/1980;
 Training on Public Relation and Mass Communication in Training Center of Bangladesh
Biman, Bangladesh, 10/1978 –11/1987;
 Short Courses on BME, Bangladesh, 07/2002 –08/2002;
 Training on various IGAs, Bangladesh, 04/2003 – 05/2003;
 Completed Highway Development and Management (HDM-4) Training at Central Road
Research Institute (CRRI), Delhi, India, in Sept.-Oct. Session, 2010.
 Computer Training in M.S. Words, Excel, SPSS, Access; Data Processing, 03/2000 – 04/2000;
9. COUNTRIES OF WORK EXPERIENCE: Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Russia
10. LANGUAGES: Level of Proficiency (Mother tongue, Good, Fair, or Poor)
Language Speaking Reading Writing
Bangla Mother Tongue
English Good Good Good


From: 03rd Jan 2021 Till date
Employer: DevConsultants Limited (DevCon)
Positions held: Transport Economist/Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

From: Jul 2018 To: 31st Dec 2020

Employer: AQUA Consultant & Associates Ltd.
Positions held: Project Economist
From: 15th Sept 2016 To: 30th June 2018
Employer: EPTISA, Spain
Positions held: Project Economist
From: Jan 2016 To: 10th Sept 2016
Employer: ADSL
Positions held: Project Economist and Financial Specialist
From: Oct 2015 To: Dec 2015
Employer: KMC
Positions held: Team Leader, RAP/LAP
From: Jun 2015 To: Sept 2015
Employer: Freelance Consultants
Positions held: Resettlement Expert
From: May 2014 To: May 2015
Employer: HB Consultants Ltd.
Positions held: Deputy Team Leader /Economist
From: Feb 2014 To: Apr 2014
Employer: HB Consultants Ltd. at Afghanistan
Positions held: Economist and Financial Analyst
From: Jun 2012 To: Jan 2014
Employer: ACE Consultants Ltd.
Positions held: Economist (M & E consultant)
From: Dec 2011 To: Mar 2012
Employer: Engineering & Planning Consultants Ltd. (EPC)
Positions held: Urban Development Economist
From: Dec 2010 To: Jun 2011
Employer: Engineering & Planning Consultants Ltd. (EPC)
Positions held: Economist
From: Apr 2007 To: Nov 2010

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Employer: Engineering & Planning Consultants Ltd. (EPC)

Positions held: Urban Development Economist/ Financial Analyst/ Transport Economist

From: Dec 2006 To: Feb 2007
Employer: BETS Consulting Services Ltd.
Positions held: Statistician cum Project Co-coordinator
From: Oct 2006 To: Nov 2006
Employer: BETS Consulting Services Ltd. at Tazakistan
Positions held: Economist
From: Aug 2005 To: Dec 2005
Employer: BETS Consulting Services Ltd.
Positions held: Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
From: Aug 2002 To: Apr 2005
Employer: Engineering & Planning Consultants Ltd. (EPC)
Positions held: Socio-economist
From: Jul 2000 To: Dec 2000
Employer: Engineering & Planning Consultants Ltd. (EPC)
Positions held: Economist
From: Apr 1994 To: Feb 1997
Employer: Selkhoze Promexport, Moscow, Russia
Positions held: Asstt. Economist
From: Sept 1982 To: Oct 1992
Employer: Local NGOs
Positions held: Program Organizer /Coordinator
From: Jun 1980 To: Aug 1982
Employer: Bangladesh Krishi Bank
Positions held: Branch Manager
From: Sept 1978 To: May 1980
Employer: Bangladesh Biman
Positions held: Sales Assistant

(i) Preparation of
economic Name of project: Rural Connectivity Improvement Project (RCIP), LGED
assessments of all Month and Year: 03rd January 2021-Till date
sub projects in Location: Bangladesh
accordance with Client: Local Government Engineering Department
LGED and ADB Main project features: The program will improve the maintenance of the rural roads to
requirements and climate-resilient standards and upgrade rural roads of 34 districts to all-weather
regulations; access and thus contribute to socio-economic development of the project districts,
(ii) Supporting other increase agricultural yield, creating employment opportunity. The impact will be
team members in the improved income. The outcome will be improved rural connectivity. The key outputs
review and possible include (i) rural road infrastructure upgraded and maintained; and (ii) institutional
redesign of sub arrangement for road maintenance strengthened.
projects to ensure all Position held: Transport Economist/Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
sub projects are Activities performed: Conduction of Economic and financial evaluation with
designed in sensitivity analysis of the road through determining IRR, NPV and BCR as per
accordance with ADB guidelines, assess and quantify detailed costs and benefits of the project, confirm
economic traffic volume and modal mix through traffic surveys, prepare economic profile of
requirements; project districts and transport networks, develop methodologies, data collection
(iii) Identify mechanisms instruments, and analytical procedures for monitoring and evaluation of overall
to maximize revenue economic and social impacts of project investments for preparation of the Baseline,
generation from Midterm and Terminal (BME) report.
sectorial subprojects
and develop Name of project: Urban Governance and Infrastructure Improvement Project –
innovative III, Additional Financing (UGIIP III-AF) (funded by ADB)
approaches for Month and Year: Jul 2018- Till Date (total 19 MM) Location: Bangladesh
private sector Client: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
participation; Main project features: The project aims at improving urban governance along with
(iv) Liaise with the key improvement and rehabilitation of the urban infrastructures in order to cope with the
stakeholders to growing demand of the urban citizens. The impact will be improved governance in the
ensure the proposed pourashavas, infrastructures with better hygienic and environment friendly status
institutional leading to sustainable development.
arrangements, land Position held: Project Economist
management aspects Activities performed: Conduction of Economic and financial analysis of the
and the financial subprojects viz. road, market, water supply, bus terminal, cyclone shelter, solid
arrangements will be waste management (SWM), Street light (LED) schemes etc. to justify the economic

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supported; and financial viability of the subprojects through determining IRR, NPV and BCR
(v) Develop and deliver as per ADB guidelines.
relevant practitioner Name of project: Project Design Advance, Rural Infrastructure Maintenance
(on the job) training Program (RIMP)/(RCIP), LGED
inputs in consultation Month and Year: August 2016- June 2018 (total 23 MM) Location: Bangladesh
with the community Client: Local Government Engineering Department
development Main project features: The program will improve the maintenance of the rural roads to
specialist; and climate-resilient standards with a focus on results. The impact will be improved
(vi) Any other tasks income. The outcome will be improved rural connectivity. The key outputs include (i)
assigned by the rural road infrastructure upgraded and maintained; and (ii) institutional arrangement
Team Leader and the for road maintenance strengthened.
Project Director in Position held: Project Economist
relevance to effective Activities performed: Conduction of Economic and financial analysis of the road
project subprojects to justify the economic and financial viability of the subprojects
implementation. through determining IRR, NPV and BCR to be implemented under the project as per
ADB guidelines.
Name of project: ADB TA 8913 REG: Developing Integrated Urban Development
Plans in Selected DMC Cities Incorporating Urban Climate Change Resilience
Principles, LGED
Month and Year: Jan 2016 – Sept 2016 (total 9 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Main project features: Activities to help lay groundwork for urban climate change
resilience (UCCR) planning processes, and build capacity in preparing and responding
to climate change –induced shocks and stress in medium sized and secondary cities.
Position held: Project Economist &Financial Specialist
Activities performed: To ensure proper preparation and effective & efficient
implementation of the sub-projects. To promote & transfer of technical assistance to
LGED and ULBs, conducted economic and financial analysis of the subprojects to
determine EIRR,ENPV, EBCR as well as FIRR, FNPV, FBCR to justify the viability of the
subprojects. Prepared financial projections for sub-projects, had interactions
with city corporations’ officials including accounting staffs on policies to
enhance revenue generations, encouraging to arrange internal training
programs for capacity building etc.
Name of project: Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, Phase-I (CTEIP,
Ph-1) financed by World Bank.
Month and Year: Oct 2015 – Dec 2015 (total 3 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: BWDB
Main project features: Repair and rehabilitation of the Coastal Embankments to
protect people and property within the embankments
Position held: Team Leader, Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)/Land Acquisition Plan
Activities performed: Prepare Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Land Acquisition Plan
(LAP), and arrange payments to the PAPs, ensuring safe guard aspects during the
project implementation period as per WB Guidelines
Name of project: Dhaka Elevated Expressway Project (DEEP) financed by
World Bank
Month and Year: June 2015 - Sept 2015 (total 4 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Bangladesh Railway
Main project features: Formulation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the APs of
Dhaka Elevated Expressway Project (DEEP) which would be implemented in order to
reduce the traffic jam of the capital city Dhaka
Position held: Resettlement Expert
Activities performed: Preparation of RAP report based on data and information
collected through CMs/FGDs and socio-economic survey conducted along the
route alignment of the proposed DEEP and assisting team members in any other areas
when needed.
Name of project: Feasibility Study of Multimodal Container Freight Station
(CFS) financed by International Development Association (IDA).
Month and Year: Feb 2014-Apr 2014 (total 3 MM) Location: Afghanistan
Client: Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Afghanistan
Main project features: Study including assessment on viability of a container freight
station (CFS) at Jalalabad, technical, economic/financial viability viz a viz rail access,
an assessment on the volume of trade passing through Jalalabad ICD etc.
Position held: Economist and Financial Analyst
Activities performed: Performed economic and financial analysis of the CFS
following ADB guidelines and determined the B/C ratio, NPV and EIRR, FIRR
in order to justify the economic viability of the CFS. Financial analysis was
also conducted to justify the financial viability through determining the required
yardsticks value viz. FIRR, FNPV, & FBCR. Participated meetings with the Client on
policy matters regarding revenue increment policies, improvement of current
revenue collecting ways, institutional capacity building aspects etc.

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Name of project: Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP)

financed by ADB
Month and Year: May 2014- May 2015 (total 13 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: LGED
Main project features: To support Government of Bangladesh (GOB) efforts to make
climate resilient infrastructures including roads, markets, cyclone shelters and also
make people aware to withstand climatic adverse situations and thus survive in
extreme climatic situations and to build long-term preparedness through strengthened
disaster risk management.
Position held: DTL, Economist
Activities performed: Was responsible to conduct the economic and financial analysis
of the subprojects in order to justify their economic and financial viability
through determining the EIRR, NPV, BCR as per ADB guidelines. As the DTL,
performed the tasks of organizing and compiling the reports of the team members,
participating in formulating mechanisms to maximize revenue generation
from sectoral subprojets, developing training inputs, organizing seminars,
workshops, arranging other administrative works as per need and thus
assisted the Team Leader where needed.
Name of project: Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project
(ECRRP) financed by World Bank
Month and Year: June 2012 - April 2014 (total 23 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning
Main project features: To support Government of Bangladesh (GOB) efforts to
facilitate recovery from the damage to livelihoods and infrastructure caused by
Cyclone Sidr and to build long-term preparedness through strengthened disaster risk
Position held: Economist (M & E consultant)
Activities performed: As an Economist (M & E consultant) provided support to PCMU in
undertaking oversight M &E activities, and in providing continuous feedback to the
Government, PSC, and implementing agencies on Project Performance and impact of
its various components. Conducted group meetings, provided awareness
building lessons, Income Generation Activities (IGA) trainings to the
vulnerable women members to achieve sustainable economic emancipation
through rearing poultry, cattle, gardening, practicing innovative agriculture
process in cooperation with other members. Moreover, responsible for conduction of
economic and financial analysis to justify feasibility through determining EIRR, FIRR,
ENPV, FNPV, EBCR & FBCR etc. of the beneficiary agricultural/fishery farm houses
under the project and co-operating Team Leader when necessary.
Name of project: Municipal Services Project (MSP) Module-B financed by World
Month and Year: Apr 2012 - May 2012 (total 2 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Local Government Engineering Department
Main project features: Preparation of Municipal Development Programmes for different
types of urban situations in a sample of about 30 municipalities and also preparing
specific packages of development sub-projects.
Position held: Economist/Financial Analyst
Activities performed: Analyze demographic and economic profile of the city and its
development for the period 2001-2010 and project alternative scenarios of
development. Had interactions with municipalities’ officials including
accounting staffs on policies to enhance revenue generations, encouraging
arranging internal training programs for capacity building etc. Moreover,
conduction of economic and financial analysis of the sub-projects of the selected
Pourashavas/city corporations and determination of EIRR, NPV, BCR applying Cost-
Benefit Analysis (CBA) method and preparation of financial projections of the
subprojects. Moreover, co-operating the Team Leader when necessary.
Name of project: Preparation of Rangpur Master Plan for Rangpur Divisional
Town Under District Towns Infrastructure Development Project (DTIDP)
financed by GoB
Month and Year: Dec 2011 - March 2012 (total 4 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: : Local Government Engineering Department
Main project features: Preparation of Structure Plan, Master Plan and Detailed area
Plan for Rangpur Divisional Town.
Position held: Urban Development Economist
Activities performed: Overall supervision of the Bench Mark (BM) surveys on Socio-
economic aspect of the project area viz. Household Survey, Slum Survey, Informal
Economy Survey, Industrial Survey including formulation of survey tools, providing
guidelines, recruiting and training enumerators, conduction of Cost-Benefit
Analysis (CBA) of different farms and industrial units/establishments (SMEs)
operated in the project area, preparation of financial projections, conduct public
consultation meetings at union levels, analysis of the field surveys and financial
and economic reports etc.
Name of project: Municipal Services Project (MSP) financed by IDA
Month and Year: Oct 2011- Nov 2011 (total 2 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Local Government Engineering Department
Main project features: Framework development for selecting, designing, and
implementing priority interventions for municipal development.

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Position held: Economic/Financial Analyst

Activities performed: Evaluating the methodology by which the Pourashavas
determine the economic and financial feasibility of the projects including financial
aspects like budgeting, preparation of financial projections of subprojects etc.
Moreover, co-operating the Team Leader in formulating the development framework
and doing Cost-Benefit analysis of projects when necessary
Name of project: Water Management Improvement Project (WMIP), BWDB,
Bangladesh financed by World Bank
Month and Year: Dec 2010 - June 2011 (total 7 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board
Main project features: System Improvement and Management Transfer, O&M
Performance Improvement; Institutional Improvement of BWDB, WARPO and PCU.
Position held: Economist
Activities performed: Conduct all of Socio-Economic Field Survey, PRA, forming
WMO groups, organizing meetings with project beneficiaries, providing training
on improvement water management system, organizing meetings with project
beneficiaries, doing economic analysis of subprojects to determine EIRR, NPV and BCR
to justify the economic feasibility of them, writing report. Etc.
Name of project: 1). Preparation of the Structure Plan, Master Plan and
Detailed area Plan for the Extension of the Khulna Master Plan area up to
Mongla Town financed by GoB (Mar 2008- Nov 2010); 2). Preparation of the
Structure Plan, Master Plan and Detailed area Plan for Barisal Divisional
Town financed by GoB (Dec 2007 - Feb 2008); 3). Preparation of the Structure
Plan, Master Plan and Detailed area Plan for the Extension of the Khulna
Master Plan area up to Mongla Town financed by GoB (Sept 2007 - Nov 2007)
Month and Year: Sept 2007- Nov 2010 (total 39 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Khulna Development Authority (KDA)/ Urban Development Directorate (UDD)/
Main project features: Field surveys including socio-economic survey, informal
economic activities survey, traffic survey and other surveys & analysis of the previous
five Financial Years’ (FY) budgets
Position held: Urban Development Economist/ Financial Analyst
Activities performed: Overall supervision of the Bench Mark (BM) surveys on Socio-
economic aspect of the project area viz. Household Survey, Slum Survey, Informal
Economy Survey, Industrial Survey including formulation of survey tools, and
conduction of Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of different farms and industrial
units/establishments (SMEs) to determine their IRR, NPV and BCR to examine
economic and financial viability, preparation of financial projections, finding
out problems faced by the GCMs and suggesting remedial measures, finding
out problems and prospects in manufacturing sector and showing remedial
steps, conduct public consultation meetings at union levels & Pourashva level
meetings in participation of mass people and other concerned stakeholders to gather
in-depth idea about the prevailing socio-economic conditions of the project area.
Analyzing collected data and information providing guidelines to make the
project area economically developed, analysis of the field surveys and
financial and economic reports etc.
Name of project: Dhaka-Chittagong Expressway (PPP) RHD, (1st phase),
Bangladesh funded by ADB
Month and Year: April 2007 - Aug 2007 (total 5 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Roads and Highways Department (RHD)
Main project features: Feasibility Study of the proposed Dhaka-Chittagong Access
Control Expressway, economic analysis, financial analysis, and formulation of detailed
design of the best alternative based on various field level surveys
Position held: Transport Economist
Activities performed: Conduction of field surveys on Traffic and other areas of surveys
elated to RUC, RAC, Accident Costs, prevailing socio-economic conditions in the
zone of influence of the proposed highway, determining AADT, VOC, TTC, and creating
a Bench Mark (BM) data base, compiling and analysis of survey data and doing
economic analysis to find out EIRR, FIRR, NPV and B/C ratio to justify the economic
and financial feasibility of the project.
Name of project: Feasibility Study of the Installation of Barkitozik Power
Plants (8 nos. in one Package), Tazakistan financed by IDB
Month and Year: Oct 2006 - Nov 2006 (total 2 MM) Location: Tazakistan
Client: : Different Organizations-mention worthy ‘Barkitozik Power Plant Authority,
Main project features: Feasibility study of Power Plants set up in hilly areas of
Tazakistan for generation of electricity using upstream reserved water.
Position held: Economist
Activities performed: Updating the financial and economic analysis of the
mentioned project and determining EIRR, FIRR, B/C ratio, NPV etc. On the basis of
increased tariff rate/kwh, which was a condition of agreement reached with the WB
and ADB.
Name of project: District Water Resources Assessment financed by ADB
Month and Year: May 2004 - April 2005 (total 12 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Local Government Engineering Department
Main project features: Water resources and formulating District Water Resources
Assessment (DWRA).

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Position held: Socio-economist

Activities performed: Formulation of field survey questionnaire, supervision of field
survey to collect socio-economic BM (Bench Mark) data from the project Upazilas,
analysis of data to assess benefit accrued through implementation of past water
development projects, contribution to formulate water resources
development project plan based on Benefit Monitoring Effects (BME),
interaction with LGED and BWD officials, local NGO representatives, and local people’s
including different stakeholders of the project; finalized for approval of the DWRA
Name of project: Greater Faridpur Rural Infrastructure Development Project
(D&S Consultancy Services) funded byJapan Bank for International Co-
operation (JBIC).
Month and Year: Aug 2002 - April 2004 (total 21 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Local Government Engineering Department.
Main project features: Development works of Rural infrastructures like Road, bridges,
culverts, growth centers, etc.
Position held: Socio-Economist
Activities performed: Organizing and supervising the task of collecting Bench Mark
(BM) data on Socio-economic characteristic including demography,
employment, production, income and expenditure, livelihood pattern, health and
education, etc. to be used for monitoring and evaluation during implementation of
development projects. Also responsible for organizing Labour Contracting
Society (LCS) and providing Income Generating Training (IGA) to them.
Responsible for conducting field surveys on Traffic volume related to (a) Road traffic;
AADTs, Modal shift, VOCs & TTCs, Per Pkm/Tkm cost etc. (b) Market data; market
visitors, turnover, auction and realize toll amount, spoilage & saving etc. Determine
EIRR, FIRR, NPV and B/C ratio of the roads constructed in the project area to justify
the feasibility of construction of these roads.
Name of project: Infrastructure Development Project, Greater Sylhet District
financed by ADB
Month and Year: July 2000 - Dec 2000 (total 6 MM) Location: Bangladesh
Client: Local Government Engineering Department
Main project features: Construction of Feeder Roads with a view to promote socio-
economic development of the project districts
Position held: Economist
Activities performed: Responsible for organizing and supervising the socio-economic
field survey, traffic survey, commodity transaction survey. Also supervised the
task of collection of information related to economic sectors. On the basis of BM
data, assessed and evaluated the benefit accrued in overall socio-economic
sector in the project area due to implementation of the Rural Infrastructure Projects.
The economic and financial evaluation of the project was submitted through
determining EIRR, FIRR, B/C, NPV of the Feeder Roads under five Upazilas of Greater
Sylhet district.
Name of project: 1). Pushkin Urban Development Project, Russia financed by
Govt. of Russia (March 1995 - Feb 1997); 2). Krasnador Urban Development
Project, Russia financed by Govt. of Russia (April 1994 - Feb 1995)
Month and Year: Apr 1994 - Feb 1997 (total 35 MM) Location: Russia
Client: Pushkin Municipality/ Krasnador Municipality.
Main project features: Repairing, Reconstruction and rehabilitation of damaged roads
in the municipality
Position held: Asstt. Economist
Activities performed: Assisted Sr. Economist in rendering services to carryout traffic
survey, market survey, (a) Road traffic; AADTs, Traffic volume, Modal shift, VOCs &
TTCs, Per Pkm/Tkm cost etc. (b) Market transaction study in the proposed
trading/market centers; market visitors, turnover, auction and realize toll amount,
spoilage saving etc. Socio-economic surveys, processing of data; forecasting of
traffic generation and economic activities. Also worked in collaboration with Sr.
economist in Cost analysis, investment program, Economic and financial
analysis and carried out B/C ratio; NPV, EIRR, FIRR with sensitivity analysis, cash
flow, etc


I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that

(i) This CV correctly describes my qualifications and experience;
(ii) I am not a current employee of the Executing or the Implementing Agency;
(iii) In the absence of medical incapacity, I will undertake this assignment for the duration and in terms of the inputs
specified for me in Form TECH 6 provided team mobilization takes place within the validity of this proposal;
(iv) I was not part of the team who wrote the terms of reference for this consulting services assignment;
(v) I am not currently debarred by a multilateral development bank or temporarily suspended by ADB;
(vi) I certify that I have been informed by the firm that it is including my CV in the Proposal for the ……………... I confirm
that I will be available to carry out the assignment for which my CV has been submitted in accordance with the
implementation arrangements and schedule set out in the Proposal.

I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

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Date 25/01/2021
Signature of expert Day/Month/Year

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