WB, Imf, Wto, Adb
WB, Imf, Wto, Adb
WB, Imf, Wto, Adb
The IMF promotes international monetary cooperation and exchange rate stability, facilitates
the balanced growth of international trade, and provides resources to help members in
balance of payments difficulties or to assist with poverty reduction. It has 188 member
countries. Bangladesh Joined on August 17, 1972. Its head quarter is in Washington, DC.
1) Surveillance:
2) Technical Assistance:
3) Lending:
Role to Bangladesh Economy:
1) IMF team came to visit Bangladesh in December, 2010. It not only agreed to help
grow the countrys economy but also to help to take different reforms. The IMF aid is
meant to help Bangladesh bear the burden of costly institutional reforms that, in the
immediate short-run, are bound to destabilize the current means by which the
economy in Bangladesh functions .After the visit, the press release of IMF said,
Under a prospective IMF-supported program, the authorities aim to put Bangladesh
on a higher growth trajectory, as necessary to accelerate poverty reduction and
achieve middle income status by the next decade. Over the course of the program,
balance of payments (BOP) needs are expected to intensify, mainly stemming from
import-intensive investment in infrastructure and power sectors necessary to unleash
growth. I
In this context, the authorities look to raise tax revenue by around three percentage
points of GDP during the program period, building on momentum of recent tax
administration reforms and factoring in passage and implementation of new VAT and
income tax laws. They also plan to boost public and private investment by
strengthening public financial management and operationalizing a private-public
partnership framework.
2) In the fiscal year 2012, IMF gave some conditions to get $1 billion budgetary help to
the government.
Drafts of new VAT and income tax laws have to be placed in parliament by June
and the government has to finalize the drafts prior to the IMF Board
Another condition was the withdrawal of the ceiling on lending rate and
reduction of loss incurred by three major state owned enterprises
Another major condition was to establish a monitoring framework for
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation, Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation
and the Power Development Board to raise budget appropriation for covering
projected loss.
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WTO is an organization for trade opening. It is a forum for governments to negotiate trade
agreements. It is a place for them to settle trade disputes. It operates a system of trade rules.
Essentially, the WTO is a place where member governments try to sort out the trade problems
they face with each other. It has 160 member countries. Bangladesh has been a WTO member
since 1 January 1995. Its head quarter is in Geneva, Switzerland.
The World Bank Group has set two goals for the world to achieve by 2030:
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1) End extreme poverty by decreasing the percentage of people living on less than $1.25
a day to no more than 3%
2) Promote shared prosperity by fostering the income growth of the bottom 40% for
every country
Role to Bangladesh Economy:
1) In the 1970s, during the initial phase of its operations, the World Bank concentrated
largely on project lending for achieving food self-sufficiency, mobilizing domestic
resources, improving social indicators, and enhancing project implementation. Even
though over time the country attained varying degrees of success in all these areas, the
pace of progress was slow in the 1970s.
2) During the next phase of its operations in the late 1980s, the World Bank focused on
policy reforms to create an environment conducive to private sector development.
These reforms were addressed at removing the distortions in trade, pricing, credit
allocation, and interest rates.
3) During the current decade WB has emphasized a lot of sectors including
strengthening the financial sector. Among these sectors there are transportation, water,
sanitation & flood protection, health & social services, information & communication,
public administration & law, finance, agriculture and industry & trade.
4) WB is the largest donor agency in the economic sector of Bangladesh. WB has lent
Bangladesh $15 billion since 1972. It is the key agency in the economic development
of Bangladesh. At present the WB is working a lot of projects in different sectors.
Among them the BD Private Sector Development Project, Employment Generation
Program for the Poorest, Bangladesh Integrated Agricultural Development Project,
Investment Promotion and Financing Facility, are mentionable.
The Asian Development Bank is a regional development bank established on 22 August 1966
which is headquartered in Metro Manila, Philippines, to facilitate economic development in
Asia. The main devices for assistance are loans, grants, policy dialogue, technical assistance
and equity investments. ADB has grown to encompass 67 members - of which 48 are from
within Asia and the Pacific and 19 outside. Bangladesh got membership in 1973.
1) Provides loans and equity investments to its developing member countries (DMCs)
2) Provides technical assistance for the planning and execution of development projects
and programs and for advisory services
3) Promotes and facilitates investment of public and private capital for development
4) Assists in coordinating development policies and plans of its DMCs
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1) Under the country partnership strategy for 2011-2015, ADB supports the efforts of
the government to make growth more inclusive and greener by improving
connectivity, promoting skills, improving financial markets, boosting energy
efficiency and access, promoting public-private partnerships, making cities more
livable, improving the management of water resources, and reducing flood risk.
2) South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation: Trade Facilitation Strategic
Framework 2014-2018: From 2014 to 2018, the South Asia Subregional Economic
Cooperation program will focus on five priority areas in improving trade facilitation
efficiency: customs modernization and harmonization; standards and conformity
assessment strengthening; cross-border facilities improvement; through transport
facilitation; and institution and capacity building.
3) Transforming Bangladesh Primary Education: New teaching methods, increased
student participation, and reward schemes for parents are helping Bangladesh
modernize its vast primary education sector.
4) Improved Teaching Methods Help Secondary Students in Bangladesh Learn
Better: Bangladesh is reforming its secondary education sector by focusing on
teacher training, improving students learning output, and promoting a positive
classroom environment.
5) Urban Health Project Reaches Out to Dhakas Poor: A maternity clinic run under
a public-private partnership provides a model for delivering primary health care to the
urban poor in Bangladesh.
N.B: Information has been collected from respective institutions web site. I have tried my
best to be valid. If you have any confusion, get it corrected please.
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